---S-.. Ms 4 __@ JUST MARRIED Pictured after their recent wedding in Northminster Unit- ed Church are Mr. and Mrs. Carl Francis Reid. The bride, Saturday's Bride, Gayle Patterson Feted At Parties Prior to her marriage this Saturday to Mr. James J. Hill, in' Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church, Miss Gayle Beverly Patterson has been widely en- tertained. Mrs, Arnold Broadbent held a linen shower at her home on Westmoreland avenue, assisted by her daughter Miss Linda Broadbent. Mrs. George Peters was the hostess at her home on Cedar street, for a cup and saucer shower, Mrs. E. K. Campbell assisted A kitchen shower was held at the home of Mrs. Ray Kellar, Albert street, for the nighbors with some of the neighbors as- sisting. Miss Claudette Marcoux, Ade- laide east, was the hostess at a personal and _ miscelanneous shower and was assisted by the attendants, Mrs, Germaine Mar- toux and Mrs. Sylvia Zedic. | A gift was presented to the) bride-to-be from her fellow em-| ployees in Office Equipment De-' partment at General Motors. A miscellaneous shower was held at St. Mary's Hall, Bloor street west, given by Mrs. An- nie Ballan, Mrs. William Bal- lan and Mrs. John Ballan. A gift of money was also presented. Following the wedding re- hearsal tomorrow evening, the bridal party will be entertain- ed at the home of the future bridegroom's parents, Mr, and yas Charles Hill, Simcoe street south. LIKE DEBUTANTES SHAWNIGAN LAKE, B.C. (CP) -- Mrs. Ellen White, a leader in Indian community af- fairs, said in an address here that Indian initiation rites are comparable to white people's debutante parties, She said that in former days an Indian girl was schooled by her elders. Entertained At Mothers of kindergarten pu- pils attending Dr. Robert / Thornton School were entertain- ad formerly Donna Beth Howard, is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur William Howard and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and.Mrs. Francis Reid, all of Oshawa. --Aldsworth Photography ed recently at a tea held in Westminster United Church, Manning' road, Guests were greeted at the door by Mrs. Arthur Joynt, vice- president of the Home and School Association, and asked to sign the guest register. Mrs. Joynt spoke a few words Mr. M. G. Karpiak, principal of the. school, : Mrs. Joynt introduced Miss Joan Esdatle, kindergarten teacher, Miss Esdale opened her re- marks with a quote by Henry Ford -- "Coming together is a beginning -- Keeping together is progress -- Working together is success' and said that she felt this to be an apt desoription of kindergarten, because of the very different characteristics of the many children under her care, Mrs. Joynt thanked both Mr. Karpiak and Miss Esdale, Mrs. Bruce Sharrard sang two solos, "My Task" and "My Desire', accompanied by Mrs. Dougias Lander at the piano. Mrs. Hartley Delaney, presi- dent of the Home and School Association, invited the mothers to the association meeting held ind ohan . Dunile' Sindergarten -Pupus of welcome and then introduced) ee ae * Mia: avy H&S Tea on the third Wednesday of No- vember, January, February and April. d Mrs, Donald Wood, a former president of the association, presided at the tea table which was decorated with vases of fall flowers. Refreshments were served. by the conveners, Mrs. Kenneth Young and Mrs. Wil- liam Lovelock, assisted by Mrs. Roland Williams and Mrs. Harry Spurrell. SOCIAL NOTICES FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Armstrong announce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter, Joan Elizabeth, to Walter Puhach, son of Mr, and Mrs, Michael Puhach, all of Oshawa. The wedding will take place on Sat- urday, October 12, 1963, in St. George's Memorial Church. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mrs. Fred Scott, Oshawa, an- nounces the forthcoming mar- riage of her daughter, Mercedes Rose Scott Morrison, to Douglas H. Wilson, son of Mrs. James Thom, Oshawa. The marriage is to take place on Saturday, Oc- tober 5, 1963, at 3.00 p.m., in Northminster United Church. meats Bs combined with able. You may choose the RIM-KING personality and facial contour from our tremendous assortment of frames and mountings in various shapes, sizes and colors -- all at e $11.50. REPAIRS Broken Jenses duplicated. Frames repaired; frames replaced while you wait, Lowest prices! one price, NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED Kin SAVE UPTO S162, CANADA'S FAVORITE EYEGLASSES Once again the King Optical Co, presents the most astonishing offer in optical history. The Rim-King with Its genuine engraved brid e its Zylonite top and almost invisible featherweight lower rim makes it the smartest and most comfortable frame avail- Buy now ot the low price of $11.50! Sale positively ends Saturday, October § 1963, and may never be repeated. 65 STYLES, SHAPES and COLORS Price of 11.50 Includes Frames and Single Vision Lenses in Any Correction, # THUS WEEK ONLY J Children SINGLE VISION Complete With Frames Lenses and Case or select a frame to suit your We fill all PSI, Oculists and Optometrists prescriptions at same low prices. BIFOCALS $1 7-50 Complete With Frames Lenses ond Case Cx patical Co. U.S. Trade-Mark Registe OPTICIANS -- OVER 3; 17 Bond Street, East 2nd Floor red 000,000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS Phone: 728-1261 ; O1ait Our MORE PEOPLE SAVE... Boys', Girls', 4 to 6x 2-PIECE SUITS. Pre-Season Special © Lined Zipper Hood @ Double Knee @ Seven Colors (made in Canada). COMPARE AT $9.99 Pre-Season Special @ ALSO AVAILABLE AT OSHAWA @ Hours: 9 A.M. to 5 P.M, Daily Closed All Day Wednesday 10, Except SAT.-9 a.m. to 6 p.m. MORE MONEY EVERYDAY SHOPPING AT PENNYWORTH'S Compare at 98c POLO SHIRTS UKRAINIAN NUPTIALS United in St. George's Uk- Mr. and Mrs. John C; Stanley, rainian Catholic Church re- Oshawa, and the bridegroom cently were Barbara Lorraine is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Stanley and Lance §. Damant. Arnold Damant, Bowman- The bride is the daughter of _ ville. --Ireland Studio Norma Caverly, John Croiis Exchange Vows By Candle-Light me Saint Mark Lutheran Church, Port Credit, was the setting for a double-ring ceremony recent- ly, when Norma Joanne Caver- ly was united in marriage to John Howard Crofts, Port Credit. The bride is a former resident of Oshawa, the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, Verner R. Caverly, Grierson street. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Crofts, Port Credit. The ceremony coincided with the thirty-fifth wedding anniver- sary of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ennis, Mary street north, Oshawa. Pastor H. E. Claycombe offi- ciated at the candle-light serv- ice, and the junior choir of St. Mark's sang "Holy, Holy, Holy" as the processional hymn, and "Beautiful Saviour", led by the choir-leader and' organist, Miss Christine Fraser, Port Credit, Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor- length gown of white silk or- ganza over taffeta, with a scoop neckline and fingertip sleeves. The gown was complimented by appliques on the bodice and skirt. The back of the lowered waist was accented by a bOW,|haby and the skirt fell into a slight train. Her headdress was a cor- net of tiny white pearls holding on net of tiny white pearls hold- 'ng a waist-length veil of silk net. She carried a Bible covered in white brocade, with a centre of white orchids surrounded by . cascade of pink carnations and rosebuds with variegated ivy and heather. The Bible the bride carried was the one used by her paternal grandfather, during his ministry, The matron of honor was Mrs. John Barlow, and the brides- maids were Miss Suzanne Ebbs, and Miss Margaret Hopkins, all of Oshawa, They were gowned alike in moss green sheaths of silk organza over taffeta with|*® matching organza overskirts. Their headdresses were circlets of flowers matching their bou- quets of pink carnations, pink rosebuds and variegated ivy. Mr. Clifford Crofts, Port 's wea: a fall-white wool piece , bronze hat and : cessories. Her corsage was' bronze chrysanthemums. # For a honeymoon to the Lawrence area and Quebec the bride donned a_ turq and white woo] suit with shell beige accessories for elling. On their return Mr. ; Mrs. Crofts will reside up th the staff of the South Peel Boa' Education. Guests were present from awa, Hampton, Buffalo, berg Whitby and Brooklin, oi \- a re EARLY Bin 'hree thousand years ago: Egypt, children were taughtto read and write inscriptions at age four. FOAM CUSHIONS have your suite covered later if you wish. SAVE $75. for a limited time only, OSHAWA UPHOL- STERING CO. are making this truly great offer. You can have your 2 or 3-piece chesterfield suite\re-upholstered with foam cushions in place of your worn-out springs AT NO EXTRA COST! The foam cushions are ABSOLUTELY FREE. Take advontoge of this great offer. Order now, Have your suite covered later if you wish-- but order now and be assured of Foam Cushions Free! Payment Uniil NOV. * Have our consultant call and give you « free estimate .. . Take 24 months to poy. ...$10 monthly SQUARE FEET SUPERIOR QUALITY 42" x 36" pair 59 AVAILABLE AT OSHAWA Collar. Compare at $3.98 BOYS' 4 TO 6X BRYLCREEM Large 79c Size In Two Popular Styles. Crew Neck, Loy Down Collar. Compare at $1.19 50. 6-ounce Comapre 98c AVAILABLE AT OSHAWA commerce 95 GIRLS' 3 TO 6X PILLOW CASES | DRESSING GOWNS Quilted dressing gowns. Made in Can- ada, Lace Trimmed Pocket. Cuffs and 1.99 AVAILABLE AT OSHAWA FOR SMART HAIR GROOMING AVAILABLE AT OSHAWA 2 PC. SUITE 3 FROM -COVERE MATERIAL INCLUDED OSHAWA 10' BOND ST. WEST 725-0311--725-0310 Out of town customers call collect. FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY, 5-YEAR WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEE SHOPPERAMA at AJAX WITH THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF FALL MERCHANDISE IN THE AREA OCEAN KING FANCY RED COHOE SALMON 7% ounce tin 39: AVAILABLE AT OSHAWA Compare at 48c TRIG CREST TOOTHPASTE -- ECON- : INSIDE. Compare $1.09 Compare DEODORANT $1.25 $1.29 19° 77: BOYS'--GIRLS' 4 TO 6X 2 PIECE FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS @ 100% Washable Cotton © Tested for Fit © Breast Pocket. Compare 99: AVAILABLE AT OSHAWA LADIES' FALL PURSES Assorted Styles. Colors - black and brown. Compare at $4.99 1.99 to 2.99 AVAILABLE AT OSHAWA