Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Sep 1963, p. 3

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=e eptember 1; 05 3 = oer, THE -- -- Board Dismisses Assessment Appeal An appeal by United Principal|Limited of Toronto, told an)mercial properties in Oshawa Propertiés Limited for a $1,667,-|OMB hearing in Oshawa that/and, in the Board's view, have 969. reduction in the O shaw ajthe value of the Centre has no"ja better chance of ultimately Shopping Centre assessment|thing to do with the cost ofjearning a return commensur- has been dismissed by the/putting up the buildings. ate with their capital cost than Ontario Municipal Board. "It is a real estate invest-|have older commercial proper- 'The appellant is very fairly ment and its value must be|ties -- and would therefore have assessed in comparison with predicated on what the income|a higher sales value." other commercial properties in| Produces," he said. Says City Assessment Com- Oshawa," read the decision. On the 52 percent assess-|missioner Eldon Kerr: 'Assess- The appeal was on the 1961|ment argument, the OMB said:/ments are based not only on assessment of $4,664,165 on| "The present assessment/sales value but also location, which 1962 taxes were levied:|(1961) is the result of a reas-juse, rental value, cost of re UPPL-$3,464,900; Eaton's -- $1,- sessment. The Board of Asses-|placement and any other cir- -- sors used the reconstruction-|cumstances affecting the value, (Eaton's, which is separately less-depreciation approach tolas outlined in Section 35 of the assessed and taxed, entered a|Value Assessment Act." similar appeal which was not| "The Board's conclusion is) Mr. Kerr testified at the Feb- heard because of the dismissal|that assessments were, on thejruary hearing that the area of the UPPL appeal). average, about 60 percent of/from which 58 percent of the In hearings earlier this year,|Value -- with the ratio in the/sales in the UPPL survey had case of commercial properties|been picked was "more or less it The Centre is a real es-|being about 74 percent of sale|blighted"'. Jye|balue. claimed the downtown tate investment and its value "The appellant's (UPPL) ar ON TOUR OF GM PLANT _--~ de wg oo gument really boils down to this > gg sustermonts "could bal P 8 " --that while commercial proper-|compared with the Shopping| ee ee ao "- ee the: Cutting Ge tt' ate Henry silen, saoee salen 'a Caen ties are being assessed on the/Centre. es | ; her party, totring General Mo- and Mowing Department of Mrs. Ralph Jones, George |1961 gave an assessment-to-|average at 74 percent of selling} The city made such a study|™ tors recently, watch Mrs. General Motors, Mrs. Jones Drynan, QC., Mrs. Mary |sale value ratio of 52 percent.|Value, he should be assessed atjand, said Mr. Kerr, found that Mary Czepek finish a sun- said, "I feel that women are Czepek and Mr. Ralph} 3) the centre was oti wae el sak Ge cute Bia angel at Lowers , . visor. Told that women were essential in everything, in- Jones, ried eR seal lariat scribe to this argument. The|low side." "LONE VOYAGEUR" AT BOWMANVILLE MONDAY * ment of $8,000,000. appellant's properties are| On the UPPL argument that --Oshawa Times Photo H dro Team To Aid Ghana UPPL claimed a fair valua-/newer than a good many Seah the, Coates is overbuilt, the| tion of its properties was jON d: '" a $5,762,108, Taking 52 percent of l | "There is no doubt that when| 62 Y Old V i 4 a this expenditure was made it! = me V g this total, or $2,996,296, the shop New Car Sa @S [this expenditure was made it ear oO a eur F bed ping centre landlord asked for a i : In $168,000 Project --_ ies etc ne ool pas h Thie Voar serine i eae . : y , recorded assessment of $4,664, H h Th Y ' is: Eaton' i tncaded fn ths) MALGAL PAMS LCA excess expenatre. shoud he es Unique Canoe [rip Hydro-electric know-how isjyear he was joined by John H.)Some 67,000 persons in the area|total). OTTAWA (CP)--Sales of new oar off as entirely value- , R , now chief engineer of|will be resettled. On UPPL's argument that the)motor vehicles in Canada in ; ' jl -- Frage _-- most the hai aie, aaa tt E Larsen,| Half the cost of' the Ako-(Centre's value should be arriv-|July climbed 7.4 per cent over In the first hearing on this) BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- Aying ways (6 an ancestry of trap-\Harry Oakes, before the latter sought dpitey neeq|ed at by capitalizing net in-/the same month last year,|case,. held in October, 1962,/ehost of the past sailed out of/Pers and traders. He claimed|was knighted and before he be- i Y is its chief accountant. regs ge : A 12-man Ontario Hydro team who is its ¢ sombo project is being financed comacthe OMG sald: ne Pee! Sete Sey retin, ane pers rad ed he 4 ae ss " ; nN 4 ging the total for the Jan-|\ e Centre's de-injwmanville Har catende gan journeys chine tea vistie sn tan a tan will commission and be respon- Wissipes: joined Hydro in 1940 ae ts lenaioen i ag rone "It may well be that the de-loarsdaly period to 7.1 per cent(livery tunnel, the number of riot pring' Ha se mr found out thet his se! atather malt Cehtteted caus pad for initial operation ofl ver raduating in electrical|from various international velopers of the Centre were too|above the same period for 1962.|parking spaces and office space 4 e hed' hooh.a voranen ath teslder wea at ae nee i Ogee agg seed en ineerin from the University| ci d the British G 4BeN-| )otimistic as to the speed with] The bureau of statistics said|which has never been rented|waterways trek from "Bytown|Northwest Company, which was The "Lane Yoram aia. hydro-electric scheme s sched- seg Pheer bap: ol an e Britis overn-| hich it could be developed. |Tuesday that 49,354 units were|as examples of overbuilding. |to old Fort York'. later absorbed by the Hud eae Me bet ab uled to produce power in 1965./0' 10 + Kim ve ment. _ | "But it is within the gencra!/sold in July compared with 45,- Leo uteur, the * Bay Company. been a that. Ny th time, the-Ghana- positions at Kingston, Markham,| 'The yoita River Authority will f dit la-/936 in July of last year. Jan- LeCo ' 'Lone N r taken on we who will eventually take|#"d Ottawa, as well as Toronto.|pay 'the salaries of Ontarioltion and there is no reason to/uary-July sales totalled 400,910 R t Voyageur" and the last of the), Now # grandfather, LeCouture his tps He express rp « Eas over the power development oe is + _ fon Hydro personnel - assigned to|suppose the volume of business|compared with 382,772 a year a epayers famed fur-trading voyageurs ofl tran 25,900 mil soph : a to "organize a from the Canadians, will come cabo egg 34d Sell me --. ioe well as te a of|transacted at the Centre will|eartier. eC RE tact Gadus witet Wt dae Ee ree Compas erin a men, es to this country to receive spe- helping to get the Abosimnbi fates _ -- _ 2 se not continue to increase. lat toetae a pueden ears nid Meet Sunday foot canoe toward Toronto, thejaccomplished this over a period] traders nd bark one early -- project started and operating,| Africa eer . cig ght ddl bre 41,225--up 6.1 per cent-- . \"old Fort York" of a century|0f 45 years. Canada canoe trip". wchana is : eral matager of Weraeek \ The Lake Vista Ratepayers' past. He said that he travels about) LeCouture admitted that his ' +.,|We must organize and admin's- | whil ial vehi 'at : A Ghana is the latest developing far a compralesiies tnaining eral manager of Wert ock-|wile commensal velicles were Association will be holding an} He arrived in Bowmanville|two months of the year, when trip to Toronto did not have a ti ; , 14.9 per cent to 8,129 units.|: " r country to seek the aid of ex- beara Hersey Appraisal Company/4P : important general meeting on} j 19th daylever he is able to get away i perienced Hydro engineers and OOr te acon. Ta Hm OBITUARIES Big Gimbed It 4 pry . Sunday, September 29, 7.00 rng oy a Ag ong taken Pree from his job as paint supervisor nae . oe administrators. A 10-man Hydro/i+, to) the operation of the sys- | |$155,024,000. p.m. at St. Phillips' Church. [from Ottawa (Bytown, young|@t the Foundation Company of/nis jaunts for the "adventure of team is now on a similar assign- tem, in the minimum: possible FUNERAL OF | Boy 4 Hurt | In the January - July period,| The highlights of the evening|felia) through the Rideau Canal|Canada in his home town of|it and for time to think'. ment in Iran, at the $65,000,000 time." MICHAEL LOVISEK ae ek |passenger car sales were up 5.8/2T¢ the presentation of trophies|<ystem to Kingston and up the|Sturgeon Falls. i -- Dez river hydro-electric project. The 512,000-kilowatt Akosombo|, 4, High Requiem Mass was |per cent to 350,742 units and|@%d monies for the three best/lakeshore by way of the Bay of| Some of his former jaunts in|@~" Pakistan, Lebanon, Brazil, and Poeusie held in Holy Cross Church on| By ruck icommercial vehicles rose 15.8|kePt homes in the area along|Quinte and the Murray Canal, |the canoe have taken him to DID YOU Trinidad and Tobago are among vol hag Heag gel vagpots Monday for Michael Lovisek. | per cent to 59,168 units.'The re-|With seven honorable mentions. He estimated that the entire|New York City, St. John, N.B., countries which have drawn on/th : aaa Mr. Lovesik died in Oshawa] Robert Micheli, four, 26 Sun-|tail value was up 10.8 per cent) Mr. Lioyd Johnston and Mr |. 1 i Moosenee, Ont., and Fort Wil- . ° s a ' » 4 | | yage would take him 25 days. ? 1 evsseey iv pan oA, eg her Hn bee Te, Saab Mn, 2 Se pir Savon fe Gevalia tr at SP te } KNOW? nel ization and development plan, |i? his 67th year. condition in Oshawa General Sent the tophatY Will. Pre-lreach his destination, 47 miles| He attributes his title, "the The sermon was held at St.|Hospital with head injuries suf- : ie Bopulee, from here by water. Lone Voyageur" to the late Sir That Our Services Includes: First engineer named to the a : | : Ghana is E. G,| Ghana now depends on diesel-|Gresory's cemet ith Meer [feted when he was. struck b P Mi ed The successful candidate of (Grant) Bainbridge, municial|OPerated generators for elc|p: Coy officating. ""|truck Tuesday morning." "| & FIC@S MAX@G, jive 'provincia ection irom}, The, t2yearold Frenchiist tricity. (:) ver is shawa Riding will s - service engineer at Toronto y. Pallbearers were John _ The boy was on his way to St. Trade Light the agenda will be Page lle: | NEW HOME head office, who plans to leave|Only major hydro - electric) wahoney, Edward Noseworthy,|J0seph's Separate School on , at: sees Ly Other|source, in the country, and the/Tom Robinson, Joe McCullough' Simeoe street north when the sion of a Ward System for the HOSPITAL REPORT SPECIALISTS A e@ Mothproofing - Sizing of Si " ' 42, City of Oshawa. This will be ima 'f 'of the team, yet to be|Akosombo project is the firstijonn Krasnay and J oh n|4ccident occurred. Driver of the M k : ' A Follow the report of the cl will. follow @ year later.|Phase in a three-dam develop-| Fuicher, pick-up truck was Alvin James arket a bang up meeting and it is the|q.i2wa General Hospital for © ae Home o Ola Under the a 'ent between|ment, : Croucher, 47, 66 King street sincere desire of the executive|). week ending Sept. 21: ad- ME joe trata greem y ' eed ,ithat a week ending Sept. 21: Re-Upholstering Hydro and Ghana's Volta River| The Akosombo. scheme com- MRS, IVA Tl. HAMILTON west. TORONTO (CP)--Prices were nid arge crowd will be on missions 354; births -- male 29, on crude winnie Led. Authority, the Canadians willlprises a grid system to supply Iva M. Hamilton died yester- Police said he boy was walk-|mixed during the day but closed female 30; discharges 338; new- 728-4681-2 3 i lop- ii f the coun-iday in her 82nd year at the|ing hand-in-hand with his sister|higher in light trading on the pa assist in placing the develop-/the southern third o ¢ ions g i Pl . across Simcoe street in front of|stock market Tuesday. born discharges male " NU-WAY RUG OSHAWA LTD. ment in service and will be re-|try where one-half the approxi-/Mamwood Nursing Home in n 1 : surgery, poet for initial operaton. i Bs 7,000,000 Ghanaians live.|Bowmanville. the school when he dropped a| Despite the advance on index, Attend ance oe Le ee ny = 174 MARY ST, -- OSHAWA 4 . pencil case and broke from his|the industrial picture was con- ' They will remain on the job for/ Two-thirds of the energy will be| _ Wife of the late Robert Byron) «to. hand to retrieve it. fused. Papers were mixed, Abi- nose and throat, 61; treatments two years, possibly three, from|used by an aluminum smelting Hamilton, she is resting at the Logie } T and examinations, 222; the date of first power. works at Tema, 50 miles away,|Morris Funeral Chapel in Bow- rag he Mince Geax' tek Pi and ota s Down 35: physiotherapy: tre Several Ghanians are sched-| which will be operated by a con.|manville. Service will be held CITY AND ° Algoma advanced % and Do- 718; visits, 405; occupation i i i i pice ; A i i uled to arrive in Canada next|sortium of American producers|in the chapel at 3.30 p.m. and ininion Foundtles: aha Steat cod uae a gy te eng Lad therapy, 145. spring to receive special train-|headed by Kaiser Aluminum|burial service will be at Bow- ; mipoed. 3 Mi : 1 ing at various Ontario Hydro in-|and Chemicals Corp. manville Cemetery. DISTRICT Backs 'ote nek oe ae dropped considerably from last For better beauty care, call lations, On their return to Mrs. Hamilton is survived by fi H arin Year's totals. i sta GE PRODUCTS her daughters, Irene (Mrs, CASE SET OVER rmpnclsl issues G80 PROMS! Fair officiais enid; today 'thet Presenting »«« hairstyling artists at Ghana they will work alongside G , ° tors, transformers and|Ralph Bailey), Beatrice (Mrs.| A char; f j in| 2. i the Hydro team and eventually enenators, ) ' ; arge of possession of stol-|' Chrysler made a health ,107 paying customers attended take rio complete operation, |other electrical ge ace ty Gordon Graham), Kathleenjen property against Keith Ron-|of 354 to 92 and Alieaitumn Tuesday compared with over -- re pao eS tae Y|(Mrs. Herbert Mackie) Etheljald Howard was set over untillrose 1% to 27%. Major losers|4,900 in 1962, Fair Pres'dent W. PLAHUTA CHIEF EXECUTIVE Canadian General ric. . (Mrs. Douglas Mackie) and her|Oct. 7 in Oshawa Magistrate's|were Fanny Farmer, down 314|Beath said that children under Three Ontario Hydro espa Kg pn -- tha 370. sons, Malcolm, Arthur and Don-|Court Monday. to 33% and Investors' Syndi-\12 years of age were charged Oshawe's _--well-known ge tiag selians sith' the ne a eal cox ton ae WINS $1,000 PRIZE jcate A; off 19% to 52%. |for admission last year and hairstylist ts beck, with Volta River Authority, Frank J.|under construction at Ako-| MRS. EDNA JEWELL It was announced today brloiee a ok Prag Mee Ms. pret in. free "ce year. . "us after her long Euro- Dobson, former construction|sombo. The 3,275 square-mile| Edna Jewell, wife of the late| Loblaw Groceterias that Bill) Nickel slipped % in base 1968. Se at or ae holiday. Inge in- manager at the Lakeview gerer-\iake will submerge four pet|John Wesley Jewell, died yes-|Buffett, 16, of 337 King street'metals, Dickenson declined 15| pe Beets Rape Sais a9 ge ating station just west of To-jcent of Ghana's total area,|terday in the Memorial Hospi-|¥est, Oshawa, was the winner|cents to $6.05. eoeernniangs us the aumeley ¥ = ronto, was appointed chef exec-|which is approximately oneltal in Bowmanville, in her 83rd/°f $1,000 in 'groceries. | Among speculative mines,iesrded enue Was not ond fends te Sym er utive two years ago. Late last!quarter the size of Ontario.|year. $590 DAMAGE paweh: made" up. ite earlier| Score "the lecation She is survived by daughter Damage was estimated at| losses, closing nine cents ahead wi red Mary and sister Gladys (Mrs. |g. jat $2.57. ISO was up one cent to! EYE } where she has been for 44 90 in a car-house collision i i ix | Melbourne Wight). $1.21 and Merrill di six WOODBINE ENTRIES Mrs. Jewell is resting at the A haptbio ph nany South! cents to $1.06. _ Prerseaiag iol L! the pest twe yper. 5 {Morris Funeral Chapel in Bow-| 7% eo Biter olice said an} On the foretgn market, Shell a 1 : 'Rudy is pleased to wel- : THURSDAY, September 26 manville with the service to be U20Ccupied car owned by E./Canada rose 1% to 18, Consoli-| by appointment | come back Inge to Osh- PHONE: 728-7021 FIRST RACE -- Omaha. Maidens, foal-|Corporal Bingo, Walsh X107 held tomorrow in the chapel and|S¢!by Grant, 6 Mill Lane, Bow-\dated Paper 14 and Moore! F. R. BLA i § i a eek ene ene, OF interment at Bowmanville Ceme-™@nville, was parked on the|Corp. %. | 136 SIMCOE Eh. 0.). _ ™ owa's hair styling team. 364 WILSON RD, PLAZA - lg : [Field Trial, Lonoway 117 tery. jwest side of the street, facing | : Sad Canadian Hero, No Boy (A)120 Mighty Gone, No Boy 122 |south with the motor running. mange Cake, Walsh 113, Biency Mano, No Boy 114 MRS. JEAN TURK It rolled and struck the house] SHORGAS Empire Boy, Walsh X15 FIFTH RACE -- "Sovereign Pilate", The death of Mrs. Jean Turkjowned by Gordon Lodge, 70 age le LER «Ae i peed ay eg Le ay ad tree-/occurred at the Oshawa Gen-|Grandview avenue south. Dam- HEATING & Boiercund, No Boy. (8)120 ccussder, Tuite" eral Hospital on Tuesday, Sept.|age to the car was estima'ed at APPLIANCES EI Brille er ees Bive Wren, Fimpoon we 24. Mrs. Turk formerly resided|$90. Damage to the house in- : e' iT, simoogra, ; 1 . Round my "Connack 120 \Vopale, wietor, aarnanded 16 on McLaughlin . boulevard and} cluding weakened plaster and a Industrial and Chinese Festival, No Boy (A)120 |Naida, Walsh (A) X108 had been in failing health for/pbroken window and frame was Commercial A--Windfields Ferm. etry nd A. mj Acouchl, Walsh X15 four years. lestimated at $500. ercia eo og a ry » Rotman and Av M!a.R. Gian and Mrs. F. H. Merrill Jr. en} 'The deceased was in her 95th} The eitoblished, relioble Ges kuial each Miole Sor, $160 QUINGLLA SETTING year. She was the former Jean " pela NAMED Dealer ln yout eres. : 1900. For 2year-olds, 7} SIXTH RACE -- "The Young Men's|Buchanan and was born in) The winner of a recent contest geiming. Purse $1900. For 2year-ols- 7/canadian: Club" (Foaled in Canada) Keene, Ont., to the late Mr.|sponsored by the NUPSE Ladies' 31 CELINA ST. Furiongs. Bala, Robinson 114 Purse $2800 for three-year-olds and up. se | 2 Gypsy oor ove ts 62 Furs, Allows. *and Mrs. James Buchanan. | Auxiliary No. 1 is Mrs. Viola | (Corner of Athol) Swinging Summer, Robinson 107 Wonderwine, No Boy 116 In 1908 she married William|Higgins, 98 Fernhill avenue,| Merit Rippey, Dittfach capi Arthur H., Dittfach 16 James Turk at Keene, Ont. The|/Mrs, Harold McNeill announced 728-9441 Dandier, Fitzsimmons 11 bcd gente hid deceased lived in Oshawa for|the winner of the lucky draw, So Smart, Turcotte 117 Peter's Chop, Turcotte 116 ; | Noble Score, No Boy (8)110 Battling Way, No Boy 118 27 years and had: previously 3 Warriors Day, McComb 15 lived in Toronto and Campbell- 0 Still Sober, Armstrong 121 ford , . 2) Majestic Hour, Walsh XX109 Apache She was a member of St. Toes Wiest: Fur end Frisky, Welshulammes Palos ene tor oe evemenns ee i res Co ten e HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS e } EXTRA FEATURE 105; King Rip, No Boy, 114; Susie's}and up. 1 and 16th Miles (Marshal Turf ? Roman, Walsh, X102; Barbara Bain,| Course) Women. Mrs. Turk was pre- GOLDEN YELLOW Terry, 110; Salban, No Boy, (A)114; R| johnny One Eye, Gelsbrecht 119 deceased by her husband in FRESH PORK A -- 'TRADES ACCEPTED ail] 728-6286 323 King Se. W. solve, No Boy, (B)114. ices), One. Dittlach Tit A--M. J: Hawkins and D. A. Boddy entry| 5 Rogue, Potts 116 1942, she leaves a nephew, j BL, W. Ruby and G. Atkins entry Chippewa, i pe wy ie Ralph Turk of Whitby. ' ' THIRD RACE--Longview. $2500 claim-|3"r"Y tad -- Mrs, Turk is resting at the ' Ing. Purse $1800. For 3year-olds. 6 Fur-|Aurora, Fox, Hele 116 Armstrong Funeral Home for mer en ee in { bs . Confidence Man, Walsh X116 memorial service im the chapel oe 55 4 4 longs. Tiny Fruit, No Boy 107 : Already Dia, Armstrong 121 on Friday, Sept. 27 at 1 p.m. Of- ? POPULAR BRANDS -- Holiday, Terry 113 , Canadian Shield, No Boy 107 T Hunt 2nd, Ni " ficiating clergyman will be Rev. Be Merry, Walsh (A)X112 reaeerer Hom Sey We Sey: 8 John Leng pig hy Andrew's Unit. LEBANON LODGE 139 ECONOMY--6 & 7 Cc FRESH PORK c ty poe ag den agt orgie Puree $1900 for inreesyenr-oite All Masons ere requested to org 6 PRIME RIB b Senior Master,No Boy 110 'oad, No Boy (A) 112 : ' CIGARETTES Enonymous, No Boy 114 Bandolero, Fitzs's 117 OSHAWA' Ss 1 ' Fopbuonell, Burton (CNG, " Serva 1h BIGGEST REAL ESTATE BRO. ALEXANDER $. ROSS ean Nery Cc § FRESH PORK : inate nhs ha rat Ne om BLADE Ib ae 2 ly Ny gg ig Bo MOVE Wednesday Evening - Sept. 26th >BUTT Ge Bobby Brier, Walsh, X102; Fi ' " P a Belle Ange, Robinson 110 EIGHTH RACE -- "G . . OE ee acain{@ Church. b ; june's Choice, Burton (C)107 Masonic Service for Our 4 ou. er Prince. Tour, 120; P Limit 2 Cor rier, 12 Fever: Plin, Tawse, zauber, No Boy, (8)111, Pie ert 7:30 P.M. AR. C. Siegel and Mrs. F, H. Merrill Jr. es "tices en Ant Py as LEAN MEATY 64 S DEVON RINDLESS 5 4 "oe entry i pe ph ts beats NEED AN ms | MeUNEGAT CHAPEL SHORT RIB E A C 0 N EXTRA FEATURE OIL FURNACE .. i ; FRESH KILLED eine, ure $m. For Syeosite oe : C.. Templar, ---- --. C. Glaspell, ee oe § MAPLE LEAF SKINLESS CHI a NS ease |, cu PERRY ) Ea wit i PRIME RIB OU" }wieneRs 4): ; CHICKE 4 A . oh Bea, 14 DAY OR NIGHT 7 eee SOON! ay 22 -3-LB. AV. Guy, Ne Boy 114

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