THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thurdey, Cetober 17, 1963 and the puviic is iviied w ace thé aquarium entries, as well as the single fish entries, | Vatican Core Of Diplomats up in international politics. really necessary any more. as though the church is mixed representation in foreign lands be put in the hands of national Riehon Joachim Amman nibishons conferences or, if a reg- asked if apostolic nuncios, in-jular Vatican diplomatic corps ternuncios and delegates are|must be maintained, that out- standing Roman Catholic lay- The late Pope John XXIII and|men handle the jobs instead of He added that the impression ig also created that the church is mixing in. internate.;a! poll- tics in one way or another The bishop was speaking on) the council topic "'de ecclesia" (concerning the church), which Treat Yourself to CANADA'S Finest ~ Reading He "suggested that Vaticanisecular powers." THE GREATER OSHAW COMMUNITY CHE Now Underway jum Sh ied A highlight of the show will U Qu Pope Paul VI both served injclerics. goes into concepts of how bish- Aquarium ow be the 30-galion Aquarium- se en higher diplomatic jobs before} "Many persons think that|ops as a whole share in univer- 5 he duled Beautiful. entries by the three} yaTICAN CITY (AP)--A re-|becoming pontiff. "in anes rapes se rep ios|sal authority with the Pope. : ponsoring Aquarium Societies, German "The present system needs to|internuncios and delega' are| -- Dowmeatitie, Oshawa, and Port ed the V: hcg eet radically reorganized," said|shadows hiding the genuine face HEADS GALLERY BOWM plans| tone, They 'are competing for|'l4 e the 65-year-old Benedictine whojof the church," the bishop said.| TORONTO (CP) -- John G. were .made last Friday for the} 9)" nual trophy. There willjcouncil Wednesday it was highispent almost three decades in|"Their presence in a country|Hungerford, president of the anter-Club Aquarium Show to be also be some of the more rare|time to do away with the Vat-|Africa before retiring as a mis-/seems to create the impression| National Trust Company Lim- gheld at The Badminton Club, 72 and unusual fish from the dis-jican's corps of prelate - diplo-|sionary, of the church," the bishop said.|jted, has been elected president King. street east in Rowman) i+, mats. He said they make it look of the Art Gallery of Toronto. ville, when the Inter-Club Show Committee met. It was reported thers were 189 entries in with still a day "or so before final entry date (today). ' The show will be open to the public Saturday, Oct. 19 at 1.30 _p.m, through 10 -p.m., and Sun- day, Oct. 20 from 1.30 p m. until 7.00 p.m. The trophies will be presented "by the chairman of the Cana- "Gian Association of Aquarium "Clubs, Rex Merritt, at 6.00 p.m. Sunday, There is no admission charge, * Calendar BOWMANVILLE -- The fol- owing agricultural calendar "was prepared by the Dept. of "Agriculture office in Bowman- "ville. « Friday, Oct, 18 -- Black-White "Show, Peterborough. 4H Inter- «Club Competitions, OAC. = Sunday, Oct. 20 -- Durham County Junior Farmer Church Service, Eldad United Church, sSolina Tuesday, Oct. 22 --10.00 a.m.- 48 p.m. Central Ont. Grain Corn Day, Browview Farm. Wednesday, Oct. 23, 1.30 p.m. ----Sth Ontario Breeders Sale La- re agen ee Tae aa __ OSHAWA TIMES | 2 Wed. and Thurs., Oct, 23-24-- : Secure yields in Durham Grain : ; NADA'S BEST ; *=Corn Competition. vd lai' } j oe # October 23-30--Onterio Farm- READING BARGAIN : mee 'er Union Convention, Continen- tal Inn, Barrie. = Saturday, Oct. 26 -- Blue Rib- * bon Shorthorn Sale, Trewhaven « Farm, Blackstock. Tuesday, Oct. 29 -- Zone Rural Safety Council meeting, Peter- borough. Oct. 27 - Nov, 2--Ontario Folk School. j Wednesday, Oct. 30, 7.00 p.m. -- Durham 4H Agricultural Club Leaders Banquet. Friday, Noy, 1 -- County Junior Farmer Formal 'Dance, Solina Hall. Monday, Nov. 1--10.00 a.m. - 4,00 p.m.--Oddfellows Hall, Oro- no -- ARDA Workshop sponsor- =ed, Durham Federal Agricul- * ture. » Tuesday, Nov, 5, 8.00 p.m. 5 Local 78 Ontario Farmers | Union. at. home of Joe Trudeau, | Bowmanville. * Nov. 11, 12, 18 -- Ann. Meet- « ing, Ontario Federation of { Agric., Royal York Hotel, To- « ronto. p » Wednesday, Nov. 18 -- Dur- t ham County 500 Bushel Potato " Club Banquet at Bethany * Anglican Hall, 7.00 p.m. « November 15-23 -- Royal Win- { ter Fair, Toronto. « Friday, Nov, 22 -- Queen's * Guineas Class, Royal Winter i Fair. : « Nov. 28-29--Zone Conference, * Extension Branch, Ont. Dept of » Agric., Lindsay. ; Sat.,-Nov, 30--Durham County > Fed. of Agric. Annual Meeting * and banquet, Blackstock. Guest * speaker, Dr. Helen Abell, Ex- # tension Dept., OAC. { Thurs., Nov. 28 -- Durham » County Holstein Club Annual H Meeting, Dept. of Agric., Bow- » manville. '* Wed., Dec. 4 -- Nestleton WI, { Subject "The Farm Wife as a » Bookkeeper," Mrs. Harry Mc- ¥ Laughlin, 130 p.m. Durham » Shorthorn Club Annual Meet- ® ing, Dept. of Agric., Bowman. Ville. 5 * Friday, Dec. 6--Durham Hol- f stein Club Annual Banquet. « Tues., Dec.1 10 -- Agricultural * Rpresentatives Soils meeting, « OAC, Guelph. * Dec, 9-12--Lansing, Michigan { --annual meeting of the Vege- « table Growers of America. { Jan, 9, 1964, 10 a.m., Durham « County -- Soil and Crop Im- * provement Association annual { meeting, Orono Oddiellows Hall. « Speakers -- Dr, Stan Young, * OAC and Harvey Wright, soils « specialist, Lindsay. Choose Your Favorite Magazines PLUS abe Ostyatwa Times All for Only @ Sea Week @ \Our Carrier will deliver the Oshawa Times @ Your Magazines will Come by Mail. @ No Money Down. Every Order Fully Guaranteed CHOOSE 4 MAGAZINES -- All from Group "B" OR Ase ck eee tee ee hee ee Here's how You select your Magazines 3 MAGAZINES -- 1 from Group "A" and OR 2 from Group "B" 2 MAGAZINES -- Both from Group "A" -GROUP B- Magazines New Ren. eta YL Eee eer CATHOLIC DIGEST ...... U.S. CAMERA ......00¢- FIELD & STREAM ....... 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Calling All Girls (Ages 7-14) 3 yrs, Maclean's (Every other week) 3 yrs. -GROU 00 Wwe > OoOoOo8 oooo0oooooooooOoooo ww eeecces WVWNWWWWwW Www Our United Way Campaign opens today. It's the campaign that will bring new life, new help and new hope to many people. One gift works many wonders : Delay Inquest weet GIVE THE UNITED WAY More Evidence SAREE PICKERING (Staff) -- An in- These 21 Agencies NEED quest into the death of Loretta and Deserve Your Support ! Taber, of Pickering was ad- journed for two weeks last ~--" ~~ [Saranac 30, at 2 p.m. Coronee for the Prove vising|§ THE BOY SCOUTS OF CANADA (OSHAWA DISTRICT COUNCIL) tario, said "We haven't got the|$ CANADIAN ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATISM SOCIETY complete evidence for an accur- CANADIAN MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION CANADIAN NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND EAST WHITBY SOCIAL WELFARE ASSOCIATION GIRL GUIDES OF CANADA (OSHAWA) CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY ate verdict. "Some of the evidence is still CHRISTMAS CHEER FUND CHRISTMAS CHEER FUND to come from the Attorney Gen- JOHN HOWARD SOCIETY eral's crime Jab, and also there are other witnesses to come, one is from Scarborough Gen- ee ee therefore we de- ch 0 i i Sed then ie eeu eer 201g MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY OF CANADA right through instead of NAVY LEAGUE' OF CANADA (OSHAWA) - starting OSHAWA & DISTRICT ASSOCIATION FOR RETARDED CHILDREN SALVATION ARMY ST. JOHN AMBULANCE SOCIETY VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES WOMEN'S WELFARE LEAGUE on tonight and then coming back," he concluded, CRIPPLED CHILDREN' SCHOOL & CLINIC BOYS' CLUB A. four man "and one woman jury was sworn in last night by YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION MARCH OF DIMES goooooso9000000S8000000 SP3553 FFFFFFS III SAT. EVENING POST LOOK HOLIDAY . Hair-Do Popular Mechanics . Front Page Detective <c 4 Mademoiselle .:. 3 yrs. Children's Digest (Ages 5-12) 3 yrs. Ellery Queen's Detective Mag. 3 yrs. 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