Ca) 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Getober 2, 1765" In This Series NEW YORK (AP)--If there is such a thing as a key man in a World Series, Elston Howard, the durable New York catcher, could be the man in the upcom- coming post - season struggle between the Yankees and Los Angeles Dodgers. Attention will be focused on Howard right from the start. Ellie, along with Mickey Man- tle, represents the main right- handed power against the Dodg- ers' left-handed pitching. And : ; this series shapes up as one | southpaw duel after another. i Two of baseball's best left- * a epg & _-- bens 3 Koufax, wi ain Wednes: Here's your golden opportunity to win extra cash for Christmas... . for a winter vacation... day's, opener at Yankee. Sia ? for anything your heart desires! Every time you visit DOMINION you will receive a free "'4- "| Yankee Sta- ict. Laois onenpun. feel IN-A-ROW or 4-OF-A-KIND" card, These valuable cards come in four different colours--RED, between Dotger -- 7 GREEN, BLUE and BROWN, AL Downs is ated fe' the { ' Take your card home and dip it in water. One of the following numbers OR letters will appear 'Second game. in two corners of the card: The expected 70,000 customers for the opening game will be j 4 watching mens ince the ; ; 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-J-Q-K-A seed demons, Maury wills and 2 gee COLLECT 4-IN-A-ROW -- COLLECT 4-OF-A-KIND -- Willie Davis, reach base. e i P i pillering pair have 65 of the be j oad any baw f of a ig ag above) from pr ¢. me re blige each card team's major league-leading to- ; ey ok -3- up ° ; rey a ri 2 cy bus tal of 123 stolen bases. In con- j Ze : cards printed in the same red, green, blue a trast, the Yankees have stolen DB J , : oe, A colour, and win rown) and win ee | Collect four of the same /etter, each card Ca , 4 olle "Howard knows all about the va ' me wet Collect J-0-K-A all cards printed in a different eres | Dodger speedboys but if he is ye vs printed in the same colour, 500 beecrd) and wih blue an concerned he does not show it. 5 4 , A: OD WW iccsvecvavsioves teeeeeecsens "They're good," he admitted : ee , gj today, "and I'm not making the j : b GRAND PRIZE! misteke of underestimating watt If the word BONUS See back of card for in- them. But we have some sta ee ae j ies 4 and Oi capers OF BONUS spoeers you win$2.00 formation on how you good base steers 08 te Aver Ce vermont, Goo cay and another card. CAN WIN icasssscensoedssss 5 can League, too, and they don't oN 0-19 [i 3 N -- give me too much trouble, ii eee: 5 i Pe clad c 2 "T'd have to say that Luis Ap- as 4 Check these 55 Ways to Win-- i [ee] nN aricio of the Chicago White Sox . j igs, m2 ~ a From 2-3-4-5 up to J-Q-K-A, there are 10 different winning combinations in each of four is as good a base stealer as . wig Ke colours, a total of 40 different ways to get 4-IN-A-ROW. From four 2's (all different colours) there is in baseball today. Well, Q) Da 5 4 to four A's (all different colours), there are 13 ways to get 4-OF-A-KIND! There are also Aparicio --_ to bm | oar : $2.00 "BONUS" prizes, plus a grand prize of $1, grand total of 55 ways to win! five times this season ai go him five times, He stopped try- ing." 108. un) . . Baseball people say, however, ole ang OF estes that runners steal bases on the GET YOUR = ow ot pitcher, not the catcher. If so, grin gree $500 A the Dodger daredevils will tind ete -_ +4 R EST B UY a real touchie in Ford, who can we : handle base runners as well as ne er Oe Ws .) | YOUNGCANADIAN PORK LOIN SALE The prospect of batting against lefthanders in a ma- jority of the games is pleasing to Howard. The 34-year-old catcher al- ways has hit lefthanders bet- ter than right-handers. Two of his five World Series home runs were hit off Warren Spahn and Jim O'Toole, two of the Na- tional League's better left hand- ers. The Dodgers may be without , the services of their young i. third baseman, Ken McMullen, for the series opener. The 21- year-old rookie pulled a ham- string in his left leg last Thurs- day, If McMullen cannot play, manager Walt Alston will move Jim ga veteran all- : purpose elder, to third and lay Dick Tracewski, anothe: ; F inane." Whole Tenderloin tote Pork End BETTING BOYS Loin 8 to 3'/2 ib, ae FAVOR YANKEES Cut For C Average Riso pXEW YORK (AP)--The Freezers! LB. roadwa: aVv0l New York Yeubens were I. LB. 7%4°5 in man-to-man betting LB. on the World Sezies Mon- day with Whitey Ford of the Yanks a 6-5 choice over Los Angeles' Sandy Koufax in v Hants Sadun ""* ISWIFT'S BROOKFIELD SWIFT'S The price against the Yanks sweeping the Dodg- ers in four straight was a 10-1, The odds against a i Dodger four - game sweep il were 25-1, 1-Lb, : 54 Pkg. G i MAJOR LEAGUE Each a -- SAUSAGE FRANKS American League AB RH Pet. Yastr'ski, Bos. 570 91 183 .321 Kaline, Det $51 90 178 313 GOLD REEF CHOICE GREEN GIANT WHOLE KERNEL | --RICHMELLO (POLYWRAP) 'ty.ning) GRADE "A" OVEN READY | ApRICOT| NIBLETS | DINNER Runs Batted In--Stuart, Bos- ton, 118. So gape ips HALVES CORN ROLLS 183. 5 Doubles -- Yastrzemski, Bos- ; ton, 40. 2 Triples -- Versalles, Minne- sota, 13. Home Runs--Killebrew, Min- 20 oz. ¢ 14-0z. € pkg. ¢ nesota, 45. C tin tin of Tt. Stolen Bases--Aparicio, Baiti- more, 40. Pitching -- Ford, New York, 24-7,. .774. Strikeouts -- Pascual, Minne- we Siatieahl Ronges Your DOMINION STORE in Domino AB R H Pct. T. Davis, LA 556 69 181 .326 Groat sz, at 85201 auiThin Skinned Sweet and Juicy No. 1 Brazilian OSHAWA = Values effective at only at Dominion Only at Dominion Richmello plain-Sugared-Cinnamon Cepeda, SF 579 100 183 .316 Runs--H. Aaron, Milwaukee, tims Batted In--H, Aaron, L WHITBY SLIC ES | ; ilwaul on j arge Donbiee--CGroat, Bt: Loni, 48 Size 216s Triples -- Pinson, Cincinnati, Pkg of 8 : Pos BOWMANVILLE 4 Home Runs--H. Aaron, Mil- Francie, C e a a asa C Doz. C | Pinon, Pe aaa ae UNTIL 6 P.M. SAT en OCTOBER 5th