Fp I RT SINS 8 a ee 9 OES eM ek tsa aed Hs ms Ao gt Pin. Aran 26--Rooms For Rent 27--Reel Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate tor Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 10,1963 19 17--Male Help Wanted EXPERIENCED HEATING and epi ance salesman. All leads supplied. Car Teleptione: 728-1352. WOULD YOU like $50. Pleasant work. sential, Write Box 241, Oshawa Times. EXPERIENCED with truck, for Highest prices aluminum to $100. per week ght three hours per evening? No canvassing. Car @s- installer, year round job. id, Call in person. 299 South. F 728-7586. \22--Offites, seerts, Anse DEAN AVENUE -- Nicely furnished Simcoe Street PROGRESSIVE requires experienced salesmen for awa office. of this advertisement. 220, Oshawa. real estate gait Os! Our staff has been advised|RELIABLE couple with Post Office Box want two-bedroom Distributorship Available to responsible per- son, Should be experienced in hiring ond training of sales personnel. We offer a pro- tected area plus a proven product. Earnings 'unlimited. For further details write giv- ing full porticulars to A.S.C. Box 9 Dickenson Road, Mount | Hope WANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO MEN FOR USED CAR RECONDITIONING Work involves polishing and General Clean-up of Used Cars. Applicants should be mechanically inclined and must have some experience in this type of work Apply in person only to: MR. BRIAN KANE THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. USED CAR LOT 260 King St. West, Oshawa 336 -- Furnished Apply FOR RENT room, would suit lady. Clean and quiet.| Telephone 728-4597. Medico! or Dental office. two "furnished bedrooms, single or Approximately 700 square double, no cooking, very central, steadily - feet. Close to downtown area. employed, gentlemen only. Day workers Parking available. Electric |preferred. Apply 57 Division Street. heated. For information call |agENT's OFFICE available in commer cial building, plenty of parking, all utill- 725-5132 ws a an asking $40. monthy. Call 728-6286. 3-- LASALLE AVENUE, 2 Wented Je tt room. Men or women. Quiet. wo children! above address. ro a eent|ONE OR TWO clean, bright furnished ade inneg deel esevcianarate |rooms for rent, five minutes from down aba i ie ao | town, near bus stop. Call affer 6 p.m., |WANTED immediately, four four Bedroom 725-0816. |house, centrally located, in Oshawa. Tel erate etnies |ONE LIGHT "housekeeping room, fur- dt ts thidnad Adin oral jnished or unfurnished, for swlapealgeh Also \unfurnished basement apartment, to re- 24-~Houses For Rent 'liable couple for services. Apply 200 King FOR RENT -- Three-bedroom split-levell Street . West. |Fu BEDROIM for one lady. |Two-bedroom bungalow aarinen) with! Use of modern kitchen, central and quiet |space heater, $75. 668-5823, home. Washing' facilities. Telephone 728- |MARY STREET, 496 Eight-room | 6927. SUe UE SE house, good location. T 725-6916. \F room ge he hospital" and Fr table for lady OSHAWA -- Three-bedroom furnished|nortt' General Motors. Su! home. Widow wishes to share with two or|OF_ gentleman. Telephone 723-1300. three people. Telephone 728-6400. |FURNISHED bedroom, two blocks north suit ggg Parking. $7 |IN WHITBY, modern siz-roor ianale on newly decorated, available Qctover 15.;weekly. Telephone 728-27 |References required. 068-50 |FURNISHED room, ; sult |Parking area, bus at door. | FOUR-BEDROOM home, Masson ai Con-| |naught Street, Substantial rent. Will ar-|Ollve Avenue. 723-1832. Fe are irange occupancy. Call evenings 728-7669.,ROOM FOR "RENT, furnished, close to |HAYDEN -- i8 miles east of Oshawa.|north GM and hospital. Telephone 725-8702 [Three - bedroom home, nine acres.|SINGLE BEDROOM, close fo South Gen- gentleman. "oply 573 GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 GOOD LOCATION in North West Area--6 room osplit level. with attached garage. Large living room with built in bookcase and L-shaped dining area. 11 x 12 kitch with room to eat and ample cupboard and counter space. 4 pc. tiled bathroom ond stool in basement. Pierson windows. Nicely landscaped. aiuly a lovely home at $18,- For full particulors call 723-1121 Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, Mr. Lloyd Corson, President Mr, Richard Young, Vice-President. are attending the 20th An- nual Canadian Association of Rea] Estate Boards Conven- tion from October 6th-9th in Winnipeg, Manitoba. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S, Hot, cold water, Three-piece bath. Tele- eral Motors. Suit gentieman. phone Hampton 263-2569. 728-2205 "| REASONABLE, single, clean, | room or housekeeping room. FARM fer genta, 2878. FOR RENT |KING STREET EAST, 597 -- two unfur- stable Close |nished downstairs rooms, oi! hvat and pri- vate enfrance. Call ovenings or week-| ends to above address, CENTRAL -- Phone 725-5774. Two single furnished rooms, one with light house keeping privileges, stove, refrigerator S\itable for gentlemen. Off street park. ing Ideal for riding or general farming, Small house, with all modern conveniences. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m, 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | Steel barn. 60 acres cultiva- 10 Heavily of apples. with tion, acres wooded valley stream. Just north of Brook- lin 18--Male or Female _. Help Wanted THE F FUTURE. 98s products, if you are between ieee High High commissions. 728-1352. ~~ Bookkeeper- Typist for small local office. Reply fully own handwriting, stat- ing experience and salary requirements. Permanent. WRITE Post Office, Box 235 OSHAWA is yours selling natural the ages of 18 and 24. Transportation sup _|hospital area RADIOLOGY DEPT. Requires one student with senior matriculation Grade XIIl to complete a class of students in X-ray technology A transcript of marks requir- ed. Students are paid $100 per month. Please apply to director of Personnel. OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL PHONE OR WRITE [Toronto Hudson 9-6046' 14 Strathearn Boulevard |27--Real Estate for Sale Just off 'Mary. services. Refrigerator and stove each unit. A-1 condition. Fully rented. Low down payment. Telephone 725-1168. BROILER FARM. On lakefront, east of Oshawa. Modern home, 45 acres, broiler houses, fully automatic. apartment, 3-\consider house on trade; washing | annually. $15,000. down. Kowal peo- Estate, Bowmanville, 623-2453. DUPLEX. Separate 25--Apoartments FURNISHED basement piece bath, heated, TV outlet, facilities, private entrance. Suit 2 ple, $70. month. Dial Whitby 668-4927 FOUR-ROOM apartment, two rooms, newly decorated, stove and re- frigerator. No children. After 5 telephone 725-0953 or 299 Montrave LIGHT housekeeping room, Private entrance. bed- CHOICE CORNER LOT FOR' SALE Reasonably Priced. Daytime 725-2162 Evenings 728- 6922 Farm - 400 Acres -- Hastings County Wonderful deer hunting and fishing. Beaver River runs through property about 200 yards from good gravel road. ~ ladies only Tele- phone 728-1914 | BLOOR "STREET WEST, 250 -- Ten min- utés to South General Motors, furnished housekeeping room, suitable two gentle- jmen, $7. week each. Telephone 728-1105. |APARTMENT in beautiful residential area, self-contained, heated, 34 large rooms, plus. 3-piece bath. Two natural fireplaces. Available immediately. Adults. Telephone Bowmanville 623-5406. KING STREET EAST, 235 -- Unfurnish- ed apartment, two rooms, kitchenette and bath. Parking facilities. Central Adults only, Apply 232 Kaiser Crescent. SIMCOE NORTH -- Near Rossland, four rooms, completely furnished, near schools and hospitals. Private bath. Parking, 3 adults. Dial 723-3537. STACEY, 134 --- Three-room furnished apartment, all conveniences, quiet home, couple only, reasonable. Apply above address. TWO-BEDROOM apariment on Sighwar| | No. 2, one mile east of city limits, $70. per .month. Available . November -- 15. |Working couple preferred. After 6 p.m., |telephone 728-3702. 401 Eulalie Avenue |THREE-ROOM partially furnished apart-| Oshawa Telephone val: 6190 jment fo let. Apply 213 McNaughton or) -- felephone 725-6701. Good timber on 300 acres 100 acres under cultivation 25 acres splendid for cot- tages. Seven room house, double garage, new barn, other out- buildings. Must be sold at once. This is o splendid buy. $10,000. Half Cash BURKE STREET, 217 -- Three-room| IMMEDIATE POSSESSION | self-contained apartment, stove and re frigerator, private ntrynce, Business 20--Room and Board ROOM or board for phone | 1% 9643. two, single beds, very central. Apply 4@ Albert Street, Tele. THREE-ROOM " ON couple preferred. Abstaners only. Apply address above. "unfurnished apartment, self-contained, Private entrayce and bath, parking facilities, centrally located. $70. AND SINGLE ROOM, with or without board, 5.;Month. Call 725-7279, day week, close to town Road South. ROOM AND BOARD in home. All conveniences. ed. Gentleman 728- "4112. "lean, preferred. PRIVATE HOME -- furnished single ROWE STREET -- Breakfast for clean gentieman. , central. Call 728- 1773. 'comfortable room in room KING EAST 4io. formation, call 723-4056. ARTHUR STREET, beds, good board. 728-2433. ROOM AND BOARD for quiet gentleman, neated, near bus stop, adults only. Phone willing to share room. Home - privileges, |725-7216 after 6.30 S-day week. Telephone 728-3466. laundry and TV oprivileges,| THREE-ROOM apartment. and buses. Apply 173 Ritson | wiring quiet) THREE-ROOM or five-room Lunches pack-/furnished or unfurnished, Telephone! modern kitchen i¢;ment, "332 -- Room and board, near north General Motors. Single "Heavy duty) GLIDDEN NEAR KING Three-piece bath. 1625 Dufferin) |Street, Whitby. Telephone 668-3069. | 6 room, 2 storey home with apartment, ri modern oil furnace, all yours Private bath, Available November 5. Apply 154 Tyler Crescent ONLY $1500 DOWN Two-bedroom apart- Stove, private bath and entrance. Available November |. $75. monthly. 725- 2225 betore 3 p.m Hurry won't last long, call BILL MILLAR AT 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON Estate Limited NOW q private . for gentleman. Telephone 728- 5734 THREE-ROOM apartment with gas stove, room and board for|9round floor, gentieman, parking. Apply above address, {piece bath. ROOM AND BOARD for gentiemen, close to all south-end factories. For further in- WAYNE STREET, 68, APT. 9 -- Four- : Three- close to newly redecorated Private entrance, bus. Telephone 725-8352 Real room apartment, private bath and en- trance. Adults only. Telephone 725-3938. FOUR-ROOM apartment on the ground floor, unfurnished. Heavy duty wiring, MOVE IN FOR UPPER 'DUPLEX, centrally located. Bus- 21--Room & Board Wented QUIET, young man looking for room and|NEAR SHOPPING CENTRE, board with a Christian atmosphere. Tele- apartment, phone 725-8442. iness woman. prefer: Telephone before 6 p.m. Rhea 2843. Evenings 723-7792 2-bedroom refrigerator and built-in range, $100. monthly. Working couple pre ONLY $1100 DOWN ferred. Apply 330 Buena Vista, Apt. 1 22--Offices, Stores, Storage FAIRBANK STREET, 15 WAREHOUSE space for rent 3000 feet, m4 Kitchen. partly furnished, two floors, truck level loading. $75 per cen"'ysutable, for couple, month. Apply Mackie's Van and Storage nitro Ltd. 477 Bloor West. ahd ROOMS, upstairs, private, garage 1200 SQUARE FT. cemeni block building. "C8" an¢ ho! water, central, $80. After Suitable for repair shop or storage. Cea- 4°. telephone 723-7550. tral location. Apply 182 Simcoe South, THREE-ROQOM unfurnished apartment, 728-1901. : u on Private entrance, on bus line, "MODERN LARGE STORE FOR RENT In Shopping Plaza Ideal for Grocery Furniture or Store Parking Space Apply 378 Wilson Rd. S. 7 998 Bedroom share parking space, niy. Available about October 20 Teliphow 725-9507, LARGE two-bedroom apartment, unfur- nished, heavy wiring, private bath, heat- ed. Quiet. adults preferred, $70. monthly. Telephone 725- 9508 FOUR-ROOM and ba'h, apartment. Private entrance and drive way. Available Woverber 1. Adulls, $75. monthly. Telephone 728-0350. THREE-ROOM apartment, privale en trance and bath, Kitchen with cup- boards. Garage: 230 Bruce Street. After 5 D.m , 728-9239. Two- -BEDROOM ~ apartment, "refrigera- + Stove, broadioom throughout. Wash- ing and drying free. $95. monthly. Ade quate parking. Apply 20 Avenue Street, Apa: riment 10, REGENCY | TOWERS LOVELY 2 BEDROOM | APARTMENTS Stove, refrigerator, drapes, hot, cold water. Free. Locker and laundry on each floor. Parking 728-1544 Wsnen|26---Rooms For Rent | dryer, available November 15. 668-2445. _|LARGE "HOUSEKEEPING room for two WANTED for 15th of November, 2-bed-|9entiemen, willing to share and one fur- room apartment or house fo rent, in|Mished room for sleeping accommoda-| Whitby. sail ppreximately $80 per month ition only. Telephone 728-7283. Phone. 668-8223. HOWARD STREET, 507 -- furnished poets Call after 3.20 P.m., 725-7014 ALL PRIVATE -- three, nice, clean fur- nished rooms; suit two gentlemen or two girls. Apply 275 Ritson South CLEAN furnished room, parking, gentle man preferred, close to north GM. Tele phone 723-7917 WHITBY CLASSIFIED DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses,| alterations, slip covers, drapes Fitting a specialty. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. DUNDAS East, 604: Two room turnished| apartment. Will rent room separately. Private entrance. Telephone 668-3239, FOR SALE -- One muskrat jacket, in good condition. Fits sizes 14 to 16, Tele-| phone 655-: 655-3802, FOR RENT: Furnished light housekeep- ing room with private entrance. Tele phone 668-2332 or apply 542 Mary Street) East. SEPTIC tanks ed, prompt service on| calls. Walter , 204 Chestnut Street | West, Whitby. 668-2563. THREE-ROOMED unfurnished apartment, | Private entrar private bath,' parking, central. Available Nov. 1. Single person! preferred. 668-4091 after 6. } shan | 26- FOR RENT: 2 bedroom apariment, STORAGE with spring tune-up Outboard motors and Lawnmowers WILDE RENTAL SALES AND SERVICE WHITBY 668-3226 PONTIAC INN, rooms with running water, |TV lounge, parking. Telephone 725-9035. | SEE THEM AND YOU WILL BUY TODAY Features built-in terior - decorating, bathroom fixtures, with built in vanity custom kitchen cupboards with double sinks, exhoust fan with hood. Lo- cation near Oshawa Shop- ping Centre. Call Harry Bates for appointment. at range, in- colored CASTLE HOMES EXECUTIVE HOME Situated on a beautiful pro- perty, overlooking a creek and wooded area. Custom built for present owner just 4 yeors ago. 7 level brick with attached garage, ond paved drive. At- tractive entry hall, and liv- ing room with stone fireplace, dining room, and ultra mo- dern family kitchen.A family room opening to outside patio. Nicely finished Rec room. 3 generous bedrooms 4 pc. tiled luxury bathroom, ond a 2-pc. powder room. To inspect please call Mrs. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED REALTORS 723-1121 Jean Peacock room split. second fioor, 729-1186 or 728-6923 | Telephone} | two} will) 132,000 _birds| Real -- ~ SCHOFIELD- AKER | CENTRE STREET 7 two. furnished | to) door, Pre-| $1,000 DOWN Seven room, one and haif storey home on 2% acre lot. Fast creek through property, Located just north of Oshawa. flowing Call in to-day regarding other listed residential, commercial, industrial and other: business properties. WE INVITE YOUR LISTINGS. Douglas Realtor 333 King Street West 723-4391 . 723-2265 INCOME HOME --7 room 2% storey brick with two 3-pc. bathrooms, garage, off King St. E. All good size rooms. Now rented as two apartments. Listed at $13,- 500. BEAU VALLEY OPEN HOUSE Evenings -- 6 to 7:30 p.m. Weekends -- 3 to 5:00 p.m. LOCATED IN ONE OF OSHAWA'S top North end locations, in an area of pav- ed roads, curbs ond gutters, and underground hydro and telephone. 6 room brick bun- galow with carport. No work to do inside or. out, gnd start living by calling to see this fine home. List price $18,500. WHAT A BEAUTY! Located in select part of Henry Street, Whitby. Some revolutionary features place this 2-3 bed- | room homé in class apart. Split level. with a difference Artistically land- scaped without regard for cost, Offered at thousands below cost, This may be what you've waited for. View by appointment. Open 9 to 9 -- Sat. 9 to 5 728-5868 725-1726 725-0239 723-7996 Steve Macko .... Bill McFeeters .. Pauline Beal Chorles Choytor . Margoret Holl .. 723-1358 Reg. Aker 725-0201 360 King St. W, Free Parking "| METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 King St. East Dial 728-4678 VALUE IN SUBURBIA $13,500.00 with only $1,867 down --. for this lovely 6 room bungalow only years old and situated on a lovely large lot -- featuring 3 bedrooms, hollywood kit- chen' ---- 4 piece tiled both and a large living room for suburban living ond city con- veniences----you 'will love this home, Call now! don't miss out on this value. SUNSET AVENUE $12,000.00 1% storey brick on. very large landscap- ed lot, excellent condition - gorage and lots of extras - Sure to sell fast. Call to- day. SURE TO PLEASE Just listed at only $14,300. ond worth much more than the asking price. Here is a delightful side split levei home 542 rooms with 3 large bedroom and 20' x 11". finished rec room. En- tire home beautifully decor- ated and broadloomed stairs have wrought iron handrail. This is the award winning home for landscaping in the area, Terraces, patio and barbecue are wel| worth your inspection. Be sure you see this home tonight and get your offer in before its too late. Call right now. NEW HOMES Call to inspect our vorious models of homes in Downs- view Park, Golfview Heights, Bello Vista, Gree: wood Heights, ONLY A FEW CHOICE LOTS LEFT FOR THIS YEARS SALES IN DOWNSVIEW PARK ---- CHOOSE YOUR LOT AND GET YOUR NEW HOME STARTED NOW, OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 Ken Hann Jack Osborne Dick Barriage . JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD REALTORS LTD. INSURANCE 167 Simcoe St, South AND LLOYD REALTY Lloyd - Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. 101 Simcoe Street North HAVE JOINED OFFICES UNDER A NEW NAMB BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED REALTORS--INSURANCE 101. SIMCOE ST. NORTH 728-5123 |W. Schatzmann REALTOR Move in | | 140 Brock St. N. Whitby 20 room. building on good commercial corner, central in Whitby, IDEAL INVEST- MENT, asking $35,000.00 with terms. 9 apartments in the heart of Whitby commercial, ASKING ONLY $30,000.00 with good terms arranged. 10 acres - 8 room house, newly renovated, new oil furnace, near Blackstock, Fxcellent buy, asking $10,- 000.00 with reasonable down payment and owner will hold Mortgage at MOST CONVEN- IENT: PAYMENTS. 10 acre wooded lots; sur- veyed, now available at No. 12 Hwy For information call Helen Simpson at 668-3338 or 725- 7420 or W. Schotzmann evenings 668-3253. GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 JUST LISTED -- On Ritson Rd. S., 4 room brick with garage. Close to bus stop and shopping. T.V. aerial with rotor included in the price of $9,500. SOMMERVILLE AVENUE -- Brick and stone rancher with corport and paved drive. This charming bungalow has 3 bedrooms, 21 ft. living room, Hollywood kitchen and 4-pc. luxury bath as well as a 2-pe; powder room. Nicely decor- ated and well landscaped lot. This is an exceptionally well kept home and iui oa ot $18,500. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY-- Well established business in Oshawa with exclusive area. Included in the price is a home with 2 apartments in perfect condition. Several | trucks. Asking price. $42,500 ; with a substantial down pay- ment. 5%% N.H.A. mortgage. 5 room brick bungalow with carport in Apple Hill. 3 bed- rooms and 4-pc. tiled both. Basement divided with office of bedroom. Schools are close and bus service in the orea. FOUR BEDROOM HOME IN NORTH WEST AREA -- situated on o beautiful lot. Excellent condition, only 5 years old, two bathrooms with ceramic tile. Large living room with dining area. 5% % Mortgage. Asking price $17,- 500 NORTH EAST OSHAWA -- 1¥ storey brick with large lot and garage. 3 bedrooms with more than usual closet spoce. Full price $12,900. CCIN LAUNDRY Extra ordinary bargain at $10,900 with $2,000 down. Quality equipment only 3 years old, 18 Frigidaire washers, 7 dry- ers, tables, chair, gas hot water tank. We have full particulars, give us a call. LA SALLE AVE, -- 2 bed- room brick bungalow with tile ond broadloom floors. Near St. Hedwigs school, Larger than average kitchen. Paved drive and hedged lot, $1,800 down payment . NORTH WEST AREA--$11,- 900. 5 room bungelow with god size living room, 2 bed- rooms and 4-pc. bath ond on @ large lot 62' x 121', BUILDING LOT -- with lake frontage on Stone St. 50' x 357. Full price is $2,200. ibcAL PROPERTY FOR CHURCH CLUB OR SCOUT GRO -- large building with full basement and ad- joining 5 room. brick' bun- galow, Centrally located with lots of parking, 7 ROOM TRI-LEVEL on Whit- man Crescent. Family size kitchen plus separate dining room. Large living room with stone fireplace. 4-pc, tiled bathroom also 2-pc. wash- room, Walkout basement and nicely landscaped rear yard. This home is only 7 years old and is in very good con- dition, For: full porticulars call 723-1121 MAPLE GROVE, close to Highway, bedroom bungalow, with FIVE-room insulated brick gg in Whit- + and THREE-BEDROOM " brick borealis: 'north-west section. Alumi sf Close fo schools. § Percent NHA mort-' gage, $88.65 interest, principal and taxes. Private sale. Until 6 p.m., telephone), 725-7951. Evenings 725-7160. for V' down. 623-5300. Geo. garage on lot which could be extended LA. Asking price $12,900 with $2500. Phone Blyleven Realtor, | 'y 7 on paved road. First farm south of Manilla, Apply Robt. C. FARM -- 100 acres, 90 acres clear, clay loam, field stone house, bank barn, steel Meader Good water supply. Just off ao Moore, Manilla, WHITBY: Owner transferred. 3 bedroom) | condition. 7-ROOM, age on. Vaacre, Very nice) ion. On paved road, Suit VLA. Kowal Real Estate, Bowmanville 623-2453. PRIVATE. SALE 3-bedroom split- Jevel, one year old. Built-in garage. Lo- cated on 'wooded lot in Manor. 27--Real Estate tor Sale PRIVATE sale six room house, er years old. 5¥ Vracenrsin 725-3353. per cent Own. | Only $12,500. 'elephone| rasta 12 Botahoos 6 "RERES, with -- |$2500. down. momilie ahaa new ee 27--Real Estate For Sale noes $1,000. DOWN. Lovely five-room fow, three family sized bedrooms, Telephone 728-2185. y SECLUDED, scenic lots. Two pri each. | Oshawa, Whitby Area. $2500 each. Hudson 9-9726 Toronto. 4 years old, screens. NHA mortgage. down payment, Whitby, 668-5697. storms, Reasonable! $500 WINTER WORKS $240 DOWN TO ONE 6% % NHA MTGE. NEW NHA Bungalows--stone fronts, clay brick (no semis) hood and electric clock -- sodded front and rear large lots--carries $99 monthly interest, principal and taxes. $240 down -- 3 bedroom $13,290. $612 down -- 3 bedroom and gorage, $14,540. $792 down -- 4 bedroom, split 1% baths. $14,940. Located in Whitby--All ser- vices in and paid for by build- NORTH SHORE REALTY CO, LTD. | 112 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. | WANT TO SELL -- You can be sure thot property listed with our office will receive PROMPT, CAREFUL AND PERSONAL ATTENTION. 'f we have your property it will be on earnest desire to add to the growing list bear- ing SOLD BY GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 Simcoe St. $. 723-1121 | 112 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa | er--Models for viewing in West Hill. Only a few avail- able at the prices Call Gerry Hill AM 7-9712., Manderhill Real Estote Ltd. KEITH PETERS Realtor 728-7328 103 King Street East OSHAWA BLVD. NORTH Storey and half brick home, immaculate condition, garage and paved drive. Low taxes, asking $11,900 Phone Ron- ald Hetherington 623-3637. ONLY ONE LEFT North end location, new three bedroom N.H.A. bungalow, built-in stove and oven, sod- ded front and side yard, col- oured bathroom fixtures, storms and screens. Many other extras for more infor- mation contact Joe Crawford 623-3672. $14,600 3 bedroom clay brick bun- galow nicely landscaped with asphalt drive. Broadloomed L- shaped living and dining room, stone fireplace, rec room with bar, ceramic tiled bath, coloured fixtures. Call Earle Allen 725-7782. ON LOT 73 x 150' Six room brick bungalow with an extra room used as a laundry room on the main floor at the back so you don't have to go down stairs, Three bedrooms all with clo- sets, full basement, forced air oil heating, 542% financing. Phone Bill Rotcliffe- 655- 3917 PRESTIGE AREA Ranch 6 room brick bungalow close to schools, bus and shopping. This home has a spacious L-shaped living room and dining room, very modern kitchen, 3 bedrooms and a large nicely landscaped lot. Asking $16,400.00 and make an offer. Call Rolande Tierney 725-5207. LIBERTY GARDENS Have a home built in this exclusive district overlooking the town of Bowmanville, mony different plans to choose from, prepaid services. We have a home to suit your purse. Call Bob Johnson 728- HANDYMAN'S = SPECIAL. Three-bed- room modern bungalow, two rooms to be finished, half acre good garden land. East i, limits. For information call lke pega Ei 25-0303, Joseph Bosco, Realtor, BOLAHOOD LAKE DALRYMPLE, bedrooms, family room, kitchen, refr' erator, wood and screens, 2 dock, store, ' $6,500. Apply C. Grant Gibson, 23 Thorn bank, Thornhill, AV 5-1765. Avery Point, 2 electric stoves and $1500.. DOWN, 3-bedroom rec room, in Bowmanville. throughout. ig ne Real Estate, Sowmenvitie Immacuiate Large lot, $11,500. wan WEST area, modern si large fiving. room, separate BROTHERS LIST WITH US THEN CALL YOUR MOVER NORTH WEST New N.H.A., 6 large rooms, attached garage, large 70 x 115 foot lot--natural stone fireplace, completely decorat- ed, 4 piece bath with vanity and plumbed in basement bathroom, Over 1300 square feet of living space. 12 x 24 foot garage. Asking only $19,100 with $4,600 down. Jack Appleby ot 728-5123 or 723-3398, BURK STREET $11,500 FULL PRICE Extremely well kept home with garage. Completely fin- ished rec room with bar, mod- ern oil heat. Requires sub- stantial down payment. Lot 157' deep.. Hurry call Ed Drumm at 728-5123 or 725- 9345. WHITBY Look $11,700 ful] price with only $1,000 down 'and ex- cellent terms for balance. 5 | room brick home in spotless condition. Located close to schools and shopping. Some proud family will enjoy this charmer. Why not yours? Ask for Roy Yeo at 728-5123 or 725-2217. RANCH BUNGALOW $2,000. DOWN Five room brick 'bungalow with finished recreation room and 3 piece bath in basement. Built in stove and oven. Pav- ed drive. Hedged lot. Must be seen. Call Irwin Cruik- shanks now at 728-5205 or 728-5123. $99. MONTHLY Interest, principal and taxes! 3 year old brick bungalow. 52 rooms. A beautifully kept home, excellent design. You would be proud to own this one. Call' me 'now. Charles Rankine, ot 728-5123. $15,500. "OWNER . TRANSFERRED" Only $3000 down. Balance, | | one NHA mortgage. Lovely 3 | fe- | | | j | | bedroom. bungalow with creation room, Broadloom throughout. This home is only. three years old. Coll. Bill Johnston at 728-5123 or 728-1066. " "SUBURBAN" TWO HOMES Take your choice, one ranch bungalow with attached gorage, other is regular with two car garage. Reasonable down payment required. Call Bill Johnston at 728-1066 or 728-5123. Bolahood Brothers, Limited 101 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ontario Lloyd A. P. Bolahood John A, J. Bolahood Open Every Evening Se | BALL POINT | ON LAKE SCUGOG Sale of This Season's Seven Model, Cottages CHOOSE NOW -- PAY MAY '64 Architect designed 3 bedroom cottages, split levels, "U" shaped, huge picture windows, fireplaces, conveniences. is: | dining mi tile bathroom, room, family size greyg four- hedged for pri- vacy, close to all schools and bus. $3,000) repairing. down. Phone 728-6569. "rooms and small or den and four piece cera- "S. D. HYMAN ~ "KINGSMERE GARDENS" Your present home, car, lot or boat can be used as a down poyment on a new house-- joneeas tires, vty us NEW STONE --. FRONTED BRICK with built in garage on large lot Bader St, Living room, dining room large mo- dern. kitchen and washroom on ground floor, four bed- sewing room mic tiled beth with vanity on second floor. Facilities for recreation room and wash- room in basement. Every mod- ern convenience. Gar Wood oil heating, (mae drive, close to schools, bus and wx nt F Full price' $4400. Call" $1,500 DOWN. 3-bedroom bungalow on large lot, nei 623-2453. brett six-room brick burr double gar: near Only' $7500. tstare sale. Kowal Real Estate, cement d 14 LOTS for sale. approved. Tele; ATTENTION 900d garden Phone 623-2737, veterans three garage, one acre r land. Landscaped. 127 ACRES, farm at shopping. SEE THIS EXCEL- LENT VALUE AT $19,900. | YOU WILL ENJOY DOING SO. Call 728-9571 NOW. R. VICKERY Realtor __ 728-9571 46 KING W. MUST BE SOLD TWO BEDROOM BRICK Large modern kitchen, lovely bright living room. Home in immaculate condition, close to shopping and bus stop at the door. Call immediately, For appointment to inspect. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S. Telephone 723-1121 REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 King Street West 728-6286 ATTACHED GARAGE Six room bungalow with at- tached garage available for the first time, loaded with extras, reasonable down pay- ment. Call Doug Gower, $11,900 Full price for. this. five -room brick bungalow, asking only $2000 down. For further par- ticulars call Les Hall, DUPLEX LOT Located on Sommerville land. Good buildings. buliding locations. in good location, N.H.A. 'of Tele- Very Age forces snd rice and terms arranged. Kowal Real fo Bowmanville 623-2453. JOHN F, DeWITH REALTOR 14 Frank St., Bowmanville 623- 3950 100 Acres Highway farm, 2 ~ borne; 8 Roomed brick home all modern Asking $26,000. Terms. conveniences. ' 112 Acre farm on paved '# road: Large barn, creek. 7 ¥ Roomed home. 000, Terms. 32 Acres barn. Price $6,000. with easy terms. 3 Acres. West of Newcastle Partly orchard. home. Barn and fice ond terms arranged. 90 Acrés with 24 ocres in A-1 orchard. New home with 'all modern -- conveniences, Asking $35,000. Terms. Asking $7,- > with house and + New prodern s 50° Acres with good. barn; ; 7 Roomed home, all modern conveniences. Price $12,000. . Terms. 90 Acre highwoy farm, Ex- cellent "land and. buildings. Asking $30,000. Terms, 100 Acre farm with 2 barns »: and 7 Roomed home. Asking $11,000. with $2,000 p tt 150 Acres with large' river. House and born. $10,500. Terms. Asking -- Donald Mountjoy Aaa 14 Orono Idso Wiersma Guy. LeBlanc 623-3715. Frank Hunter 725-2974 1649 3 28--Real Estate Wanted |WE HAI HAVE NOT a » single t bungalow | lef [Oshawa for sale. We require listings 6A" bungalows and duplexes. MaGill Estate, Post Office Box 220, Oshawa. oa, fe Rea Street. Approved by N.H.A. Water and sewer both avail- able, Call Tom Tarrant $1,000 Full asking price only $9800 for this six room home locat- ed on William Street. Excel- lent financing. Call Bob Stev- enson. Inspect the ten. Armstrong homes in this choice location all equipped with built-in stoves and ovens. Down pay- ments starting at $1,310 and balance on one N.H.A. mort- gage. Come out and see this weekend. TRADE W. FRANK | Real Estate Limited 177 CHURCH ST., white, 29--Automobiles For or Sele 1952 CHEVROLET 4-door Good condition. Telephone rayne, a 1958 BUICK hard top, eutynatic. power steering and brakes. New whitewall tires and extra snow tires, Private Rte 52. 1963 PARISIENNE hardtop, buck Keige Dial 725- seats, wy equipped, 5,000 mie $3,395. 1956 FORD coach, V@ auiomatic, com- pletely reconditioned throughout, offer. Older trade considered. $475 or 1963 BUICK Le Sabre, 2-door hardtop, fully equipped, power performance rear axie, radio, rear er, seat belts. $3,295. Phone 723-2138 728-9296. 1958 DODGE Mayfair V-8, black automatic bike res whitewalis, Mis. Telephone 728-0 steering, brakes, |Positraction, four barrel carburetor, high or = 1962 FORD Faicon, two -- automatic transmission, owned, low mi tween 6 and 8 p.m. radio, heater, privately a nag faved cone Be- 1963 PONTIAC Caner six, dark "ois Shadelite windshield, seat belts, 723-2400 between 6 and 8 p.m. automatic transmission, backup _.| lights, ws washers, 9,000 miles. Phone VOLVO SALES and SERVICE JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE PLANNED VACATION COMMUNITY FOR ALL THE FAMILY'S ENJOYMENT Treed lots, safe beaches, marina sit on Trent Canal System. Port Perry north to Seagrave, follow sings to Ball Point. 725-3568 Evenings Whitby 668-8042 Brooklin 655-3853 Scenic Acres Executive's retreat, off Highway 12, 18 miles North of Oshawa. Wide winding creek through natural parkland. Ideal 'setting for your own Country Estate or Three Seasons retreat. Your choice of 25, 50, 75 or 100 acres at $140 per acre. Terms arranged, mod- est down payment if desired. Kendal Hills Area 13 acres part cleared, part forest. Sparkling clear spring fed stream and pond site, in the midst of the Ganaraska Forest. Ideal for year round or summer retreat home. Roads open year round. $4,500 mo- dest down payment and terms arranged. NORTH SHORE REALTY CO. LTD. | 725-3568 | Brooklin 655-3853 | | Evenings Whitby 668-8042 | | BOWMANVILLE, 623-3393 124 Acres near Myrtle, 7 room house with conveniences, Barn 40' x 100' Gravel Pit. Only $25,000.00 - terms. 300 Acres near Lindsay, Brick house, large barn, pond, only $28,000.00 - Terms, 100 Acre dairy farm. Valu- able. frontage close to Bow- manville. Good buildings. Health forces sale. Asking $45,000.00 - Terms. 15 Acres with Trout Stream, 3 miles from Bowmanville. Only $5,000.00 - $1,500.00 down, 4 Acres with 7 room house on Taunton Road near Taunton, $11,000. - $1,500 down. Feed Mill at Newtonville fully equipped. Good turn- over. $15,000.00 .- $5,000. down. -Brick Bungalow, Parkway Crescent, Bowmanville, 2 years old, Living room x 18', Dining room 9' x 14', Owner Honerareal, Only $13,- 900.00 - $3, 500.00 down. Bowmanville --. Income home Two opartments with sep- arate conveniences, utilities, etc. Good location, $11,000. with $1,000.00 down. Central - 4 bedroom brick home. Asking $18,000.00 - \ Terms. Sunset Terrace Subdivision of Liberty Street North, N.H.A. brick bungalows un- der construction, $14,300. - $1,600.00 down. Call: 623-3393 Atter 9 p.m, Call: Jock Ricard .:.. 623-3154 Joe Bornoski . Clarke 2202 » GENERAL REPAIR and AUTO 'ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa 728-0921 $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or . down. Leins paid off, NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY New Telephone 668-3331 GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM B.-A. SERVICE Ritson Road and Kin 723-4733 ond 723- 2 PONTIAC STATION WAGON 1960 LAURENTIAN V-8 condition. $1600 to settle estate. Dork Metallic Mar- 728-4935 AFTER 5 Standard transmission, in top . 1961 FORD _ GALAXIE CONVERTIBLE Automatic 3 speed transmis- sion, red and white. Power" equipped, $2100. Terms arrenged at 6% private. WHITBY 668-5679 : radio, whitewalls. _ " (Continued on Page 20) ---