Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Sep 1963, p. 9

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BERMUDA HONEYMOON Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H Mason, Park road south, have been honeymooning at the Reefs Club in Southampton | Parish, Bermuda, and are making their home in Osh- awa. Mrs. Mason is the for- mer Joyce Smythe, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. H. R. Smythe, | Bain avenue, Toronto and Mr. | t He's Married It's Obvious, Say British Girls LONDON (CP)--Girls, can you spot a married man on sight? British girls can. At least a lot of them say they can If true, possibly it's na- ture's way of compensating for the fact that in Britain husbands are not marked men--they don't wear wed ding rings In fact a wedding ring 1s such a rarity with men that Dame Rebecca West, author and journalist, remarked in her account of a recent sen- sational court trial that the bewigged judge was wearing one. Romany Bain of The Daily Herald took it from there ring isn't necessary for a woman to spot a married man, she wrote. ; % any woman will tell you/ it has nothing to do with wearing a ring or not. Mar- ried men are either quietly confident or sadly resigned to their lot." Her acid test is the men- tion of children. ""A chap who has any will usually react to the mention of first teeth, first | steps and first term at | school." HUSBANDS FLIRT pmd Miss Bain also says married men flirt more than | bachelors. ] "These married chaps can @ay quite outrageous things, knowing it's all a game and that they ate soon catching the train home to wife and children. "Tt flatters their vanity. But they mustn't imagine we are fooled." Miss Bain invited her read- ers to send in their favorite | test for spgtting married men. A librarian wrote that she could spot a husband not by the books he borrowed but by the fact he wiped his feet on the mat before entering. CHECK CHANGE A former salesgirl said mar- ried men carefully check | their change--bachelors stuff it into their pockets with | hardly a glance. Another relied on a sure test handed down to her by | "i¢ his ears droop, he's married." Another | said most pipe-smoking men were married. | THE STARS SAY | By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW While planetary influences will not be especially stimulating on Friday, you can make some progress if you maintain a real- istic attitude and work cooper: | atively with others. Morning as- pects will be especially gener- ous if you find. it necessary to deal with superiors and-or asso- ciates in the matter of seeking advice or favors FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that display of initiative and enter- prise during the coming year could yield good results where your finances are concerned. This, of course, does not mean | risky chance-taking. On the oo- trary, good judgment and con- servatism will be all-important. But some good breaks along these lines in November, during the first three months of 1964, next June and September could help you wind up this mew year of your life "in the black" In job matters, you should see an uptrend in October, next May and September The first; three months of 1964 should also see the culmination of some long-range plans already inau- gurated Along personal lines, romance is especially favored during the! first three weeks of October, in late December, April, May and August of next year. Social ac: tivities. and travel will be in the limelight during late January, next May, July "and. August A child born on this day will be extremely versatile-aiong--a: tistic lines but will dislike any type of work which requires | physical labor or drudgery. UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES \son. ; Mrs, Douglas Clemens, con-|gram panel at jyener of the fashion Y'S MENETTES' CLUB _jietters of The September meeting of si ig at Sunnybrook hospital. |C. was| Discussion and plans were meeting with prayer. Mrs. Carl '\oshawa Y's Menette group theld at the home of Mrs. Gra-|made for the |ham Nelson. jzaar. A | The minutes were read by|Mrs, Brately and Mrs. Hogan,|/Norman Taylor. Mrs, Rudy Alexander and the|was won by Mrs. E. Mrs.|and Mrs. treasurer's report given by Thomas Wolframe. | Our guest iwas Mrs. Nelson's \Baker of Toronto. |Whitby. mother, | Mrs. Baker's|ber 18 \topic was "Hints for the Host-|Martha jess.' Many interesting ideas) : were given for home and food) sT. |decorations. | The next meeting will be held, lat the home of Mrs. Thomas |Wolframe on October 9. SILVER CROSS WOMEN jtion of the Silver Cross lter met recently at \Hall Simcoe! vrs and members |minutes' silence and the motto.| park Mrs, Jack Hogan read the Farket {minutes and Mrs. Charles Gibbs gave -the treasurer's re some ti HO The I Mason is the son of Mr, and Mrs. H. L. Mason, Willowdale --Bermuda News Bureau | ------___-- URE : BIGGEST . ¥ oo eae NEW '64 FLEETWOOD 23" TV-s60 OFF SPECIAL PURCHASE OF 64 PRE- PRODUCTION RUN - $259.95 QUALITY We asked and FLEETWOOD said yes! This brand-new ap- proved 23" TV is an actual 1964 design scheduled for pro- duction in the new model year and it will be made to carry a $259.95 price tag. Our buyers asked for an advance run as a real "scoop" for our Anniversary Sale. Fleetwood said yes, but we would have to take the entire run, We did -- and you get the saving WHILE THEY LAST. New 23'" Aluminized Picture Tube for better picture All new design chassis. Actual advanced 1964 model e front for easy access All new:sound system for fine tonal quality Smart furniture cabinet in decorator walnut finish Exactly as shown NOTHING DOWN - $11.50 A MONTH $589.95 QUALITY WITH TRADE 48 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE -- 725-3519 STORE HOURS: MON, TO SAT. 9:30 TO 6 P.M. FRI. TILL 9 P.M. WED. TILL 1 P.M. for the evening) Refreshments a Mrs.|The next meeting will be Octo-| Trinity Church. The Mary Parker Group held Jew". its September meeting at the! home of Mrs. "Rosmere."' ardson presided. ; Discussion centred around the low. | The first fall meeting of the| women' Oshawa Remembrance Associa-| pymmage sale was planned for|closed with chap-|Q¢tober 22,.in the Parish Hall. | {ments and the balance of the) Mrs. Herbert Brately presided) . ni ; : epoaed The neaaiene GUN. listening {9 oGH WOMEN'S AUXILIARY jasked members Lord's Prayer followed by tw0lcome visitor was Mrs. rt Mrs. Edward Holland readimeeting on Wednesday, .dep-!minutes of Leh catcher ek cuhvtieds acti th dl ANSE Clear Vision Station Selector -- all dials grouped at the . thanks for parcels re-jtember 18. The president, Mrs.|""Plight into Fashion,", to be} *..B. Nickerson, opened the|held at St. Gregory's Auditor- ium on October 22 and 28, at the treasurer's|8 p.m., reported that plans were completed and showed the pro- jgnam Mrs. Douglas Sagar, ticket con-| that forthcoming ba-|Creamer gave Ashton. draw prize donated by report, in the absence of Mrs. Holland| The plans and catering were ofidiscussed for the 8th annual \Oshawa Deanery Conference to served.|be held on October 9, at Holy Arthur Wigston and distributed tickets to mem- . were Shutka showed she has Mrs. Daniel at the home of Mrs.|_ The guest speaker will be thejdolis, in two sizes, ** 'of Port Perry, whose theme will|Festival of Gifts, be "Christian Approach to thelyember 22. ting The date for the fall bazaat from Mrs. Edwin Hoare,|will be November 30. A Corpor- <> tha C rae | ; : |progress of the Candy Stripers. 0. C. Rich-|ate Communion will be held onicivtytive teenagers are work- "tober 6, with bre st to | ; Oc , with akfast to fol ing on this program. 5 mittee. és sie Mrs. Andrew Chrisomalis,| Luncheon and| The oe Ware| owing convener, reported that Refreshments were servd py four dozen nighties and eight) refresh-|Mrs. John Code and Mrs, Jack|Pairs of footwarmers were turn-| Butler. ed in at the meeting. Miss Glor-| Harvey ia Robson, scrapbook convener, |Street for pictures) was suitable for use in the scrap-| Auditorium. chair- books. Mrs. A. W. Armstrong, GEORGE'S GUILD 'troduced, Mrs. read a_ report R. Lunn on the| Kenneth Lane. Mrs. s Fall Hoare served (Evening Chapter) | Mrs, Stephen Heney, man, presided at the September meeting of the Evening Chap- dent of the Hospital of the Oshawa General Hos-|réported on the afternoon Women's Auxiliary. Thejing. She announced that Mrs the June meeting\C. R. Lunn, Ernest who has been absent for me. LY 'TRINITY WA foly Trinity WA held its ter te pital IMPORTED CHINA CUPS and SAUCERS Beautiful imported china for the smart hostess in a hondsome pockooe No more worries when comp- any comes or you entertain the bridge group, Get yours now! FREE with your pur chase of $49.95 or more of on even dozen. MODEL 546 x NEW! Aluminized Picture Tube + NEW! Sound System FREE 90 DAY SERVICE WITHIN LOCAL AREA ; e y % NEW FLEETWOOD | FAMILY THEATRE © 23° TV © AM/FM Radio © 5 Speaker Stereo Hi Fi Something for every member of the family -- alone and together. Home entertainment centre has BIG SCREEN 23" TV when you want to watch . . AM/ FM radio or full STEREO when you want to listen, and relax. Its richness of sound is impressive. . - it has FIVE speakers .. . it's a beauty as fine fur- niture is distinctive . . . it's yours to see at a special saving of $100... NOW at YOLLES. MODEL 645 WITH THESE FINE QUALITY FEATURES @ 23" Bonded Aluminized Picture Tube @ 21° Tube TV chassis with Permatune @ Hondwired Power Transformer Operated @ 10 Tube AM/FM Radio Chassis with Power Transformer @ Volume and Balance Controls @ Separate Bass ond Treble Tone Controls @ Three 6" x9" @ Garrard Auto Slim Record changer-Sapphire Needle © Veneer Cabinet 5612" wide, 18" deep, 311%" high. speakers - two 342" tweeters were read by Mrs. G. H. Jack-|the Evening Chapter, \a panelist on the T B the Convention in show,|Toronto, October vif 28, 29, 30. The gift cart, which operates | i cpristi in hospital several days a week,| -- will be staffed by Mrs, Colin Pe oe coral to used for show.|A. P. Rol ; requested) ; a a members start veering nag the members vener, reported on ticket sales|their volunteer name tags at) ; meetings so that they can get bers to sell. \better acquainted. asked to stop and sign ship book which will be' at the Smith, Drew street. Reverend Roland de Corneillejavailable for dressing for the|door at each meeting. Three Friday; No-| prospective members were in- lerick, Mrs. Cyril Smith, Mrs,|Perry read the fi The meeting was adjourned land coffee was served by Mrs. \Peter Zakarow and her com- i SIMCOE STREET UCW (Unit 11) ytery The September meeting of the| meeting in Newtonville, October Hunt Unit of Simcoe|29 and the baby came in Novem- United Church Women per held in a Sunday School! Re nit leader Mrs.| [Angus MacLean presided, ec -- = presi-Irene Boes led the : Auxiliary,|Mrs. Lloyd Pegg who attended meet-\the school for United Church |Women at Whitby brought inter- past-chairman ofesting highlights of the School.'opened by URNITURE would THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, September 26, 1962-7 be! T Pro- Miss Millicent Luke gave an|with hymn 502 followed outline of the study book|prayer end a_ reading, Issues in Southern|Friend." Miss Elizabeth Dyer two violin solos accom- by her teacher, Mrs. Mrs. Laurence by "A The devotion was takea from Psalm 735 and read in yruson. Reports from the card conven- er and reports on calls to the sick were given, also the treas- urer's. and secretary's reports business During th plans were for several events. Mrs. Herbert Morphy's group served refreshments. Asia'. played panied John Dickson. Recording secretary, -Mrs. Earle Webster, read the min- utes and Miss Beatrice Potten gave corre: e re: port. Miss Muriel Oke reported eighty house calls and fifty-six hospital calls. Mrs. Philip inancial report. They were member- HOUSEHOLD HINT = Fried foods will absorb less fat if you add a teaspoon of vinegar to the fat. Lloyd Weid- \Miss Phyllis Glass presided at the piano for the hymns. The offering was received by Mrs,|% Perry and Miss Oke and dedi-| @, ated with prayer by Mrs. Mac-|7-- \Lean. Mrs. members ) Now's the Time to ' Beautify Your Home : with CUSTOM AND READY MADE abe | DRAPES efreshments were eerves Se M. & C. Dry Goods * & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET Phone 723-7827 devotions. KING STREET UCW 8 4 The September meeting of | Unit 8, "Ardent Workers" was| Mrs. Harry Blakely #4 Be o TWO TV fomily . . for the bedroom, in the den, the receration room, on the patio. - a second set for you ond the youngsters... 9 first rate 'first' set, too! Goes onywhere you 9° --even to the cottoge! CORPORATION LIGHT, NEW FLEETWOOD 28-Lb. Portable TV This slender, luggage styled beauty will change your ideas of TV viewing , , a portable with "big Set' per- formance. Note the 'Movie Square" screen with full console viewing . . . the easily accessible, side-mounted controls . . . powerful four-section, built-in antenna, and the aircraft aluminum case covered in colour- keyed Vinyl in your choice of colours. Console size 17" Picture Tube with "Movie Square" screen ul 0 degree Aluminized Tube -- Plexiglass for safety 15 Actual Tubes offer BIG SET performance Powerful Tetrode Tuner pulls in even weak stations Automatic Signal Stability with automatic gain control keeps signals constant in strength and volume, Pictures won't fade True Fidelity Sound -- specially designed audio section with new advance design speaker developed just for portables. Built-in Antenna folds. into body of the set ry Aircraft Aluminum Cabinet, lightweight yet sturdy Built-in Circuit Breaker protects set against damage Vinyl covered in your choice of Grey; Beige, or Walnut Weighs only 28 Ibs. . . . but the price is the lightest part of all as 159° | NO MONEY DOWN - $10.76 A MONTH FREE 90 DAY SERVICE WITHIN LOCAL AREA SATISFACTION GUARANTEED or Your Money Back!

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