2 , Can- s gree 2 | Metro Market |.c2"Fetmaneat'ioresse tei| Business Outlook ine Canale toute ot char . . oy 50 cents, Bc. Phone % Said Promising be deotoctitaten feelings in- | UCW Hold Meeting Change Claimed 6 Follows N.Y. and Aluminium %, ; crease it might result in "all ° International Nickel was| WINNIPEG (CP) -- The bus-/chain of retaliatory measures," At Balsam House ' ees U d Cli } ahead ie rtcetiites 9% and|inees 'wutlook for: 1964°ts "defin.| he said. oran' ipped 0) en- | i romising" - BALSAM AND MT. ZION -- In Housing Authorities Dwar I ior base metals. Lake Dufauli|protectionist sentiment coud The United Church Women met / | TORONTO (CP) -- The stock gained 15 cents to $7.70. spell trouble for the Canadian recently at the home of Mrs. ' ( 4| Excha Wednesday followed| In speculative mines, Leitch|e¢conomy in the next 12 to 16 By DAVID SCOTT He said if the governmént the New Vouk piel upward| advanced 12 cents to $2.27 and|months, A. T. Lambert, presi- George Pickett. ' The president, Mrs. Lloyd WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Mem-|wanted responsible citizens in|" ing Monday's losses|Atlin-Ruffner two cents to 10 dent of the Toronto - Dominion | : j Wilson, opened the meeting. with|bers of housing authorities injits housing projects, it should pi ype giorry "However, cents, Tribag was down eight|/Bank, said Wednesday. t a Ontario are only rent collectors|take steps to produce a climate Tiina remaitad: eligbt cents to $1.69. He cited some dangers and c AR MERS M ARKET Roll call was answered by a/fOr the government but should/which would allow association yom © sib ol on de ae atket: Mas lumbertuintles idan addreuncts / } verse on nature. a ES Oe ee smc = wn a E vem shinee i ryt iy etait ona "Shell Canada one || : ' m\ing decisions, W. F. Frieday,| housing and w: renewal proj- , 4 10 9/, FO " CARPET COMPANY | : ' totaies oy "talk "byes |oresident of ihe Ontario Assocs "in reoponsblefshlon."/US. nd, Iterpravincal Pine Wo? Chater path geoea| Ronald W. Blisky, D.C. right ie go Reg. Hoskins on the Anglican/Ciation of Housing Authorities! qn consuLTED 83 respectively and Distillers-|20 cents to $4.60. CHIROPRACTOR BROADLOOM 2 P.M. - 9 P.M. Congress held & Toronto. said Wednesday. + eas rs--wh %. On i industrial op mech member was asked to| Mr. Frieday told members of He' said members--who are|Seagrams % n index, industrials moved @ BURSITIS ; TILE FRESH EGGS, VEGETABLES jati holdi: supposed to know what is re-| Bank issues were mixed tojahead 4.02 to 638.25, base metals bring an article to be sold at Boma aie in Winkie quired in their own municipali-|stronger, Montreal up %, Im-|1.47 to 214.03, western oils 55) @ SCIATICA AND FRUIT: the next meeting in September. that their role "very decidedly|ties--are never consulted either perial Bank of Commerce %/to 117.90 and golds declined .34] 100 King St. E. 728-5156 } A number of members are '3 . nF i ¥lby the local municipality or by| and Toronto-Dominion down ¥.!to 93.4 saad " eas working and selling articles to|has got to be changed. the federal - provincial partner- : -- . . = make = Ava talent money. "Members. of the housing au- ship as to the location, size and ' A going - away party was/thorities who serve without pay type of building to be built. given recently 'Yor Miss Betty|and who are dedicated citizens "The local housing authority Gates at the home of Mrs.|in the 38 communities in which pend the {0b iri ° es job as one requiring Fred Fiss. Betty is a teacher|we are represented, want to), : 4 ri Sots Ae government money to provide and going to Nicaragua in Cen-|participate in the decision-mak- housing for the needy, whether tral America to teach, commenc-|ing process insofar as public the need is social physical 'ee ing in September, _ {housing is concerned," he said. dcaatede. The federal . provin- cial partnership more and more INESS SPOTLIGHT - |sees the job as a real estate op- BUS: eration, and the aim--even if it is not: publicly expressed -- is e really to house people with a view to reaching an artificial and ans ay target subsidy bearing 'ittle re- lationship to need," he said. e e "Public money should not be used to house people who can be Ss T i 18 S properly accommodated by pri-} ' vate enterprise," he said, | MONTREAL (CP)--Canadians said, 'is that with credit people| He said that from 1952 to 1962, generally are good credit risks,|can have things without disturb-| approximately 5,800 public hous-| says Bertrand Gerstein, presi-|ing their savings. ing units were built in Ontario. | dent of a firm whose 25 stores} "Another reason is that many/|Of these, about 3,000 were sub-| across Canada do 90 per cent of|people take pride in budgeting|sidized and 2,800 were on a full their business on credit. and to pay in instalments gives|recovery basis which could have "The interesting thing about/them the feeling of being organ-/heen easily handled by private consumer spending is that most/ized. enterprise. | people use good judgment in| 'Others like to feel their cred. a ie purchases," said/it is good." r. Gerstein in an interview. "Whatever the reason, It's sia teen = no more ey in}amazing that more than 50 'per DIVIDENDS is area than you find, for ex-|cent of our customers could pay) ample, in the use of tobacco or/cash if they wished." aad By THE CANADIAN PRESS alcohol. | There were still some dangers} Ash Temple Ltd., common 20 "If most poeple werea't hon-j0f people misusing credit. cents, class A pfd. $1.50, class est we wouldn't be in business,"| '"'There are always such dan-/B pfd. 16% cents, Oct. 1, record he said on the opening of the/gers in a democratic soviety/Sept. 18. 25th branch of his chain of jew-|where the individual decides} Crush International Ltd., com-| elry and gift stores. | what ad will buy or produce. eg _ cents, Oct. 18, --_ good _| "Only in a completely man-/Oct. 3. * ncinmne ot the hen aged economy do you eliminate| Walter M. Lowney Co. Ltd., esty of people came during and a ie ; after the Second World War. the dangers of individual decis-|25 cents, Oct. 15, record Sept. ' jions, but the loss of personal/14. PME # sng ge ony freedom in such an economy is| Sobeys Stores Ltd, 124% cents, Uickes on Croat ant een bad te too high a price to pay. Oct. 5, record Oct. 1. go overseas before they could finish their payments," said. mer a tone oy For the first time, two ales have been blented to give you a smoother, unbelievable how many returned to settle their accounts." oe aay Ses 7 -more mellow flavour than it's possible to brew in a single ale. ee wae eA Cee S sew gt litical science and economics, disagrees with critics of consu- mer credit. "Credit is involved at every = Ht ---- erg he said. "You couldn't dig a mine H : eicua ye finance a tales wee 4 @ Fine Furniture -- Broadloom | ; "Tf it's acceptable at the pri- i . mary and secondary levels why @ Custom: Made Droperies @ shouldn't it be accepted at theif @ Bamboo and Ready Made Drapes i distribution and consumption : 7 levels?" @ Personalized Decorating Service Mr. Gerstein said if consumer ' credit is high it must be related SINCE 1927 ' to the whole economic picture. . Almost every index was ; ; higher from government spend- FURNITURE -- INTERIORS ing and Gross National Product : Why do pee Tae on creait?{ 96 KING EAST DOWNTOWN OSHAWA "One reason," Mr. Gerstein 10,000" SHOPPERAMA at AJAX OPEN FROM 12 NOON TO 9 P.M. \ Except SAT.-9 a.m. to 6 p.m. With The Largest kaa of Fall Merchandise in The Area 4-OZ. SKEIN OF LADIES' FIRST QUALITY ; OCEAN KING FANCY RED ECONOMY SIZE BOYS'-- 3 to 6 2-PIECE LINED CHICKEN & GOOSE ae |. NYLONS | me| COHOE SALMON | hese rcor tere |. JEAN SETS | PILLOWS | Grey only, Skein of 4-oz. tT be be YOUR NEXT PURCHASE OF CREST. duroy boxer lined jean with zipper opening? j Compare on ies 2% : } Compare '4 Compare Compare Compare $1.59 c | Dep UNE 45c € Isic | € fi s208 '. $3.98 re 3 PAIR TO A CUSTOMER AVAILABLE AT OSHAWA AVAILABLE AT OSHAWA } DBe, AVAILABLE AT OSHAWA AVAILABLE AT 'OSHAWA AVAILABLE. AT OSHAWA . AVAILABLE AT OSHAWA GIRLS' -- 3 to 6 FLANNELETTE | DELSEY--1,680 SINGLE : MEN'S 100% NYLON GIRLS' -- 4 to 6X NYLON 2 FLUSH-A-BYES SINGLE SHEETS : ys Curity DIAPERS PYJAMAS | pathroom Tissue Iew--Ml, Stretchy SOCKS | Stretch TIGHTS oii... ue » | Hygienic Diapers wality knit for perfect fit and comfort bent. Wash ier. Dry faster. © SANFORIZED Soft Like Kleenex Tissue ty si ee F Softer than cloth for every day use. ® BEAUTIFUL PATTERN ig Made in Canada. j Compare ey : pen. Compare Compare Compare we | 59c 3 « Compare 3 gy Compare $1.59 99: 35¢ 29. seman es 3 PAIRS $1.00 $1.29 ie $5.40 Dox. Qa @ $1.49 « AVAILABLE AT OSHAWA AVAILABLE AT OSHAWA -_ gp wn AVAILABLE AT OSHAWA bie steal ies sete eee re AVAILABLE AT OSHAWA Pes, vais seb QUALITY!