Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Sep 1963, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA Times, Mondey, September 23, 1963 u Call The- Direct Classificd Number 723-3492 = == 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday io Friday. Saturday 8 as \ wer swee Ta=Molo Help Wonted_|25--Apertments 126 Rooms For Rene By R J. SCOTT |Younc man for detivery and stock|UPPER DUPLEX, centrally _ located. BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | Bae soos |") SER SSE. See = = pe yp yi nind mechanic and ! detail draftsman wanted for ies, weer area, Phone Whitby,| ppernoaats 6 iN ek aan y Hf . " 668-3336. range, mon » pre- Gardening and Supplies Mortgages TV--Radio Repairs " d Youn Y | Na WE NEED you! If you are ive, | ares: Aboly Aperiment No. | Accountants ning PP : Letde Sopaited Tes MAIN FLOOR -- "hg four-room CITY TV_ towers, tm 511 Dean: J neat, have car. vi c@./LO, sod, manure and MEANS comm! we the highest paid] apa! i Eomplete-pookkeeping oli ite Bone pot 4 MORTGAGE pestle : 5 ' " a "this. business. We Fave| come . For information, oer] Street West, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. able rates. Telephone 725-1721. : bop one rouaire ne meson pn 7 ARMY." a n ployed Ss ; that tie Posy treet East. HOPKINS, B AND €O., Char) TOP SOIL, for your fall gardening, most h ey ait = makes less than. $200. weekly. . Cal pa Street, 68 Api. 9: Four room iy a gg King Street East,|reasonable prices, Telephone 726- 728-7483, LOANS 'ronics, 157 Elliott 723-9792. . Yeoman, 728-1352, BB gy ee) Oshawa, Ontar . 725-3509. 725-3938, Interest at 7% MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, ond] Loam and Gravel cle laa TV TOWERS e rer, SAID TO s. seoa Five miles north of Oahawa. Sirmces "Stree enna, 7a, es Washed Stone, Fill Open Mortgages : AND | tS a DIEMAKER seperate "suirence, Sul werting, er re WH 2.0890, Whitby MO 6-4131. Excavating, lots leveled, No bonus 3 3 ' tired couple, $70, monthly. 655-3098, WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered Ac- pest Trade for hire. No charge for valuations Antenna Repair ' . ORGANIZED FIRTS CLASS MAIN PLOOR apartment, five' tasters Panera " eT) alge ve Oshawa; BEATTY H AU "-- Mestoneee and Agreements TOOL & DIE KER bedrooms, $0, Tou freee "eS sere . ison, Edmond l A " : vans : 00) MA . Burrows, CA. 726-7554 x hho Te coca mondo TRIO ees phone 723-7536. on Egg Aig 725-2156 Fast servicer TELEVISION << se ee Kopi aN |e caren weary a eng a M. F. : : 2 725-0381, King Street East FALL SPECIAL 26V King St. East 171 BOND ST, E., OSHAWA see : Harmac Tool & Die ioe ear Vicar aan turnish-| bad aT OTe ee Nae reie| 1000 Evergreens, Blue Spruce, Oshawa, Ontario 728-6781 : WHITBY a ee ant, 323 King Street West, Oshawa. Tele- Shade size maple, etc. phone 723-1221. 4 723-4679 * Ss PHONE 668-4981 HAROLD. OEWAR, Accredited Pub- Oshawa Service' Calls soit et DYING On 'HE, raeagt lic Accountant. Commercial Bullding,| Garden Centre 12 YEAR MORTGAGES LOBOS DE AFUERA ISLANDS ARE BURIED 1M OLD GUANO. EXCAVATIONS ieONAND Im TAaEE BROOKS. Charred 1259 Simcoe North No Bonus or Hidden Cost. $2.50 enna 'ut COFFINS foe. Sunes. MANY OF hey! BODIES ARE ALMOST Appl e Pickers LEONARD J ; No ; RFECTLY MUMMIFIED AS A RESULT OF THE DRY ATMOSPHERE AND the, 9 No Prepayment Penalty. 1. Accountar', ite 208, Oshawa Shopping 723-3222 Brberk tao. 9 . m.--9 p.m. Daily EFFECT OF THE GUAHO, bs seer! soiaiia on hve gia ay 'pulling, Sy" Willig' Reta To obtain your free brochure lew 21" Picture Tubes Construction, Spa one- and two- Auto Parts GARDEN on sound residential mort- he Daw As $19.66 Wanted bedroom ule, from $10 nae sie month- lo, located north east age financing of up to 80% SAVE AT WESTERN SUPPLIES Suns, Aaa Werk Ganrertend [theubdieled Wer Wak' WG-_Pumels Webs Winned ciaereg AM NA eae eter ORANDVIEW" Gra Travbaion Bt three-bed: CALL OR WRITE eu aR nag Pom ago ; Apply in person formation" call' 7281844, 725-2510" andlgalow with beautiful view of city, bullk SERVICE CENTRE "GRASS SEEDS" p | Dominion. Television |fSmr,ueasaiu't,® fti"er|exramancee aren 10 rae tanger reper lv, ee Repairs to All Makes NO. 1 FINE GRASS MIX C.A.C, REALTY LIMITE! 20 BOND ST. W. tario Stree'. Telephone 725-5443. North, Whitby. MONDAY 7. A.) |erano new spariment, aici musre,| 2rondioam = 'Telephone 7259975. LICENSED MECHANIC "PARKLAWN" GRASS MIX Oshawa Shopping Centre Call Now -- 728-5154 _ |CHAIRS, card and banquet fables, church! wowan for general housekeeping, also conirolied sitraiice, oneie, The Diplo- or enon gone gd "SUPERFINE" GRASS MIX Osha 725-4777 HY tele es Enea aisle runners, Fox Rentals, 412 Simcoe|-sre ot three children, live in. | Good RED WING brick coftage, West Beach, Bowmanville "145 King West -- 728-1607 | TIMOTHY AND ALSIKE ba OSHAWA ELECTRONICS |Nerth. wages. For Information telephone CENTRE Street, 96, 'wo furnished rooms.!ait conveniences. Full price $2,000 Wt cash "FIVE gi SERVE SUBURBAN MIXTURE Muaalcal Services WHEEL CHAIRS 725-1547, ORCHARDS Pee ew hg Mn Mpa Call Bowmanville exbsore, INDIVIDUAL GRASSES Guaranteed Parts and Service . EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Apply Available now. 725-0953, "EERTILIZERS" PIANO, reed, pipe and electronic organ Repairs, Sales, Rentals, Polaris Restaurant, 40 Simcoe Street 2s miles west of Whitby FHRERROOM" basesnent" cow , cs METCAL Barristers SO-GREEN tuning and repair, instruments apprals- TV REPAIRS Also North. . on No. 2 Highw. furnished, separate entrance, self HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILLMAN) C7 O°" eo pee Od. 2s GIO BISK. Tee Hospital beds, walkers, bed- |MIDDLE-AGED lady with other Income ead shih tained. Will sell white enamel. electric Barristers, Solicitors 36¥a King Street; &-!.\. ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, DAY OR EVENINGS side commodes, crutches, |for light duties in 16_-Mole or Female combination stove, Phone 723- 1 Real Estate Limited East, Oshawa. R. B. Humphreys, QC;| TURF SPECIAL new and used materials, Reasonable canes, slenderizing machines |for room and board and small re- 8--Ma a RiNG Street Mia TOREBGAT Gics Sic eC BO) ee aes MILORGANITE fae Serres: CO ee: eee 728-5286 ard roll-away beds. muneration. Telephone Port Perry %5 Help Wanted ~ unfurnished, heated. Available Sort. 40 King St. E. Diol 728-4678 ice Re 6 7806 Whilby 660-2761, 725 4604, NHA and other] EME eat" Optometrist me en 725-1644 WANTRESSES required Appiy Th penn! -- S| s Pe le |rwoncon-ssermensar-twoaw| .PAIRLEIGH AVENUE | pon ed Hal lintel Well Drilling--Digging Envoy Restaurant, 523 Ritson South: ale Oop new heavy deny lacs tre, completely} $13,800.00 -- Central nd RONALD L. ae SWARTE. Berristers. Solcitors, Notarles. eg eon cg downtown bominton WILLIAM KROONTJE, well digging,| 12--Articles Wanted WOMAN with other income for help in 2 Full Time or furnished, 128 Elgin Street East, schools ond Bey Henry Block, 26¥2 King Street? Dial 725-4587,|Compressor work, clean-out and deepen-| WANTED TO BUY -- Hardtop, In good|motel and restaurant in exchange for ~ SY rooms « this Street Kash, 32-4687" Residence, dial en lL nich ss Ing 468 Park Road South. 728-3864, condition, for 1961 Austin Sprite. Tele-|room and board and small remuneration. 3 Part Time 26---Rooms For. Rent is ping - SY yeras old - ie ° 723-4029. inti WELL DIGGING by machine, speclaliz-|phone 668-8432 affér 8 p.m. Whitby 668-9067, be Louis S. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soli- Cooper-Smith Co. Painting and Decorating ing in 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chest-/WanTED TO BUY -- electric dryer, In OPPORTUNITY Yo make extra earnings.| To take over well established _|COMFORTABLE room for gentleman,| Veneer large hollywood ing 4 continuous hot water, central mn pti hen - living itor, Notary. Alger Buliding, 37 K' : HOUSE PAINTING. Careful work, rea-|nut Street West, PO Box 329, Whitby,|qooq condition, older Canadian pennies, Become a beauty counselor. Openings) Wotkins Routes in Oshawa, 5 kite large room Street East, 723- 1943. Mortgage monies 16 Celina St. sonable rates. N. Heisler. Telephone 668-2563 or 668-2809. Rirkies and silver dollars. Telephone 728- gh avalleble, Phone Mrs. Elliott, Bowmanville and Whitby. "i town and cere Motors. Quiet. Tele} -~ 3 good sized bedrooms 94, 442. J petals 723-2312 ms 1--Women's Column , i i -------- -- a : - ° GIRL OR WOMAN -- Live in. Three : FURNISHED Sleepi ice glo a ene SS ti DODD oe potaed PERMANENTS on Special. | Page Hair- TO Bacal fete) school _ children. Telephone evenings, For sie Sa cpa, are Clean pg ale Aas QUEBEC STREET North, 723-3446. nstruction AINTING AND ing, 396 Pine A Teleph . oe "Choice" is the word for this --y AND DONALD, Barristers and Perches of Dancing, CD, TA, ' CONTRACTORS birt - Sadan " pone) AU : 17--Male Help Wanted 728-2383 PONTIAC. INN, rooms with running water,| 5 ete tee Gauaee Solicitors, etc, 4? King Street East./Knignts of Columbus Hall. Ballet, Tap] Painting, Paperhanging, Wants Cars for Wrecking Ty kena Barking. Yereonone oR targe living foom and family Telephone 723-2201. Jazz, Acrobatic. 728-7902. I f f 2--Personal Parts for sale, also scrap iron |BOY¥S fo distribute handbills In your own WESTEND -- Furnished room ize dining room, i Gyptex, ho Wall Murals a Can TTT a TT TT : locality. Wednesday and. Thursday of ATTENTION home. N ia. Washing ontine a oe ted ining recreation BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister,|GaRyey OANCE ACADEMY, Baton, Spray Painting OIL PAINTING taught. Learn to paint) and metals, etc., bought, each week. Please call 725-3445, rat vr clephebe 528-827. les. Free) garage, paved drive, Sehr ete FL streak Beak |T2e RAD Balle, Highland. " Realster| 107 BYRON' ST. S,, WHITBY [your own pi-teres, Individual help. Tele : - WANTED ane hot water with oll heatin funds spvatinble, 365 King Street East,inow 424 King Street West, 725-6122. DAYS 668-5862 phone 728-2434, Open Saturday all day. Phone T A TWO furnished rooms, suit lady, willing well" tend , cio . fh dhe d Maes LOOKING for something taomiel and NIGHTS 725-7426 iF YOU have a drinking Problem, write! 795.2311--89 BLOOR E. hree full-time and Salesmen and Salesladies who ps oon with elderly lady. Telephone! "entral Coll ee ingd RALPH JONES; BA, and THOMAS H.lnarg to find' A Box 333, Whitby, or cali 668-3034 i -tim would like to: and Holy GREER, Associate Barristers and Solici-|rar0,, 10, nc) A farreached ad i Z a five part-time : ' ae FURNISHED bedrooms five in| Cross Schools, walking dist- fors, 130 King Street East. 728-6246. ie 's y Employment Wanted 1, Work in a dignified man- ft ik to bes 9 galt Cat iit si ter son dal Vain tts | ARMAS AAKKO | LEN PULLAN |!4--Employment Wanted | SA) ESAAEN we it fat eme, eee) ence to downtown, Seq, th JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB,|<-105), Ballet, Tap, Acrobatic, Character, inti iia: ton ENGLISH TAILOR care available at Peter Pan Day Nur-| Deglership to qualified o 2. Earn high income. VOD OOS | EAE. 300,00 with A ES80E0b don Notary Pub- Painting, paperhanging, spray p q D- Telephone 725-0393. Barrister ane Solicitor end ary Pre-School, Kinderdance. Fridays, Satur- bday Ld ea ; sery, 581 Simcoe North. Call 728-2604, i t Al \ d 3. Have good promotion pros- SOUTH END -- Large furnished bed- lic, The Commercial Building, 286 King/days. Masonic Temple. 723-7253. painting, graining. 25 years Specialist in garment altera- plicants. Also senior grade i) pared el le parine West, Oshawa, Ontarlo. Giant parking : experience. Reasonable rates. tions, etc. Invisible mending, 16--Female Help Wanted students for temporary sum- 4 Group aay Fit: men only, $7 weekly. 723-1359, gentie- sates available. 725-4716 or 725-4 i mi ork, Fuller Brush Co, -| WILSON and LEE LTD. 231 Huron St. dress alterations, gE eC ME er wi Ith ba: tha hoo ELGIN EAST, 2%, furnished room for Saicitor Bonar 2 ear, MUSIC STUDIOS 728-5719 10 PRINCE ST. Apel ines Corepbet cvoete Manele re a Ae Tigen Office, 1 4 ith pon ) faiths se~ ; ieee set, fo i Nl onl at edi 728-5311 WAITRESS WANTED, full or parttime] '10 0 ain supermarket. m. 72-7814. Solciiorsy Cliente' fonds evalleble {oF marrage' 4 p35 P i Servi i ot Bash om. om. We need more staff for our |PARK ROAD SOUTH, 109--Single room, cone fr See ieaey © me Solicitors. Clients' funds available | for AN INSTRUMENT Personal Service Removal of superfluous hair,, |zxpeRieNCEE capable woman. can Oshawa, Whitby, Alax and |W .private Rome, for gentiemas. Fret first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street Nort Professional Teaches Marie Murduff will be in [ai housekeeping Lawyer's home. Adult CLERK-CADET ee oe parking space. $7. week. Telephone 723 7arvawe,. Cheries ay on ae R ot Intra f ig a MODERN GRILL Oshawa, September 23, 24 family. Live in, out. Private quarters Westhill districts. Top com- 30, Edgar F. Bastedo, ental Instrs for Students end 25. Phone Genosha -- |with bathroom. Permanent. $25. weekly. OSHAWA POLICE missions paid. Interviews aonbSvE ROAD -- Room with hitch ea Mapa Bag mi dn hig Maga DIAL 725-4706 Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey Hotel on these dates for ap- |728-4029 Monday and Tuesday privileges, In private home, two minutes : ax Be H A LADY required to look after two small . fo South General Mot Te Tebaseen Terence V. Kelly Ba ec, LEARN TO DRIVE ee oe "ELECTROLYSIS hishwa. by October u kive In or out. DEPARTMENT ne ee 24th le Telephone spats Woman pre- nara pmdtataas ; : ivi Apply 579 Albert Street Sou it pede MURDOCH, Oshawa Driving School WE DELIVER BABY SITTER, who likes children, to) Applications will be received PEOPLES FOOD anyon: a Grviteman aatalne, home. ~ a Borrisers, Solcitors, Notary Pubic] DAY or EVENING 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH 723-4641 ey idltana, lee lie ad + gy ng Pome FREEZER SERVICE "_|sult home. No cooking, Telephone 722. i Bank of Commerce Buliding, 5 Simcoe 3 3 untill 1, Telephone 725-0eld, r rt! 'or the posi- stone Avenue. Stree: 'North, Oshawa, Ontario, 723-3446; Late Models, Standards 725-3887 3--Pets & Livestock PART-TIME cashier wanted afiermoons| tion of Clerk-Cadet for the rh ONTARIO STREET SINGLE furnished room for rani --cen. age HEIGHTS Brymer "QC, 7288554". 1. Murdoen;| Automatics Dual Controled. |Biumbing and Heating PUPPIES, half Beagle, from good. breed,|tny "Aonty Canadian Tire, Whitby, Tele| Oshawa Police Department. OSHAWA ne eS bap ah mgr ; : G. I ; , ; f sary, Appl ¥ : ; 723-4788 Mortgages and agreements of OSHAWA AND WHITBY ALL PLUMBING ena heating supplies.| females, six weeks old temporary shots, pics 668-5828. Application Middle y : PHONE 728-9403 a) 5, ane Foralahed, "ete hools. "ehd services, ts celal CALL 728-0091 Telephone 725-3521 Harold H, Stark, Lid., Mr lb pa : om GIRL or woman to live Inver part fime.| tained at the office of the i Alt my er gg ly Sc oral dilals 06 Seve Pp Heating and Engineering, 255 . Care for two children. One school age.| Chief of Police. The following. |20.Reom and Board tion, five minutes to bus. Telephone' starting Building Trades M i. Simco Street South. SIAMESE Seal Point kittens. Champion| ight housekeeping. 725-5494, quolifications are required: 725-0681. con Hig Fale ong i ROOFING, shingles; roof and gable 7 lic tad Re stock, pedigreed. Telephone 728-8788. WANTED AT ONCE. Schookaged 12 To| - 7 ROOM and board for two willing to ig with $1,055. pond Worktnar ed vk ghd aa! nen sn sgiflbnaiticg Hoefer fen WELDING pe get ahr tn Rach "he black/14 year old girls and boys. Te entoriass 1. Male tt ral Telephone 728-3380. ne eee AT T RACTIVELY ick your colors now, tions. nship, materials guaran-| agri je, Western break, well manner- HT " uaa ¥ A feed. H. Tucker, 728-0826. nick on Meanie, Berrieteres 3) King ed and quiet, 14, two hands, Call Hamp- thor 4 oclack Gnd. Sahmieys. Plesee 2. "gi height -- 5 ROG koi band Ie eases va FURNISHED ROO/AS OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE reet Eas ; ton y 725-3445. po Ry Reinga Wee hatching FRIVATE and corporation monies to Teen Is Our Business . |sscnsnuno-posymen Goipyy nals Reasonable: a re ee era 3. Minimum weight -- 160 |men, good nome. Central to North GM. Avalable nd private : DIAL 728-4678 Gordon fig, "ee vor, on all types mortgages; . mortgages Telephone after 5 p.m. Bowmanville can easily be earned by 'showing = a etween an p.m. Dick Borrioge Joe Mage EHIMNEYS Bull, sidewalks "ond stoop.|*7e anton sale | purchased.| - REPAIR and NEW WORK | 673-3430. ark by showing ur) 4. Minimum education -- |ROOM and board for two willing to Aisa brick F. McCann, Brooklin,|relghton,, Drynan and Murdoch. ($e Specializing in Pressure Work, BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready forltriends and neighbors. No. expertence 11th grade + nk fd oe mee type age 82 PARK RD. N. Ken Hann Jock Osborne 655-3061. Boilers, Vessels, Pipe Lines, |training, talking _ strain. Apply Mrs.|necessary, Our exciting, full-colored] | 5, Typist < : heading "Barrister"), GBULLDOZING and excavating. Free NEED A etc. Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. catalogue helps you to get plenty off ¢ Between the ages of 17 |ROOM and board or furnished room for 728-8671 John Kemp estimates. Cali Taylor Bros. 26 Hill i NEED 8 home. I'm sb aks old anajorders. Send no money. Write today for rent, Good home coo pg Ne near crest Drive, Whitby" 688-561 5612." All. work guaranteed. ceeee hoya Ry 'Aiagkan Staley. pe Christmas cards on approval and free and 20 years. North General Motors four cor ROOFING, et Tia? Mort age Loan? 24 Hour Service, French Poodle. Will you have me?|Satalogue fig A ihe Cow Dept. 16, ELYN M. FOUND, ners. Apply 240 Division "strech Gi speclaity. "New. work' and. repairs. gag Please phone 60-3556 217_Cannon, Hamilton oy. Bsord o ON Se OSH AWA TIMES P ATTERNS Large and H L. and H. Roofi 4 ; nihis, i Kerge and aml ota Land H. Rooting] PRIVATE PARTY TO INVEST GENERAL --_|e note ons, purtrer ve mate CLERK ers Reom and board for, gentlemen, 'wih IN Ist and 2nd MORTGAGES : H ings. Brooklin 655-4774, laund arking. Shift workers s YOUR focal chimney cleaner, Chimneys Welding Service _|Bfternoons or evening seus) eeniig. Sait SuRik ferkies' Vettes. ve 4 Agreements for sale and 728-2525 5--Farmer's Column TYPIST RETAIL ar ae aa private home Saharan nag? 4 mates, 723-2997. mortgages purchased. ' Low two gentlemen. Home cooked food, 8 FARMERS, need fires? Call "Bill", your] I office. duties. GENERAL welding service. All kinds of rob- Py ' or genera ce dui home pee Apply 118 Summer Street, metal fabrication and repairs. Guaran-| "tes, your mortgage pi Rug-Upholstery Service Pegg cssed Be ghee Nga shaiiedl Part-time employment. 725-0858. feed 24-hour service. 728-2525. lems gladly discussed. No ' a CHROME chairs beautifully recovered i For Interview appointment : ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman. Pri- ACKERMAN fees. No waiting. Immediate |in exciusive. patterned plastics. Chester- CASH on Re Uiies phe ie Quolifications: age 22 to 30 |vate home. Centrally located, five-day service for quick results. Rlelds recovered, rebuilt. Custom Craftipnone collect Hampton 263-2721." Marg- TELEPHONE years, good appearance. Pre- | week, $16. Telephone 728-5675. Excavating -- Loading uralture. va will's Fur Farm. Licence 245-C-63. vious sales experience pre- Sond, Gravel, Fill CALL ED WILSON CHESTERFIELDS reupholstered and : 668 5233 Yered; All company bene. [anes RID, wOARD. Midas. felis d z restyled. Free estimates. See our ma-/9----Summer Properties fies Sinaia, trckaltng paid . . And Top Soil terial f ing. Dalton Upholster- i Dune. trick 725-2539 OR 723-3291 hh ue he ae For Sale or Rent vacations, bonus and pension |CENTRAL, private furnished room_ for Reasonable Rat CHESTERFIELDS rebuill, recovered : ve ORG, Protestant plon. hone 728-1773. PHONE 623-5756 IST TIME IN CANADA fie new. Why pay more? Gur rats are|cean shore, wooden, 'Sn. ""Three : An excellent opportunity, for |i Sin east, 9 = Ras and Dood WF BOWMANVILLE reasonable, Satisfaction guaranteed. Mat- room colfage on sandy beac! lot, - H advancement wit! leading ' - HOME 15 YEAR tae gl" caaoaeegeemery erties pa, meron omer Children's HOMe |. stvereerwcr, copending' oo [eewemrysce, Smerhcteae™ IMPRO ' ' 2nd MORTGAGES | |HAVE Your chesterfieia Tuite factory ; ce sped alk Y ROOM and 'board for gentlemen, VEMENTS rebuilt, Low, prices. Telephone, 72%-i8, 11--Articles For Rent _.. Near Toronto B. F. Goodrich Store |soutn' cenerar Motors, "Tv privileges, Fy ti t hi ee 728-2439. Kenned: 'ing Dishes Cutlery Glasses Sreniires capable person with 88 Ki WwW t, 9 h etry packed. Apply 147 Mill Potreet or oofing, eavestroughing mit ~ ~ | yc snawa painting, cupboards, * floor CORONATION CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- Punch Bowls child care experience, as "905-4 ARTHUR STREET, 332 -- Room and| | tiling, General repos of cll | investment Co, Ltd. |Z*dui® Wrage "al tel Coffee Urns ergot ig ng fer ea nor» Caper ters Py . . . * ie in poy Bes fhiccd vedilen Bong LIMITED South. Call 728-6451. Free estimates. Silver Tea Service to 1d beens Lie Ge ete SERVICE er re pilbeait bande catatoesah oie oN inancing at bank rates. Call Sales and Service Silver Candelabra age, marital status and ex- ATTENDANT 22--Offices, Stores, Storage és onvtime, The first and foremost Can- ce ; perience P Nellis: 19 Colbtine E. adian public company in |SEWING machine funeup special, s675| SARGEANT'S RENTALS : BOAT siorige space t0F rent. Or what SIZES 2-10 ; ' ' Some ssory. lephoni Teleph 728-2061 pds EP pent pcg Sree, Worker ome 725-3338 Box 124 Oshawa Times oop lepetiiagy -- ome Mortgages on house less thon | ART'S GUN REPAIR RENTALS : Poid Holidays fmt" Highwsy' 3 Caliped won five artace Id 6 ti GUNSMITH EXPERIENCED , dryers and other essentials. Can be seen sancan =e a ar on -- Pe yer oe os 18 BOND ST. W. OF ALL KINDS BOOKKEEPER Apply to anytime. Telephone 728-6910 or 723-1400. inte, mn. . ht, sol i Bae JOHN'S MOVING AND CARTAGE,| 723-2265, after hours 728-3376 | acuns bought, sold traded. = | canning MACHINES -- SHELL HANDY ANDY /23----Wented To Rent Oshawa, Whitby Reasonable rates. Fully " 'components. "+1 oscillating sanders, dise sand- & TYP | ST ONE STOP IN THE Immediate vicinity of Simcoe gavinpec_anc_ insured 728-3661." SCHOFIELD AKER After hours Whitby 668-2497 ers, belt sanders, floor sand- Shs tor teliers weceshons Witte arvtas Dressmaking im 728-9731 ers. : Professional Offic AUTO SERVICE CENTRE full particulars to Box 123 Oshawa Times, DRESSMAKING, aiferations, pant cuff- PLUMBERS TOOLS -- pipe id LTD. 4 LIMITED leaning rods, pipe vise tri- (@} h e TWO or three-bedroom house or apart- Ing, experienced, reasonable rates. Mrs. S cle 9 ». Pipe Vv snawa tent near bus line, by November 1 Eldridge, 67 Montrave 725-6476. 360 King Street West urveyors pod, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- es ane No Phone Calls Please Rauits. 735-2673 after 4 p.m, px DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, On-| _ ters, oat threading dies, eply stating age, Classified Ad Rates tari Land Surveyor. Commercial bivel foilet ou status, previous experience. i Le thedoel ase el ect ol REO gt 25 WORDS OR LESS: prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. PAINTERS. "EQUIPMENT 'a and salary required. BRICKLAYING Better described offers get faster results. H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario} stepladders, aluminum exten- Reply to SMOCKING-TOPS -bed house, Please call 728-7586. Evenings By ALICE BROOKS reacigae Land Surveyors. 111 Elgin Sireet East.| sion ladders, ladder jacks, poet - | geonching gues te our bent GMM Min cseesncccceves S18 >. 41 * , steel scaffolding, compress- BOX 222 INSTRUCTOR ge -- the result is pure flattery! i pee (ast " A ers, spray guns, wallpaper E d 3 consecutive doys........eeeeesss 2.25 2.48 TV--Radio Repairs L iouaulnn' Blew OSHAWA TIMES familly ot four. Immediate possession. Whip up one or both hats. Count each word, initial, figure or abbreviation as one word. torches, propane torches. required for "| Smocked hats -- an elegant Box number nae ee TV TOWERS WELDING EQUIPMENT -- : shy Posed Rr lad bude bg | A FOR A-LINE fashion! Smocked on reverse ' It not paid within. 7 doys, 'charge rate applies. ee ee ity Hairdresser The Ontario Training |Teleonone 720-4201 or 728077. By ANNE ADAMS ae. Paneer Dae 200 amp. electric welders. ; HOUSE wanted with at least four rooms to see why . Professional listings only, 3 lines per month...... 8.50 Economy and BUILDERS EQUIPMENT -- Apply ' by the cod et Ocean: Mileriy chope: EASY to gpw, easy to see sizes 2114, 22, 28 included. sclocpenedooaanta ae Dehine Rl ae Ge, tc. HALLS School Bowmanville {2,2 en4.,ot, October. Elderly co this, Arline "jumper, with ide Thirty ive cn iy (Not applicable for merchandise advectismnenta. wels, wheel barrows, electric licant t have had ; for this pattern (no stamps, DEADLINES Priced to suit your budget vibrator, air | compressor, BEAUTY PARLOUR proces gelatine iad as OCTOBER Ist -- Whip it up in a day with please) to Alice Brooks, care of 5 p.m. doy previous Jack hammers, hand trowels, 15 King St. E. a bricklayer subsequent to at- Printed Pattern 4908: Chil- The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Classified Display : 2:30. p.m. day. previous TERMS ARRANGED water pumps, portable heat- taining journeyman status OR SOONER drne's Sizes 2. 4. 6, 8 10, Size Dept., Oshawa, Ont. Ontario Births, memoriams, cards of thonks -- 9 a.m. day of publication. tsi! --a oom TOYS-FUN-$$$ and must undergo an examin- ' 6 jumper takes 1% yards 39-inch oro add 1 ot sales tax. Lost and Found -- . 8:30 a.m. day of publication OSH AWA lV tala 'alecite hammer, ation by the Department of Want to rent with option to |r ric: blouse 1 yard. int plainly Pattern Number, fom WE ARE LOOKING FOR if h t alrea Name, Address. Cancellations and Corrections--8:30 a.m. day of publication, masonry saw, building jacks, LADIES WHO WANT a guid cone see -- pre _ FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins|""396'frandicraft Hits in our big REGULATIONS SUPPLY L ITED mortar mixers, mortar boxes, TO EARN EXTRA CHRISTMAS Civil Servics benefits apply within miles of downtown | (no stamps, please) for this pat- big, new 1964 Needlecraft Cata- Th JM chain host, miter saw, elec- MONEY ud aa ; ¢ Oshawa, Before 5 p.m. tern. Ontario residents add 2c| 8: pak a Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise- tric plone, torpoulins; 14' BY WORKING EVENINGS inclu ng apo Hag nr gee 5 sales tax. Print: plainly SIZE, log, out now! See toys, fashions, ona incorrect Maartion of ny. edvertiseent, ner' beyond. the 728-8180 bandsaw, 4" joiner," sand SEPT. OCT. NOV. fon, santo holdoye wth | PHONE 728-0004 |NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE|rewelwork, heirlooms. | gts price charge for a single insertion ot the advertisement in which peony og pre lingy al We will train you as a art pay and sick leave, 3s ee to ANNE ADAMS, crochet, knit, sew weave em- error occurs. TELEVISION demonstrator, To sell a fu Commencing salary $4200 |24---Houses For Rent care of The Oshawa Times, Pat. broider, quilt, smock. Send 25 The Oshowa Times reserves the right to classify advertising | 4 line of toys. Commission. Car ; ; cents right now accordin; to Its proper classification. SERVICE STAN S @ssentiol. No investment, de- gt gear Be ROSSLAND AND SIMCOE area. Two|tern Dept., Oshawa, Ont. Tig! "pei ; PATTERN FREE! Mail cou- In the case of display advertisements, The Times will not be All Makes. liveries or collection. : bedroom. furnished home for six months, habe " ; held responsible for more space than that in which the actual |. Sets Repaired in your home. [a kre and Rentals Ltd. CALL NOW us hues neqnee Sam Leb» ae pon oe Pat Want-A ds Don't error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce al! adver- W. A li 223 King St. W., Oshawa Apply to The Superintendent, '|sixcRoom house, oll heated, Albert » ALO} tisi tter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement agyne "Appliances Ontario Traini School, immediately. $8 300 design ideas, all sizes. Send ra i any Ineccurecien in 'ony form ere pt therein. Telephone 723-1411 Phone 723-3224 668-5253 : ieckis 2 "Telephone. 725-0910 boone Pal ig ™"'50c for Catalog. Cost They Pay ' } pa A 4 LEG ean as

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