Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Sep 1963, p. 21

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"THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, September 26, 29--Automobiles For Sale 1963 CHEV CHEVROLET "inisels, Sport coupe. 127--Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale {27---Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE--New eight-room home withisiz909 over twelve hundred square ft.eeg pow immediate possession] PRIVATE 4 King Street East,|$14,900. -- a od Le TFUL five-room_bunge- \furniture, 728-1720 evenings. Thrge bedroom brick home, seven years! tor this ped Ma AL val 'only six| ff Fen Hi attached - breezeway| ! overlooking Oshawa. FULL aski ice, for thls tive-lold, large lot, located north Oshaws.|vears old with very nice Shown bylend garage, After' pam. 'Dial 725-4. Nicay" landscaped ih lot. Substantial down any at cd Mor 72 é partner required. Shown bY. appa room brick split-level In very nice condi-)Kerm, Ferers, 'Real iment only, Call Artur hyp 2 t ane rpc Koornneef,| Ive stenderd tion, Carries for. only $81. month. INCI possession at once. Masson Street,|@ts .Jzr 7s Joeenh Boson 723-2859, Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377.\Yoy Wan tect hon st nenst ayaa ing taxes, 5 My 5 pes cay t mortgage with rea-|i reat, brick bungalow) 2 787- 7 rooklin 655-37: eo ye bee. Realtor ra TaT, in this choice location. All newly deco-|vanpyMAN'S SPECIAL. Three bed I siveat 'oso0. wach. TE, savas Ask ~~ b rated, inside and out, Gleaming hard-| room alow, two to Bee 1957 CHEVROLET, sed door, new motor, il finished recrea-|Le for particulars re: condition IMMACULATE 2 STOREY |ltton* room." Gosd-alzed lot 27---Real Estate f for Sale 983 37 29--Automobiles For Sale "|27--Real Estate For Sale W. FRANK Real Estate Ltd., 177 CHURCH ST., ~pe aeis -- 623-3393 24--Houses ao Rent AVENU: two-bedroom house, natural gas Nites. available Oc- 1, Telephone 725-0278. est cash offer. Tele modern Patch hind unc catce $500, Government be finished, 7 ter acre land, 'sat ly room, two storey BrIcK:|bonus. Jones Real Estate, Prince Street.|>none Whitby ee mits. 4 7250863, 'a Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377.|W. McAuley, reg 2% Prince Street,| BUILDING 'ot a x 166° with sewer 1999 CI tion room. with shade trees and ed. $12,500 with terms. and poi ce Handy to 1 Phone Bowmen cach, standard, r Oshawe ond District Real Estote Boord 10 Acre chicken form in Port Perry. Mie --, in a buildi ns x 36' «40! ond 66' x 40'. Room for 10,000 chickens. vewne building gy 1,300' $3, aay 00. ot 00,00 00 38 Am Lage ap No. way level fond with some bush ond streom, $7,500.00 - Terms. 75 Acres with fost stream, Manchester. Very two and bathroom. Adults only. Parking facill- ties, central. Apply 232 Kaiser Crescent. furnished, self - contained| apartment, private entrance, north end. a to Fogg Two besen) only. October UPPER DUPLEX, centrally located. woman preferred. Telephone} before 6 p.m., 725-1843. Evenings, 723-7792 WAYNE Street, 68 Apt. 9: Four room apartment, private oe . pooh entrance. Adults only. Telephone 7: MAIN ---- sere ae rooms, 2 2 school age children enige m Taunton Road East. Tele- phone 723 eoency TOWERS, conveniently lo lern building, by William ys Caectreotiane Spacious one- and bedroom suites, from $100. to $118 iasaite ly. Fully decorated and equipped with draperies, AM-FM hi-fi radio speaker, refrigerator and stove. For further in- 728-1544, 723-2570 and for $13, 000. 00. - Terms, 145 Acre stock form near formation call 728-0569. WESTMOUNT DISTRICT -- two-bedroom apartment, refrigerator, bulit-in stove, $100. monthly. Working couple. Apply 330: Buena Vista, Apartment |. SMALL Basement Apartment, unfurnish- ed, central, laundry and parking facil ities. Private entrance. Suit lady. Be- tween 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. call 728-4646. FURNISHED, completely private, two two rooms and bath, close to dowritown, parking, adults, $67. monthly. Telephone 728-0369. x Stream flows through entire form, $30,000.00 - Terms. Coll 623-3393 After 9 P.M, Call: -- Jock Ricord ... 623-3154 Joe Barnoski 2202 Clarke Gordon Brown .. 263-2365 Hampton rege Apartments, Simcoe North, Two - bedroom, unfurnished apartment, fully equipped. Vacant November 1. Adults only,' $89.50 monthly. Telephone 725-3388. PRIVATE SALES Apartment house in the main block in Whitby. 21 THREE-ROOM sself-contained furnished apartment, stove, refrigerator, private washroom. Business girls. Simcoe and Rossland Road West. Adult home. 725 2 BLOCKS FROM KING $1500. DOWN Possession Oct, 25th, Easily converted for fourth bedroom, poved drive and gorage, hardwood floors upstairs an down. See it by calling Bill Millar 725-1186 'W, T. Lamson REAL ESTATE LIMITED SCHOFIELD-AKER 723-2265 $9,500 -- TAXES $140.00 Located on a paved street, neor G.M. South Plant, close to schools, buses - 2 storey brick 6 room house could be used os income home. A QUALITY BUILT BUNGA- LOW located on a quiet street off Simcoe St. S. With- in easy walking distance to downtown. 5 rooms upstoirs and basement is divided, so it could be used os on opart- ment. Other feotures - 2 bathrooms, private paved driveway, gorage, aluminum storms and screens. Give us a call, it-will sell fast. OPEN HOUSE -- BEAU VALELY Carl Olsen Rea' son, Phone Estate. Call Henry Stin- 43. VACANT $8500 with $1000 down, house with la |. Bolahood six-room garage and barn-type bullding attached lot has 90 foot frortage, close to Fe He Road South. Good family home, right in. Contact Jack 5123 or 723-3398. Realtors. JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD REALTORS LTD. INSURANCE 167 Simcoe St, South LLOYD REALTY Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. 101 Simcoe Street North HAVE JOINED OFFICES UNDER A NEW NAME" BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED REALTORS--INSURANCE 101 SIMCOE ST, NORTH WORTH END -- $10,300. full price. Five sear |Osnowe 723-2512 or residence, Whitby Deiat Resa! lovely condition ool carries '$80. per taxes. bh Selly Wallace, 725-6297, Joseph Boseo, Realtor, 728-7377. KEITH PETERS Realtor -- 728-7328 103 King Street East OWNER TRANSFERRED -- $16,400.00 Exclusive north end ryt 1216 ueere feet of living orea is beautiful home with 3 bed- rooms, tiled ne Mi room, dining room - chen. Inspect this home and moke an offer. Call 728- 7328 or 725-4162. Bessborough Drive -- Kit- chen 21 x 8 compl letely lot in a good area. Call Ron Hetherington - 623-3637. Suburbs -- Between Oshawa home with breezeway: and garage. Dining room and liv- ing room with large picture windows, vanity in room, o Bgl = joa hoy decor- Phone Bir Rotciitfe. 655-3917. $16,900.00 Purchose this beautiful suburban split lev- S. D.. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 KING STREET WEST 728-6286 - $8500 Full asking price for this 8 room house consisting of six bedrooms, located on McMil- lon Drive, Call Tom Tarrant. $11,900 Five room brick bungalow just listed on Myer Street, must be sold, owner has pur- ie new home, Coll Les Holl. N.H.A. RESALE 5 room bungalow on Fare- well Avenue, just listed for $12,350. One N.H.A, mort- gage thot corries for $56.31 per month, Call Bob Steven- son DUPLEX LOT Located on Sommerville Street approved by N-H.A. Water and sewer available, Call Ho- ward McCabe KINGSMERE GARDENS Inspect the ten Armstrong homes in this choice loca- tion, all equipped with built- in stove and ovens, down poy- ments starting at $1,310 and KSKING $13, 600 Situated on 1197 Ritson Rd, South, Can be rs for: only. $2,000 down. Call Bill Miller et 725-1186. W. T. Lamson REAL ESTATE LIMITED IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 3 BEDROOM, PAVED DRIVE Wl, VOLESWAGEN, -- analog 21,000 original miles, all fore 5 p.m.» 728-9269, OLET two door, rd, 6 cylinder, A-1 condition, accessories. Be- condition. a Whitby 668- cP. wena IN Wat PLYMOUTH sedan, Gcylinder. vlan, 1953 PONTIAC -- Fon gen than second car, 'work 9875. po Telephone 728-0026. 1957 DODGE fair, no offer. 723-1911 evenings 725-51 28--Real Estate Wanted | TRADE late mode Buick on down ment on fairly new ber oye 3 bedrooms, recreation Preferab with large yard heed inant district. Phone 1 725-5743. 1959 PONTIAe, 6 cylinder Strato Chief, radio, se phos floor mats. Excellent Church 'week. OSHAWA AU AUTO WARTS, 115 Nelo Ln CHEVROLET, 4-door bungalow that VLA. Oshawa area, Write Box 221 awa Times. plone 725-2162 or 723-4245. WANTED fo buy -- three bedroom brick could be purchased under| 1957 two-door Osh-| hardtop, radio, new Passed ook Sone OLDSMOBILE Super Best offer. Apply 301 Vimy Street. LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want Wentworth Es we ast. fe onallaroe 5 room bungalows, also 114 storey homes. Genuine buyers waiting. Carl Olsen, Realtor. Call Henry Stinson for fost action 723-1133, evenings 725-0243. WANTED AT ONCE 1957 CHEVROLET V8, automatic, 4-door Praha two-tone, radio, whitewalls. Tele-' phone from 5 to 728-9543. 7 p.m. 1963 tong abo sed Pontiac, he equipped. 728-8291 1957 wuavnoeer Bel Air hardtop, six cylinder, 55 Huron 1 Street or 728-5534 between 4 and 6 p.m. 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, ae finish, radio, hitewalls, u A tomobi Repa nie oe nad clean and an run 31 le ir automatic. Fay 29-----Automobiles For Sale power after 7 p.m. 100 CARS WANTED | Buying.a New Car? . your used car to "Ted" "Cash! Sell Talk Car TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 posed FORD, V-8 stick shift, Immaculate $50 $13 WILL TRADE 1959 CHEVROLET 4DOOR HARDTOP For Volkswagen. Telephone 728-7148 top, six cylinder, mission, radio. One owner. 728-9124. 1962 PONTIAC Laurentian, two-door hard- automatic transmis- 1957 OLDSMOBILE, standard transmis- sion, radio, white walls, 43,000 miles, ex- cellent conditon, $700. Telephone 725-1208. 1960 =VOLK thirt: down, . Van Heusen Motors, 156 King Street West, telephone 725-3557. 1957 CHEVROLET station wagon, six. cyl- inder. Must be $50 down, $12 seen to be week. Van appreciated. Heusen Motors, 156 156 King Street West, telephone 725-3557. 1960 CHEVROLET Biscayne, 2-door, a OE In goed. Condition, $1,600. Tole. jone 7! HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION TEXACO PRODUCTS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 1963 WERCORT Monterey, $800 down 728-5123 D. W. WILSON REALTOR 725-6588 CUNNINGHAM AVE. Lovely rancher, 6 rooms. Rec room, garage attached. faved drive. Open to offers, owner transferred. HAZELWOOD DRIVE Ravine, 6 rooms, sun room, 2 fireploces, walkout base- ment. Lot 80' x 255' $13,900. Taxes $234. CRERAR Bungalow 5 rooms. Garage. 3 yeors old, decorated. Bark brick, very ottractive $12,- 900. Pay $83 P.I.T. INCOME HOME $10,000 buys 11 room home. 4 appartments, all rented, Central, ARLINGTON AVE. °"32----Articles For Sale VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes. Free estimates. Parts, attachments, brushes, hoses. Guaranteed rebullt ma- chines. Rentals, Wallace Vacuum Service, Call anytime 728-0591, 0749. THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment with separate entrance. Couple with one "gy child accepted. Abstainers only. $65. monthly includes heat and lights. Apply after 5.30, 294 Burke Street. TWO BEDROOM apartment, newly dec- orated, refrigerator and stove optional. Available October 1. Telephone 723-2860. 26--Rooms For Rent FURNISHED room, near General Hos- pital. On bus route. 725-8576. FURNISHED single bedroom for rent, light housekeeping. Apply 160 Willlam Street East. NASSAU STREET, 16 -- Large room for gentieman only, clean and quiet, central. After 5 p.m., telephone 728-9348. THREE - BEDROOM, fully winterized Insul-brick cottage, pb gto any hens manville, all conveniences. $2,000 if cash. Call Sommmivilie' 'eaa3ahe. TWO single rooms, one furnished, one unfurnished. Quiet, new home. Good loca- tion, five minutes to bus. Telephone) 725-0681. rooms. Solid brick. Hot water heated, A greot business lo- cation. Evenings - 6 to 7;30 P.M. Weekends - 3 to 5:00 P.M. 7 ROOM HOME in good residential area - split level design with 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, extra large living room with L-shaped dining room, large bright modern kitchen, loads of clothes - Closets. This home is taste- fully decorated, large land- scaped lot, paved driveway, stone patio, shade trees, close to Public and High Schools. This is an excellent buy. NEW 6 ROOM BRICK BUN- GALOW with 2 car gorage located in Beau Valley. Fea- tures include double windows throughout, | sliding glass doors to patio, extra flue for fireplace in-Rec Room, and mony, mony, other extras. Full rie only $19,738.00 with $5,245.00 down. Im- mediate possession. Open 9 to 9 - Sat. 9 to 5. | CHARLIE CHAYTOR 723-7996 MARAGET HALL 723-1358 2 storey home, hot water heating. Lorge treed lot BILL McFEETERS 725-1726 the golf course. REG, AKER ..., 725-0201 wee S a $8,100. STEVE MACKO . 728-5868 PAULINE BEAL . 725-0239 KEN MORRIS .. 623-5406 (Bowmonvilel) 360 King St. W. Free Parking IMPRESSIVE BALL POINT ON LAKE SCUGOG OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEKEND Safe beach -- Large frontages to 140 feet --- Modern cottage plans -- Models available now -- Payments start May 1964 -- cottages -- Plumbing and Hydro included -- Fireplaces and screened decks available -- trade, Balance 36 'upin Drive, Whitby 19 VALIANT sedan, automatic, One owner, $1,395. Apply 476 Lowell Avenue. balance on one N.H.A, mort- gage. el home on a lot 120'6" x 124'6 with a brick and stone front, 3 bedrooms, living and dining room, beautiful holywood kitchen, 4 piece tiled bothroom with built in vanity colored fix- tures, storms and screens throughout, thermopane in large living room window. Call Bob Johnson 728-2548, Brock St. E.--2 storey brick, good -income home either for boarders or apertments, very central,' low down payment. For more information phone Joe Crawford 623-3672. $9,800.00 -- Conpoct brick bungalow close to Ritson Rd. h, schools ond shopping, new furnace, good condition rola Call without de- lay. GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 HOME AND INCOME - Ritson Rd, N. --- 3 bedroom bungalow and 3 room basement apartment with private both and separate entrance. Attached garage and paved drive. Owner anxious to sell and reduced the price. FULL PRICE $10,500. 4 room immaculate bungslow on Patricia St. Finished playroom in bose- ment. Lot completely hedged with paved drive anc gorage CONVENIENT TO DOWNTOWN --3 bedroom, 2 storey brick with private drive. Good basement, large kitchen and lots of closets. Full price $10,500. BRICK TRI-PLEX on Simcoe St. N. Separate entrance, double garage and large lot. Substantial down payment required. ~ MARY STREET -- Apposite the O'Neill Collegiate, 4 bedroom family home. All large rooms. Oil heating. Immediate possession. The owner will carry the mortg- age with $2,500 down payment. GLENDALE AVENUE -- Just off Rossland Rd. West a beautifully kept 6 room brick bungalow with 6 roomed home, all modern attached garage and paved drive. conveniences. Only $1,900 Large Well landscaped lot fenced down, and hedgedPriced at only $17,- 500. Give us a call to inspect. GIBBONS STREET, Oshawa, 5% roomed, lovely bungalow | CAESAREA -- 6 room cottage with carport, beautiful rec- in excellent condition. Furnished. reotion room, Spotless condi- | Full price $4,900. tion. Asking $17,900. Terms. NORTH WEST AREA -- 6 room 2 bedroom, new bungalow | brick bungalow with 3 good siz- west of Bowmanville, modern ed ey ae Pao -- i s. Price $8,750. room. Family sized kitchen an i i aay ' 4 pc. tiled bath. Near shopping, Nppicwea if = Ponsa ove j bus and schools yet on a quiet 3 'ead i 8 roomed brick home, Bow- .| court away from heavy traffic. - 2 aed 98 $300.00. manville, modern conven iences. Only $1,500 down. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY-- QUEBEC STREET : Two parcels of land on Ritson "Choice!" the ia New bungolow in Bowmon- Rd. N. 13% acres and 19% a " he My Tad ville, with separate basement | acres. Owner anxious to sell and le iol jivi eo apartment.- Only $1,000 | will sell separately. Give us an er orgy niving: tom down. offer. family size dining room, re- creation room, gorage, pav- New, ranch style, brick bung- NORTH WEST AREA -- 4 bed- | ed drive, hot woter with oil alow with attached garage, room brick with modern. 4 pec. heating, well --londscaped, on 22 acres, west of Bow- | tiled bath. Separate dining room| close to Central Collegiate manville. Only $2500 down. and large living room with fire- | 9nd Holy Cross Is, place. large lot with shade trees, | Walking distance to down- 5 Roomed bungalow, Bow- private drive and garage, An town, See this one today manville, all modern con- 4 veniences. s.sking $10,900 ; Asking only $12,900.00 with excellent home for a large family. $3600. 60 Ree Terms. ON LAKE SCUGOG at Caesarea balance on one mortgage. --7 room winterized cottage with Apply 205 y miles, $795. Telephone after seven. 725- months. 4600. 1961 METEOR twedeor, six cylinder Standard, good condition, radio, white walls, safety 'belts. $1400. or best offer.|pial 728-4172 mM.» 1924, senor Siw 6 Pn re 1955 PLYMOUTH station wagon, In good 1950 CHEVROLET sedan, good rusningicondtiion, $125 or bst offer. Telephone condition, good tires, new battery. yer 728-2280. be seen at Robinson's Esso Service Sta- 1958 BUICK, chrome ial package, tiene, Simcoe Seaith, steering, automatic transmission, radio,|FORCED TO SELL. New furniture, ap- 1963 PONTIAC Laurentian, four - door/One owner. Make offer, Toronto 444-7498. |pliances. Due to 1964 styles arriving. Your seer Geach, wniibiralien wheel discs, {1988 PLYMOUTH, hardtop, autometic| Precins "eatin Wises ath.05)" tires: power steer! a iv " J other extras, 8000 miles. 723-9410. er ee ee and _four-sester 'cestrt terfields, seme with oe eee eee dion' meny|1956 MERCURY, 4door automatic, radio, Sache teees> piace extras, Telephone Bob,. 725-8645. heater, power brakes, power steering, |double 1955 FORD, mechanically good, $225 cash. Call between 6 and 9 p.m. 723-2132. tel CADILLAC, egw rsgaa good con- dition _ thr motor, exhaust system, battery, "etc. T 725-5555. TRADE Your present home, cor, lot or boat can be used as a down payment on a new house, try us. BROOKLIN BUNGALOW $12,000. Owner moved to Toronto. Here is an excellent 3 bedroom house with built- in oven and counter top range, Very close to and shopping. Open to firm offer. EXCELLENT 80 ACRE FARM Presently operated as a dairy farm with quota over 500 Ibs. Close. enough to Oshawa for commuting. House with 3 bedrooms, bathroom upstairs, washroom down, is in won- derful condition. There's an oil furnace too, Priced at $25,000 without stock ond equipment. May be bought @s a going concern. BROOKLIN BARGAIN 6 roomed house on large cen- tral lot. Ideal for young couple anxious to live ec- onomically. Priced at only $5,500. with terms. 200 ACRE FARM WITH LARGE CREEK. Just seven miles above Port Perry on a geod paved road this it farm hos very hg creek as a north boundary. 9 room- ed brick house 'ond 38,080 -- pny! ot DH ANDREWS R.R. 1 BROOKLIN Phone Brooklin 655-3195 J. A. WILLOUGHBY AND SONS LTD. 46 Eglinton E. Toronto.!2 METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 King St. East Dial 728-4678 OSHAWA BLVD. $11,500.00 -- good 1% storey home - close in ond in very nice condition. FAIRLEIGH AVENUE $13,800.00 -- Central to Churches, schools ond shop- ping - 5% rooms - this home. is only 2% yeras old - brick Bungalow ot Port Bolster. Well insulated. Electric heat- ed. 4 bedrooms, living room ' and kitchen. Sun room 16 x 16. Built in garage. LLOYD baby carriage, navy on and by New condition, $20. Telephone Two bungalows at Virginia Beoch. Well insuloted. Elec- tric heated. 3 bedrooms, liv- ing room, dining room and kitchen. Built in garages. Just built, A pleasant ploce to retire, Bungalow at Bancroft. |, oil heated. 3 bedrooms, living hardwood, kitchen ond utility rooms. Good hunt- ing. Will rent. 1100 acres just behind for hunting. Lots for Beach, | will be pleased to build you qe to order. CALL OWNER James Harding WHOLESALE LUMBER AND CONTRACTOR 135 BYRON ST. S. WHITBY Phone 668-2861 Whitby Phone 51R3-3 Pefferlaw 1180 Simcoe North, 728-0031. 1957 PLYMOUTH, Savoy, 4door, auto matic, radio, heater, one owner. This car is in excellent condition. pate Marine, 1180 Simcoe North, 728-0031. 1963 CHEVROLET convertiolas Ve, tuto- matic, power brakes, power steering, radio, special tires. One owner, Low mileage. New car condition. Will accept older car as down payment. 1180 Simcoe North, 728-0031" or 728-7410. we buy, sell and exchange used furni- 1955 PONTIAC ya dee" V8, standard shift,iture or anything you wre The City after 4 p.m, Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street 725-9824. South and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671. rien VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe, ogg excel-|GO HUNTING with hunting snes from 725-9420. Dominion Tire! Guns, ammunition, cloth- by) etc. Best prices in ae a inion Tire Store, 48 'ele-| FIVE-pieced bedroom suite; Raha "bed> room suite. All articles in good condition, Telephone 728-4236. good used ranges, ators, televisions, Honest Cal's, Street, 728-9191. STUDENTS A super pag 630 sheets yy yt si im Dundas. Street West. In- Near 1954 FORD V-8 motor ee yo old), body fair. $60 or best Telephone | m| 668-3060 evenings. 1955 PONTIAC, very good condition, four- door, automatic. Reasonable for cash. Telephone 668-2973. 1960 PONTIAC Parisienne, four-door, hard top, V8, automatic. Telephone Whitby 668-5298. FURNISHE™ room, svuilable for two school teachers, twin beds. Restricted use of kitchen. Telephone 668-8432 before 11 @.m. and after 8 p.m. ATHOL STREET, 230 -- Clean, quiet, newly decorated bed - sitting room. Cen- Yraily located. Abstainer. 725-1938. CLEAN, furnished room, suitable for housekeeping. In quiet home. Suit gentie- man. Central location. Telephone 723-9225. skype STREET, 141 -- One-bedi ind kitchen, suitable for pe no "Chil aren. Apply above. LARGE double furnished keeping privileges. Central 7 728-8402. sole at Virginia hie CORVAIR 700, two-door, automatic, big motor, radio, Monza Interior, bucket seats. Like new. After 6 p.m. call 728- 2807. = PONTIAC 4-<door deluxe wagon, 6, automatic. Bargain for sale. $795 or offer. 590 Annapolis, phone 728-4334, 1956 FORD, va automatic, Pig paint nll upholstery like new. down, $5|\LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers bon g 4 Van Heusen iMate 156 King Wentworth Gast bt alia Street West, telephone 725587 tion, new tires. Must be seen, $500. Apply|1960 PONTIAC Parisienne convertiola: 4 FT. Fibergiass boat, 25 BB ek and all acces- 529 Lorraine Street. 725-9417. polemics radio, discs, skirts, A-1 vaniee 1900 OLOSMOBILE Super four-door hardi|tion. Alax 942-2313, top, fully In 1955 OL © convertible, Call 728-9103, piston ; iat Pata de _ Trenerniesion, eintrs Xn coat, se f. ore are 1959 DODGE Mayfair, original paint and) overhauled, rice 'elephone » grey G mileage, sutomatic "exesllont 'conditions| 722-1089. Teen age party cress, only worn twice, new brakes, new muffler, good rubber, sky bive nylon over size 12.5 Exe $750. T 728-0569. cellent + station vlek | 1961 CORVAIR MONZA, four - speed transmission, fully equipped. Dial 725- 1955 BUICK Century, excellent condi- Telephone| LOTS: Westdaly Estates. Ravine "4 acre suit V.L.A. also. 90' x 190' at $2,350. now being registered. Don Stradeski JOHN F. DeWITH REALTOR Bowmanville, 14 Frank Street, Phone 623-3950 SCOTT ROAD, West Oshowe, 5 roomed bungalow, all mo- dern conveniences. Only $11,- 5Q). Terms. LORINDALE DRIVE, Oshowa. Lovely new bungalow with carport. Many extras, Asking $15,900. Terms. ELLIOTT STREET, Oshawa, DIVISION STREET, 118 -- Nice, clean reom for gentlemen near South General Fi nara ee al rent a Teed 8 © STREET -- Two-room, furnish- apartment, $15, Psi Suit couple. Telephone Whitby 668-5488. a INN, rooms with cu By water, 'TV lounge, parking. Telephone 725-9035. TWO furnished rooms, sult lady, willing te shere with elderly lady. Telgphone pol ye TR Bray eges. eeping privil Close to down town. Telephone after 4 p.m. 723-7814, ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROO/MS Available in private home, Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | 26--Rooms For Rent FURNISHED bedroom, aautt | heme. No cooking. Telephone 723- 9815 or 73 Gladstone Avenue. DREW STREET, 45 -- furnished + room. Suitable for one or two girls. Telephone 728-4301 after 5 p.m. 27--Real Estate For Sale MOVING SOON ; THEN SEE OUR NEW HOMES BEING BUILT| WEST OF SHOPPING CENTRE, $1,000.00 DOWN Features custom: built kitch- ens, with built in ranges, in- terior decorating included. Call Harry Bates 725-1186 CASTLE HOMES WHITBY CLASSIFIED 728-8423 1955 CHEVROLET, new fii 'condition. 2 radio. In good ition, Will tke tress '$295. Dial 673-3715. vor be i 190 METEOR, two door, orchid gray, ceneiney seis ire. six cylinder, standard "rranamission, "per A Pere for a cottage. Telephone fect $1,300. TOT INN rrr icaiiniicilapicataliaiRag cons tune as gods pieces, beig two end tables, all ~ rborite tops. Telephone "7250984, MAN'S. bicycle. In Mtge 3 a condition. Price, $20. Telephone BELTOME .: Now Open Fridays Until 9 P.M. For your convenience 422 SIMCOE NORTH: OSHAWA 728-0004 ; Custom and Ready-Made" DRAPERIES Most. Reasonable Prices Drapery Fabrics Sone Price pet cathe oo 98 SW install drapery RE hg at a Nominal Fee M. and C. Drapery and Dry Goods Store rot Vas uae 723-7827 74 Celina Street, Oshawa What's My Line? Buying or selling used fur- niture and appliances. For your needs phone. Valley'Creek Furniture 1959 A-H SPRITE, top body, all excellent. Fully modified, ready to race or drive to work. Full cob $800. May ve seen gs. Phone after 5 p.m. een | 1999 CHEVROLET Sea standard 1953 CHEVROLET station wagon, new/shift, good condifion. le tires, A-1 condition. | 728-7818. i ron, een recent motor job, A-' Telephone 725-8166. 1955 FORD, Crown Victoria, hardtop, V-8 Thunderbird tor, 960 nee dae Laurentian, automatic, mot aed new tires. After 6 p.m. call/sion, finished in red and white Duco, red 15-4849, leather upholstery, full price $595, Will ,|accept terms, Van Heusen Motors Ltd., 156 King Street West. Telephone 725-3557. Hie MONARCH convertible, good top, finished in red, $20 down, $7 week. Van Heusen Motors, 156 King Street West, telephone 725-3557. 1959 MGA radio, heater, new side cur- tains.. $885. Private, no trade. Cail 725- 3735. 1955 CHEVROLET, two-door, A-1 condi- tion, overdrive transmission, $600. 723- 4245. 552 Bloor East. 1961 CORVAIR, four-door sedan, black with red Interior, Automatic, radio, white- walls, Dial 725-4230. 1956 PONTIAC, station wagon, V8, stan- dard, 'two-door. Needs some body work, $350. Telephone 725-7478. 1959 CHEVROLET Bel Air coach, six cylinder, A-1 good tires, low mileage, $1,300. Telephone 725-8454, 1956 FORD station wagon, like new in every respect, six bie rl standard transmission, $50 down, week, Van leusen Motors, ag rings Meireet West, telephone 725-355) PRIVATE uae 1961 Pontiac sedan, standard six, new radio, whitewalls. Im- offer 668-4095 after 5 p.m. 1961 PONTIAC 2-door hardtop, 8 cylinder, gear shift, 'radio, whitewalls, beautiful midnight blue metallic finish, with white top, like new. $1,895. Must sell, can ar- range terms. Apply 25 Grenfell Street. - 1963 Pontiac Laurentian Station Wagon V-8, Automatic transmission radio, discs, white walls. $3,100 after 5 p.m. 725-0400 VOLVO SALES and SERVICE JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR ond 1956 DODGE 4door, standard shift, good condition. Best offer, 1180 Simcoe North, 728-0031. HONEST Cal's Furniture and Appliances, Name brands at biggest discounts any- where. We carry Restonic and Beverly mattress furniture lines. Your authorized GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal's on King Street East. Varcoe's Road, open ud hours daily, 9,30 - 9.30. Telephone 8-91 1. GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM B.-A, SERVICE Ritson Road and King 723-4733 and 723- 72 $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down, Leins paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY New Telephone 668-3331 BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 1963 FORD FAIRLANE central, shift Plan Now for Summer Fun Next Season Port Perry North to Seagrave, follow signs to Ball Point. SCENIC ACRES Executive's retreat, off Highway 12, 18 miles North of Oshawa. Wide winding creek through notural parkland. Ideal setting for " your own Country Estate or Three Seasons retreat. Your choice of 25, 50, 75 or 100 acres at $140 per acre. Terms arranged, modest down payment if desired. Other land with woods and creeks also available, COUNTRY ESTATES 10 acre building parcels in very desirable area between Raglan and Myrtle. Priced at $3200, terms arranged, NORTH SHORE REALTY CO.-LTD. 112 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa 725-3568 Evenings Whitby 668-8042 Brooklin 655-3853 DELUXE top floor apartment in triplex. 706 Dunlop Street West. Avaliable October 1. Telephone 668-8560. Ag RENT: Furnished light housekeep- room with private entrance. Tele prone 668-2332 or apply 542 Mary Street asi FOR RENT: One bedroom Basement apartment. Private bathroom and en- ay Fl Centra!. $50 monthly. Telephone SEPTIC tanks cleaned, prompt service calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby. 668-2563. THREE room apartment for rent, heavy wiring. Apply 1625 Dufferin Street. Tele. Phone 668-3069. Two ep ttt og furnished raoms. Small kitchenette, stove, refrigerator. Suitable for elderiy couple, teachers or hurses. Telephone 668-4470. FOR RE RENT -- Bright 1 nicel eagabee bed - sitting room and kit frigeretor, sink, stove. Parking. Private entrance. Suit 'Wee. or gentlemen. 821 Dundas Street 'Wi DRESSMAKING Suits, coats, dresses, alterations, slip covers, aad Fitting ry specialty. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. FOR RENT -- Tivssremad self-con-| tained apartment, main. floor, 209 Brock yg South, $55. Apply Apartment 5. Attention Hunters rent canoes,. cortop- motors, boat and trailers, decoys rifles WILDE RENTAL - SALES and SERVICE + future, A WHITBY 668-3226 DOUGLAS J. M. BULLIED REALTOR 333 KING ST. W. WHAT'S 3 MINUTES? To bitige from Oshawa City Limits to a 75 acre haven with o bubbling ever-flowing stream and acres of wooded seclution, A six room home, posture lond, orchards, sprayer, -- and many other pieces of equipment, Mr. Som has Park- wood but you can have your own Meadow Wood for only $10,- 000.00 down. 723-4391. BOWLING ALLEY In the vicinity of Oshawa, booked completely for the 1963/64 season, This is a terrific investment © progressive person willing to work for 9 months of the year. Other Revenue pro- ducing building on property. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 99' x 198' Lot complete with a 14 building, Oshawa's busiest tans Mp "Choice Catmarcial p athens 'a most of business or Office use. Ample parking. INDUSTRIAL ACREAGE Approximately 9 acres of ee Industrial land located adjacent bod railroad, in the heart of » Will sacrifice for quick le. re LOTS OF LOTS eden te 1 pry oan all af present or future shines come $8,900.00 es ead mca See on 8 Ve dese let. fenced ond on oe ee Bungalow near Courtice. Modern conveniences. Only $2,000 down. 5 roomed, new, bungalow, at- tached garage on 2 acres. Lovely stream ond shade trees. Very onxious to sell. 150 acre yeon with house and bam, large stream. Rol- ling lond. Price $10,500. 10 acres with 8 roomed brick home, all modem conven- jences, Located east of Osh- owa, Asking $14,000. Terme. 33 acre farm, west of New- castle, Partly orchard. New home, barn etc. Price ond terms arranged. 32 ocres with barn. Preie .--a $6, soo. Terms. 100 acre farm with house and, born, Modern conven- iences. Only 20 minutes drive to Oshawa. Paved roads. Price and terms arranged. 100 Acres with modern pens home, 2 streams. a miles from Oshawa, Price and terms arranged. Donald Mountjoy 623-3614 Idso Wiersma, Orono 1649 Guy LeBlanc 623-3715 John Sendy 99-5589 eee | beautiful and restful setting. furnace. 4 bedrooms. Furniture included in the price at $8,900. EXECUTIVE HOME --~ on wooded ravine lot. Modern brick split level home built for present owner just 4 years ago, Attrac- tive entry hall and living room with stone fireplace, dining room and ultra modern kitchen, Fam- ily room opening to outside patio. Nicely finished recreation room. 3 generous bedrooms, 4 pc. tiled bath and 2 pc. powder room, Garage and paved drive. An op- portunity. to acquire a home in @ MASSON STREET -- 3-plex in top location, 3 separate apart- ments. Modern and in excellent repair. 2 bedroom apt. for owner, « 3 room apartment which rents for $68 per month plus a base- ment apartment. Early posses- sion. WANT TO SELL You can be sure that property listed with our office will receive PROMPT, CAREFUL, PERSONAL attention. If we have your prop- erty it will be an earnest desire to add it to the growing list bearing SOLD BY GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. YOUR GUIDE TO BETTER LIVING OSHAWA INDUSTRIAL PARK be hall new building over 10,- lot, 3 washrooms, large gen- eral office, wood parelled private office, large drive-in transport entronce, cement floor to be installed to your agit 9 plenty of park- ig space. Total price $59,- 000. 00 with $19,000.00 down, balance on one 10 year mortgage at 6%. This building can also be hg or lease purchased. Call for full porticulars. 10 acre building lots on serv- ice road Oshawa ond Bowmanville, road soon to be paved. These won't last long et $4500.00 each = good terms available. WILSON RD. SOUTH | 6 room bungalow plus fin- ished room in attic, paved drive, garage, storms, " screens, newly decorated, ex- tra stool in basement, par- tial rec room. This is a real buy ot $13,500.00 with low down payment .- balance on "1 Open mortgage. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 Dick Borriage Joe Maga Ken gs Jack Osborne AUTO ELECTRIC er ites 449 Ritson Rd. Oshawa 9380921 1955 CHEVROLET Six eylinder ,stick shift, with rodio, excellent running car, $375 WHITBY 668-4547 500 SPORTS COUPE Like New Owner Leaving Area $2700 after 5 p.m. Telephone Whitby 668-5363 728-4401 or call at the store 16% Bond W. TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St. ESTATE SALE 1960 Le Sabre Buick. Good condition, automatic, white- walls, radiv, Cash offers will be received 1465 BYRON ST. E, WHITBY 668-2727 from 6 to 9 p.m. T.V. TOWER Special 40 ft. Tower Structure with All-Channel Antenna Installed $50. Oshawa T.V. Supply Lfd. 361 Gibbons St. 728-8180 KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST, EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens pald off Trade up or down Aways top quality 32--Articles For Sale C TREES For hedges;~ete: Choice qual- ity guaranteed. Free esti- mates and delivery. Now is the time to plant. | Phone Clarke 612 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens pai id off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 WEEK-END SPECIAL 8 ROSES: ::97c¢ CASH AND CARRY R. B. REED & SONS FLORIST LTD. BLOOR STREET WEST & KING STREET WEST

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