THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, October 'S,1963 17 29--Automobiles For Sele 31--Automobile Repair iy ay sao Monza automa! ie oeaeny iain "HOUSTON'S: GAR (S| nis OLBENONTLE We Gone --aercg,| and SERVICE STATION 27--Real Estate for Sale |27--Reel Estate For Sale ,29--Automobiles For Sale 3 1959 PONTIAC coach, A-1 condition, WALK to oro four-room modern clap- 34,000 miles, ih pg bec yg org her, best woe JOLIN F DelAITH deena ce on: PE 27--Real Estate for Sale LAKE DALRYMPLE, Avery Point, eae fomity 'room, kitchen, refrig- lectric 27--Real Estate For Sele $3,800 DUPLEX lot, Shopping Centre erea, only ae. down. Call Mr. Cruik- 99 Bntghand Rene td. 24--~Houses For Rent FIVE-ROOM house, heated, garage, re- igerator, range. Central. Business ee BOARD for Gentieman, Sday week, Lunches packed. Sears a South-| Telephone 725-3281. 20--Room and Board bil i room and board for! parking. Apply above address, stoves and alt offer. Apply I a Cdl 1961 CHEVROLET Parkwood REALTOR Realtor. 2 hes, for children, \aock, ese pitch, tools and, wood Supply, wooded, oad, 37200, ebiail of $74 covers gfEsiwdh interest and taxes. See this now. .R.. Vickery Realtor 728-9571. rn factories. nad 725-37) tt ==:|25--Avertments "ARTHUR STREET, . board, near north Tall py Single ONE-BEDROOM and two-bedroom 2433. ments. Both with refrigerator, galow, good lot, excellent location. fas J. M. Bullied, mpeasiaal? Telephone} 723-4391. 'apart- stove. store, $6,500. App! 80 miles Metro Toronto. ly C. Grant Gibson, 23 Thorn bank, Thornhill, AV 5-1765. » beds, good board. 728- Ample parking. Available ROOM AND BOARD for pentlernan. Will- pa ly 101 Craydon ae Whitby, Apart- 'tng to share. Sst cooking. spr 71 Bee 562) ment 9, or phone 668-81 Clark Street, six-room PRIVATE sale, iL mortgage. 725- house with garage. One bhi |PRIVATE SALE -- 8-room brick fully furnished, 2 bathrooms, central. Low taxes. Telephone 725-5207. home, oll heat, BROILER FARM. On lakefront, east Oshawa. Modern home, 45 acres, broiler houses, of two fully automatic. Will consider house on trade; 132,000 birds jannually. $15,000. sg Kowal Estate, 23-2453, ~ M THREE-ROOM i it, "heated. Pri- ROOM AND BOARD for gentiemen, twin * epartment, .-beds, home vate bath. Close to bus stop. Parking. * Eelina Street. wivilee ABBY 377 Shor!) Aauits, Available November 1. Tele- "SIMCOE-ROSSLAND west area, room and * board for gentiemen,. television, private "bath and entrance, laundry, parking, shift workers welcome! Apply 708 negie Avenue. © ROOM and board for two gentiemen, will- ' i to share, centrally located. Call 723- 6344, SECLUDED, scenic lots. Two acres each. Oshawa, Whitby Area. $2500 each. Hudson 9-9726 Toronto. WHITBY: bese transferred. 3 bedroom) BEATTY AVENUE, 184 -- two-room . fur nished apartment, sink, cupboards, rang Car.| refrigerator. Private entrance, TV outft i cilities, parking. Suit couple. screens. down payment. Whitby, 668-5697. PRIVATE SALE -- Six-room brick bun- galow, plus 3 basement rooms. Large! corner lot, close to' school and shopping, 5 years old. 5¥@ per cent mortgage. Own- er transferred. Only $12,500. Telephone 725- 15-3353. Ate SALE -- nm split- le one year old. Built-in garage, Lo- cated on wooded 'lot in 'Rossland Manor. Telephone 728-2185. "TWO CHOICE -- HOMES IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Five room brick bungalow in quiet «residential section. Close to schools and hospital Located East of Oshawa. This three bedroom bungo- lorge lot for only MAIN FLOOR apartment, five rooms, $2 bedrooms, heated, 2 school age children ________.... jaccepted. $90. Taunton Road East. Tele- CELINA STREET -- Room and board 539, * Yor lady teacher or office worker. Single): *<'room. Good home cooked meals. Cen- tral, Telephone 728-8560. ROOM AND BOARD for one or two gentiemen, 7-day week. Shift workers welcome. Apply 45 Drew Street. 21--Room & Board Wanted ELDERLY gentieman,; English, wishes nice furnished warm room with board. home. Kindness 7 EAST -- Three-room, also Svea. ee vail ber |. Fecchoce een FOUR-ROOM bright and clean down- stairs apartment. Unfurnished, in Osh- awa. $70 monthly. Available immediately. Telephone before 5 p.m. 623-3950. THREE ROOMS and bath, unfurnished, upstairs apartment, Mary Street near Loo Road. After 6 p.m., telephone 3-bedroom Private. Abstainer's appreciated. 728-3803. ae KING STREET EAST, 235 -- Unturnish- ed apartment, two rooms, kitchenette bath. Parking facilities, central, new piaza,|@dults only. Telephone 728-7705, ideal for groceries, furniture or shoe| WAYNE STREET, 68, APT. 9 -- Four- store. Ample parking space. Apply 378)room apartment, private bath and en- Wilson Road South. Telephone 725-0998. | trance. Adults only. elephone 725-3938. STORE FOR RENT -- ideal drug "Store| ELGIN EAST, 31 -- Centrally located, location, 800 sq. ft. plus high basement.|furnished room, light housekeeping facili- Wilson Road 'South, 128, near King.\ties, parking space. Telephone 723-3807. Ample parking, modern building. Phone UepeR DUPLEX, centrally located. Bus- iret iness woman preferr.'. Telephone before 6 Pm. 725-2843. Evenings 723-7792, FOR RENT MAIN floor "apartment four rooms ; and | bath completely private TV outlet, taun-| Medical or Dental: office. dry room, heated, hydro paid, parking.| Approximately 700 square feet. Close to downtown orea. Parking available. Electric Central location. Immediate possesston. heated. For information call 725-5132 THREE-ROOM apartment, completely pri- vate, stove, refrigerator, excellent resi-| dential area. close to schools and bus. Garage. Rent $85. Dial 725-1873. ' 16,000 SQUARE FOOT SIX CAR BRICK BUILDING Overhead oil heating. Central location. Suitable for gargge, Body Shop or Machine Shop PHONE 728-2445 23--Wanted To Rent PRINCIPAL, and owner of Oshaw Sales Organization desires to rent November 15, three- or four-bedroom) house. Please call 728-2503. MOTEL, h WANTED by. November 1, two- or Three-|reasonable rates. _Call 20-9761. | bedroom house. Responsible couple with ArHOL Street, 177, single furnished 3-year-old child and baby, Rural area). sleeping accommodation only.| preferred. Phone 728-6841. |Apply above address. FOUR or five-room house wanted by|/ROND Street East, furnished room for! adults by November 15. After 6 P.M.\Gentieman, quiet' home, five minutes to telephone 725-5902. four corners, near North General Motors./ WANTED to rent or buy, Lia be i Telephone 723-3356. bedroom house, town or country. Realisas" MONTHLY, two clean unfurnished| tors and owners. Reply to G. Fraser, 600) -ooms with bath, Apply after 5 p.m. 242 Cremazie Street, Beloeil, Prov. Quebec:icagiliac Avenue South. WANTED, modern three-bedroom home,| AGENTS OFFICE available in commer- three adults, one 10 year old, Immediate cial building, plenty of parking, all utili-) possession. Telephone after six ties paid, asking $40. monthy. Cali MODERN | large store > in BULLIED REALTOR 333 King Street West Telephone 723-4391 PRIVATE NEAR AJAX $1500 DOWN Full Price $12,800 One' mortgage, modern six room bungalow, Oil heated on large well landscaped corner lot. Double paved drive, cut stone bar-b-q on patio, House features built-in range, oven and refrigerator, Hollywood type kitchen, colored bath- room fixtures with vanity, three bedrooms: with built-in furniture. Broadloom and drapes in living room. HOUSE MUST BE SEEN TO BE APJPRECIATED. TELEPHONE AJAX 942-4785 or 942-5438 "FARMS" 200 Acres all workable on 35 Highway, Close to Lindsay. 8 room brick house, bath, new oil furnace, attached garage, large painted bank barns, Small down payment, balance 6%. Immediate possession. Price $29,000. 125 Acres on 7 Highway, 5 miles from Lindsay, large white brick house, bath, bank barn. 40.x 70, Stanchions bulk milk tank, milk contract, 24 holstein cows and machinery optional. Same family for 60 years. Estate sale. $22,000 or best offer. No mortgage. 100 Acres, near Loke Scugog, all workable, modern brick house, bath, oif furnace, tile | floors throughout, bank barn | 40 x 80, school on farm. Will exchange for house in Osh- awa, $21,000, easy terms. HAROLD C. PEDWELL front of ae Telephone a '2875. | BROKER an: Suit one-or two geniemen Parking |Newcastle Phone 385-3856 SCHOFIELD-AKER FURNISHED ) bedroom, two blocks" nort acta| 723-2265 of hospital. Suit gentieman. Parking. $7.) weekly. Telephone 728-2758. - room, -- com GOOD HOUSE .FOR LARGE FAMILY -- Lots of room in this seven room home just listed by us. Priced at only $13,500 with a low down payment. A couple of houses above King on Oshawa Blvd. N. This home is convenient to evertyhing. Let us show you and solve your housing problem. Low Rental Apts. Halliday Manor 620 Richmond St. E. Applications from married couples over 65 years of age with limited income now be- ing accepted for future vacancies. Full information at 104 King Street West. OSHAWA HOUSING co. LTD H. G. CH.ESEBROUGH, MANAGER, 26--Rooms For Rent PONTIAC INN, rooms with running water, | tv | lounge, parking Telephone 725-9035. | | | pe |SINGLE or double room, for lady or gentleman. Apply 25 Dis Division Street. ted, TV, shower, 723-9761. | | oan | R | 728-6286. a .24--Houses For Rent NEAR South General Motors, bedroom,| NINE-ROOM house, large barn, chicken|twin beds, quiet private home, suitable coop, garage, 100 acres, occupancy No af young gentlemen, after 4.15 p.m. vember 1. Port Perry 985-7495. 5-8645. FOUR - room brick house, oi! house, for rent or sale. Adults only. 'io a dealers. Pos-|¢d room, suitable for gentleman. Between session Nov. T 773-9266. 12__and_ 5. Telephone 728-2249. COUNTRY MOUSE. ae rent, 3 or 5|LARGE furnished | bedsitting room, aan-| rooms, trade y oe. for two gentlemen. Centrally locat- miles 7 ; Parking available. Te! jephone or house barn, 2% | 725-9905, and Gentieman.| miles north of Newtonville on Kendal FURNISHED ROOM, suit Parking area, bus at door. Apply 573) Road. gull running through property, month. neler' John Jackson, Olive Avenue, 723-1832. $50. RR A " Newtonvi $7. WEEKLY -- light housekeeping room, private entrance, all conveniences, Hos-| MODERN am house, In Port Perry, telephone 985-7014. ay I, High School area. Suit lady, After | . | inte STREET, 313, 13, single ) furnish-| SACRE farm, .m., 725-8792 bun-|\WELL FURNISHED room, northend. Close to bus, s is, hospital. Some: kitchen privileges. Parking. 728-6992. EULALIE AVENUE -- Comfortable fur- nished room in quiet home for young) Bus service in WHITBY -- three-bedroom galow, no basement, two children wel- come. Habl . Whitby 668-4212. NEWCASTLE -- five-room onfurnished bungalow, garage, all city $85 monthly. After 6 p.m. castle 2150, AJAX -- five-bedroom house, children welcome, gas heat, $95 monthly. Lease. After 5.30 p.m. phone - 942-4155. GRABURN AVENUE -- Six room brick house, central location, three bed- rooms, fenced in yard. Telephone 725-3389. |nished for light housekeeping. Centra! WHITBY three-bedroom bungalow|One working adult only, $10. weekly. Tele- newly decorated, close to schools, very) phone 7 725-5227. large fenced in lot. Dial 668-2925. New- |LARGE bright completely "fur fur- room, Call 725-| THREE-BEDROOM, modern brick bun-| |gentieman, galow, oll heating. Vacant now. $110) 2249. monthly, unheated. Telephone 725-2911. |ELGIN EAST, 23 -- Furnished room for LARGE three-bedroom home, interior| gentleman, housekeeping privileges. completely redecorated, immediate pos-|Close to downtown. Telephone after 4 session, $115 monthly. Call 723-9161. p.m, 723-7814, ey ee ene ee | ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS 'Se range occupancy, Call evenings 728-7669. THREE-BEDROOM home, large recrea- Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. tion room, $100, month. Available October 82 PARK RD. N. abstainer, central. OPEN HOUSE -- BEAU VALLEY Evenings - 6 to 7:30 P.M, 15. Telephone 728-3607. CAREFUL TENANTS for three-bedroom | house, ali conveniences. North of ,Osh-| awa, $65, monthly. Occupancy October 15./ #' For information, telephone 655-3736. 728-867 | SEML-ATTACHED bedroom | ' with wafer softener, storm windows, two 4 baths, practically finished basement, ex- 27--Real Estate For Sale = cellent front and back yards. Dial Whitby 668-4381. pergurts five-room bungaiow, . four-fifths an acre treed tot, attached garage,| « : IN WHITBY -- modern six-room house, a refrigerator, drapes included.| Weekends - 3 to 5:00 P.M. ey decorated, available October 15.) Courtice call 728-0997. | eferences required. 668-5049. -- ver pe ee PRIVATE sale six room house, iow| WHITBY -- ONLY $1000 be lown pay », also business property) DOWN PAYMENT. Listing WHITBY lee ata Apply 's4 Simcoe) price reduced by $800.00 - ~ | 5 'room brick bungalow, CLASSIFIE | close to schools, nice quiet D | area - large lot. Owner an- | xious to sell - don't delay - DAY CARE available in licensed home.| Fenced-in yard, play room, hot lunches. | Transportation can be arranged. 668- let us show it to you to-day. ELECTRICALLY HEATED -- 6 months old 6 room brick ranch bungalow with attach- ed garage. Located on a treed lot in Brookside Acres. Features include partial stone front, balance Red Clay Brick. Inside - living room 18 x 14, separate dining area - 3 bright bedrooms. Well built home in a good oreo. List price $18,500. EXECUTIVE HOME in Brookside Acres features Dream Kitchen and adjoin- ing Family Room. L-shape L.R. and D.R. with fireplace. 3. B.R.'s with 2 pec both off Master BR.. Also luxury 4 pce. bath with vanity. Large stone patio at front entrance and 2 car garage. Newly painted outside. Ex- tras include Twindows on L.R., and D.R., aluminum doors, storms and screens. High dry basement. Good. shrubs, Listed at $26,000.00 Open 9 to 9 - Sat. 9 to 5 PAULINE BEAL . 725-0239 CHARLIE CHAYTOR 723-7996 MARGARET HALL 723-1358 BILL McFEETERS 725-1726 six $6,000 full price. 30 miles from room frame piece bath, hydro, shade trees. Will exchonge on house in Whitby or Oshowo. $8,900 $1,000 down. Ten room farm house: Div- ided to two families. Good well. Shade trees. Lorge cor- ner lot. Five miles from Osh- owo, On highway. $14,900. Five room, 1% storey home. Three piece both, oil heating. Small barn fitted for dog kennels. Good well, Large road frontage. In village wo. 7 four house, 2472. | DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses oe alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting 4) specialty. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. WANTED -- Dutch couple with two "chi | dren would like two bedroom house or! apartment to rent. Telephone 668-2134 any fi FURNIS' for rent. Own entrance. Ciose to trans-| Portation (668-4762. FOR RENT -- Self-cor contained three-room| heated apartment with bath, stove, frig/ supplied, adults only. Working couple pre- ferred. Apply 111 Palace Street, Whitby.| FOR SALE -- One muskrat jacket, in| good condition. Fits sizes 14 to 1 Tele-| Phone 655-3802. FOR RENT: Furnished light housekeep | ing room with private entrance. Tele-| phone 668-2332 or apply 542 Mary Street) East. | SEPTIC tanks cleaned, prompt service on on} calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street] West, Whitby. 668-2563. FOR RENT: Large two bedroom modern apartment, in néw triplex, central loca- fion. Dial 668-8031. APARTMENT for rent, modern one bed- room, TV outlet, unfurnished. Near school, bus stop. Private entrance, main floor. Available October 15. Whitby , 6%3987 or 725-3090. 7% acres. Brooklin Area. 134 acres. $13,900. Five room modern brick home. Good -- well. Lown, shrubs ond shade trees. Close to highway.. Suit V.L.A. . Ajox Areo--2 acres. $14,- 500. Five roor¢® bungalow. Living room, kitchen, three bedrooms, 4 piece bath, for- ced air oil heating, hot' wat- er heater. Good well, Two car gorage. Large hen house. Good garden land. % Call Ted Coates 668-5823 or 655-4737 BOWMAN & GIBSON NW : our Fo rooms, -- private en- france. Available immediately. Apply 614 Dundas Street East. FULLER BRUSH SERVICE $500 We WORKS | $240 DGWN TO ONE 6%4% | NHA MTGE. NEW NHA Bungalows----stone fronts, clay brick (no semis) hood and electric clock -- sodded front and reor large lots--carries $99 monthly interest, principal and taxes. $240 -- -- 3 bedroom $13,290 $612 down oo tA bedroom and garage, $14,5 $792 down -- y bedroom, split 1% baths. $14, 940, Located in Whitby--All ser- vices in and paid for by build- er--Models for viewing in West Hill. Only a few avail- oble at the prices. Call Gerry Hill AM 7-9712, , Manderhill Real Estate Ltd. jbedroom brick bungalow. OPEN MOUSE 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. KINGSMERE GARDENS FEATURING 14 new models, all with built in stoves and ovens, and fully decorated, down pay- ments -starting at $1,310. with N.H.A. financing; di- rections: King Street East to Missionary College, turn tight and follow the signs. Ss: exciting | | COUNTRY _ living, four-year-old family bungalow, garage. Real value at $15,700. Must city conveniences, se i] seen, Call Mr. Cruikshanks at yonst2s Rolahood Bros. Ltd., 'Realtor. PRIVATE SALE--La Salle Avenue. Two) reation, and livi Large rec- ing room. Attractively anne. Excellent location, Telephone 28-8489. SIX-ROOM spiit level, three years old. mortg: 2489 down with Dunbarton 839-1473. age. Telephone SIX-ROOM home, $9800. low down pay- ment, $60. monthly. Close to schools. Tele- phone . 728-6712. : PRIVATE 'SALE, $11,500., three-bedroom brick home, North, aluminum storms, forced air oil furnace, Phone 725-9464. off screens, lVe-storey, Simcoe new private garage. PRIVATE sale, new six-plex custo built with many extras, good location, fully elephone | rented, By appointment only. Ti 723-1424, FIVE-BEDROOM home, iwo baths low down. payment. ns, $9,900 Call Ed Drumm at 728-5123. Bolahood Brothers Limited Real- tor. JOHN A. J, -BOLAHOOD REALTORS LTD. 167 Simcoe St, South LLOYD REALTY Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. 101 Simcoe Street North HAVE JOINED OFFICES UNDER A NEW NAME BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED REALTORS--INSURANCE 101 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 728-5123 HYMAN; GUIDE REALTY al Estate Limited 728-6286 _ D. W McQUAY REALTOR Whitby Plaza 313 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-5868 Toronto 363-9603 Attractive - frame. bungalow with five rooms and three room apartment -in base- ment. Seporote garage. Sit- uated on a large well land- scoped corner lot close to separate school and high school. Asking $13,000. or $11,000. cash. Split level three bedroom brick bungalow in good con- dition. Good lot, with lawns, flowers, and shrubs. fenced ot rear. Privote drive. Alu- minum storms and screens and T.V. antenna included. Asking $14,500. with $3600 down. Lovely frame bungalow on No. 12 highway at Myrtle Station. Stone fireplace and chimney. Built in gorage. Beautiful lawns, trees and gordens. All on 2% acres of good gorden soil. Brooder house and chicken house in- cluded. Asking $18,500. with $5,000 down, To inspect the above pro- perties call Keith Lunney. RESIDENTIAL ACREAGES TROUT STREAMS FARMS LOTS COMMERCIAL BUSINESSES BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED LIST WITH US THEN CALL YOUR MOVER CHOICE LOCATION $15,500 Six -room brick bungalow. Hollywood. kitchen with loads of cupboards. Modern bath with .colored fixtures, and vanity. Lorge living room with broadioom. Nicely fin- ished recreation room, with bar. Monthly payments $82. including interest and princi- pal on one mortgage. Hurry call Irwni Cruikshanks now, ot 728-5205 or 728-5123. DUPLEX $9,500 FULL PRICE SIMCOE AT MILL Very reasonable down pay- ment. 8 rooms plus 2 bath- rooms, double garage. Total income $145. monthly, car- ries for $85 monthly plus low taxes. One apartment vacant Oct. 15th. Coll Ed Drumm without delay at 728-5123 of 725-9345, 2 YEARS OLD Athabasca Avenue 5 rooms, bedrooms, breezeway and ottached gar- age, brick and stone, clean home, lovely garden, 2 fin- ished rooms in. basement, mony extra features. Ask- ing only $16,900. -- Rea- sonable down payment, good area, close to King St. and Adventist Church. Call Jack ot 728-5123 or 723-3398 now. BOLAHOOD BROTHERS | 723-1121 TRIPLEX near North G.M. close to schools and down- town. 3 separate 2 bed- room apartments with hot water oil heating. Owner anx- ious to sell and will give good terms on one open mortgage. This property has. been sub- stantially reduced in price and is in excellent condition so it is well worth your in- spection, N.H.A, RESALE -- 5% mort- gage. Large modern bungalow in. a good location near schools and bus service. 3 bedrooms with plenty of clothes closet space. 4 pc. tiled bathroom. Large modern kitchen with dining area. Rec- reation. room partially finish- ed. SUPERMARKET in North Oshawa with excellent turn- over, selling 'all equipment and stock at invoice price, connected with large chain. Wonderfull opportunity at only $16,900. full price. FULL PRICE $18,500. 6 room ranch bungalow with attach- ed garage on a quiet dead end street in Whitby. 2 fin- ished bedrooms and recrea- tion room in basement. Ma- hogany trim used throughout this immaculately kept home. Extra large. lot. If you are this area, give us a call. 5 SUITE APARTMENT BUILDING -- good brick only 10 years old in excellent rent- ol area close to bus and shopping. All large rooms with stove and fridges in each apartmeMtParking fa- cilities. We have full partic- ulars, call today. $1,000 DOWN PAYMENT -- 5 room brick bungalow on a lot 53 x 100 close to schools and bus. 3 good sized. bedrooms and modern kitchen. Aluminum storms and screens, Full price $12,- 600: BUILDERS LAST, CHANCE -- for a beautiful 75 ft. ra- vine lot on Oshawa Blvd. North. NORTH EAST OSHAWA -- 5 room stone front bungalow only 2% years old, This quolity bui't home features, many extras such as lights in the valances, planter in liv- ing room, copper splash in the Hollywood kitchen, col- oured fixtures in the 4 pc. vanity bathroom and low heating costs. Give us, an opportunity to show you this fine property today. FULL PRICE $15,300. 5 room brick and stone bungo- low located just west of Oshawa on Elizabeth Cres. among other fine homes. 22 ft. living room features red- wood panelling, large kitchen with built in stove and oven. High walkout basement. 30 ft. deep well with good water supply. For particulars call 723-1121 After 5 pm call Leon Manitius 725-8068 Tony Siblock 725-4362 Roy Flintoff 725-3454 Steve Englert 728-5581 Steve Zurba 728-0569 Irene Brown 725-3867 Jean Peacock 725-4330 Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Dick Young 723-7183 Lucas Peacock 725-4330 INSURANCE looking for a better Home in' Bowmanville 14 Frank Street Phone 623-3950 WHITBY, 3 bedroom bun- galow. Nice clean home. All modern conveniences. Ask- ing $12,500. Easy terms. LORINDALE DRIVE, Oshawa. Lovely new bungalow with carport. Many extras. Ask- ing $15,900. Terms. New, 3 bedroom brick bun- alow, attached garage on Y% acres. Only $2500. down, New bungalow in Bowman- ville with separate base- ment apartment. Only $1,000 down, SCOTT ROAD, West Osh- awa, 5 roomed bungalow, all modern. conveniences. Only $11,500. Terms. ELLIOTT STREET, Oshawa, 6 roomed home, all modern conveniences. Only $1900 down, NEWTONVILLE, 10 Roomed 'home. New oil furnace: Only $7,500. Terms. 2 Bedroom bungalow, west Bowmanville, modern con- veniences. Only $750 down. 8 Roomed brick home, Bow- manville. Modern conven- iences. Only $1,500 down, 5 Roomed bungalow, Bow- manville, all modern. conven- iences. Price $10,900. Terms. Bungalow near Courtice. Mo- edrn_ conveniences. Only $2,000 down. 90 Acre farm, excellent soil, 8 Roomed modernized house Barn, large hen house etc. Price and terms ar- ranged. 33 Acre farm, West of New- castle. Partly orchard. New modern home. Barn, Price and terms arranged. 50 Acre farm, 7 Roomed home, modern conveniences. Barn. Price $12,000. Terms. 140 Acre farm, paved road, House and barn. Only 20 min. drive to Oshawa. Asking $27,500. Terms. 65 Acres with house and born, Large river frontage. Only 20 Min. drive to! Osh- awa, Paved road. Asking $19,500. Terms, 10 Acres with 8 Roomed brick home; all modern con- veniences. Location East of Oshawa. Only $4,000. down. | | | Donald Mountjoy 623-3614 Idso Wiersma Orono 1649 Guy LeBlanc 623-3715 John Sandy, Omemee 799-5589 |1962 FORD Falcon, two door, | 1961 like new, Can finance. 728-1203. Call 3 to 6 p.m. 728-0773, miles, clean, black, white walls, perfect. 725-2825. 1955 "BUICK hard top, 51,000 sel exceptionally, g 1960 PONTIAC Laurentian cylinder, manville 623-5827, ville, sedan, Apply 228 Olive Avenue. 1950 CHEVROLET coach, good condition. runk lock, six-| fenton excellent, automatic transmission, Bow-|brakes, springs or 4 Duke, Bowman- 1960 CHEVROLET, écylinder. in good 2560. - 1956 FORD coach, V- Tas LbEBaTE We pena wari bel oaengy eM Bg gin 1955 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, overdrive transmission, underseat heater electric TEXACO.. ; PRODUCTS 67 KING ST, WEST ° 723-7822 © pletely reconditioned throughout, $475 offer. Older trade considered. 728-0558. 5 or| 1960 oe four-door sedan. phone 723-27 Tele- Telephone 1962 FORD Galaxie, six-cylinder auto matic, age 8 a seat belts, radio. 196) FIAT, 7 white, ning be like new, 45 miles per gallon, 1958 VAUXHALL 6 cylinder Velox model, Good condition. Call after 5 p.m. 728-1847. Hon, new clutch, spark-plugs, four barrel sangget ent second car, '$375. Telephone Bow: 623-5976, -|32--Articles For Sale | UPRIGHT OHT plane. reconditioned, Apply 10? Hunter (ene block South Maun Lawn' Cemetery) items tisted articles 72-8501 1955 FORD, excellent mechanical white and bronze, lights, window washers, 42,000 miles. cellent condition. 725-7285. 195% PONTIAC V8, automatic, two-tone|<> wheel discs, back up|$200 includes Ex-|Apertment 1 or ia Chane of Pi tax, only. 7 condi- condition. $325 or t offer. manville 623-2181. ow- 1950 FORD, fair condition, needs 1985 CHEVROLET VB, radio, other extras, mission S40, Call after 5 pom 725-3988. trans TABLE, wal in et a ote machine, con- $25. Apply 468 Eulalie Avenue, LLOYD baby carriage, light grey, makes Bond Street ast|tato car bed' or sroller. $25, Col Taeaats 1952 OLDSMOBILE, 4-cdoor, ideal second $125. Pontiac, accept 1956 HARDTOP good condition, Will Call 725-5906. two - door: trade-in. car, runni Call 728-0215. day, Telephone 1954 PONTIAC, phone °723-1227. 1961 DODGE, automatic, low mileage, tires. Excellent Telephone 728-2914. A-1 shape, radio, matic, radio, whitewalls, discs. $995. Will finance. Call 728-5745. One owner. Telephone 725- $300. Tele-| 655-48: 1957 CHEVROLET Nomad w Warned wagon, Excel- lent shape, Roman red and ivory, auto- w-washers and October 4820. yee so a Best offer Broce |new, $10. 7 'i986 xKIa J , hardtop power steering,|overdrive, new Pirellis, roy "Best snow condition, one owner. try. 723-2819 after 6. e@ wheels, cash| ANTIQUE chair and clothes > both offer over $750. Sacrifice. Leaving coun- NEW fender Champ a end with new custom case, i Anrmeett : CONTIN: dresser and chest, suitable child's hy no) Ga ee brews wie ceeu Sm. 2" TELEVISION, in eed ~ condiion, Floor model, $45, Tolophene' 66s Ss for $30. In excellent condition. 668-4680. 1957 VOLKSWAGEN Van, in condi-| CHICKERING grand Ne grond plane, Best offer, good tion, $450 or best offer; also 1949 GMC 2¥2 ton stake yes in good shape, $250, full year licence. Telephone 723-1472. PRIVATE, & Meyers edencrsttanat des Teshattneisocchiie ate 1959 iter 26,000 miles, 1962 CHEVROLET impala, 2door hard-|condition. Apply 811 top, 6 cylinder, automatic transmission. | 725-8436. Al Street. 1959 1954 MONARCH convertible, good Heusen Motors, telephone 725-3557. PRIVATE SALE, standard six 1961 | top, finished in red, $20 down, $7 week. Van 156 King Street West, Pontiac sedan, new radio, whitewatis. im- radio, dual speaker,' Tel SEWING machina, Singer, trendia. $28. in good condition. Bee ad Kelvinat jes, 3 \atigeraters Thrifty Budget P! BUY oat elon vest GTS Bd One tocation only, very 623-7074. 1962 FOUR-DOOR Laurentian maroon, Powerglide, power s many other options. Low mileage, 725-6141. 668-4095 afteh 5 p.m. 840 40 My: Ss Street, 725-8336. 1955 PLYMOUTH, good condition. Apply inder, standard transmission, age. 728-2445, Big 6 teering,| Y: perfect 1963 PONTIAC Laurentian, coach, 6 cyl- tow mile 1960 CHEVROLET Biscayne, 2-door, cylindér. Good. condition. phone 728-2560. $1,250. Tele 6|1955 FORD, two door, mechanically good, Law fair, custom radio. Must sell, $275. matic, 6-cylinder, 1963 PONTIAC, Strato Chief, 2-door auto- washers, 8 cylinder, radio, new wheel discs, seat belts. tion. Telephone 728-1234, Excellent condi- fob. $450 or trade. 725-8602. 1955 CHEVROLET convertible, new top,| motor 1962 PONTIAC Laurentian, sedan, matic tr transmission, radio, heater, tween 6 and 8 p.m. telephone 723-4029. privately owned, low mileage, good condition. Be- -- radio, rear window defroster, seat tenn, --_ rr steering, Pe nseraghen Lae excel- Telephone 725-3915. 1955 MONARCH, standard, V8, floor shift, good running condition, good tires, $200. 193 BUICK Le a fully equipped, power steering, 1956 PONTIAC Station wagon, 6 cylinder, i Good performance rear axle, radio, rear tr car. $625. Mike's BA Service Raglan, 655-7528. 1953 METEOR, family car, in cata dition. Reasonably priced. 263-2368. ' Station, | CHEVROLET Biscayne, standard, |good condition, $1,500. Dial 725-0459. con- Hampton, 728-9296. 2-door hardtop, brakes, Positraction, four barrel carburetor, high speak: er, seat belts. $3,295. Phone 723-2138 or '3 Furniture, 444 444 Simcoe South, 'asin REFRIOERATOR, Rogers Majestic 10 Northern Electric wringer washing moehine Hilltop Tandem Boat Trailer with winch. Call after 6 p.m. 728-0308. USED cer parts, used tires all sizes, spindies and wheels for trailers. Apply 509 Bloor East, dial 723-2281. REGENT power mower one-year-old, eocney $40. Ti field $40, or best offer. perfect condition, retary 81 Phillips Street. | MOFFAT Lead heavy oy excellent condition. RAvENDORY green frieze eo '" ute-| good condition, $357, television, Westing: house, 21 inch, $45. Apely 3.0 10 5 p.m. ele- BUYING or or appli- this weekend. 230 Toronto Avenue. ances. Call Elmer, Hameten 263-2294 or 263-2695. pct TYPEWRITERS, adding machines, sup- plies, rentals, sales and service. Ajl ma- chines guaranteed. a aan ip- 1958 CHEVROLET four automatic,. cept trade. Call Whitby 668-4897. door hardtop, Real good condition. Will ac ment, 10 CUSTOM made box eg oo extra tires. Cheap, $45. Telephone 725-9336. 1959 CHEVROLET Biscayne, 728-5179. four door, |green metallic, white roof, one owner, 30- day guarantee. Accept trade. Telephone Avenue. 1957 PONTIAC station wagon, 4door de- luxe, automatic, 6 cylinder. Very clean and sharp looking, Must be sold. Bargain. $700. T 728-4334 or 390 Annapolis 1956 ELTO, 22 hp outboard motor, com- pletely ot lage After 6 p.m. Tele phone 668-51. BICYCLE, x, are CCM, 3-speed, ad ly new. gine, standard transmission, tion. Call before 7 p.m., 723-7994, 1962 BUICK Special, convertible, V-6 en- . Good condi- 1957 FORD, Fairiane, 725-644) radio, in excellent condi, $695. Call) 'automatic, radio, A-1 condition, six cylinder, class body and power train, $1,250. 5.30 p.m., telephone Whitby 668-5114. 1958 PONTIAC, station wagon, four door, automatic and radio, first After best offer. Call Ajax 942-5235. 1956 CHEVROLET, 4door, hardtop, V2! $600 or UseD a a trols. Call Harry ©. Perry Lid. 723-948. USED Pegg otal machine, with tre, 329 Simcoe South. 728-2391. ae shift, $1300. or best 728-0722: offer, Tel KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always | top quolity. "SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean tars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off. ted 28--Real Estate W. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 shift, Lec ed "al Telephone 668-45 1959 DODGE sedan, V8 engine, stick lephone 1957 METEOR two-door V8, Standard Good tires. $465. er steering, power $850. Telephone 725-7792. 1958 SHavacuT Bel Air hardtop, pow- brakes, radio. Price} nox price. 217. Church rea Telephone 725-2879. 1958 TO 1966 WANTED. Chevrolet or|bar; Pontiac. Will accept best car at most sonable Street. 1956 MONARCH, 2-door hardtop, gear shift, fully equipped, $475. p.m. call 668-5783. jandard After 6) MusK VOLVO, 1962 sedan, model 1228, custom seat belts and radio, extras include tach-| 263-2336. brakes, ometer, electric washers, power and fog tires. $2,000. Can be financed. 1953 CHEVROLET station wagon, auto- matic transmission, new tires, very good] nous condiffon. 97 Stevenson Road North. | wine pay cash for five room bung: in Oshawa. Write giving Times. alow) tocation™ and Price in first letter to Box 213 Oshawa TRUCK WANTED. Will pay cash reasonably priced GM pick-up truck, good mechanical condition 728-3139. ot Telephone} 29---Automobiles For Sale | $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down, Leins paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY New Telephone 668-3331 VOLVO SALES and SERVICE JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE '449 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa 728-0921 \Can 723-4300. trade. Balance 36 months. iupin Orive, Whitby ee CHEVROLET, 2-door hardtop, fully: juipped, low mileage, privately owned. psc hac oe CR 1963 MERCURY Monterey. $800 down or » Apply 205) 5; 1959 A-H Sprite, top body, all excellent. Fully modified, May be 728-2793. seen evenings after 5 p.m. mechanics ready to race x drive to work, Full price $800. Phone: RE-CONDITIONED Singer 'automatic, and others, from $19. Oshawa Sewing South, 728-2391, |Centre, 329 Simcoe OSHAWA Sewing Centre, stration sale, up to $90 off. 329 Simcoe Street South, MOSTLY new Slivertone kitchen 'sets POW! bookcase eS bed; chest of drawers; box spring attress bgp mec ste; ie electric bread tank 4 " bookcase; lywood 1527 Lakeside Street. aan id TEEN eee iris) size 12 to 16 In Condition. Telephone after 4 pm. MUSKRAT aut, aos dark brown; black Hud- , son seal cape, jacket style. Both size 14, Man's overcoat, size 44. Telephone |wardrobe; Good Cheer gas furnace, 'will heat four rooms; wi two _ venétian blinds, 52 x 72. Apply 88 Wesfmount, * HOUSEHOLD furniture, in good céndi> tion. Also combination gas and stove. Telephone 723-1989. 4 ANTIQUE GUN 3 WANTED Telephone Oshawa 725-8183. BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA Gust East of Wilsén Road) __723-4494 Res. 725-5574 - CHEVROLET, convertible, wipped. Must sell. No fully ing etc. Best prices in town. Try offer|Minion 'Tire Store, 48 Bond 'Nest. refused. Telephone 728-7586, 728-2503. offer. Bowmanville, phone automatic, radio, power nay= Aled Positraction. Telephone 728-8200. 1956 BUICK convertible, $400 or best 623-5009. ise) CHEVROLET, caper sport coube: Va 1963 CHEVROLET, super sport coupe, Vi ine GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM B.-A, SERVICE Ritson Road and King 723-4733 and 723-7712 hardtop; 1960 Chevrolet,. Bel door, automatic transmission. Both condition and very clean. Cadillac Chevrolet $1,550 Telephone 725-5953. PRIVATE sale, 1959: Cadillac, four door, Air, four in A-l "agua SOFA bed, good condition, maroon; type- -|writer, old style; oe ane 12; good con- dition. Telephone 725- bedroom suite. All articles in good ¢ dition, vemapoee evenings, -- RIFLE 351 Winchester, rounds of ammunition. Case. Fired only 26 rounds, Ajax 942-5050. SNARE rehge 4 with brass attachments and stick: 725-4693. automatic, 74 ae clip, Telephone 1985 CADILLAC door hardtop, 725-5125. $995.10NE HAN! NDCARVED table, five chairs. Two to choose from. 723-1911, prenincsl Full price, $75. Complete dining room suite, $15, (668-4680. snow plow, hydraulic, winch, full cab, equipped station. Excellent condition, for best USED miles. Regular $2998 A very clean car. Regular $1895 V-8, Automatic, Fall Clearance CARS 1963 FALCON Four Door Automatic, radio, white walls, trim package, big motor, 14,000 Only $2399 1962 COMET Two Door Only $1695 1960 PLYMOUTH Two Door radio, Real sharp. Only $1095 1958 MERCURY Two Door Hardtop Metallic green, V-8, automatic. Choice Value. $995 1956 CHRYSLER Four Door Sedan Repainted, clean in and out. 'Only $695 30 OTHER USED CARS IN STOCK INCLUDING A NUMBER OF IMPORTS -- ALL PRICED TO SELL Chrysler --Dodge -- Valiant Sales and Service 1957 WILLYS Jeep, complete with 7 ft. power take off service! offer. Apply 414 Park Road South. 725-7887. REFRIGERATION and Butcher Store 1957 OLDSMOBILE, standard cellent conditon, $700. Ti 9 transmis-' sion, radio, white walls, 43,000 miles, ex- 725-1208. Equip Meat counters, dairy case, "scales, etc. To ' aoe immedi rly terior, whitewalls, radio, washers. from new, lady Consider trade, 668-4728. 1961 HILLMAN Minx convertible. new. Finished in red with red leather in- Like} Four- speed on the floor transmission. Private owner, $1,295 or offer. 1958 CHEVROLET, two door, good condition. $825. Can be seen Simooe South, 725-7570. standard, at 277 LA SALLE, 1935, in condition, runaing, clean inside, tires. Telephone 725-8503. mileage, V-8 automatic, excellent ber, $750. Telephone 728-0569. $1950. Dial Bowmanville 623-2148. perfect restorable $100. Antique car parts, 450 x 21, new snow int and 1959 DODGE Mayfair, original pal condi- tion, new brakes, new muffler, good rub- 1962 GALAXIE V-8 automatic with radio, 1957 OLDSMOBILE radio, power steering, Four Royal master tires. Excellent tion. Apply 81 Phillips Street. four - door haniee, power brakes, condi- Wentworth 30--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for Reblog Mg xe prices paid. 220 'ast. 1181. "CALL 725-5 185 BELTONE Now Open Fridays Until 9 P.M, For your convenience 42¥2 SIMCOE NORTH OSHAWA 728-0004 TOWER Scecial 40 ft. Tower Structure with All-Channel Antenna Installed $50. Oshawa T.V. Supply Ltd. 361 Gibbons St. 728-8180 Buying «@ New Car? Talk Car "Cash" Dealer and 723-4494 Res, to the New "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 725-5574 100 CARS WANTED Sell your used car to "Ted"' What's My Line? Buying or -- used fur- Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 or call at the store 16% Bond W. SHOP the "variety store" of the ified Section--"Miscellaneous for today It's loaded with Class. Sale' offers, 32--Articles For Sale CEDAR TREES For hedges, etc. Choice qual- ity guaranteed. Free esti- mates and delivery. Now is , the time to plant. Phone Clarke 612 CUT FLOWERS PERENNIALS FLOWERS. AT. THANKSGIVING GARDEN MUMS GLADIOLA BULBS CONTAINER ARRANGEMENTS Town and Hospital delivery. PASSANT'S FLORISTS 122 DUKE STREET LIMITED 101 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ontario Open Evenings REG AKER 725-0201 STEVE MACKO 728-5868 j 360 King St, W. Free Parking WHITBY 668-4968 SMITH SPORTS 8. | 353 KING ST, WEST. 728-7341 DIAL BOWMANVILLE (Continued on Page 18) 145 Brock Street South 623-3527 Whitby GUIDE REALTY ihe a Realtors, 16 Simcoe 5a TM NA Dia Re PON EL. Ba Te