'22 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, 'Thuredey, September 26, 1963 132--Articles for Sale ptt ett SE B. FP. GOODRICH STORES -- Tires, kelvi refrigerators, Batteries, inator tele vision. Thrifty Budget plan. 'ances, Call 263-2695. BUYING or selling furniture or ype 'all Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 TYPEWRITERS, A | machines, 'sup- plies, rentals, sales and service. All ma- chines guaranteed, Cook's Office Equip- ment, 10 Richmond Street East. 728-8300. USED car parts, used tires all sizes, spindles ani wheels for trailers. Apply) 509 Bloor East. Dial 723-2281. PIANO used, good condition. Apply 246) Wilson Road South. TYPEWRITER, Standard, one portable; electric 2-total cash register; } electric add- Remington with Very 1963, Craig David. A brother" for for Sharon Diane. Special thanks fo Or. Ross and hoosing @ name you ice. Name your child as quickly as possible and use the individual name in an Osh- ewa Times Birth Just and|ONE set CUSTOM made box trailer, extra tires. Cheap, $45. Telephone 725-9336. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM CLIFFORD COOPER All persons having claims against the estate of William the here ge" late of the GUNS. Custom blveing and cleaning. Get yours done now betore the rush. Sports mons Corner, 10s Byron Street South, acetylene torches, new condl- tion, After 6 p.m. telephone 723-1634. BUY and sell, good used furniture and appliances. One location only. Pretty's Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. ANTIQUE GUN WANTED Telephon« Oshawa 725-8183 call our Classified Department, give the ing the name, and we will|/phone 7: publish a Binh Notice In the next edition. Just dial 723-3492. DEATHS RK, Jean Entered into rest In the Oshawa General Hospital on Tuesday, September 24, 1963, Jean (Jenny) Buchenane widow of Wil- iam James Turk, and aunt of Ralph Turk of tne In her 95th year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa with memorial service in the chapel Fri- day, September 27, at 1 p.m. Interment Centreton Cemetery, Grafton, Ontario. LOCKE'S FLORISTS Funeral arrangement ond floral requirements for all occasions, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR FHONE SERVICE 728-6555 IN MEMORIAM DEEP freezer, 17 cu. ft. Price $175. Tele 28-0026. TWO, two-wheeled trailers for sale. One oe wheels. Apply 74 Scott Road, GUITAR, Gibson flat top, in good condi- tion. Instructions Included, $125. Call Paul after 5 p.m., Whitby 668-9069. oe adders, cashiers, dupll- ewriters, comptometers, oan hundred new and used. We buy, sell, rent, service. Hamilton Office Equip- ment, 137 Brock South' Whitby. CCM tricycle, deluxe, large size, $12.50. Car top racks, fit most compact cars, 49" overall, $6. Bowmanville, 623-5746. of Whitby in the ei of Ontario, labourer, who died on or about the 3r day of June, A.D. 1963, are hereby notified to send par- ticulars of same to the un- dersigned at Alliston, Ontario, on or before the 9th day of October, A.D, 1963, after which date the estate "will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, and the undersigned shall not be liable to any person of whose claims they shall not then have notice. Dated at Alliston, Ontario, this 17th day of September, A.D. 1963. James F. Cooper, Administra- tor, by John D. Bowerman, his solicitor herein. PETERBORO boat, 14 ft., . windshield, steering controls, lights, tarpaulin, 22 hp Elto electric start motor, Tee-Nee trailer with spare wheel. $550 cash, Telephone} 723-9572. 16 FT, Giendette trailer, electric brake, propane stove and oven. Call 728-8372. CARPENTRY tools for sale, some power tools. After 6 p.m. apply 13 John Street, Apartment 4. EXTENSION ladders (26 or 30 feet); one electric range; one electric rangette. Dial 728-2798 evenings. ENGINE, Briggs and Stratton, 5 hp; parts for 1935 Ford; one tire 800 x 14 whitewall like new, head, starter, auto- matic transmission for 1951 Buick. Tele- phone 728-7127. BAILEY -- In loving memory of dear mother and grandmother, Gladys Bailey, who passed away September 23, 1962. But death has left a ar Rabat The world can never --Sadly missed by alan Hazel, son- in-law Alec and family. BAILEY -- In were mother, Gladys V. Ae td who passed " September 4 ie lost @ mother with heart of gold, Who was more to us than veel untold. Without farewell she fell asleep, With only memories for us to keep. We have lost, what God has gained way s, sg best mothers the world memory of @ dear! 442), KITCHEN cupboard with doors drawers, 8 feet long, $75. New. phone 725-9450. FOR SALE -- Jet shallow weil pump, used one season, pair two-burner electric counter top units, canoe. Phone Whitby) 668-2996. z and Tele- LOWREY electronic organ, like new, two manual, full octave floor hg Hawalian glide, $700. After 6 p. FIVE-PIECE chrome dinette suite; cof- fee table and two step tables; swivel rocker; tri-lite and two table lamps; china hutch; two pair of lined drapes; rug and undermat. Telephone Mr. Camp- bell 723-4641. HAMPERS, quantity of bushel size, clean, good as new. Telephone . 725-5169. --tenty meee and always by Gevohter Shirley and 'son-in-law, Bill end grandson Danny. BAILEY -- In loving memory of a dear mother, Gladys V. "Bailey, who passed away September 26, 1962. In fears we saw you sinking, We watched you fade away, Our hearts were almost--broken, You fought so hard to stay. But when we saw you sleeping, So peacefully free from pain, We could not wish you back To suffer that again. --Sadly missed and always remembered|TROPICAL fish equipment, all sizes. by daughter Sandra and son-in-law Tom. DeHART -- In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Ross Elmer|THISTLE baby carriage, re metal DeHart, who passed away on September|body. Good clean condition," $20. 2%, ragy God you getting we: So He edd wi what He thought best. He came and stood a, 7, And whispered "Come ai You wished no one a fast Pacer Nor even said goodbye, You had gone before we knew It And only God knows why. Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by wife and family. MADDER -- in loving memory of a Gear '» who pass- ed away September 26, 1961. His smiling way and pleasant face Are a pleasure to recall; He had a kindly word for each And pb beloved by all. we hope fo meet him, Some o. 'we know not when, To clasp his god _ a better land, Never to part agal Sadly missed by his wife, Jessie, MCLAUGHLIN -- In loving memory of @ dear son and brother, Brian Ray, tvs away suddenly jember 1960. Two little hands are resting, A loving heart Is 'sit, A little son we loved is waiting For us just over the hill, --So very much missed by Mum, Dad, Karen, Debbie and Dougias. MEMORIALS MARBLE. and GRANITE Designing, Carving, Lettering Installation, Repairs Open Evenings Until 9 Oshawa Monument Co. 135 King Street East 728-3111 RIMAR MEMORIALS Dignified and. Distinctive MONUMENTS FLAT MARKERS In Designs For Any Need 152 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa 723-1002 728-6627 Office Evenings barrel, 80 gallon tank with or without 14" Aro 1997, "}WINTER potatoes for sale, store In your TiANO, Mason and Risch, perio. Eee " very well kept. Good condition. Telephone after 6 p.m., 723-2839. CHESTERFIELD, Kroehler, 2 pieces; Guerney, 4 burner with oven timer. New condition. Apply 760 Law Street. ADMIRAL refrigerator, 11 cubic ft., In good condition, Telephone 668-4236 before 12 and after 6 p.m. SHOTGUN, Savage Fox, 12 gauge double Very good condition, $75. Tele- phone 725-5555, Tanks, filters, heaters, etc., nicely set up. wana, Phone 728-8 Tele- phone 728-1753, VIKING. wringer washer. Good condition. $30. Telephone 728-8921. MOFFAT four burner range, heavy duty, $15. T 728-3362. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT OTTAWA, ONTARIO TENDERS SEALED TENDERS, marked on envelope "Tender for Purchase of Dwelling - Lake- field' 'and carers 4 the Secretary, Dept., 0 rans- 5 gg (2 772, Hunter Building, Ottewa, Ontorio, will be received up to 3 p.m. EDST. October 23, 1963, for Purchase of the former Lock- master's Dwelling at Lock 26 together with the land on which it is located being of @ triangular shape, locoted easterly of Katherine St., in the-village of Lakefield, and being part of Lot 28, Con. 7, Township of Smith, County of Peterborough, and con- taining opproximately 6400 sq. ft. Further information may be hod on application to the Superintending Engineer, Trent Canal, Federal Bidg., Peterborough, Ontario. To receive consideration each tender must be accompan- eid by a Certified cheque payable to the Receiver Gen- eral of Canada for 25% of the amount tendered and an undertaking by the tender- er to pay the balance imme- diately 'upon official notifi- -- of acceptance of ten- r. The. Deportment does not bind itself to accept the highest or any tender. September 23rd, 1963 F. T. COLLINS, Secretory BEDS (two), continental, 39", In good oy lg Price $10 .each. Telephone! ROUND dining room table and six chairs, approximately 30 years old; maple dining room table and four chairs; requires some finishing. Pulley kitchen fixture. Call 725-7130. SPACE heater, Fess, medium size, good ee Price only $20. Apply 559 Dean venue. NOW IS THE TIME TO THINK OF ALUMINUM STORMS For a good deal on doors, windows, awnings and siding CALL BILL BACKWELL Quality Aluminum Products 728-9719 33--Market Basket TOMATOES and cucumbers. Bring your containers. Apply William F, P. Smith, RR 2,. Whitby. 668-3149. TOMATOES, reo or green, $1 per bushel, ee six-quart . basket; Spanish onions, 5¢ Pick ir own, bri containers. W. Eymann, Va-mile east of Nichols Ga- rage, Courtice. Go north to first corner. CANNING tomatos, $1 per bushel. Bring Don Lin- containers and pick your own. ton, 1 mile east of Raglan, own home or at mine. Telephone Whitby 668-8050. OBITUARIES FARMERS' MARKET MILLWORK AND FUNERAL OF MRS. BERT EDWARDS The memorial service was * held Wednesday, Sept. 25, at the Armstrong Funeral Chapel for Mrs. Bert Edwards, of 383 Athol . street east, who died Monday in her 76th year. The service was conducted by the Rev. J. K. Moffat, minister of Simcoe Street United Church, |isct Interment was in Mount » Cemetery. Palibearers were Douplas ; Brown, Ted Collis, William Har- mer, Mel Southern, Maurice Doyle and Steve Russell. BENNY SWITCHES HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Jack Benny is switching networks for the second time in his 31- year broadcasting career, it was announced Wednesday. But he. says there are no hard feelings. NBC announced the veteran comedian next season will bring his half-hour televi- sion show back to the network where he started in radio in 1932. PLANT MANY Ontario lands and forests de- nurseries will send BUILDING SUPPLY SIMCOE ST. NORTH Friday 12 Noon until 8 P.M, 34--Lost and Found TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY, COUNTY OF ONTARIO. TO WIT: By virtue of o worrant issued by the Reeve of the Town- ship of Whitby under his hand ond the seal of the said corporation bearing date the 21st day of August, 1963 sale of lands in ar- rears of taxes in the Town- ship_of Whitby will be held et THE COUNCIL CHAM- BERS in the Township Hall, Brooklin, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon on the 12th day of December 1963 unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that ths list of lands for sale for orrears of taxes was published in The Ontario Gazette on the 7th day of September, 1963, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. Treasurer's Office, this 11th day of September, 1963. A.C. CRAIGIE, TREASURER TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY BOX 160, BROOKLIN, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of JAMES MacPHERSON GAY, Teacher, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of James MacPhersor Gay, late of the LOST: Girls' brown framed glasses, vicin- ity St. Gregory's School and Church Street, Morday or Tuesday, MEDALS Two King's medals and one service medal on bar pin. Lost In Satur- day's parade. Call Markham 294-2806 col- WALLET -- Lady's, embossed initials F.B., driver's permit, identification card, Friday night, September 30, vicinity Bloor West. 723-7451. Township of Darlington, in the County of Durham, Tea- cher, deceased, who died on or about the 14th day of October, 1960, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Repre- sentative of the said deceased on or before the 12th day of October, 1963, full particu- 36--Legal 1, David W. Lawlor, will not be respon- sible for any debts contracted in my name by anyone, on end after this date, 24, 1963. Signed: David W. Oshawa Blvd. North, Oshawa, Sept ir Lawlor, 165 Ont. lars of their claims. Imme- diately after the said date the Personal Representative will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which he TENDERS will be received by the under- signed until 12 noon, Tues- day Oct, 15 for the sale of the lot ond school building located in the south service road nmeor the corner of shall then have notice. Dated at Oshawa this 10th day of September, 1963, JOHN RIEGER, Administrator, By his solicitors, MéEGIBBON & BASTEDO, Barristers & Solicitors, 20 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, Thorntons Road. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Sec. Treasurer Mrs, W. Hanna, PRELATE ENTHRONED ARMAGH, Ireland (AP)--Wil- liam A. Conway, 50, son of a Belfast painting contractor, was enthroned Wednesday as the Bhi eA nN AM, Foc gag jy The Canadian Press quer Sik ae less marked $. i cents uni , Tot, XEN dividend, xr--Ex- Pha ag xw--Ex-warrants, Net change Is from previous board-lot closing sale. lt Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge "INDUSTRIALS Alta Dist 300 295 290 295 Alta Gas ts Prvtedot tm + tac age 150810 810 no, --15) 525 $18¥2 18¥2 18¥2+¥e $57 «(57 2112 $28V2 28% 28¥2 +¥e $94 9% 2 "finde 1086 104 +%8 i r 100 Bank NS xd 150 $722 722 722--'V2 25 $52% 52% Bath PA 00 ae 12% ad 4 Beatty n +2 261 ssi 546 SV 00 $64 6% 64+ % 500 470 470 470 +5 224 275 275 275 310 $28% 28% 28% --Ve $23 22% 23 +2 1276 $24%e 24% 24% 75 $54V2 54¥2 54Va xd 5 $96V2 96V2 96Va 50 $26 26 26 z00$42 42 42 4 $370 37Ve 37¥e-- Ye 3 13 100 Siow 10% W%--% 1085 $10% 10 10 Pp nye es oon z10 180 180 es site. nM W% 455 455 --S C Ind Gas p 100 $42%4 42% 42% CPR 1960 $33% 33% 3346 Cdn Pet pr Cdn Salt Chrysler Clairtone* Col Cell Con Bidg Con M § Con Gas n Coronation Crain RL Dale Dist Seag 250 $7¥2 7% 7% 1000 $8 8 8 --% 200 $9% We Wa--Vo 245 $28% 28% 28% -- % 380 $12%e 12¥%6 12%e 100 $62 62 bat % 100 $14% 14% 14% -- Yo 150225 225 225 --5 405 $54¥e54 540 225$18 18 8 184 $6470 6412 647% + Yo 450 $15%4 15%4 15% + Ve Dom Tar xd 2075 $17%/e 17% 17% Dom Text 200 $19- 19¥2 19% Dover z0 su" no Du Pont 100 $40% 40¥2 40% 500 $102 10¥2 10% 100 $56% | 56% ade Ye 25 $19 oa $72 72% 7s --i% Econ Inv Falcon Fam Play Fed Grain Fleetwood an Bake lynam éP at A GP Mfg A G Mack A GL Paper us $15V%4 15% 56 215 $25V2 25Va 25Va 125 $84 84 84 200$28 8628 100 $6% 6% 6% 1615 $3 23 2 225 $20%2 20V2 20% 25847 47 47 220 $17 V7 130 $13% 13% 13% 25 $54 % 54 Hand Ch A 100 $9 9 ve Orono Fair Attendance Number Dips By MRS. KEN. GAMSBY ORONO -- The 1963 edition of the Orono Fair is now past his- tory. In recording this chapter of the history of the fair there will be little doubt that success will be amongst the comments to be made. The attendance was down somewhat from the previous years with the gate receipts noting a drop of some 0. Last year the attendance was recorded around 6,000. In general, the fair was a great success with some new ventures proving most interest- ing to those in attendance. The fat calf show and auction and the tug of war were held on Friday evening. Revel: Shell Shell Steel Supte: Tor Walk w Wstn West wi Ang c mo Cent Petro 'eck Triad Yan Arion am Bibis Buff CN Can Cent -- Chi Coch Stock Sales Sesion longs er-$ Ser She Milt Brick 500 315 315 315 Mont Loco 2 Moore Nat Contain 100 QN Gas pr QN Gas T-Dom Turnbull Un Gas Vanadium Coast vt Weston A loodd Wdwd Aw Auninet Dome Pete 0 $13% 13% 13% -- Duvan 7000 10 Fargo Glacier Gr Plains Midcon Northcal Permo 2000 37 Provo Gas Un Oils Wstates Advocate Am_ Larder Anglo Hur Arcadia Bankfield Baska B-Duq Belcher Bethim Bouzan Bralorne Brunswk Cadamet Camp Chib Cassiar Cheskirk 225 $50 25$995¥2 95V2 95Va 200915 15 15 195 210 210 210 186 $144 14% 14 430 $437% 43% 43% 100 $13% 13% 137% $5V2 yp Ww 623 $242 24¥e 24% -- Vo 218 $13%4 13% 13% 840 $157 15% 1570 + Vo 200215 215 215 igh 100 $12 «12 100 $52% 52% tu eM $5V2 5" 0587 7 7 +h 655 $382 38%e 384 -- % unk $19% 19% 19% 250 $144 14% 14% +¥% 200340 340 340 --S§ 440 $12% 12% 12% 400 $1994 19% 19% 200 150 150 150 --8 rs 9% 94 M% 446 $37%% 37% 37/2 100 $8% 8% 8% ~~ oa 2 112%+ % io eae. Mas 8m oe 1900 & 300 110 0 ne +2 180 180 180 223 $56V2 56 56Va e900 118 «115 118 +4 BV 2 ' s8yge Pees 3 =e 3 38 2000 7% 7a + 10600 We 106 611) +3 7 7 = Today's Toronto Stock pind Listings Ssty38e Bes gegkssess 3, S883, WEI Prt ett aa Un Macfie 0 Violam 1285 223 221 221 Weedon 4 West Mines 3100 780 375 375 2000 sae 143 145 (+5 200107 107. 107 wo 3 21 202 20%--Y Sales to 11 @.m.: m. 778,000. ADD Toronto 11 A.M. stocks FOREIGN TRADING oll = 36% Six= 33 "S33 = Husky Moore Belcher Gunnar Kerr Add » 37 100 850 3 100 630 -- 400 «400 2a) "M % 7% 300 425 415 415 23 $74V2 742 74a 500 48 46 (48 stoke COMING EVENTS +3 19760 $11% 10% 11% +2 Can 335 $17% 17% 1% i wis 250 655 655 Can 445 $2222 22% st ord woosie 18 18 B xd 40 $632 632 63¥2 -- Star pr Poh 4 3B SB 67 «66. 66 HO s1i% N% 11% -- % 1020: $32% 32% 32% 15% 15% 500 $84 "Ye 8% 100 $12% 12% 12%-- % 125k $21V2 21V2 21¥2 Gw 235 $15V%4 15% 100 $17% 17% ag + 4vapr 210396 = 95 TURKEY SUPPER saturday, Nov. 2nd Serving 4:30 oe 5:30 p.m., 6:30 p. Adults ai "50 oT al 12 PL sn 75c WESTMINSTER United Church MANNING ROAD A wt A 23905 905 908 760 $21 20% 20V2 +Y 3640 560 520 560 +55 OILS 120 260 260 33% 33 36 780 780 260 +2 3 1 1' --Y 780 Dev 4500 igh Cr bd Del wo 10 +1% 280 284 9 wo 2 8 1000 32% 32¥%2 3244+ 2 uf z 56 300 169 ws 1 668 470 460 460 400 160 160 160 280144 142 142 1324 750 750 750 1500 5% iJ 1100 Corp oll -I +25 Can Se Sat Va 40 940 940 12% 1142 1l--1 4a 4 12 8 +1 % --2 37 535 +15 2 480 «(480 500 460 460 460 +5 te 180 180 180 --1 2 Wate Va 'io 35 " et} +10 Ank , Inca Erin Pat 4 +1 ze ss " s00112 11 on 3000 6 «66 12500 3 4 68500 90 an net 4 SKIN DIVING CLASSES START OCTOBER 1 Equipment and air supplied. Register with DON CRANFIELD 331 PARK RD, S. 723- 2284 BINGO HARMAN PARK ASSOCIATION ST. JOHN'S HALL Corner Bloor and Simcoe FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 7:45 P.M, 20 Games $8 and $10 Share-The-Wealth 5--$40 Jackpots Lake Vista Fall Dance SATURDAY, SEPT. 28 OSHAWA AIRPORT 9 p.m. $3.00 per couple. Teddy Koss and the Cavaliers. Tickets at door, "Support Park Bldg. will 200 430 430 Fund", COLMER Travel Service, Bowmanville, Is sponsoring a chartered bus trip, to Buffalo Thanksgiving weekend. October 12, 13. and 14, 2 nights, Lafayette Hotel, Telephone Bowmanville 623-3265 or 723-1927 for reservations. NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENINGS 7:45 ot ST, GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Game $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled $150 IN JACKPOTS Door Prize $15 OSHAWA JAYCEES BINGO TO-NIGHT 20 poe ot yy" 5 games et $30. $150 ikon 2-- "$250 Jackpots NUMBERS 50, 55 Early Bird Game RED BARN Thomson Kernaghan & Co. MEMBERS OF THE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE OPERATING DIRECT LINE renee Mae ontario 725-1104 ic a. He R. HENRY -- RES. Mk, The tobacco competitions along with the choosing of the Tobacco Queen were other fea- tures of the night. Friday afternoon was some- what slow except for the inter- est shown in the Holstein show for which the bleachers around the grounds were packec with interested people. The fat calf auction brought top prices and this is expected to encourage greater participa- tion next year. The tug of war was won by Kirby. The cattle show was away up in the Holstein branch but saw some decrease in the beef cattle section. The Guernsey Show was at par with other years. In the horse division there was an excellent showing o fheavy horses Friday after- noon which must have excelled previous years. The light horses in the carriage and roadster classes saw a slight decrease in entries. The saddle classes were how- ever most exciting and pic- turesque both in the Western and English saddle classes, The stake classes were also well fill- ed with close competition, The midway, besides sport- ing the usual games of chance, had numerous children's rides including merry-go-rounds and ferris wheels, candy floss, candy apples, pop, chips and rie dogs were the order of the jay. The class of farm machinery and other merchantable items was most interesting with many new items on display such as a scooter-sled. The inside exhibits were in a' class of their own where visi- tors could spend howns inspect- ing the work of public school children, high school students, artists, horticulturists and the knitter and sewer. All classes held their own with former years with an interesting art and craft display by students of the high school. Dust in the building was the only drawback of this high showing of crafts, arts, and of an array of color. WUXICO CY WW 51992" SEI NON-STOP FROM TORONTO N\A CANADIAN PACIFIC Your holiday starts as press service on a Super famous Em City. Just 414 econo! round-trip. Travel jet non hours and Pacific jet you there. TAKE A TOUR OF MEXICO -- 15 dazzii for (plus air fare). See fabulous Mexico Rend Serr eet all hotels, sightseeing, some meals. Call your Travel oe et eee ee ee ee to Mexi stop u're thee' O 199, 17-4 the friendly ony 3 7 aye Agent or any Canadian Pacific off ce. In Toronto phone EM 6-7531. "Canadian Cacific 'RAINS / TRUCKS / SHIPS / PLANES / WORLD'S MOST COMPLETE TRANSPORTATION SYS 'systes SOUGHT ABORTION STOCKHOLM (Reuters) -- A deformed baby was recently born to a Swedish yew cen who deliberately took thalidomide hoping to qualify for a legal abortion, health authorities said Thursday. The authorities de DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY 668-3304 clined to give any other details or to confirm reports that x-ray examination before the birth failed to disclose any deformity. bishop of Armagh and primate of all Ireland. He is one of the youngest archbishops in the * partment out 50,000,000 seedlings for + planting next year. RR. 2, Whitby 223rd "Roman Catholic arch- Roman Catholic hierarchy. MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST. BOOK. THROUGH S., OSHAWA 723-9441 YOU'LL ENJOY DEALING WITH SPECIALISTS! GOOD/YEAR SERVICE STORES GUARANTEED MARATHON TIRES 13.99 With Trade-In 750 x 14 Tubeless Black WHITE WALLS $2.00 EXTRA "WEST BEND" OUTBOARD MOTORS AND "OTACO" LAWN MOWERS 20 OFF FREE PARKING PAYDAY TERMS FAST SERVICE SERVICE STORE 164 KING EAST PHONE 725-5512