Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Sep 1963, p. 17

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-27----Rest Sststs Far Sale canTERILY leaied "bongeiow, four and three-piece bath, ol! heated, paves Grive. Asking $8,500. All. offers considered. Must eg sold to close estate. Telephone /25-0831. ~~ SALE New siehi-roien home with| near . Heavy duty wi tails, Madoc. ring, poo 'viata supply. For de "Cail 728-2100. CARL OLSEN ADELAIDE -- ST, Three 1% storey pew mfg. he immaculate ci ition. i ice $11,- a EAST -- PARK RD. NORTH -- ot Adelaide, two bedroom bungalow, lot 88 x 140 suitable for a 10 suite apart- ment building. 102 WOOD ST. -- Six room, two storey home in Al con- dition throughout, new col- oured bathroom fixtures and vanity. $13,200.00 with good terms. 847 MASSON ST. -- Lovely five room brick bungalow Witt orination room in de- sirable location, Listed ot $12,500.00. PHILLIP MURRAY -- Four year old six room bungalow with walkout basement. $13,- 500.00 with low down pay- ment and 6 % mortgage. BROOKLIN -- Six room, three year old brick bunga- low with breezeway ond ot- tached gorage. Large lot. Listed at $13,900.00 with $2,000.00 down. PRINCE ALBERT -- Five room home, large lot. $8,000 full price, $1,000.00 down. LOTS ---- 2 - 43 ft. lots x 136 feet on Windsor Ave. $2,800.00 each, 2 - 40 ft. lots on Park Rd. North - $2,600.00 FORCED SALE -- Commer- cial Building on Richmond St. W. 0 sq. ft. on two floors, sprinkler system throughout, elevator. Ideal for wholesalers or man- ufacturing. Asking price $37,000.00 - Open to offers. Call Corl Olsen ot 723-1133 evenings 725-3412. GRANDVIEW VILLAGE -- Two models ready for occu- paoncy in two wer built by H. Kassinger. 644% N.H, A. Mortgages. After Hours Coll Bob Johnson ... 725-9365 Wes. Elliott 728-0581 Henry Stinson .. 725-0243 299 KING ST, WEST 723-1133 George Washington Didn't Sleep Here! But he probably wished he could. Any one of the three bedrooms would have induced o restful sheep ond Martha would have prepored his meals with ease in the up- to-dote kitchen while George gozed through the livi room. picture window. as he contemplated the evening's social activities in the com- fort of the recreation room. The colorful inside plumbing fixtures would surely have been the envy of _ their friends and Dobbin would have found shelter from the chill Winter winds in the at- tached gorage, George couldn't tell a lie nor can we This Grondview Gardens home ot $18,500 could be home for you. PAUL RISTOW ~ REALTOR Call Tom Huzor 728-9474 days or 728-5422 evenings. Financial Trade Bidg. 187 King St. E. KEITH PETERS Realtor 728-7328 103 King Street East RANCH BRICK B LOW just out of town with 7 rooms, about 5 yeors old, e lot with good garden. $12,900.00 ond must be seen. $9500.00 VILLAGE LOCATION 3 bed- room bungolow with 4 pc. tiled bath, oi! furnace, 1 acre lot with fruit trees on main highway in A-1 condi- tion, low down payment. 60. ACRE FARM, mostly workable productive soil, 6 room house, barn locoted on good county road. $8000.00 99 ACRE FARM with new ranch bungalow with breeze- way, attached gorage, imma- culate and ultra modern throughout, over 34 mile of road frontage, nearly all workable level land, excep- tional locotion west of Whit- by on poved rood, - . WHITBY CLASSIFIED CLEANING woman wanted, half day a week for private home. Apply Box 402 Oshawa Times, Whitby. SEPTIC tanks cleaned, on calls. Walter ge Street West; Whitby DRESSMAKING:, Suits, coats, dresses, alterations, slip ers, drapes, Fitting a specialty. Mrs. Tors, 668-2372. Apple Pickers Wanted MONDAY 7 A.M. RED WIN ORCHARD Prompt service 204 Chestnut 'LLOYD REALTY List With Lloyd Then Call Your Mover "ONE BEDROOM" Bungalow with large'kitchen and living room. Compact home with oil furnace, Sit- uoted North-West. $6,200, full prcie with $2,100 down. Hurry call Bill' Johnston 728-1066 or 728-5123, "ROSSLAND RD. WEST" Ronch bungalow with attoch- ed garage. Close to Mc- Laughlin schools, Only 2 yeors old, $3,900. down to one N.H.A, mortgage, Call Bill Johnston at 728-1066 or 728-5123. 4 BEDROOM BRICK $10,500.00 FULL PRICE Very ideal for. large fomily, two bothrooms, large kit- chen, forced oil heot - close to schools. Don't miss this chance of a lifetime. Call Ed Drumm ot 725-9345, or 728-5123, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $4,000 DOWN Three bedroom brcik bunga- low. Close to McLoughlin public and high school. Large kitchen and living room Monthly payments just $89 including taxes on one open ¢ . Hurry call Irwin Cruikshonks now at 728- 5205 or 728-5123, $17,900. DOWNSVIEW PARK LONG RANCHER To*be built on choice lot, approved "for a $14,700, N.H.A. mortgage, purchas- er to have choice of colors, plans in our office, contact "Bill" Horner ot 728-5123 or 728-2236. Will accept trade. PROFITABLE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY LUNCH & VARIETY Old established retal corner, no competition. Near G.M north plant and main office. Full equipment, excellent sales, low overhead. Only $75. monthly including heat, first time offered for sale. Sole price $4,200, contact "Bill" moar at 728-5123 or 728-22 101 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ontario _Open Evenings GUIDE REALTY 723-112] COIN LAUNDRY -- Extra ordinary bargain ot $10,-900 with $% $2,000. down, Quality equipment only 3 yeors old. 18 Frigidaire washers, 7 dryers. Tables, chairs, gos hot woter: tonk, Telephone for full particulars, 2% miles west of Whitby Highwey % on No, 2 HOME & INCOME -- In de- sirable location brick bungolow with 5% rooms for owner plus a deluxe Qportment im basement with 3 pc. bathroom, and sepa- rote osronen, 'This apart- ment is renting for $65 per month, 542% N.H.A, mort- gage. SOMMERVILLE AVE.--Mo- dern bungalow in this choice location stg 21 ft. living room, well appointed kit- chen, three good sized bed- * fooms, corport with storage lockers. Close to Separate ond Public Schools, and ping. TAUNTON ROAD WEST -- Immaculate bungolow with attached gorage on 5 acres of land. Just inside the city limits, This property is dif- gd and well worth inspec- ion BUILDERS LAST CHANCE ----for a beautiful 75' revine lot on Oshawa Blvd, North. NEAR HOSPITAL -- 4 bed- room family home with 2 bathrooms, Living room with fireplace, dining room and den. Lovely treed lot and Patio, Priced at $22,900. JUST EAST OF OSHAWA-- in am area of well homes is a 6 room brick on 1/3 acre of land, Well land- scaped with patio. 3 'good sized bedrooms, large living room with stone plonter, Seporate dining room and family size kitchen. Finished recreation room. Carries. for $83.00 per month. Princi- pal, Interest ond Taxes. EPSOM ----- We. have a 3 bedroom 11 storey frame home in this village just 20 miles from Oshawa, 1% acre of land with lots of room for a garden, set out with fruit trees _ and berries, School ocross the road and on "A pe road, Full price $7,9 BEAUPRE AVE, 3 bedroom clay brick. bungalow with large kitchen and dining orea. Beautiful. recreation room with. large bor, fully londscaped lot. Aluminum storm windows. This house is close to schools and is ideal for a family with child- ren, ' NORTH WEST AREA $11,900. 5 room bunga- low with good sized' living room. 2 bedrooms and 4 Pc. bath on a large lot 62 x 121 ft. FULL PRICE $17,700. 6 room brick bungalow with attached garage and excep- tionally nice landscaping lo- cated on Hortop St. north of Rossland Rd. Deep jot with fruit 'trees and garden completely hedged. Finished room ond extra 2 pc. wash- room in basement. This is a lovely well kept home ond well worth your inspection. For full porticulars call 723-1121 Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Dick Young Lucas Peacock | TED CAMPIN Tony Siblock Leon Manitius Jean Peacock. Roy Flintoff Lloyd Corson ad Brown Steve Englert Steve. Zurba GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. 5. 27--Reai Estate For Sols. "NEAR. ADVENTIST _ CHURCH ON ATHABASKA ST. Three bedroom clay brick on fine residentiol street. with recreation room, large lot overlooking park area, Wall} to wall carpet, storms, screens, etc. A pleasant place to live. Investigate and make offer, WHITBY COMMERCIAL CORNER with older style 4 bedroom home near post office ond super market, Live in home and develop a business of your own, A good spot for specialty grocery, welding shop, beauty parlor or shoe repair, Full price $12,900, Gordon Osborne Insurance and Real Estate 218 Dundas Street East, Whitby DIAL 668-5431 "HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE 9 BAGOT STREET 728-1679 FRONT ST. This house is priced: to sell quickly, Two storey, 3 bed- room home ,insul-brick, liv- ing room, large kitchen and enclosed porch, heated by oil, Price $7,500 with $1,000 down payment, carries for $60 per month. To inspect calk John Field, days 728- 1679, evenings 723-2874 ALBERT ST. This won't last. Six large rooms, 3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and porch, 3- pe. bath and paved drive, close to all schools. Low tax- es, Price $9,000 with $1,500 down, carries for $75. per month, To inspect call John Field, days 728-1679, even- ings 723-2874, JOHN A. J BOLAHOOD LTD. Realtors Insurance | 167 SIMCOE ST. S. | Office Hrs. (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) MORTGAGES ARRANGED, BOUGHT & SOLD SELLING BELOW COST Yes, the owner of this ot- tractvie 5 room brick bunga- low is selling his home for less thon whot he paid for it, and since added many extras. Locoted close schools, bus and shopping. Asking only $12,900. with opyments of $89.67 includ- ing taxes. Don't delay call Mr. Yeo at 725-6544 or 725-2217. N.H.A, $67, monthly -- $600 down 3 bedroom brick home. yeors old. N.H.A. reposses- sion. For all particulars call Mr. Rankine at 725-6544, NORTH WEST New, N.H.A, 6 room brick and stone ranch bunaglow with attached garage, natu- ral fireplace, decorated, 4 pc. ceramic both with vanity. Now open for your inspec- \tion, Asking only $18,900. 'with reasonable low down payment. Call Mr. Appleb ot 725-6544 or 723-3398. WHITBY N.H.A. RESALES 13,200 only $1,000 down H.A. terms. 0,800. only $550 down - . terms, drooms - $13,250. only 00 down ~ N.H.A, terms, 500. only $650 down - N.H.A. terms. $10,950. only $550 down - N HA, terms To inspect ond make on offer, ask for Mr. Yeo ot 725-6544 or 725-2217, WE LIST ONLY TO SELL 28--Real Estate Wanted TRADE late mode ~ Buick on down | pay- ment on fairly new bungalow, 3 or 4) bedrooms, recreation room. Preferably| with large yard in clean district, Phone! 725-5743. | | WANTED to buy -- three bedroom brick) bungalow that could be purchased under | VLA. Oshawa area. Write Box 221 Osh- awa Times. H.A be ,0 $ N $ N 4 $1) $1 N 2, 4. 0 WE HAVE THREE clients who are in- terested in procuring a five- or six-room, jStorey and a half brick, also a four- or] fve-room brick bungalow, within a mile lradius of the down town area, particular-| His |ly Centra, Park. For information call| }Wes. Elliott at 723-1133, evenings 728-058) |Carl Olsen, Realtor. |29--Automobiles For Sale | |1985 CHEVROLET station "wagon, feed | body, motor and tires, 725+ 4919, | 1959 "FORD four-door six "cylinder" "ies | jmileage, like new, $1195. Barlow Motors, | | 428 King Street West. TILDEN. CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St. KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST, EAST WHITBY 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens. paid oft Trade up or down _ Aways top quality ~ VOLVO SALES and SERVICE JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR' and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S. Oshowa 728-0921 ~ BUYING OR SELLING. MOTORS © 607 KING ST.---OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Read) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 "1960 CHEVROLET, 29-Automobiles.For Sale _ 29--Automobiles ~ Sole32--Artily For Sale ard 6, ree interior, whitewalls, wheel discs, back up lights, windshield wash- ers. 723-4887. 1901 VOLRS eS. Deluxe, ai needs minor paint work, 28875. Also 17 cu. ft. freezer, $175 Telephone 728-0 726-0026, 1982 CHEVROLET sedan. cheap heap trans- 1958 PONTIAC, 6 cylinder. through-| 56 324 Ritson North or $78... Telaph BuIeK Centry age? aig 1956 tr out. 725-3237 1959 "CHEVROLET | four-door hardtop p Bei Air, radiv and whitewalls. Top shape. thr Tele-| phone 728-1238, sei; rar ch, Like new, A-1 operating hesorehigge $150 cash or best offer. Sale because of OBITU. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Ai it (iE E 5 ass | Pegg lbta ee gg ing Has to be seen to be appreciated. Mr. Krohn, 159. Tulloch Drive, Ajax. _Teiepnone 942-6725. 942-6725, SHORE Auto Wreckers went. cars |LAl for Feb Highest prices paid, 220 th East, 725-118), 1959 BUICK two-door hardiop automatic,|~ $400, 7 7% Telephone Millbrook 932-2746. oe 1957 FORD, 8 cylinder, stick. Excelient condition. Swcrifice, Also 1932 Ford road- ster with 1953 Oldsmobile engine, fully chromed front end. See. them at at Simpson Road, Southwood Park, 942-0994, 1987 CHEVROLET deluxe, radio, Excel- lent condition throughout. $750. Apply 217 Church Street. 725-2879, 1957 FORD Ranchero, A-1 condition. idea idea! Alax.) V8. 1238. | 1955 CHEVROLET two-door coach, good| clean car, $475, Telephone 728-1238, 1956 j CHEVROLET na tener --_ Pati | 1957 MERCURY four-door sedan, fully power equipped, good condition through- out, $500, 728-1238. 1955 CHEVROLET, { four-door endard fier to customize. Best cash offer, 8084, 1953 CHEVROLET 'fon pick Up. Deluxe: cab. Good condition, 406 Kent Street, Whitby, after 6 p.m, 1959 FORD, "power equipped, , automalic transmission. Excellent condition. Wilt accept trade, after 4:30 p.m, Telephone 725-3673, 1958 OLNSMOBILE, power equipped, radid. In good condition, Apply 1a East- haven. 1963 CORVAIR Monza sedan, fully equipped. Must sell, No reasonable offer refused. Telephone 725-7634, Biscayne, four-door, standard shift, metallic green, A-] condi- tion, $1700' Call 12.30 noon 725-4933, 1957 FORD Fairlane sedan, body in Pt condition, V8 automatic, white wall tires, | Radio, Telephone 725-6441. 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, bive finish, radio, white walls, very clean and excellent running. condition, Telephone 728-9095, 1960 AUSTIN, 850, price $550, After 4.30 p.m. telephone Dunbarton 839-3038. 1957 CHEVROLET, two-door, new moior, custom radio, one owner. Private $895 or best cash offer. Mrs, Clarke, Whitby. 668-8587, | 1957 PLYMOUTH sedan, sell for cash or |will take pick-up truck In trade. Apply 53 Harmony Road South, 723-2334. 1955 PONTIAC, four-door sedan, radio, whitewalls, safety belts. Body, motor in good condition. $450. Affer 5 evenings, 723-1426. 1955 PONTIAC, four door, silver biuve, good condition inside and out. $400, Teie- phone 723-1918, 1958 BUICK hardtop, automatic, power steering, brakes. New white wall tires, extra snow fires. Private. 668-5152. 1963 MERCURY | Monterey. $800 down or trade. Balance 36 months, Apply iupin Drive, Whitby 1954 FORD pick-up truck, $185. 1954 In- ternational, pick-up, $250, Both in condition, Telephone Bowmanville 5760. | 623-| 1957 FORD hardtop, V-8, automatic, | power steering, radio, new motor, Treason-| lable. Telephone 723-9305. ~|1956 CHEVROLET Bel Air 6 cylinder, Hstgated 2-door hardtop, equipped. Motor nd body in A-1 condition. $575 or best lofter. After 4 p.m. 725-4065. | -_ 1963 CHEVROLET convertible, |Meteor Ranch-wagon, low mileage, | standard good 12 noon call T2505, 1957 PONTIAC, Door Deluxe, ri £695, Private after 6 p.m, vuietak Pickering 942-2117, ae 1953 PONTIAC sedan, good mechanical condition, radio, new clutch, Reriery: good tres, $125. _Telephone 725-2314, automa- low 1958 one owner, 1958 Meteor convertible, V8 auto- matic, radio, 1954 Chevrolet, good condi- tion. 1954 Willys, good running condition, cheap transportation, $100, 1954 lac, |P goo' condition. These cars ca be lfinanced, 1180 Simcoe Street 728-0031. 1956 CHEVROLET four-door ~ hardtop, c cylinder automatic, many extras, in A-1 condition. Call 728-6427, 1958 OLDSMOBILE, 4coor hardtop, "ana, Can be seen at the; Bond power brakes, , Special tires. tic, mileage, power steering, one own North, Best offer, 78 extras, Spur Station, 725-0930. |1955 PLYMOUTH sedan, &cylinder, stan- ldard transmission, No rust, Excellent condition, $295. Telephone Whitby 668-4500) |1957 DODGE fair, no plates, $375, Best] offer, 723-1913 evenings 725-5125. 1962 GALAXY, automatic, V-8 with white} walls. Telephone: Bowmanville 623-2148. 1959 PONTIAC, 6 cylinder Strato Chief, radio, seat belts, floor mats. Excellent condition. $1450. 368 Highland Avenue, | 1959 VAUXHALL Stationwagon, $495. Will accept trade. Good second car, Private sale; Telephone 728-3618, } PRIVATE SALE, 1961 Pontiac sedan,| six, new radio, whitewalls, Im- maculate, Reasonable offer accepted. jo 4095 after 5 p.m. '30--Automobiles Wanted OSHAWA AUTO PARTS, 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for wrecking, Tele ptone 725-2162 or 723-4245, 100 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and 'SAVE' TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 Street West, | [i956 CHEVROLET Bel Air four door, ape. Best offer. Can bel financed, vrade accepted. 728-778), | i962 CHEVROLET Fleetside" ton truck, jcommercial reo, like new, low mileage, |$1,400 or 'best offer. Apply 25 Grenfell | Street. |1960 CHEVROLET four-door Bel jautomatic transmission, radio, like new $1,550, Five to choose from. Barlow Mo-| fors, 428 King Street West. 1960 PONTIAC coach, 6-cylinder standard, like new, $1495, Barlow Motors, 428 King | Street West. |1963 PONTIAC Parisienne, <2-door, auto-| | matic, hardtop, 4,000 miles, radio, power | Air, | | equipped, Telephone 728-0924, |1960 VALIANT sedan, automatic. One jowner, $1,395. Apply 476 Lowell Avinte: Dial 728-4172, |1956 DODGE, customized, V-8 with power| to | |6 cylinder, jwheel discs and whitewalls, 8,000 poh Dominion Tire! Guns, ammunition, cloth- | $20 /975. Telephone 723-7757, 1953 ) CHEVROLET "station wagon, new \fires, recent motor job, A-1 nnn) | Telephone 725-8166. |pack, rolled and pleated upholstery, Do-| minion Royal Master tires, After 6 p.m., telephone 728-3734, {i957 PONTIAG, foursdoor deluxe sfation.|BOX trailer, 4 ¥. wagon, |sion. bargain for quick sale $795. Apply| Telephone Pickering 942-2117. écylinder, automatic transmis-| 590 Annapolis. Telephone 728-4334, | i965 CADILLAC, semptionslly good con-) dition thr exhaust system, 725-5555. 1955 PLYMOUTH station wagon, in good | jcondtiion, $125 or bst offer. Telephone! motor, battery, 'i Telephone} | 728-2280, 1958 BUICK, chrome -package, power| steering, automatic transmission, radio, One owner. Make offer; Toronto brad 1956 CHEVROLET station -- wagon, automatic. Telephone 723- 1639, |1955 PLYMOUTH, hardtop, automatl: | radio, $150 or best offer. Also 1956 Dodge | Parts. Call 728-5455. 963 CHEVROLET impala, 4door hardtop! automatic, power steering | 1984 ; OLDSMOBILE Super 88 ailenane| |power brakes, radio, clean well kept car, |Must be seen to be appreciated. Best joffer over $200. Pickering 942-4984, |1959 DODGE Mayfair, "original paint and| mileage, automatic, excellent condition, new brakes, new . muffler, $750. ._ Telephone 728-0569. GENERAL REPAIRS _ ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM B.-A, SERVICE Ritson Road and King 723-4733 ond 723-7712 1963 CORVAIR MQNZA good rubber, 4 SPEED TRANSMISSION Driven by student during the summer, Private sole. Terms available. . PHONE 725-3568 | . AGT FAST SPOT CASH __ PAID FOR Good cleon cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-942) "$ ALL CASH $ _ For clean cars we deal up or down. Leins paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY New Telephone 668- 3331 Rota WHO ELSE WANTS A NEW CARI BUY IT NoW with a LOW-COST LIFE.INSURED x * * x 2 * be xem MRO x x x x HOOKER OCOD THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA | Phone Clarke 612 31---Automobile Repair i HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION TEXACO PRODUCTS 67 KING ST, WEST 723-7822 | 32--Articles For Sale GUN, 12 gauge Remington pump, | condition. Apply 613 Rosmere Street, UPRIGHT player piano with bench, $125. Telephone 668-5429 or apply 205 St. Peter Street, Whitby after 6 p.m, BOAT, Fibreglass, 17 {., 75 hp motor, full convertible top, Price $1,400. Tele- jPhone 668-4764. new "x 6 ft, with steel frame, good for boat transportation, $120. STUDENTS A super. value, approxi |mately 630 sheets of letter size typing paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap ply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby 111 Dundas Street West. DINING room suite, six pieces, Includes corner cabinet. Will sell complete or sep- j arate, Telephone 725-0333, |WE buy, sell and exchange | used furni- ture or anything you have. The City yreaiee Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street jouth and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671. 4 aaa saw in good condition, 18" blade, new chain. $40, Telephone 728-7009, CONTINENTAL bed, 39" like new) din- efte fixture; boy's navy blazer, trench coat, 14 to 16. Telephone 723-9746, GO HUNTING with | hunting 8 supplies | from | jIng etc, Best prices in town, Try Do |minion Tire Store, 48 Bond West. |brushes, jtion. After 6 p.m. telephone 723-1634, ----~!Telephone 725-2300. |264 Athol Street East. | South, telephone 723-2334 is FT. F Fibergiass bc boat, 25 hp, slecitle motor, trailer, gas tanks and all acces- sories, $750. Oshawa or and Service, 1180 Simcoe North. » 720-0 ANTIQUE "corner cupt drawers, drop leaf table, a rd, chest of Telephone after "16 p.m, 725-8202. : .|§000 PRUNED Scotch Pine chrisimas trees; orders taken now, Cut end de livered. Call 725-3476, UPRIGHT "plano "and bench, good tone, new keys, new inside, $200. Apply 10? Hunter Street. 725-7497, PHOTOGRAPHY 35 mm single lens re- O,|flex Bessamatic camera, $300 new, F2 lens. Excellent } buy. 728-2554. PORTRAITS in oils from snapshots. Ideal for Christmas gifts. After 6 p.m.. call "Clark", 668-5910 or 325 Brock Whitty. WEDDING gown, floor length, size 12, nylon. Finger tip veil with crown; also crinoline. Telephone 623-2849, oi FUNERAL OF MRS, A. E. EAGLESON The funeral of Mrs. Albert E, Eagleson, formerly of 620 Rich- mond street east, was held on Saturday, September 21. Mrs, gleson died at the Oshawa' General Hospital on Thursday, September 19, after a short illness, The memorial service was ducted in the chapel of the Armstrong Funeral Home by Rev, D. C. Jack of Cobourg. Interment took place in Balti- more Cemetery. The pallbearers were Gordon Patterson, Archie Clarke, Charles Buttan and Del, Jack North,|and Ross Clapperton. MRS, MARY NESTMAN Mrs, Mary Nestman, 82, one- COMPLETE sei of storm windows for bungalow. Telephone 728-621 80, FORCED TO SELL. New furniture, ap- pliances. Due to 1964 styles arriving. Your gain our 'oss, no warehouse available, Five-piece chrome suites, $29.68;- three- and four-seater chesterfields, some with foam cushions and backs, your choice $168.88; three-piece bedroom suites, jdouble @ressers, tilt mirrors, $88.88 Up; washing machine with pump, $98.68 with trade. All above new merchandise. Also ood selection of used ranges, refriger- ators, televisions. Honest Ral's, King Street, 728-9191, TYPEWRITER, Standard, one portable; electric 2-total cash register; electric add- ing machine; Remington calculator with division. Very reasonable. 723-4434, CUSTOM made box traller, extra tires.| Cheap, $45, Telephone 725-9336. lyours done now betore the rush. Sports: man's Corner, 10. Byron Street South, Whitby. RANGE, electric, heavy duty, "975; "refrig- erator, $50; sealers, $1,25 per doz.; 1953 Buick V8 motor, $30; aluminum clothes line, $7. All in good condition, 725-9946, PLYWOOD boat, 15 ff. 35 hp Johnson motor, Tee-Nee trailer, $800. Apply 509 Peel Street, Whitby. after 6 p.m, VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes. Free estimates, Parts, attachments, hoses. Guaranteed rebuilt ma- chines. Rentals. Wallace Vacuum Service. Call anytime 728-0591. |KITCHEN Annex, coal or wood, Good --| condition, $20. Telephone Brooklin, 655-3554, GRAVITY oil furnace, without burner, all duct work, Perfect condition, $25. Tele-| phone 725-9826, LLOYD baby "carriage, "navy "bive and white. New condition, $20. Telephone| 723-1487, ONE set acetylene torches, 1 new 'condi- BABY carriage, in excellent condition coppertone, color, also stroller, like new, PETERBOROUGH boat, 15 ft., Handyboy,| all accessories, 35 hp electric Evinrude Lark motor, heavy duty tilt trailer, Apply SIX volt fast battery charger, $65; Hy- draulic curb jack, $25; portable welder 250 amp. Lincoln, $395; alr compressors, stationary and portable, from 6 to 60 cubic ft., $65 and $425; serial ladder truck mounted, will sell separately, Trailer with racks, $45. Apply 53 Harmony Road PIANO, in good condition, $110, Te Telephone | 725-0129. PIANO, upright, reconditioned, concert pitch, new felts, $200. Telephone Sebastian Hohmann after 6 9.m. 725-7001. GAS stove, foul burners, clean and rea- sonable. Telephone 728-9871 TYPEWRITERS, adders, cators, NN three hundred new sell, rent, service. 'aemnittert Ottice "equix ment, 137 Brock South, Whitby. ANTIQUE GUN WANTED Telephon» Oshawa 725-8183 BUY and sell, good used furniture and appliances. One location only. Pretty's Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. B. F. GOODRICH STO! -- Tires, Batteries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele vision, Thrifty Budget plan. 725-4543, HONEST Cal's Furniture and Appliances. Name brands at biggest discounts any- where. We carry Restonic and Beverly mattress furniture lines. Your authorized GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal's on King Street East, Varcoe's Road, open 12 hours daily, 9.30 - 9.30, Telephone 726-9191. BUYING or selling furniture or 3° Appll- ances, Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or 263-2695. TELEVISION shiers, aupll- _ Corer Dae "set, PRCA Victor, ai inch, T.V. TOWER Special 40 ft. Tower Structure with All-Channel Antenna ' Installed $50. Oshawa T.V. Supply Ltd. _ 361 Gibbons St. 728-8180 _| "CEDAR TREES For hedges, etc. Choice qual- ity guaranteed, Free esti- mates and delivery. Now is the time to plant. | BELTONE Now Open Fridays Until 9 P.M. For your convenience 422 SIMCOE NORTH OSHAWA 728-0004 ~ What's My Line? Buying or selling used fur- niture -and appliances, For your needs phone. Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 or call at the store 16% Bond W. "Used Ford with Loader and backhoe $2500. Case 310B w/Loader and __ backhoe. H.D, 5 'Allis Chalmers w/ loader (2) Used I.H.C, 450 Diesel with Loader on rub- ber, Used Steam Cleaners $350.00 and up. All Units reconditioned New Cose Light Industrial Equipment. Roe Tractor & Equipment Ltd. 277-3161 Gooksville, BE 9-4030 evenings |gold. You may buy any i whitewall like new, FUR COAT, China Mink, % length, size 14 to 18, Telephone Whitby, 668-3141, rorking ordr, $50. Also ait size baby crib, $7. Telephone 728-5479, BOX TRAILER, $45, Apply 711" Horton Street or telephone 725-0804. TYPEWRITERS, adding machines, sup- plies, rentals, sales and service. All ma- chines guaranteed. Cook's Office Equip- ment, 10 Richmond Street East. 728-8300. DISHES, glassware, utensils, linens, « tique jugs, books and som _ furniture. "| By appointment only. Mrs. Evelyn Bate- man, telephone 723-3290. THREE rooms of furniture: bedroom, liv- ing room anc kitchen, good condition. Sell together reesonabie. Telephone 723-1989. USED car parts, used fires all sizes, spindles and wheels for trallers. Apply 509 Bloor East. Dial 723-2281. 25 SETTINGS English china, white with ity. 2 plat- . Telephone jark |form rockers, good conditi 725-3338. ENGINE, | Briggs ante pi parts for 1935 Ford; one tire 200" x ay head, starter, auto- matic transmission for 1951 Buick, Tele- phone 728-7127, time resident of Oshawa died during the weekend as a result of a heart attack suffered last week, 'Mrs. Nestman who was a resident of the House of Provi- dence Villa in Toronto, will be 'buried tomorrow in the. Mount Hope Cemetery. The church service will be held at 9 a.m. at St. John's Church, Kingston road, She is survived by eight daughters, a sister and also a son, They are, Mrs. Otten- breit of Michigan, Mrs. J. |Sloan (Mary) of Whitby, Rev. |GUNS. Custom biveing and cleaning, Get| Sisten Mary Magdeline, of the/curred at the Oshawa General "'St. Joseph's community in To- jronto, Rev. Sister Josephine |Marie, of the Notre Dame community in Ottawa, Tresa and Catherine Nestman of To- ronto, Mrs. Ann Waduck of Osh- awa, Elenore, of Phoenix, Ari- zone. Her sister is Mrs, Carolyn Warick of Oshawa and her son George lives in Alberta. ° Also surviving are her 11 grandchildren, DR. H. G- PRITZKER TORONTO (CP)--Dr. Harold G, Pritzker, 53, pathologist at Toronto's new Mount Sinai Hos- pital, died here Saturday follow- ing three weeks of illness. Dr, Pritzker, the first pathol- ogist of the 'Oshawa General Hospital from 1943 to 1953, or- ganized the department at Mount Sinai, He also had served as Ontario County pathologist while in Oshawa. Born in Cleveland, he came to Toronto as a child, He grad- uated with a medical degree in 1934. He did post-graduate work at Cleveland's Mount Si- nai Hospital and at Mount Si- nai Hospital in New York City aT returning to Toronto in He also was a director of the Ontario Medical Association and) a trustee of Toronto's Holy Blos- som Temple. and two sons, Kenneth and Rob- ert MICHAEL LOVISEK The death of Michael Lovi-|}) sek, 1481 Park road south, oc- Hospital on Saturday, Sept. 21 Mr. Lovisek had suffered a year, He was born at Povaska, from the University of Toronto}? White) 8 Ibs. 1" zt. on Gutvivits are his wife, Oda, Maer and son doing well, Robbery Witness -- Draws One Year MONTREAL (CP) -- Jacques - Lajoie, main f bank } ness in a $500, two years ago, Friday to one day inf fr is EAGLESON - 4 and Barbara are pt pi geod mad -- 'announce the arrival Saturday, GORDON -- Don and VI announce the cree ofa Alax Hospital. short illness and was in his 67th|?r! Hospital. Bistrica, Slovakia, to the late Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Lovisek. The deceased came to Canada 33--Market Basket TOMATOES, reo or green, $1 per bushel, 25c six-quart basket; Spanish onions, Sc each, Pick your own, bring containers. W. Eymann, Ya-mile east of Nichols Ga- rage, Courtice. Go north to first corner, CANNING | fomatos, $1 | per bushel. |. Bring] =. containers and pick your own. Don Lin- pe 1 mile east of Raglan. WEET corn, 25¢ doz.) tomatoes, pick iver own. First farm north of Brooklin cut off Simcoe North. Vern Powell, | Brooklin, 665-3034. 12 ACRES of cucumbers. Whitby 668-3893 affer 6 p.m. APPLES Mcintosh $1.00 end up pr bushel. Bring your own containers. Thick- son Road North, half-mile north of Taun- \fon Road West. Agloma Orchards. |i2 ACRES of cucumbers, Whitby 668-3893 after 6 p.m. __|TOMATOES $1 per bushel) cabbage, 5 cents each; cucumbers priced according to size. Please bring containers. Tele- phone 728-4839. 34--Lost and Found LOST -- Lady's gold wristwatch, Bulova, Friday night, shopping centre area, or near Coulters, Richmond Street, Rewa Telephone 723-2886. "Lost -- Pisin wide de gold d wedding band. band. Keepsake, vicinity Lakeview Park picnic grounds on Sunday. Telephone 725-6457.) 7 rg.(day, Sept. 24, at 9 a.m. Mon signor Rev. P. Coffey will sing co the mass. Interment will be in over 40 years ago and had lived in Oshawa for the past 19 years, Mr, Lovisek was an employee of Fittings Ltd., years, He married the former Stefania Golovich in Slovakia. Holy Cross Church and a member of the Oshawa Slovak Society. He is survived by his wife; one daughter, Mrs. 0, Najvor (Mary) of Port Arthur and four sons, Joseph and Stephen of To-| ronto and Michael and John of Oshawa. Mr. Lovisek also leaves relatives in Slovakia There are nine grandchildren surviving. The deceased is at the Arm- strong Funeral Home for High Requiem Mass in Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church Tues- St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Lost: Girls' brown framed glasses, Wanle ity St. Gregory's School and Street, Monday or Tuesday. 728-9725. 36--Legal Church y. of their dai 8 o7s. on for over 18) tor The deceased was a member of|daughter, Karen Roman -- Catholicjon Friday. 1963, at orn) tone Ticapitat A sister Special thanks to RANDLE -- eg and Donne (! biit) are happy to announce the vied stro My to wing Fae | 6 bs, ls September 1 a) the Oshawa General Hospital I slater" ryon. ROBERTS -- Les and Barbers fo announce the arrival of their' Corrine 8 teat 8 0t5. "al bg A sister for nie, Wayne and Dianne, WALLACE -- Lloyd and Barbara (nee Boyd) are h to announce the birth of their -- |Beurdey, "September Soecia jay, ito Ma nose 'alas nurses 'Matt of ant WOOLCOTT -- Bob and Wendy peers fo announce the arrival of @ Glen Robert, 7 fa. 4 ote on 18, 1963, at the Oshawa Genera' A brother for 30-Day Term TENDERS will be received until Oct- 7 ober 5, the ner of Thornton's Road and south service road, Mrs, W. Hanno, R.R. 2, Whitby, sec- treasurer. ~~ NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors and others having claims against the estate of EDWARD HENRY TYRRELL, late of the City of Oshawa, ore required to send full par- ticulars of such claims to the undersigned, solicitor for the Executors on or before the 21st day of October, 1963, after which date the Estate's assets will be dis- tributed having regard only to -- that have been receiv ERNEST MARKS, Q.C., Solicitor, 17 King St. East, Oshawa, Ontario, For Theft "You're lucky" stated Magis- trate H. W .Jermyn in team Magistrate's Court bee 5: len he sentenced Marcolina Rosa, 31, of 853 Simcoe street, to 30 days in jail on a charge of theft. Detective Sergeant L. J. Mac- Dermaid of the Oshawa Police Department testified Rosa was car radio, valued at $75, from the General Motors he had sold it for 5 Defence counsel stated Rosa had worked for General Motors and had been able to get a new job since being fired. He said that ¢his offence was a stupid and islated crime but one Rosa's life for years to come. Magistrate Jermyn told Rosa that under most circumstances a severe penalty would - be handed out but that he would make an exception in this case. Restitution was ordered. COMING EVENTS NESTMAN, Mary On Saturday, September 21, 1963, af Ha, Ontario, » arrested April 27 for stealing alin her lant after|;., for three years before the theft)Notre Darna. Commun which would probably haunt|Road, Toronto, for High Cemetery. LOCKE'S FLORIS Funeral arrangement end floral requirements for oll occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ' 24 HOUR FHONE SERVICE 728-6555 RUMMAGE sale, Centre Street United Church, Tuesday, September 24, at 1.30 p.m. BINGO -- Eastview Park, Tuesoay, 2 p.m. Euchre Wednesday 8.15 p.m. High monthly score, me 'ile! refresnments. 50 cen Custom and Ready-Made DRAPERIES Most Reasonable Prices Drapery Fabrics KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY 8 O'CLOCK FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES Jackpot Nos, 53, 56 EARLY BIRD GAMES KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 109 COLBORNE ST. W. Regular Price per yard $1.98 SPECIAL NOW 79¢ We install drapery "tracks at a Nominal Fee M. and C. Drapery "and Dry Goods Store For your decorating needs Call us today 723-7827 Fun For Everyone Rodeo, Harness Races, etc. OSHAWA FAIR ALEXANDRA PARK September 23, 24 & 25 WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO TONIGHT ---- 8 P.M. RED BARN EXTRA BUSES 74 Celina Street, Oshawa For Sale Commercial Sectional Overhead Garage With Windows 2 DOORS -- 10'-0" High x 12'-0" Wide 3 DOORS -- 8'-6" Hi Above Doors ore complete with Locks, Tracks and all Hardware necessory for installation. BEATON'S DAIRY STORE 247 KING ST PHONE 725-5511 Doors gh x 14'-10"' Wide . REET, WEST THE FEAST OF THE SEVEN TABLES King St, United Church Centennial Hall TUESDAY, SEPT. 24th 4:30 to 7 P.M, Adults $1.25 Children under 12 years - 50¢ Auspices of King Street _United Chi Church | Women. _ SKIN DIVING 'CLASSES START OCTOBER 1 Equipment ond air supplied. Register with DON CRANFIELD 33.1 PARK RD, S. Whitby Brass Band IN MEMORIAM BINGO OPENING WED. SEPT. 25th CLUB BAYVIEW Byron Street S., Whitby WATCH WEDNESDAY'S PAPER OSHAWA AND DISTRICT BRANCH CANADIAN DIABETIC ASSOCIATION Regulor MeLeughtin Heil 338 SIMCOE ST. N. Thurs., September 26th at 8:15 p.m. Speaker Mr, John Gilham, executive director C.D.A. Toronto EVERYONE WELCOME dear ike We. fave hor in. out --Ever rememberec by wite kathleen and Glenn. GORDON -- In ote' memory Figen owey September 23, 19 jer memory | Pg Be Ay hearts. --Ever rem and the girls. McINTYRE -- in loving memory of dear husband and father, Donald Melne Le who passed away September 23, ~ As) gotien gate stood Piss with Da left y mniased and lovingly ibe | sons Ralph and PATTERSON -- A ou ot Ria Bureeon whe Gate nnie Patterson, aw tember 23, 1962. wy, Sep In our hearts rane nee In gee Reacts Your, and true, ; There's not & day, dear mother, We do not think of you. --Deeply missec by grated Mal law. Stanley and. grendchiidrens COFFEE NO ADMISSION BINGO St. Gertrude's MEMORIALS MARBLE and GRANITE Designing, Carving, Lettering Installation, Repairs : Open Evenings Until 9 Oshawa Monument Co.' « 135 Ki Street East 728-3111 Auditorium TO - NIGHT AT 8 P.M 690 KING ST. E. AT. FAREWELL FREE ADMISSION Snowball Jackpot $180.-56 Nos. $20 Consolation RIMAR MEMORIALS Dignified and Distinctive MONUMENTS FLAT MARKERS In Designs For Any Need 152:Simcoe St. S$. Oshawa 723- 2284 Reg. Jackpot 57 Nos. $100 $20. Consolation Good Prizes 723-1002 728-6627 Office . Evenings |

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