Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Oct 1963, p. 7

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Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, October 5,1963 7 PERSONALS Miss Florence May _ Kirk,jlaneous shower was held by the Toronto, was widely entertain-|King Street Pentecostal Church ed prior to her marriage re-jin Oshawa; Mrs, David Paisley cently té Mr. Alfred Scottjopened her home at Stouffville Webb, Bowmanville. .A miscel-|for a linen shower given by the laneous shower was held by the/future bride's relatives; the congregation of the Bowman-|congregation of Floyd Avenue ville Pentecostal Church, at the|Baptist Church, Toronto, held a home of the Reverend and Mrs.|pantry shower and presentation Richard Hutchinson; a miscel-/of table lamps and an electric = ee genie PP oath edad ae i t lin Mrs. Joseph Schmidt (for- merly Mrs. E. Harry Me- Grath), immediate past presi- dent; Mr. E. Kelvin James, principal. Unable to attend te Peale : R& with Mrs. Stephen Saywell, charter president; Mrs. Thomas Davidson, wife of the first principal, the late Mr. Thomas. Davidson; Mrs. T. 8. David, past. president; CUTTING THE anniversary -- ciation cake was a special feature of the evening's program. At the left is Mrs. Walter Kuch, president of Duke of Edin- burgh Home and School Asso- More Names Added , 'To List Of Students is Furthering Studies ne | re , "g Sina . of | A number of students have bile ges Sag raps Jul - |reported, since last week, that awa, and Mrs, William |they are continuing their educa- Owens, past presidents, |tion at higher levels, therefore --Oshawa Times Photo |the following are added to the lists published last Friday and Saturday. tet "Mrs, Walter Branch and Col- onel and Mrs, Leif Bangsboll |were among the guests at the Oktoberfest held in the Club |Harmonie, Sherbourne -- street, MR. AND MRS. ROBERT LP. GOODMURPHY Maple Grove United Church Perry Goodmurphy. The bride is the son of Mr. and Mrs," Toronto, on Thursday night. Sergeant and Mrs. Gordon |Mantle, and daughters Janice, Judy and Barabara, RCAF Sta-! tion, Langar, Nottinghamshire, | England, are holidaying with! Mrs. Mantle's parents, Mr. and! Mrs. Anson Phair, Courtice, be-| Sl Ba wae or Peis wd on is the daughter of Mrs. Alan Albert E. Goodmurphy, Sows trude Carol Snowden, Bow- Snowden and the late Mr. erby, Ontario. ' manville, to Robert Lyman Snowden, and the bridegroom --Photo by Sneyd |fat and their youngest son, | UNITS, GROUPS [ret toe sm Mo dent AUXILIARIES : Electrolysis |to Mr. Moffat. 'Duke Of Edinburgh H&S Celebrates 10th Anniversary The cutting of a beautifully;hen Saywell, Mrs. G. J. Jackson) decorated cake was one of the/and Mrs. Joseph Schmidt (for- highlights of the 10th. anniver-|merly Mrs. H. McGrath). sary celebration of the Duke of Mr. George Reddick, secret- * |Edinburgh Home: and Schooljary of the organization meeting, Association, Mrs, Thomas Day-|read the minutes from the firs® lidson, wife of the first principal|meeting held October 20, 1953. | lof the school, cut the cake at the) Mrs. Walter Kuch, president, anniversary meeting that fea-|welcomed the guests and par- jtured as guest speaker M rs.|ents to the meeting and conduc-| Stephen Saywell, the first pres-jted the business. Mrs, Donald ident of the Duke of Edinburgh|Lownie read the minutes and) hom and School Association|Mrs, Stanley Lockey gave the! when it was formed in 1953. treasurer's report. The mem- Mrs. Saywell explained .the|bers voted to have a family skat-| importance of joining the home|ing party in. January. A rum- and school association by sug-|mage sale is planned for Octo- gesting that parents attended/br 10 at the UAW Hall. | meetings because they were in-| Mr. E. K. James, principal, terested in fellowship and dis-jintroduced the members of the cussion of common problems teaching staff: with other parents; because} Kindergarden -- Mrs. Cleone they were interested in meeting|Morris, Mrs. Lillian McBeth; | the teachers socially and be-\Grade 1 -- Miss Margaret PPat- cause they enjoyed the pro-iterson, Miss Sandra Gaskell; | grams presented at the meetings|Grade 1 and 2 -- Mrs. Helen} When parents did not attend|Richards; Grade 2 -- Miss Dor-} the meetings a valuable contact/othy Somerville, Mrs. Sylvia between the school and homeloke; Grade 2 and 3 -- Miss EI-| was lost. The aim of the parent) sie Lyon; Grade 3 Miss Eileen} and teacher should be to under-| Ewart; Grade 3 and 4 -- Miss} stand and try to solve any prob-|Elsie McCullough; Grade 4 --| lems a child may liave and this|Mr. Douglas Oke; Grade 5 --| could only be accomplished by Mr. Ronald Barbe, Mr. Barry| the establishing of a contact/Fletcher; Grade 6 -- Miss Anne} between home and schoo!. She| Adamack, Mr. William Richard-| sea went on to say that it was boos | jresponsibility of parents an SCOTT WEBB _|teathers to work we atone caireland Studio jpring 0 became members of] thome and school associations| FORTHCOMING' MARRIAGE jbecause they were interested in) Mr. and Mrs, Frederick | doing all they could to help their) Young, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Florence May Kirk Is Wed jchildren become useful citizens wish to announce the forthcom- In Pentecostal Ceremony ee elena, ing marriage of ow padi onei a former|Myrna Doreen, to Dale Wilson) s ' : : cauwy |PUpII. of the school, entertained|/Mosier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pb get mt, oes par oe ane eho with two piano selections. ;Theodore Mosier, Oshawa. The| Toronto, became the bride of|sleeves and a full skirt she| Mrs, Frank Jarvis, chairman| Marriage is to take place Thurs-| ' : | ; srt. ae lof the meeting, introduced the/4ay, October 24, 1963,. at 7.30) Albert Scott Webb, Bowman-|wore a matching headdress and) 4 » in Ki . f : Peckas | hl ig "ie ; |special guests Mrs. Thomas Da-|P-m. in Kendalwood Seventh-) ville, son of Mr. and Mrs, Fred-| white accessories and carried a|"* -- |Day Adventist Church. Oshawa.| erick R, Webb, Nova Scotia.|cascade of white carnations. Hosp el rs : = oye #3 7 AO one Meee tl The marriage took place re-| Mr, Alex MacDonald, Osh-|°1P of the school, Mrs. \layton| cently in King Street Pente- awa, was the best man and the|L®e from the Board of Educa-| costal Church, Oshawa iiheex Were Sir Wrice Adame (ere Nicholas Lakas from j - fed '!*/the Home and School Council The Reverend J. MacKnight Bowmanville, and Mr. Allan and past-presidents: Mrs. Step- of Belleville officiated, assisted|Scammell, Oshawa. --- ------ by the Reverend S. F. McLeary,| For the reception held at the} vin} reside on RR 3, Toronto. Mr. George Bateman, Acres Restaurant, Taunton) vilje, Oshawa, sang two different ver-|'0@d, the bride's mother re-| Out-of-town guests attending sions of "The Wedding Pray-|ceived wearing a two-piece blue/the be ia bib ates ge accompanied by Miss hen with pink hat and BlOveS ood, fe ii hownuavitie black accessories and a corsége/anq Markham Given in marriage by her of white carnations. Mrs. Henry| ---- father, the bride wore a floor-|Catpenter assisted, represent-| length peau de soie gown, with) "® the bridegroom's mother, bell skirt and the bodice featur-,who was unable to be present ing a scoop neckline trimmed Mrs. Carpenter was wearing aj| with lace appliques and seedjblue dress with beige accesso- pearls, and lily point sleeves. A|ries and a corsage of pink roses| removable cummerbund held a'and white carnations chapel train. Her headdress) For a wedding trip through was a crown of lace and pearls|the Ottawa Valley, the Mari- holding a shoulder-length veil,/times and the United States, the| and she carried a cascade 0' bride's travelling costume was white carnations, red roses andi, two-piece pale pink linen stephanotis dress with matching hat and The bride's sister, Mrs. Garth) gloves and -black accessories Hutchinson of Toronto, was the;|Her corsage was white carna- matron of honor and wore altions. On their return the couple! MR. AND MRS. ALBERT Erg RAR. ie op aes Rare enue Bowman- oe Susan Werner, Oshawa Now's the Time to Beautify Your Home, with CUSTOM AND READY MADE DRAPES & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 FREE. ( House of Braemore oes | I Phone Toronto 19 N sicat the bea in ctiaren| SOCIAL NOTICE | land Mrs. Martin Miklas, Ritson! M. & C, Dry Goods Fe i lena a aeasinecsrramser teal UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO fore leaving for Cold Lake, Al General Arts berta. Carol Conlin, daughter of Mr z and Mrs, F. E. Conlin, Mary) Mrs. Edward Erb of Portland, (Goodwill Unit) street north. Oregon, has been visiting her| The meeting of the Goodwill Elizabe th Morczewski,|brother and sister-in-law, Mr.|UCW group of Simcoe Street) daughter of Mr. and. Mrs.\and Mrs. Ernest Small, Celina|United Church was held in the Edward. Monczewski, Cubert|street. While here Mrs, Erb also|church parlors with a good at- street visited relatives at Bracebridge,|tendance, Mrs. Frank Ross pre- Dental Hygiene Collingwood, and Thornbury,|sided. The minutes were read) Ruth Anne Kell, daughter ofand returned to Portland, Ore-|by the secretary-treasurer, Mrs,| Dr. and Mrs, C. L. Kell, Max+lgon, yesterday. Herbert Wurbs, also the treasur- | SIMCOE STREET UCW | Refreshments were served by Mrs. Mary Cook and members of the group. Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C, CHIROPRACTOR @ Rheumatism @ Migraine Headaches 100 King St. £. 728-5156 | Removes warts, moles and superfluous hair. Over 15 Years' Experience MARIE MURDUFF | will be in Oshawa et the Genosha Hotel, Oct. 7, 8, 9 ' PHONE 723-4641 for appointment on these detes well Village. er's report. Mrs. HONOR COURSE mi jread the corresponding secre-| Social and Philosophical tary's report. Mrs. Leonard Big- azaar Lanadlenne Linda ee Tine wood gave the cent-aday re- daughter of Mr. -and Mrs. s port; Miss Leona Stainton call- Atwood MacRae, RR 3, Oshawa.| Splendid Success led the roll. ST, JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL, here ; m T. wage nal The recent bazaar sponsored The devotional wervice wen (School of Nursing) by the Federation of French opened by all singing the hymn Glo + ia Emily Gulenchyn,|Canadian Women and held in the Take Time to Be Holy ». and daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Pauljauditorium of St. Mary of the|meditation on Chélst hes fo Gulenchyn, Malaga road. Peiple Roman Catholic Church a "attra pt descr Pes ST JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL, |Was a, marked success and the|Work Today'. The scripture LONDON proceeds have been donated for|yrr-° Pho co oe Mypled at Sc the needs » paris! wh Rata! prayel School of Nursing of the Darisn, "Thanksgiving for Hands', Frank Cox|= Mary Celia Walsh, daughter} All the committee chairman of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walsh,|worked hard on the project and b The Rev. J. K. Motfat showed Glengrove street. jrecognized the untiring efforts eautiful slides taken on a 10,- TORONTO TEACHER'S --_|of Mrs Wellie Richard, the gen-|°0 mile car trip with Mrs. Mof- COLLEGE jeral convener, si ciiccaibaeaeidadasaaaaaibasiiba Elizabeth Krawetz, daughter} wrs- Benjamin Micha el of Mr., and Mrs, Michaellregional president -- proncanend| LADIES Krawetz, Albert street. . the official opening in the pres-| No boby sitter, no cer fare UNIVERSITY OF WINDSOR |ence of members, visitors and| Mr. Bernard : Pre-Dentistry jseveral well-known guests, in-| Oconee Can Snes George Alexander Thomson; | cluding Mr. and Mrs. T. D.| FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS ee wireet S| Thomas and Mrs, Raiph Jones,| 725-6854 QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY he 'Liberal candidate, | . General Arts Visitors from out of town were Marshall Nicholishen, son of|also present. fr. and Mrs. Michael Nichol-| At Mass on Sunday, the par- shen, Ritson road south, ish prest, the Reverend U. J. Business Administration Gignac, thanked the i Bus J i president, William Miklas, son of Mr./Mrs, Lucien Chamberland and the federation for their fine un- dertaking. SEWING MACHINE Tune-up Special 3,99 BROADLOOM Oshawa Sewing Centre | a STOP AT Ansus-Grayoon COMPANY CARPET 282 King W. 728-9581 road south, Arts and Science Edward James Winacott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur (Pat) Winacott, Garrard street. RYERSON INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Business Administration William Flegg, son of Mr, and Mrs. George Flegg, Osh-| awa boulevard north. | 329 SIMCOE ST. $. 728-2391 Y fabr trouse of fE tacme. at leading stores everywhere sofa about hair about $129 depending or I ER IER

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