Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Sep 1963, p. 16

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[G THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setundey, Sepremiver 28, 1963 "Call: The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 0 : ? . 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 16--Female Help Wanted |16--Female Help Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted WAITRESS WANTED, full or paritime.|MiDDLEAGE to Yor pre-|CLASS A licensed mechanic, Must By R J. SCOTT " Genoshe Hotel, School childs Live Is. pedberted, Ne cooelNekaen, arpthns We ine BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | aie gui Sree es = WAITRESSES -- Must be experienced Apply 4a. Resteurant, whitby, ee Telephone Port Perry %5- wanes 10 ht man. Telephone { Shopping Plaza, Whitby, : : Lie [COOK GENERAL tor 'adult tamily "ol!17--_Male Help Wanted |pesity" Werenton cer Thane, om Accountants Cartage Mortgages Rug-Upholstery Service : " twa Comfortable. room with tevin ana a eee Bulayiar|¢0h week. Pleose Call 725-3445, All_ modern ce For appointment, load Farm, be-|/EXPERIENCED floor layers. ae es Bron BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service.|JOHN'S MOVING AND CARTAGE, IMMEDIATE CHESTERFIELDS = re-buill, ered framed © call Whitby 668- 401 Highway at Thickson Complete bookkeeping. service, 184 Bond)Oshawa, Whitby Riasecaise sates: Puy Ist and 2nd " reasonable, Setlefection guaranteed Mat CREOKED va \ WOMEN -- irl aay Sars tween Oshawa and Wh p.m., call Banks Flooring, 728-1011, Stree? West, 725-0397, Res. 723-7605. equippec anc insur tresses re-built. Oshawa Upholstery Co., . d early with Avon cosmetics, part or full| WANTED het "J -- an orches-| SCHOOLBOY for after MOPRINS, BEADLE ond §2., SM"! Dressmaking a Mortgage Loans: |10 Bona" West, pia 725011, " , Hei, Genero nee Pa now avail- pe Ls hg Saiureey®. we oe neat-and oy teres Accountan' G / ie a. \2 pet he her ce Aceon SO for genera ice : Oshawa, Ontar 725-3509. AKING, alferations\ pant cuff ANYWHERE Sales and Service ; P : a chk nae ey HOUSEKEEPER, general, for modern|with growing company. Must be 7 Goods FESS) tor Interviews. ing, experienced, reasonable rates. Mrs. Low nthly payments » ' " home, conveniences, private|liable, honest and scons TB gaacid in}* MONTEITH, MONTEITH: Mie yslEldridge, 67 Montrave 725-6476. ee Cee SEWING machine tune-up special, $5.75. : % AN [Foor "must tie 'ciidren. Can 'cllec| writin, "Box 24 Osheaw ' Co.. Chertered Accoun sora Aten é Call Day or Evenings Singer Sewing Machine Co., 1416 Ontarlo| : 783-5006, Toronto, AMAZING 1 mn Comrwep Three full-time and pancer, Whitby 668-4151. Gardening and Supplies Mr. James 728-2868 earl silt an | Mow Be fon audrey few echo age lowea pres vauf Hal five part-time me F Y , IRROWS, Chartered Ac- 4 : % aLbtllalld ip late : at home. No objections to smalilall type doors! 10-Second demonstratin WILSON and BUI COW MANURE for sale, well rotted Mortgage Funding ART'S GUN REPAIR family. Con ra9ia sells It, Kant-Slam, Dept. \N-30, Bloom. SALESMEN tent, a King Street East, Oshawa; | telephone i 'onata Wilson, CA; G Edmond 167 Rosehill! Boulevard GUNSMITH j field, Indiana, U.S.A. ca, mhTSS4 MANURE FOR SALE. Delivered. Tele Oshawa, Ontario 18 BOND ST. W. aren wh wile maar works Satter Satur. a 2. Sento orese ors les / bre apply a Avenue. 728-6965. z ven uF NBO Oy rustees peat vag Ash blialadeteloaye sovig NEED A py -- 'al pe er RELIABLE elderly, woman to look ater DOOR TO DOOR | Students. for, temporary In. Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East.|post hole digging and fencing. Reason- en, Sean ae g prs Rmgaly Mess got gg yi mer work. Fuller Brush Ce, 0-737. bole rates, 'Telephone 7251731, Mortaa ge Loan? components. mh WHY ie rather work live In, Telephone 723-000. CANVASSERS Ltd. Apply: Tilden Offices, 14 nis 525 King sirec! West, Oshawe. Tele-|Feaconeble" pricas: 'Teleplone "726 Tah, . er ORI MAY th FARMERS PRIEND NEED EXTRA MONEY? $8) ond more Neat Appearance Wer ay ton signe ant, 301 King Stren? West, Oshawa. Tele-jreasonable prices. Telephone 728-7483, PRIVATE PARTY TO INVEST 728-9731 . vont repel > a CinG fe ws can en sly be earned by show ng our Full time, Salary and bonuses: a.m, to 9 p.m. phone 4 : ¢ NCE fabulous Christmas cards, , LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chariered| IN Ist and 2nd MORTGAGES DROUGHT IK KENYA GOLOXY, AoA QUILL, A [friends and. nelohbore. "Ne. experience SHORGAS LTD. Accountar', 'Suile 205, Oshawa Shopping Loam and Gravel ELLIOTT AFRICA. ME IMPRISONED SEVEX H E465 Mosquifors | CERTAIN FAMILY OB [Necessary, Our exciting, full-colored cata- $1,000 IN A MONTH IS Centre, 725-9953. A Agreements for sale and OF HIS FOLLOWERS fo PRAY UN{rL AND FLIES IN TE, | CORALS WAS logue helps you to get plenty of orders, 31 CELINA 728-9441 entre, Washed Stone, Fill miresder purchosed:. Low RAIX SHOULD FALL. LARVAE STAGE RECEIVED 'ye nave | Send No money, wre fosey for, Cheist-|---- NOT TOO MUCH Auto Ports Excavating, lots leveled. rate VOUn fmoridess. prob: INDUSTRIES 'wiks tel a + SEAP ENS wi logue. 'Monarch Card Co, Dept. 16 217 SALES ;| for the man we wont for SAVE AT WESTERN Loaders, Trucks for hire. lems gladly discussed. No OSHAWA, ONTARIO et Ate 2 Oshawa area. Over 30, Take iting. Immedi Aluminum Lawn Furniture "short auto trips. Write K. N. "SERVICE CENTRE | BEATTY HAULAGE a ea be progygd Rewebbed -- Repoired, 3--Pets & Livestock 11--Articles Fur Rent BOOKKEEPER OPPORTUNIT. Dickerson, Executive Vice A All Mak 725-2156 . sahaet Med. : "Drop Depots" and Agents | pacHSHUND puppies, purebred, eloht Young Man required for re- | President, Southwestern Pet« Repairs to ANIC \i---- CALL ED WILSON : In Ont. Towns weeks old, $20, and $25. Telephone 728- RENTALS a fond wholesale store. roloun Co. tes fae, Wa | ipal ees i i 9324, elephone from a.m. to "« ' go phage 728-1607 T ded pho ci or 725-2539 OR 723-3291 | Oshowa -- Spmnig Brothers DACHSHUND, registered, red bono OF ALL KINDS EXPERIENCED 5.30 p.m, Worth 1, Texas. "FIVE BAYS TO SERVE Wat hun Moo bed Teche Sins I 725-0139 gravel washed sand, and MORTGAGE Samples (i eon MUST SEE while. German Shepherd] SANDING MACHINES -- | Full time for small manu- TAXI DRIVERS Barrleters stone sand ill, | 169 BLOOR ST e female, puppy, | also Te ech restiten oscillating sanders, disc sand- facturing plant in Ajax. SEN!OR CLERK Preferably between 25-40 RUMPHREYE-SOYCHYW om ond acman| WHITBY 668-3906 LOANS | OSHAWA --: ONT. ed. Make offer. Telephone 728-9888. ers, belt sanders, floor sand- Top earnings. Apply Sorristers, Sol'citors 36¥2 King Street| OR 668-3981 | Monayd Tor fikek martoodie | "Look For Y WANTED -- good home for three kit-| ers. : WRITE Ta handle accounts rec- 'our Agents tens. Telephone 725-3016, ~ PLUMBERS TOOLS -- pipe West Oshews. RB. 8. bag eed n'y Interest at 7% Window Bonner" eet one cleaning rods, pipe vise tri- eivable for building sup- MERCURY TAXI G. $ Boychyn, QC; W. A. Hillman, LLB.| ; | 7 SAMOYED purebred fer nine months ; 7 Sitice 725-1177. Residence: ma! FALL SPECIAL | Oper Mortgages lg old, had all. needles, $48." Telephone] pod, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- Postoffice Box 790 ply dealer. Must be good 725-4771 J mmortgoge funds Tveliabie 1000 Evergreens, Blue Spruce, No bonus facil | urveyors 725-3892. ters, pipe threading dies, « Aj Ontari typist, and have exper- Bruce Vv. MACKEY, BA, Barrister, Shade size maple, etc. vd rah and Aorenanis DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, On-BEAUTIFUL, baby budgies, ready | for ray age. acinus jax, Ontario flanks "ios, if tario Land $ i ial bi ' : : - i f fac, Vigt ey iu ey Oshawa one Iai, surerr commer! ie Sree Ei svat Eat Je Can You Do i 's, aluminum exten- Repl hondwrit 72-1107, Res. 985-7163. Garden Centre Moneys for second mortages |, etm anp TRULLBRES ORCC ts Callin sion ladders, ladder jocks, i eply in own. handwrit- MANNING F. SWARTZ and asc 1259 Simcoe North Fast rey SWARTZ |Land 'Surveyors, 111 Elgin street 'wast, Saar ee er Cail "BT yar steel scaffolding, compress- Waitress ing. All replies kept in Any Of These Jobs SWARTZ, en Shes King) 723-3222 CS |Phone 725-688). "eH 725 ers, spray guns, _ wallpaper Evening Shift confidence. Drapery Installation Money to seo 26% King St. East 7 fs 7 teamers, tarpaulins, blow A East, 723-4697. Residence, dial| -- eaten adn th ctentaaeeee g ot. pans or evenings after 6 725-7263. steamers, Pp D E ' ap. Oshawa, Ontario TV--Radio Repairs CASH on the spot. Highest prices paid| torches, propane torches, gisatbact nd bach BOX 206 In-Home Drapery Selling GARDEN | WHITBY Ty. aerial and tower service.|for dead and crippled farm stock. Tele} WELDING EQUIPMENT -- Apply Window Displ OSHAWA TIMES prey. 1 delgel $. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soli- | 723-4679 ' . ' }Di 1 668-8: phi Hiect Hampton 263-2721. Marg- eltor, Notary. Alger Buliding, 37 : Will's Fur Farm, Licence 248-C-63. Acetylene welding _. outfits, Bo-Peep Restaurant and Sign Work Oshawa Shopping Centre ing ire Ean giles! achumsnadebsegs SUPPLIES [Money To Loan leusnanreeD repairs to all makes 200 amp. electric welders. pet "" " radio, ca' radios. Thompson Elec-/7__ Trailers ' BUILDERS EQUIPMENT -- hog fl 'end No ry pubhe, Hie GRASS SEEDS | | Pontese 157 Elliott 723-9792. Fred. cement mixers, finishing tro- Big Weekly Income DRAFTSMEN If you think you are cap- rere Sencar art Naery Puete, NO. 1 FINE GRASS MIX PAY ALL |CITY TV towcrs antennas. $11 Dean|!95% PYRAMID, 15 ft. trailer, sleeps 5.) Weis wheel barrows, electric linmadiote.'apetidg, aore able of handling any one or North, 723-3446. th po nad "PARKLAWN" GRASS MIX jAvenue, Telephone 725-0500, imnace, axiehitch, spare tank' optionel| vibrator, air compressor, | mm aS asc wa ae all Posen ee inteligently DODDS AND DONALD, Barristers and| .,, wf adel ' : Solicitors, ate. King Street East. Ten aur ates YOUR BILLS OSHAWA ELECTRONICS Telephone 725-3613. eee ale icc By ete experience Nhusdad: We sain Experienced soreued Wh cnsuay 2 lig T 3, - ; work THOMAS H. GREER, BA, Barrister, SUBURBAN Mes cope Guaranteed Parts and Service : ; ers, steel scaffolding, electric you. P deca ey a! MECHANICAL full or part-time basis opply Solicitor, Notary, Suite 303, The Times} |NDIVIDUAL. GRASS| ES | Mobile Home Parking genercter, 'ramset, power angi gy baba A ona in \writing, -not in person, [bel dig Bo «pea oe tagaeds "FERTILIZERS | Have Only One TV REPAIRS $16.00 PER. MONTH rollers, electric hammers, Berhice' Cullen on weekend STRUCTURAL ey as pertinent informa- 7 ! » tion jage funds available. ae " JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, tLB,| SO-GREEW Low Monthly Payment DAY OR EVENINGS Plus hydro, all facilities. masonry «sow, 'building jacks, and Monday in Tororto at Barrister ane Solicitor and Notary Pub- a EE | , mortar mixers, mortar boxes, EMpire 8-5166, DETAIL : fle. The Commercial Buliding, 26 King| TURF. SPECIAL | . COOPER'S chain: host, miter saw, elec. | -- a WARD'S West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking che iaet $50 to $5,000 728-5286 TRAILER VILLAGE beniee, A" ieee" ste PART TIME DRAFTSMEN 31 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA available. 725-4716 or IL 10.6- ea i JOSEPH F MANGAN, GC, Barrister,! BONEM WITHOUT ENDORSERS OR TELEVISION | "HIGHWAY. 7: four miles anes, jowerdumeer:oreer: | We dew luolins Su 4 tod Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 144 HEEP re RE | § of Palbiorunh ' , 9 y ing : King Stree! East, Oshawa. 7zeen2. | SHEEP MANU | BANKABLE SECURITY SERVICE east of Peterboroug post hole auger. woman who would like to | Required for an Indust- ---- = an | | | | | | McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, Solicitors. Clients' funds available for PEAT HUMUS first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street North za, ten ge om €COOHEr-Smith Co. | LOANS LIFE INSURED |8--Hunting r] work three evenings a week i j H H All' Makes. | STAN 2 ond has the use of a car oe © palit ote Ror i tate: ee Sets Repaired in your home. | MOOSE HUNTERS, Best hunting in On- . area, mere Farm, 4th Concess' of SUPERIOR ory ee ate, Caen, sree This is a pleasant non-com- ~ wood Avenue, Pickering. ee ities "iar |Wayne Appliances |rete atter october 6" tor seven-day hunt Sharpeni f are . pening and Rentals Ltd. sa Seay Oe EY ares eel 16 Celina St. | FINANCE LIMITED vclephone 723-1411 on shave *IS413, south" Porcupine. 223 King St. W., Oshawa spade geste For an interview appointment | WISE homemakers find bargaine every 4 4 | a! . 1 Bar ho conddly ge eg ge 723-2312 "The Fastest Growing All- TV TOWERS HUNTER" would like to contact organ-| | Phone 723-3224 ted that we offer a salary of WHITBY 668-3336 [fea 'Beeman, pa ape ld 728-5832. ,| Canadian Loan Company'"' ized hunting party for moose. Second $20.00 per week plus com- EREIONTON, DRYNAN and MURDOCH,|Instruction AND week of October. After 7 p.m. 725-4020. | 92s Articles Wanted elssinnk This is o year-round mmese|BURNS SCHOOL of Dancing, cD, al 17 SIMCOE ST. N. Antenna Repai r |9--Summer Properties PIANO WANTED, suitable for student.| position. For full information TOOL and DIE FUEL OIL North, . Ontari 3446;|Knights of Columbus Hall. Ballet, Tap,| Will pay cash, Write Box 223, Oshawa : . misaanene: i a totter rn | Jazz, Acrobatic. 728-7902. 725-6541 For Sale or Rent Times, stating make and price, without any obligation, write MAKER G. Mi Ceti ind agree t|HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, TRI -|__Box_ 248 Oshawa Times. -- im sgh poets and agreements of Tap, RAD Ballet, Highland. Register DAILY UNTIL 5:30 P.M. 0 LAKESHORE _ Meds of horka: Sheen coe Pglished + Applicant must have pro- SALES [nom 424 King Stren West, 7as4i22__/ WEDNESDAY UNTIL 8 P.M. TELEVISION iy eter oeer tent =| TOYS-FUN $¢¢ gressive die experience, Apply Building Trades /LILLIAN MAE MARSH, D.E.A., rol Saturday until 12 noon 171 BOND ST, E., OSHAWA LOTS lars to Post Office Box 38, Oshawa, = agp a au EX CARPENTRY, cabinets, recreation preachesy Winseahin Five mtee| OTHER EVENINGS BY 728-6781 KAWARTHA AREA CHAIN for chain saw, gas driven, in WE ARE LOOKING FOR oaritia Fuel Oil 5 Sales. No rooms, calling. wal jdays. Masonic Temple. 723-7253. BE ph nl : | SAVE «--.buy now. Toke jel gc a ogy ae he LADIES WHO WANT COULTER previous experience neces son ouetne spelt meme] WILSON and LEE LTD. |ajueigal Sen Service Calls | advantage of | AFTER SHAW oy roan csiee | MANUFACTURING | ty, Sic work with tment. Call 1239767 MUSIC STUDIOS | Musical Services $2.50 SUMMER PRICES. AUTO WRECKING CO. | BY WORKING EVENINGS CO. LTD. Seaieas Taps" eal wien, Vet] LEARN TO PLAY __ tinny aah arora sate FOR IMMEDIATE, SALE sol therghl Conn 28 Richmond St. West | Phone: Wayne Hinds paattions, repairs. Call William vroone | a be ing parr 9 a.m.--9 p.m. Daily Lot, cottage and dock $2295 Wants Cars for Wrecking We will train you as o party , J. Hiddink, Ajax 942-1664. PI ROOFING, concrete Tioork fia? ae AN INSTRUMENT Fer TYPES of repairs and remodelling, New 21" Picture Tubes or $25 per month, new cust- Parts for sale, also scrap iron demonstrator, To sell a full P.O BON 190 MURPHY OIL speci work Y d used Herlals. Reasonable om 3 bedroom cottgae, sand and metals, etc., bought, li : jason, © Le Eee ee) tart Gr tae [tem em tah ter AS Low AS $19.66 | Str, 10s i GAPE Two | Oo sounder ai er Prom | Semael Re eeeanee oe Company Ltd. 725-3571 | 5 only ; A YOUR ioaal chimney chevercrimnen| DIAL 725-4706 |Optometriot | All Work Guaranteed | 20% Two, only loge or | 725-2311--89 BLOOR E, | ele ® callactin, | repaired, gas inings Mall vat points per 'oot. | - _ ret ere veces, Free att: LEARN TO DRIVE ie, B. TUCK. RO, Optometrist. Please| Dominion | Television DIRECTIONS:-- Go north to 13--Business Opportunities : OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS a ______________| Qshawa Driving School at Madoc, take new highway 668-5253 aieaaw SASH, and storm sash, No. 1 {Rank or 7 Burk Street? Dial te 4587. | Cc I N 728-5154 62 hf Mad High BEAUTY SALON, five dryers, also ad- eee taee oe rem, Teeetone 708 | DAY or EVENING . gl il wa' se "Gunter tok . Lg Beas bens. 'reasonable rent ee ROOFING, shingles; root and gabie Late Models, Standards Personal Service | TV TOWERS | tones? wee soba of _ [and selling price, Cali 728-2 PRINTED PATTERN irae Wukianice bee wurte | Automatics Dual Controlled. pe Lands and Forests Offices, SOR RBPRTR is Richnond Hi Fully| feed. H. Tucker. 728-0826. OSHAWA AND WHITBY | MODERN GRILL turn right and follow signs ~|edulpped, large stock, low. rent. 'Illness ZELLERS forces sale. For details telephone 728- | ¥ } t ¥ gy CP ing Bi ao CALL 728-0091 | Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey | Economy and Aue HO Ghote bi' Hank Gorden May. 728-0394. Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home | burton. | | Geet Sweeter) LEARN | Made i and Bee | elune __TORONTO 277-2407_| BUSINESS == LIMITED 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH Priced to suit your budget | a Kinds ot MEAT CUTTING | -3887 TERMS ARRANGED PRIVATE SALE FOR SALE Position now open 24-hou: i 728-25: . . CANVAS een Comnticiai an and ally sooth a Painting | < and Decorating _ Good turn over, with equip- Full time employment | from Osh ! said $390 DOWN : Convan Prowl. Mii Joneks rane | {22 District, day or, evening, | DODD and SOUTER | OSHAWA TV |. PRL BRIE ab bee Oy con th bas tt CO ee icol 'training i hight PAINTING AND DECORATING | ' Iperr " ACKERMAN pa field. et ae canes, | CONTRACTORS | SUPPLY LIMITED Large two-year-old cottage stools. Store to open sens at Excavatini): a« toading merchandising and self-serve | Painting, Paperhang with sun deck, two inch log Cash Preferred $7,000 Oshawa Shopping | ing, | Sete | acre | tigen, | 728-8180 | aint Set | a Or § Contry ind Top Soi | 107 BYRON rooms and bath, wiring, and ° d Dump Truck PRACTICAL 07 BAYS 668.sb6o [Well Drilling--Digging Wilde tlle EGG bee Reasonable Rat ne by eth] as . Luncheonette Department PHONE. 693-5786 MPPTAIL Ge" TS 728-7426 __|fy Such ie. Ws. Wratten] 298 by 366 feet deep. Wall oe) ' | : BOWMANVILLE 'AR M AS A AKKO Im Sret West. PO. Box 32%, whitby,| treed, Excelent hunting and |7q --Employment Wanted Female Cooks pieces wate fishing. Priced well below the lomxina-- MOTHERS! \Guellfied aay Fountain Operator Painting, paperhanging spray | ket f ick y ; M 1425 DANFORTH AVE. | " | market for quick sale, Eels care avatiable at Peter Pan Day Nur- Waitresses Spray Paintin | painting, graining. 25 years' ||--Women's Column sery, 581 Simcoe North, Call 728-2604, IMPROVEMENTS TORONTO, ONTARIO experience. Reasonable rates. +P Bake neor Apsley, Telephone | emcee bor md ice are Dish Machine Operator : : TELEPHONE HO 1-7545 231 H |PERMANENTS on special, Page Halr- Bobcaygeon 738-2631 or en- | also warehouse man, Telephone 728-264, Roofing. -- eavestroughing | 1 Huron St. Seer et EE TOOTING ie ak Acosta tt ask for Ken, , painting, cupboards, floor |Mortgages | 728-5719 tase ig rong §. store, Company benefits include: -- tiling. General repairs of all |FIRST AND. SECOND morigages. Sale * '2--Personal els Lake, 16--Female Help Wanted Employee discounts, Hospi- kings: No ob too: big or |sarsemsnts purchased ond ene. tan Plumbi Heati 11--Articl For R EARN #2. WEEKLY plus 8 tree ward.| 'Olization and group insur- small. All work gauranteed. nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King/Plumbing and Heating IF YOU have @ drinking problem, write| icles For Rent robe In your spare fime. Just show Fash-| nce, pension plan, profit Financing at bonk rates. Call Street East, 723-7232. ALL PL aii Maing. "bisohics. Box _333, Whitby, or cali 668-3034 | Sewing Machine Rentals, $2 per week.|!on Frocks to friends. No Investment,| sharing -bonus, summer end us anytime, |FRIVATE and corporation monies to loan| Telephone 725-352) Harold H. Stark, Ltd., OIL PAINTING | taught. Learn to paint Singer Sewing Machine 'Co., lors On.|canvassing, experience necessary. Write: winter vacations, P. Nellis, 1 ] ; jon all types of mortgages; mortgages|Plumbing, Heatin: neering, your own. pictures. Individual aoe Ree-|tario Stren'. Telephone 725-5443, North American Fashion Frocks, Ltd., ellis, 19 Colborne E land agreements 'of sale purchased.|Simee Sirech Southey naneerings 255 eoable rates. Telephone 728-2 3425 Industrial Bivd., Dept. M-2749, Mont. Telephone: 728-2061 \' "reighton, Drynan and Murdoch. (See WANTED 3007 ceaar ie trees, oe Or gix| CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church/real 39. a Apply heading "Barrister"') feet high... Phone 725-6650, me ea runners, Fox Rentals, 412 Simcoe Classitied Ad Rates WELDING [MAREE ge oe fret a wnes "WHEEL CHAIRS ZELLERS : oe WORDS OF LESS Is Our Business Etras"tor's0's's, ora shai] Repairs, Sales, Rentals, Oshawa Shopping Centre GAY THREESOME Better described offers get foster results. ie toa ; Cash Charge REPAIR and NEW WORK Also By ALICE BROOKS 6 consecutive days.... ; a ae aS Specializing in Pressure Work, ATTENTION: pmeteor sriists -- SPtCe! Hospital beds, wolkert, beds Toss those gay pillows on 3 consecutive doys 2.25 2.48 Boilers, Vessels, Pipe Lines, local. 'Srtieth. re information. call" 66n. side commodes, crutches, 1 Week 1 children's beds, or use in play- Count each word, ubouee _-- or abbreviation as one word. ete. pil canes, slenderizing machines Big Weekly Income room for color, comfort. | and roll-away beds. Immediote opening, woman STYLE LEADER Gentle lion, playful pup, Box gered | s i e : ; 15¢ sg Pie ceeg ah sien Removal of superfluous hair, 725- 1644 over 35, advertising field. No sleepy Kitty <- pillows fer. tole. # not paid within days, charge rote applies. i Marie Murdutt wit' be ie '5-1644 : uate ak We bon a : EXPERIENCED Hibben By ANNE A Two pieces plus ears, Pattern Professional listings only, 3 lines per month F GENERAL Oshawa, October 7th, 8th, Dishes « Cutlery - Glasses you. Unusual tunity, nvecy girl Heads dae -- w well-icces: ance" (ranstorss seamen Eoch additional line per month : z seh 9th. : Phone Genosha Punch Bowls must trovel, ee mannered shirtwaist that can 84 x 10-inch pillows. (Not applicable for hantenine: shariinmaemn Weldin Service -- oC Coff. U Bre, Oa Seah ENR, ta dash off to work, class, take Thirty-five cents (coins) pp g nointment. otfee Urns APPLY Bernice Cullen in Toronto shopping in stride, Note tabs,|for. this pattern (ho sleenDa ? f ; f DEADLINES 728-2525 ELECTROLYSIS ae bot ath ; Sue hice -- inverted pleats. please) to Alice Brooks, cane of 1 ; Gig 5 p.m. day previous | Printed Paitern 4682: Misses'|'The Osh Times, Needlecraft Classified Display 2:30 p.m. doy previous Rug-Upholstery Service = 723- 464] SARGEANT'S RENTALS HALLS EXPERIENCED an % a ain ne ps yoy 1 eee Births, memorioms, cards of thanks -- 9 a.m. day of Publication. | enone cai £- él. a . 725-3338 Sines ; gy a bl s equires 4% yards 35-inc seqidents add 1 cent sales 'ax. Carcloners end am. oy of publication. sina] LEN PULLAN = ------/2033 BOOKKEEPER |iaose pee FORTY CENTS (40) in coins tepid Address. Cencellations and Corrections--8:30 a.m. doy of publication. "|fletde recovered, rebuilt Custom Craft ENGLISH TAILOR & TYPIST Phase. lease) for this pat-| 994 Handicraft-Hits in ou big no stamps, ple ° andicraft-Hits in our big, Furniture. 728-7271, REGULATIONS HAVE YOUR chesterficid sulle ¥ factory} Specialist in garment altera- | Read tern Gitatin seautonth aan le big, new 1964 Needlecraft Catas The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise- |rebuilt. Low prices. Telephone 728-3281.| tions, etc. Invisible mendi : . a i i ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not for more than {Evenings 728-2439. Kennedy Upholstering! dress _ alterations, om | Ti S B, Ye { iT Professional Office _|sales_tax. Print plainly SIZE. |jog, out now! See toys, fashions, 'one incorrect insertion of any advertisement, nor beyond the 10 PRINCE ST. | ime Osh NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE/crewelwork, heirlooms, gifts, CHESTERFIELOS and old chairs re: shawa NUMBER, bazaar hits -- everything to error occurs. i at Modern Upholsterers, 142. 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