And Garage Damaged Damage was estimated at $2600 when fire swept through a barn, storage shed and garage at Albert and Emma streets early this morning. Cause the fire is unknown. Firefighters were called to.173 Albert street at 4.30 a.m. "The place was already an inferno," said Fire Chief Ray Hobbs, He believes that the fire started in a} 7 tin shed where large quantities} | of hardwood two by fours were stored, and then spread to the barn. A garage owned by Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Richard, 66 Emma street, was also burned blistered from the heat. The barn and shed, which are owned by Mrs, Marion Dunk, 173 Albert street, were formerly part of a woodworking firm which is no longer in busi- , ness, OSHAWA FIRE FIGHTERS BATTLE WAREHOUSE BLAZE 461 Swimmers Secure Awards, Camp Samac Stanley Richardson, executive commiswoner of the Oshawa District Council, Boy Scouts of Canada, reported today that 461 of the 672 who toof the swim- ming classes, at. the Camp Samac pool, during July and August were successful in their tests. In July 267 attended the class- es. The total was made up of 96 Red Cross beginners, 88 jun- tors, 60 intermediates and 23 seniors. In August 194 attended the classes. Of these 75 were beginners, 71 juniors, 24 inter- mediates and 24 seniors. The list of the successful swimmers during July follow: BEGINNERS : Brenda Lee James, Dianne Mount Joy, Dianne Nugent, June Rothkay, Londa Wetherup, Mai zie Patterson, Elizabeth Walsh, Marilyn Forester, Janice Manning, Elizabeth Laughlin, Tveen, Bob Egan, Tom Lewis, Joey Woob, David Griffith, Rosemary Greer, Carol Black, Ian Patterson, Susan Richard- son, Linda Melamchuk, Bar- bara McLean, Janice McLean, Alice Thompson, Susan Dell, {Susan Clemens, Cathy Stead, Sherri Henderson, Pamela MacKay, Randy Collins, Terry Lang, Ted Arnold, William Mce- Donald. | Patrick Rose, Eric -Norris, John Koene, Richard Murdoch, Martin Ann Lawrence, Jackie Malachowski, Linda McAdam, Dallas Hart, Tanna Leach, Marilyn Gibbs, Dianne Taylor, Joan Dobko, Cheryl McCune, Janet Raike, Martha Doner, Catherine Twaites, Catherine Morris, Paul James, Bill Mac- Donald, Paul Patti, David Miller, Gordon Kent, Janice McLean, Wendy Smith, Christine Lee, Margorie Robson, P. Mcliveen, Maureen Donald, Janet Lane, Forbes, Joan Slack, Kathy Ross, Cheryl Swartmen, Mary Erret, Kewin, Deborah Norris, Bowden, Hart, Lynda King, Karen Mc- Leese, Shewring. INTERMEDIATE Charlene Smith, Catherine Lewis, Stuart McGahey, David Houton, Garry MacLeod, Doug Yonson, Ken Zimmerman, Jim Andrews, ard, David Coulter, Donald Ross, Chris Hare, Broadbent, Eleanor Lowry, Charles Morri- son, Mrs. R. Ferencz, Mrs. R. Ross, Mrs. L. Doyle. SENIOR Paul Lockwood, Dan St. Jane Judy Jane Susan Michael, Patti Nancy Higgens, Elaine Egerer, Edith Joan Cooper, Pat Smither, Shewring, Roy Weidmark, Frances Men- Swinson, Warren Cathy Serenda, Katherine Jones, Mike Deboski, Tom McIntyre, An- Peter Beth Cut Off Vehicle Driver Fined $50 As a car was turning from Highway 401 into the Harmony road cloverleaf it cut off an- other car sharply and forced it off the road, said OPP Consta- ble R. Bibeau, in Oshawa Mag- istrate's Court Wednesday. The driver of the first car, Ernie Stacey, 573 Olive avenift) Oshawa, pleaded guilty to a charge of careless driving. He told Magistrate H. W. Jermyn he did not recall cutting the other driver off the road. Imposing a fine of $50 and costs or 15 days' imprisonment, Magistrate Jermyn said: 'In this day and age, no one can drive too carefully." TURNED IN ALARM The alarm was sounded by Blair Legere, 352 Emma street, who wakened to find the neigh- borhood a red glow. With him in the house were his wife, their five children and the child of a relative "The whole back was on fire," stated Mrs. Legere, Next door, Mr. and Mrs. Richard and their two children were roused from sleep by the wail of fire sirens, "My first thought was to grab the chil- dren and run," said Mrs. Rich- ard. She said she opened the back door but was forced back into the house by the intense heat. SUFFERS CUT FOOT Crowds of neighbors, from (the very old to the very young, gathered to watch the fire which was not extinguished until 7.05 a.m. Only one injury was reported among the 18 fire- fighters at the scene. Joseph Garrett, 575 Adelaide avenue west, suffered a foot injury when a nail entered through his boot, despite the steel soles. Firefighters returned to the scene at 9.30 a.m. to douse Court Frees Two Drivers After seeing two cars racing each other on the fifth conces- some smouldering timbers in the barn. Also on the scene early today was a Bell Tele- phone crew which worked to restore 85 feet of overhead cable which had been burned. A spokesman said a few phones in the area were out of order for a short time. a The Oshawa Times SECOND SECTION ' PAGE THIRTEEN' The first Mess Dinner for officers of the. Ontario Reg:- ment for 1963-64 was held at the Oshawa Armories Wed- nesday night. Prior to the din- ner the officers were guests at the residence of Col. R. S. McLaughlin, the honorary coi- onel of the Ontario Regiment. Another guest of honor for the dinner was Ex-Col H. Salmon Morrey, CBE, MC, DL, of the Welch Regimént. Photo shows head table guests. They are, from lefs: Lt.Col. R. B. Smith, Col. M. Salmon, Lt.- OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12,1963: Col, J. R. Warnica, command- ing officer of the Ontario Regiment; Major W. C. Payn- ter, Capt. R. E. Gutsole, pres- ident of the Mess Committee, and Lt.-Col. E, F. Bastedo. Because of previous commit- ments Col. McLaughlin was * ONTARIO REGIMENT OFFICERS HOLD MESS DINNER unable to attend the dinner, Highlight of the evening was the outlining of the regimen- tal objectives and the train- ing program by Lt.-Col. War. nica. --Oshawa Times Photo" | | May Add Cedardale In Liquor Plebiscite Oshawa City Council will meet at 6.30 p.m. today to vote on a resolution to have a third ques- tion added to the liquor ballot in. the Cedardale and Annexed areas only: ' Are you in favor of the es- tablishment of government stores for the sale of liquor? According to the Liquor: Li-' cence Board's interpretation, 'liquor' means spirits, beer and wine. Therefore, if this Monday night, in time for coun-||: cil to "pass" them. The board has the power to say what ques- tions will go on a ballot and how a bylaw sanctioning a vote will be drawn up, Why are the city fathers con- sidering adding another question to the ballot for these two spe- cific areas when the idea was defeated in committee? Eric Anderson, local option t and in Cedardale and is ready' to put up a store. GOVERNMENT STORES A letter from United Principal + Properties Limited will be read' 0 council tonight. The Oshawa Shopping Centre landlords are asking that the question of gov-* ernment stores be considered, Mayor Lyman Gifford, a strong opponent of those who would add just one question, is consultant for Brewers' Ware- housing Company Limited, ap- peared before a. council com- mittee last Monday night urging that the ambiguity surrounding Cedardale's status as a "'wet"' area be cleared up by a vote. This refers to the Liquor Con- trol Board's statement that Cedardale is-"'wet for some pur- Lee, Cathy Moore, Barbara McLean, Nancy Sliter, Cathy Smith, Jackie Ritzie, Fern|Neal, Janet Connelly, Vicky Lisa Weiss, Jo Bogaard,|Skelton, Lynda Ayolte, Joke Mary Rudnisky,/Steenstra, Gail Walmsley. nara SENIOR. Brown, Weeden Kirby, Carol Nixon, Elaine Forres- Marie Vincent, Hilda Dyas,|ter, Janice Rutherford, Doug- Lorie Byrne, Barb Fisher, Anne|slas Ballentine, Richard Sharon Stonebridge, Nancy Go- Sheila Fice, Georgina in Windsor at a Homes for the Aged convention. Ald. Norman Down, who voted against the' resolution approving a- liquor vote, is also at the convention, His Worship voted for the' plebiscite but argued that to add just one. or two specific questions rather than all .the eight listed in the Liquor Con- drews, Gord Lewis, Brian Houghton, Dave Gorman, Brian Lynch, Rick Vodden, Pam Mar- tin, Yvonne Tandertoolen, Mike Johns, Karen Pinder, Mrs, Mor- ison, Mrs. Richardson, Jane Kinsman, Larry Smyth, Diane Tresice, Sharon Kent, Sharman Lott, Chris Mechin, Marjorie Stiles, Brigget Brown, Janet sion of East Whitby Township, a woman took the licence num- bers and telephoned the provin- cial police. Later police made a check and obtained the names} of the owners of the cars. This was stated in evidence at Oshawa Magistrate's Court Wednesday when William George Ormiston, Lots 3 and 4, Warn Penalties To Be Increased A _warning™-that penalties Would have to be increased for such offences was given by Magistrate H. W. Jermyn in Oshawa Wednesday when he question, were approved by 60 per cent of the voters, liquor, beer: and wine stores could be built in these areas. VOTE NO. 23 Oshawa's liquor vote is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 23. Council has already approved a city-wide, two - question ballot: NAMED PROFESSOR The post of assistant profes- sor of psychology at the Uni- versity of New Brunswick will be taken next week by an Oshawa man, Paul Babar- ik. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund Babarik, 329 McKay, Cathy Dalby, Teresa Mooney, Terry Collins, James Boren,' Beth' Driscoll, Linda Ellis, Chris Elliott, Cathy Turner, Barb Jose, Sharon Han- cock, Jimmy Delaney, Owen | Brash, Robert MacDonald, Brian Watson, Ted Brown, Andre Grotenhuis, Tommy Gor- don, Danny Fournier, Francis Grant. Bruce Allen, Dwight Cum- mings, Larry Patton, John Ort- win, Dave Tessier, Danny O'Brien, Phil. Gay, Paul Osbourne, Clive Osbourne, Vir- ginia Lee, Cathy Cover, Verna Beach, Sharon Niciolson, Linda Fraser, Gary Gulliver, John Richardson. Stonebridge, Dan Charuk, Mike Charuk, Carl Norris, John Laughlin, Ken Lane, Joane Chmara, Mrs, K. Twaites, Susan Patte, Mrs. H, Sturck, Catherine Fulton, Gail Tresise, Janice Faint, Ingrid Wolmer, Susan Neal. Following are the results of those who attended the August classes: BEGINNERS Vicky Campbell, Lauren McGee, Marlene Scott, Gail Mitchell, Susan Bligdon, Sherry Corps Corps Unit Plans Parade Unit 42, Association, of the Canadian Oshawa will hold its third annual me- morial drumhead service and parade Saturday, Sept. 21. Units from all sections of Ontario will Concession 8, East Whitby Township, was accused of un- lawfully racing with another car, A solicitor who appeared on Ormiston's behalf asked Mag- istrate R. W. Jermyn to dismiss' the charge, as the woman wit- ness could not identify the drivers on the scene. There was no statement as to who was driving Ormiston's car on the day in question. Magistrate Jermyn dismiss- ed the charge and said it was absolutely essential to produce evidence on the man who was fined Earl Alfred McInnes, 274 Ritson road south, $5 and costs for having no muffler on a mo- torcycle. OPP Constable A. Summers said the motorcycle was making considerable noise as it was be- ing driven on No. 2 County road. The magistrate commented: "This is one of the nui Adelaide avenue west and a graduate of the University of Toronto. Dr. Babarik was awarded a Doctorate of Phil- , osophy at the summer convo- cation of the University of Chicago. The degree was given by the committee on human development which embraces sociology, biology f and psychology. that people have to put with," LINDSAY PRIZE WINNERS W. Preston and R. Norris, of Three Seek liquor with meals and cocktail bars, The city's "wet'"' area is bounded by Rossland road on the north, Park road on the west, Bloor street on the south and Wilson road on the east. Every voter outside this area but within city boundaries would be entitled to vote on this third question, provided council approves it tonight and the Li- quor Licence Board gives its approval. DRAFT BYLAWS City Clerk Roy Barrand said poses, dry for others". Brewers' Warehousing, argu- ing that a retail store is needed trol Act, made the council ap- Dear as if- it were "catering to special interest", for every 20,000 persons (there are two in Oshawa now with 63,000 population), has baught Three Cars Sustain Collision Damage A three-car accident in which a vehicle was demolished Wed- nesday occurred at the inter- section of Rossland road and Deaf Children Enjoy Picnic The parents' auxiliary of the; ere Oshawa Society. ofr. Deaf and* Hard of Hearing Children held? a picnic for the children re-« cently at Cedar Stone Park * just north of Greenbank. * come to Oshawa to pay their respects to the memory of those who gave their lives in the de- fence of freedom. The parade was initiated by the Canadian Corps Associa- tion two years ago in answer to the public's demand for Osh- awa to have an annual pageant Leroy, Penny Cowle, Leslie Daniels, Gail Williams, Jill Har- den, Debbie Griffith, Lynda Geisberger, Ivan Elder, Peter Vice, John Driscoll, Bob Collins. Douglas Zochodne, Angela Franklin, Marilyn Emmons, Margaret Spicer. Dianne Karas, today draft bylaws drawn up by /|the Liquor Control Board are expected to be received by next Simcoe street Wednesday. Wallace James Butt, of Non- quon road, was driving north on Simcoe when his vehicle was involved in a collision with acar driven by Hunter Mc- Quigge, sof 999 Dundas street east, Whitby. Prizes, which were donated 5 by Peter Lyons of - Oshawa, * were competed for by the chil-« dren and parents in their respec- tive races, Former Oshawa residents ands parents of deaf children, Mr. , Oshawa, won prizes for the sec- ond high score with two wins in the men's doubles lawn bow!l- ing tournament for the Hiram Walker Trophy Wednesday in Lindsay. J. Morrison and E. Carswell, of Oshawa, were sec- Grayham, Stuart Glospel, Kar- en Guliver, Marg Nix, Linda Treen, Vicky Vathe, Ron Ste- venson, Blake Dewhirst Tod Dewhirst, Dwight Partridge, Nancy Milne, Sharon Black, Richard Scott, David Coull, Brad Roddick, Cathy Martin, driving the car. The magistrate also dismiss- ed a charge of unlawfully rac- ing another car against Walter Clayton Parks, Lot 7, Conces- sion 4, East Whitby Township, whose name was _ incorrectly spelled on the information. Election In Oshawa * . > Joyce Knolton, Garry Arm- strong, Bruce Anon, Tommy Wise, Joseph Sawyer, Glenn Fleischman, Garth Pascoe, Robert Marks, Gary' Grant, Rober: Leroy, Tommy Lang, Ken Chamberlin, Jerry Koene, Mary Ellen Michell, Margaret Mary Pearce. Loretta McDonnell, McBurnie,- Linda Pesarchuk, ruk, Ingrid Szewerda, Suszn Mamelka,. Kathy Sheffield, Sharon King, Gail Pigdon, Su- san Miller, Jennifer Roth, Leslie Vanderstoop, Laure Gomme, Janice Johnson, Debra Wilson Lynn Broadhurst, Debra Knox. Terry Smith, Dianne '/Dart, Trinela Cane, Jennifer Wells, Sandra Herbegt, Debbie Michelli, Gillian Thompson, Shelly Fisher, Chris Underhill, Susan Brown,e~Jan Fleming, Suzanne Browf?sMarion Ellis, Andrea' Mahila, Elizabeth Greer, Jacqueline Brown, Wendy Ewart, Chris Brown, Bas Bouma, Peter Atlinson, Brad Logan, Gerald Turner, Bathe, Terry Ward. Jackie Bull, William Paterson, | Kerry Taggart, Wayne Taggart, Rick Patterson, Gordon Magee, David Brown, Edward Cook, Heidi Hawerlander, Patricia Lee, Monica Rouse, Barbara Tilling, David Beach, Rosema ry} Wise, Susan McLauglin, Brig-| JUNIOR gette Van Elte, Marc Seed,| Wayne Aston, Frank Zochodne,| Richard Ellis, Ricky. McMullen, Edwin Lovel, Alan McDonnell, Mike opkine' Steve Brass, La ins Philip Anderson, Nick White, Dennis Doner, Mike Dawson, Bob Kane, Sharon McMahon, Cathy Joynt, Chris Connelly, Gail Wood, Chris Lupywich, Randy Dawson, Gibb Snyder, Paul Mamelko, Cathy S ouch, Susan Annand, Dianne Chap- man, Kathie Ugray, Cicily Ugray, Laura Grotenhouse, Debbie Mooney. Patti Kane, Jo-Anne Dart, Pat Flynn, Nancy Goselin, Laurie Iliffe, Leslie Chamber- lain, Barbara Egerer, Brenda McNealy, Sandra Oak, Patti White, Janice Tomaluk, Kerry Delaney, Beverly Sawyer, Judy Frank| Corneal, Jayne Bragg, Dale |McLeese, Ricky Mette, Phillip |Mette, Bryan Elliott, Brian | Moore, Alan Mechin, Karl Szew- jardo, Brian McNiely, Steven Smith, Stuart Semple, Howard |Kalnitsky, Mrs. Evelyn Jeppe- |sen, | Farly Magee, John Hurst, | Alan Rowsell, Dennis Waduck, |Harry Rowsell, John Collins, David Dwyer, Terry Souch, |Jimmy Pierson, Dennis John- ston, Ron Fisher, Bobby Bry- den, Preston Henderson, Randy |English, Steven Norris, John |Eorbes, Marvin Stemeroff, Bill | Smart, Jeff Glover, Tracey War- |ner, Karen Topping, Marg Van- |den-Houvel, Carol Fisher, Gail |Floody, Debby Gallinger, Kim }Glover, Debbie Mark. Joan Kindsland, Cathy Broad- bent, Kathy Vann, Michael Kalnitski, John Weidmark, Donna Spicer, Gordon McGee, Hugh Semple, Gary Perkins, Hugh McDonald, Ken Sturch, Michael Vann, Terry Richard- son, Norman McBurnie, Bruce McDonald, Terry Cook, Rich- ard Gamble, Scott Waddington, Johnny Neal, Ron Bragg, Da- vid Popham, Barty Chatten, Stuert Low, Robert McDon- nell, David Souch. Greg Charch, Doug Kedoski, Bill Barber, Larry Hopki Robyne Susan McKelvie, Jane Bonda- to compare with those of other communities in Ontario, On that occasion, Judge F. McDon- nough, of Toronto, gave an in- spiring address on Canada's his- tory and its bearing on our way) of life today. Just a year ago, Colonal A. G. McGinnis, area commander of the 15th Militia Group, travelled from his head- quarters in Newmarket to give an address on the Emergency Measures Program. This year, in keeping with the policy of having key Canadian figures as guest speakers, the unit has Colonel Angus Duffy, of the Hastings and Prince Ed- ward Regiment. Col. Duffy has a long and distinguished mili- tary career, which started back in 1930 when he enlisted as a private. Many Oshawa boys served with the 'Hasty Pees" during the Second World War, and Col. Duffy's message will, therefore, many people. be of interest to The parade will form 'up in Alexandra Park at 2 p.m., and proceed down Simcoe street to Memorial Park where Mayor Lyman Gifford will extend greetings from the City of Osh- awa, and the service will take place at the bandshell. The parade will then move up Centre and Church streets and along Richmond street west to the Armories where it will break off. Michael Tommy Thomas, MLA, will be on hand as well as the dominion cen provincial presidents of the n Army will conduct the service: Starr, MP and adian Corps Association. ajor Lewis of the Salvation straight made Wednesday by a Toronto Solicitor, E. W, Hately, in Osh- awa Magistrate's Court. Careless The suggestion that something went wrong with the steering of a car which came into head-on collision with another car on a stretch of road was Mr. Hately was appearing on behalf of Garry 'Allan Smith, 22, 36 Eastwood road, RR 1, Oshawa, who' was accused of careless driving on County road 2 on June 22. Magistrate H. W. Jermyn found Smith guilty: and imposed a fine of $50 and costs or 15 days' imprisonment. OPP Constable D. A. Garrow told the court that he investi- gated an accident on County Road 2, about ha!f a mile north of the Fifth Concession, in East Whitby Township. On of the cars involved was owned and driven by Elmer Russell Brown, of Port Perry, and. the other car was owned and operated by Smith. At that point the County read ran straight north and south and had clearly marked white lines. The first vehicle, which was northbound, was driven ap- proximately 18 feet in reverse and finished up in a_ ditch. Miss Janet Bremner, / Mrs. Walmsley, Bobby Salter/ Rita Haas, Adrienne Haas, Barb Sc- banski, Jan Flemming, Debby Rawlins, Marilyn McCullough, Nanette Kirby, Gina Sclice, Doug Lowry, Ron Spicer, War- ren Aston, Carol Scott; Wayne Bolahood, Beth Kell, Paul Rahme, Linda Hutcheon, Kathy Michael, Pam Cown, Pam) Dowling. ° INTERMEDIATE Paul Shmyr, Richard Mc-| Smith, Bill Elliott, Robert Mc- Kelvie, Ellen Wilson, Debbie Campbell, Isabel Power, Mari- lyn McAvoy. Chantal Latour, Janet Mé- CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS * Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- dent of Oshawa and dis- trict who is celebrating his birthday today: Gilmour Graham, 296 Celina street. Phone 723-3474. Smith's car also Janded up in a |ditch. TWO HOSPITALIZED | Both drivers were injured and Mr. Brown spent a considerable length of time in h@pital. Elmer Russell Brown ravgalead saw nothing out of the ordina about Brown's car, but before |the collision it veered across jthe road and then wen: back to In the witness box Smith said he bought the car about three weeks before the accident. As he drove along the road, he felt a slight pull on the left front wheel and it wen~ across the white line. That was the last thing he could remember before the collision. . Mr. Hately said the accident occurred on a straight stretch of road on a bright, sunny day. There was absolutely nothing that could make one believe there could be any external cause for the accident as far as the condition of the road and the weather were concerned. BLAMES STEERING There were two things which could cause a car to go out of control--the brakes and the steering. The brakes had been checked and were all right, bui unfortunately, by the time the charge was laid, the power steering ;had been taken down and it was not possible to have it checked. The front end of the car had been smashed. Mr. Hately submitted. that something had gone wrong with Smith's car. Apart from the fact that the accident occurred on the wrong side of the road, there was no other evidence. Registering a conviction, Mag- istrate H. W. Jermyn said there were two things he wanted to point out. Smith's car pu'led over the middle of the road and back again once before the ac- cident, and Smith must have seen the other car cuming. The other car was pushed back- ond high for one win. | Driver Fined $50, Costs At exactly 3 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 11, George C. Martin, re- turning officer for Oshawa Rid- ing, announced the -- close of nominations, He stated: "I have found three of the papers of nominated can- ces Jones, housewife, of the City of Oshawa, Liberal; Thom- as D, Thomas, toolmaker, of the City of Oshawa, New Democra- tic Party and Albert V. Walker, repairman, of the City of Osh- Mr, Martin, immediately fol- lowing the reading of the pro- clamation, sent a telegram to \the office of the Chief Election |Officer in Toronto, to advise him of the candidates in Osh- awa Riding. The Chief Election Officer then takes steps to noti- fy the electors from Oshawa Riding who are serving in the armed forces. Mr. Martin stated that 'in view of the fact that there is more.than one' candidate, the election will be by. ballot." Had there been only one nom- ination Mr. Martin would have declared the person winner by acclamation and a ballot would not have been necessary He said that the names of the business agents of the can- didates had already been pub- lished in the newspaper. | Regiment Plans Are Outlined A mess dinner, attended by active officers of the Ontario Regiment in the officers' mess Wednesday night, served as a prelude to the néw training year which. opens Sept. 23 Col. H. Morrey Salmon, CBE, MC, DL, of the Welch Regi- ment was the guest of honor. During the gathering Lt.-Col wards 18 feet as a result, of the} accident and some blame must| its own side. ¥ be attached to Smith for that. J. R. Warnica outlined the regi- mental objectives and the irain- ing program, didates in order and have certi-| ¥ fied the following' Mrs. Fran- = awa, Progressive Conservative.| # Local Mason Is Honored EDMONTON (CP) -- Forty - one. persons Tuesday became new members of the Supreme Council of 33rd Degree Masons. The council is holding a four- day conference here with more than 300 delegates from across Canada in attendance. Ontario members include: » Archibald Neil Baxter, Sault Ste. Marie; George Bliss Beau- mont, North Bay, Charles Stan- ley Boyd. Fort Erie; James Wesley Bradley, Kirkland Lake; Frederick Benjamin Brisco, Chatham; Frederick McIntosh Cass, Chesterville; Ronald James Curry, Haliburton; James Dight Hill, Woodstock; John Alfred Irvine, Lambeth; William Johnston, Simcoe; Ste- wart Irwin Knox, Port Arthur; Walter Henry Mortlock, Peter- borough; Pro. Reginald How- arth Ozburn, Guelph; Boulton Hume Price, Orillia; Norval Richard Richards, Guelph; Richard Bertram Seymour, Bur- lington; Harold Vance Trenough North Bay; Charles Mackenzie '| by Constable C. K. Smith. A vehicle driven by Dirk Langerak, of RR 3, Whitby, which was parked at the north Side of the intersection, was also struck. The Butt vehicle was completely wrecked in the accident and $50 damage was done to the McQuigge auto. The Langerak vehicle suffer- ed $75 damage to the front end. The accident was investigated come an annual affair, and Mrs, Duffield and Mr. and* Mrs. 'Jackson, came from To- * ronto- with their children to» attend, 2 With beach balls and treats « for all the children, bright sun- > shine, and a cool but refresh-« ing dip in the crystal clear pool, 2 a good time was had by all. « It is hoped that this will be- * -- os Redstone Lake Regatta Success The Redstone Lake Cottagers Association, of which a number of Oshawa residents are mem- bers, held its third annual re- gatta Sept. 1 on Redstone Lake. Following is a list of the win- ners in the various events: GIRLS RACES 4-6 Years -- Paula Groves, Karan Philps. 6 - 8 Years -- Nancy Bellerby, Janet Hruska. 8 - 10 Years -- Diane Hruska, Junita Amos. * 12-14 Years -- Susan Priest, Sandra Sobil. BOYS RACES 6 - 8 Years -- John Sobil, John Gulenchyn. 8 - 10 Years -- Guy Bellerby, Eric Sobil. ' 10 - 12 Years -- Harold Amos, Danny Planke. Girls Three-legged race -- Caroline Rule and Janita Amos; Sandra Sobil and Karen Gulen- chyn. Boys three-legged race Bruce Findlay and Harold Amos; Rick Taylor and. Ted Rule. Ladies Running Race, 25 Yds. --Caroline Rule, Pat Verrel. Ladies Hidden Shoe Race -- Irene Groves, Mrs. MacFaden. Girls Swimming Races -- Karen Gulenchyn, Janice Mac- Wallace, Oshawa, -Pherson. PUCTSOSAL Cet eas Swimming races, boys under + 10 Years -- Harold Amos, Bruce = Elgar. : # BOAT RACES 4 7% HP Silver Valley Trophy-- Harold Amos, Barry Beeton, # Lyle Sawyer. = 10 HP Kinlock Trophy--Allan « Findlay, Lloyd Priest, Ted Rule, * 10 HP Ladies Labatt Tray --% Wendy Partner, Caroline Rule, Carol Duncan. . 18 HP Men -- J. MacPherson, jo» C. Smith, Allan Findlay. "~ 25 and 28 HP Rex Boice Tro-™ phy -- C. Smith, J. MacPher- son, L. Dawson. bene 40 HP Piper Trophy --Be Dawson, Bruce Pietro, J. Wors-se ~ ~ - ley. hee Free for All Minden Boates Works Trophy -- E. Dawson, J.= Worsley, Danny Guy. = Canoe Race 8 allan Findlay,#» Dave Knowlton, L.. Duncan. bo Horse Shoe Pitching: Dovblesa. -- Andy Hruska and Pete Sobil; Singles -- Robert Lindsay. bs WATER SKIING ee Senior Ladies Competition=* Charles Scott Trophy -- Linda, Prosser, Irene Hadley, Bettys Spittle. = Men's Competition -- Paules Taylor, Rick Taylor, Al Jeffries." Boys, 15 Years and under --2 Larry Amos, Mike Planke, Har- old Amos. '