LABOR SECRETARY ARRIVES * U.S. Labor Secretary Wil- lard Wirtz (left) was met by 'Canadian Labor Minister Mac- !Eachen when he arrived in 'Ottawa Wednesday for day- 'long talks with Mr. MacEach- en on Great Lakes waterfront strife. Mr. Wirtz, accompan- ied by several officials, was also scheduled to meet Rrime Minister Pearsoa. The dis- cussions follow the dynamit- ing last week of the Canadian ship Howard L. Shaw in Chi- cago. (CP Wirephoto) Workers View Move. As 'Illegal Lockout' ; GRANBY, Que. spokesman for the emplayees aid Wednesday an "'illegal lockout "rather than a strike has shut down La Voix de I'Est, only daily newspaper in this city 45 miles east of Montreal ' The statement was made by Gerard Picard, president of the Canadian Federation of Printing and Publishing, an affiliate of the Confederation of National Trade Unions. Aime Laurion, president of La (CP) -- Ajing employees have been dis- charged and that a study of the situation will be made before there can be any question of re- hiring. His statement said a strike of employees began Aug. 27 and affected La Voix de l'Est, ra- dio station CHEF and a print- same company. About 100 em- ployees were affected. Mr. Picard said in an inter- ing plant, all owned by the|13 fired by Mr. Laurion for hav- ing refused to become strike- breakers by handling work nor- mally done by the strike-bound Progres du Saguenay, a Chi- coutimi weekly. Mr. Picard said Mr. Laurion is one of the main shareholders of Le Prog- res where a strike started Aug. Strikers at Le Progres are seeking the five - day week. About 37 workers are affected view the employees had been by the strike. Five Canadian Teachers Back From Africa gg goog 'along with 19 U.8 WINNIPEG (CP)--Fiye Cana.|teachers and about 275 dian school teachers have re-|@ian and American university turned from a: seven-week stint|Udergraduates, were in of teaching west African teach.|country as part of Operation ers how to teach, Crossroads Africa. The Cana. , Among the five was Don Mc-|4ian teachers were s Kinnon, vice principal of Brit-|the trip by the Canadian Teach. tania elementary schoo! injers' Federation, nearby St. James. He and Wil- mer at Barney Bolton of Vernon, B.C, son Ross, principal at vi impressions of River, PZ, spent the sum- sates people and = {n ,jneed for better. educational while Bob Hanna of Montrea.,)methods. : He said the minimum stand- and Gavin Halkett of Nanaimo,/ard for g school teacher in Li- B.C,, were at other centres Iniperia is @ Grace 6 education. Although most have better edu- cation than this, many have dif-|), familiar with their native Afj. Mr. McKinnon brought backjever. yier| Clarke Council OKs Plan Bylaw : ORONO -- At the Clarke pg ge a cently rea Ww: i given the Plenning Bylaw with til such time as 'ndividual d,|bylaws passed under the Plan- because they are more ue, being + lessons are taught, There In water system in Orono Ni law missions, Mr. Mc-|son or delegation appeared 'be- resolution set forth the water are longifore council on this matter, B lists for admission, how- ee elle Bg yr Although the bylaw was given|Qrono and also set up a conr the third and <'nal reading no ostios rate of $4.20 annually 0 Opp fps notification was given|™ng Act will changes be noted,/§10. , this read the}can fengunge than with English, |nated ioe ear aoted tern piso a ee sons wishing to speak either for|resoluticn and from:age rate by- ponsored online ne schools arejor against the bylaw Kinnon sa! connection with the propos- 8 obtaining two-readings, The Voix de l'Est, said Sunday in a statement in behalf of manage-|> ment, that the company's strik- Provincial Museum) RP IGNMENT Idea Investigated TORONTO (CP) -- Education Minister MAvis announced Wed- nesday that an investigation is under way to study the feasibil- Aty of establishing a provincial museum to display industrial, scientific and technological ac- complishments in Ontario und Canada, Speaking at the official open- ing of the new $15,000,000 Ryer- 'son Polytechnical Institute, he aid: "The precise terms of ref- erence to such a museum, its 'exact features, or even its shape, size and location, have 'not at this stage been defined. 'Neither has the method of fi- For ALL CARS on JOHN BEAN "Visualiner" SPECIAL 95 PHONE 728-6221 for eppointment Free Pick-Up and Delivery Service su GENERAL TIRE -- OF OSHAWA He said a museum of this kind "would add an invaluable learning aid to our education system." $34 RITSON RD. S. 728-6221 ere see eee ie MANOR 'ST. DAVIDS SAUTERNE or MANOR ST. DAVIDS CLARET (Either touches '"'wieners and beans" with magic!) Wieners and beans are just that until ou serve with them a glass of chilled Manor St. Davids Sauterne or Manor St. Davids Claret. Then you've got something! Manor St. Davids Sauterne is a white table wine, and Manor St. Davids . Claret is a red table wine. Both are made from biends of special aero grown in the Niagara Peninsula. What's missing ? Brights FINE CANADIAN Wines SINCE 1874 Fair pay for all--action by your Conservative Government set minimum legal wages for the protection of employed persons in our Province. More jobs and rising incomes--in 1962, 45,000 new jobs were opened up in Ontario; personal incomes soared more than 8%. Improved living standards--more and bet- ter goods and services for you because your Government GUARANTEES finan- cial aid to enterprises contributing to Ontario's growth. Healthy rural economy--natural resources 4 -of our abundant land are being developed by your Government.. Action includes: drainage, reforestation, establishing com- munity pastures. Fair markets for farm products--your Government's efforts to place all pro- ducers of farm products on an equal basis has improved farm market conditions. 5 6 7 Financial aid for junior farmers--the future of rural Ontario depends greatly on our young farmers. Your Consetvative Gov- ernment provides loans and other measures to aid them. : More parks, more visitors, more recreation --because of your Conservative Govern- ment's efforts 81 provincial parks were enjoyed by 7.8 million visitors in 1962-- up 26% New Technical institutes--your Conservative Government places special emphasis on technical institutes--3 new ones will provide capacity for 2,000 new students. Your children get best instruction--Ontario 9 school teachers benefit from one of the " 'most extensive training programs in North America. Your children are taught experts. is : More financial aid to stadents--$1.7 mil- 10 lion in scholarships and bursaries and $2.4 million in loans to deserving students were made by your Government in 1962. 4 Compensation. for injured workers--those " earning up to $6,000 per year (was $5,000) z can now apply for Workmen's Compen- sation... progress made by your Govern-. ment. your Government will make medical services coverage available to all--in needy cases, expenses will be paid or subsidized, f Medical care for everyone--a new plan by OSHAWA RIDING WALKER, Albert =F OF THE MANY ~REASONS WHY Government deserves YOUR Progressive Conservative in Ontario PUBLISHED BY THE ONTARIO PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION ONTARIO RIDING V. DYMOND, Dr. -: More aid to hospitals--your Govern- ment has increased health and welfare grants and assumed the cost of hospi- : tal deficits and the cost of hospitaliza- tion for Provincial welfare cases. 13 i4 I) 16 17 Allowances for the aged and disabled boosted to $65 monthly--only one of many welfare increases. Your Conservative Government aims to improve conditions further. plan means if you change jobs, your pension will not be forfeited--all paid contributions will move with you. Aid to municipalities; low taxes--yout _ Conservative Government gave $469 million this year to local authorities-- that's 28% more than in 1943--helps hold down local taxes. You enjoy Canada's finest highways-- and the Robarts Government in- tends to see you get more. 1,700 miles of new multi-lane highways are scheduled for completion, Advanced road subsidy payments-- Ontario's counties, townships, cities, and villages receive advance payment to assist road-building, provide em- ployment. Tax concessions for the people--your 19 Conservative Government has eased taxes a number of ways, e.g. Succes- sion Diity exemptions for widows, @ children and beneficiaries, 400 more police officers this year-- Ontario boosts its police force for your protection. They have Provincial ' and Municipal duties--all well- " trained, high-calibre personnel. New reform institutions .program-- reorganization and modernization are -the keynotes. The effect: parole and rehabilitation opportunities for of- fenders, new drug addiction clinic. ~ Management of Ontario's resources-- Bs s Far-sighted programs protect and de- velop our valuable agricultural, mineral and forest resources--ensures future prosperity for you and your good government leadership is the ability to things done for the people quickly, and wisely. John Robarts' administxation is for YOU. xX M. B al children. 1 73 Vigorous' Leadership-- . measure of