WHITBY And DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Rae Hopkins Tel. 668-3703 "| TREES BEING WRECKED Davidson Calls For Halt To Devastation occasions. It is utterly foolish not to profit from the experi-| ence of others. j When I now -bylaw 2454, dated May 21, 1963, covering the Planting, Trimming and Removal of Trees on streets, 1 pointed out that I had based my draft of the bylaw on what I considered to be the best in the tree by- laws issued by the City of To- ronto, Township of York, Town- ship of Scarborough and the Councillor William Davidson Monday night called for a "halt to an act of devastation beng carried on in Whit>y." The act of devastation to which Town Council's bylaws and applications committee chairman was referring was the "'slashing and cutting of fine Maple trees by "unscrupu- lous methods' to make way for communication lines, leaving the trees broken and dying by apparent neglect." Councillor Davidson urged Deputy-reeve George Brooks said he understood the money for 200 trees was to come -out of a tree program budget -- the monies for which were provided in the streets committee budget. Later in the meet'ng, Council- lor Bevan moved a bylaw be prepared whereby council will purchase, annually, a supply of four approved varieties of shade trees to be supplied to residen- tial property owners on applica- tion to the town engineer. His motion suggested the ; sed what is| Set the policy, and when this has snbaneioe os jbeen done it is the administra- ine pnlicy. 6a ait mie Council decides to adopt this particular feature of the by- laws report I will have no ob- jections. However, I feel strongly that the power to be, given to town property committee to negotiate wih owners of prop- erty is definitely wrong on two points. I have been trying for a year and nine months to get us to clearly distinguish between policy and administration. "It is the responsibility of the committees and council to tor's responsibility to enforce that policy. In this case the Town Engineer is the adminis- trator. Secondly, to give to the Town Engineer the power to only negotiate with owners of prop- erty on which diseased. trees are located is totally inadequate, and I base my objections on City of Oshawa. For the infor- mation of this Council, Toronto and the Township of York place the responsibility of trees on streets with the Parks Commis- sioner, whereas in Scarborough and Oshawa the responsibility is with the Works Commission- Streets Committee Chairman, Councillor George H. Bevan, to call a halt to this act of deva- station. He demanded the estab- lishment of a policy of care and treatment of trees in town. According to Councillor David- son, the "wrecking job" being} done to the trees by "apparent; neglect" is a more trees be distributed at a rate of one tree per property owner and they be planted on property abutting streets in a manner and location approved by the town engineer. Where trees are provided to property owners in accordance} with agreements with subdivid-| tively. ers or where a tree already er and City Engineer, ead, Family Monuments an &/ Created To Individual Requirements - > the information given in the Fourth Report of the Legislative Committee on Dutch Elm Dis- ease, dated November 7, 1962, a copy of which I turned over to our Town Clerk at the last Council meeting held Septem- ber 16. "We need a bylaw to enforce positive action on the removal of diseased trees. on private property when negotiation fails. The Plant Diseases Act RSO, 1960, chapter 297, givvs us the authority to pass such a bylaw, and such a bylaw becomes ef- fective when approved by the Minister of Agriculture. "This was all clearly stated in the above mentioned report of the Legislative Committee, dated November 7, 1962, which calls for the removal of a dis- eased tree on private property by a municipal inspector if the owner fails to remove the dis- eased tree when requested, or in other words, when negotia- tion has failed." FALSE TEETH That Loosen # Need Not Embarrass Many wearers of false teeth have suffered real embarrassment bled at, just the Wrong at just live in fear of this ha) Just sprinkle a lit P. the alkaline ee) powder, on your plates. id false teeth more firmly, so they feel more ee Me 5 "pia' ASTEETH at drug counters everywhere. or Do not to WEEKEND BUYS For Your Freezer serious} OF BEEF 1, Shank Beef- 5. stewing lean 6. mince . Round Steck Roasts or cube steaks exists on the owner's property abutting a street, no such appli- enemy than the much-discussed Dutch Elm disease. These are Administrators and) not Councillors, and I wish to} STAFFORD BROS. ' point out that that nowhere in| Mr. Davidson recommended|cation by the owner shail be our bylaw for Trees on Streets the establishment of regular|considered, Councillor Bevam's|;, any reference made to any tree inspection by a competent! motion suggested. | Council Committee. | 318 DUNDAS EAST inspector who would have| gpeaking to his motion, Coun-| "I prefer the idea of one com-| 668-3552 charge or care, repair and/cjjlor Bevan said: |mittee only being responsible} Sirloin Steoks Flamk Steak- Stew, Mock Duck + Flank-Mince . Porterhouse LTD, MONUMENTS KINETTES AID PEEL PARK PROJECT Whitby Kinettes came to men president, left, is the aid of their spouses this accepting the Kinette dona- week when they turned over a tion from Anita Hampson, $300 cheque to the men's club Kinette past president. Kins- to aid in the Kinsmen Club's men are starting a light bulb Pee! Park project. The Kins- drive tonight to aid in rais- men plan to develop the Peel ing additional Pet! street park area into a prop- equipment funds. erly planned _ recreational --Photo by Stannett seen area -- most of the work to be completed by members of the club, Despite the cheap labor Kinsmen will employ there is still the cost of equip- ment to consider and for that reason the lady Kinsmen have ccntributed the $300. Above, Howard Souter, Kins- Generals Nip Dunnies In Pre Season Tilt By CLIFF GORDON | Oshawa Generals of the OHA|bump with the Oshawa crew|they will host the: Toronto Mar- Jr. A league last night downed|and soon wore them down tojlies. From what we can under- the Whitby Dunlops of the Metro|size. Jim Peters brought the|stand this Toronto team is a real Jr. B league 4-2 at the Whitby Whitby fans to their feet as he|big hard skating crew and wili arena in a fast, hard-fought ex- scored a neat goal at the 3.10)give the Dunnies a real test hibition game before some 400/MarK as he rounded oui a) ICE SHIPS: We were very screaming fans |three-way passing play with' much impressed with this young f Hagerman and Dionne. fellow Lavender. He is a real Park | supervision of all tree opera-| There is nothing in the Muni- con rm | tions in Whitby. leipal Act which covers legisla-| In addition, Councillor David-|tion necessary to permit Coun-} ison said he can see a need for|cils to provide trees to property| lsome control of trees on private| owners for planting on private property which become diseas-| property abutting streets. ed or broken. He recommended| It would, therefore, appear) this brench of tree inspection) that a bylaw should be passed | land disposition be placed with to cover this. Such a_ by- the protection to persons and|law would establish a set policy| | property committee and ajon a continuing basis for pro-| policy or working arrangement| viding and planting of shade} with property owners be work-| trees adjacent to streets where ed out. jit is impractical to plant such Council voted to purchase 200/'Tees on the street allowance. | |trees to be distributed to per It would, furthermore, elimi- sons requesting them for plant-)nate the necessity of Passing a ling on private property to re-| resolution annually in Council place trees lost through disease,|for the purchase of trees, as However, Firtance Committee|under a bylaw the matter will Chairman Councillor E, Pau ||be handled as an ordinary item) Coath and Streets Committee, in the preparation of the-annual \Chairman Bevan could no t/budget. a lagree to which committee| Mayor W. Stanley Martin should foot the bill. |suggested a bylaw was not nec-| i \ess s this has been the) Councillor Coath suggested|°SS@"y as ee gid the purchase price of the trees|Practice in town for ma.y years should come out of the streets/now. u ; committee budget -- not the| In reply to Councillor David- \finance committee budget. |son's urging a halt to the "act | Councillor Bevan said he was|of devastation," Councillor Be- : i said: lopposed to the money coming|V@N Sala: uih lout of the streets committee indeed gratifying to budget. He said it was Council-| know that another councillor is \lor Coath's request that trees be|endorsing my procedure of i ; «finding out what other muni- if lantin ri- 2 ; i Oe pecsante: en cipalities are doing. This pro- O.H. A. Junior Hockey TORONTO Marlboros WHITBY DUNLOPS WHITBY COMMUNITY ARENA } One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Wollpaper ond Murals Custom Draperies Broadioom and Rugs C.1.L. Paints and Varnishes | Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points | DODD & SOUTER Decor Centre 107 Byron St. S., Whitby Phone 668-5862 . Rump Roost . Sirloin Tip | Roost ORDER NOW FOR DELIVERY THIS MONTH AT (90 to 135 Lb. Average Wt.) Steak - . Wing Steak T-Bone Aged 4 weeks - cut to your specifications, FRESH BEEF TENDERLOIN Ib. 1.49 Troughton-Thompson Meats 104 Lupin Drive Blair Park Plaze WHITBY -- PHONE 668-4633 and hands out some | Councillor Coath suggested it|Cedure has been frowned upon site Danton gave avery ine om Lavender made it 29 on worker against four games by the Gen- erals, The visitors from the Motor City were forced to come from behind a 2-0 lead built up by the hard fighting Dunnies. However a couple of penalties) and a defensive lapse along with} one rather easy goal spelled what perhaps was the prettiest|good~ bumps ... The line of goal of the night. He took a pass|Fletcher, Everett and Gibbons from Gibbons and deeked the) would appear to be a unit that defenceman and went right in/will work well before too many and fired one to. the topigames .., Reeson looks very left hand corner that Young!good in goal and should have waved at as it went past. the inside track for the first Whitby were two men short'string job ... The Dunnies as when the Generals started their|a whole worked very hard They was council's instruction to the lstreet. committee chairman |five months ago to purchase the! }trees. | Councillor Bevan replied coun- cil may have instructed him to do it, but with no money in his |}committee budget for it he would not do it. when I have used it on previous ALUMINUM ¢ AWNINGS » WINDOWS e DOORS --_e RAILINGS @ SHOWER ENCLOSURES oll work fully guaranteed 'Coll anytime 668.8606 Thurs., Oct. 10 |] Game Time -- 8:30 p.m. ADMISSION } Adults .. ie |] Students with cord .... | Children ... doom for the Cherry coached crew. big drive. Terry Peters was sit- ting out a major for spearing George Vale led the Oshawa|and Gay was serving a hooking attack last night with three|sentence. George Vale was the goals while Pau! Domm, the be-|big gun as he got two goals in spectacled defenceman of the|the space of 57 seconds, Generals bagged the other goall| Stephens was the victim of marker. Tom Lavender and Jim|both as the young fellow had Peters scored for the losing|just come into the game less Whitby team. jthan three minutes previous. Ray Reeson started in goal rand a Domm put the' Generals Whitby and played standout out front 3-2 with less than three hockey for the first 30 minutes|minutes to go as he caught the of play and was relieved ny Ser side between vouthful Rodger Stephens, who!and the post. was the victim of all four Osh-| There was only one goal in awa goals. Ian Young started in|the 'final frame and it came off goal for Doug Williams' Gen-|the ever dangerous erals and played the first two|George Vale. It came as a re- periods. Denis Gibson played|Sult of some very poor clearing) the final period. The two Whitby|@round the Whitby net. Stephens goals were scored against|had made two fine saves just Young in the wide open second|seconds before but was left at period. the mercy of the big Oshawa The game almost broke wide|forward on the third drive. open in the final three minutes) Whitby will play their second as the referees were forced to|Same of the pre-season sched- send six would-be boxers to the _ Stephens}, Stick of did not back down from the Generals and proved to the fans that they will be heard from considerably before this season is too' many games old Don't forget the big one here tomorrow night when the To- ronto Marlies will be the visi- \tors. SUMMARY FIRST PERIOD Scoring: None. Penalties -- Dunnell (interference) 2.08, Buchanan (charging) 3.53. SECOND PERIOD Whitby: J. Peters (Hagerman, Dionne) Whitby: Lavender (Gibbons Oshawa: Vale (Little, Orr) Oshawa: Vale (Buchanan, Little) Oshawa; Domm 17.54 | Penalties -- Buchanan (high sticking), Vale (high sticking), T. Peters (minor |and major for spearing) 8.12, Gay (hook ing) 10.10, Domm (holding) 15.41, THIRD PERIOD 6, Oshawa: Vale (Little) Penalties -- Cheeseman 1.25, Lastic }6.44, Lavender and Orr 7.59, Lavender (game misconduct), Gay (game miscon. duct), Blair (game misconduct), Lane (game misconduct), 17.11, Marshal! '(major), Dunnell (major) 17.11. 3.19 5.59 14.24 2. 2 4. 14.07 showers. Lavender and Gay of) the Dunnies along with Lane} and Blair of the Generals vick- WHITBY PERSONALS ed up game misconducts in the) affair, while Marshall of the) Whitby team and Dunnell of the visitors got majors for their part in the uprising. Mr. and Mrs. Ed McKim, 202 Hallett avenue, are celebrating their 21st wedding anniversary today. Their friends wish them The first period was a close|°Very, happiness. hard checking affair with) mr. and Mrs. W. A. Reid of Reeson pulling off some tremen-|Meyersburg, Ont., recently dous saves _ especially on|spent a day visiting Mrs. Reid's Buchanan and Little who were/cister and brother-in-law Mr. right in mid-way through the\and Mrs. Charles McLean, 217 opening period. The Dunnies too) Fyctid street. missed some good _ scoring chances as they were missing) Mrs. S. McLerie, 1015 Walton the open corners of the net on/boulevard, has just returned some hard drives. from a three-week holiday spent Fletcher came close to pottingjin Fise, Scotland, where she the opening goal only to havejvisited her parents Mr. and Young get the blade of his)/Mrs.-D. D. Colville. skate in the way. There was no} scoring in the initial frame and) The many friends of Mal only two penalties, both to Osh-|Femia, 331 Dovedale drive, are awa. sorry to learn that he is in the In the second period the Whit-/Oshawa General Hospital, they by team really started to roll'wish him a prompt recovery. BROCK Evening Shows At 6:55 & 8:25 WHITBY Last Complete Show 8:25 THE PRESCRIPTION 1S LAUGHTER eed WHEN BRITAIN"S -- NEWEST AND MOST TOP COMEDY STARTLING GIMMICK TEAM SHOW ON THE SCREEN... THE HILARIOUS SIDE OF © PATIENT AND NURSE RELATIONS. sora VINCENT PRICE 'A WILLIAM CASTLE PRODUCTION ° RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT William Shields and George Zebrak attended a dinner at} arden of Royal Yortk| |Hotel, Toronto, sponsored by the| Toronto Passenger Club, Ernest | and| lthe Roof G |Bartlett, world traveller writer of travel news, was the guest speaker. His theme was on the subject of - promoting Canada, abroad and here at home. He told his listeners to be} proud of being Cenadian and/ to wear a Maple Leaf Pin when} out of the country. He said we} could be helpful and friendly to! visitors here in Canada whe n| we chzce to meet them. Later| Mr. Shields and Mr. Zebrak/| |went on to an Oktoberfest held at the German Harmonie Club, |Sherbourne street, Toronto. Many travel agents from the | Southern Ontario area were entertained at this traditional |Munich celebration. Lorna and Gordie, twin chil- }dren of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon' |Kenzie, 706 Clarence drive, are) clebrating their third birthdays today. Friends of the family wish Lorna and Gordie a happy birthday. Part of the entertainment was the judging of an abstract jpainting by Dean Baker of |Flowers. by Dean. Rev. and |Mrs. John Smith were present- le with the painting as winners jof-the judging. Poems were re- cited all in the Beatnik atmo- sphere and also'the lunch serv- jed, SCUGOG CLEANERS & Shirt Launderers FREE Pick-up & Delivery Daily PHONE 668-4341 12.21] WHITBY DUNLOP JUNIOR HOCKEY CLUB Season and Subscriber Tickets Now on Sale Whithy Community Arena Box Office FIRST COME -- FIRST SERVED AVOID THOSE HOCKEY LINE-UPS SEASON TICKET PLAN: COMPLETE SEASON Price Per Game of 16 Home Games 1.00 Adults 16.00 50c Students 8.00 25c Children 4.00 Mail cheques payable to The Whitby Community Arena. Your tickets for the season will be mailed direct to you. Subscriber Plan... Customer pays "Holding Fee' of 2.00 per sect, tickets reserved for all games including playoffs, must be picked up prior to game at Arena box YOUR HOME We believe there's none finer than Winterseal Aluminum Doors and Windows ... You can see the quolity and value! WINTER SEAL ALUMINUM BASEMENT STORMS AS LOW AS Fast and Simple Installation With Only A Screw Dri-mr +.» Just Takes A Minute! WINTERSEAL 80 TO 100 UNITED INCHES == ]5 95 EACH 100" to 110"... 18.95 installed 22.95 115 BROCK STREET WHITBY office, JUST NORTH OF THE ARNOLD'S °°: OPEN THURS. TILL 8 P.M, -- FRI. TILL 9 P.M. -- WED. TILL 6 P.M. SAVE ON GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS OF GUARANTEED QUALITY COOKED 89: HAM BREAKFAST BACON 99 = rl Ue FIRST GRADE 90' Ib FRESH LOCAL POULTRY e TURKEYS e CAPONS SMOKED READY COOKED Boneless HAMS 7 5 FRESH HAMBURG STEAK 3 lbs SKINLES WIENERS - 1.00 SLICED SIRLOIN. WING T-BONE STEAKS SLICED RINDLESS Cc ib CREAMERY Butter CUSTOM MADE -- FACTORY ASSEMBLED READY TO INSTALL DOUBLE TRACK WINDOWS 19.50 INSTALLED A housetime investment, the quality and crafts- OPENING SIZE READY TO manship of Winterseal storm screen windows EADY UNITED INCHES INSTALL 0" to 48" . 10.95 installed 14.95 | GUARANTEE inal sar eran windy 48" to 60" 12.95 installed 16.95 WINTERSEAL 4 ™ 60° 'to 80" . 13.95 installed 17.95 80" to 100" .... 15.50 installed 19.50 | 2'6" x 6'6" SIZE. Larger 2 2°10" x 610" sizes ... Tempo Door Amazing low price for an exceptional aluminum combination door. Pre-hung . .. the Tempo can be installed on your door frame with a screwdriver. Steel hinges, pneumatic door closer, storm check . . . Complete weather seal, 25% THICKER... SEALMASTER DOOR A full 144" Thickness for extra strength and jong service, the Seal- $33,905 master, only DEPENDABLE QUALITY ENJOY THE FUEL SAVING AND COMFORT OF ALUMINUM WINDOWS...» NOW! With @ Beaver BLACO 6 month deferred budget plan there is nothing. down of nothing to pay for 6 months. Ask todey. AS LOW AS 10.00 A MONTH Bowmanville 96 Kina St. E. 623-3388 |