26--Rooms For Rent . rooms, one furnis! unfurnished, Quiet, new home. fon, five ts scot to bus. Fatephone 725-0681. " Hoes Fd ui i suitable for school reachaths teri twin ag Restricted use| py, < gue Telephone 668-8432 before 1) and after 8 p.m. twee STREET, 290 -- Clean, quiet, ly decorated bed - sitting room. Cen- lly located, Abstainer. 725-1938. rticulars re: . Raw lone Real Estate, Prince Street. ie PRIVATE yale" @ King Street East, 27--Real Estate For Sale Le ity lots, Popler Rak 500. each. Bulider's serie. | adege Bm poy $500. Government Uy wih a | adored a Estate for Sale oe brick apiit-level in very nice condi-i tion. Carries for only $81, month, Includ- ing beget 5 per mortgage with rea- cent sonable down payment. Call Ossie Martin, 728-9714, Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377. cob gore After 6 p.m. bee 725-4481, LY located bunga' four tage three-piece bath, a 'heated, paved Sip Bagi $8,500. All offers LEAN, bright furnished room, five min- utes from fog Near bus stop. Tele- pny 725-0816, LEAN, | furnishes room, sulfable for|W. in quiet home. Suit gentie-| man. Central location, 723-9225. | 668- HHURCH STREET, 141 -- One-bedroom : end kitchen, suitable for couple, no chil- oreh. Apply above. be sold to close estate. Telephone neoean 1200. DOWN six-room, two storey brick, central location. Asking only $9,800. ley, Realtors, 28 Prince pra Qsnews. 723-2512 of residence, Tae BERUTIFUL Troon Bunge real In east end overlooking Oshawa. Nicely landscaped lot, Substantial down required. Shown by ane tar le furnished room, House Keane ey Central, Telephone 728-8402. BivisiON STREET, 118 -- Nice, clean ith Gener foom for gentleman near Sou al Motors FURNISHED room for rent for single fsa or lacigley Apply oly 136 Colborne East or 27--Real Estate For Sale For LE--New eight-room home with a ile, Telephone 728-1720 evenings. -- SSI dh 'at once. Masson Street, rooms, brick bungalow, pha ne cre ee focation. All newly deco- Inside and out. Gleaming hard- oar floors, large, well finished recrea- tien ont Good-sized lot with shade trees er a $12,500 with terms. Cer! olsen Real Estate. Call Henry Stin- gon. Phone 725-0243. DOWN with immediate possession] this modern brick bungalow, only six yeérs old with very nice fot. Shown by appointment only. Cail Arthur Weinberg- @r, 723-7244, Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 18-7377. || ee ned COLLEGE HILL area, modern six-room) bungalow, attached garage. Close to all achoo's, churches, bus stop, Landscaped, decorated. Completely _finished, TES. <a bomrvad $ SPECIAL. Three-bed- modern bungalow, two rooms to be be finished. on half acre land, east city limits, For information " pea ra Th ih Bosco, Realtor, 725-0303, Josep! i WORTH END -- $10,500, 0, full price. . Five: foom brick home in. lovely condition and cacries for $80. per month, including mes, Call Sally Wallace, 725-6297, Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377. "GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 WHITBY -- Large 6 room brick bungolow with Lich ed garage. Recreation room and 2 finished bedrooms in basement. Mahogany trim throughout and very nicely decorated. Close to schools and shopping. Extra large lot, This is one of our bet- ter homes ond well worth an inspection, Full price $18,- 500. " FRENCH STREET -- 6 room 7 home in excellent condition, » with broadioom in living ond dining room, Good sized lot * with garage. Full price $10,- 500. HUNTING CAMP -- 186 ecres of woods and bush with 25,000 Christmas trees 4-7 s. old, 6 room house with He and good basement, born and garage. On Hwy. 500. Priced ot $6,900 with terms, Veiwlor will rent or the of November to hunters for $75.00. SPLIT LEVEL -- Here is on opportunity to acquire @ home onyone can enjoy with @ great deal of pride. Nicely gituated among other fine homes on Glenwood Cres. Extra wide entrance hall, stone fireplace separates hall from living room, fomily size dining room. Lorge kit- chen with oodles of cup- Dpords, Three bedrooms, til- t only. Contact George 723-2857, Joseph Bosco, Realtor, TST KEITH PETERS REALTOR 728-7328 103 KING ST. EAST IS 1S IT -- $19,800.00 a ranch bungol recreation room with Must be seen. $15,500.00 NORTH WEST DISTRICT 3 bedrooms 2 fireplaces, rec room, large lot close to schools, bus ond shopping. $8,900.00 -- Ranch bung- alow in suburban location, tiled bath, 3 bedrooms, large lot. Low low down payment - 6 room house, gorage, close to shopping $9500.00 and make an offer. 728-7328. JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD REALTORS LTD, INSURANCE 167 Simcoe St. S. Office Hrs. (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) MORTGAGES ARRANGED, BOUGHT & SOLD TWO BEDROOM HOME This ottroctive brick home has finished rec room, bar, beautifully kept, lovely lot, gorage. Only $11,500. Terms Call Mr. Rankine ot 725+ 6544. APPLE HILL $89.67 _ monthly, including toxes. 5 room brick bunga- low, in spotless condition, 3 rest modern kitchen, 4-pc, tiled eg landscoped grounds. Must be sold, own- er moving to U.S.A, Hurry. for this one, ask for Mr, Yeo at 725-6544 or 725+ 2217. NEW HOMES $1,000 down, better quality homes thro' out, Clay brick, ceramic tile in bathroom, mahogany kitchens, Full price $13,500. See these before you buy. Call Mr. Ronkine ot 725-6544. WE LIST ONLY TO SELL PRIVATE SALES Apartment house in the main block in Whitby. 21 rooms. Solid brick. Hot woter heoted. A great business lo- cation. Bungalow at Port Bolster, ph insulated, Electric heat- ed. 4 bedrooms, living room ond kitchen. Sun room 16 x 16. Built in gorage. Two bungalows at Virginia Beach. Well insulated, Elec- tric heated, 3 bedrooms, liv- ing room, dining room and inehen, Built in garages. Just built, A pleasant ploce , to retire, Bungalow at Bancroft. In- suloted, oll heoted. Near lake, 3 bedrooms, living room, herdwood, . kitchen ond utility rooms, Good hunt- ing. Will rent. 1100 acres just behind for hunting, Lots for Beach, | will be pleased to byild you a house to order. CALL OWNER James Harding WHOLESALE LUMBER AND CONTRACTOR 135 BYRON ST, S. WHITBY \\Phone 668-2861 Whitby Phone 51R3-3 Pefferlaw sale at Virginio d bathroom and broadioom p the borg Attached garage. BUSINESS OPORTUNITY -- Well established 'business in wa with exclusive orea. Included in the price is a home with 2 apartments in perfect condition. -- Several trucks, Asking price $42,500. Substantial down payment required. FULL PRICE $13,900, -- 2% storey brick home in excellent condition located in North East Oshawa close to schools and bus service, 3 good sized bedrooms and 12 finished rooms in attic, Remodelled kitchen ond new furnace. This is an older home ond well worth seeing. BEAUPRE AVE, Well "kept 5 room bungalow on a good sized lot nicely land- scaped. Large living room, roomy kitchen ond 3 bed. rooms. Full price $12,700. $10,000. 5 room brick home on Hoig St. Close to north G.M. and downtown. Excep- tionally well kept home and garden. Gorage. FULL PRICE $15,300. 5 room brick and stone bunga- low. 22 ft. living room fea- tures redwood _ panelling. Large kitchen with built in stove ond oven. High walk- out bosement. Locoted just west of the city in an area of fine homes. EASTVIEW BEACH on Lake Scugog. 3 bedroom cottage with boot and motor. and dock. 3 pc. bath. Large com- bination living room kitchen, Furnished. For full porticulars call 723-1121 Open daily 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. Jean Peacock Roy Flintoff Lloyd Corson trene Brown Steve Englert Steve Zurba Lucas Peacock Dick Young Leon Monitius Tony Siblock GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St, S. METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 King St. E. Dial 728-4678 BELLA VISTA GARDENS 6 new homes nearing comple- tion 1100 square foot bunga- low - 2 with carport ot $14,- 595.00 - 2 with garages - $14,600.00 - $15,700.00 - 2 bungalow $14,195.00 with down payments from $1,295.C0 up - to be com- pleted October 15, 1963. OSHAW BLVD. $11,500.00 - good 1% stor- ey home - close in and in very nice condition. Would you like a good home 6 romos - 4 down 2 up - brick veneer ond situated close to all schools, churches and bus, shopping 1 block. Con be yours for only $12,- 800.00. OSHAWA BLVD. $13,900.00 - 1% storey 6 room brick veneer home in a real good location - close to schools - churches, shopping and bus, This home must be sold for appointment call to- day, OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 Jack Osborne John Kemp Dick Barriage Joe Maga Ken Hann NEAR ADVENTIST CHURCH ON ATHABASKA ST. Three bedroom clay brick on fine residential street. with recreation room, large lot overlooking park area. Wall to wall carpet, storms, screens, etc. A pleasant place to live. Investigate and make offer, WHITBY COMMERCIAL CORNER with older style 4 bedroom home: near post office ond super morket, Live in home and develop a business of your own, A good spot for specialty grocery, . welding shop, beauty parlor or shoe repdir. Full price $12,900. Gordon Osborne Insurance and Real Estate 218 Dundos Street East, Whitby DIAL 668-5431 CARL OLSEN REALTOR 723-1133 723-1133 EAST END CITY LIMITS-- $8,950.00 with $1,900 down for extra clean well kept bun- - galow on extra large lot 40 x 140. Contains 12 x 18 living room, lorge. mo- dern kitchen, two good size bedromos, modern bath with venity. Reaosnable taxes. Call Henry Stinson ot 723- 1133, evenings 725-0243, 10 ROOMS -- COLBORNE E. Two and a half storey brick home in good condition. New oil furnace for hot wa- ter heating, 3 room self-con- tained opdrtment on third floor, Excellent opportunity to convert to. apartments. Asking $14,900.00. with very reasonable terms, Call Bob Johnston ot 723-1133, evenings 725-9365. WESTMOUNT AREA -- One ond a half storey brick home with seven rooms including four bedrooms and enclosed sunroom and garage, A good investment for a large fame ily or as @ two family unit. $2,000.00 down required. Call Wes. Elliott at 723- 1133, evenings 728-0581, STEVENSON RD. NORTH -- Neat clean four room bun- galow in choice west end location, Large 50 x.180 lot. Asking only $8,000.00 with $1,200.00 down payment. Call Bob Johnston at 723- 1133, evenings 725-9365. GRANDVIEW VILLAGE -- Two models ready for occu- Poncy in two weeks built by H. Kassinger. Low down pay- ment and 6%% N.H.A. Mortgage on the balance. Give us a call, OPEN EVENINGS 299 KING ST. WEST 723-1133 + 27--Keal Estate for Scie 27--Réai Estate for Sais 'oAstonbils For ole BUILDING tof G6 x 166° with sewer ai water. Handy fo 'on Phone narnia 623-3777. 'i ats) over twelve hundred square ft. Three bedroom brick home, seven years 'old, large lot, located north east Oshawa. Kelth Peters, Realtor 728-7328. FOR 'SALE ~ Near Cloremont (Possibility unlimited). 211 ecres, lorge cut stone home, modern con- veniences, 3 notural fires haat "eine omple woter supaly pei ey 'like setting, | L shape barns, See this now. North of Manchester on Highway 7 & 12. Like new, 4 bedroom brick home with all modern singe omiagg nag ed age, Large tree: i. Full" price" only $12,000.00 Conn Village. 7 room Brick pore = eg fh 3 $6 $6000.08, wil Full ice F .00, es Pal pi $1,000.00 down, reasonable monthly payments, N.W. of Sunderland, Brick school house, full price ask- ing $1,500.00 low down payment. W. Schatzmann REALTOR, 114 Broek St. N., Whitby 668-3338 ag pe a 10 ea seen ed, a pentieh od $10,000.00 price, easy terms. Whitby, $13,500.00 asking, lovely brick bungalow, finish- ed rec room, paved ya hole lot, beautifully lond- $2,000.00 " down, i ng an offer, Whitby, 4 bedrooms, thor ey house, ae centrally located, shoo, mode: large lot. ting with terms. Call Helen Simpson at 668-3338 or 725-7420 or W. Schotzmann evenings 668-3253, 1961 PONTIAC 2-door 8 cylinder, Gear shift, radio, whitewalls, beautiful; mignight blue metallic fh age with white; top, like new. $1,895. it sell, can ar- range terms, Apply 25 'Grenfell Street. 1957 OLDSMOBILE Super 83, two-door hardtep, radio, new tires, good condition. esi orrer. Appiy wi vuny. sireei. ly 2--Articles Far Sale 1957 cohort oh V8, automatic, 4-door 1959 CHE' two door, 'adia, whitewalls, Tele phone trom' S' to 7 bans TRAE iVROLET coach, storsard, 6 cylinder, A-1 21,000 origina 1 ee all accessories. Be- fore 5 p.m, es kl at et 1961 VOLKSWAGEN, good by Toge needs minor paint work, $875. Also 17) cu. ft, treeser, $175 Telephone 728-0026. 1955 PLYMOUTH sedan, &cylinder, stan- tran: sm No rust, Excellent onditions S305. elephone Whitby 668-4500 DODGE offer, 723-1913 evenings 725-5 1962 LAXY, automatic, V: walls. Telephone Demreivile 633-2148. bated 1959 PONTIAC, 6 cylinder Strato Chief, io, seat belts, floor mats. Excellent condition, $1,150. 368 Highland Avenue. ep VAUXHALL stationwepon, $05. Wil accept trade. Good second car. Private sple. Telephone 726-3618. 1957 DO! very sharp, Standard tranemission, $50 down, $9 Van Heusen Motors, 156 King Street West, telephone ir, nO ae hee Best $300, Te white bibl automatic, A-1 condition, many 'one owner car./€S: week.|1959 CHEVROLET four-door hardiop Bel 1963 PARISIENNE Pontiac, V8, equipped. Telephone 720-8291 after 7 p.m. 1957 CHEVROLET Bei Air hardtop, six cylinder, automatic, Apply 155 Huron|% Greate or 728-5534 4 and 6 p.m. 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, bive finish, radlo,| whitewalls, very clean and BG! run- ning condition, Telephone 728-909: vi FORCED TO SELL. sie Pliances, Due to 1964 8 gain our loss, no Five-pit power |and foam washing machine wi 'trade, All above new | good used ri ators, televisions, Honest Street, 728-9191, New wordhoons "avsiisse iece chrome suites, $29.88; three- some with your choice bagr9g three - piece. bie dressers, tilt mirrors, up; bump, with selection of 'Se HUNTERS Special -- 1955 es Ranch Wagon, radio, automatic, fair condition,| clean. $275 or offer. Whitby 668-5071. BOAT, Fi uv Wit convert tise tp. tt, 75 Price $1 motor, Tele- 1955 CHEVROLET, in good cara. | . Telephone 668-5438. 1958 CHEVROLET, four door hardiop, six 458 MacAvley Street, telephone 1956 WONARGR, bast offer. all power eaulo| to ped. $700 elephone 728-8390. 1963 SaEVASLEY 5 Bisca . white, stand- [abs 6, rec Interior, whitewalls, wheel! GO discs, back up lights, windshield wash- 723-4887. Air, radiy and whitewalls, Millbrook 932-2746, Top shape. irdtop, V-8 1956 CHEVROLET, ' $650. 4-door hai automatic, first class condition, Matin Alex 942-5235, bond IRD station » like new in six ge raf gg ed "strest "West, tranamision, $50 leusen Motors, 156 King telephone Waterfront cottage on Loke Simcoe Thorah Beach, Nice furnished 5 room cottage, attached garage, boot house and boat etc., on double fot this is a bargain at $10,500 very reasonable. terms. Thurstonia Pork, Sturgeon Lake. 5 room cottage, water, bothroom. Full price asking $2,800.00 East of Greenbank, 22 acres, 7 room Brick house, barn, hydro, . woter On pressure. Priced to sell. On Highway No, 12, Beaver- ton, Garage, Service Station, Building, Land, Stock and equipment ete. This is a wonderful business, owner ill: must sell, See this one soon, 10 acres vocont fond in Beaverton near Loke.Simcoe. Full price $4,500. Scott Township, 85 acre bush land. Full price asking $2,500.00 180 acres.on paved road. 7 room house like new, modern conveniences, large barns, etc. Why Rent? 5 acres near Sunderland, one mile off Highway 12, lerge brick house suitable for 2 families, hydro, well of water, nice creek runs through, low tax- es, Full price $6,500.00, with $1,000.00 down with reasonable monthly payments, Just off Highway 12 near Sunderland, 558 acres choice form _ lond, good brick homes plus 2 large barns etc., hydro, ample water Supply on pressure, creek, This is preuctive land, pric- ed to sell MARGARET BALLARD frontage fireplace in attractive gage. Owner's moving to Toronto, WHITBY CLASSIFIED $12,000. ask for Phyllis McR TWO COMPLETELY furnished rooms. Small kitchenette, stove, retrigerator. Suitable for elderly couple, teachers or furses, Telephone 668-4470. FOR RENT -- Bright geet hr Sngyguon bed - sitting room and kitchenette, frigerator, sink, stove. pe ctaen Private entrance. Suit lady or gentleman, 821 Dundas Street West, LEANING woman wanted, half day a week for obtayg M home, Apply Box 402 Oshawa Times, Whitby. Prompt service SEPTIC tanks cleaned, on calis. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby 668-2563. raf or subdivision purposes. Whitby 668-4088 or DRESSMAKING: Suits, " coats, OLIVE HOWE dresses, iterations, slip covers, drapes, Fitting a Gpeciaity, Mrs, Toms, 666-2372, 218 DUNDAS ST. E. Newman Cres, 3-bedroom brick bungalow - $13,500. Dunlop St. 3-bedroom brick bungalow with carport, oil heating. obbie. Athol St. older 10 room two pig house in excellent condition owner's heart condition forces sale: Uxbridge - 6-room bungalow on 2 acres, 1500 sq. ft. of living space oil. heating. V.L.A. approved. Oshawo---Westmount St.--112 storey house with Qorage, fruit trees _for information ask for Phyllis McRobbie. ocre form ot Goodwood, south of Uxbridge, excellent form REDUCED Henry St. 7-room bungalow with swimming pool, beautifull landscaped fully finished. rec. room with bar, 'f fornia red wood attached garage. Full price $14: 500, Terms. Henry St. 12 storey house built on a large treed lot with 65' panelled in cali- living-room, excellent area, McCullough Dr. new 3 bedroom bungalow with attached Bond age, attractively designed. $1400 down to one N.H.A, Warden Wilson - 3-bedroom brick built on a 62! lot, garage, near separate school and church. Ask for Audrey Moore. Greenwood Cres, 3-bedroom bungalow on extra large landscaped Evenings call Bowmanville 623-7159 REAL ESTATE ' WHITBY 668-5853 REALTOR SUNDERLAND, ONT. PHONE 303 SCHOFIELD-AKER 723-2265 GOOD HOUSE FOR LARGE FAMILY -- Lots of room in this seven room home just listed by us. Priced at only $13,500 with a low down payment. A couple of houses above King on Oshawa Bivd. N. 'This home is convenient to everything. Let us show you ond solve your housing problem, OPEN HOUSE -- BEAU VALLEY Evenings - 6 to 7.30 P.M, Weekends - 3 to 5.00 P.M. WHITBY -- ONLY $1000 DOWN PAYMENT. Listing price reduced by $800.00 - room brick bungalow, close to schools, nice quiet orea - large lot. Owner an- xious to sell - don't delay - let us show it to you to-day, ELECTRICALLY HEATED -- 6 months old 6 room brick ranch bungalow with attach- ed garage. Located' on a treed lot in Brookside Acres. Features include partial stone front, balance Red Clay Brick. Inside - 'living room 18 x 14, separate dining orea - 3 bright bedrooms. Well built home in a good orea, List price $18,500. EXECUTIVE HOME in Brookside Acres features Dream Kitchen ond adjoin- ing Family Room, L-shape L.R. and D.R. with fireplace. 3 _B.R.'s with 2 pc, bath off Master B.R. Also luxury 4 pc. both with vanity. Large stone potio at front entrance and 2 car garage. Newly painted outside, Ex- tras include Twindows on L.R. and. D.R., aluminum doors, storms and screens. High dry basement. Good shrubs. Listed at $26,000.00 Open 9 to 9 - Sat. 9 ot 5 PAULINE BEAL 725-0239 | CHARLIE CHAYTOR 723-7996 MARGARET HALL 723-1358 BILL McFEETERS 725-1726 REG. AKER .... 725-0201 STEVE MACKO 728-5868 KEN MORRIS 623-5406 ' (Bowmanville) 360 King St. W. Free Parking 28--Real Estate Wanted TRADE late mode Buick on down pay- ment on fairly new bungalow, 3 or 4| bedrooms, recreation room. Preferably with large yard In Bac district, Phone 725-5743, hey yg Strato Chief, 2-door, stand- linder,. whitewalls, discs, 4,200 iiss. § sotrs Telephone 728-6386. PRIVATE SALE, 1961 Pontiac sedan, standard six, new radio, Psd 2 Im: macu 1957 FORD, 8 cylinder, stick. Excellent condition, Swerifice. Also 1932 Ford ster with 1953 Oldsmobile engine, fly chromed front end. See them at S£UDENTS mi brand for aft print) 'only 1h Suedas, ire or ote Trading Post South HUNTING wiih hunting ing. supplies trom | rocker; Darin Tirel cue geen be rug and undermat. minion Tire $ FIVE-pieced saa wu --F Taieea baa room suite. All articles in good condition. Telephone evenings 728-4236. road-|LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking, Hi vag * dais paid. 220 42) Wentworth Bast. A "AP used you ane The City 446 Simcoe Street and 3) Bond Street East. 723-1671, at? wae wens oo CK Ing etc, Best fice gai. Eimpsod Road, Southwood Park, 'alan ia wre CEVROLAT deluxe, radio. Excel lent condition throughout. $750, Apply 217 Church Street, 725-2879, 1957 FORD Ranchero, A-} condition. Ideal T |-| sories, $750. 1180 Simcoe North. 728-0031. TYPEWRITER, Standard, one portable; ce 2-total cash repistery_el electric add- FT. Fiberglass vat 25 hp, aaaiele motor, trailer, gas tanks and all acces- Oshawa Marine and fon 4 to customize. Best cash offer, }-B084. al calculator with Walon, Very r 723-4434, 1959 FORD, V-@ stick shift, Immaculate te. | 668-4095 after 5 p.m. $13 week, Van CUSTOM made box trailer, extra tires. Cheap, $45. hone 725- Telep! $50 down, Heusen ya 156 King Street West, 557, WANTED fo buy -- three bedroom brick!y bungalow that could be purchased under VLA. Oshawa area. Write Box 221 Qsh- awa Times. WE HAVE THREE clients who are in- terested in procuring a five- or six-room, storey and a half brick, also @ four- or f've-room brick. bungalow, within a mile radius of the down town area, pafticular- ly Centra, Park. For Information call Wes Elliott at. 723-1133, evenings 728-0581, Carl Olsen, Realtor, 1955 CHEVROLET, two-door, A-1 condi- overdrive transmission, $600. 723- oe, 552 Bloor East. 1961 CORVAIR, four-door sedan, black with red interior, Automatic, radio, white- walls. Excellent condition, Dial 725-4230. 1956 gs station wagon, V8, stan- dard. two-door, Needs some body work, $350. Telephone 725-7478. 1959 CHEVROLET Bel Air coach, six cylinder, A-1 good tires, low mileage, $1,300. Telephone 725-8454, WANTED AT ONCE 5 room bungalows, also 114 storey homes. Genuine buyers waiting. Carl Olsen, Realtor. Call Henry. Stinson for fast action 723-1133, evenings 725-0243, 29-----Automobiles For Sale 1962 PONTIAC Laurentian, two-door hard- top, six cylinder, automatic transmis- mission, radio, One owner. 728-9124. 1963 CHEVROLET Impala Sports coupe, Ve standard, power windows, extras. Sell for best offer. Brooklin 655-3750. 1957 CHEVROLET station wagon, six cyl- inder, Must be seen to be appreciated. $50 down, $12 week. Van Heusen Motors, 156 King Street West, telephone 725-3557, 1960 CHEVROLET Biscayne, 3-door, cylinder. In good condition, $1,600, Te! phone 728-2560, m im GUNS. Custom blueing and cleaning. Get) poo yours done now betors Whitby. |PLYwooD boat, 15 ft. 35 hp Johnson Peel Street, Whitby. after 6 p.m, *\ONE set acelylene torches, new condl- flon. After 6 p.m, telephone 723-1634. '@ the rush, jan"s Corner, 10; Byron Street Tee-Nee trailer. $800. Apply 509 jotor, 1957 PLYMOUTH sedan, sell for cash or will take pick-up truck in trade. Apply 53 Harmony Road South, 723-2334, 1963 MERCURY Monterey. $800 down or; trade, Balance 36 months, Apply 205 supin | Drive, Whitby 1956 CHEVROLET Bel Air 6 cyli cylinder, st 1957 CHEVROLET, two door, new motor, * Jexcellent condition. Best cash offer. Tele. phone Whitby 668-8587, 1955 PONTIAC, very good condition, ior door, polly 4 Reasonable for Telephone 668-29) 1960 PONTIAC Faianns: four-door, hard pred Va, automatic. Telephone Whitby 668: ne Dial 728-4172. lard, 2-door hardtop, equipped. Motor and body in A-] condition. $575 or best offer, After 4 p.m, 725-4068 4065, 190 VALIANT sedan One ft. m BUY and sell, gond used furniture and appliances, One location only, A Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-327 draulic curb jack, $25; portable welder 250 amp, Lincoln, $395; air compressors, with racks, $45, ae Harmony Road South, telephone X volt fast battery charger, $657 a. 15 Guerney, 4 bent with timer, A A, i7* TELEVISION, General € condition, $38. Telephone 668-5353. ADMIRAL refrigerator, 1 Tobe t. tf Pend can I VORWRITERS. eaters, mre "hndr ell, rent, service. sere Office ment, 137 Brock South' CCM tricycle, deluxe, Taras a Car top racks, fit most 49" overall, $6. Bowmanville, asus PSTERBORO ne 4 ft, steering controls, 3, farpauil Elfo electric start motor. pn . TeeNee os yA spare wheel, "isso" "cash. Telephone 6 pm, writers, new and used. We wqup: Whitby, teller ationary and portable, from 6 to 60 cubic' » $65 and $425; aerial ladder truck jounted, will sell separately. Traller owner, $1,395. Apply 4% Lowell Avenue. el ANO, in good condition, $110. Telephone 725019," ' oh ae Pete ala Basket TOMATOES and cucumbers. sp gt Apoly My i *, PR, RR & Whitby, 668-9 smith, TOES, reo 1955 CADILLAC, exceptionally good con- dition throvghout, motor, transmission, exhaust system, battery, etc, Telephone PIANO, upright, pitch, new felts, $200. Telephone Hohmann after 6 ~.m. 725-7001. reconditioned, concert Va-mile pli rd Nichols or north to first corner, rage, Courtice. Go CANNING tomatos, $1 per bushel, 725-5555. 1962 CORVAIR 700, two-d big motor, radio, Hoes interlor, bucket 2807. 1957 OLDSMOBILE, gandard transmis- slon, radio, white walls, 43,000 miles, ex- cellent conditon, $700. T 1961 CORVAIR MONZA, four - speed transmission, fully equipped. Dial 725- 725-1208. | 9422. 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, thirty thousarid miles, $795, Telephone after seven, 725- 4600. 1985 BUICK Century, excellent condi- tion, new tires. Must be seen, $500, Apply 529 Lorraine Street. 725-9417, 1961 METEOR two-door, six cylinder standard, good condition, radio, white- walls, safety belts. $1400. or best offer. Telephone after 6 p.m., 668-5924, 1950 CHEVROLET sedan, good running condition, good tires, new battery. May be seen at Robinson's Esso Service Sta- tion, Simcoe South. 1963 PONTIAC Laurentian, four - door sedan, six cylinder, automatic, radio, power steering, whitewalls, wheel discs, other extras, 8000 miles. 723-9410, 1960 Nis acne Serer four-door hard- ully seats. Like new. After 6 p.m, call 728- 2 1955 PLYMOUTH station wagon, in good Peay il ayg $125 or bst "offer, 'Telephone ANTIQUE GUN WANTED Telephon- Oshawa 725-8183 i988 BUICK, cl Power steering, radio. chrome pa package, poi DEEP freezer, 17 cu, ft. Price $175, Tele phone 728-0026, One owner. Make offer." Torento ada. 1955 PLYMOUTH, hardtop, automatic, radio, $150 or best offer, Also 1956 Dodge parts. Call | 728- 5455, 'automatic, body, paint 1 wi PROFESSIONAL hair dryer, on casters, $75. Like new. lephone 728-6525 TWO, two-wheeled trellers for sale. One 728-268) pick your own, Don Lin ton, 1 mile east of Raglan, 2 AGRES of cocumbers, Whiiby CaeS0 | iT ook sala for sale, store Tn vio eae erat mine. Telephone 668-8050. Tel after pm. th small wheels, Apply 74 Scott Road, and y like new. $50 down, top, fi Call 728-9103. week, Van Heusen Motors, 186 King Street West, telephone 725-3557, 1959 DODGE Mayfair, original paint and mileage, automatic, excellent condition, new brakes, new muffler, good rubber, $750. Telephone 728-0569. 1959 A-H SPRITE, top body, mechanics all excellent. Fully modified, ready to race or drive to work. Full price $800. Phone 728-2793 May be seen evenings. after 5 p.m. 1960 PONTIAC, Parisienne hardtop, two door, one owner, A-1 condition, many extras, Telephone Bob, 725-8645, 1955 FORD, mechanically good, $225 cash Call between 6 and 9 p.m. 728-2132, TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St. i finished In red, $20 1953 CHEVROLET station wagon, new fires, recent motor job, A-1 condition. Telephone 725-8166, afi GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE al . GUITAR, Gibson flat top, in good condi tion. Instructions Included, $125. Call Paul 668-9069. PETERBOROUGH boat, 15 a Lark motor, hea 264 Athol Street i- ter 5 p.m., Whitby hp electric nude, 'outy tit trailer. Apply | accessories, 35 All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM Batteries, vision, Thrifty Budget plan. 725-4543, telephone beoth, Will finder 623-2141, ity Street, MEDA service medal on day's parade, Call Markham 34--Lost and Found ST -- @ shoe contain sinc Street pleese call ris' 9 6 School ir 's Monday 'or ee. rs Two Ki mee ae St, In Setur- el F, GOODRICH STORES -- = Tires,| lect. Kelvinator refrigerators, tele-| B.-A, SERVICE Ritson Road and King 723- 733 and 723-7712 1954 MONARCH convertible, good top, down, $7 week. Van Heusen Motors, 156 King Street West, telephone 725-3557. hil tod 30--Aut Ww OSHAWA AUTO PARTS, 1175 KN Nelson St HONEST Cal's Furniture and A Name brands at biggest a we er where. We carry Restonic and mattress furniture lines, Your pas GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal's on "king daily, 9.30 - 9,30. Telephone 726-9191. WALLET F.B., driver' 's porn Sean ae West. reet East. Varcoe's Road, open 12 hou! Friday we ' pono < boy's jacket at Radio ized) Owner may have same for Payment ad, and Identifying jacket, 725-4537, Street, want cars for wren: Tele- Ptone 725-2162 or 723-4245. 1963 Pontiac Laurentian Station Wagon V-8, Automatic transmission radio, discs, white walls. $3,100 . Want Ads hold the key to Extra Cash KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Aways top quality ofter 5 p.m. 725-0400 WHOLESALE PRICES ON USED CARS AT VOLVO SALES and SERYACEs JAKE & BILi'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE, 449 Ritson Rd, S, Oshawa 728-0921 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 SEAWAY 100 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used cor to."'Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New wr BUYING or selling furniture or appli- ances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 263-2695, ; TELEVISION set, RCA Victor, 21 Inch, (e's mahogany In excellent working $50. Also small size baby cr! "Telephone 728-5479, Car Dealer and "SAVE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 St pli m 31---Automobile Repair in HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION TEXACO PRODUCTS Ww BOX TRAILER, TYPEWRITERS, adding machines, su chines THREE rooms of furniture: bedroom, liv- together reesonable. Telephone 723- USED car parts, used fires all sizes, spindles and wheels for traliers. Apply 509 Bloor East. Dial 723-2281, PIANO used, reet or. tel Se Be > ies, rentals, sales 'and service. All ma- contract after ns. one out my written 480 Drew Street, or|', David W, $ 'on 'and "nes. September 24, ab ag 165 Oshawa Bh will ne Pastel 'tomas one consent, -- Joe Maichrzak, erento Cook's Office Equip- 728-8300. ent, 10 Richmond Street East. 1g room anc kitchen, good condition. en cat ison Mi tone en TENDERS will be received by the undere signed until 12 noon, Tues day Oct, 15 for the sole of the lot ond school building 67 KING ST, WEST sad 723-7822 MOTORS LTD. 1959 FORD 2 door sedon. Finished in mist green 'with contrasting interior, radio, Was $1,395 NOW $1,095 1958 CHEVROLET 2 door sedan equipped with V-8 engine, automatic trans- $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down, Leins paid off: NICOLS MOTORS. LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY New Telephone 668-3331 mission, radio, Finished in sharp two-tone green and white. Was $1,295 NOW $995 1956 CHEVROLET BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 1963 FORD FAIRLANE 500 SPORTS COUPE Like New Owner Leaving Area $2700 after 5 p.m. Telephone Whitby 668-5363 CLF WANT-TO MAKE BEAUTIFUL MUSIC? BUY YOUR HI-FI NOW WITH A LOW-COST LIFE-! ECOTIA PL LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA se] 2 door sedan, excellent low cost transportation, radio, Was $895 with gold. You may buy any quantity. H plat- et rockers, good condition, Telephone 725-3338, SETTINGS English china, white 32--Articles For Sale VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes. Free estimates. Parts, attachments, brushes, hoses, Guaranteed rebuilt ma- chines, Rentals. Wallace Vacuum Service. Call anytime 728-0591. LLOYD baby carriage, navy blue and white. 'Shedd condition, $20. Telephone 723-148: TV. TOWER Special 40 ft. Tower Structure with All-Channel Antenna Installed $50. Oshawa T.V. Supply Ltd. 361 Gibbons St, 728-8180 CEDAR TREES For hedges, ete. Choice qual- ity guaranteed, Free esti- mates and delivery, Now is the time to plant, Phone Clarke 612 NOW $695 1959 FORD Fordoor sedan, equipped with economical 6 cylinder engine and radio, Was $1,395 Dry Goods Store 74 Celina Street, Oshawa Custom and Ready-Made DRAPERIES Most Reasosebly Prices I d in the south services road near the corer of Thomtons Rood. Highest or any tender mot necessarily accepted, See. Treasurer' Mrs, W. 'Hanna, R.R. 2, Whitby Drapery Fabrics Regular Price per yard $1.98 SPECIAL NOW oy 798 We install drapery tracks at a Nominal Fee M. and C. Drapery and For your decorating needs Call us today 723-7827 BELTONE Now Open Fridays Until 9 P.M. For your convenience 422 SIMCOE NORTH OSHAWA 728-0004 Valley Creek Furniture What's My Line? Buying or selling used fur- niture and appliances, For your needs phone, 728-4401 or call ot the store 16% Bond W. NOW $1,195 1960 AUSTIN Fordor sedan, One owner, New car trade in with ori- inal finish. A-1 condition, 'as $1,095 NOW $895 1959 METEOR Wagon equipped with auto- matic transmission and radio, Was $1,595. NOW $1,295 1956 FORD 9 Passenger Country Sedon, finished in two tone blue and white, equipped with famous Ford V-8 engine, automatic transmission and radio, Four new Firestone tires, Was $995 NOW $695 Full line of 1963 Demonstrators, Reduced as much as $1400 SEAWAY -- MOTORS LTD. '200 DUNDAS W. WHITBY WEEK - END 8 ROSES R. B. REED & SONS FLORIST LTD. BLOOR STREET WEST KING STREET WEST SPECIALS 97c Commercial Secti Garage With Wi necessary for installation, ' 668-5893 For Sale onal Overhead Doors 3 DOORS -- 8'- 6" High x 14'-10" Wide Above Doors are complete with Lacks, Tracks and all F BEATON'S DAIRY STORE 247 KING STREET, WEST PHONE 725-5511 ndows igh x 12'-0" Wide 4 MORTGAGE SALE of Residential Property being on Poplar Avenue, Township of Pickering, County of Ontario Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain Mortgage which will be pro- duced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction on Friday, the 27th doy of September, 1963, ot the hour of 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon, at the premises in Pickering Beach by White and Com. pany, Auctioneers, the follow- ing property, namely: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being all of Lot sere: ty-three (73), Plan 285, the Township of Pickerings in the County of Ontario ond Province of Ontario, on which is situated house No. 73 P ular Avenue, Pickering Bea: Ontario, The property will be sold sub- ject to sealed reserve bid. Terms: Ten per cent of the purchase price to be paid down at the time of pg balance to be paid within . thirty days thereafter, as set out in the. conditions of Sale. For further particulars and conditions of sale, apply to Alfred B, Wootton & Woot- ton, Barristers & Solicitors, 304 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario or to Care rick, O'Connor, Coutts & Foy, Barristers & Solicitors, Suite 607, 320 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario. CARRICK, O'CONNOR, COUTTS & FOY, Suite 607, 320 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario, Solicitors for Donald Frank. lin Miils the Committee of the Estate cf the Mortgagee. Smart Business People Sing the Praises ot Oshawa Times Classified Ads. Continues om Pace 2%