Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Oct 1963, p. 26

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| t oday : asain 2 Meet Pearson | "ove xm secs : ret aaa , as ADVERTISING OTTAWA (CP) -- Emperor Tortie Soc bxcha unless Paes $. has ve . a : + Laurentn WO $144 44 aM 7s (Continued from Page 25) Haile Selassie planned today to) Odd ol, xd--Ex-dividend, Pe Quemont ~ 7 3 +04 on 46M rights, xw--Ex-warrants. q my with Prime Minister) from previous board-lot closing. sole. 1 * ' a Rayrock pd 85 ' ie ns ie 44 Thomson nT en 25 136 136 136 ' 11:00 Ne? --% $18V2 18¥2 18¥2 130--Automobiles Wanted |Pearson the question of esta-} stock _sales_High Low a.m. Ch'ge i958 TO 1960 Chevrolet or Pontiac, stand-\lishing formal diplomatic ties INDUSTRIALS 1 who pedo of ae Telephone i | , ss 165 16% + Ve e 4 Hg +% si nd 2 2 Kernaghan & Co. ts as 8 30 +1 OF 2 MEMBERS OF ¥ STOCK Be Se nee ne between Canada and Ethiopia wo 70 70 "*| Chimo 7200 th 360 pence Ee LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars|and possible Canadian technical rece: FO cn Soe 48% a |for_wrecking. Highest prices paid. 220/aiq to the African country. Ale Di'w am 3 m8 mS 1101. Alta Gas 165 $29 % pee ILS ; 2000 , abantadess-yonwil LINE seen eo. ee he final ac- N Senator -- 2000 » ranged as one of the Algoma 60 ee 65 170 + Un K 500 555 3 31--Automobile Repair lites ofa. threeday tate] Atma, Say Be grt » Be <2 3 conte es @ & "} | TORONTO-MONTREAL _ A Judy 'Aiared ot visit here by the emperor. 'Anthes A 225 $70 70 70 San sit ie SV Ye| C 4000 15 15 --¥aj Opemiska 220 800 800 800 on 106 1 ws --1 725-41 104 inaee bed Zenmac «2000: 25¥2 20% 2A-- Ve ONTARIO le and A sister to Douglas} ~HIOUSTON'S GARAGE He flies today to Bermuda for) Ae 5 Pn las 'se 7% S Pete oo 0 «© +10 400 1 4000 ii and SERVICE STATION [a brief rest before embarking) {jan acc 2002 $19% moo 510 SOs SS -- a0 Sales fo 11:00 a.m.: 1,114,000 RES. pond Ace R. se, HENRY: 8523 % Ss8e BERSSRE 8a. 885 Wentworth East. i : i » 2 GSHAWA Auto Parts and Ato Wreckers,| A private talk with Prime Alte Gas w 125 825 025 025, 45 hag Nelson Street, Syd cars for wreck-\wfinister Pearson was to be ar- A br Bg Rg id f=] i 25M A SHKURATOFF -- Nick and Gail = on a tour of several independ-| Atin 6 pr 10100 $25% Bae Atl Sugar 250 $1822 43 143 143 «41 400 1 1 1 FOREIGN TRADING to announce the a TEXACO ent African countries. oot a ate ; oan .. ie A | 2500 4500 HON TRADING 35 p or : : « Bank NS 17 $712 71% 71 pe PRODUCTS The emperor was asked . ede Ree ssi sist 6 a. 35 .>1.. establish ment of diplomatic) Beil Phone 371 $53% a te %| Medal 430. 425 430 15 ' Bow Valley 100 500 500 5 67 KING ST. WEST links between his country and oS oe aia ek +4 SPROUL -- Jim and Shirley wish to 723-7822 Canada at @ press conference D5 $27% 27% 27% t a8 sng the arrival of their son, David I Tuesday. He replied: 445 $23 23 pil ; Pie eae Lae Henry, on 1963, at Oshawa Gen-|32--Articles For Sale a 1 statea| 2 0 $245 2456 312.18 od eral tospital. A new brother for Tim and 'Wien I came here, I sta 10 $107% 10734 107% 24V2 242 24Va + Va Debbie. Special Menke fu Dr. Ress. Seca bon te 1404 siyine ne var that I was here to fortify and 'i gers Hepes S¥a-- Ve 7°=«2017:«*NN's--=s-2. STOVIN -- Stanley and Ruth (nee Mc-|gein our loss, no warehouse avaliable.|strengthen the tes between OUr! Burrard A 250 $7¥ ah a i pe 'ome su 7 3 "Ghee) are happy to annosn-e.the birth ot Sna*forseater "chesterfieids, some with| COUNTIES. Crow os a bar daughter, ee lizabeth, 6 Ibs. 1538 «(158 «158 --S foam cushions and backs, your choice Can Cem 800 7 ozs., on October 8, 1963 at Oshawa Gen- ' ~ ' Fg ah ee 500 10% 10% 10%2--1 $168.88; three-piece bedroom suites, €D Sui ib $: 7 2 Kopa' st ep A sister for Jeanette, Dove eotoie. dressers, it mirrors, $88.88 Up; Can Perm 25 Naine on 300 $34¥2 34¥2 34 washing machine with pump, $98.88 with on é pea, ere | om 2 1 8 Bee a Baa Bh INTRODUCE your son or daughter with trade. All above new merchandise. Also C Brew 1925 0 Ve L Osu 1000 1% 18 an Oshawa Times birth notice. The rate|900d selection of used ranges, refriger- is C Brew A pr 305 3 30 is $1.50, Phone 723-3492 and our staff will|ators, televisions, Honest' Cal's, King CBAL A w 200 75 75 --5 MINES 1000 271 220 assist you in writing a notice, Street, 728-9191. 1 0) Chemcell 450 $10% 10% 107+ % 500 140 140 jo 1 3 set; Chemclipr 225 $21% 21% 21% 550 705 705 705 --5 7%, % - Y 3 FOR THE FAMILY THAT MOSTLY new Siivertone kitchen Pana matress unease i € Drege" 'sm 990 30 Son Sean" * : DESERVES THE BEST! 2 box spring and matfress (unpacked); step C Drege 300 350 350 350 / table; electric water tank (completé); rs Cc Found 387 $18V2 1842 18¥2+ %! Area wo 15 1S 15 Malartic . 500 Pe , a oe. bar; bookcase; Hollywood divan. Apply ive ea C.imp Bk C 9 Siam 63s Giia-- Ah CHOICE--PLUMP--TENDER Y nit reet. .. BUCKNELL, Lawrence Herbert ed SE ote et ___ ee TORONTO (CP) -- A Toronto) c Marc zi0 375 375 375 > . ys ta At Memorial Hospital on Tue:day morn. HOUSEHOLD Trin gas and ollicontractor who contended his| CPR 1314 $34Ye 337% 33% -- % : | Ing, October 8, 1963, Lawrence tion, Also a gas c f Cdn Tire 125 $3414 34% 34%e+ Ve al of 14 Carlisle 'Avenue, be-|stove. _T PR 3 four-month sentence for PpOS-| ¢ Tire a 200 $28 28¥2 282-- % loved husband of Sarah Featherston, dear ANTIQUE GUN sessing stolen goods was exces-| C Util 100 $31% 31% 31%-- % father of Mrs. H. Meincke (Jean) of WANTED 'ely harsh had his term in-| ¢, Westno 35 $33¥2 33% 33/2 + Va|RUMMAGE Sale, Simcoe Hall Thursday,|BINGO, Bathe Park, Eulalle Avenue, Hamilton, Mrs. W. G. cs nated (Lois) hd Telephone Oshawa 725-8183. sively hars a S$ Chrysier 10 $1001 100% 100% + 1%4|October 10, at 1.30 p.m. Auspices North-| Thursday 2 p.m. Euchre Saturday 8 p.m. Willowdale, Mrs. R. creased to five years Tuesday] Ciairtone 200 4 7% minster Church UCW. Aten Rete at he 'iota rer mately 630 sects of ister size typing by Ontario Court of Appeal. Con Bldg w Zr 855 $85 555 NOVEL BINGO RUMMAGE Smith Funeral Home. Funeral, service BNP" astewe Times once," wattes | Theodore Trella, 48, had: been Con M$ 425 $284 28% 2e--%) THUReDAY EVENINGS 7:45 Thursday. afternoon, Interment Highland|!!)_Oundas Street _ West. convicted in May of possessing) Cor GaS'n 1996 si1% 117 11%--%| ot ST. GEORGE'S HALL SALE Memory Garden, Toronto. Go Hurine sith hunting vos agli women's clothing and a $750 Cosmos 100 sor 10 10% e+ % (Albert and Jackson. Sts.) Dominion Tire! Guns, ammun 1, Clo! j j sap- restbri 0 HALL, Sarah Ethel ing etc. Best prices in town. Try Do ring of twin diamonds and P Crow's wn 200 ag de 14a +1 PPh $6, $12, $20 U.A.W.A. HALL Entered Into rest in the Oshawa Gen-iminion Tire Store, 4 Bond West. paaies me was igs the ara Dist Seag 375 $53% 59% 59%-- doubled or tripled. : Pry re eral Hospital on vesday, ober 8) oe, mon erm y agis ra D Coal pr 4500 1% WW Wa+h 1963, Sareh Magill, Brediwirn, widow of[USEO Car parts, used tires all sizes.) ORD 2 OS Dom Elect 220 $il2 11% Mia $170 1 IN JACKPOTS THURSDAY, Oct. 10 PURE: PORK - the late John Robert Hall and step-|S0"Rio, East, dial 723-2281. edi ; Dofasco 75 $644 64V4 64M 1 Doro prize $15 10:30 A.M mother of Lioyd Hall of Harwood, On- : 4 He appealed the sentence as $194 19% 94+ . oA SAUSAGE tario; Leslie Hall of Oshawa, in her|BUYING or selling furniture on appll- h h. Th ttorney - gen- 32 $15% 15% 154+ 83rd year. Resting at tz Armstrongiances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or too harsh. ea dda $15% 15% 15% B | N G Sponsored by Duke of Edinburgh Funeral Home, Oshawa, with memorial] 263-2695. eral's department also filed an Sih 7% Vet Wg ne pap CLUBHOUSE Home and Schoo! Association MEAT SS ee ea service In the Chapel on Friday, October/rypewRITERS, adding machines, supjappeal, declaring the sentence if $40% 4070 40% i at 2 p.m. interment Nestieton Ceme- : : Exquisite A ae P. plies, rentals, sales and service. All ma- too light in view of Trella's 17 ipa br rr a ave aie EULALIE AVE. tery. hi teed. Cook's Office Equip- ; rey i ment, 10 Richmond Street East. 722-800. [previous convictions, four for Fam Play 250 $106 lh Wed. Oct. 2nd . City of batt - SPECIALLY SELZCTED----FULLY COOKED-- PKG. LOCKE'S FLORISTS ONE HAND-CARVED fable, five chairs.|receiving stolen goods. ree Gis ts bak ee BPM rogressive Conservative SHORT SHANK MAPLE LEAF SKINLESS, DEFATTED Full price, $75. ncomplete | dining aa Globe A 100 $10% 10% 10% + % -- Association FOUR VARIETIES Funeral arrangement and {suite $15. Telephone 66-4000. 3 Arti For Sal GL Power 339 $23 23 23 ADMIRAL ii" television, $40, Good con-|32--Articles For Sale Gr Wpg vt 250 $175 17.17 : hb. UN i. cts dition, Telephone 728-4783. USED televisions from $39.95, various Greyhnd y 20 $13 hg ag TO-NIGHT TESTIMONIAL Ll CH OSHAWA SHOPPING |RRIVATE sale. household effects, Wurm Appliance, 78 simose Street North, fele-| Hardee 300 288 290 995. 5 LIONS BINGO DINNER WELL TRIMMED--FULLY COOKED--SMOKED MEAT ture, dishes, etc. Apply "109 King Street CENTRE Ea, Suma. ae ners, 28 ih a ht . gc IMMACULATE full length lace wedding|WE buy. sell and exchange used furni- ay' ls Ve ; ; 4 8 24 HOUR FHONE SERVICE gown, only 5 months ord, hoops, match-|ture or anything you have. The City aoe Pr ue ae. 210 uh 8:00 P.M. AB. WALKER, M.P.P. Ib. Cc PGS. 728-6555 ing. vi Dan lect, size 10. Only 8 |Traqing Paw Slots, 446 Simene, Sree) cr erie 10 sus ur Uh + % JUBILEE 6 P.M, THURSDAY Home A 800 $13% 13% 13%4~--V OCTOBER 10th STORM window, 58¥2 by 28; two sash Bhat ete adders, cashiers, cel Home B 100 $14% 14% 144+ windows 29% x 30; one jacket heater, |cators, ters, Husky w 200 25 2 2 =F MEMORIALS also one breeding bird cage. Telephone| three hundred new and used. We buy. Imp Oil 250 BY 3% PAVILION Guest Speaker: WISE BUY!--SAVE 9cl. 6c OFF TWIN PACK... MARBLE enc GRANITE _ |723-403. Pace AS oro kate Wally eealiew ae ee ea og Senator Alistair Grosart a 28-07. igni i i i it bu with con-|----_* Z . . " sieiek No ' Cc posi Siation, Bemaing '? [tres Gall Horry ©. Perry Lid. 722346, DRESS, gold Tame, size 9, new $15. Ni noe a ak secant ge gn Bl PICCADEY RGOM LIBBY S PUMPKIN 2 TINS 37 nian is Installation, Repairs y i Open Evenings Until 9 | TYPEWRITER, one_porabe, one. sanc-/220",c}0,"as"2Ge Ylepnane ss ity | I rong pr 26% 26% EXTRA BUSES GENOSHIA HOTEL WISE BUY!--SAVE 6c!--FANCY QUALITY d; electric adding eming- sieht sata int Nickel 6% 66 6658-- Ye : Oshawa Monument Co. |ton 'electric calculator; Sunbeam reeetric|@OLF clubs, Wright and Dixon leftnand-| {nt Nic $23% 23% 23% -- V4 FREE ADMISSION $3 Per Plate. Everyone Welcome : 14-02. shaver, Very reasonable terms. 723-4434. |ed set, 2 woods, five irons, golf bag, $40. $84%0 8470 84% Ladies and Gentlemen T CORN 2 aia E u ¥ 1435 King Street East -----| Doyble mirror door wardrobe, wainut fin- 728-3111 AQUA-LUNG wet suit jacket, -- ish, excellent condition, $20. After 5 p.m. Kelly wis 7 Ped x size, In excellent condition. Jacket only, Pema 728-0633, Labatt s18% a am OSH AWA J AYCEES T BUY!--SAVE 9cl--STOKELY'S FANCY $25. Telephone 725-0. H STORES -- Tires, Bat-/ Lakeland 430 +1 RIMAR LADIES' size 12 and 14, good . skirts, fried, Kelvinator refrigerators, television. Lakeland pr 50 "0 'ih 'in 48-0Z. © dresses, formals and besques, size 34./thritty Budget Plan. 725-4543, Lambin Ln 100 TINS - elephone , Lav Fin 7s sis 13% 196 M tT BINGO Th d AO 10t ; MEMORIALS EIGHT squares of insulbrick siding,| Prag' vestimstes, Paris," attachments,| £2¥,f, 200 225 $39 ae onsfer urS ay ct. Tl BUY!--SAVE 9cl--FANCY QUALITY Free doors, windows and storms, Reasonable.|) ches h G teed rebuilt ma : " ade 15-02. Digniedend Dine femme Sirti Vow bn] Ea Hak a tt) | -20 GAMES, AT $20, "age -- AYLMER PEAS -- > 4m 69° LADIES' skirts and dresses, size 12 to Loeb M Va 192 Wat MONUMENT 16, Reasonable. Telephone 725-9356. 20 GAUGE repeating shotgun, practically} M8 and PR rr) Ya 25Ve 250+ % $20 PER oo PLUS $50 PER FULL CARD WISE BUY!---SAVE'Sc!--3c OFF PACK... : 4 F y yi FLAT MARKERS [SECTAIE sue, cow Som oa yam ee owing | Sicton Ae tne ie 2 -- $250 JACKPOTS v8. In Designs For Any Need |sounds. Complete $130. After 6, 728-2927.|Goop, used Viking electric range, Ree Moore SPs S20 + Ww JACKPOT NOS. 52, 57 PKG. 152 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa SINGER floor model, well taken care of|sonable offer. Telephone 728-1968. Nia Wire B 100 $15. 1515 $10 PER LINE PLUS $200. PER FULL CARD, IN 52, 57 WISE BUY!--SAVE 5e 723-1002 728-6627 | _|eewing machine. $10. Telernone 720007). WEDDING 'dress, pure white satin, full| Noranda | 440. $97%4 37 37'4-- Ye) NUMBERS THIS WEEK PLUS $25 CONSOLATION PRIZE 1 i , . ir - LB. sisted Evenings pores pve tgraoe ag sensed Teleohons ied plete eae: crown, veil, Ogiivie 375 $11%4 14% 14% -- % $150 TOTAL PRIZES Ear y sap ae THESE TWO GAMES + 728-0904 ofter 5 o'clock. Top decoration for wedding cake. Com-| Ont Steel 1310 $22% 22 22% PKGS. Visit LIONEL 'electric train, with tracks, 15. stand Bd aelt ovens Pagerers "300 $190 Wie Wine we ee ee Red Barn, Oshawa sesien V8° WISE BUY! -- SAVE 4c: Like new. Whitby 668. TWO single beds, mattress very clean,| phantom 100 140 140 140 : . MOUNT LAWN BLACK, Perisan paw coat, full IF length, -- ~e a ---- Bow Corp ' 0 $104 10% 104 + ve € size 16, good condition, $50. Telephone|/BABY clothes, nighties, ating 9, rice Bros V2 36%4 A-- % FREE ADMISSION FOR PARK 723-7605 after 6 p.m. dresses, also other small articles for boys} QN Gas 150 $85 8% 858+ Ve irls; *scoat, size 6. Tele-| Revelstk pr 140 $20%4 20% 20% WISE BUY!--SAVE 11c!--ALUMINUM 12 INCH EM CONSOLE dining room table and four and girls; heavy r ! pigpe GARDENS Sn OEE, © ote Coa aaa mie Ramee"! WHITBY BRASS BAND BINGO 100-F7. mae Lerten i . 7 : ny offer. Apply 821 Hortop Avenue, Oshawa. StL CpApr 25$101 101 101 +1 y fs 5 ? . ss a ALMOST NEW, baby carriage, bronze | Salada 215 $11% 11% 1%4--% Beautifully maintained os o color, hardly used. Two 1ylo1 snow suits.|CHROME high chair $10; walker jumper) Shawin Ind 40 490 490 WISE BUYI--SAVE /c!--2c OFF PACK tribute to the memory of Size 1, one pink, one blue. Telephone'chair, play pen, swing, stroller, Thistle} Sshell Can $17¥%e 17% 17Ve mony past residents of On- | Whitby 668-2898. pram, $25. All in new condition. Tele-| Slater Stixd $1014 10% 10% CLUB BAYVIEW, BYRON South, WHITBY : 15. a, $s " tario County PROFESSIONAL Helene Curtis hair|Phone after 6.90 p.m. Ajax, 942-0462. Steel Can 2143 $222 22% : dryer, three heats, two chrome dryer|BUY and sell, good used furniture and| sel a ed 52) y WEDNESDAY OCT 9th { : Several new gardens recent- chairs; one shampoo chair, also sink.|appliances. One location only. Pretty's) ters a ed Sis ; i 600 --~6 ~y arranged with religious Start your own business for $65 com- Furniture, 4 Ah Simcoe S: South, 723-3271. ot TFINA 1615 $112 112 Wh--% ' stotuse throughout, oe, sae GRAVITY furnace nd pipes, AT condi) Tr Con PL m0 sine au 34% (Early Bird Game 7:45, 50/50 Share The Wealth % FRESH PRODUCE * . Ms ' sth t BALLERINA length wedding dress, size|tion, $25. Telephone 725-6134. Trans Mt 700 $15% evidence that not only is ia z , $25. Deep blue nylon formal, size 10, Trans PPL 500 $81% i Mount Lawn one of the first |415. 'Cocktail dress, white and blue. nylon, eter Tae cn ea Un Ac 2pr 100 $ti%@. 11Y $150.00 Special -- Must Go DELICIOUSLY REFRESHING Ne U%+% in Canada but, is now the size 10, $10. Royal blue suede carcoat, . -- $75.00 FULL CARD ii size 10-12, $4. Olive green coat, size 8-10,|5 HP Viki tboard tor, two ye . . be finest. ss. oui ampere skirt and sweater, jel. Like, new. eee a $15.00 each Horizontal Line NO. i CALIFORNIA Very moderate cost plots are | 51208. B14 20 cents to $2. m gee itine & Dem ot. See I T naan ovalionle in these no ook. phone 755-6706. offers accepted. Tel /2i GENERAL Electric floor model tele- ncome ax ee nee" niet Oe Ibs ens. i vision. R ble. Whitby 668-8369. e 20 GAMES $20 pas 5 GAMES $30 COAT, lady's three-quarter length, size yr eng Hr TER "or information or transportation |18 brown, four ladies skirts, size 16, girl's og Le gales ong A os oe Change Aids 2 JACKPOT GA PHONE 723-2633 ase ede eaueeeaeaaned - siciast Telephone 7286-4047. Apply 290 Montrave, 10) G MES $250.00 BELOW Ta Gre Sanwa Apartment 4. R e se ch Se NOS. 52, 54 TREE RIPENED wey, NUTRITIOUS AND DELICIOUS NO. 1 jalf-price: Canadian 10 volumes, 2 if book, Ri . ar tup c CARD OF THANKS clopacdio 1 volume, Boake, Popuier|93----Market esket | Monnaie ip Children under 16 will not be admitted. ORANGES ic 2 voz. 89° | Sweet Potatoes PET cience, volumes. Lands an , TOES, Di shel, ae si 7 volumes. All in new condition, and ae atten Mea Pick ek "own, lional Industrial Conference FREE ADMISSION FLAVOURFUL, RED RIPE i FRESH OCEAN SPRAY 3 MARK -- 'The family of the tate Paullrap7ass evenings Se ES Brin coe Sr Tuthet oni 'Coac|B0ard says a change in TOMATOES '*°7.c:° 19°| CRANBERRIES _ };?: 29¢ Mark wish fo express their appreciation]: On a Re ae grrr ire oniohes $1.50 per bushel. W. Eymann,|tax regulations has spurred Ca- TUBE PKG. for acts of of si TOR, 12 cubic ft, 3 years pathy and beautiful floral tributes pak old; automatic stove, 10 months old;|¥2 mile east of Nichols Garage, Courticenadian activity in the fields of tended to them by neighbors, friends;washing machine all Viking 5 Medd i oS IEEE Mibeeraoten| FE Ti Ey} : and relatives; to those who acted as pall.|Wood and coal stove; Phoenix sewing| 7 $1 per bushel, pick your| mont. research and develop- OMING | | SAVE 9c!--ROBIN HOOD bearers, Dr. King, Mcintosh - Anderson|Machine built in desk; TV; shoe andjown, bring containers. Apply William SAVE 5c!---OCEAN SPRAY Funeral Home, also to Pastor M. Gutt-|Utility cabinet; box trailer, 4' by 6'; two|Sacks, Thorntons Corners South, first) An income tax provision, ini- PIE CRUST MIX 2 FOR 69¢ CRANBERRY SAUCE z i loudspeakers; cabinets; | 5 Ravens "churc tor" hls "Comfring|sies,? od one pair offing oor tice, "7 ve S» Satin ©" Wesitiated in April, 1962, allows cor- Sa a ae sare Bette sate arpa |oratins fe Gade IN ger eon THE OSHAWA TIMES Tenderflake LARD 2,\7,39° (2 "522 age PR! TINS Mrs, Paul Mark and family. Cal Pickering 942-2117. and Spys. $1.00 per bushel and up. Gien-/9f ay 'ncrease over their 1961 BOAT, 12 ft, aluminum, Teenee trailer,|osha Farms, Townline North '2 milelexpenditures on rese: 7¥4 hp Evinrude motor. All in good condi-|south of Taunton. Telephone 7 ldeveloomiant. arch and SAVE 10cl--MAPLE LEAF FEATURE!--SUPREME Jury Unable To auisrine er eter yur own orn 1 dae, to Cy a SUTVEY of 100 manatae 2% d VY N 11) MINCEMEAT tre' 45° CHOCOLATE TREATS greenhouses, cottages, garages, etc./tainer. Rossiand Road, half 'mile east of SAVE 22c!--MAPLE LEAF CANNED j ascuirs 29° Cheap. Ajax 942-5631 or residence|No. 2 Highway. Go north to farm on/found firms with lar e h 2 942-3133, Gerdun Street, a ge researc V oe pak lepartments, employing more Ya4B. each Verdict soc mx am ss xo whee a nie Teeohre iy an 100 scientists, have: not al: MIDGET HAMS) aw 1.49 d d i : SAVE 4c!--FANCY QUALITY SLICED SAVE 4cl--SAVE-ALL Ov Bl i] door light bar, editor and splicer, all In| sst-2ns0 - pedo programs as yet, but 20.02 ° ion, $240. : intend to : ' er ackmai RANGE, eciicgav oven fur burs Gun "cers. Huon ha ta A coted cea DOLE PINEAPPLE 7°; 37°| WAX PAPER sr 27 | TORONTO (CP)--A jury de-|phone after 5 pim., Whitby s6bansr, |yassou, "n'y Crowe Motel Covrlice.) Most response to the incen- ]] SAVE 6cl--STUFFED MANZANILLA L.P. po af Kone PS liberated 3% hours Tuesday be-/HONEST Cary Furnivure and A APPLES, and Shows, $1.00 ana|tiVe came from firms with med-| © York CREAM CORN y ; 55¢ KLEENEX NAP 'INS 33° fos entoaiclag could. mot. Wheel) Wate Sach, isi Seal "Rea seal emrlaing wea ee . SAVE 20ch--15¢ OFF f sac foun me ue wh Pi eR i aa mo Sn oer den een tee] Starting Tuesday, October 15th | MCLAREN'S OLIVES '2x 33: | SPIC & SPAN %ax" 67° jonest Cal's on King|Orchards. . Vernon i, Bewley, 48, charged Srl eu coy Rano hw souanoes dz wou Tp be M0 SUFVENED companies in hi g y, Uctober JAR SUPREME FROZEN FOOD with attempted blackmail of a 25 six-quart basket, Pick your own,|Category said they have taken SAVE 9cl--ASSORTED--SERVER ECONOMY PACK Taronto dactor. CEDAR TREES cash oF "Nichols, Garage, "court ha eg gon shisiad This newspaper will include a lucky reader's name Aylmer RELISHES Car * 4gc FANCY PEAS * 2 he 8. Age The doctor, whose name is ; A projects and und each. da mewh --C RSCO ECON being withheld at the request of| For hedges, etc. Choice qual- |34--Lost ond Found ~~ undertaking new seh hed sa va in the Classified Advertising SAVE 2c!--CHOCOLATE - BUTTE Hes : OMY PACK ta Judge Robert Forsyth, claimed) 'tY, sucrcnteed. Free esti- The NICB, an independent ieee VAN KIRK CHIP. IT. PKG. 3l¢ KERNEL CORN BAG 49¢ + LOST: Siamese cat, vicinity King East, Bewley phoned him shortly] 'tes ond delivery. Now is |pitson road and Athol Streets. Reward.|and non-profit institution, de- the time to plant. Call 725-3006, 251 King Street East, : 7 after the latter's release from g pends on voluntary contribution FIND YOUR. NAME WESTON OR SUNBEAM Popular a9et SUPREME Abrek on Kingston penitentiary. Phone Clarke 612 |36--Legal from business . organizations, . 1 2 TO He said Bewley d him < F° RE" ible for any -debts|PFOfessional firms, trade asso- Cinnamon Buns ' 35¢ of having sexual relations with aN; TOWER contracted in my. marnes Oh oF aren, 'tis ciations, labor unions, universi- co hip Pil An tebe with two ESM DAILY! SUPREME si RAISIN PIES mua 49° F SUPREME his wife while Bewley was in ; date, October 9, 1963, by anyone, without/ties and government a -- Eric A. Gardner, gencies. jail and demanded $1,000. Special Ng mm" Uioyd" sree "Oshawa, Ontario. ner) It is a problem in Canada to 3 DO-NUTS ow 29° FRUIT CAKE euocx 59¢ K The doctor said Bewley 40 ft. Tower Structure recruit competent scientists to threatened to report him to the) With All-Channel_ Antenna TENDER staff research departments, medical profession and beat Installed $50. says the report, because of a ICE CAPADES OF 1964 him up. en ani Supply Ltd.} seoted inne wilt be re scarcity of talent and stiff com- wiih "A FE W) E S Bewley claimed the doctor ibbons St. 728-8180 ceived the undersigned jpetition from domestic and ic ns at the Toronto Maple Leaf y admitted improper conduct and What's My Line? up until 5 p.m., October. 17 |United States firms. aeiakor @ through-12th . Gordons, ° . first offered him a car and y Lines for the demolition of a house 9 : SPROULE'S DUFFY'S MARKE CORNER SIMCOE AT MILL 948 SIMCOE STREET NORTH cheque before they settled on a Buying or selling used fur- at 33 Bagot Street in Oshawa. IS NEW IDEA ; -- ies can 5 racy eg nn cpg ead Oshawa Public Utilities \| LONDON (CP) -- A company) Watch for your name in the Oshawa Times wley was arrested when he : : Commission, has suggested the building of ; 9 went to collect the money in the Valley Creek Furniture 100 tinces | derack South, a glass bridge over the Thames Next Tuesday, October 15th BROWN S MARKETERIA MAPLE GROVE MARKET doctor's office. A new trial will) 728-4401 II ot the th a hotel it. The b: BROOKLIN, ONTARIO MAPLE GROV be necessary, 16/4 Bond We Oshewe. Ncaid cane nenriy #8 so 8 : E, ONTARIO / o

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