se gnpeeth Sagoemcanenae AON: ~ Many Oshawa And District Students Enroii in Higher Schools of Learning young people|Mr. and Mrs. William J. Weir,|ert Henry Broadbent, Lauder rescent, a : Sciencé> Mathematics Carol Holmes, daughter of four Oshawa Collegiateg are at- and Physics -|Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Holmes, tending University and the high-| Ted Bednarek, son of Mrs.|Keewatin street. er schools. of learning. Every|Konstanty Bednarek, Simcoe! Arts and Science effort has been made to havelstreet south, and the late Mr.| Norman Powers, son of Mr. The following who have recently graduated| Jasmine from Grades 12 and 13 of the| Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 St. Gregory's CPTA Elects New President, Vice-President : The first meeting of St. Gregory's Catholic Parent|dered Teacher Association for the new school year was held recently in g Geeiceser tin emt oleae Ea mei regret. the of their presi- dent, Mr, John Burke, and f0/te- trom the a complete list. The Social De-| Bednarek, land Mrs. Isaac Powers, Royal) partment will be glad to hear] Psychology THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 27,1963 7 their vice-president, Mr. Leo Menard, Mr. Ernest Marks con- street. of any young people who are! tena Jakimowitz, daughter of J. W.. Patrick Johnston, son furthering their education. i ; of Mr. and Mrs, Murray John-| |Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jakimo-| ston, Ta noua north: | UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO witz, Royal street, | unton Arts TEACHERS' COLLEGE TORONTO \Mr, and Mrs. E: Markle, . Patricia + my gy of| Madison avenue. | Mr. and Mrs, John Dancey,) (,+9)-Maril e Honor English | yn Barron, daugh ; : | Rogers og Rav, dauahter of (et of Mr. and Mrs. John Alex-| Stephen Stepinac, son of oll Kathleen McRae, daughter of| ner Barron, Simcoe street and Mrs. Stephen Stepinac, Col, 5.42.4 Lorraine, daughter! Mr. and Mrs. Neil McRae, Ce-|) 014, borne street east. arbara Lorraine, daughter' lina street. 1 Reg isa Pre-Medical of: Mr. and Mrs. John C, 5 ; | everly Anne _ Cranston, tks y if Judith Lynne Gibson, daugh-|sauohter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray| Richard Philip Joseph Giroux, /Stanley, Oshawa, and Lance S. ter of Mr, Frederick'I. Gibson,|Cranston, Little Current, On-\Son of Mr. and Mrs. William/pamant, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rossland road east, and the!) Albert Giroux, Masson street. | ' i late Mrs. Gibson. ge Oley Skochko, son of Mr, and)Armold Damant, st Murray Hobbs. son of Mr, and) of Mr. and Mrs. John Mrs. Nicholas Skochko, Tresane|/exchanged wedding vows re- Mrs. Jack Hobbs, Richmond); usher Darlington, Arlington treet. dousntori cet, in St. George's Ukrata- street east. lavenue. | rae sd vara A Moy hey ian Catholic Church, Oshawa, | David ee Genie ai ofl senor Timothy Slocombe, ons, Patricia avenue. The Reverend John Pereyma) Mr. and Mrs. Albert "Gractinidiratae aul ossbuat ane Engineering lofficiated. Mrs. Garry Booth) McLaughlin boulevard. M. Lynne Whitely, daughter of| Robert Allan Glover, -" of who played the wedding music| Michael Samuel Glen Bell, son) Mr. and Mis. Elmer Whitely) |e one Jeonerd S-\and sang Ave Maria also ac-| of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Glen'sutherland avenue. ("Donald Anderson, son of Mr,{companied the church choir in! Bell, Golf street. Ruth Britten, daughter of Mr. a tele' <on (Several selections. | Grant Dennis Johnston, son of '@ Mrs. F. R' Britten, Th and Mrs. Erle Anderson,| pes | Mi and Mrs. Robert Dudiey|ue {Churchill avenue. |. The bride's father gave his "a t K Ke ll avenue | street. Applied Sciente daughter in marriage. Her Johnston, en _ va Donna Hobbs, daughter of Mr.| Gordon James Sutter, son of|floor-length gown of faille was Physical ~-- on aS and Mrs, Thomas Hobbs, Elm) yy and Mrs. John Sutter, RR 2 | styled with a sabrina neckline, Angela Deanna sea eck Grove avenue, lbeaded with pearls, and brace- M d Mrs. Jack : Oshawa. | beaded Pp 'i daughter of Mr. ane aL {qsCatol Stallibrass, daughter of John MacPherson, son of Mr.|let sleeves. Appliques of lace Lo lenelbinansae pe eaan-te Mr, and Mrs, William Stalli-|anq Mrs, Murray MacPherson,|and pearls decorated the front oy ue weer ie brass, Tresane street. |Elizabeth street. |panel of the bell skirt and a de- Gibble, Mar 7 fre t oe '| care Comelie, dengiee Commerce and Finance , | tachable five-foot train was held Gabbe, Sp uarinicy of Mr, amd Mrs. Charles Cor-) Stanley Seneco, son of Mrs.jat the waist by a cummer- Britton, daugh- nels, peitwan gireet. Joseph Seneco, Harris avenue,/bund, A crown of pearls and a aah il Richard J,|,.L¥nda Singer, daughter of Mr./and the late Mr, Seneco. \crystal drops secured her bouf- ef Pine ave aventié 'and Mrs, Frank Singer, Ritson) Arg; and Physica! Education /fant veil of tulle illusion and iain 'Chemistry | Seas Diedulee daughte '| cg Mrord't nd . Wi er satiate Fy vai | esi ,.¥ , u vr COfi/Mrs. W. Ford Lindsay, Warren! llow roses and ivy trails. | ; say doin sere _ of Mire Mr, and Mrs. Richard Crouter,| avenue. -- wig 7 | osep! oenigsberger, steven-| Frontenac avenue. Physical Education sen road north, and the late Mr.' Lorriane Parsons, daughter of Stanley Edward Kolesnik, son Herbert Stimming Mr, and Mrs, Fred Parsons,/of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Koles- : Architecture Adelaide avenue west. nik, Westmoreland avenue. Richard Franklin Brown, son; Anne-Marie Williams, daugh-| CARLETON' UNIVERSITY | of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Franklin/ter of Mr. and Mrs, Alex Wil Finance and Commerce levard th cama' Brown, Oshawa boulevard north. ||iams, Miller street. Thomas Lynn Clapp, son of cently were: n Dentistry Margaret Jane Rice, daugh- Mr, and Mrs. Leonard G. Clapp,|0. Heuer, Almonte; ang Robert George McKay, son of|ter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald|Hortop street. iMrs, onald Honey, Don Mills; Mr, and a Gordon G. Mc- Rice, Hillcroft street. David Ferries, son of Mr.|Dr. gad me, oviey Rie 4 Kay, Hillcroft street. nd Mrs. Alexander Ferries,|Scarborough; Dr. and Mrs. ©.) Ronald Edward Miles, son of TEACHERS' COLLEGE Masson street. L, Honey, Fenwick; Dr. and) Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Benja = iin nig pertes Douglas John Lloyd, son of|Mrs. R. C. Honey, ree Miles, Mary street. | Clare eill, daughter of Mr.i\Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Alfred|ough; Dr. and Mrs. M. E, Hon- Valentina Petrowsky, daugh-jand Mrs. Patrick O'Neill, Court| Lloyd, Central Park north, ley, Thornhill; Mr. and Mrs. ter of Mr. and Mrs. aa Ba | General Arts |Earl Banner, Pickering; Mr. and Petrowski, Rowena street. | 9 | R. Wayne Clark, son of Mr.|Mrs, Stanley Brown, Toronto; Larry Lawrence, son of Mr.| -- and Mrs. Ross Clark, Rowe|Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott, New- Mrs, Philip S. Lawrence,! 5, 4h ruizabeth Zimmerman, |S ee's .« sisi tonville; Mr. and. Mrs. Carl estdale avenue. dndeh ",| ST, XAVIER UNIVERSITY, | Houck, Uxbridge; Mr.'and Mrs. inglish daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- ; ; Honor Englls ., |liam Kenneth Zimmerman, Sim- Antigonish, N.S. Donald Carnegie, Mrs. Walter Wayne Wallace Jordan Clit} coe preset hotth vc Aris Howsam, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gor- : Gene Joseph Clarke, son of ert Howsam, Mr. and Mrs. Ira don E. Clifford, Brock street UNIVERSITY OF |Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. J./carr, Mr. and Mrs. Frank WESTERN ONTARIO |Clarke, Law street. |Honey, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Business Administration Business Administration Honey, Mrs. Hugh Wright, Mrs. ; Dean Ernest Douglas, son of| ,Michael Darrell Winter, son|Oscar Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. ton hag ge a Mr. and Mrs, Frederick Walter Ca ee ot E. H. Winter,|James Hight, Mr. and Mrs. John And.rsen, son of Mr.|Douglas, Richmond street east. els Glen McColl, Mrs. J. W. Hardy, and Mrs. Harry Andersen, Fin-| David Morris, son of Mr, and|UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO |yiss Vv, Harris and Mr. Jack ucane street. : Mrs. Roy Morris, Arthur street,| Homer French and German |Chapman, all of Port Perry; Honor Course, Mathematics and Science |, Judith Anne Wood, daughter (Mr. and Mrs, Donald Crozier, Modern Languages Ronald David Bell, son of Mr, |! 7 P aie Mrs. Stanley N.!Mr, and Mrs. M. Fralick, Miss and Literature jand Mrs, Melville J. Bell,| V4, aah street. |Marilyn Fr'ick, and Mr. Ste- William Francis Hanley, son|Patricia avenue. ingineering phen Fr .cx, all of Sc 0 q Chute, son of Mr Mr. and Mrs. M. Wilfred} " yk '/Mr. Douglas McCague, Isiing- flaniey, Jarvis street. | Aldea and Mrs. Robert William Shute,/ton; Mr. Bruce McAlpine, Victor Darlington, | PERSONALS | Guests from out of town at| the' Honey-Webster wedding re-| Mr, and Mrs, H. Mr. and) east. | | Frederick Roth, son of Mr. | and Mrs. William Roth, Taun-| | Russell Maaiva Marke, auger of Lance 9. Damant Marries Barbara Lorraine Stanley accessories and a corsage of Mr. Burke on his new and job he had done as the first| A tea was given |year for the mothers male president of the associa 1 ten children, Nominations were held from| An exhibit was the floor for the two offices and|Class 30 at the Oshawa resulted in the unanimous ap- isplay by pointment of Mrs. William A. Clarke as president and Mr.|the hand Paul Delaney as vice-president. The minutes of the June meeting were read by che secre- tary, Mrs. John Drumm. treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Donald Barrett, who also e.g on the graduation ban- quet. The teaching staff was intro- duced by the principal, Sister Mary Elizabeth Anne: Grade 1, Sister Mary Rosalie; Grades 1 and 2, Miss J. Barrett; Grade '2, Mrs. M. Cole; Grade 3, Miss T. Murphy; Grades 3 and 4, Miss A, Germanis; Grade 4, Mrs. H. Clancy; Grade 5, Mrs. C. Cannon; Grade 6, Miss H. Aaa Grade 7, Mrs. C.|) == - = TY cArthur; Grade 8, Mrs. M. --Aldsworth Photography |Rush and Mr. J, Hogan; Kin- WIFE PRESERVER" dergarten, Mrs. M. Smythe; i anak clad the end of a" Public Health Nurse, Mrs. M. cork placed on : V. Connor. sharp towel hook will keep' z pe gh W ebster Bride ' ae ng wry een de- ba -- tearing when hang-: alph M. Honey, Seagrave ---------- the ring-bearer Master Richard Martin, | In a recent ceremony in|minster Church hall the bride's) For the reveption in St. Greg-|Northminster United Church|mother wore a beige lace ory's auditorium, the bride's|Lynda Beth, daughter of Mr.|sheath, matching accessories mother wore a street-length|and Mrs, Allan B. Webster,|and a corsage of yellow carna- sheath of mink-tone peau de|Oshawa, became the bride of|tions. The bridegroom's mother soie, accented with lace; self|Ralph Miller Honey, son of|chose a sheath of teal blue and + and Mrs. Harold Honey/|a pink corsage of carnations. bridegroom's|0f Seagrave, Ontario. | The honeymoon was spent in The Reverend H. A. MelloW|the maitimes and the eastern |and white brocade with a match-|performed the ceremony while) United States. For travelling, |ing jacket. She wore brown|the organist John Robertson|the bride donned a black and |accessories, a brown hat-and a|played the wedding music. white checked suit and a cor- gold rose corsage, | The bride, given in marriage! sage "of white carnations, with Mrs: Michael Black, aunt of|by her father, wore a full-!pjack and white accessories. the bride acting as' hostess,|length gown and train of white) Mr. and Mrs. Honey are wore a s'reet-length sheath of|Peau de soie, enhanced with\making their home at Sea- hunter's green peau de soie,|@PPliques of Alencon lace. A} grave, Wii scoop neckline, three-quar-|CTown of pearls held her silk ter sleeves and an overskirt.|illusion, fingertip veil and she Her accessories were beige and se hit and. pink roses} green and her corsage, bronze|4%@ !VY trails. I i chrysanthemums. . Mrs, C, E, Houck was a che wrteian Oct : " For the wedding trip to Bos- matron of honor to her sister ton and the New England and the other attendants were states, the bride donned a three-|Mrs. Jack Green, Blackstock; piece ensemble of French wool|Miss Gloria Fralick, Toronto; | crepe in hedge green with a and Miss Patricia Knox,| brown cloche hat, brown acces-|Hampton. Miss Robin Me-// sories and a corsage of yellow|Donald, niece of the bride, was roses the flower oe ae were a é dressed in powder blue peau de aa as Bre, Pamant ere soie with matching accessories |® agen in their new home at and pillbox headdresses with 605 Nipigon street, Oshawa, circular veils. They carried Guests were present from/piye and white chrysanthe- Winnipeg, Manitoba; Toronto,!mums to match their dresses. Hamilton, Woodbridge, Whitby, wr, Brian Lee was best man igs "ate Riggs a and ushering were Bruce Me- Mrs. Thomas Leoniak of To- ronto was matron of honor in hunter green peau de soie. The bridesmaids, the Misses Phyllis Manuel, Beryl Price, Donna Shutka, Beatrice Saramak, all of Oshawa, and Marlene Greyerbiehl, Toronto; junior bridesmaid, Miss Carol Ann avk and flower girl, little Miss Eugenia Salmers, all wore butterscotch peau de soie. All the gowns were bell shaped and floor-length, with a) bow accent- ing the back waist complement- ing their matching pillbox head- dresses. They carried cascades of yellow and bronze chrysan- themums. The best man was Mr. David Ogden, Bowmanville. The ush- ers were Mr. David Vivian, Mr. Gary Groeneveld, Mr. Barry Oliver, all of Bowman- ville; Mr; Kenneth Black, Osh-| awa, and Mr. James Pratt, Winnipeg, Manitoba, The junior usher was Mr. Dana Damant, heother of the bridegroom, and The evening closed with a st | hour and refreshments were ua * MR. AND MRS. R. M. HONEY PERM SPECIALS ES. and WED. oct. Ist to 30th gold roses. The mother was in a sheath of gold 17.50 15.00 11.50 .. Treat and Hold with peas Reg. 22.50 for =)" STEAM WAVE (Lenolin) Reg. 20.00 for i REGULAR STEAMWAVE Reg. 15.00 for .-----"""* LANOLIN WAVE Reg. 12.50 for --- ato TUEOR $end WOR OCTOBER Moke your open NS today seh te theese Aor pend peng LADY WHO wa 725-4531 : me Dry Goods Bid THE VERY BEST - + * PERRY LOSES Television lawyer Perry) CUSTOM AND READY MADE Robert Rennie Watt, son of) 1; i Leona Cheski, daughter of/Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. we Gemnal Arts agg ho Rg a A a oe , . | Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cheski,|Simcoe street north, apar t i |St. Gifford street. 15, A cpislameas | ibe eon sgh dal 3o;\Taylor, Dundas. Anthony Stones, son of Mr.| Robert Babe, son of Mrs. W.\the late Mr. Doyle ' | and Mrs, W. D. Stones, Crom-/E. Babe, Drew street, and the) WATERLOO LUTHERAN |Mrs, Myma Brown, Colborne well avenue. late Mr. Babe. UNIVERSITY and Me, ond Mrs, Karl Haley, Ronor Course | Arts | Bruce Carter, son of Mr. and| Toronto, recently returned from Brian Douglas Keys, son of; Donald Paterson, son of Mr.|Mrs. Charles Carter, Rits'onja 5,508 mile motor trip to the Mr. and Mrs. Henry Keys, Rit-land Mrs. W. D. Paterson jroad south, |Grand Canyon and other points son road north. Burketon, Ontario. 'ONTARIO COLLEGE OF ART of interest. They left via Wind- Sociology and Philosophy Leita Smith, daughter of Mr.| Ronald Eccles, son of Mr.|sor and Detroit, travelled Robert Kram, son of Mrs.\and Mrs, Walter K. Smith. Drew\and Mrs. Leonard Eccles, Fest-|through Indiana and Illinois, to James Findlay, Oxford street,| street, 3 hubert street. |St. Louis Missouri, through 'the and the late Mr. John Kram.| Courtice Rose, son of Mrs.| William Fitches, son of Mr.|Ozarks, visited the Will Rogers Peter Moffat, son of the Rev-|Edward Rose, Riverside drive and Mrs. William Fitches, Memorial Home in Oklahoma erend and Mrs, John K. Moffat,!and the late Mr. Rose. '|Rossland street west. land then on. through N ew Simcoe street south. Phillip Wilson Bradley, son of|(T® Be Continued Tomorrow)/Mexico and Texas; Arizona; Lynda Panter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Bradley,|---- Th PRS ok Ae gi A Colorado; Kan- Mr. and Mrs, Robert Panter,|Simcoe street north. | Tare 7 sas; and then visited Mark Cedar street. Heather Gunn, daughter of} Twain's home at Hannibal, Mis- Joseph Schwarz, son of Mr.imr' and Mrs. David Gunn, Athol souri, and returned throu gh -- Otto Schwarz, Law street east, ' ' | jndisas, Ann Arbour, and Flint, J ») e we 5 yi Michiga - Physical Therapy ounbet, deughaer a tes. late Mr. S nia. sla acs na Kathrin Claire LaRush,/and Mrs. Thomas Twentyman '| (=} daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gor- Arts and Science ot Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Craw- don Anthony LaRush, Mary| Linda White, daughter of Mr.| ford, Town Line south, Oshawa,| street. land Mrs. E. E, Southern, Ros.| have as their guests Mrs, J. Barbara Olenyk, daughter of/mere street. Hay and Mrs. Lethbridge of Edinburgh, Scotland. All were Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Olenyk,| Mathematics and Science | Dp |e oe ee |: segalon Geeaiiny Weagater ol WIFE PRESERVER dinner guests on Tuesday of Mr. | eg and Mrs, John Kerr, Bethany. IM : » . : Honor Course |Mr. and Mrs. Leo Connolly,| variation, bake apples|Mrs, Hay and Mrs, Lethbridge Latin and French Athol street east. ; : with a marshmallow in the cen-|are Jeavi Howard Vincent McGahey,| Physical Education ltre of each, rather than adding| aving from Malton on son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent:A.| Robert Anderson, son of Mr.| Mrs. Beryl Choate, Oshawa, | Phone 723-7827 ' jone ~, tice, Brooklin, Buffalo, New Alpine, Lorneville, _ Ontario; . ag York; and Dearborn, Michi- Wayne Taylor, D . anda enn: Douglas McCague, Islington, SOCIAL NOTICE | F=' For the reception in North- ascpucemeeeerciaeninnmmmmtnaemmcmmesiiae ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. William C. Howells, RR 2, Burketon, wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Phyllis Lucille, to LAC George Charles Gordon Bement, RCAF, Dana, Saskatchewan, son of Mrs, Vin- cent Bement of Vancouver, Brit- ish Columbia, and the late Mr. Bement. The marriage is to take place in Albert Street United Church, Oshawa, on Sat- urday, October 26, at 4.00 p.m. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Everett G. Dawe, Oshawa, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Sharon Isa- bel, to Donald Wayne Chese- boro, son of Mrs, Olive Chese- boro, Oshawa, and the late Mr. Norman Cheseboro, The marriage is. to take place on Saturday, October 19, a' 3.30 p.m., in the chapel of St. An- drew's United Church. Le, A Modell. "st ] Mod pe A NO oh * WAITING ad @ ' Immediate Delivery the new heating - season with a NEW OIL FURNACE Your furnace is a vital part of your home ... you depend on it all through the winter DRY GOODS to give you proper warmth and comfort, SIMCOE ST. $. AT ATHOL ST. J 24 hours every day . . . safe, trouble free, READY - MADE | 2-1 Select your ready made drapes to- "iday--for delivery = © tomorrow ---- Hun- dreds to choose =e ' jsugar. Marmalade jain also} McGahey, Grierson street. and Mrs. James C. Anderson, [provides . tarts seat: se | | LPtTtLill Mechanical Engineering _| Pine avenue, Prowse Charles James Langstaff Min-| , ett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles eee William Minett, Buckingham General Aris jcases of blindness among Ca- avenue. Barbara Leigh Broadbent,/nadian children, repors the | Chemical Engineering as : Daniel Cherkas, son of Mr. eUiee, OF eae, and Att, Hop: Benita Lengay of Saneis. ats pencil LILLIAN MAE MARSH SCHOOL OF DANCING Civil Engineering Devon Biddle, son of Mr. and- D.E.A. Ballet, Tap, Acrobatic, Mrs. Gordon Biddle, Windsor street. Character, Pre-School, Kinderdance. FRIDAYS and SATURDAYS et the MASONIC TEMPLE, 91 Centre St. INFORMATION: 723-7253 BLIND CHILDREN Accidents cause half of all gt rrrerrit FALL Music Bette Jean Weir, daughter of) LADIES | No beby sitter, mo cor fare Mr. Bernard Of Leading Toronto Satens Experienced Hair Styiist FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS TULIP BULBS FRINGED NOVELTY ORCHID TULIPS ...... GIANT PEONY TULIPS (Double) ...... MUSCARY GRAPE HYACINTHS The NEW FALL HAIRSTYLES are here | a hoir in this Fall's lotest fashion that suits HYACINTHS YOU best. Make Your Appointment -- Call 728-9751 BEN VAN KUIK Returns to Oshawa We are very pleased to, announce that Mr. Ben Yon Kuik, a well- known hair stylist, hos returned to Oshawa and joined our stoff, INTRODUCTORY OFFER -- For 2 weeks only. Shampoo & Set Reg. 2.50 -- 2.00 and 1.00 off any permanent. FOR BEN ONLY. ' ANTONIO'S COIFFURES . 136 Simcoe South (Just South of Memorial Park) PACKED 10 IN A BOX 8 BEN VAN KUIK KRESGE'S OF HOLLAND BULBS . 12 « 87 DARWIN TULIPS, TRIUMPH TULIPS, MENDEL TULIPS, COTTAGE TULIPS. BOXED GIANT CHRISTMAS 87° RED EMPEROR TULIPS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER > DOWNTOWN OSHAWA ce: ) dependable . . . and Lander-Stark are the PEPEFILIUI TL PEPE | right people to make your installation . . . = skilled, competent service technicians from Lander-Stark's own Service Depart- ment... the right size furnace to suit your heating needs . . . your choice of fully guaranteed, well-known brands. Call 725-3581 now -- let us send you a man to survey your home and quote you on the job... with easy, moderate month ly payments to fit your budget. And remember, when you're a Lander- Stark residential customer, you receive an annaul furnace cleanout and tune-up FREE ... with 24-hour radio-controlled | emergency service FREE . . . everything = for in the price of the oil you uy. Phone now and enjoy the full comfort, convenience and economy of a brand new oil furnace .. . right from the start of the new heating season. ONE PHONE CALL GIVES YOU ALL YOUR HEATING NEEDS SAY AS 43 KING. STREET WEST, OSHAWA 725-3581 VSMC TOES PO Ee Ee 'S SELECTION BLUE FLOWERS SCILLA SIBERICA ENGLISH BLUEBELLS .. 8 for 25° HYACINTH BULBS .. 6 for 97° DAFFODIL BULBS 6 GARDENIA WHITE .... 6 for 47 'aan i ae ror AT* xing ALIS 8 or OF CARLTON ee | tor OL crocus 8 .. 25° 6... 51? 6... 97° 8 i. 29° 7 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE