THE OSHAWA TIMES, pas S ath = «ase 8 ----s) == 3 7 Leading Teams Old Country's | Top Divisions LONDON (AP)--Old country soccer standings (including Sat- urday's games): ENGLISH LEAGUE Division 1 Man United West Brom Sheffield U - Tottenham Notts F e ansiee hee ee 3 < a 3 AAIMAH ws 89 0d nos : \ | \ A Swindon ae Zz owe we OE Drea > --H Op < Sunderland Renal: ~ - --- omer } Pins i ton ~ In Dominions New & Exciting =| apne te eee tee wnoOhD Oe er mo oneee enwnwnre ESSaae BESSE BSSss SSeS Shrewsbury Divi: Gillingham Newport Chesterfield Exeter -|Workington SCOTTISH Divis! 2 ananes AARBIS Aas ananaa --------. vVepeoe A~wSwM =F 5 ei Rangers Dunfermline Hearts Dundee St. Mirren Kilmarnock Divisi eeoooo SOM tn cone ee AAManZg enor an wonsoe LONDON (Reuters) -- The start of the new soccer season in Britain has given fresh im- SPECIAL! petus to a gambling fever which Only at Dominion - Dominion ; is estimated to consume about . £1,000,000,000 ($3,000,000,000) a . year. "NABISCO Out of this total, the football 18-oz. pkg 6 pools account for $300,000,000 or more. each Last year the severe winter 2 caused a month's break in the Re CE football program, giving the bettors and the pools' promoters SPECIAL! 'TL om sthey are back on the record trail, out to beat the more than $300,000,000 in gross King Size receipts reached in the 1960-61 season, 6%4-0Z. 124-02. c 37c off G) avout 10,000,000 persons, rep- TINS TIN resenting one-third of the adult : pack population, take part in the ' a annual e pidemic of filling in iE ii coupons week by i week. PURITAN Special SPECIAL! game is =e @ un tee its beginnings odest. : 24-02. t Happy The first pools eoupoas were Tin H sent out in 1923 by an ex-soldier, enry Clans Jervis pg -- 'as ' . j ingy, one-room office REAL VALUE Special Orange 48-oz tins "Yi Midiand city of Birmingham. 64-02. wl SOLD OUT Cont. Cc Apple At first the general public or ghee bes gee! A aig Porgy a mana make a QUICK OR JNSTANT Special SPECIAL! {tew shilings « week But as his : idea caught on, other far-sighted OGILVIE OATS '= 45: | om = ele st Woe Cees ce SHOP AND SAVE AT éao2 ior Oh "When he died 'at his cottage e DOMINION J home in 1954, at the age of 65, in ie pratt wh Seale re romo SPECIAL! rath three une meals firms were probably already in the = millionaire class. : Since then, businessmen and Monarch workers, housewives and. duch- i Gress: dukes and charwomen, Quarters using satin, charts, or @ pin, have joined in the wee Coloured rush to fill in pools a Aisa ' And in spite of all warnings : spe ber ar ie ma = the chance of wi le TOWN SPECIAL! [i orty one' in 20h, ike of Britons optimistically con- tinue to stake a few shillings a : week on the results of some 45 Ballet c to 50 soccer matches. E. D, Smith 5 Colours TOMATO | : OILE ISSUE 8§ cach ane 11-oz. Cc KETCHUP Bottle With Maroons SPECIAL! CHATHAM (CP) --George Kren, 25-year-old centre who de- Dom : Betty's | ings sth the" Conceoelovinion ini i : wi Zz Vi ging peer ee * Domine with 24-0z C national team, is the second : player to sign with Chatham 24-02. Pectin jar Maroons of the International Cont. Hockey League, C 3 : Chatham manager Gus Mort- DETERGENT See ae after seeing him at the Toronto Maple Leafs' training camp in aes > , : Peterborough. ios bz Zz J Hae Kren skipped the Czech team ~ AAS! i Only at Dominion. . . Dominion Regular . MOTOR Cananin Cuee THE FRIENDLY STORE "isi?uc uo tive George Usitalo, a right \ winger. KRAFT s\\ © | L VELVEETA ' EVERYTHING GUARANTEED ny THE, CANADIAN iis gow-born merchant who be- < 2 F ' : r came famous as a sports- > man, died 32 years ago : ' 4 : r today, shortly after being qt. tin 4-qttin: admitted to the Royal Yacht s N Squadron, one of the most . : : exclusive clubs in the world. 1-lb. box 2-lb, box : F ; Lipton spent almost $15,- : j 000,000 in building five dif- Bo . poets ferent. yachts in unsuccess- ful bids to wrest the Amer- " € a ica's Cup from the United States. ses cera fae mean aseiee St ipa ' ; gi saa <item yin BB. a msn shai pean spree gD Sa Si ial ee ti ta a nr aa a ene