Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Oct 1963, p. 5

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id mut ores eR Catt ae aS AE g EVEN ON SUNDAY j WHITBY THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Geroner 7, 1963-5' WHITBY and DISTRICT Dunnios Workout BOWLING NEWS Century Of Life Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West CIGARET LEAGUE Manager: Rae acenl ma 668-3703 Twice A Day ee" Seore ie Fae Preston Man 1, | pots 3, Cameos 2, Buckingham 3, Players 1. | PRESTON, Ont. (CP) -- John,for the Ontario H ' a0 SOE Te , . \ e { ydro-Electric By CLIFF GORDON __{defenceman, Jim Peters of Osh- gout pee" Mt Beta 564 G Me|Ciittord Davidson, @ sharp-eyed|Commission, Twice a day, even.on Sun-|awa and Kevin O'Shea, brother'c, ples 545,/SPorts fan who is rounding out) 4 daughter, now dead, was day, has been the rule in thejof Danny, who plays with thee ncsaeatins age igen century of life with a birth-|responsible for spreading the Whitby Dunlops Jr. hockey|Generals, 1531, V. Harris 522, D. Jeffrays|@¥ Saturday, has faint recollec-/family north and westward. A camp over the weekend. Coach| A list of the players still inj595' Pp. Brown 52i, V. Jordan|"0ns of Canada at Confedera-|great-grandchildren live within Jim Cherry has been putting/camp is as follows: Ray Reeson,|521' H. Bastarache 517, jtion when he was a youngster/Krisch of Edmonton is mother his players through one of the|Roger Stephens, Dunc Wilson) Singles over 200 -- V. Jordan approaching four. * 'of John Davidson's two great- toughest routines of hockey prac-)(a spare goalie vho will likely|267, V, Sandford 266, G. McCon- e's not certam now how | great grandsons, Greg, 10 and tice that we have seen in some/play midget here in Whitby thisinell 211, P. Humphries 211, B.|much of the memory of that ex-|Paul, 8. time. He has the fellows out on/year), Wayne Gale, Nick Bever-|Sturgess 209, C. Rowden 207, M,|citement is first hand and how) Down east he has a grand- the ice for two, two-hour prac-jley, Hugh Robertson, (out of|Belida 205, B. Johnson 202. much was planted later by rela liter: Mrs' MR. Pe of tices on Saturday and Sundayjaction now with bruised knee),| ' \trospective reading. |daughter, . M. R. Pepper 0 and will go again tonight at|George Ashby, Terry Peters | WHITBY MEN'S ! But he's proud of the fact that/Halifax. Most of the rest of his seven. |Wayne Cheeseman, Tom Laven-| MAJOR LEAGUE |his family is Canadian in the\nine grandchildren and seven The Dunlops will get ajder, Paul Gibbons, Grant Hager-|, Don Fleming's Shell were the/broadest geographical sense; preai-grandchildren liv' ewithin chance to test their skill injman, Brian Fletcher, Ricky|{itst team to take three points/ni. progeny populate cOMMUNI-\ 65 il f Presion. includin competition tomorrow nightiGay, Daryl Leach, Jim Peters, |this year with Brown's Electric|ties as widely separate as Hali-| miles . ston, including when they play their first pre-|Bob Marshall, Gerry. Dionne, Peims. the victims. Flemings' fax and Yellowknife, Kitchener/former TCA pilot Grant David- season game at the local arena.|and Kevin O'Shea. were led by Wilf Hubbards 748,/and Edmonton. json of Guelph and schoolteacher The visitors will be the Osh-| Manager Ivan Davie appears 2"@ M. McMasters 787, E. Jor-| another of John Davidson's|Ross Davidson of Kitchener, awa Generals of the provincial] pleased with the way some of @#0S 864 was the best forlaictinctions is linked to thei, grandson Jr, A league. ve Ai ed goog are working out Ofte tat hocisian Grer tba: aaeneae of Canada's devel-\D°™ Standsons. Several players on the locai/late. He hopes they will make a team with Alec Anderson hav-\oPment. He is the oldest of 15,- W squad will be going all out.to/real showing against the Gen-|! : ' | i ian| fapress the eee wrpedl brated here Gusteren night anali"E : Ra i min Oe (er podopge reid Ma Ge | namely Manager Wren. Blair/then again on Thursday night): ors. Ed s that waa Opening Op the: Mast} and Coach Doug Williams that|they tackle another Jr, A cir-| 74 GH), AL. Berry. 729 «ana hen he was born. He nas WT tae eaee men | oe ' whe 1 el} the Generals|cuit club w \John Watts 700 all bowling well . pet i are made miserable by inary they belong on s lub when the Torontolio. the losers. Jordan Bros|gteat ° steat grandchildren |frricstion caused ee @ eocte, mocherion) 5 i. team too. |Marlies will play an exhibition) 5. ears ' jliving out there now, kly combat seoandars It should make for a tremend-|tilt here at the Whitby Arena. ae orks, D. De : sce :INEE caused by Kidney and Bladder irritations, ous game as there has always) We understand that the Mar-|719 Ran tress 109 had enyer/ WORKED AS ENGINEER try taking an internal C¥STEX antisepti¢ been plenty of rivalry between|lies are a real big, fast, hard fine clutch Meraeg th by Sout His son Harvey, a stripling of 2 ike CSTE tablets with the two teams. The Whitby/hitting team, 4nd should give|Rowden making ike difference 75 who with his wife makes Oe es VOTES is nleo an analgesic squad has been cut down to athe Dunlops a real test. Jack Moores 761 (304) was the/nome for his father, is another |pain reliever for Rheumatic Pains, Head: more workable size of 20 play-- Manager Davie announced best fir Tordan Bros" Th |CPR pensioner. The elder Dav-| Gysrex trom 'arhegist. Peel better fast. jers, and an extra goalie. Thisjthat season tickets and sub-\Ro : Be Clidsen was a telegraph engineer is a far cry from the 80 oddjscribers tickets are now on 2 dae one Gent Bit soem retired in 190 'after 7 -------------------- that made their bid in the first/at the arena box office, So planidan's 653 be : lyears, Harvey was a chief dis-| B\night of practice. ito get yours early and get sl boike ihe i gle Ba who retired in 1953. Oo. H. A. There were four new faces|good selection of seats for thei688 and Dick 'Adan 676 help- His other son, Bert, a neigh-| Jat the weekend practices from|coming season, which has the ing in a losing cause for the|D0r in this Waterloo County! Junior ewe leatlier in the week: They in-jear markings of being a dandy. Mercs. town of 12,000 is a youthful 80-/ * * \cluded Ray Reeson who played| They have informed us that year-old who also spent much of t/zoal for the Dunnies last year.|it will be a 32-game schedule) _WHITBY MEN'S LEAGUE his working career in a public :|George Ashby, a local product/now, instead of a 30-game one. Triples over 700: M. Jordan|service, working from 1920 to H ke who is rated as a standout/as planned before, The extra\796 (281, 280); G. Deeth 757|1951 as a transformer operator oc Y os - 3 . |games coming as a resul: oj|(275); J. Melvor 755 (257); M re eee | ' ; Ki B lb playing a home and home with|Anderson 721 (295). D. Henderson 274, D. go mour| P ae cee Bee: 4 " two teams in the eastern Jr., Singles over 260 -- E. Archer|268, B. Brown 268, E. Dawson : ssc asl oe ee eee! : insmen u |B' group. Whitby will play a/297, P. Scott 273, B. Jordan 271,|262. | SCOUT GOOD TURN DAY NETS TONS OF USED CLOTHING Ime" and' Home "gene sete. Allen M0, fou" eee" Se oints won -- Andrew's 1 Drive Starts |with both Peterborough and A. Hepburn 264, G. Schmidke|Joe's Barber Shop 2; Whitby Kingston as it stands now. 261, J. Switzer 260. Barber Shop 3, Queen's Hotel ; Points won -- Abner's Ram-|0; Mitton Mack 2, Anderson vs Hundreds of Scouts and limg and remaking to be sold Scouts distributed giant shop- small portion of the tons of | Cubs from the Whitby-Brook- in Crippled Civilians' Stores pine bags to all homes in the sed clothing into one of the | s lin area Saturday collected across the province. The used area asking that used clothing $3 aa NT ails Ue | Th W k a blers 0, Citizens Finance 3;\Cart. 1; Bathurst 3, Honeyock- tons of used clothing tv be clothing drive was part of the be put in them for collection big Crippled Civilians' Society | 1S ee H 3 Month Sentence \Legion Old Sweats 0, Knights\ets 0; Ramblers 2, | Millwork turned ovtr to the Crippled area Scouts Good Turn Day Saturday. Above, hard- trucks Ras x of Columbus 3; Post Office 0,/Builders 1; Hoffer Valley 2, Civilians' Society for remodel- project. A week ago, Cubs and working Scouts load only a --Oshawa Times Photo By CLIFF GORDO! | For False News County Bow! 3: Goold's Furni.|Legion 1; Dunlop 3, Papermak- WHITBY The Kinsmen Club of Whitby} t 1.0 j : 'on_iers 0: Whitby Hotel 2, Drews |will be on the march this week} TORONTO (CP) -- Albert E. pci 3, geod "4 peor 3 HENRY HIGH NEWS Preventing eee tk oul GM eh the|tenced to Policies ee Wilbon 3 Red' Wings, é * silver | ils eR eR ti DUNLOPS AT jlocal service club for the past|Friday after he pleaded guilty|smiths 3. IAM 0 few years. It is one way of|jto a charge of spreading false! " ; | bd ) Ld }raising funds for their local} Airports and police at Gore Bay, WHITBY AND DISTRICT One-Stop Two Football Teams FireSerious #3." SMe SRE |e eORATin | | are | | jing for a donation but are giv-| were advised. Triples, 650 and over -- C | WHITBY © Ld jing the people something for); The charge, laid under Eng-| Moore 738 (274, 275); J. Mifflin| Remain Undefeated Business = *"-: 'ah commen iw, was rt use| 88 280. Wright tu SHOP COMMUNITY A look at some of the work) when placards were printed injton 668 (250); C. Bowler 659: Wal Meme : saitke oe : that the Kinsmen have done|1778 'falsely declaring that|L. Reed 651, allpaper end Mura ARENA By KEN ZAYETTE were displayed. Early in the) Thursday, Oct. 10, Henry Sen-, Fire prevention is everyone'sjover the past year would in-\France had declared war on| Singles. 250 and : J Custom Draperies | Football has always been a first quarter, Grant Madill, of iors will be hosted by Ajax High business and it is serious busi-|clude installing washrooms in\England Motte "lg ee Broedioom and Rugs ! highly rated sport in the eyes|Pamry, opened the scoring byjand rough practice fen iene the Rinamen park. supplying | cece es a Tues., Oct. Sth of ali Henry High fans. Last\receiving a pass from quarter-|being held every afternoon in} Every year, millions of dol-and paying of an attendant for | lo.Gh Colori year the senior team, coached|back Doug Ing. |preparation for this game. jlars worth of property is lost| the wading pool in the park, a ' SCUGOG ALUMINUM 2 = _ Game Time -- 8:30 p.m. Pa arr aa ae gee a ites! suMORS WIN rmat __|voush ie ad many cases eseantel Satin tee el CLEANERS jj: sue : occ || DODD & SOUTER i Decor Centre ; .<jthis loss could be blamed on tarded children's school besides 'e Belleville. for the eee. ed teams and there was 00! nts Sear. yay, Juniors! carelessness. "lother service work. | & Shirt Launderers ° SHOWER ENCLOSURES . Tusa ee a Dee hea 'Nichols have opened up their| In co-operation with the On This gre! the Kinsmen plan) PHONE. & Delivery Deity | Coll onytene et =f], -«107 Byron St. S., Whitby is wea eth a 170 wis Ghetlgee rag wr by Ls ourtice| schedule by defeating Bowman-|tario Fire Marshall's office and Suse Perk anh deer gs el 668-4341 668.8606 Phone 668-5862 Henry's Seniors brought the jequad Guile to lle had ecored| Ville Juniors 25-0. jfire departments from Coast to" Hla The it into i , The team seems to be much|oast, Whitby Volunteer Fire|4 Teal playground. This will in- championship trophy back to i : mm le inten | ulides Whitby. In "addition, the team|"" er » rents. improved over last year's squad|Brigade began its Fire Preven-|'lude swings, slides, and other 7 ' In the third quarter Ing ranjas Mr. Church is training the|tion Week celebration and cam-|@t ticles of playground equip-| q rnp ngremonar say. e|around the right end to gain the|players hard for. the rough|Paign Sunday. ment. Also they plan in the! YOUR CALENDAR at second touchdown. Barry Goode! schedule facing them. To mark fire prevention week|rea" future to install a minor) This year, the coaching staff] bh : ; : di im-| i sonaiate af J. Nevins, win does "25 able to kick the convert. The next Junior game willjin Whitby, firemen plan to in- -- bg By garners aI dle Service Centre -- of -- great work in mastering the of- Ing made another touchdown fiid Henry pitted against Cour-! spect all schools in town and Sc folks vied ihe elie with FREE PICK-UP es fn ete Mes Se tha Tacit in cnt lH» "oh elmer | AND DELIVERY Weekly Events| Amyot is also back wi e : 1s " , , . i : . 'a and he is doing a fine job|Christie managed to intercept ajhand for all the games and their; All industria! and commercial) other no eg hig poked M ------ : in training both the offensive/P48s and go for the final TD support is well appreciated by|building will be inspected for|say no yh this pide idle baad ". abs ' Trail vesienid 4 ' 'and defensive lines. aoe made the convert to|both Senior and Junior football|fire hazards. These volunteer). YRS: Seles and Rentals 2 This Programme Presented By The Local These gentlemen, along with,Sive Henry the 26-0 win. teams. \firemen are taking time off! Now M ' tho help of great bunch of{ a metlee neghiodeay ee SE TEET H MERCHANDISE Business Firms of WHITBY and DISTRICT! 'ootball players make up e 4 se safety tests and i { Henry High Senior Team. The ANDERSON HIGH NEWS | would do Whitby's citizenry weil] 668-0211 PA SAVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE! . boys have been training vigor- |to co-operate with them. | With More Comfort im_1101 SROCK ST. 3., WHITBY CLIP AND SA ously for the busy schedule! | Chief Bruce Corner said Fri-| vasTemrs, @ pleasant alkaline (non-acid) powder, which lies ahead. |day the fire hall will be open! * holds false teeth WHIP ANDERSON 618 School Commencement ®'"simim "wtls, SHeutasecteae | W. C. TOWN THIS WEEK'S Neca ke «sale | -m, to -m, . No gummy, | Thursday, Sept. 26, Henry} {Saturday as a part of Fire Pre- po ri Mary lhc gecia 2 Checks FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. AUTO BODY played host to a young Ander-) ivention Week activity. | FASTEETH at any drug counter | ' : son High School ieam. As the| anne or UCT. _------------------------ "| Ample Parking SP ORT % COLLISION-CUSTOM . | ; DY WORK (denture breath). Get y first quarter began, Henry kick-| Facilities ed off but it was not long before 80 Henry's boys regained' posses- BY RICHARD KAPUSCINSKI {ranged from solar celis to space Who Can Match This at $11.95? You don't have te MODERN EQUIPMENT ' Anderson High School will|satellites. H pins a the ben. hold its annual commencement The sports section at Ander- ploy a sport to be . page td liga er agg Throughout the f half th P COURTESY & SERVICE " -- 'ded re ex i0ct: 26, for which the choir|son was again unsuccesful ,for| yf © good sport " 3 ae blocking ee the Sto (20d various other groups arejin the game against Bowman-| . ! 324 ASH ST. s now preparing. | Ville, the senior team was beat-| 110 Dundes St. E., Whitby meats", seented to walk over) 4p Gordon, who is the regi-\en by a score of 14-6. ° | | PH. 668-8522 Anderson's defence. With the) <¢ t th iversity of . satis ie ss combined efforts of the line and|iro" yall te the cnet eoecnar | 668-3410 HOCKEY 24-HR. ROAD SERVICE backfield, Henry surged ahead) fyeryone is welcome. 'Bili IN | ' : OHA Exhibition Game, Tuesdey, October 8, at 8:30 p.m. to score 50 points in the first Congratulations to a former! 1 ingua ame ee Whitby Arena. Oshawa Generals of the OHA Junior A League half. student of Anderson, Nancy GOOD SPORTS and their affiliated Junior B Club, the Whitby Dunlops will WHITE'S B P kick off the 1963-64 season in an exhibition game here, The ste The second half proved to'be| Andrews, from Brooklin, who) 7 ; toon much closer as the Anderson de- was presented with an award) Suggested For " fs Ld ris paniehiadi sitagn one Generals are currently working out at their training camp in i i i york : . @ 2 Bowmanville C ity A d the Dunt workin 616 Brock St. N. fence tightened up considerably|in French, for her work at the . : } HOME TOWN SPORTS owmanville Community Areno and the ops are working sut Henry still managed to pick'University of Western Ontario | p out at their training comp here. Whitby 668-8241 up 11 more points my make the Sandra Jack our editor af Schools } SUPPORT THE LOCAL After Hours 668-8265 p : f ) final score 61-0. ASH'S, 1963-64, is busily organ- 65 Styles, Shapes and Colours! We believe them to be SUPPLIERS OF Whitby Minor Hockey Association-- izing the staff of. our schoo! : ; . |f Price includes frames and lenses. $20-$25 Values "™ FUELS and Monday, October 7, 5 to 7 p.m. WMHA Midgets will register GENERAL REPAIRS i x jae : OTTAWA (CP) -- L'Associa- : Ys ' P 9 (] SECOND WIN AT COURTICE magazine. tia Cueadiness. - Pronenieet The highly styled "Tu-Tone" Our Pie Huw Sani | BUILDING SUPPLIES and work out at Whitby Areno. ) Thursday, Oct. 3, found the' The Anderson High School d'@anpation aOniace 4 nao with its combination of colours of 4 HOUR TOWING Henry Seniors pitted against a Radio Club was invited to at-\at @ weekend convention rie sci] Blonde on Crystal. and Cordovan SINGLE VISION SAWDONS' Monday, October 7. 8,30 te 9.30. p.m. WMHA Juveniles will Cer MECHANIC rough and ready team fromitend the Canadian Electronic}the Ontario pancatiog utniatert on Crystal has become one of Complete register ond work out at Whitby Arena Courtic' High. This game c e i : e : Canada's most stylish and popu- with i (Whitby) ITED : proved to be much rougher than Building "on "the Caadian Na. {*, bilingual secondary schoolsi{ ler sellers. Its combined sturdy 95 ramen, 240 BROCK ST. 5, Tuesday, October 8, from 5 to 7 p.m. WMHA Bontoms will J FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY the previous game with Ander- tional Exhibition grounds. trai titariak | = Mme construction and safety features ' end | DIAL 668-3524 WHITBY, ONT register and work out at Whitby Arena OPEN 7:30 A.M, -- 10 P.M. son even though the injuries' Mr. Chard and some mem). Nhat Acura see fins '¢ eee gh ae oo | : were less serious bers of the radio club from An-| The resolution said the asso-] ol ove lol Pree Oo ited. ey" Paani' Forthet, eater ne i Mi poy i nig In this game the good and derson enjoyed the vast display| "ation wanted legal and consti- . Bl . P k Pl iW = ed pe ourtice High vs Henry High at Henry Street bad points in a football game of technical equipment 'which| 'tional recognition of Franco- ONE PRICE BIFOCALS alr Far aza ae For Home |Ontarian secondary schools Complete The association. also sup-|| Lenses ground to your exact $] ] 95 tee, Barbershop ; FOOTBALL Delivery of 'imma ee Evening Shows At 6:55 & 8:25 H d i needs, regardless of prescription fy COSSA Lakeshore League--Seniors, Thursday, October 10, at BROCE Last Complete Show 8:25 poe of the 12 Ontarie wnt or lens strength required, with one WHITBY 3:15 p.m. Henry High vs Alox High'at Ajax High school. ; f prey Case. l i THE PRESCRIPTION IS LAUGHTER amany ||\'etSities that French be taught] ONE* ig "noice -- ll _ NOW seein), Oetober 10. ot 3 pie. Couricn High vi. Antara Ontario County s jin secondary schools in the ' High at Anderson Street High School. WHEN BRITAIN'S | NEWEST AND MOST Bo ovince. everybody! mecarrons (| 1 2 BARBERS r Only Daily TOP COMEDY te GIMMICK Ff) it called on: the Ontario edu- REPAIRS SUNGLASSES AT SAME Tuesday, October 8, 8.30 p.m. shows Children's Areno-- TEAM SHOW | SCREEN... cation department to "authori Broken lenses duplicated LOW PRICE, "fg Main event. Six-man tag team bout -- the first time ever THE HILARIOUS. 4 ithe jecmatina of a college fe Frames repaired," ramet re ! NO WAITING The Destroyer, Hans Schmidt and The Great Kudo vs Seaman Newspaper ' leducation at the University a placed while you wait! Lowest Closed Monday-- Art Thomas, Lorenzo Parente and Tony Marino. Semi-final: SIDE O ; lGtiawa to snkwee' the pueda of prices! 'Don't Settte for Leas Open 8-6 P.M. Tues. to Set. The Destroyer vs Handsome Johnny Barend. Preliminary: Tony PH. 668-3703 PATIENT AND the population of eastern On-| We fill ell PSI, Oculists ond ND Proprietor M, THERAULT patina: Ve-wmuny ert NURSE RELATIONS. \tario." Optometrists. prescriptions et | Two other resolutions asked] *™e low prices. a CPs |} GEORGE'S HOOKER & SONSLTD. J George H. Harding |munication in bilingual second.| K . y : H No. i i i sr sehen that 1h cece | a Ah st J FINA SERVICE Fie venciny mcreon ttunt a on. tppgge | Comtruction Co. Ltd French. , -- { p lA CL V CO i Tune-ups: Licensed Mechanic Automatic transmission : : 2295 EXPERIMENT ASKED ig: 1 - se General Motors Dealer For EXCAVATING | Th niste U.S. Trademark Registered | will tye ana pg | OPTICIANS----OVER 3,000,000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS Holiday avine CH EVROLET--OLDSMOBI LE 411 Fairview Drive, Whitby '10 designate one existing bilin-| 17 Bond Street, East Hours: 9¢.m.teSp.m. [Mf PICK-UP & DELIVERY CHEVROLET TRUCKS 668-3566 gual Secondary school as a 2nd Floor Dail ! Trewce and Reman Catholic Phone: 728-1261 Wed. Closed All Day 668-4232 SAE REACHING ANG COMPLETE public school RECOMMENDED AS ADULT Roger Seguin, an Ottawa law- Brenches in many principal cities ef Canade & U.S. -- Founded 1904 932 BROCK'ST. N. WHITBY BROOKLIN 655-4811 SEPTIC TANK SERVICE © ENTERTAINMENT ' ; yer, was elected president. | ETE SN a Chas, Sin a eee Ron fe a one eco

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