Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Sep 1963, p. 5

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STUDENTS FIND COMFORT IN NEW tt OLD GRAD AND EXCHANGE STUDENT THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Septimber 13,.1968 § | ai CLASSROOMS STUDENT ROOMS HAVE STUDY FACILITIES bis AFFILIATES ADMIRE OHW PATIO FOUNTAIN 5 Cae RESIDENCE FLOORS EQUIPPED WITH TV LOUNGES e an industry, but the fact does WHITBY And DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Rae Hopkins remain that Ontario Hospital, Whitby, is probably the largest single industry in Ontario Coun- and women on a year round |basis. The annual payroll has Tel. 668-3703 | now reached approximately $3% | million and is steadily rising. _ MILLION DOLLAR STRUCTURE OHW Nursing Open For Students Outside, the new building is surrounded by tall evergreens, beautifully landscaped grounds and patios for the enjoyment of the students and their guests. At yesterday's brief but color- ful official opening, Dr. W. H. Weber, superintendent, told the gathering the new student nurse accommodation is something the staff at OHW have looked forward to for many years. According to the superinten- dent, there have been two pre- vious nurses' residences at the hospital during the past 40 years --both were English in charac- ter--and both have outgrown . Another chapter in the 50-year Ontario Hospital Whitby history was written beneath overcast skies and during chill winds Thursday afternoon when Health Minister M. B. Dymond, MD, unveiled a_ three-foot square plaque in front of the mew School of Nursing and Nurses' Residence Building at this provincial government own- ed and operated centre for the treatment of the mentally {!1. Some 200 civic and govern- ment officials, clergy, represen- tatives of the medical and nurs- ing professions, employees, pa- tients and friends of the hospital sat in chilled silence as Dr./their usefulness. Dymond declared the new mil-| Civic greetings were brought lion dollar structure officially|hy Mayor W. Stanley Martin, of open, ;Whitby, Reeve John G. Good- Only seconds before the " of ing 5 Township em Health Minister turned the| Warden J. erman Scott, o beautiful new building, with its| Ontario County. ultra modern decor and furnish-| As he turned the new build- ings over to Miss Helen M.|ing over to the authorities under Whitman, OHW director of nurs-|whose supervision it will oper- ing, Public Works Minister R.jate, Health Minister Dymond T. Ray Connell, turned the key|said this building was some- over to the health department's|thing he has looked forward to head. |sitice the time he took charge of The school and residence was|the department of health, -- Si aca we apetivalOr Pepe gal, "aemiat a ug! e department) Dr. : of public works, whose et en-|of a ag egg forward ineer, A. C. Modlin, supervised|to the same thing. He said as the construction from the, time|long as he is Minister of Health the ground was broken in Marchjhis department shall push for- 1962 }ward in its program to replace The new six-storey building|every school of nursing in every completely changes Port Whit. Onserio ce ig where such a 8 skyline and its trim lines|School operates. ony be seen from almost any| According to the Health Min- point in the county..town jister some 30. nurses graduate Inside, the building is finished) annually from Ontario Hospital! ph ct shades of rose beige) Whitby and it is his hope this blues, its floors are terrazzo|number will be increased to at and Pageant are of accoustic|least 50 students graduating an- tile. The interior is trimmed in|nually. rich walnut. | Dr. Dymongexpressed the nent BROCK Evening Shows Start /& 9 PM, WHITBY SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 aaar west! B30 HOPG / Anita EKbélg Cal} Me Buama fs (AGERT ®. BROCCOL In this area alone there has been much change vogress over the past five years. Staff jturnover, once a very great problem, is at its lowest level! jever, due in large measure to jimproved salaries, wages and working conditions. Not only jhave salaries and wages been greatly increased -- other em- ployee benefits include: 40-hour work week, three weeks vaca- tion with pay, cumulative sick leave, what-is widely believed \to be the best retirement plan hope the proposed new Whitby|in Canada, etc. All these have General Hospital he has '"'heard|come into force and show that rumblings about" will eventual-|Government is a good employer. ly become a reality -- and a/In addition, although not union- wing of the psychiatrie care hos-|ized, the Public Service has bar- pital in Whitby. jgaining rights through their As- With a general hospital oper-|sociation and, a few years ago, ating as a wing of Ontario Hos-|an independent Grievance Board School ter said, such an_ institution|ployee can turn should he feel would complete the community| wronged or unfairly treated. health facility. Local purchases amount to be- HOSPITAL HISTORY tween one-third and one-half Construction of the original] million dollars annually, hospital was started during} All the many changes in the World War One and, indeed, the|Ontario Hospital system have buildings were at first loaned to|had one basic aim, viz: to pro- the Federal Government for/vide the best possible care and military purposes. The construc.|treatment for the mentally ill, tion work was done by prisoners) and to press forward constantly from Guelph Reformatory, in the struggle to learn more After the close of the War,|about this Number One Health jthe hospital was opened for pa-|Problem so that, in our time, jtients and served well the east|we may yet "Conquer Mental |central part of the province. Ad-|Illness"'. ditions were built as need for) ------ }expansion arose, the most re- jcent being the new Administra- ; . tion and Out-patient Wing open-| AJax Lionettes opened the ed in 1958. < |new season of activities Wed- The School of Nursing was be-|Nesday, Sept. 4, with a dinner |gun shortly after the opening of)meeting at the home of Past |the hospital and was very popu-| President Mrs. Thomas Wilson. lar because of the quality of the' The meal was prepared and teaching and training always in-| served by Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. sisted upon, However, advances| Wright and Mrs. Delletre and in nurse education gad-tve pre-'was so thoroughly enjoyed by ference of student§ to train in|the group that plans were made general hospitals took their toll,/to have future meetings, dinner and the School was scheduled to! ones, with the girls taking turns close when the present minister,|as caterers. the Honorable M. B. Dymond.| MD, took ove lof Health. He beliey AJAX LIONETTES r the Department! wives of Lions |yet joined the Lionettes, During : [the dues collecting period three pitals could, and. should, train|of the guests joined the ranks of and educate nurses, and per-jactive members after being suaded' Government to establish duly warned by the Ways and a new school at Whitby rather|Means Committee that next than discontinue this function.|meeting we go to work. This was begun 'last year, and| The draw prize: was won by now, on completion, will receive|Mrs. Les Pearce. . the first students with the open-| Officers for the 1963-64 term ing of the Fall training period. |are as follows: President, Mrs. The cost of construction has|Robert McKenzie; first vice3 |been almost one million dollars president, Mrs, Merve Lamb; and, when completely equipped|.second vice-president, Mrs, Den- jand furnished, the total will be nis Whittaker; secretary, Mrs. in excess of that. The School/Kenneth Bushell; treasurer, will accommodate 156 students,|Mrs. Les Deering. or a class-of 50 in-each ofthe - ed the Ontario Hos- ty, employing some 791 men| WHITBY PERSONALS Rev. G. Rezelman Mr, and Mrs, Patrick Lynch, 912 Donovan crescent, entertain- ed at their residence at a bar-: becue mixed miscellaneous bridal shower in honor of Miss Mary Ellen McCudden and Sar Vancleais who are to be ma..iea September 28 in Our Lady of Peace Roman Catholic Church, Toronto, Guests present from Toronto were; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Vancleais Sr., Miss Linda Van- cleais, Gordon Vancleais, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McCudden, Miss Theresa McCudden, Mr. and Mrs. William Neal, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Duffy, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lalonde. Assisting the host- ess in serving was Mrs. Nancy Heitzner, Danny Roxborough, 922 Cen- tre street north, is celebrating 13. Friends of Mr, Roxborough pital Whitby, the Health Minis-|was set up, to which the em-|Wish him many happy returns} jof the day. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Collins jand family, formerly of Black- istock, have established resi- |dence on Donovan crescent. Their friends wish them happi- ness in their new surroundings, third birthday Tuesday, Septem- ber -10, Friends of the family wish Kenneth many more happy birthdays. Girl Hurt In Two-Car Mishap An eight-year-old Whitby girl Sandra Hendriks, 339 Rosedal \drive, was injured Thursday jmorning, when a car, in which Five guests were present, all/She was a passenger, was in- who had not|volved in an accident at the lintersection of Byron and Dun- jdas streets, in Whitby. | She received a bump to the forehead in the mishap and jafter examination by a doctor ishe was released but was to 'be |kept under observation. | Drivers of the vehicles |volved were Mrs. J. Hendriks, |339 Rosedale and Mrs, Ivy Roe, |999 Brock street north. estimated at $400. Police said traffic was heavy jat the time, it was raining and 'the roads were wet. his birthday today, September} 'grams of study, fellowship and} ©) fun, in-}---- Damage to both vehicles was| Elected President Ministerial Assoc. The Whitby Ministerial Asso- (tiation..resumed its Fall activi- ties with a first at the United Church Parlors Tuesday | During their ten-day. motor trip to New York 'State - Mr. and Mrs. William Jackson, 2 Queens road visited members of their families 'and friends..." Kathleen Rowe Home and School Association is holding a RECOGNIZES LAYMEN VATICAN CITY (AP)--Vati- can sources say Pope Paul is considering allowing certain qualified Roman Catholic lay men to attend the church's Beach Home ecumenical council when it re- convenes Sept. 29, The sources By MRS, W. SEYMOUR say the laymen -- leaders of PICKERING BEACH -- Mr./Catholic lay organizations UK. Family At Pickering morning, "Get Acquainted Tea" this The members deeply regretted) afternoon, September 13. Mem- bers of the ¢xecutive are in|that due to ill health they would charge of the affair, Mothers of|/be losing from their fehowsiin| the new pupils and also of Kin-/the Rev. G. Nicholson. As a} dergarten are urged to attend. |member and as treasurer, he was most diligent. The good) wishes of the association go with the Rev. and Mrs. Nicholson. A welcome was extended to Miss Ila E. Newton, deaconess at St. Mark's United Church, and to the Rev. DeLoss M. Scott, of the Faith Baptist Church, at- tending their first meeting. The election of officers for 1963-64 resulted as follows: President: the Rev. G. Rezel- man; vice-president, the Rev. J. Deaconess _ Installed | At St. Mark's © | Miss Ha Newton, a Deaconess jof The United Church of Can-|"". ada, was installed as assistant|S™ith; secretary, the Rev. W. J. to the minister at St, Mark's|S:. McClure; treasurer, The} |United Church Sunday morning) ev. J: McLeod. | when M. Millar, chairman of Plans were made for the re- the Pastoral Relations Commit, rece ig Paigr eg ook es mang | : | ins Ss, rion ented her to the congre-|with ciasses to begin the first : jweek in October. Following the service a brief} The appreciation of the mem-| coffee time" Was held in the|bers was expressed to the re-! Kenneth Lynch celebrated his| Assembly Hall when members|tiring president, the Rev. J.| Audrey visited her brother| of the congregation had oppor-/Van Harmelen and arrange-| jtunity to welcome Miss Newton)ments were made for the next |personally. meeting October 8. and Mrs. W. Lightowler of|would be admitted as "wit. Bradford, Yorkshire, England,|/nesses," not as delegates with are spending five weeks visiting| the right to debate and vote. at the home of their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wilson, Lakeview Blvd., Picker- ing Beach. This is Mr, Light- owlers first trip to Canada. ' Mrs, Lightowler visited about 10 years ago. They have two grandchildren here, Peter and Ian. Russell Dunn of Coventry,| England, is' on a one-month) visit at the home of Mr. and| Mrs. R. Reid, Poplar avenue. | Russell is the son of Mrs.) Reid's brother. He is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. L. | Montgomery at their cottage at! Cherry Valley near Picton. Mr. and Mrs. C. Broughton} Golden Gate Egg Roll .15. of Lakeview Blvd. have Mr. Broughton's father and sister] Beef Chow Mein . 1.15 visiting for one month. | Chicken Chop Suey 1.00 Mr. E. Broughton and Audrey are from Bradford, Yorkshire, | Sweet & Sour Spare-Ribs England. Sweet & Sour Chicken & Pineapple 1.50 GOLDEN GATE RESTAURANT CHINESE FOOD | TAKE OUT and FREE DELIVERY PHONE 668-8321 668-8687: 95 and family about five years ago. | It is the first trip to Canada for her father. | Miss Newton's former area of lservice was at Vilna, Alberta, SUSPEND DRIVER where she was responsible for| CAMPBELLVILLE, Ont. (CP) Ithe full pastoral work of the|The Canadian Trotting Associa- lcharge for 11 years. bong Wednesday might suspended Morning Worship was con-|{0F the remainder of the har- lducted by Rev. J. M. Smith|2€8s horse racing season a St. | y ia M8 whose message was entitled) Pau! Pov ap ne rent trainer- she wea letant? iec|Ariver from any of its raceways. Education For Decision', MISS! Theo Turcotte practised "incon. Margaret Webber was at the) ; : j jsistent driving," the associa- jreen, Sa8. Harry. Rammler was tion's zone 8 branch here ruled | Anuouhcelnents indicated the gel ag oy davestigation vey youth organizations are return: |, fae, Ns. 27 at Toronto's \ing for their fall and winter PYO-\took a purse at 16-to-1 odds, teeta i erent Ulsieascnt Sunday School sessions' begin next Sunday with the giris| and boys nine years of age and) over meeting at 9.45 a.m. and} One-Stop Con children meeting at a DECORATING SHOP | Next Sunday Miss Esther! |Highfield, associate sectetary | of the Board of Home Missions, © Wallpipes end Merala © Custom" Draperies @ Brosdioom end Rugs will be the guest speaker at the) United Church Women's Ser-| © C.i.L. Paints and Varnishes © Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points vice, | | DODD & SOUTER | | Decor Centre 107 Byron St. $., Whitby Phone 668-5862 scucoG CLEANERS _& Shirt Launderers FREE Pick-up & Delivery hig PHONE 668-43 | | ! | | next three years. Not only is the School used | for the training of nurses in pre- Week-End Special! paration for the 'Registered Nurse" examinations, nurses }from many general hospitals | |spend some time in most On- jtario Hospitals in psychiatric! | training, since the Ontario. Goy- }ernment operates more than 95 }per cent of all psychiatric beds lin the province. (We often lose sight of the fact that these total 147 per cent of ALL hospital beds in the province.) The hospital should not be. 'looked upom primarily, or ever, BANANA. ROLLS VISSER BAKERY 141 BROCK ST, SOUTH WHITBY PHONE: -- 668-3586 Birthday Cakes--Apple Strudel ONLY 53° | TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE TO ALL CANDIDATES Candidates are hereby advised that it is contrary to Town By-laws to attach posters to street light and telephone poles. W. $. MARTIN, Mayor | Diced Chicken & Vegetables Almonds 1.35 | Breaded Shrimps .. 1.25 Barbecued Pork Fried Rice ... 95 Shrimps Egg Foo Yong .95 VY Southern Fried Chicken HUNT KIDNAPPERS STOCKHOLM (AP) -- Police launched a country-wide search| Thursday for a gang that kid-| napped Annmarie Engwall, 8,) daughter of Jacob Engwall, president of a Swedish coffee) firm. The girl was seized Wed-| nesday and released unharmed) later after an accomplice re-| ceived ransom equivalent to more than $3,000. {| | | Wa WHEL WINES WINES CANADA OF DISTING TION

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