UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES PMA CLUB The Pleasant Monday After- 'Inoon Club met on Monday in +\the Legion Hall with Mrs. R. G. '\Collison presiding. Favorite ~\hymns were sung and readings 'lgiven by Mrs, Benjamin Jack- _|lin, Mrs. George Hall, Mrs. \|George V. Lee and Mrs. Dun- can Nesbitt. The meetings are held each > |\week at 2.3 %p.m., and are non- denominational, The member- ship fee is twenty-five cents a year and mothers may bring 'their children with them. Re- freshments are served at the 'lclose of the meetings. Serving i}refreshments this week were Mrs. R. G. Collison amd Mrs. Herbert Burgess. LEGION AUXILIARY NO, 43 :| The Ladies' Auxiliary, Royal Canadian Legion, Bramch 43, held its weekly meeting on Tuesday, with the president, Mrs. Norman McEvers, pre- 'lsiding. A donation of toys from the men's branch was greatly appreciated, and will be placed in the toy booth for the bazaar, to be held November 19. A few seats are still available on the bus, for the visit to Sunnybroo' Hospital on Wed- nesday, September 18, when Ilb distributed to the veterans in the hospital. The bus will leave|@ § ; h the Legion Hall at 1.15 p.m. and|of Mrs. Russell Flutter, with a| |Mrs, Erie Jacklin is the con- |vener for transportation. Members were reminded that dues must be paid up to the) Fiend of September, to be eligible) 'four hundred bags of treats will) groups to consider answers to questions raised in The Word and The Way, concerning Chris- tian responses toward human failings. At the close of the meeting, refreshments were served by Mrs. Fallis and Mrs. Semple, CALVARY BAPTIST WMS The meeting opened with a luncheon served and preared by Mrs. Kenneth Getty who with the Reverend Getty, is home on furlough from India, Mrs, Getty showed the different kinds of foods prepared in India. The Reverend Kenneth Getty and Mrs. Getty led the devo- tional part of the meeting, tell- ing of their work in India, Mrs. Getty showed the native dress of the India women and spoke on 'the love and peace in serv- ing God on the mission field". Mrs. William Spencer and Miss Lottie Sickle presented Mrs. Getty with a quilt and many small garments ¥nade for the children of India. Mrs. Jack Dugan closed in prayer. PILOT CLUB OF OSHAWA The Pilot Club of Oshawa held its first regular meeting of the fall and winter season recently. There had been two meetings during the summer, In July a barbecue was held at the home of Mrs. Fred Lloyd; in August upper meeting at the home short business. meeting in the evening when plans were made for District 17 fall council to be held October 26 and 27 in Osh- awa. Miss Lillian Beamish was appointed convention chairman. ter the summer recess, The meeting opened with the WA Prayer and a chapter of Scrip- ture. Due to the absence of the secretary, Mrs. Lloyd Young, the minutes were read by Mrs. Joseph Patterson, The treasur- er's report was given by Mrs. William Boorman. Mrs. A. M. Moore offered to be responsible for the sale of the Chureh calendars for 1964, the theme being "Our Response to God'. The WA is catering for the luncheon for delegates to the AYPA, Executive work-shop be- ing held at St. Peter's. Mrs. Patterson, with Mrs. A. M. Moore as co-convener, will convene the annual fall bazaar to be held November 2. It was decided to make a quilt to go into the WA bale to be sent to the Arctic. An invitation was extended to any women of the congregati: to join the WA which meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month in the Church at 8 p.m. A social half hour followed closing prayers. ST. GEORGE'S WA The afternoon branch of St.| George's WA met for its devo-| tional and business meeting,| with the president, Mrs, Charles Gibbs presiding. The meeting opened prayer. The Scripture lesson |was read by Mrs. Thomas Keast. Mrs. John Sawyer took} the roll call and read the min-; utes. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Ernest See- with GUEST OF HONOR Wife of the Provincial Li- beral Leader, Mrs, John Win- termeyér will be the guest of honor at a reception tea at Adelaide House tomorrow af- ternoon from 2.30 to 5.50 p.m. Mrs. Ralph Jones, Liberal candidate for Oshawa Riding will be among those assisting Mrs. Wintermeyer in receiv- ing. Ashley and Crippen for the fall bazaar to be held in the lower hall of the church on Wednesday, November 6 at 2.30 p.m. Mrs. Henning offered to arrange for the printing and distribution of the tickets for the tea room. Mrs. C. L, Gun- ter, Simcoe street south kindly invited the group to meet at Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA.TIMES, Monday, September 16,1963 7 Dorothy James, Albert Moore Dorothy Eileen James, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, Clifton John James, Oshawa, became the bride of Albert Joseph Moore, Oshawa, son of Mr. and Mrs. William A, Moore, Beaverton, last Saturday in Northminster United Church, The Reverend H, A. Mellow officiated, and the wedding mu- sic was played by Mr. John R. Robertson, Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride was wearing a short gown of organza with scoop appliqued neckline, con- trolled skirt, and short sleeves with matching gloves. She car- \ried a cascade bouquet of fea- |thered white carnations and pink sweetheart roses. Her headdress was a crown of self- |material and sequins holding a |shoulder-length veil of pure silk illusion, She carried a handker- chief of linen and lace worn by her aunt and godmother at a |wedding over fifty-four years | pink and white carnations. Oshawa, was of gold carnations, with a matching jacket, tions. Exchange Vows at Northminster The maid of honor was the bridegroom's niece, Miss Jo- anna James, Oshawa, wearing a pale blue de soie, short length gown, with a scoop neckline, and bell skirt, She wore a crownless pill-box hat of self material with a small veil, and carried a cascade of feathered The best man was the bride's brother, Clifton John James, Jr., and the ushers were Fred James and Alan Smith, all of For the reception at the UAW Hall, Oshawa, the mother of the bride received wearing a willow green lace over taffeta sheath, with matching accessories, and gold feathered hat, Her corsage The bridegroom's mother assisted, wearing, a navy blue silk print 1 and white accessories, and a cor- Sage of pink and white carna- PLANNING BRIDGE. Mrs. John Hruska is the, general convener for the eve- ning of bridge being planned by the Evening C! of the Oshawa General Hospital' Women's Auxiliary. « IMPROVE DRIVING MONTREAL (CP) -- As 8 term of derision "woman driver" will no longer ter a group of women wo! for 'the Bell Telephone Company' here after they compleie a course planned by the company this. fall. The course includes: discussions and films on the theory of driving and road, safety as well as road teste with qualified driving instruc- tors. t The couple left on their honey-| jmoon with the bride wearing for travelling, a double-knit teal blue sheath, with a matching three-quarter length coat trimm- ed with satin binding, black ac- cessories, white feathered hat, and a corsage of pink carna- tions and pink sweetheart roses. When Mr. and Mrs. Moore re- turn, they will reside at 300 Athol street, Whitby. ago, e CARPET 282 King W. BROADLOOM TILE .7 }\ project this year. ae SPEAKER | Invitations were received to|& attend the Regional Conference "Mosques and Minarets,-a | of the United Church Women at} Gli 'Y h |Newtonville on Tuesday, Octo- 4s ay 8 of Morocco" is the her 29, also the Oshawa Pres- title of a talk to be given by |byterial conference at Prince Miss Catherine Ongley follow-| Albert on Thursday, October ing a luncheon in St. George's |3] : : Parish hall, Tuesday, Septem- poing to Mrs. Hugh Revell, and led, the Kinettes then enjoyed) Court Whist -- with high prize low to Mrs. Ear! Fielding. excutive for The meeting Tentative plans were made ber 24. Miss Ongley, daughter of the rector, the Reverend F, G. Ongley, had an opport- | unity to visit north Africa | while studying in Switzerland. LADIES Ne beby sitter, no cer fare Mr. Bernard September will be held at the home of the president, Mrs. Morley Robinson, on September} 17, at 8.30 p.m. | ae | & pepular annual event. NORTHMINSTER UCW - : The Women's Guild of St. George's is arranging the luncheon which has long been | Of Leading Toronto Selens Experienced Hair Stylist FOR HOME APPOINTMEN' 725-6854 MERE'S A BORDER I COLORS TAKEN RIGHT FROM TWE The first autumn meeting of Unit 8 was held on the evening of September 10, with 17 mem- bers present. It began with a short business period, during which projects for the fall fair were discussed and a tour of The United Church House was ltentatively scheduled 'for No- | vember. | Mrs. H. J. Semple, program In 24 director, and Mrs. Jack Fallis, |unit leader, conducted the wor- iship service and presented the study program. The members Learn Typewriting At Night School Nights .«. AND READY TO USE mem LUXURIOUS BEAUTY AT AN AMAZING LOW PRICE! BRIGHT WEW COLORFUL LOOK FOR YOUR BEDROOM -- EACH SHEET -- SLIP -- AND BLANKET WAS A DELICATE "BRUSH-STROKE" STRIPED 'CAPRIGE' | TOWEL AND BEDDING ENSEMBLE OUTSTANDING VALUE FOR ONLY oo WEEKLY 65 race $49.95 SATISFA N GUA £ =---- CLUDED! BATHROOM SCALE tying dist R | |were divided into discussion 30 DAYS OVERSEAS (OCT. Ist -- MAR. Ist) $312.00 ROUND TRIP AT FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL (OSHAWA) PHONE 728-6201 Mrs. Beverly Smith is con- vening a dessert tea and pa-| rade of millinery for the Cal-| vin Group of St. Paul's Pres- byterian Church. The event is planned for Wednesday next at the church with. dessert served at 7.30 followed by the hat show, Special RIGHT SCHOOL TYPING CLASSES MON, & THURS. EVENINGS 7:00 - 9:30 for 12 consecutive weeks-- 2 nights weekly. ENROLL NOW Under Individual Instruction BLACK"S LADIES' AND MEN'S WEAR will be CLOSED ALL DAY THURSDAY, SEPT. 19th AND FRIDAY UNTIL 5:30 P.M. SEPT, 20th OPEN / | FRIDAY, SEPT. 20th, 5:30 till 9 P.M. WIFE PRESERVER | If you a eee PLEASE ARRANGE Oe fhe Clock on a dinner'pisteg _ © O PICK UP YOUR "LAY-AWAYS BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON-Sept. 18th to intensify the Doise, 72-14 SIMCOE N. iA chs LC .. LADIES' -- 725-1912 MATCHING PASTEL FLANNELETTE 70 x 90 BLANKET WITH YOU WILL LEARN... CAPRICE STRIPED BORDER @ Proper Technique © Correct Fingering © How to Set Up Letters © Special Moterial and Tebulating © Business Forms Register Now end Be Assured ef @ Place; ' A ley, and the Dorcas report was 0 vote-in December. Miss Beamish allotted various|/given by Mrs. George Puck- meeting E\for September 24, and a social) members of the Pilot Club. [ed prayer, | An article entitled "The Unit-| for all members in the zone| wy ext meeting will be held| It was announced that the f ; 8 be\dies" printed in a current issue rom several groups taking part. ©) Mrs. David Rollo was report-\cimeoe Hall of a national magazine, -was The Hom. League singing group y , d ill in the hospital, and Mrs. |" ; pre : cal 1 MR. AND MRS. ALEX REID [Banlel ¢ st. PETER's wa _|gshawa, on October, 9 als0\proved most interesting and|All the The", conducted | by ick Nash, and Mrs. Charles provoked a great deal of com-|Mrs. Christian Csbourn. The . Williams are ill at home. St. Peter's Church held its | : . first meeting of the fall sea- CEDARDALE UCW The members offered to de.| leadership of Mrs. Thomas Sal- Arlin ton Avenue Couple ; t The first meeting of the au-|corate the church for the isbury, read the Scripture por- The September dinner mee!-\ Charles Templar presiding, andjtumn of Cedardale United|Thanksgiving service. - | ° ling of the Kinette Club was held) welcomed back 14 members af-|Church Women was held in the| The meeting was closed with 'he Sunshine Group, and Mrs.| HOUSEHOLD HINT Honored on o0th Anniversary |Genosha, on Tuesday, Septem.) § jwith the president, Mrs. Wil-| : a ship Group, both gave readings, |heating a baby leaf with pea ber 10, with the newly installed| lliam Henning, presiding. Mrs. SA HOME LEAGUE Four members of the Rainbow| Soup. lington avenue, were the guests|resided in Oshawa since coming con presiding, Special guest for| ing with prayer and the chap-|League 'rally day was _well|pouglas Bry: i é ang CSR Ae "da wears no ae | 3 . : yant, Mrs. John Dix- of honor at a quiet, surprise}to Canada 40 years ago. the evening was Mrs. John ter from the study book, "The|attended with --_ninety-three| gy and Mrs. Melville Arnold ex-| LILLIAN MAE MARSH the occasion of their golden|Mrs. Kenneth Greentree (Chris-| , ee he head table Hora At Mathers was taken| Buller opened the meeting with| wedding anniversary at their)tine); Mrs. William Sholdra scenic os Ses ena yel-| a chorus and Mrs. Mel Smith | 'he Home. League, Mrs. 'A. M. Butler, wife of the|P@yed for the members who : 12 (Jean); Mrs. Nicholas Masney), " : tne! ; , were ill. on the articles on the tables, by Mrs. William Leask. During new minister was introduced which were to be sent to Korea, D.EA ried at the Drummond Mem-|living. sons Robert and Adam . re : flower money receive 1 si _D.E.A. 4 4 : t heard on all projects - i Mrs. J. W. McVey, who. has r 3 , orial United Free Church injof Oshawa; Andrew. of Hamil- peo coauiteak, Bs . been a patient. in 'the Oshawa| nouncements made, and the rolijcelved and their needs over) Ballet, Tap, Acrobatic England. Another son, Alexan- i | |. Mrs. Major Fred Lewis then then gave a talk on hands. Petites i i |was the presentation of en present, It was reported Mrs.| jor C n SOCIAL NOTICE |der, of Oshawa, died two years|,-ayeq silver. spoons _ bearing Albert Harswell is progressing|led the meeting in a remem-| It was announced the next wie MASONIC TEMPLE" 97 Contre * jdren and one great-grandchild. |three Kinettes with 100 per cent eral Hospital, had passed away during the|the Fellowship Group. Refresh-| MARRIAGE | Mr. and Mrs. Reid were pre-jattendance. They are: Mrs.| The minutes were read and| year. : {ments were served at the close a 'om family and friends.|Fry, Mrs. Donald Cullen, Mrs. Norton. Mrs. Russell Worsley Peeters, daughter of Mr. and| flowers fr ya |Fry Pe eae gy org etd Mrs. Herman Peeters, port beg md. Mt yr ion Han: Christmas cards and all occ i | Gifford. " Iwood, Mrs. James Hen- a- and Mrs. Frank L. Hill, all of Gifford : Frank Elwood. Pag aon ame ag Bars pin Oshawa, taok place on Wednes-| Mr, Reid is a veteran of The |i thas inealiaes eae wated t oeil 11, 1963, at St.|First and Second World Wars.|Jack Risebrough, Mrs. Douglas; | atalino bi 48 oe e ae Gertrude's.. Roman Catholic/He served with the Royal NavyjLowe, Mrs. Morley Robinson, | ie 'y making Church, , John Myers officiating. Royal Canadian Navy in World Southern, Mrs, David McCann, War II. He has been employed|Mrs. Arthur Stone, Mrs. Boris THE STARS SAY | cation as a custodian for the|Mrs. Jack Menzie, Mrs. Bruce) st 37 Willlams, Mrs. Paul Pautler, |Ripley. | FOR TOMORROW The business meeting adjourn-| This day's aspects are usu- fit under their influence--espe- cially where advancing work in- lent Mercury rays stimulate all mental work, written matters) FOR THE BIRTHDAY | If tomorrow 1» your birthday, you are currently in an excel- lent period for making long- particularly auspicious for achieving immediate gains in ters, but ventures launched now and followed up conscientiously early December. Further up- trends in these concerns are in- in mid-1964. Be careful about your budget in intervening and-or speculation could offset gains. should prove harmonious for most of the year ahead--with periods in mid-November and March--and, for the single, new strong likelihood in either De- cember, May, June or July. seriously, however. They could prove disillusioning. have several good periods throughout the next 12 months, cur in December of this year, and June of next be sympathetic, loyal and intui-| tive, but may be a little too sus- her home for the October 9 A social evening was planned) 4.4. for the convention to thelett. Mrs, Samuel Wotten offer- 4 led Church and Its Dynamic La-|}0Wed, with _ representatives i|will be held on October 8. on Thursday, September 19, in| Deanery Conference would jheld in Holy Trinity Church,|-eaq by Mrs. Gunter which|82Ve 4 vocal number "Singing Daniel Gviltinan, Mrs, Freder- --Oshawa Times Photo The Woman's Auxiliary Of|held October 17. ment and discussion. |"'Cheerio Group", under the KINETTE CLUB son, Tuesday evening, with Mrs -aaaal . | \tion in unison. Mrs, Roy Starr of lin the Fleetwood Room, Hotel -- -|church on Wednesday afternoon|a prayer by Mrs, Butler, William Short Jr. of the Fellow-| For a new taste treat, try Mr. and Mrs, Alex Reid, Ar-September 12, 1913. They have! ,resident, Mrs. Morley Robin |Albert Singer opened the meet-|. The Salvation Army Home|Group, Mrs. Walter Reid, Mrs./e== party given by their family on} They have four daughters: Graham. Word and the Way" by Rev.|members present. Mrs. Frank|pjained the fourfold purpose of ss by Mrs. Earl Hoy. ; ° home last Thursday, September/(Ann); Mrs. William Kellar low chrysanthemums was won | Mrs, Charles Langfield spoke SCHOOL OF DANCING Mr, and Mrs. Reid were mar-|(Martha) of Hamilton, and five, A ; i " | Birthdays were remembered, | : the business session annual re ana welcomed to the group. and mentioned the letters re-| Possilpark, Glasgow, Scotland,/ton; James of Madoc, John of A highlight of the evening hospital for some time, was) Call taken. there. Mrs, Major Fred Lewis) Character, Breeehenl icanaeiies, ago. There are 29 grandchil-\the Kinette crest to twenty- favorably in the Oshawa Gen-|brance service for those who|meeting will be in charge of INFORMATION: 723-7253 The marriage of Janice Lynn|sented with numerous gifts and)George Russell, Mrs. Robert roll call taken by Mrs. J. F.| An interesting program fol-'of the meeting. st and|A letter of congratulation was|Gordon Garrison, Mrs. Francis Gerald Hill, son of Mr.|received from Mayor Lyman read several thank you letters. derson, Mrs. Donald Lake, Mrs.) | day, Septe with the Reverend|in World War I and with the|Mrs. John MacLean, Mrs. Earl by the Oshawa Board of Edu-|/Melch, Mrs. George Thomas, | pa years. ' By ESTRELLITA ye -------- ----|Mrs. Ronald Wilson, Mrs. Lewis ally friendly and you can bene-| terests is concerned. Too, excel- and social life. | your horoscope indicates that range plans. Influences are not either business or financial mat- should bring excellent results by dicated for next February and months, however. Extravagance' - Domestic and social interests the possible exception of brief) romance and-or marriage is a Don't take October romances While creative workers will their very best cycles will oc- 1 | A child born on this day will ceptible to flattery. This course is designed for beginners --- housewives, school teachers, high school students, business men and mony. others who ore primarily interested in leaming how te type, either for business or personal use. It is not @ speed closs. There is alse « Special SPEED CLASS fer those interested in higher speed end eccurecy Adult Education, Bed courses big For full information, Write or Phone THE CANADIAN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 52/2 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA 728-7081 tioned for Your Comfort Ton 3 WAYS TO BUY! COME IN.... PHONE... OR es LTD Me cee | MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! DEALER'S NAME AND ADDRESS aie ~ TAGE TPA SL DO AD $1.94 WE OT Pu FOL -- MAPLE CLEANERS $04 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA Cosh & Corry -- 4 Hr. Service & Hour Service CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. PHONE 723-7022 v6 MEN'S -- 723-3611 Air Cond 32 KING ST. WEST cseseeccesenns "Your oa PHONE 725-0643