Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Oct 1963, p. 16

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Igageed weese verre rePrT st AEA etl Os ian naa 278 Se tonaga gn om Sa eaeaws reas, | Bilingual (Continued from Page 15) By KEN SMITH a0. | nd four-seater i H ( il j | Scorgie. | stove. MCCARTHY -- Jim and Pauline are happy fo announce the arrival of a daugh- ter, Susan Marie, 10 Ibs. 1 oz., on October 4 ag Bi at Oshawa General Hospital. A sister for and Shelia. PIGDEN -- Howard and Margaret (nee 10lminion Tire Store, 48 Bond 'West. ind 4th floor staff. "ip vole ryt Choosing a name lid should be a rea! pleasure i 'ent to know your choice. hild as quickly as possible use the individual name in an Osh- awa Times Birth Announcement. Just call our Classified Department, give the fects, inctud! the name, and we will --e 8 Birth Notice in the next edition. dust dial 723-3492. ;|32--Articles For Sale ' [FORCED TO Lagerrg New furniture, JoAnne, Leo, Jeanie, Dougie, arriving. Your gain our loss, Sa wai Fi chrome suites, gfe lent foam cushions and backs, your andi $168.88; three-piece bedroom suites, double areevers, pect ag cbr ee oan ups washing machine with pump, trade. "All above new lage Also good selection of used ri ators, televisions, Honest eears, King Street, 728-9191. osetia lsh tt 41h IE a Ee ORS OME ONE COMPLETE set = snow tires, 670- 5. 668-3490 after 5.30. WEDDING gown, white satin and yo with lace train, ta tahstheoe 16, dry cone. $225, selling $25. OIL tanks (2) 100 gallon, one nase motor and blower. Dial 728-3492. MOSTLY new Silvertone kitchen set; bookcase single bed; chest of drawers; box spring and mattress (unpacked); step table; electric water tank (complete);) bar; bookcase; Hollywood divan. Apply' 1527 Lakeside Street. ®P lat' the annual meeting of the .|Canadian Chamber of Com- QUEBEC (CP)--The issite of bilingualism sprang up Monday] V¥' merce as the Montreal branch of the businessmen's organiza- ition called for more use of French by the federal govern- ment. A full-scale panel discussion of the question is to be held later today with Eric Kierens, re- cently appointed as revenue minister of Quebec, and Marcel Faribault, president of the Gen- eral Trust of Canada, scheduled to take part. The bilingualism question came up after the 50-man policy committee of the chamber had approved proposals calling for HOUSEHOLD furniture, in good cond tion. Also combination gas and oll 723-1989. * ANTIQUE GUN WANTED Telephone Oshawa 725-8183. ;|a distinctive national flag and lacceptance of O Canada as the national anthem. Proposals submitted by cham- ber branches across Canada first STUDENTS A super value. approx) size Oshaw: Dundas. Street West. GO HUNTING with hunting supplies his are studied by the policy com- mittee and will be passed on to the full meeting of chamber del- egates Wednesday. If approved again, they will become official Dominion Tire! Guns, ing etc. Best prices In town. Try Do USED car parts, used tires all sizes, spindles and wheels for trailers. Apply 509 Bloor East, dial 723-2281. BUYING or selling furniture or appll- ances, Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or 263-2695, ITYPEWRITERS, adding machines, sup plies, rentals, sales and service. All ma- chines guaranteed. Cook's Office Lg ment, 10 Richmond Street East. 7: SOFA bed, good condition, maroon; type- good ORANGUTANS DYING VANCOUVER (CP) -- The orangutan is in danger of ex- tinction, says the Stanley Park zoo. The zoo curator said he had refused six recent offers to buy "black market" orangu- tans. "Responsible zoos all over the world should refuse to buy them," he said. writer, old style; coat, <4 3 dition. T 725-520: DEATHS RIFLE 351 Winchester, ~"Srteenaticr 74 rounds of ammunition. Case. Extra clip. Fired only 26 rounds, $100, Telephone Ajax 942-5050, GORDON, Maryann Eliza bo the Community Hospital, Port Perry, Monday, October 7, 1963, Maryann Homenrion. dearly loved wife of Ernest Gordon. Dear mother of Charles of Wel- ggg In her 83rd year. Resting at the Chapel and sticks. Telephi ONE HAND-CARVED fable, five chairs. Full price, $75. Complete dining room suite, $15. Telephone 668-4680. ADMIRAL 21" yp een $40. Good con- of hay tage " dition, T SNARE drum with brass attachments/ 725-4693. OBITUARIES FUNERAL OF MRS, STANIS HARWOOD The memorial service for Mrs. Stanis Harwood, who died at the Oshawa General Hospital Friday, Oct. 4, in her 90th year, was held in the Armstrong Fu- Port (ie for serv! a2 oa Interment jl Cemetery, Brookliin. MORRIS, Roland seater: at Oshawa Genera! Hospital on October 5, 1963, Roland Saturda pete! Gas Conant Street), beloved hus-| 7, ind of June Henderson, loving father of Gloria, William and Ronald, » Book pec PRIVATE sale, rains effects, furni- ture, dishes, etc. Apply 109 King Street a Bowmanville. IMMACULATE full length lace wedding ness only 5 months old, hoops, match- ing veil, ee Fe -aad size 8-10. Only $45. STORM -- ED by 28; two sash 29a x 30; one jacket heater, year. Resting at Funeral Home. Service in the igus oe on Tuesday, October 8 at 2 p.m. interment] 7: Cemetery. Union also one breeding bird cage. Telephone 23-4303. ' bret ne AREER NELCS DEON USED conversion oll burners with con- trols. Call Harry O. Perry Ltd., 723-3443. LOCKE'S FLORISTS Funeral arrangement ond floral requirements for all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR FHONE SERVICE 728-6555 IN MEMORIAM BABCOCK -- In loving gage of a dear mother, Lovella = pass- @d away October 8, 1 In our hearts a wan kept, For mother we Tove end. will never Ron and FP yy 2 Don. TYPEWRITER, one portable, one stand- ard; electric adding machine; Reming- ton electric calculator; Sunbeam Cerys shaver. Very reasonable terms. AQUA-LUNG wet suit jacket, awe size, in excellent condition. Jacket only, $25, Telephone 725-0542. LADIES' size 12 and 14, good skirts, dresses, formals and basques, size 34. Ti 725-71 WESTINGHOUSE wringer washer, living room drapes 84" long, 14 ft. wide, double bedspread with matching drapes. Call '|the McIntosh-Anderson Funeral neral Chapel, Monday, Oct. 7, at 2 p.m. Rev. R. G. Brooks, pastor at St. George's Memorial Anglican Church, conducted the service. Interment was in Oshawa Union Cemetery. Pallbearers were Lloyd Bryck, John Graine, Clinton Graine, Arnold Joynt, Arthur Clark and Len Mitchell. FUNERAL OF MISS QUEENA PEARSON 'The memorial service for Miss Queea Pearson, who died at the Oshawa General Hospital, Saturday, Oct. 5, was held at Home Monday at 2 p.m. Rev. L. W. Herbert, minister of King Street United Church, 725-6140. BELTONE Now Open Fridays Until 9 P.M. For your convenience 42¥2 SIMCOE NORTH OSHAWA 728-0004 ted the service for the de- ceased whose late residence was 188 Athol street east. Interment was in Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert. Pallbearers were Arthur Tam- blyn, Al'red Haverson, Bert Petch, Sylvester Lyonde, Leo Glover and Austin Hiltz. MEMORIALS MARBLE and GRANITE Designing, Carving, Lettering Installation, Repairs Open Evenings Until 9 Oshawa Monument Co. 1435 King Street East 728-3111 What's My Line? Buying or selling used fur- niture and. appliances. For your needs phone. Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 or call at the store 16% Bond W. RIMAR MEMORIALS Dignified and Distinctive MONUMENT FLAT MARKERS 33--Market Basket TOMATOES, $1 per bushel, pick your own, bring containers. Apply wiltiern Sacks, Thornton Corners South, _ first house south of Hydro sub station on West side. APPLES, Mcintosh, Cortland, Delicious and, Spys. $1.00 per bushel and up. Glen- osha Farms, Townline North Y mile south of Taunton. Telephone 728-6908. In Designs For Any Need 152 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa 723-1002 728-6627 Office Evenings | WINTER potatoes for betes store in your PICK your own corn, 25¢ dozen, tomatoes $1.00 bushel, red or green. Bring con- tainer. Rossland Road, half mile east of No. 12 Highway. Go north to farm on Garden Street. CARD OF THANKS owr home or at mine. Telephone, Whitby 668-8050. CABBAGE for sale, $1 a bushel, bring ow! 2, first house McCLELLAND -- We wish to extend our 'heartfelt thanks and, appreciation to our kind relatives, friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes received during the loss of our dear father and grandfather, Hugh McClelland. Special thanks to Mr. D. John and staff of Hillsdale Manor, Armstrong Funeral and Rev. Dr. John Leng for his consoling words. --The McLelland Family POGSON -- The family of Mrs. Leta Pogson wish to express their sogreciae n $. Highway 2, east of Cherry Grove Motel, Courtice. 725-5043. APPLES, Macintosh and Snows, $1.00 and up per bushel. Bring your own contain- ers. Thickson Road North, half-mile} north of Taunton Road West. Agloma Orchards. TOMATOES, red or green, $1 per bushel, 25c six-quart basket. Pick your own, bring containers. W. Eymann, Y-mile east of Nichols Garage, Courtice. Go north to first corner. TOMATOES for sale; also 12 acres of CITY OF OSHAWA TENDER FOR ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Sealed Tenders, marked as to contents, will be received at the office of The City Clerk, Civic Administration Building, Oshawa, Ontario, until 12:00 O'Clock Noon (E.D.S.T.) Fri- day, October 18, 1963. For the following: 20 Only Electric Ranges 20 Only Electric Refrigerators 1 Only Electric Washer, and, One (1) Only Electric Dryer. Tender Forms and Specifica- tions are available at the of- fice of the undersigned. Lowest or any Tender, not necessarily accepted. W. J. Crompton, Purchasing Agent. At Chamber Talk Issue omen policy for the next 12 VOTE UNANIMOUS : The suggestions about a flag and an anthem were passed unanimously .and with no de- bate. The committee did not suggest a design for the flag. Tost of the policy debate, which continues today, moved quickly until Montreal's propo- sal about bilingualism came up. It oceupied most of the re- mainder of Monday's session. The Montreal proposal origi- nally called for a program to be started to ensure that all fed- eral deputy ministers be flu- ently bilingual. arodev's Toronto Stock Market Listings fight xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is, previous board-lot closing sale. 11:00 Net Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge INDUSTRIALS Ackland Ackind pr Alta Dist TN Net ris High Low a.m. Ch'ge 240 $T1'"2 Te 7VA 210 eta 1% 12 199 $42 42 11:00 Net Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Int Nickel 285 $66% 66% 66% -- % Int Stl P inv Syn A LOnt Cem Lakeland pr Laura Sec Lau Fin Leland Stock tl ah n $15% 15%e 15% + 'ere ge Og Wis 40 45 425 --5 Li 183 180 180 x 0 3 0 169 25 130 us §Sse ox 2 esSzgéae = geese z uty 305 305 21% 214+ 23% 12% 12% ™% Th--Ve Tre Tha-- 492 49Va-- Va 33% 34+ % 25Ye r size Bexgel = 4 z =-8 S8gs8g % J s;. ago ges woeses = "es + = sy 8 83 woe Sy Se8-- +ttlte SzEge g2z8 Alfa Gas Alta Gas pr Alta Gas w Algoma Alumini Alum 4\4pr 8 pr a C P pr Atlan 6 pr Atl Sug A Bank Mont = 8 = 100 210 210 210 --5 $0 315 315 315 3 $99 9 9 +%% 120 $52%4 52% 52+ 215 $16% 16% 16% 15% _ 15% 740 $15% 450 185 180 180 +5 420 420 3 s ec: s o Milt Brick Mont Trst Moore Nat Drug Net Dr pr Naf Hees Nat Hees pr Nat Trust Noranda NO NGas : 5 sESeaes Prorat Acad Uran Advocate BEsy Sau8 ape. BB. byes. t BS ei! *38-3 233 /SEE-3 232 ++ #s 8 = Fe 27 37% -- Ve Wt % 'ey + s+ = a An amendment presented by Windsor, Ont., to eliminate the proposal was defeated but an- that the federalgovemmentrec- m that the federal government rec- ognize "'it is desirable" for dep- uty ministers to speak both French and English was ap- proved. ISSUES WARNING Defence Minister Hellyer told the general meeting that Can- ada's political independence "will become impossible" if Canada continues to mortgage her assets for another genera- tion at the present rate. Ye said he favors close eco- nomic ties with other countries, including the United States, "but, in addition, I want to re- tain the advantages of - poiitical sovereignty." The potential effec: of politi- cal decisions made outside Can- ada "will be overwhelming" if Canada continues to allow its assets to be sold to foreign in- vestors. He said there are two major factors that will decide whether Canada retains its political in- dependence--national unity and eventually' regaining contro] of its economy, Trial Opens Today In Capital Murder CHATHAM (CP)--An Ontario Supreme Court grand jury Mon- day returned true bills against Richard Alan Swearngen, 17, end Clifford Evans, 16, both of London, Ont., accused of capi- tal murder. Their trial opens to- day. The youths are accused in the J.ne slaying of Robert. Henry Marshall, 28, of London, whose body was found by campers in a park here. Marshall's throat and wrists had been slashed and rope burns were found on his neck, wrists and ankles. Frank Sinatra Pulling Out Of Gambling LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP)-- Singer Frank Sinatra in a sur- prise announcement Monday said he is pulling out of his- Ne- vada gambling interests, esti- mated to be worth $3,500,000. Sinatra, object of a licence re- vocation attempt by the Nevada Gaming Control Board, said through his lawyer here: "I intend to divest. myself completely from any involve- ment with the gaming industry in Nevada. "No useful purpose would be served by my devoting my time and energies convincing the Ne- vada gaming officials that I should be a part of their gamb- ling industry." The gaming control board had charged Sinatra violated its reg- ulations by entertaining Chicago underworld figure Sam Gian- cana at Sinatra's Cal - Neva Lodge at Lake Tahoe. The control board asked the state gaming commission, its parent organization, to revoke Sinatra's gaming licence at the Tahoe Lodge. It also sought to force the singer to shed his nine- per-cent interest in the Sands Hotel in Las Vegas. cucumbers. Whitby, 668-3893 after 6 p.m. tion for acts of 34--Lost and Found = = sympathy and beautiful floral tributes Pod fended to them $s, friends and relatives, to those who acted as pall- bearers, also to Mr. S. Saywell, pastor of St. Stephen's United Church for his com- forting words. VALENTINE -- The family of the late R. Ray Valentine wish to express their sincere thanks fo their many relatives, friends, neighbors, and the Reverend Arthur Magee of Centre Street United Church, for their kind expressions of sym- pathy and floral trisutes, during their recent sad bereavement In the loss of 3 loving husband and father. --Mrs. R. Valentine, Lillian and Donald Valentine. COMING EVENTS LOST: Tricycle, red and white with blue hahdies. Vicinity of Elgin West/ and Prince Streets. Finder please te! e 728-8884. LOST: Purse, RUMMAGE Sale sponsored by St. Luke's Guild at the CRA Building on Wednesday, 9 at 1.30 p.m. en Miicennay vicinity public, near Plaza Restaurant, No. Highway. Finder please keep money, mail purse) and valuable papers to Mrs. ~Monna HARMON Park Ladies' Auxiliary oane bazaar and tea Wednesday, October 2 to 4 p.m. Tea Room 35c, ae TENDER Tenders will be received for the demolition of a se Conspiracy Counts and garage at 96 Centre Street by A. Brisebois, KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY 8 O'CLOCK FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES Jackpot Nos. 51, 55 EARLY BIRD GAMES KINSMEN COMMUNITY ARENA 109 COLBORNE ST. W. Legion Hall 90 Centre Street, on or before October 15th, Face Businessman. MONTREAL (CP) -- Armand Duhamel, a west-end Montreal businessman, charged with con- spiracy to neg ot iate bonds stolen in a $3,500,000 robbery of the Brockville Trust and "Sa Ie ings Company in 1958, was re- leased on bail Monday for the second time. Mr. Duhamel's bail had been cancelled last week after law- yer Gerard Laganiere told the court a Crown witness had been approached "'by the defence." Bail was raised Monday to $40,000 proprty from the origi- nal $20,000. PREFER FUNERALS SWANSEA, Wales (CP) -- A car-bire firm here is refusing wedding bookings in favor of funerals. The reason? Wedding ests cause cigarette burns, fips tick scrawis or paintwork, slashed upholstery and boot- 1963 City of Oshawa Sale of Land For Taxes FERNHILL PARK BINGO 7:45 P.M. SHARP AVALON 3 GAMES--$20 EACH 17 GAMES--$10 EACH SHARE THE WEALTH $150 JACKPOT TO GO Door Prizes Free Admission RUMMAGE Sale, Simcoe Hall Thursday, October 10, at 1.30 p.m. Auspices North: minster Church UCW, City of Oshawa Progressive Conservative Association TESTIMONIAL DINNER AB. WALKER, M.P.P. 6 P.M. THURSDAY OCTOBER 10th Guest Speaker: Senator Alistair Grosart PICCADILY ROOM GENOSHA HOTEL $3 Per Plate. Everyone Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen A sales of land in arrears of taxes in the City of Osh- awa will be held in the Coun- cil Chamber of the City Hall, Oshawa, ot the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of Wednesday, the eleventh day of December, 1963, unless taxes ond costs are sooner paid. The list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes has been published in the Ontario Gaz- ette on the 7th day of Sep- tember, 1963. Copies of the poid list may be obtained at the office of the City Treas- urer. Treosurere's Ofifce, this 10th day of September, 1963. . . |. F.MARKSON, if CHILDREN UNDER 1 marks. Funerals are "much quieter" said one driver. Treasurer - FREE ADMISSION - LIONS BINGO WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9th, 8:00 P.M. JUBILEE PAVILION $1,200 IN CASH PRIZES 20 -- $20 GAMES -- 20 5 -- $30 GAMES -- 5 1 -- $150 JACKPOT SHARE THE WEALTH -- 1 2 -- $250 JACKPOTS -- 2 JACKPOT NOS. 57, 51 $25 CONSOLATION EARLY BIRD GAMES 7:50 P.M. -- EXTRA BUSES ~ FREE ADMISSION - 6 NOT ADMITTED PLE] 8. pSexe %-- % 83 +3 va 21% 372 -- Va 3 Nor Phone 7100 1000 8050 3500 025 z10 poet i) 1000 ga Fish Packer Orders Stock Destroyed WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Food and Drug Administration announced Monday that a Michigan packer of smoked fish implicated in two food poison- izg deaths in Knoxville, Tenn., has notified distributors throughout the country to des- troy all stocks of the company's products. The agency said the com- pany, H. J. Dornbos and Bro., Grand Haven, Mich., had ad- vised it was so notify' ng dis- tributors. In Lansing, Mich., the state agriculture department slapped an embargo on the inventory of the Dornbos smoked whitefish plani, pend'ng an investigation of the two food poisoning deaths at Knoxville. A furniture plant executive, David S, Cohen, 32, and his 10- year-old daughter, Amy Beth, died oi Sotulism Monday in Knoxville after they had eaten smoked whitefish bought at a supermarket chain. The super- market said the fish was sup- plied by the Grand Haven firm. = = sa8sk. Sex > htat &a8iSay s8aseg8wee sdeseds fe Se8h8ex s8exead.s. se = sb 8 SuSheu s8axg 8 sa8s8. pBexs 165 $11%e 11¥e 11% oJ i 4% 14% 6 1S 38% 8% 8%-- Ye 1500 100 $1142 114 114 -- Fe 1000 130 phig Foye Plager Ve) 10 280 5 +5 mr ary om + VY $74% The 144+ % $14% 14% 14% $1% iv NW" $1/Ve 17¥e 17% + Vo 7 on Um 300 630 630 630 --'| $3/% 37%e 37% $10%2 10% 10¥2 + Ve $22%4 22% 224 340 340 340 $51% 51% 51% $87. «87 $63 sii $34% $i5% Revelstoke R Nodwell _ Rothman Royal Bank Royalite lada Shell Can Shell | pr Shell | wts Simpsons Slater Steel Steel Can Suptest com Texaco Texaco Chib Kay Chimo Con Shaw C Cailinan Discov C Mogul € Mosher C Norihid 75 $682 100 $132 13 13 505 $54 53% 54 + 750 $1? 17% 77 $o4% 64- 700 314% 14% $'o 300 S17 %e 200 500 1000 7350 3000 re 2100 Ef tin n as 319% 8000 15 14% 2000 8¥2 BY 8Y% 18500 12 «Oo MN -' 500 60 --20 pr 63 Ne 3456 15% Ye NW" 20% 7°: ar 315 315 315 $572 57¥2 57¥v2a-- % 893 ae 7% 1+ "% 1065 $17 16% 17 +% ms79 W W 225 $16¥2 16¥2 16% 225 $18V%4 18% 18% 497 825 815 825 --20 175 $21%2 21% 21%a-- % 600 675 675 675 +25 100 495 495 495 OILS 400 258 100 i 6000 200 s10% 225 400 400 520 200 141 "4 Deer Horn Denison Dicknsn Dome Donalda East Sull Elder Eureka Faraday Frncoeur Geco Mines Giant YK Goldray Gunnar Hard Reok Headway Hollinger _ Hu Pam Bralorne Bankeno Merrell Murphy Olt Un Buffad 15%4-- Ve 8% ln--% 20% -- Trans PPL Turnbull Un Gas U Corp B Vendomat Walk GW Westcoast Wooast vt W Pacific Weston A Weston B West A wis wi 749 ig ae ws 500 6 1000 Thomson Kernaghan & Co. MEMBERS OF THE TORONTO STOCK EXC Commarea LINE ne ONTARIO (725-1104 RES. MGR. ore R. HENRY 725-4305 1500 200 4 3 3 2 no 0 «10 WM. Tt $29%4 294 29% $11% pb} um ve Hayes Sti Horne Pf HBC Hur Erie Home A Zenith 2 --4 A A 10V2 + Ve 136 'to ae ive = sea 635 5 Vv 300 $35 805 800 Iso Jaye Expl Joutel Jowsey Keeley F Kerr Add Kirk Min Kirk Town Lab Min L Dufault Latin Am Lencourt Home B Imp Oil Imp Tob Ind Accep Ind Min Alminex 28 258 i ing -- ro ory 5 no 2 +5 wows? "4 M4 1700 6 63 63 + 21 $12% 12% 12% ---s --* + inland C pr Inland Gas Int City Gas 600 Seg iad oll ragon | Bronze pr 037 7 We a imc « 210 $62V2 62%2 624 Dev Pal Dome Pete 14-DAY CIRCLE TOUR $4 4 9.15 SEASONAL RATE INCLUDES RETURN FARE BY BUS ° HOTEL ROOM -10 NIGHTS « 7 SIGHTSEEING TRIPS THROUGH BUS FROM TORONTO TO MIAMI VIA CLEVELAND ty ® : . : : : asneeeuane Low Return Fares. JACKSONVILLE. MIAMI . ST. PETERSBURG NEW ORLEANS. LOS ANGELES Tickets and thformation at WHITBY -- HARRY DONALD -- Agent OSHAWA BUS TERMINAL 300 Dundes St. E., Phone 668-3675 18 Prince Street, Phone 723-2241 AJAX-- ) THE COFFEE CUP, Phone 942-2940 jorth) AJAX COFFEE SHOP, Phone 942-3390 GRAY COACH LINES

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