THE GSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, September 19, 1963 G es (Ee ae UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES s She sa Phoney 18TH SCOUT MOTHER'S AUX.|Boomer, Mrs. Thomas Gladman ; The 18th Scout Mother's.Aux-|Sr.. Mrs. Carman Thompson * iliary-held its monthly meetingjand Mrs. William Veitch. With No Manners in the Sunday school room at|Patrol leaders are to contact ; Courtice United Church. The/all mothers for donations. Mrs. vice-president, Mrs. Garnet|Clifford Ryan volunteered to be Dear Ann Landers: A -- Dear Ann Landers: Six|Goyne, presided. seers of gr he -- mine has an irritating habit.;months ago our office super- and several members also a you: say her behavior is ac-| visor took up a collection to buy Pid hewonay ag de -- volunteered to take care of tea 'ceptable I will try to overlook|a gift for a girl who was get-\nolq in May at Courtice United 'ables. it. Please reply in the paper be-|ting married and leaving the 2 All annual reports are to be 'cause I know of others who won-|office. The girl said the gift was Hine al Ass poe) gre et given at next meeting; also ; > : 'der about this person, too. too bulky to carry home on pub-/n44 a yery enjoyable time and|tteasurer's book to be audited. F ; , . She is forever turning over|lic transportation but she prom- a splendid attendance. Scouts and Cub groups are to { ' 'the china to see if it is the gen-lised to drive in the following The Scout M. Fie start again on regular nights. ») | ' uine stuff. She examines silver|week and pick it up. The gift] The Scout Magazine was again' ¥7 aon Boomer, Patrol ; 'the same way. I've seen herjis still in the office and none of ace Se poo Ate ae tor Hak MIO will be fingering my table linen and myjus have received a thank-you in charge of October meeting, draperies to determine the quai-|note. It seems evident that this|for October 16 and will open at ae ity of fabric. Most people can/girl has no intention of picking 11.30 a.m. Committee in charge tg ght ee eid acmuiuisa look at a picture and enjoy it but|up the gift and that she cares|of tea room: Mrs. Gordon), "9.7 not her. She has to touch it to|nothing for it. ia a aahide didcel with Sosut "see if it's really done in oil. | It's too late to return the gift|gift within the week it will bel ian 4 pind 9g ell gully - I will admit the woman isifor a refund. We've asked the| auctioned off to the highest bid- the chatge of Mra, Ronald Al cultured, refined and knowledge-|supervisor to please do some-|der, Then put it on the block. and her petro! assistants, * ' ' able but this habit of her's|thing about the gift but still it) Confidential te NO HORSE raises my blood pressure. Will|sits here, If you have any sug-/SENSE: Hundreds of readers you please comment?--PLAIN| gestions we'd like to hear them|have written to say there is a COME FROM SOUTH FOLKS --since everyone's money is in-|pook which can smarten' you) Pineapples are believed to Dear Folks: I do not agree|volved.--PUZZLED up on "'horse-talk." It is The|have been first cultivated by © that the woman is cultured and) pear Puzzled: The supervisor|H or s e man's Encyclopedia by|Guarani Indians in Paraguay » vefined, Cultured and refined/should phone the girl and telli|Margaret Cabell Self. Your li-jand Brazil, says the National : people do not examine articles|her if she doesn't come for the!brary has it, Geographic Society. « for hallmarks nor do they han-| Saroaemes Sl ces aa cee | * ' dle fabrics to test the quality) * while visiting in the homes of ' friends, And I don't agree that! 'she is knowledgeable. If the) woman knew her stuff she * wouldn't have to touch and scru- « tinize everything. She'd know. : Dear Ann Landers: Our) s Seven-year-old son has been tak- sing odds and ends from the! A » homes of neighbors and friends. -_ -- 'Sometimes he takes objects a . di «from the nearby novelty store E 'or the drug store. He doesn't f : : OUTSTAND : need, or even want, many of the|f ; EREO * items he takes, He just enjoys) te + carrying things off without being E 5 : 2 * caught. When he brings the sto- : { A | WITH A BIG DIFFERENCE « len ogg home he proudly _ | presents them to me. ' | i « Ihave scolded him repeatedly ; : : } | ' a6 " Sg Po 3 ye that it is wrong} H j 4 oon f , The Contempra by PHILIPS « to steal. I always insist that he, | | ry | i " " ; * dabe-aheh oblect tack and leave! | ; wens eke Riss Exquisitely styled "'Contempera" model combination steree sit somewhere on the premises. | ois TUBE FUNCTIONS! -- ; After he has returned every-| ¢ . 4 thing he tells me, and I then) M t ! F b ] NEW F hi } i! ; AMPLE RECORD STORAGE, ' forgive him. arien S F aDUlous asnions * His father learned of this.| pte. BES bd Secuvihis G0inaiiake TOL : : @ TURNT. D FOR A LIFETIME! deg At Al Mid | of the Finest Quality FURS !! | . eile 269.95 ; our secret."" My husband was » shocked and then furious. He| ;seys something must be done If you are thinking of a new fur coat er jacket or | "Th G th de by PHILIPS | Lee. e Gotham y but we don't know what. It Can » his idea to write to you. Can| P , i ee | *you help? -- TROUBLED) stole -- you owe it to yourself to compare our fine H * HOUSE , : yi ' | : B... The exclusive "Gotham" model combination stereo and AM/ : Dear Troubled: Without quality, high styles, and our "maker-to-wearer" low, | ay : d | ee FM radio plus FM multiplex! ra at gear aglow | Veo a ol @ 20 TUBE FUNCTIONS PLUS 8 DIODES! : bee low prices ! ! ; ° @ 4, 6" DUO-CONE SPEAKERS! | . - . @ BIG RECORD STORAGE COMPARTMENT! | aged the boy's stealing by mak- sing a game of it. He doesn't | e a STYLE CABINET WITH HAND-RUBBED NISH! { see anything wrong with sneak- : Highest Trade-in Allowance Anywhere! @ LIFETIME TURNTABLE GUARANTEE! 379 5 ing things out so long as he is able to sneak them back in. You must tell him that if he takes tare | else he will have! = to. hand it to the owner and con- = fens that he siole it. Go along 7 ee | : m to make sure he does| H a [ I : | | \ : ee "The Orlean" by PHILIPS : ia is som ae cure him, the| ' apete" pretenuonal' "heap, : €... French Provincial Style " oy ' Nounasiers who steel usually TSKINGSTREETEAST | --- Opposite Hotel Genosha \\) poe | AGM dances cielo ave ans eaated embtional ' p | ? @ FM MULTIPLEX BEACON/SIGNAL SWITCH! problems. m : : 4% | | @ 20 TUBE FUNCTIONS PLUS 8 DIODES! BR as Bie, tier ssiealesachailitlncils acini REC Bic Aa AES. DNR , 4 eee @ 15.6 WATTS OF RATED MUSIC POWER! 7 4 i ssereiaamoicuaitieaa ie z ass @ 4 NOVA SONIC STEREO SPEAKERS! @ AUTOMATIC RECORD CHANGER GUARANTEED 399 es) NOW YOU CAN ENJOY... a Fon ALIFE i i LUXURIOUS, BEAUTIFUL ir 4 , | yet PHILIPS 4 OSC 4 | OUTSTANDING ies | 'TELEVISION 100% CRESLAN ACRYLIC FIBRE WITH A BIG @ NON-ALLERGENIC ® EASY TO CLEAN | © MOTHPROOF © RESILIENT "The Fernwood" by PHILIPS |. >... The beautiful "Fernwood" 23-inch television console, | CUNADs'S FIRST 2-YEAR GUARANTEE! | CANADA' 2 12 COLORS | M 2-YEAR PICTURE TUBE WARRANTY! | @ TWO NOVA SONIC es tl ala | e@ 25 EFFECTIVE TUBE NS! CONTEM RY CABINET TO CHOOSE FROM © CONTEMPoRA 359.5 "The Dorset" by PHILIPS SPECIAL LOW PRICE PER | EB... Philips "Dorset" model 28-inch television console, the feature of the ¢ 5 TUBE FUNCTIONS PLUS 2 SILICON RECTIFIERS! 25 § SQUARE YARD ; PICTURE TUBE OVERLOAD PROTECTORA @ NEW "NOVA SONIC" 5-INCH SPEAKER! @ ILLUMINATED CHANNEL SELECTOR! @ BEAUTIFULLY CRAFTED CABINET IN WALNU 299 FINISH! 5 IDEAL FOR WALL-TO-WALL INSTALLATION! ! ; "The Bridlewood" by PHILIPS @ VERY EASY TERMS IF REQUIRED FL... The "Bridlewood!" is the featare model ot the new 3984 "Monitron 900" series. Check these outstanding features. @ AUTOMATIC CONTRAST AND VISIMATIC PICTURE LOCK @ FREE ESTIMATES ; | .@ TWO-YEAR PICTURE TUBE GUARANTEE! @ 41 EFFECTIVE TUBE FUNCTIONS! @ TWO 6" SPEAKERS DELIVER TRUE HI FI SOUND! @ ILLUMINATED CHANEL INDICATOR AND CONTEMPOR- 389 5 | ROSS E MIL LS C a @ a TD | i | Trade In Your Old Set... , Pay Even Less Than Price Shown "The Broadloom Specialists" PHONE 728-6218 80 SIMCOE NORTH SRRORetee SAOGESEOSCOTOODOASDEDLSAOREROORSAOTERT RETEST ONDE TTL OORHORTRRURRET ORDA HATO ROHRT EDO E SORE SSOSEESOREPREROROEDESESeeeererees®