Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Sep 1963, p. 30

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30 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, September 25, 1963 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY TV--Radio Repairs eee ee ee eee niet toes| OSHAWA ELECTRONICS eel G d Parts and Service heading "Barrister. ee |heading "'Barrister") TV REPAIRS DAY OR EVENINGS MORTGAGE 728-5286 LOANS Moneys for first mortgages TELEVISION SERVICE Interest at 7% All Makes. Open Mortgages Sets Repaired in your home. No bonus No charge for valuations Wayne Appliances Telephone 723-1411 Mortgages and Agreements TV TOWERS purc 4 Moneys for second mortages AND Antenna Repair Fast service F. SWARTZ TRIO | TELEVISION 26Ve King St. East 171 BOND ST, E., OSHAWA Oshawa, Ontario 728-6781 723-4679 Musical Services Well Drilling--Digging WELL DIG PIANO, reed, pipe and electronic organ tuning and repair, instruments apprais- ed. J. Hiddink. Ajax 942-1664. ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, new and used materials. Reasonable ing in 30-inch tile. nut Street West, 668-2563 or 668- $809. WELL o ing In 30-inch tile. W. Ward, free. Dial 723-1193. nut Street West. PO Box 329, 668-2563 or 668-3809. 1--Women's Column PERMANENTS on special, Page Halr dressing, 396 Pine Avenue. Telephone! 725-5363. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondav to Friday. Seturdivy 8 to 12 17--Male Help Wanted _{20--Room and Boara 23--Wanted To Rent EXPERIENCED floor layers. After 6/ROOM and for MOTHER with two school-age gi s p.m., call Banks Flooring, 728-1011. beg parking avalible ack te Lies erin: teranreteh. serene ; APPLE PICKERS. Apply N. Buidyke,|town. Telephone 728-3350. Mary Street School. 4 OROENTLY needed 401 Highway at Thickson Road Farm, be- tween Oshawa and Whitby. young couple and child. Bio central, 728-3254, 24---Houses For Rent IN WHITBY -- Modern, six-room level, three-bedroom Lig , ; ™" ) SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK 'By R. J. SCOTT ROOM and board for respectable men, good home. Central io. North GM. met Apply 51 Colborne Street E: ROOM and sia or furnished room for' rent. Good home cooking, Centra! near North General Motors and four cor- ners. Apply 240 Division Street. SIMCOE ROSSLAND area.|Whitby 668-4871. Room and board jor private bath "and. entrance,|25---A partments = laundry, parking. Shift workers , UPPER DUPLEX. "centrally localed." 708 Carnegie Avenue. ELGIN EAST, 29 -- Room and board for|before 6 EL iy 725-1843. Evenings, 723-7792" : * WAYNE Street, 68 Apt. 9: Four room c and North esate! St eee " tment, private bath and entrance, Adults only. Telephone 725-3938, we ROOM and board for igentiemen,. near Sou MAIN FLOOR apariment, five room, school age th General 3 7 privileges, poten packed. Apply 147 Mill Street or sci" heated, 2 hn chia ren = aio Hamat --- Room and board for poe Eta ood" Aen two gentlemen, willing to share. Tele- phone 728-1985. ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, single beds. Very central, TV, $15. week- ly. Close to all industries, 728-5797. CLEAN ROOM, lunches packed, for/Construction. Spacious and two gentlemen, South district, Phone 725-2000. gah suites, from $100, 10. to $118 month- ARTHUR STREET, 332 -- Room and|!¥. Fully decorated and equipped with board, near North General Motors.|9raperies, AM-FM hi-fi radio speakers, Single beds, good board. 728-2433. refrigerator and stove. For further ine 'mation cal! 728-1 TWO GENTLEMEN to Sa single |728-0569, Wie actos beds, five-day week. Near South General TWO-ROOM spariment, suit two ladies, Motors. After 4.15 p.m., 7: 5 new heavy duty range, frig, ROOM AND BOARD for two willing to|furnished.. 128 Elgin Street East. share or single. Close to South GM andj |SIMCOE North 496 Three-room apark Pediars, Duplate. Phone 723-2625. ment, four-piece bath, furnished or un, r 22--Offices, Stores, Storage| min we sine" apartment 1. Mra) Smith 498 Simcoe FOR SALE or rent, 1,064 sq. ft. cement|MAIN FLOOR, three-room une block buliding on aw tt. x 160 ft. fot.|furnished apartment. Private entrance: Suitable for body » repair shop or|and bath, in new home. 385 Bal machine shop. Loca' at 283 Dean Ave- Street. 728-4409. nue, Oshawa. Write Box 246, Oshawa|MAIN FLOOR, four-room furnished and Times. 'CLASS A licensed mechanic. Must b> [seal future. Write Box 346, Oshawa paren MAN for general 2 work with growing company. Must re- liable, honest and accurate. Pock in writing. Box 243 Oshawa Times. DOOR TO DOOR CANVASSERS Neat Appearance Full time, pe and bonuses SHORGAS LTD. 31 CELINA 728-9441 APPLE PICKERS WANTED on range line. Off the Whitby-Pickering Townline. Located near lake, TAXI DRIVERS Preferably between 25-40 Top earnings. Apply MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 Cartage Mortgages JOHN'S prt Adve AND CARTAGE, Oshawa, Whitby Reasonable 7 llyjon equippec and insured. 728-3661 Dressmaking ORESSMAKING, alterations, pant cuff- ing, experienced, reasonable rates. Mrs. Eldridge, 67 Montrave 725-6476. Gardening and Supplies cow hemi lied Pal sale, well rotted, Telephone 7: MANURE ra rs Delivered. Tele- phone 725-6028. Accountants gers" piace es29 EE ORN , 808 CLANCY'S Accounting Service. Complete ger oat beac ag Bond Street West, 725-0397. HOPKINS, BEADLE ---- -- Char feras Accountants. 167 King Stren' Rest, Oshawa, Ontar 725-3509. MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and Con Chartered Accountants, 728-7527. 125 $i Anns nae OF ROCK ANE EDWIN, CONStRUCLED B BUILDER MATURE, STREICKES IN FEET ABOVE-THE, RIVER A ne OF THE ARCHWAY, 205 #1. North, -- Ajax, WILSON and BURROWS, "chartered Ac countants, 'l4 King Street East, Oshawa; Ronaid F. 0 Wilson, CA; G Burrows, CA. 728-7554. ALE RIED Anoer and Co., Char- ; ccount Licensed Trustees in Bankruptcy, " King Street East. 726-7371. ALBERT HOSMAR, chartered account- ant, 323 King Street West, Oshawa. Tele- phone 723-1221. coer ane 177--one single, ae poring suit gentleman. Apply above REGENCY TOWERS, conveniently lo cated modern building, by william Reid LOAM, sod, manure and evergreens, also post hole digging and fencing. Reason-' able rates. Telephone 725-1721. TOP SOIL, for your fall gardening, most reasonable prices. Telephone 728-7483, FALL He RAILROAD TRACKS 1M THE U.S. WERE. LAID PARALLEL, HERE WOULD BE 113 oF THEM REACHING FROM NEW YORK To SAN FRANCISCO, HAROLD E. DEWAR, Accredited Pub- lic Accountant, Commercial Builiding, 286 King Street West, Oshawa 728-2221. LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered frag OF -- 205, Oshawa Shopping Centre, 725-9953. Auto Parts SAVE AT WESTERN SERVICE CENTRE Repairs to All Makes LICENSED MECHANIC 145 King West -- 728-1607 "FIVE BAYS TO SERVE YOU" Loam and Gravel Washed Stone, Fill Excavating, lots leveled. , Trucks for hire. BEATTY HAULAGE 725-2156 PULVERIZED Top soil, fertilized with or without roanure. Manure, gravel washed sand; and stone sand iill, WHITBY 668-3906 OR 668-3981 FALL SPECIAL 1000 Evergreens, Blue Spruce, Shade size maple, ete. Oshawa Garden Centre 1259 Simcoe North 723-3222 GARDEN SUPPLIES "GRASS SEEDS" NO. _1 FINE GRASS MIX "PARKLAWN" GRASS MIX "SUPERFINE" GRASS MIX TIMOTHY AND ALSIKE SUBURBAN MIXTURE INDIVIDUAL GRASSES "FERTILIZERS" SO-GREEN C.I.L. EVERGREEN TURF SPECIAL MILORGANITE CL. 10-6-4 BONEMEAL 16--Female Help Wanted ELDERLY widower, with small bunga- i) good area, capable of caring for tel, "hela a housekeeper. Some remun- eration.. Must have good character and habits, 725-2222. BABY SITTER, who likes children, to work shifts, some days 7 until 3, others 3 until 11. Telephone 725-0312. LADY required to look after two small children by October 1. Live in or out, Apply 579 Albert Street South. WANTED AT ONCE. Schooi- raged 12 to 14 year old girls and boys. To sell fresh picked apples in your own neighborhood after 4 o'clock and Saturdays. Please Phone 725-3445, RELIABLE elderly woman to look after two school-age children, while widow mother works, live in. Telephone 723-3000, NEED EXTRA MONEY? $50. and more can easily be earned by showing our. fabulous Christmas cards, gifts, toy, to friends and neighbors. No experience necessary. Our exciting, -- full-colored catalogue helps you to get plenty of orders, Send no money. Write today for Christmas cafds or approval and free catalogue. Monarch Card Co., %, 217 Cannon, Hamilton. MIDDLE-AGED jad' with other Income for light household duties in exchange steel scaffolding, compress- {for room and board and small re- ers, spray guns, wallpaper meaner elon. Telephone Port Perry %85- steamers, tarpaulins, blow ' torches, 'propane torches, WAITRESSES required. Apply in person WELDING. EQUIPMENT -- Envoy Restaurant, 523 Ritson South. Acetylene welding outfits, OPPORTUNITY to make extra earnings. 200 amp. electric welders. Become a beauty counselor. Openings fow available. Phone Mrs. Elliott, BUILDERS EQUIPMENT --~ [725-9442 cement mixers, finishing tro- wels, wheel barrows, electric vibrator, air compressor, jack hammers, hand trowels, water pumps, portable heat- ers, steel scaffolding, electric generator, ramset, power rollers, electric hammers, masonry saw, building jacks, ° mortar mixers, mortar boxes, chain host, miter saw, elec- tric plane, tarpaulins, 14° bandsaw, 4" joiner, sand blaster, power tamper, power post hole auger. STAN'S Sharpening and Rentals Ltd. 223 King St. W., Oshawa Phone 723-3224 12--Articles Wanted NTED TO BUY -- electric dryer, In MARE Beeuilivl | pinto mare, pieck ood condition, older Canadian pennies, and white, Western break. well manner-inickles and silver dollars. Telephone 728- ed and quiet, 14, two hands. Call Hamp- 0194. t 452. <i te WANTED TO BUY -- 30" electric range, in good Dial 668-5367. DACHS tee, SHAW SEAUTIFUL, beby passes, AUTO WRECKING CO. Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. Te oui Wants Cars for Wrecking Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, etc., bought, Open Saturday alj day, Phone 725-231 1--89 BLOOR E. BEAGLE puppies. purebred, fe months, 13--Business Opportunities BUSINESS FOR SALE 5--Farmer's Gahan FARMERS, need tires? Call "Bill", your Good turn over, with equip- ment ond entire stock for Dominion Tire representative, or evenings after 6 725-7263, lunch room with 3 tables, 8 stools, CASH on the spot. Highest prices paid Cash Preferred $7,000 333 SIMCOE S. Phone collect Hampton 263-2721. Marg- 728-4391 will's Fur Farm, Licence 245-C-63, 6--Auction 14--Employment Wanted WORKING MOTHERS! Qualified day AUCTION SALE Sat. Sept. 28 -- 12 Noon Property of Stanley C. Grills sery, 581 Simcoe North. Call 728-2604, TRAINED practical nurse would like Lot 35 Con, 9 Darlington. Township. emip.cyment mornings or afternoons. Whitby 668-2368. 11--Articles For Rent Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses Punch Bowls Coffee Urns Silver Tea Service Silver Candelabra SARGEANT'S RENTALS 725-3338 RENTALS OF ALL KINDS SANDING MACHINES -- oscillating sanders, disc sand- 4 belt sanders, floor sand- PLUMBERS TOOLS -- pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tri- pod, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- ters, eel threading dies, toilet a PAINTERS "EQUIPMENT oo stepladders, aluminum exten- sion ladders, ladder jacks, rates. Estimates J. Foley Optometrist Cc. @, TUCK, &0, rsa edad Please pay accounts at downtown Di Bank or 74 Burk Street? "Dial 725-4587. heated § apartment. all conveniences, APPLE PICKERS at Omar farm in Ashburn $110. monthly, Available October 1. Tele Phone 725-2997. 102 Rosedale Bivd. THREE-ROOM apariment in apa poole No children. Also three-roorm asement apartment, apply 103 Wilsop Roac North, Apt. 3. > WESTMOUNT DISTRICT -- two-bedroony apartment, refrigerator, built-in stove, $100. monthly. Working couple. Apply 330 Buena Vista, Apartment 1. SMALL B it Apartment, ed, central, laundry and minh, faci!- it les, Private entrance. Suit lady. -Be- tween 9am, and 5 p.m, call 720-4646 FURNISHED, « completely private, twe rooms and bath, close pili g adults, $67. monthly. Telephone JACKSON Apartments, Simcoe North. Heid ~ bedroom, iptettl ig apartment, Vaca 1 ete $89.50 pais ng Telephone "OR RENT Medical or Dental office. Approximately 700 square feet. Close to downtown area. Parking available. Electric heated. For information call 725-5132 23--Wanted To Rent i'l THE immediate vicinity of Simcoe and William Street- one large room, suit- abie for tailor's workshop. Write giving full particulars to Box 123 Oshawa Times. TWO »% three-bedroom house or apart- ment near bus line, by 1 Adults. Telephone 725-2673 after 4 p.m. PRINCIPAL by W. Ward, 204 Chest- ~ Box 329, - Whitby, Barristers HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILLMAN Barristers, Sollcitors 36¥2 King Street East, Oshawa. R. B. Humphreys, QC; G. S Boychyn, QC; W. A. Hillman, LLB. Office 725-1177. Residence: 728-4326. Whitby 668-2761, 725 4604. NHA and other mortgage funds available. MANNING F. SWARTZ and RONALD L. SWARTZ, Barristers Solicitors, Notaries. Money to loan. Henry Block, 26% hs Phe East, 723-4697. dial 23-4029. Painting and Decorating DODD and SOUTER PAINTING AND DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging, Gyptex, ag Wall Murals Spray Painting 107 BYRON. St: Si: WHITBY DAYS 668-5862 NIGHTS 725-7426 ARMAS AAKKO- Painting, paperhanging, spray painting, graining. 25 years' experience. Reasonable rates. 231 Huron St. 728-5719 Personal Service MODERN GRILL Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey Diners, Fish 'n Chips, Home Made Pies and Desserts. WE DELIVER 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH 725-3887 Plumbing and Heating ALL PLUMBING anc heating suppliles. Telephone 725-3521 Harold H. Stark, Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, 255 Simco Street South WELDING Is Our Business REPAIR and NEW WORK Specializing in Pressure Work, Boilers, Vessels, Pipe Lines, etc. All work guaranteed. 24 Hour Service, GENERAL Welding Service 728-2525 Rug-Upholstery Service CHROME chairs beautifully recovered in exclusive patterned plastics. Chester- * |flelds recovered, rebuilt. Custom Craft Furniture. 728-7271. CHESTERFIELDS 204 Chest- Whitby, Three full-time and five part-time SALESMEN Dealership to qualified ap- plicants. Also senior. grade students for temporary sum- mer work. Fuller Brush Co. Ltd. Apply: Tilden Office, 14 Albert St., Oshawa. Friday, 10 a.m, to 9 p.m. 2--Personal --=maz|ATTENTION! Amateur artists -- space is available for showing of paintings by local artists. For information, call 668- 59 iaiis $. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soli- clitor, Notary. Alger Building, 37 King Street East, 723-4943. Mortgage monies available. JOSEPH C. VICTOR, BA, LLB., Barris- ter, Solicitor and Notary Public, 5 Sim- coe North, 723-3446. DODDS AND DONALD, Barristers and aby me Fd King Street East. and owner of Oshawa Sales Organization desires to rent by joven 15, three- or for Dearonsn IF YOU have a drinking problem, write) Dept. 668-3034. Box 333, Whitby, or cali OIL PAINTING taught. your own pictures, Individual help. sonable rates. Telephone 728-2434. LEN PULLAN ENGLISH TAILOR Specialist in garment altera- tions, etc. Invisible mending, dress alterations, 10 PRINCE ST 728-5311 Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, October 7th, 8th, and 9th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for ap- pointment. ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 3--Pets & Livestock REGISTERED Golden Labrador Re- triever, one year old. Telephone 725-4885. TWO MALE kittens to be given to good home. Telephone 728-1938. WANTED -- home for three kit- tens, Telephone 725-3016, SAMOYED purebred female, bad months old, had all needies, $45. Telephone 725-3892. PUPPIES, half Beagle, from good breed, females, six weeks old, temporary shots, Ideal family pets, $5. each. T Whitby 668-5007. Learn. to paint Rea- house. Please cali 728-7586. 728-2503. FOUR: or five-room house or unfurnish-| ed apartment on main floor: wanted by rey of four. Immediate possession.| 25-7643, COUPLE with one child wants a two-bed-| room house in Whitby to ag area. Telephone 728-6201 or 728-0777. WANTED -- Two large or "Tareebes! room house for four adults and one school-age child. Telephone 728-1505, OCTOBER Ist OR SOONER Want to rent with option to purchase, two bedroom house within 10 miles of downtown Oshawa. Before 5 p.m, PHONE 728-0004 17--Male Help Wanted THREE-ROOM _ self-contained furnished apartment, stove, refrigerator, |washroom. Business girls. cae Road West. Adult home. 725 0749. $1,000 IN A MONTH IS NOT TOO MUCH for the man we want for Oshawa orea. Over 30, Take short auto trips. Write K. N. Dickerson, Executive Vice President, Southwestern Pet- roleum Co., Box 789, Fort Worth 1,. Texas. snoce v. maCKEY, BA, Barrister, Solicitor: Notary Public. Mortgage' funds avaliable, 36% King Street East, 723-1107. Res. 985-7163. THOMAS H. GREER, BA, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Suite 303, The Times; Building, 86 King Street East, 728-6209. Mortgage funds available. JAMES A. MacMONALD, BA, LLB, Barrister ane Solicitor and Notary Pub- lic. The Commercial Building, 286 King West, Dshawa, Ontario. Client parking available, 725-4716 or 717. JOSEPH F MANGAN, QC, Barrister, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 142 King Street East, Oshawa. 728-8232. McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street North 728-73. Charles C. McGibbon, QC; 16 Celina St. Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. 723-23 1 2 GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solici- tors. etc, 114 King Street Argh Instruction 725-2278. Residence Phones: ree: QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kei, BA, BCL,|BURNS SCHOOL of Dancing, CD, TA, 7285832 Knights of Columbus Hall. Ballet, Tap, pn ti 2. CREIGHTON, DRYNAN and MURDOCH,| 22% Acrobatic. 726-790 Barristers, Solicitors, Not ary Public, HARVEY OANCE ACADEMY, Baton, Bank of Commerce Building, 5 Simcoe|Tap, RAD Ballet, Highland. Register Street North, bg aghs' Ontario, 723-3446;|Now. 424 King Street West, 725-6122. Residences: 1. K. Creighton, QC; G. M./TiLLIAN MAE MARSH, D.E.A., Dancing Drymen GC, 7288854) 9G. 1. murdoeh,|LLLIAN MAG coeduitic, Share aie lied er re Building Trades WILSON a LEE LTD. ROOFING, concrete floors fla? roofing MUSIC STUDIOS Corge and smal fost. and'. Rooting] LEARN TO PLAY AN INSTRUMENT Large and smel' jobs. and Construction, 725-6937. Professional Teachers Rental Instrs for Students 'YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chimneys DIAL 725-4706 built and repaired, gas linings in- stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti- 723-2997. LEARN TO DRIVE Oshawa Driving School mates. WINDOW SASH, and storm sash, No. 1 . s quality, made to order. Telephone 723-98. DAY or EVENING Late Models, Standards Automatics Dual Controlled. ying A built, ago and stoops. OSHAWA AND WHITBY like new. Why pay more? Our rates are, brickwork. F, Aiso McCann, Brooklin, -0091 reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mat- 655-3061. . CALL 728-00 tresses re-built. Oshawa Upholstery Co, Mortgages 10 Bond West. Dia 725-0311. HAVE YOUR chesterfield suite factory agreements purchased mortgages. Sale| rebuilt. Low prices. Telephone 728-3281. nick a Barristers, 31 King|; Evenings, 728-2439. Kennedy Uphoistering Street Bast aM. Limited. CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- NEED A cow ered like new. Get the best for less Mortgage Loan? at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe PRIVATE PARTY TO INVEST South. Call 728-645' Free estimates. PROMISE your children a pet? Well, IN Ist and 2nd MORTGAGES Agreements for sale and you'l) find just the right one offered in "Pets" in Classified. Turn to Classifica- mortgages purchased. Low rates, your mortgage prob- tion 3 now. lems gladly discussed. No fees. No waiting. Immediate service for quick results, CALL ED WILSON 725-2539 OR 723-3291 IMMEDIATE Ist and 2nd Mortgage Loans ANYWHERE Low monthly payments. Call Day or Evenings Mr. James 728-2868 Mortgage Funding P. Nellis, 19 Colborne E. 167 Rosehilj Boulevard 'Telephone: 728-2061 Oshawa, Ontario Classitied Ad Rates 25 WORDS OR LESS Better described offers get faster results. Cash 3.75 41 2.25 2.48 'n or abbreviation as one word. 15¢ THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment with separate entrance. Couple with one small child accepted. Abstainers 'only. $65. monthly includes heat and lights Apply after 5.30, 294 Burke -- TWO-ROOM apartment, newly decorated, abe nad gl and stove option, Available + Telephone 723-2860. 26--Rooms For Rent BRUCE STREET -- Two-room, furnish: ed, self-contained bac $15, weekly. Suit coupie. Telephone Whitby 668-5488, PONTIAC INN, rooms with running waters TV lounge, parking. Telephone 725-9035. TWO furnished rooms, suit lady, willing to share with elderly lady. Telephone 728-5664, GIRLS, earn excelient commission sell- ing top quality nylon hosiery to your friends and co-workers at wholesale prices. For free sales kit write Intrigue Hosiery, 2 Times Road, Toronto 10, WAITRESS WANTED, full or part-time. Apply Mr. Campbell, Genosha Hotel. FULL TIME cashier, 3 p.m. fo 11 pm. Apply Mr. Campbell, Genosha Hotel. ELDERLY LADY or ciple, two-room apartment in exchange for light domestic duty and care of one child. Telephone after 1 p.m. 725-8871. AVON Christmas selling Now Is the time to look opportunity. Write today. Oshawa. EARN $23 WEEKLY plus a free ward- robe in your spare time. Just show Fash- jon Frocks to friends. No 'Investment, can- vassing experience necessary. Write: North American Fashion Frocks, Ltd., 3425 Industrial Bivd., Dept. M-2664, Mont- real 39. TWO LADIES for public relations and sales calls. No canvassing. Applicants will be trained. Car preferred, but not essential. Apply Mount Lawn Develop- ment Co., Ltd., 723-2633, EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER & TYPIST Professional Office Oshawa Reply stating age, marital status, previous experience. and salary required. WANTED Reliable mon as Dealer in Oshawa and Durhom Co. Experience not necessary. Fine opportunity to step into old profitable business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years. Big profits. Products furnished on credit. Write -- Rawleigh's, Dept. 1-310-163, 4005 Richelieu, Mortreal. TOWNSHIP OF PICKERING Requires an assistant to clerk. Applicant must be at least 21 years of age and have senior matriculation. Salary based on experience, Standard benefits. APPLY L. T. JOHNSTON -- CLERK BROUGHAM, ONTARIO GRAPHIC ARTS OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS PEAT HUMUS Cooper-Smith Co. NICE FURNISHED bedroom, five mine Utes' walk to bus stop. Close to General ours gg eg Gentleman preferred, Starts early. into the Avon PO Box 512, fein za Sai "a furnished room housek ee ping privlges, Close to down town, Telephone: after p.m. 723 723-7814, FURNISHED bedroom, shift workers welcome. Gantierion Mtalters adult home. No cooking. -------- . |9815 or 73 Gladstone Avenue. ATHOL STREET, 177 -- Single furnish: ed room, sieeping accommodations only. Apply above address, ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home, Call between 5 and 7 p.m, 82 PARK RD, N. 728-8671 male. p.m. D puppy, after 5 ready for; Apply Mrs. ROOFING, shingles; roof and nate louvers installed." scino. carpentry alter- ations. bag fgg materiais guaran- Tucker. 728-0826. re-uphoistered and our ma- Vacancy 'exists for Grade XII student to learn printing plant operations. Apprentice- ship available to suitable applicant. Pleasont working conditions, All company ben- efits with a promising future. For, appointments telephone 7 33 restyled. Free estimates. terial for recovering, Dalton | ing, 75 Charles Street. 723-7212. CHESTERFIELDS re-built, re-covered ALL en of wet repairs, prose fi Gordon May. 094, Reply to BOX 222 ____ OSHAWA 'TIMES -TOYS-FUN-$$$ WE ARE LOOKING FOR LADIES WHO WANT TO EARN EXTRA CHRISTMAS EY N BY WORKING EVENINGS SEPT. OCT. NOV. We will train you as a party demonstrator, To sell a full line of toys. Commission. Car essential. No investment, de- liveries or collection. CALL NOW 668-5253 BOOKKEEPER EXPERIENCED GENERAL weiding service. All kinds of metal fabrication and repairs. Guaran- feed 24-hour service. 728-2525. CUPBOARDS A SPECIALTY New building additions and repairs. CALL WM. VROOM PHONE: 725-0256 ACKERMAN Excavating -- Loading Sand, Gravel, Fill And Top Soil Dump Truck Reasonable Rates PHONE 623-5756 BOWMANVILLE HOME IMPROVEMENTS Roofing, eavestroughing Painting, cupboards, floor tiling. General repairs of all kinds. No job too big of small. All work gauranteed. Financing ot bank rates. Call us anytime, DRAFTSMEN Experienced MECHANICAL and STRUCTURAL DETAIL DRAFTSMEN Required for an Indust- rial Project in Whitby area. Sales and Service SEWING machine tune-up special, $5.75. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 14-16 Ontario Street. Telephone 725-5443. ART'S GUN REPAIR GUNSMITH 18 BOND ST. W. Guns bought, sold traded. Ammo, reloading equipment, components. After hours Whitby 668-2497 728-9731 Surveyors DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, On tario Land Surveyor. Commercial blue prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East. Phone 725-6881. TV--Radio Repairs . GUARANTEED repairs to ail makes T TV, radio, ca' radios. lec: ronics, 157 Elliott 723-9792, Fred. CITY TV towcrs antennas. 511 Dean Avenue. Telephone 725-0500. TV TOWERS Economy: and - Deluxe Priced to suit your budget TERMS ARRANGED 65 head high grade holstein ond beef cattle, 40 hogs, poultry, pony, 2 tractors, bal- er, full line of modern im- plements, hay, grain, furni- ture including good deep freezer. Located 1% miles north of Columbus 3 mlies east, then north Y% mile. Form' sold, No reserve. Terms cash. Ted Jackson, auctioneer > Harvey es Harry Howden cler For an interview appointment WHITBY 668-3336 ZELLERS LIMITED Young Man For Camera Department 16--Female Help Wanted ZELLERS LIMITED Position now open Full time employment in Companys' new store to open soon at Oshawa Shopping Centre : Full time for small manu- facturing plant in Ajax. 7--Trailers TRAILER -- 1957 Glendale, 36 feet, sleeps six propier fully equipped. Must sell, Call 725-5079. 8--Hunting MOOSE + HUNTERS, Best hunting in On- tario. Fly Into Bromiley ie. Special. rate after October 6, Se seven-day. hunt, jacluding acme Oh gage |. For informa- ay ay uaa 25-8133, South Porcupine. all 9--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent LOT, 100 x 200 ft., on Brady Lake, near Minden, $400. Telephone Bowmanville, 623-7183, PLAN a day's fishing or loafing now! Low weekend cottage rate includes boat. Spacious grounds, recreational facilities, good spot for the kiddies. Three-bedroom cottage, with all' conveniences, $8 - $6 WRITE Postoffice Box 790 Ajax, Ontario TELEPHONE CANVASSERS Part-time evenings Salary and bonuses. SHORGAS LTD. 31 CELINA 728-9441 Three Immediate Openings TOWELS TREATS By ALICE BROOKS Fruit 'n vegetables in a sing« ing mood! Do in bright eolors-- orange, yellow, green, red --« cheer up a kitchen! Brighten cloths, towels, cure tains with this embroidery. Pat tern 7102: transfer six 6 x 7-in. motifs; directions. Thirty-five cents (coins) for this pattern (no stamps, Cha 6 consecutive days. .. 3 consecutive days. . Count each word, initiol, Box number if not paid within. 7 deve. duive rate applies, Professional listings only, 3 lines per month Each additional line per month (Not applicable for merchandise advertisements.) Young man to sell cam- era and photography sup- plies. Experience prefer- red but not essential. Ex- tensive training supplied. DAY DELIGHT By ANNE ADAMS Give any day. of the week an extra-special lift by wearing this half-size young casual. It has a most interesting collar, pleats Lunchonette Department- Female Cooks 8.50 1.60 Word ads. Classitied Display. . Births, memoriams, cards of thanks -- 9 a.m. day of publication. Lost and Found -- Cancellations and Corrections--8:30 a.m. day of publication. REGULATIONS The Oshowa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise- ments submitted otherwise than One incorrect insertion of any price charge for @ single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising accordin : to its proper classifica' In the case of display advertisements, The Times 'will not be held responsible for. more space error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce all adver- tising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement Ut erw ineceuracies im any form _ DEALING 5 p.m. day previous 2:30 p.m. day previous 8:30 &.m. day of publication. in writing, not for more than advertisement, nor beyond the tion. than that. in which the actual OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 728-8180 Service Calls $2.50 9 a.m.--9 p.m. Daily New 21" Picture Tubes As Low As $19.66 All Work Guaranteed daily, $40 weekly. Also boats and new motors available by day or hour. Cedar Cove Cottages, Rice Lake, Harwood, Ont. Phone 4R4, COTTAGE FOR SALE 2 bedroom, winterized. North end of Lake Scugog. Cleared lake lot 80 x 500. water, electric, flush stool, frig, stove, oil heater, ' 28-8409 11--Articles For Rent SEWING Machine Rentals, $2 per week. Dominion - Television 20 BOND ST. W. Coll Now -- 728-5154 Singer Sewing Machine Co, 1416 On- |tario Stree. Telephone 725-5443. CHAIRS, card and banque? tables, church aisle runners, Fox Rentals, 412 Simcoe, North, Fountain Operator Waitresses Dish Machine Operator Gompany benefits include: Eroliver gi discounts, Hospi- t Gnd group insur- onde, pengién plan, profit sharing bonus, summer ond winter vacations, Apply ZELLERS Oshawa Shopping Centre for girls to work in our downtown office arranging telephone appointments Pleasant -speaking voice the only requirement. We will train, Guaranteed salary plus incentive. Hours 3-9 p.m. Between 3-6 p.m. call 728-6351 17--Male Help Wanted BOYS to distribute handbilis in your own locality. Wednesday and Thursday of each week. Please call 725-3445. WANTED musicians to form an orches- a, Telephone 728-2301, Company Benefits Include: Employee discounts. Hospitalization and group Insurance Pension Plan Profit sharing bonus Summer and winter vacations. plus attractive. starting salary. FOR INTERVIEW TELEPHONE MISS CHAPLIN 723-2209 all 'round, / Printed Pattern 4975: yards 35-inch fabric. NUMBER, Half rect Sizes 1414, 16%, 1814, 20%, 2214,|VePt., 24%. Size 16% requires 5% FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coin (no stamps, please) for this pat- tern. Ontario residents add 2c sales tax, Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE Send order to ANNE ADAMS care of The Oshawa Times, Pat tern Dept., Oshawa, Ont. bi please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Oshawa, Ont. Ontario residents add 1 cent sales tax. Print plainly Pattern Number, Name, Address. 206 Handicraft Hits in our big, big, new 1964 Needlecraft Cata- log, out now! Seé toys, fashions, crewelwork, heirlooms, gifts, bazaar hits -- everything to crochet, knit, sew weave, em- roider, quilt, smock. Send 23 cents right now. PATTERN FREE! Mail cou- pon inside new Fall-Winter Pat- tern Catalog, ready now! Over 300 design ideas, all sizes. Send 50¢ for Catalog. Want-Ads Don't " Cost-They Pay

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