Three Years- In Pen For Possession Frank Gangliardi, 221 Bell- wood avenue, Toronto, who was convicted last week in Whitby Magistrate's Court, was sentenced to three years in the Kingston penitentiary when he again appeared in court, Tues- see Sasi es ns WHITBY AND DISTRICT Accused Charges Police Frame-Up Constable Cooper stated the ntght ever > the ~---redie, Me, ° THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, September 19, 1963 § Hollingsworth's only aigument re a ---- - was 'he felt his party and the Tories are very Close together!' "With which Mr. Dymond ully agreed," claimed Mr. Edwards in addition, With all of this, Mr. Ed- wards said he was in full agree- ment and would go a little fur- ther and say this: "The only ef'ective alterna- tive to Tory mismanagement is to vote for the New Democra- _ HELP WANTED FOR SCHOOL CAFETERIA Woman required to assist in the Pickering District High School: Cofeteria ; 4 5-Day. Week --- 8.30 A.M, to Approx, 2.30 P.M, Please reply in' writing to: A Ross Irwin, Business Administrator, Secretary-Treasurer, Pickering District High School Board, Box 70,. PICKERING, Ontorio, (Any previous applications will be considered) Ewan Visits In Cannington On Campaign NDP candidate Thomas Edwards announced this week he and his publicity manager, Adrian Goverde, attended a house meeting in Cannington at the home of Mr. and Mrs. PLAYED BY INDIANS A form of lacrosse, called baggataway, was played by In- dian teams of from 75 to 200 men long before the white man came to Canada. SCUGOG CLEANERS &- Shirt Launderers FREE Pick-up & Delivery year consecutive for attempted) break and enter. : Concurrent sentences of six months and one month were given for auto theft and danger- ous driving respectively. His partner, Victor Anthony Hachey, alias Victor Anthony Van Quoso, of 54 Foxley road, T , was d at the same time to 12 months defi- nite and six months indefinite in Ontario Reformatory on an + "This is an entire 'Frame-up' on your parts!" blurted a Pick- ering Township man in Whitby Magistrate's court, Tuesday. The accused, Robert Cecil Mosely, directed his accusation towards two Pickering Township Police officers who were. pre- senting Crown evidence. He told Magistrate Harry W. Jermyn he cid not assault the juvenile 'as charged but he might have touched her acci- dently. accused admitted he had mari- tal difficulties for the past 10 years, Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck told His Worship the offence wasn't as seriuos as it would indicate. He said an assault of this na- ture is quite prevalent among older men when they are around children. "I don't know why it is," said Mr. Affleck, "'but I've had quite Howeve-, both officers, Ser-|a few cases similar to this." geant Richard Bodely and Con-| His Worship indicated this was stable C. V. Cooper, testified|a borderline case he saw fit, to the accused admitted to them|place the accused on probation at the police station he did de-|for six months and told him to liberately assault the juvenile.:stay away from children. Clear Up Affairs Allan McPhail who ran federal- ly for the NDP in Victoria Rid- ing. There were approximately 40 people at the meeting, Mr, Ed- wards said, mainly teachers and farmers and their wives. At the meeting Mr. Edwards | answered questions on the NDP program of portable pensions, automobile insurance, educa- tion and producer - consumer| relations, | "I was also asked about the charges against the Conserva- tives made by the Liberals," | Mr. Edwards said. | "Although I've seen chal-| lenges in the newspaper and| over the radio for a knock-em down and punch-em-out debate, when the three candidates con-| fronted each other last Friday| tic Party." Mr, Edwards represented the day. : Gangliardi, who was manded in custody since last re- attempting to break and enter charge. rers | PHONE 668-4341 | Whitby Public School board week, was given a_ two-year sentence for possession of house breaking tools 'and one Tuesday night at Dundas School to present some athletic prizes. STARTING MONDAY, SEPT. 23RD | Then Go To Jail Magistrate Harry W. Jermyn influence of a tranquilizer he} Tuesday allowed a Hamilton{had taken to calm his bad| man, Joseph Harold Hogan, 10/nerves, | days to get his affairs in order) He admitted he had _ been) before he served seven days injdrinking quite heavily that day. jail for drunk driving. | However, Constable S. Hol-| Hogan was convicted before|royd who specializes in breath} His Worship following evidence|analyser tests, testified that from three Ontario Provincial|drugs did not effect the reading Police officers. obtained from the test. Constable P. D. Onlock stated). His Worship found the evi- he was eastbound on Highway/|dence supported the charge and Want a Perfect Fit? That's what you will get if you have your next suit or coat made to measure by e@ TIP TOP TAILORS @ HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN @ WM. N. LEISHMAN oat Russ Reeves MEN'S SHOP 129 BROCK S, PH, 668-2091 at KING ST. PUBLIC SCHOOL | Any Whitby or distri id U d in this 8-week ff) course in First Aid. ere invited to enroll Monday night. | COURSE SPONSORED BY $T, JOHN AMBULANCE DIVISION (Whitby) JOHN HAWKINS--Brigade Superintendent W. STAFFORD--Closs Orgenizer 401, Thursday August 8,: when|convicted the accused. ] he saw the accused proceeding) He sentenced Hogan to a in the same direction at a very|period of incarceration amount- INO FIRST AID COURSE || | | W YOU CAN GET Zlo-glaze Colorizor EXTERIOR PAINTS IN 1,322 COLORS! The same wide choice you get for latex or oil! You've been choosing Flo-glaze Colorizer Interior Paints for years--because of their wide range of 1,322 colors. Now Filo-glaze offers you their Exterior Paints in the same terrific range--1,322 colors! And in finishes to cover every type of exterior surface--from wood to cement, from asbestos to brick. So now, at last, you can age anything outside your home any color you like. Only Flo-glaze can give you this amazing choice of Exterior Paint Colors. Flo-glaze offer "he dozens of whites... dozens of blues, greens, browns--any color under the sun. Come in soon and look through our Flo-glaze Colorizer Album. We'll gladly help you choose the right color and finish for any exterior paint job you're planning. slow speed. ling to seven days to commence He was weaving back and|Sept. 27 and. suspended his li- forth across the highway, the|cence for one year. officer stated, and travelling at - ONE-PIECE CONCRETE Nie A PREVIEW OF TOMORROW'S COLOR TRENDS Let us show you today's very newest color trends--Flo-glaze Predictor" Colors. These are the colors voted the ones that best represent today's and tomorrow's taste in painting, in nation-wide polls taken among style-conscious home owners and sales- thinded home builders. Drop in soon--and see the exciting "Predictor" Colors on display at our store. DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. WHITBY speeds of 35-40 mph. s When the aocused was stopped Y P b just east of the Rouge river| @ar ro ation bridge, he told the officer he! was enroute to Hamilton but G d Y h must have taken the wrong rante out ph at the junction of ighways 400 and 401. F B A d E PR shonieord evidence revealed| or n lere were two part' bottles of} A 16. year - old Whitby bo -- sed ny pints of beer in) Robert Victor Strickland, 16, af| ian Mek ad 221 Rosedale drive, was placed his feet," the officer said, "and|°", 12, months probation when he had exireme difficulty in open: epheated in, Withy Magistrate's {MMMM 7" DET LOY CW A SYZEE ade Ga teas analyser SECRIANG: who was pela: 1p test taken at OPP headquarters |cyswieeg nce at fash tea Z @ FOR YOUR NEW HOME revealed the accused had 2 used had 2.9/thett, | @ REPLACEMENT FOR OLD STEPS parts alcohol in his _ blood F stream at the time the test was Magistrate Harry W. Jermyn I S| told the accused he would have » NON-SLIP SURFACE ON TREADS 655-3311 wt AND PLATFORM | | given, court was told. pay court costs and make Te-| of his probation requirements. | bg ream of Sgutoe flesainof $430 aypa veals the person is intoxicated. | Hogan maintained he was not! eo vee Sire Baye te pee drunk at the time but under the| streets by 11 pan. and disessoch CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. ONTARIO 4 Hl 4 i ow Is The Time To... a é Foal himself ip pon rd ie Failed To | ad a criminal record, His oF | Remain, Man Six Month Term FOR FUEL SAVINGS AND HOME COMFORT THE NEW "TEMPO" ship said. | Gets 10 Days | For 30 Fraud A Port Perry man, Joseph . ® Convictions Factory assembled aluminum door and frome... ready to, install on your door opening. Interchangeable storm ond Robert Eade, was sentenced to 10 days in jail when he was convicted in Whitby Magis-| Luitzen Vanderwal, 25, of 45 trate's Court, Tuesday, of fail-|Brock street east, Uxbridge,| ing to remain at the scene of who was convicted in Whitby| screen, Pneumatic door closer, steel hinges, storm check, winter sealed. Feature value ot @ new low price. Complete door de- livered only. Installation $10.00 an accident. |Magistrate's Court, last week, Constable David Kernohan of|on 30 charges of false pretences| the Ontario Provincial Police|and one charge of fraud was) EXTRA STRENGTH 'DURACLAD" iJ 6s Lh] SEALMASTER" Aluminum Door Whitby detachment told Magis-/ sentenced, Tuesday, to six) trate Harry W. Jermyn the ac-| months in jail. t cused was involved in an acci-| Vanderwai was sentenced to dent, Tuesday, August 6 at 10.30! six months on one charge of P.m. on Highway 7 and 12. |unlawfully attaining cash by "The accused did not remain|means of a worthless cheque] at the scene"', the officer stated,/and was sentenced to one month and just kept driving. An in-|concurrent on each of the other dependent witness provided the|29 convictions. | Full 1144". thickness, factory as- Now s oe aluminum ine tall on your paring, elt storing Wintereal doar colow._ coated storm oe sera peer et e Boae ing (extreme weather and abro- Heat hardened ter figid non ward be moteh fn horse Wht See strength for @ housetme of de- Turquoise, Black or Pastel predins pendable service, Delivered only. DELIVERED ONLY . . 668-5862 107 BYRON ST. SOUTH | F PICKERING DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD Offers for 1963-64 _ EVENING CLASSES | FOR ADULT EDUCATION AT AJAX - DUNBARTON - PICKERING HIGH SCHOOLS If sufficient registrations are received classes may be offered in the subjects listed. All classes are from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Classes Commence -- October 8 SUBJECTS OFFERED TWO NIGHTS PER WEEK. . . - 10.00 PER 'SEASON SUBJECTS OFFERED ONE NIGHT PER WEEK . . - 5.00 PER SEASON DUNBARTON . Tues. other driver with the accused's} On the charge of fraud Mag- licence number. istrate Harry W. Jermyn sen-) Damage to Eade's car wasitenced the Uxbridge man to estimated at $15 and damage to|three months in jail concurrent the other vehicle was estimated with his other sentences. at $150, court was told. | His Worship sentenced Eade HAS FEW CARS to 10 days in jail concurrent) There are only an estimated with any other sentence he may 19,500,000 automobiles' on the be serving. African continent. FEES: @ 2'6" x 6'6" size 2'8" x 2'10" sizes 27.88 GUARANTEED All. Winterseal doors and. win- dows of guaranteed quality and craftsmanship for your protection ond -- satisfaction, SS AJAX (Men-Tues, Women-Thurs) Tues. and. Thurs, Tues. Sewing - Elementary Sewing - Advanced Millinery Art Science, Grades 9 and 10 English, Grades 9 and 10 Mathematics Grades 9-10-11-12 Conversational French (Language Lab.) Spanish (Beginning) (Language Lab.) Public Speaking Physical Fitness - Women Typewriting - Elementary Typewriting - Advanced Office Practice (Business Machines) Bookkeeping Shorthand Drafting Auto Mechanics Machine Shop Electronics Tues. Woodwork Tues. Welding and Ornamental Iron Tues. Principal, V. E. STETLER Physical Fitness (Men) FLEA enna REGISTER EARLY! REGISTRATION ~ SEPTEMBER 24 and 26 ~_ 7.00 - 9.00 P.M. ; G. Todd, Chairman Physical Fitness Basic English (No Fee) Sewing - Beginners Sewing - Advanced Bookkeeping Shorthand Typewriting Shopwork CLERK-TYPISTS Applications are invited for positions in the School Offices at Pickering District High School and Dunbarton High School. Salary Schedule--$2,400 Minimum to $3,400 Maximum. Annual Increment $200 to Maximum, Thurs. Thurs. Thurs. Thurs. Thurs. and and and Tues. Tues, Tues. Thurs. Thurs. Thurs. Tues. and Thurs, Tues. and Thurs. Discussion Group Tues. ~ Grade XIII Spanish Tues. and Thurs. Principal, J. H; RAPSEY PICKERING and and and and Tues. Tues. Experience Allowance $100 per year to @ maximum of 4 years Tues. and Thurs. to determine starting salary. Plecse state quolifications and previous experience. Reply in writing to: Tues. and Thurs. 33-95 44.95 ALL STANDARD SIZES ALL STANDARD SIZES $43.95 INSTALLED $54.95 INSTALLED Thurs. Thurs. Thurs. Thurs. Thurs. Tues. and A. Ross Irwin, Business Administrator, Secretary-Treasurer, Pickering District High School Board, Box 70 PICKERING, Ontario. {Any previous applications will be considered) ond and Tues. Tues. COMPLETE HOUSE INSTALLATIONS AS LOW AS $12 A MONTH... NOTHING DOWN! PLAY IT SAFE.. ORDER NOW WINTERSEAL ALUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOWS Custom made . ... factory assembled. Winterseal double hung combination windows. Weather stripped, positive locking self storing storms ond screens, Heavy gauge aluminum for a housetime of dependable service. n- teed value, craftsmanship and quality. NEW LOW PRICES Assembled 10.95 12.95 13.95 Thurs, Thurs. Tues, Tues. Tues. Geometry - Grade XIll History - Grade XIll Botany - Grade Xill Zoology - Grade XIll English (For New Canadians) (No Fee) y Bookkeeping Shorthand Typewriting Art Thurs.. Thurs. Thurs. Thurs. Thars. Thurs. and Thurs. and Thurs, and Thurs. and and and and and and Tues. Tues. Tues. Tues. Tues. Tues. Thurs. BROCK Evening Shows at 7 and 9 P.M. WHITBY Last Complete Show at 9 P.M. THE FIRST JAMES BOND. FILM ADVENTURE / Thurs. Thurs. Tues. Tues. Tues. Tues. Tues. Thurs, Thurs. Thurs, Folk Dancing (Beginners) Folk Dancing (Advanced) Milline Sewing (Beginners) Sewing (Advanced) Tues. DEPENDABLE Tues BEAVER LUMBER itby 419 Dundos St. 668-5818 Bowmonville 96 King St. E. 623-3388 United Inches 0" to 48" 48" to 60" 60" to 80" 80" to 100" 15.50 100" to 110" 18.95 BASEMENT STORMS as low as 7.95 each NOTHING DOWN ... NOTHING TO PAY TILL 1964 Toke sdvontage of Beavers 6 Month Deferred Budcet Plon ond enjoy Winterseal protection this winter. Installed 14.95 16.95 17.95 19.50 22.95 Thurs. Thurs. A, Ross Irwin, Business Administrotor, Secretary-Treasurer Recommended As LT ENTERTA T i wn itn a FRE A RL AA A i Kh ig Pe IN SSE Nig)