| REVIEW OF WEEK'S NEWS Labor Strife Strains elations With U.S. By JIM PEACOCK _ Canadian Press Staff Writer U.S. - Canada relations strained Macmillan quits leader- shi Bene disaster hits. Italy Relations between Canada and the United States were strained anew this week, dif- ferences over Canadian wheat sales and action in the Great Lakes labor dispute bringing Prime Minister Pearson to ob- ject to U.S. statements. Prime Minister Macmillan underwent surgery in London, then announced he will quit as prime minister and Con- servative party leader. A mud slide in Italy dumped millions of tons of water over a dam and up to 3,000 per- sons were feared dead. A NEW STRAIN The new strain on Canada- U.S. relations began early in the week over Canadian wheat sales, then progressed with U.S. comments on Canadian action in the Seafarers' Inter- national Union of Canada dis- pute on the Great Lakes. -- By Friday, the situation prompted Pearson to tell the House of Commons that he won't hesitate to tell Presi- dent Kennedy how the Cana- dian government and Parlia- ment feel about comments by U.S. Labor Secretary Wirtz and AFL - CIO President George Meany on the SIU is- sue. The Canadian people will not be intimidated by such statements, Pearson said. The labor dispute involves a fight by the Canadian La- bor Congress to oust the SIU from Canadian shipping, Labor Minister MacEachen introduced legislation in Par- liament Thursday providing for the placing of five Cana- dian maritime unions, includ- ing the SIU, under a govern- ment trusteeship. About the same time, Wirtz said in Washington negotia- tions for a private settlement of the dispute had collapsed because the CLC insisted that Canadians control any union- sponsored trusteeship. Meany called on all AFL- CIO affiliates to supporte th Canadian SIU in its fight against the government trus- teeship. MacEachen, who endorsed the CLC position in the pri- vate settlement proposals, said he was "absolutely shocked'"' at Meany's backing of the SIU, which an official report has condemned as a corrupt and lawless tyranny. MacEachen also rebuked Wirtz for disclosing the pri- vate discussions without first telling the parties involved. VHEAT: COMPLAINT The U.S. wheat complaint criticized the Canadian wheat board's practice of selling wheat at current prices for later delivery, saying Canada was pegging international wheat prices when they should be rising. The complaint was based on a Canadian sale of 30,000,000 bushels of wheat to Japan at the current price in a con- tract calling for delivery over eight months and details of which the U.S. released. Trade Minister Sharp re- ported, saying there has been no change in the wheat boards selling practices and charging the U.S. had leaked confiden- tial Canadian grain sales in- formation. Paddletish Immune To Diseases PIERRE, 8.D. (CP) -- For years the paddlefish has been considered a useless, tasteless oddly shaped creature that lurks harmlessly at the bottom of the Missouri River. But suddenly University of M*nnesota scientists have taken an interest in the duck-billed, toothless scavenger because for some reason it is immune to almost all diseases afflicting mankind. In fact, three of these scien- tists now are making a study of the fish to find out why and how it develops its immunity. It even appears relatively im- mune to old age as it is re- corded that . paddlefish have been known to attain a size of up to 100 pounds over very long periods of time, Scientists have discovered this immunity in almost all the higher forms of fish life, but relatively lacking in th elower forms, of which the paddlefish is one. Disdained by the gourmet, the lowly paddlefish may yet prove one of the saviours.of mankind. HAVE TWO AFFILIATES TORONTO (CP) -- Toronto Maple Leafs of the International Baseball League will be the only minor league club affiliated with two major league teams for the 1964 season. General man.zer Frank Pollock said an agreement with Washington Senators of the American League has been completed and the Triple A club's agreement with the National League Mil- i. LABOR MINISTER MacEACHEN ROBERT A, MACAULAY While this hassle developed, President Kennedy d approval of the sale of $200,- 000,000 to $250,000,000 worth of U.S, wheat to Russia for cash, a move brewing since Canada sold $500,000,0 worth of wheat to the Soviet Union. A longshoremen's strike in St. Lawrence River ports, meanwhile, was delaying ship- ments of the Canadian wheat to Russia. And new fire was put into the Canada-U.S. dispute Fri- day when the U.S. asked for an explanation from South Korea of reports it had bought $3,500,000 worth of wheat in Canada. Because of past U.S. favors, such a purchase would be considered a "rude act," a U.S. authority said. DOMESTIC ISSUE Canada had a domestic is- sue involving the U.S., too, when Pearson announced in the Commons Wednesday that Canada has _ permitted U.S. to heads for jef"interceptors at Harmon Field, Nfld. and Goose Bay, Labrador, Opposition Leader Diefen- baker and NDP Leader Doug- las immediately criticized the agreement, Douglas saying it forces another link in the "chain binding Canada to the U.S. as a military satellite." MACMILLAN STEPS DOWN On the eve of the Conserva- tive party's convention in Blackpool, Macmillan entered hospital for surgery to' re- move his prostate gland. The surgery was success- fully carried out Thursday and a few hours later the 69- year-old "unflappable Mac," prime minister since Jan. 10, 1957, announced in a letter to the party convention that he will not lead the party into an elec- tion battle next year. the store' nuclear war- is stepping down because he be well enough to His announcement threw the Conservative party con- ference into a flap as the battle for the leadership came into the open. oer R. A. Butler, 60, the ing rime minister, and Reginald audling, 46, chancellor of _ the exchequer, were consid- ered prime candidates, but Lord Hailsham, 56, entered the race by announcing he in- tends to renounce his title. DAM DISASTER In the early morning hours Wednesday, a mud slide fell into the reservoir behind 873- foot-high Vaiont Dam in Italy. A flood of more than 100,000,- 000 tons of water roared over the dam and down the Piave River Valley, wiping out en- tire villages while their resi- dents slept. Up to 3,000 persons were believed killed, their bodies buried beneath miles of mud and shone that turned the Al- pine valley 60 miles north of Venice into a wasteland. FLORA DEVASTATION Relief workers were busy, too, in Haiti and Cuba, both smashed by the violent winds of hurricane Flora, which devastated Haiti last week, then spent five days blasting Cuba. An estimated 5,000 Haitians were feared dead. From Cuba came reports of 200 dead and fears that many more deaths will be discovered as mopping up progresses. World briels: Premier Ro- bert L. Stanfield, 49, led his Progressive Conservative party to an unprecedented third consecutive victory in Nova Scotia's provincial elec- tion Tuesday, winning 39 of the legislature's 43 seats and cutting the Liberal repre- sentation to four seats from the 15 they'd help in the pre- vious house. . . . President Kennedy met with Soviet For- eign Minister Gromyko Thurs- day :in, Washington, discussing subjects ranging from Cuba to the moon, but informants said neither side gave any ground on major East-West issues. . . . In the United Nations, the General Assembly agreed to dispatch a mission to South Viet Nam to investigate charges that President Ngo Dinh Diem's regime is violat- ing the rights of Buddhists. WEEK IN ONTARIO Premier Robarts announced Thursday the Ontario legisla- ture will meet for one day Tuesday, Oct. 29, to adopt legislation to enable Ontario municipalities to take early advantage of the federal gov- ernment's municipal develop- ment and loan fund. Robert Macaulay, 42, minis- ter of economics and develop- ment and minister of energy resources, resigned his dual cabinet posts Tuesday be- cause of ill health. Provincial Secretary James Allan takes over as temporary economics and development minister while John R. Simonett, min- ister without portfolio, was appointed to head the energy resources department. Work resumed at the Ford Company of Canada Limited Oakvile plant Thursday as 4,700 employees ended a 36- hour wildcat strike. A mass meeting of workers said a second strike would be called if grievances about working conditions were not settled within 10 days. The Canadian Labor Con- gress joined bushworker un- ions in demands for a royal commission investigation into an Ontario Supreme Court judge's decision to fine three independent log cutters $100 each Monday for possession of offensive weapons. They had been charked in connection with the shooting deaths of three strikers Feb. 11 during a Northern Ontario logging dispute. : _ Thomson Kernaghan & Co. MEMBERS OF THE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE OPeRA Tine DIRICT LINE TORONTO-MONTREAL ontario 729-1104 Street Level Entrance RES. MGR, ERIC R. HENRY 725-4305 standing. previous experience in lars to watikee Braves will continue. | Sales Representative © Salesman required to cove the Oshawa area. Applicants should be between 25 and 35 years old and have matriculation or equivalent Preference will be given to mature man with direct sales. Salary and travelling expenses and car allow- ance. All company benefits, Please write in confidence, giving full particu- BOX 343 OSHAWA TIMES Weekly Summ By The Canadian Press the Toronto Stock Exchange this changed totalled 217 Volume for 1! the he week was 13,904, previous week's 13,518,085, Total ear to date are 640,180,496. less mar WEEK'S Stock C Dragon Quonto Meda} Gridoil Gridoil Cc Delhi Newnor Merrill 'himo Croinor Nama Cr Abacon Abitibi Abitibi pr Ackland Alta Dist Alta Alta Alta Alta Dis w Gas Ges pr ked $. Gui by 357 to 313 on week, Issues un- 576, up from sales for fons In cents MOST ACTIVE TORONTO STOCKS By Th lian Press e Cal ----This Wi Sales High Low eck----_---- Close Ch'ge INDUSTRIALS TH 'T+ 78190 1% 45908 $2434 24\/2 24% 34400 $16 424166 20 360850 26 21 120579 450 _ 425 8425 40 84275 40 15% 15% LS W% 15 +1 76249 525 500 §25 MI 1098960 32 393100 118 371050 109 363500 18 334667 23 ES 24%4 26¥a +118 95 101 15 86 19 Wa WHT 204 aiva + Ve Industrials 4307 295 700 86 83 3598 $29%e 28% Alta Gas wis 5225 830 800 Nat Alum 4% pr Alum 1 pr4 Alum 2 pr Analog 80 Anthes Ip A 1130 Argus Arg B pr Argus 250 pr Argus 260 pr Arg C pr Ashdown B Atlan Acc 810 10 3672 $18% 18% 184 Ve 1668 $24 23 4 $582 $11% $29%4 $2246 42 756 $48 0 3376 $11% 385 100 8455 68 246) Atlan Acc pfd 200 Atin A 2 pr Atl Sugar Atl Sug A Auto El Bank Mont Bank NS Bartaco Bath P. Bath Pow Beatty Beav Beav L pr Bell Phone Biltmore Bow Valley Bowater 5 Bow 5\2 pr Bow-M pr Bowater Bowest BCPh 4%epr BCPh 43456 BCPh 5%pr BCPh Brown Bruck A Bruck B Build Prod Burns Burrard A Cabo! 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Can .A Cdn Celan C Cell $1.75) Cc Che Cc Chem wt C Collieries $13 $63 50 2880 $10% 51045 " 5325 pr C Colli pr 63 Cc Curt Ww C Dredge CF Prod Cdn_ Found 2" 612 76% 57a 10 10% 22% 24 8 --V 254 -- % 9 45 21% -- Ve 03 = % 5% 7 = 28 27 9 = 214--% 896 212-- % 62% +1% 63% +1% 79V2 +3 58¥2 +1 10 --% 10% 50% 50% 81 52a 53 9 70 10va 30 8% 18 60 +% 9 --% 7 --5 5 1 -- Ve +1 --% 10% 500 8% 18 60 390 «305 330 450 4 400 $19 30 1963 24785 $12V0 175 C Hyd Car Cc Im BK Cind Gas Cc Ind Gs cIL CiL pr Cc Marc CPR Cdn Pet pr Cdn Tire Cdn Tire A Cdn Util Cc util pr C Vickers CWN Gas CWN Gas CWN Gs Sia C Westing Cdn W Prop Cap Bidg Chrysler Clairtone Clairtn wis CKP Dev Col Cell Conduits Cons Baks Con Bidg Con Con Con M S$ Con Paper Con Con Gas A Con Gas B Corby Corby B Coronation Coron wts Trust . Crow's N Crush Int Dist Seag Dosco Dom Glass D Glass pr Dorn Store Dom Tar Dom Tar pr Dom_ Text Du Pont Econ Inv Emp Life Exquisite Exquisit pr 'alcon Fam Play Fanny F Fed Farms Fed Grain Fittings A Fleet Mfg Fleetwood Ford US Ford Cda Foundin Fraser c GW Cosi , Bldg pr Bldg w 450 $37 802 $16% 900 $9% 9 Pr 3175 $134 12% 49 50 18Va 43V6 9 10 7 6% C 4089 $64% 63 450 375 400 Ww ™% 43% + Va wy --% 11% 37 16%4 -- Ve Va 63%-- % 12% -- 10 $16% 16% 16%+ % 95 $84 1435 23778 $34% 3497 $12 176 $34% 3740 $29 395 $33 10 $700 84 395 «385 33% 1% 34.4 27% 84 + Ve 390 344 -- Va 11% + Ve 31% 1 0 100 550 $192 192 192a--% 290 $19 pr 150 $17 200 $22 565 $33V2 100 485 3200 210 18' v7 21% 31 450 450 205 9 +% v7 2 + Ve 3 --15 205 -5 1215 $103¥a 96¥2102 +4¥a 12600 ~ 4700 $8 360 335 7a 8 +% 350 +5 321 $12% 12% 127/4-- % 2650 8Y2 200 $7 33 1325 400 $8% 423 560 5 16839 $29 11945 $40 ae 7 7 8% 82 160 274 3% G New 25567 $12% 11 8% -- Yo 7 --% 7 9 8% 560 --5 29 +% Ve 39%6 Va 11% -- % 50-$107%4 107% 107% + % 25$107' 1 $20 $19 236 $17Va 630 $10% 10815 $14 1100 125 782 $70% 200 $14' 4100 $14 07 18a v7 0 1 8% 10% 4 120 68 4a 1394 $5453 $7 98 $17% $18 $12%4 W¥% 13% la $66% 64 56 $502 49 5465 $17% 14% 1350 S9% 100 $21 4085 $16Ve 15762 $17% 17 1 1006 $232 222 2950 $20% 2677 $4)% LS 1610 $10'% Eddy Match Emco y 107 8a 17a -- Va 64+ Ve 30 15 84 + Ve 102 -- Ve 14% 20 --5 70% +2% 4a +1 13% + Ve 53a -- Se 9% --2 Wa-- Ve 172 +3% 12% + % 664 +1% 50V2 + 3% 162 +1% Sos th 18% 182 21 15% 19% 40% K 9% 21 +1% 15% -- Ve 7% 23, -- Va 20a + Va ale 9% --1 37% +1¥% 15' $ Y $11% 11% 11% + % $52 $192 9 $34% 33 39 $73% 0 73% 50% Sitt-- Ve 19% 33 1% 390 ~+10 73% + Ve 500 $122 12% 12% 300 60 55 60 200 $20 40 $57% 20 «20 57%4 57% -- 1% 146 $184 183% 184 112 «$8 8 8 510 325 50 $2 867 $85¥2 90 248 $307% 30% 'Wia + Ve $7 7 + $7 6% 500 $15¥2 15% 7 "e 6% -- % 15% 84% 84 -- va 84 690 275 $10 10% 10% + % 110 $139% 132 3 138% +8% 45% 45% -- % 205 15487 $24 3134 $12 $10 6% 22% 24 +1% $232 233 23 iW" % 6+ Ve lint a1] $46Va 462 46'a-- Ve 9 46 4S 1500 $5% Fe Sh 98 8% us 4 2470 20a 105 102% 44 % 12% 10% 109% 106V-- 109 106¥ 19% 16% 18% 16% 8 5a 265 120 8 ™% Wn 9 17% 13Ve 175 100 70% § 16 12% 15% 11% 55V2 100 23% 20 13% 68 50% 1% 19% 2) 16Ve 20% 2 2 21% 49% Wn vn w 1% 1% 260 189 10% 6% Nm" 0 Me 66 ; 214 17% 38VY2 25 495 360 63% 45Va 200 171% W% 67 32% 7 8% 16 8% 32 85a 9 6 n% 144 od % 24 2s is Wi 1963 Stock Sales High Low Close Ch'ge High Low 800 305 295 295 ---20 450 300 1590 49 47 4& +4 100 37 Gas 1359 $18 172 W¥a--Ve 18% 1448 Wpg Gs vt 1052 $17% 17% 17e--% 17% 14 100 160 0 240 225 Hard Cai 4060 $27¥2 26% 274+ % Hard Carp. pr 135 $252 23% 25%a+ % Hawk Sid $6% Sie 6 = Ve 165 $9 96 (9% 9720 $16%4 15% 16 10$109 109 109) +1 22 $14¥e 13% 134 -- 327: } 139% U4+ 20: 12897 $14¥2 15205 220 85 H Smith pr 120 $42% Hudsn B Co, 1954 $14%4 14% 14a-- Ve Hur Erie 5952 $6B4M 66¥2 68% +2%4 Husky Ol! 11729 $6¥% 6a 64 Husky wis $33 27 6 Hughes O pr 50 $2514 2514 25%4-- 135 $170 69% 170 9462 +% $44 13% 1: 460 6 8452 $23% 23 23%e-- % 4215 $7%e 5% 6% +1 200 83 83 83 +2 232 490 490 490 ---5 659 $17%4 17% 17% $6% 6 6% Ve inter Min Int Nickel util +5 = (455 1534 $85 842 B4-- Ve 87 13787 350 335 345 +5 4425 0 1 Stl Pipe inv Syn A Jamaica. PS Jefferson Jeff B wts Jock C 599 340 325 Jock C pr 200 $1094 10% 10% + Ve Jock C B pr 775 $10% 10% 0%+ % Jock C wis 5500 $62 56 56 --6 Kelly DA 1150 $5% 5¥a Sut Kelly wts 1050 175 170. 170 265 L to N 5686 $18%4 17% 17/%e--% 18% 14% 720 50 50 50 --14 80 .15 9050 435 420 425 435 240 3750 270 255 255 --5 295 230 2265 $23 19% 19%2--d¥a 24 19M LO Cem pr 300 $122 12% 1242+ % 12% % L O Cem wts 612 51 47 47 6 64 Lambton L 25 $8 Laura Sec 910 $16Ve Lau Fin 4075 $14 13% 135%--% 19 12 Lau Fin 140 125 $25%4 25% 25¥4-- V2 26Ve 23% 775 $20% 20¥e 20% + Ye 22% 20Ve 387% 39 + Ve 43%2 36% 330 «+10 21% -- % 12% -- Ve Te Tht+% $8¥e° 7% Tam Ve 81) $50 49 49% --I1% pr 395 $32 31 31% 3% 30 550 $334 33 3%+% 33% 31% 870 $8% 8% B8%--Y 10% 7% 500 82 82 82 87 82 5585 $19% 19 19+ % 19% 13% 3954 $224 22%4 22V%4--1 5 19% 425 $24 232 23¥a+ Ve 29% 23 20523 $26 24% 26 +% 26 18% 300.230 2; 230 320 220 9126 Sl4¥e14 14% 14% 10% 10 $1062 106¥2 106% + Ve 10842102 4400 $16 15% 15% 1% 12% 70 $109 108% 109 + Ya 110% 104% 400 125 125 125 5 125 6800 285 270 285 +10 325 195 1115 $8% 8% 8%+% 8% 7 1750 475 450 465 3950 215 210 1066 345 330 340 199 S28% 28% 1% 0% 10% 10 60 6S 6% 5% 10 Labatt Laférge wits Lakeland LO Cm Lakeld pr 8% 8 8 8 16% 16%--% 18% 16 5608 $212 20% 820 $12% 12% 78190 $734 13054 % 7% 51a 41a Maclaren B Macleod A MB PR Magna E} M Leaf Mill Mass-F SV Maxwell MEPC Metro Stor Mid Pac Mid West Milt Brick Molson A Molson B Mon Foods Mon Foods 1095 Mon Knit 2650 $14%e 12 Mon Knit pr 80 $86 86 86 Mont Loco 350 $12%4- 12% 12% Mont Trst 775 $100 982 100 +1% 100 Morse A 1375 $9% %% Vat % Morse B 310 $64 6% 6% Moore 3975 $53 51% 52% +% Contain 145 $5¥2_ 5V2 5¥at+ Ve Drug 2370316 16 16 Drug pr 140 $16 16 16 +M% Groc pr 100 $28%4 28%4 24+ % Hees 649 185 180 180 --25 Hees pr $ 1 +% 18594 $3814 36% 36% --1Ve 6335 $19% 19 194+ Ye 925 $9e 8% B%e+ Ve 100 500 500 500 --25 60 $83 83 «683 «+3 600 $24% 24% 247% -- Ye © to 100 $13 13 «13 +% Ogilvie 6740 $14% 14 vMe--V 15 12% Ont Steel * 26840 $222 21% 22¥2 +1 23a 14 Ont Store F 4550 340 300 340 450 300 Oshawa A 32 '32--W2 8B Overland 6 6 + 6 4% Overind pr 9% 8% Pac Pete Pac Pet wts 120 Page Hers Parker Pbina PC Jewel A Phantom Pow Corp Price Br Premium 75 125 QN Gas ' 12982 $8% 82 8% 8% 480 QN Gas pr 1350$114%1I241144+ Ve 117 64% QN Gs 59w 2316 54 43 --4 0 643 Quinte A 200 $11 ---" 12 % Rap Grip A 300 $8 Th--% 9%: % QN Gas 63w 6420 445 415 4: -5 00 Reichhold 925 $16% 16% 16¥2 va 8 Reid Lith pf 25 $50 50 50 --? 52 47% Revelstoke 1280 «$8 7% Th%--% 8¥e 450 Revelstk pr 535 $20% 20% 20%4--1% 21¥2 19% Robertson 130 $11% 11% ll%e+% 13 1% 190 $16%2 16 16¥a+ V% 16% 14% 1675 415 400 400 --I15 15 and P Ocean Cem Ue 10% 5¥2 11% 600 23% 19Ve 50 280 8% 6% 10¥2 8% 6%100 10% 8% 4% 33% 650 6 13662 $19% 1914 19% 210 350 350 9% Wie + 36%4 37% +1% 40 150 +10 7™% Rothmans Royal Bank Russel, H StL Cp Apr St. Maurice Salada Fd Sayvette Selkirk A Seven Arts Shaw = Ind Shell In wt Shell In pr Shell Oil Shully's: Ind Silverwd. A S12 11% 11% 490. 500 +10 490 490 490 5593 630 610 610 --30 1665 $2742 27) Wat 12319 $17% 17 17% 900 435 420 +8 910 $i4¥2 14 14 400 $13% 13% 36V2 290 10% 6100 $37V2 700 295 2140 $10¥2 385 $204 20% 3645 $30 292 700 400 400 789 $9% 9%e 9%-- Ve 725 $92 % I%--% 281 $13%4 13% 134+ % 26703 $222 22¥e 222+ Ve 10 $1025 1025 10258 a 225 $22V2' 21% 222+ Se 300 $54 a 220 $26 9 Slater Stl Slat Stl pr Southam 17% 12% Steel Can 8% Steinbg pr Steinbg A Ster Tr S Prop pr Suptest ord Sptest com Suptest pr Switson 106 23M 5B 49 2% 625 192 15% 425 330 45$}00 100 101% 100 6145 180 150 180 «110 to Z Tamblyn 650 sls 202 20a + Ve Tancord 150 305 305 305 3 Texaco C 1387 $53%4 52% 53 -- Va thd Cd Gn 100 8% 8% 482 48V2-- Va TT Tailors Tor Dom Bk Tor tron A Tqwers Towers wis 8 T Find 18396 $11%4 T Fin B 205 $11'2 Tr CanPL 48912 $35% Trans Mt 17745 $15 Trans PPL 10195 $8% Turnbull 0 $12 Turnbull pr 400 $222 67368 11% 14355 $21% 1800 1900 Va + Va Wh + Me 21% + % 56 30 27% + Ye 292 --1% 465 67: 300 75 75 75 1955 335 325 325 7155 $15 14% 15 + Ve 930 425 410 410 --I15 27 292 460 Vanadium Vendomatic Vic G Tr Vulcan Wainwr Walk GW Wat Equp 550 $6% Wegg: Knp 500 $64 Westcoast 17360 $17% Westcoast VT 5335 $17 W Sup A 395 $124 Westeel 985 $10Va W Indies 205 $85 W Pacific 1905 $19 Westfair 75 $38Va Weston A 10159 $16%4 16% 16'2a-- Vs Weston B 2633 $18% 17% 18 -- % Wsn p 42 200 $97 96% 97 + % 100 Wstn pr 6 25$107% 107% 107% + Vs West A wts 16531 886 780 8625 --0 White 1 pr 8 50 $277 2 @7 Wood J 2582 $9% 9 a+ Me Woodward A 16616 $22) 21% 214+ % 22 Wdwd A wts 12480 720 635 700 +75 720 Y_ Knit A 805 350 300 350 385 YKnit B 2200 Zellers 780 Zenith 4900 1200 42) $510° $57% 4 4 45 75 4 $36% 35% 35%4--- % 402 32 500 490 495 +10 5% 355 ary Of S & THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, October 12, 1963 7 tock Market Activity ------ This Week-------- Sales High Low Close Ch'ge High Low Am-+larder Amal Rare Anacon Brunswick Buff Ank Buff RL Cable Cadamet {Camflo Camp. Chib Coin Lake Cc Met Coniagas Coniaurum Con-Key C Bellekeno C Callinan Con C Cad C Discovry Cc Fen Con Glilles CG Arrow C Halliwell C Marben Cc Marcus C Mogul C Morrison C Mosher Con Negus Con Nichol C Northid E Amphi East Mal East Suil Elder EI Sol Eureka Faraday Fiwest T Fatima Francoeur Frobex Gaitwin Geco Mines Genex Gnt Masct Giant YK Glenn Uran Goldale GF Mining Goldray Grandroy Granduc Gulch Gunnar Jovtel Jowsey Keeley-F Kenville Kerr Add Kirk Min Kirk Town Kopan Labrador Lakehead L Dufauit Lake Ling Maralgo Marboy Marchant Marcon Maritime Martin Matatch Mattgmi Maybrun Mcintyre McKen McMar McWat Mentor N Goldvue N Harri New Hosco New Jason N Kelore Newlund N Mylam Newnor New Rovyn N Senator 1898960 32 Bet 1 s* eo oBbekaurs bgsse; zysteres. Ba > a5 eeaseSau om getegge Eagsrebsas SuBs=eye83e g83~ 888 14 1+ + ss! 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