Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Sep 1963, p. 17

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ae (27----Real Estate For Sele (a Aseeniebies For Sale |32--Articies fe Sais ; THE CRAWAA Sane ; ny, Sept ' 28, 1983 7 ee |$12,900 over twelve. hundred square 1.\i0ss PONTIAC, twe door Wechanically| WASHING machine, Ean", qed en 3 32--Articles For Sale Three bedroom brick 'home, 8 sound, $480 cash. 101 Byng Avene: Felc-lattion Ste best elephone| - oid, large it '. located north eat shows, phone mg 723-1786. 238 Dearborn Avenue. 32--Articles for Sale fers, Realtor iar CREVRBLET Impala | $p0 Sports coupe, STUDENTS (4s G0 HUNTING with bunting supplies trom|®_ F 1) ACRES level land with nice woods on|\Vs standard, power windows, extras.|mately 690 a re Dominion Tire! Guns, cloth-| Batteries, eivinetor refrigerators tole. heme. Good br y Taunton Road East. Asking only $6500. areoklin 655-2750. | paper » caows yetat --* for ba ete, Best prices in town. Try Do-|vision. Tori Budget two gentiemen, willing to share. Tele-| untu a ne bg qth vorigrng peg and garage. After 6 p.m. Dial 725-4481.| - w. McAuley, Realtpr, 28 Prince Street, Tea chavaOLT two dar gee minion Tire Store, 48 Phsasiy "west. ted _-- 'anne 725-0681. $1200, DOWN sixroom, two storey brick,| (MMEDIATE POSSESSION ' excellent condition. est 'Cash offer. Tele ee Sundae street Fi adroom wit ances, call Elmer, Hampton Vv le tingle beds: Vary central, TV, 315. week-|CLEAN, furalehed | roorn. suitable for/centra! te. tee rine real? CEORGOM, PAVED DRIVE ovat Sais ciars | Sirgets aleeem pene wh all neiiet ihlaler Gs Vere Gk: Been ee une Sap alae cease ly./Gieam to wt Mnayetrion, 720-5797. hevookesrians 16 Wane: nan, Sul, Pere lOahewer TaDREIE. oF. reetlede, WHINY T hs tonchs standard, 6 cylinder, Al condition |Srain_and style, This suite cannot be hulo W ARTHUR STREET, 822 Room ena] men. Central ipeatone lee 97225. See Situated on 1197 Ritson Re. | g3aa, $1000" original mie, a secamarion, Ae -- Telephone 723-9456. or Hihinst prices. paid, '= 4 board, near North General Motors. CHURCH sTaeey: lie South. Can be yours for only Low os COST COMFORT for cou fore 5 p.m., see bieyele. in very gd we fast, 725-118). cae ton gem 4 Single beds, good board. 728-243 ene Yr couple: on 10 $2,000 down. Call Bill Millar i 008e oe éaxj|Price, $00" Tetons "728 THGl SONRGON a clochic GHW CONTA, |coine Ceaa cae SAG sorvion. AR TWO GENTLEMEN fo shave, single Son. & mal On wane, tie cores | et 725-1186, ater. TaaTels 'evenings assi25, aE "car nol Papen 1955 Vi Vaasa Cylin-|$395. Telephone 728-5326. ment, 18 Richmond Sires! East, dads, fveday weak. Nebr, South [LARCE cevoie "rornied rete. enh Sat Tey bs yl ~ T be Cal R. Vickery," Realtor, 7204571, [1986 CHEVROLET, "4ddor nardiop, Va fwo| RANGE, MéClary Easy, 196i Total, 30-/USED car AND BOARD for two willing to| 722-2402. ocala te W. T. Lamson | : felephone Alas vai 403s. 140 CScige 'needs, one" Chevrolet Jag ol eo ali A Sami lter Siosr Beet" Diet ae rms. jax us i. 7 . thereof angle. Clove fo, South GM and|DIVIION"SFRBET, ie -- Wich cies REAL ESTATE LIMITED |28--Real Estate Wanted _ |e! PaxISaiies FassacW~ pos eee 'rent fenders, 74 indlan|used. only six months, Cost 207, selling Dial 723-228 : toon ae noanoe a aaa aeons Nea Kegel ig A with ip odes. orvelte. avin. *focation' and et AB day IR THREE-PIECE sae bed set, bookcase, pone a Cows pe pod conn ee ae : , «s AND gentiem: re grep gen ag ir A Sab POLKGWAe Eh oe ieee pene: le wi meal gana) Parking available. Central to owntown.| FURNISHED room for single) stream, brick house and barn $440.00 DOWN to one N. price in first letter to Box 213 Oshawa Le a ery I pod finish, end pormmggerbed three areaser, and! 726-5311 or Bi Males. a Telephone 728-3350, 'rages DRUMS, complete set; white pearl, ing machine; |Setophome 720505. ha cofborne "East or on Highway. $12,500. H.A. mortgage, 6 room solid | Times. oe Bi mous ing mech 'ery 10--Room end Boerd _|26--Rooms For Rent '127----Real Estate For Sale man.|THREE - BEDROOM, full inferiaed | Foltedern- new t-reom, brick} SECLUDED, scenic: ote. Two. ncres. each. filer West ttt et oe. iwairey. ot Peesistion Ochoa Octover|Osnawa, Whitby Area, §2500 each manvilie, all Conveniences, hei price rg isohene on Whitby. '68-2271. Hudson 9-9726 Toronto. $2,000 If cash. Call 623-5278. WILE STREET -- Room "and board for/TWO single 'rooms. one furnished, one PRIVATE tale 49 King Street East ASKING $13,600 Parking available. heated. For information call 725-5132 23--Wanted To Rent WANTED four-ortive room house byjAvene family, immediately, reasonable SINGLE furnished room, clean and quiet Telephone 7: 725-1538 after 4 p.m. Near Genera! Motors South plant. Tele-| phone 728-3102. iN room unfurnished du-/Phone 728 i fe y yi a a 7 pong or fpr needed for quiet| LARGE furnished bedroom and kitchen.| converted for fourth bedroom, cellent $700. 7s. ere gree Hreetr. CED AR TREES Teen "age party' rece nig ate size 10.133----Market Basket elephone 725-1485, middle-aged couple, no. children, refer-| Suit one or two gentlemen, parking space! paved drive and garag REAL ESTATE LTD. ji: Votkswacen, thirty thousena| sky blue nylon ever feiethy sad 1k Be, ences, Telephone Whitby 668-8455. Telephone 725-1904. _| hardwood floors upstairs pot) miles, $795, Telephone after seven. 725- Nia OLDEMOBILE, #4oor sedan, 2-tone cellent contin. 725-6157. si Pier bt Ey +) 2 bi a COUPLE with one child wants a two FURNISHED room, suitable for two) down, See it by colling Bill Pacers seat.-Private own.| FOr hedges, etc. Choice qual- LIGHTING plant home lite, 2000 wall, 32|7oMaTORS, red or green i Hs ' : house in Whitby to Courtice|brothers, friends, or one single gentle) Aqitiq;, 1961 METEOR two-door, six cylinder i Since new. $1450., Must see to appre-| ity guaranteed. Free esti- |volt DC, completely rebuilt to new condi- 28 six-quart baske! Pick ee lephone aft 668-5924, a te bull ale cella condition, good tires, new battery. May FIVE-PIECE chrome dinelfe sulle; cof-|north to first corner. bedroom area. Telephone 728-6201 or 728-0777. _|man, Dial 720-6387. : standard, good condition, radio, white-| ciate. Telephone 7252412, motes ond delivéry, Now is |tion, Sollable tir' a coltege. Tet MOTHER with two school-age girls de-| ROOM for rent, new home for nurses or| 725-1186 walls, safety belts, $1400. or best offer. 725-5179. bring W_ T. Lamson 1957 MONARCH, radio, dual speaker,|be seen at Robinson's Esso Service Sta- fee table and two step fables; swivel | preg y ae Na ar Igy hice icy power thi ; r your own corn, Fray dozen, to- fer" thr ewe |tlon, Simcoe South. Phone Cla rke 61 2 rocker; tri-lite and two table lamps; | matoes $1.00 bushel, red + china hutch; two pair of lined drapes; container. Rossland neo hal He with TRADE 1h) Chevron '#éoor hard: brick bungalows with ottach- very good Priced. at $425. for 22---Ottices, Stores, Storage snuck staser -- Teorey Wait) Call Irene Armstrong _ | ed'geropes, cated in 'Ters [WANTED AT ONCE | wencuay toner ig pen g| EME ol. gveay sale, Rx te so tn Soatea made ber Welles oars FOR RENT Suit. couple, Telephone Whitby 668-5488. | Uxbridge, Ulster 2.6849 io entire ipiengod ea 5 room: bungalows, also 114 erage : . inact i we boy. Lied 'and "eer vie Torah | chee $45. "Telephone. 725-9306. ; i, rooms with running \ te 5 ond mortgage, no s » Tu ' 1986 MERCURY, 4door automatic, radio, coool osc hot plate, GUNS. Custom bivei ; 1 offi pepe Ay Ee king. Telephone. 7959038. detached, full price onl storey homes. Genuine buyers -- Inester, power brakes, power steering, |men's shoes 's 4, overcoat, quantity of Hag, Bg store a enimene Stree! yours done now berore. the. rush. y one el met oon hay Wt, f= nae ee) NV, BALLARD $13,715.00, carries for $10 waiting. Cerl Olsen, Realtor, --/1180 Simcoe North, 728-0031. . Tonite. Telephone man's Corner, 10; Byron Street Dien egbadg sa veo, _ |Sultable for one or two girls. Telephone monthly, interest, principal Call Henry Stinson for fost [1957 PLYMOUTH, Savoy, 4do00r, auto- GURNEY gas stove, automatic, 30" size, eae Meg Be oe, Bg ale Whitby, , 728-4901 after 5 p.m. | Realtor iF Suet pe matic, radio, heater, one owner. This car|900d 8s new, first class condition. Can Condition, $20. © |BUY and ee bed aralined oe al Sunderland tod aes _ ba yg action 723-1133, evenings |is in excellent condition. Oshawa Marine,|be seen al 41 Nassau Street oF 6450057, anak 753, a 'afl appliances. One location onty. ir pi room | 'win SINKS, " er 1180 Simcoe North, 728-003) ULF Gari, tartan bag, hood, 12 plastic PIANO, Mason pe isch, it, | Furnitu: 444 gentleman, quiet home, five minutes to! sodded' Hent and: reber ete, 725-0243. pier 4 a carl; tartan beg. heed very wel Ket, Good yore, Basch urniture, 444 Simeoe South, 723-3271, four corners, near North General Motors.| aah i 1955 CHEVROLET, white | with grey in-|sleeves, 5 irons, $65. After 6 p.m. apply after 6 p.tm., 722829. 16 FT. peck ted trail ie Telephone 723-3356. * IMMACULATE 2 STOREY models for viewing located in |2Q.--_-Automobiles For Sale terior, 3250. or best offer. 1953 Chevrolet,|643 Annapolis. : ;,| Sropane_stove and oven. Call 728-6372. FURNISHED room, suitable for two men, West Hill, call AM 7-9712 000' condition Coit fon stse""*® BOM" '"| ROUND dining room table and abx chaire,|SHOTOUN, Savage Fox, 12 g4uge GoubIe|KFCHEN cupboard with deere a hal near Pediar People. Apply 2 Elena) 2 BLOCKS FROM KING for directions, top | peed conaition, Ce . approximately 90 years old) maple dining | or one za5.gc6s, 0 ONMNION" $75. Tele-ldrawers, 8 feet long, $75. New. Tele | {any "ear in good condition. Telephone 17 PONTIAC sedan, automatic, new|room table and four chairs; requires chant Bivins ek XE TSE TE SP a TT ae $1500. DOWN tires, good condition. Must sell, $500/some finishing, Pulley kitchen fixture.|VIKING wringer washer. Good condition. HAMPERS antif MAN DERHILL = OLDSMOBILE, standard iransmis-|°"_™&Ke offer. Telephone 725.8913. apna seas eat db lean, good es new' Telephone a 3 Possession Oct. 25th, Easily sion, radio, white walls, 43,000 miles, ex-|1955 PONTIAC, two-door, white, hardtop, GIRL'S grey fail goat, "siaa 5, girl's royal " - pcre aD i Al isiaciakocaeli " w. 1960 CHEVROLET sedan, good running) the time to plant. iba . least: of Nichols. "Garage, Courtice. Go WESTDALE & WOODLEA Custom end Ready-Made DRAPERIES Most Reasonable Prices WHITBY three-room furnished basement] apartment,» private beth and entrance. Suit couple. Available October 1, $75.) Telephone Whitby 668-4927. FURNISHED, completely private private, two two rooms and bath, parking, Bly 'eg down town, adults, $67 month, CLASS TWENTYSIX ; : FURNISHED bedroom, central; shift) Kingsmere Gardens (Continued on Page 18) OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS SPORTING SEPARATES TRIO INSUL UNDERWEAR THERMO UNDERWEAR CAMPING EQUIPMENT Also All Hunting Accessories. DYETT'S FIRESIDE CORNER 205 BOND WEST DIAL 725-7578 127 Regan Street, Whitby, or tel: 668-4260. DAY CARE avallabis in licenced home| GRIERSON STREET.-- North fenced-in yard, play room, hot lunches. of Rossland Rd. 1% storey Paratha can, be arranged. 6%: 3 bedroom brick with large -- living reom, dining room and Sr eWatert arrcen™ Sermieman. Apply) kitchen. Lots of closet space | throughout this home. Large -- Two ce heat | Chenin one i ton. Wen Fors re flip garage. Full price s . $12,900. halt-ton pick-up, 668-5644 FOR RENT: Furnished light housekeep- FARM. == Lindsey eee -- $16,500 for 200 acres, 9 Ing room with private entrance. Tele phone 668-2332 or apply $42 Mary 0 East room brick house with fur- FOR RENT: One bedroom basement) nace. Close to school. 100 apartment. Private bathroom and en- trance. Central. $50 monthly, Telephone} acres with @ pond can be 668-5674. purchased separately, excel- - Buying of selling used fur- niture and appliances, For your needs phone. sires three-room apartment, vicinity of|teachers, no board. Telephone 728-0260 or Mary Sfreet School. Telephone 723-9144. |118. Adelaide Avenue East. URGENTLY needed furnished apart-| WHITBY -- 4&6 Dundas Street West, young t ed, REAL ESTATE LIMITED Sao ee 1962 GALAXIE, Vi aulomatic, with radio. Sn telat Pouca te "tae child, Quite central. 726-3254. bed-sitting room. Private entrance, park-) a ed | a URES SES ~aj_|Dial_ Bowmanville 623-2148, PI P-/ of No. 12 Highway, Go forih to farm on va Mi ing, kitchen, washing and' bathroom facil. |1957 FORD, Satie, waver, AL oo rg iba VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, radios ex. John Deere 40C bell 723-4641, Garden Stree f tion, radio, New paint job, &-cylinder, q y Ox- " ROPICAL fish equipment, ali si LW Macinicch ana tec enti ent bus line, by November 1. . |cellent condition. Pi 1 i with Angle dozer |7' equipment, ail sizes.| APPLES. Macintosh and i Adults. Telephone 725-2673 after 4 p.m. (etter 4. p.m. a OPEN HOUSE Ht sumeoe" soot" ns-os1 Nick's Garage, |cetient, condition. Fiease call mornings 9 Tanks, fiters, heaters, etc., nicely set up.|tr ce bushel. Bring Your own' conte wana. Phone 728-8997. three adults, one ten-year-old girl. Im- ® ¥ '|matic, power brakes, power steering, ' north of Taunton Rosd gt i | FURNISHED ROOMS 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. Sole otter accepted, Private sale, 728-734 |radio, special tires. 'One owner. Low| With Loader and Backhoe ANTIQUE, OUN pat cere ped ea svlelniiiciamaae i Telephon- Osh: 725-8183 Feomave. or fomiy aia. Poneieen| Available in. pri 2-5 P.M. KINGSMERE _ | FoR vs motor thre vara ait, "Sgtea'a" fermen' 11 Simcoe] Jaeger Air Compressor eT a rm mv ew lS October 1. Whitby 668-3008. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. | GARDENS 668 a wagon, 6, automatic. Bargain for quick e ii a oh. dani: 1955 PONTIAC, very good condition, four- HD. | h TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, dupli- 24--Houses For Rent 82 PARK RD.N. anit ik en Tn matic yo jon, fOUr-| sale. $795 or offer. §90 Annapolis. Tele 5 Allis Chalmers cara cheutwrrh, conptome te Townline. Northe ee | cae af toa elephone 668- * ni vu le 720-6908. tha, neared Ghd Deiat Geen robes. ATTACHED GARAGE new models, all with built' |isu- pontine Paclomefosraoor herd i988 PONT IAG. Laurentian, door sedgn, CASE, Sales, Service Parts [sor rent, service. Hamilton Office Equip.|WINTER potatoes for sale, store In, your $55. Phone 728-2620. 57 Real © far Sel SEE THE BEST SS Gime 4 4 Whitby --Real Estate for Sale fully decorated, down pay- a hana CCM 'tricycle, deluxe, large size, $12.50. = RRS eda ferree | ret saan eh meee Seve Ine Miahtatacnt OW CHEVROLET, Bi » 200r, 6 ; | APPLES $1 25--Apartments--_ ATRACTIVE six-room insu! Stone bun ments starting ot $1,310. [i961 CORVAIR MONZA, four - speed|cylinder. in good' condition. Telephone o Wate hone a lame Seacne mene Fhe ogg containers ct NEW five large room self contained|gaiow with garage, Westmount Street DIRECTIONS with N.H.A. financing; di- transmission, fully equipped, Dial 725- 728-2560. B d -- ---- $$ Paimerston Avenue, ce Mg apartment, Three-piece bath, heated, re-/Forced' air oll heating modern kitchen, | rections: King Street ost to [422 Sid BuleK convertible, 080 ce beat aloe, ractor an PETERBORO boat, 14 ft, . after § p.m. tor, 720-9571, -- right ond follow the signs, 529 Lorraine Street. 725-9417. My MONARCH, hardtop, all power, Savip- Equipment Ltd. wo wheel. $550 cash. T MODEL Crown ® trandistor Tadlo ROWE STREET -- U duplex, newly) OBILE Super fourcdoor Hard. Lf Telephone 1208390. . vicinity of Golden Gate o Restaurant, ets decorated, two bedr cal | Glencairn, North ia CLOSMOBILE si purer Troon Bard: ce | CHEVROLET Deuxe sedan, radio, Cooksville PIANOS -- We have only two of these Street" south, on " "Doreen , and range, $85. month, adults only. Avail- Cait 728-9103. new brakes, new exhaust system, $200. ' available, Full 88 note keyboard, art Wal-liock, Barry ay prints on radio, Re able October 15. Telephone 723-2860. | to Woodlea Cres., T 728-0558, blow Seth, 'gee Werle" ualtty," amert all excellent. Fully modified, ready to 1955 BUICK, two-door hardtop, good car.) _ Pasco woman preferred. Telephone before | | race or drive to work. Full price $800.|Best offer. Telephone 728-1238. Nights BE 9-4030 these fine instruments. Manufacturers 6 725-1843, Evenings 723-7792. | lefton Woodlea | fay. pe, seen evenings. Phone 728-2793) 1983 OLDSMOBILE. seden. One owner. So at i nee IL ail aeie Se eh athe': rooms, main floor, private after 5 p.m. T 728-1238. seh Pci lag R govggind 0 contr > iy og vn eb We wires, Si oe | | 1960 PONTIAC, Laurention, automatic, |i957 MERCURY 44 Simeoe Street North, 72547067 ter thi te "~ its, light housekeeping, furni | Y R * joor sedan, good ton- Simcoe Street North, 725-4706. or after. tie Cima. Telephone 7 = FH & S E " model home, IH YMA N mae re Ane 8 BM ee eiiion, AB one d nec A o al Ties 238 HONEST Cal's Furniture and fv agian oe 7 ELGIN East, 92, large tworoom tur- ipa MGWAWEN convertibles teal ee. 1962 CHEVROLET four door Bei Air, any- BOLAHOOD 1954 MONARCH convertible, good top,| automatic, VB - 283, whitewalls, 18,000 where. We carry Restonic and Beverly CE fe) nib sensions sis "weekly. ADDY oadress. | 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. Real Estate Limited . [Heusen Motors. 156 King Street West,|tiac station wagon, 1958. to 1962, two or GE. desler. Contact Honest Cals on King NOTICE TO: % ARLINGTON, me 'af Simone | Nevin. Four INDEN STREET |1959 MGA radio, heater, new side oa CHevROL EY daily, 9.30 - 9.30. Telephone 728-919 CREDITORS pode a hgh tll sah, vaasl LINDEN S REALTOR a jen -|malleage, new tires, excellent condition. Regular Price per yard a 4 vacuum cleaner repairs, all makes. . In the Estate of schools, hospital and bus. Parking. Three| : we JOHN AS ; Best offer. Telephone 725-8454, SPECIAL NOW Parts, WALTER H. KRANTZ, edults.. Dial 723-3537. | 1963 layout, » de We install drapery MR iy brushes, hoses. Guaranteed rebulit ma. DECEASED tion, ee aidan $600. 723-/ 40,000 original miles, $750. Can be fi- Call anytime tral, ft lows and split-levels, prices BOLAHOOD OG. 552 "Bloor East. hanced. Ti Roblin and Dulmage, pred a6 Telephone 723.7550. gs taiuah os igo fig $13,950 Oyith O p E N : 1961 CORVAIR, four-door sedan, biack| Whitby, 668-3346. M d C FORCED TO SELL. New furniture, ap egret ne Fetgte of ge $1,350 down, directions: Ae aralencs avert, : an ' pliances. Due to 1964 styles arriving. Your / 7 ets Five-piece chrome suites, $29.88; three- eost on Toylor to models. oor, Needs some body" werk, ts30 CHEV a sea eano, D and four-seater chesterfields, some with . OLET, new ti $350. Telephone 725-7478. radio. In good yi ag trade: rapery fase) ess gute' boweern sultes, PRIVATE SALE, 1961 Pontiac sedan,|$295. Dial Ga0"s. and LLOYD RE ALTY standard six, new radio, Sauron. Im-|1960 METEOR, two door, orchid gray, ee ee = loti was with six, cylinder, standard transmission, per- D G d S merchandise. Also 668-4095 after 5 selection of used » relel King Street East to Missionary 4 pees eiatt bait ne. 7-072. ry 00 S tore al Saserislents pO ps cinglg mga gentlemen; in. adult Gollege, souls two blocks to Lloyd Realty. (Oshawa) Ltd. 1961 PONTIAC 2-door hardtop, 8 ie CHEVROLET Biscayne, standard Street, 728-9191. e., be ' - Model Hi Goti i Idnight blue metallic finish, with white For your decorating needs Bars 4 Pare gous" ertronen. | Steet. ae ies a a or en Top ike new. 1998, Must sll cana esc BOOS '4door, standard shift, good Adults only. Telephone 725-3938, OPEN DAILY 'see aes range terms. Apply 25 Grenfell Street. Condition. Best offer. 1180 Since Poca Special bedrooms, heated, 2 school age children| | concttion._relepnene. 8223277 Of_$8-21.li953 CHEVROLET, cleans good running|_74 Celina Street, Oshawa 40 ft. Tower Structure Louis 8 Hyman, Q.C., accepted. $90. Taunton Road East. Tele-| OFFICES 1962 VAUXHALL Super sedan, condition, $100. or best cash offer. Apply with All-Channel Antenna 37 King Street treet tost, phone 723-7539. shift, washers. Make reasonable offer.| Airport sy eatin Stevenson's Road | 728-6286 Salesman on Duty UNDER A NEW NAME ; gated modern bullding, by a Rela Your choice of fully serviced nar Gdevaow dt bal --pawar| 257 PO PONTIAC, ¥-80F hardiop, automa: Oshawa T.V. Supply Ltd. miroorh suites, ran Te to sii th | lots. and plans. Glide, black, grey trim, wheel dltcs, ex- A 2 me" me) ey. heen. 361 Gibbons St. 728-8180 fogmation call 728-1544, 7232570 and HOGENBOOM BROTHERS ma ~ PORTING ain ene oem 174s CHEVROLET Impala, four-door 5 7 . 'er 8 D WESTMOUNT DISTRICT -- two-bedroom) 723-1 121 CONSTRUCTION wee mer eee Oh ees es Batre et ae #000 SMALL Basement Apartment. unturnish- BUILDING -- good ree only JOSEPH BOSCO REALTORS--INSURANCE 725-5: 1956 VOLKSWAGEN, fair <a Cali ed, central, laundr' ki facil- i 728-2722. Rie "Brtte eit SoN iby be] 10, Yor, 1d calles REALTOR iasostcgernnauee ae Ep sit onbrate sedan, si; linder, 4 ¥ j THREE-ROOM self-contained furnished » id" frid TELEPHONE 728-5123 power tenet, wrheweiier wise A rete Monday Morning apartment, stove, refrigerator, private} with stove an ridges in PARTS AND SERVICE other extras, 8000 miles. 723-9410. Rossland Road Wes!. Adult home. 725) cilities. We have full particu- | -- All Foreign Make Cars a Hace gee ny gel mae = CRASH SPECIALS 0749. ; KIN@ RTRERY EAST Ine Tos tires.| (O"% give us a. coll. LYNDE COURT, WHITBY -- extra large 4 bedroom two storey STATHAM room, unturnished apartments. Range $2,000 DOWN. Quality built house with 2¥2 bathrooms, 24' living-room with stone fireplace, Rit Read ond Ri itson Road and King OSHAWA AUTO PARTS, 1175 Nel Apply. upstairs. Telephone 728-2387. hone trout Ged tancad vad. 723-4733 and 723- 712 Street, want cars for wrecking. Tele. 36 Reams far Rent 5 good sized bodrsina' SHA breakfast table, double sinks, small den, double garoge. Full 1963 P ON ei at, "ntl tel stele aD i 963 Pontiac LAKESHORE Auto Wreck it FURNISHED single bedroom for rent,, 'orge living room with L- price $27,000. for wrecking. Highest prices ager ig} Street. Best. | N.H.A. mortgage. FAIRVIEW -- 3-bedroom house with attached gorage, 36' rec. ies RIFLES NASSAU STREET, 16 -- Large room for| f : : room, full dining room, owner's transferred end must sell. Ask V-8, Automatic transmission 100 CARS WANTED gentleman only, clean and quiet, central. DUNDAS ST. EAST in Whitby doh Adee Modte . rodio, discs, white walls. Buying a New Car? ANCL SPM, Teeenone: 720938. -- 2 bedroom brick with at- 'a f Sell your used car to 'Ted' AGENT'S OFFICE available in commer-, SHELLS (All Calibres) cla! buliding, plenty of parking, ali utili) Litchen with. eating area. after 5 p.m. 725-0400 sd vi Weekes *King $0. -monthy. Call Cod sized living room with | This home Is fully decorated, extras include drapes. $14,700, Cor Dealer and "SAVE GUN CASES |. broadloom. Recreation room | with $2,000. down and one mortgage. Ask for Audrey Moore. VOLVO TED CAMPIN MOTORS WHITBY SALES and SERVICE 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 HUNTING COATS FOR SALE OR RENT -- 113. | Harmony Rd. N. Oshawa -- Evenings Call GARAGE 7 room stone and brick ranch | 668-4088 or Bowmanville 623-7159 GENERAL REPAIR and HOUSTON'S GARAGE | LI a AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE and SERVICE STATION DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses,| ft. of living space. 2 stone | OLIVE HOWE RE AL F T AT Schniny FOR0bDT WINTER' SLEEPING alterations, slip covers, drapes Fitting a| fireplaces, breezeway and | awa TEXACO specialty, Mrs. Toms, garage. 40 x 13 ft. recrea- | TILDEN BAGS week for private home. Apply Box 402, Ceneue Yenee, Waitey. be gcfon ip dati Can ANG TRUCK 67 KING ST. WEST FOR RENT -- epariment two rooms, ! '® P : 0 p E N H 0 U S E 723-7822 kitchen, heat, light, wat 0 tele- : ares vein Supplied. Apply ay Palace street. | room ieee ports ces Mal BY (All Makes and Models) 32 Articles For Sale DELUXE fop floor apartment in tripiex| large lot. 3 good sized bed- TH IS WEEKEND CALL 625-6553 fs rooms and 4 pe. bath with 14 Albert St. Pw 2 tn Mand colored fixtures. Large living : WORKING a or while shopping i| 00 and separate dining will look affer your ehiidren In my home. | press 2 finished rooms in G @) [ F V | EW H F | G H TS $ ALL CASH $ BELTONE Play room. inside. By hour, day or week. | | trance, Full price $13,500. For clean cars we deal up or 'Bee down, Leins paid off Until 9 P.M. For your convenience that so far this year we haven't had a completed 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY |. 4214 SIMCOE NORTH home to show you -- but -- please realize these New PA 668-3331 homes have been selling so fast we haven't been | IG OR SELLING , * aa? What's My Line were sold. Such is always the cose with new homes by S$. Jackson & Son aed Ltd, -- But -- Come one! Come all! Come See! Come Save! are 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA H anywhere in the Oshawa area. E # Wilson Road) Valley Creek Furniture Gust East o ilson Road 728-4401 or call at Ag store ment for couple and two-year-old/one large clean, completely furnished, TWO or threebearhom 'house or opari-|/12. Ken ee tole. for one, Call dults. Ti é P Ina scsipehies cata ie 80 gellon tank with or without 14' ne Thickson Roed THREE-BEDROOM house wanted by| MUST SELL. 1962 Chevrolet Impale,|1969 CHEVROLET convertible, ve, avto| Case 540 phe "aoe AT >TRACTIVELY Ag school. senthone 725-9254, venings 728-2503, mileage. New car condition. Will accept PICK your own aun 1 Evening: West of y oo eae. Makow- in Oshawa, by family of four. Possession) Avoilable in private home. ped See eee Ry DEEP fi AE + | tt. THIS WEEKEND ta0-3000" evenings, NT T**PMM8l igs, PONTIAC +a00r deluxe siation| Scarifier for phone 72006, "a APPLES. Mcintosh, C Cortera Delica, cision ete a ' RANCH BUNGALOW | door, aufomatic. Reasonable for cash, Phone 728-4334, cators, chequewriters, FIVE-ROOM house, four miles from Osh- 728-8671 winTi ae ae, in stoves and ovens, and top, ve, automatic. Telephone Whitby] condition. Call 728-0397. ment, 127 Broek Sovity Waly. AP iled 2 een ee So ¥ ROE 7 . eet eh | . -- Ere TP Ge Te steering controls, lights, t: Him, 22 hy Sect Set Soh. Teepone SM Peeing ly el "oN en Hutbiomis ee'Rossland Rd. West, | Missionary. College, turn 1955 Bt BUICK Century, prcelient res Bowmanville, phone 623-5009 Elto electric start moter, Techies, trailer| 34--Lost and Found Ae acne Tel hone 277-3161 nut finish, only 4 Inches high, direct| ward, Whitby, UPPER DUPLEX, centrally located. Bus-| Bh drellct aly ncaa "ceaneee bbe design are but @ few of the features of °136 Legal R livin i} Name brands at biggest an ni nished apartment refrigerator, stove, finished In red, $20 down, $7 week. Van| miles. Sell or trade for Chevrolet or Pon- eenitateee 4 isan, verze AOI TI a Drapery Fabrics Street East. Varcow's Rood, open 17 hours a tains. $885, Private, no trade. Call z Wo Goat, Bel Air, Tow i958 CHEVROLET, two-door, A-l tondi-|i9s8 DODGE Mayfair, excellent condition, FIVE ROOMS upstairs, private, garage,| "ew large spacious bungo- at a Nominal Fee Glasmeiee ee ve persons havings claims ith red interior. Automatic, radio, whit h Wilson to Tayi : REALTORS LTD. INSURANCE [Wins"*E,content' conmition' 'Diet Pax mite | eben PONTIAC Parisienne convertible, gain ovr loss, no warehouse available. er oe ee "ees 167 Simcoe St, South 1956 PONTIAC, station wagon, V8, stan- ton, Telephone Alax 942-0213, H @) U S F dard, two-d double dressers, tilt mirrors, $88.88 up; cylinder, gear shift, radio, Whitewalls, Beautitul shift; good condition. $900. Telephone bed filed. 723-7827 TLV. TOWER DATED this 17th day ot 4 Bit HISGR aearlaes Ga Ga Pe ey ety Vee 1961 AUSTIN, 4cylinder sedan, splendid| 798.0031. bey : Real Estate Limited ee : REGENCY TOWERS. conveniently To Terms available. Will take trade. Bow-|North, 723-4065 Installed $50. Oshows, Ontarig, ly. Fully decorated and seulnoed wi GUIDE REALTY BOLAHOOD ay oe TORO ines CHRVERLEY) Gale cabo Gah H N fe is draperies, AM-FM hi-fi radi Ker, 2 125. 7 deluxe cab, va ton relrigeretor and stove, For "wether ml Built b ick Se Whitby 468-2834, | 'partment, refrigerator, built-in stove, Hi00. monthly.. Working couple, Apply 36) Sold by LIMITED 1955 CADILLAC, exceptionally (Good C8155 VAUXHALL In good. eznaition, #75, Buena Vista, 'Apartment 1. 5 SUITE APARTMENT exhaust system, battery, ete. T: or best offer, Telephone 668-8: 5555, tween 9 a.m. and 5 p.m, call 728-4646. | h All Ig oe rooms 1963 PONTIAC Laurentian, four - door shopping. r 728-7377 ALL MAKES OF CARS washroom. Business girls. Simcoe and} each apartment. Parking fa- B.-A. SERVICE 30--Automobiles Wanted id 'refrigerator, adults, $50. th each.| > ry betoirs.. Toleph 287. home on Brentwood Ave. with full dining room, attractive kitchen has built-in stove and oven, BIG DISCOU NT Ptone 725-2162 or 723-4245. light 'housekeeping. Apply 160 William hanes dining room. 6%4% | Laurentian Station Wagon |wentworth East. 725-1181. After 5 p.m., telephone 728-9348. $3,100 SHOTGUNS tached garage. Large bright | aninies st. -- 3-bedroom brick bungalow with attached garage. Talk "Cash" to the New eee atime FOR RENT -- 3 bedroom bungalow. $120, monthi ; g _-- edroom alow, . monthly, ry ry ° " JAKE & BILL'S 31---Automobile Repair GREBB INSUL BOOTS CLASSIFIED Then ond brie Yn ogy ay PR de ; 449 Ritson Rd, S. CLEANING woman wanted. Halt day per; tion room, Selling at the re- 218 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY 668-5853 PRODUCTS completely furnished bedsitting reom and SIMCOE ST. SOUTH -- 6 RENTALS BICYCLE, boy's, CCM racer, excellent St i A aa Available vies 1 relaphone. et Very large garden. All grass and trees. basement with cutside en- Now Open Fridays WE ARE SORRY NICOLS MOTORS LTD. OSHAWA 728-0004 able to have a model home show before the houses , CAMPIN Several models ore nearing completion ot prices unequalled 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 16% Bond W. PRINTED PATTERN M153 sizes 10-18 SLOAT'S VEST AND SKIRTS} Printed Pattern M139 is avails DIRECTIONS:--Drive out Adelaide St. East to Wilson Road. SEE US THIS WEEKEND IN SEPTIC tanks cleaned, promp! service on| lent oreo for the sportsman. calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby, 668-2563. THREE room apartment for rent, heavy wiring. Apply 1625 Dufferin Street. Tele- For full particulors call 723-1121 GOLFVIEW HEIGHTS Buy @ model neoring completion - or ~- Choose your lot ond SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up INDUSTRIAL LEAGUES See our have it -- the sporting look re- ported in all the Fall - Winter fashion bulletins. See it in the debonair look of the vest with its low back belt and cuffed, able in Misses' rig 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18, cone By leated skirt and vest require 8% yards 54: inch fabric; slim skirt 1% yards 54-inch fabric, phone 668-3069 After 5 p.m. call FOR SALE -- $1X ROOM bungalow, of) Jean Peacock ....725-4330 furnace, aluminum storms, garage.| Leon Manitius .. 725-8068 Paved drive. School across the street. Tony Siblock ..- 725-4362 be doa : | Roy Flintoff .... 725-3454 PULLER BRUSH | Sot Piet ::: 728338 " SERVICE frene Brown .... 725-3867 WHITBY - Lloyd Corson .... 723-2537 668-4968 home .plan now, and plan to move before Christmas HOURS STARTING FRIDAY 4 P.M, AND ALL WEEKEND or down, Liens pe off DODD MOTOR SALES HOCKEY UNIFORMS 314 PARK RD. SOUTH HOCKEY STICKS 723-9421 JERSEYS STOCKINGS KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD. fay yhty simulated pockets, See it in the LLA swing of the pleated skirt with My Ring fia - bh ad interesting (and easy (to sew) awa Times, Oshawa, Ont., Pat- pleat arrangement. The slimitery Department. Ontario resi- skirt is scroelentiy on dents add 3c sales tax. Please SKATES at pockets outlined by stich! print plainly YOUR NAME, AD- 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST ing. Indulge your love of fine WHITBY --= 668-5891 CRESTING woolens for this trio --- choose omaee on size. STYLE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS tien ae JIM BISHOP'S SPORTING GOODS nig sine Pegg en Next Week -- Watch for a REAL ESTATE LIMITED bought end Trade up ot Gown 152 KING STREET EAST DIAL 728-4331 [fhe vest? It would look GREAT! Ben Barrack Peet OY 40 King St, E. Dial 728-4678 Aways top quality » * o ¥ Dick Young .... 723-7183 Lucos Peacock .. 725-4330 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simeoe St. S.

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