¥ | Parliament Attendance List Idea Considered By Members OTTAWA (CP)--One of the oldest parliamentary rules, and probably the most frequently violated, appears likely to be the subject of deep soul-search- ing among members of the Commons when they resume their parliamentary duties Sept, "a is the constitutional obliga- tion, clearly stated in Rule 5 of the Commons and backed up by every viceregal proclama- tion calling a new session of Parliament, that every MP "is bound to attend the service of the House." "Herein fail not," is the vice- regal command, The bill passed by the Com. mons July 30 to raise members' pay tb $18,000 a year--$6,000 of MP $120 a day for every day beyond 21 that he is absent on other than official business: Pre- viously, the penalty was $40 a da: ¥. * But it is left 'to the member himself to declare whether he has been absent on other than official business, and a survey of records of the last five years shows that only two MPs paid the penalty, What brought the subject back into the limelight was opposi- tion leader Diefenbaker's 'state- ment recently that he sees nothing wrong in having a daily attendance report kept on all MPs during the session. This is done in the Senate of Canada, and in the Senate and House of Representatives of the United however, is not universally pop- ular even among his closest as- sociates in the House of Com- mons, When, the proposal was made during debate last July on the pay increase, Conservative House leader Gordon Ohurchill, former trade and defence min- ister, said he would fight it vigorously, - "I have spent a great deal of my life. under discipline of one sort or another, whether in school or in the army, and I react strongly against sugges- tions that there should be this type of discipline for members of Parliament," Mr, Churchil said, "I reject completely any non- sense about a roll call or being subject, as in the army, to a sergeant's check of a platoon." Senate is kept daily by the as- sistant sergeant - at - arms, or macebearer. If a senator is ab- sent for all of two sessions or more, his seat can be declared vacant, If a member of the Commons is consistently 'absent, he, faces the wrath of his constituents at the. next election. Strong penalties apply against absenteeism in some other par- liaments, For example, in New Zealand, an MP is guilty of con- tempt of Parliament if he is ab. sent without leave of the House for more than seven consecu- tive sitting days. GIFT TO IKE Former U.S. president Eisen- hower has a Scottish home in Culzean Castle, a gift from the Protectionism In Trade Hit WASHINGTON (CP) -- The United States has accused its major trading partners, includ- ing Canada, of maintaining a greater degree of trade protec- tionism for their farm products than does the U.S. Claiming that the U.S. has tural import policies in' the world, Agriculture Secretary Orville Freeman said in a pre- pared statement Monday that the U.S. protects only 26 per cent 'of its farm production against foreign competition through non-tariff means. This compared, he said, with 41 per cent of farm production protected in Canada through quotas, embargoes and other non-tariff restrictions; 93 per cent in West Germany and 94 per cent in France. Freeman es- timated that both New Zealand and Portugal shut out competi- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, September 11,1963 19 16-Year-Old Skater Prepares. For 1964 Innsbruck Olympics TORONTO (CP) -- Petra Burka beats the summer heat one of the most liberal agricu!- rid spenging 67 hours ® dey on The 16-year-old figure skater --runner-up to this year's Ca- nadian senior champion Wendy Griner and fourth in her first try for the world title--is per- fecting a new routine for the 1964 Olympics Austria, Every morning at six, Petra, her mother and coach Ellen a former ice skating champion in her native Hol- land, and her sister Astra, 14, drive to the Toronto Cricket, Curling and Skating Club. They seldom return to suburban west Toronto home Burka, Petra spends at least four,foot-1%4-inch skater is de-er- at present is to win an Olympic tag Pp ose! Fe gpm i bor- op to lose 10 pounds duriag/gold medal. ing but important school figures|the summer, After that, she w -- if improved, will give STARTED AT 10 go to amen og a's a phe righ oe oe In four days she was able to|Professional touring ice show. ani , * 3UFEAliose three pounds by eating an| Although' she. missed three Shs te alae practising and|°8® toast and coffee for break-|months of school while compet, even taking one ballet lesson|'4St, ® few oranges for lunchjing last winter, her final aver- each week to become a more 4S Good Gi nner minua/ege was 730. inemonyy tee pra ar dc sweets, a picture of physical fitness, g lot . Petra began skating seriouslyjher lowest mark in physica} I want to stop being known|only six years ago, because her|training because. she had to as just an acrobatic skater." |mother believes that driving ajmiss after-school team sports When Petra became the first|/child under 10 will "never pro-|to practise skating. ; girl ever to jump the triple|quce a champion." salchow at Prague last winter,! After two years' training she , she felt she had impressed "'the|hecame Ceniral Canada junior spectators more than 'Puy ccaftamee' ot Ortdiails craftsmen 0 the!champion and after four, the|working maialy in bone a0 udges." national junior champion, leather, use centuries-old pro» Knowing that general appear-| Petra loves the challenge and|cesses and forms to make their ance also counts in the Uiym-|thrill of international competi-|clothes, hunting gear and jew. pics, the pleasingly plump five-tion and her burning ambitionjelry. it tax-free--also recognized thejStates. old principle by penalizing an' Mr. Diefenbaker's suggestion, before 10-p.m, The attendance record in the'British nation. tion completely. ki S/S Ie weg --_ | LOBLAW FOODS WO = Dn Chas /{ \\\ YEARS FREE SHOPPING. R TWELVE CUSTOMER $1000°° EACH ' ONE WINNER EACH WEEK MY FOURTH WITH COUBON AND PURCHASE One 9 fl. on. Bettie DAVIS OF LONDON FURNITURE WAX Coupon Expires Seat 18 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE 'Two 15 ff. os. 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