i eM , | _46rpon SNAPSHOTS 000 for salvaging a ship. The salvaged ship was the Norwe- Machines Used For Hop-Picking gian tanker, the Polyana, of |15,374.stons, 2 Captain D. D. Law, who comman the naval salvage force in the Persian Gulf three years -- has received about $4,500. This is the highest award ever paid to a Royal Navy of- ficer for a 'salvage operation. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, September 11,1963 17 Firms To Pay Insurance On Lost Flyer ston and was not seen again The weather was bad at the time. Taylor's. will, made two days before his- disappea: vided for the disposition of $69,- 000 in imsurance policivs with London Life Insurance Company and Confederation Life Associa- rance, pro-|i' The total salvage money paid ever totalled. $855,000 TORONTO (CP) -- Mr. Jus- Besides the $135,000 paid to tice Samuel Hughes has ordered naval personnel, the admiralty two insurance companies to pay received $490,000, and the rest|$69,000 in life insurance on a of the money went to Dutch|Young Toronto pusinessman who and Bahreini tugs which helped|'isappeared last October in a in the salvage operations.|rented plane. Amounts received by other). The judgment, :eleased Mon- ratings and officers in the navy|4ay, said sufficient proof had ranged from $132 to $1950. been presented to the companies about the death of Douglas SALARIES RAISED James Taylor, 30, an executive The secretary. of state forjin a Toronto safe company an¢ Scotland, Michael Noble, hasja licensed pilot, who left Tor- decided to enact ragulations|onto's Island Airport in a single- giving increases averaging 10jengine plane on a flight to King- per cent in the salaries of all teachers in schools and further education centres, This is on the understanding and assurance of; carried 40 of thevold street beng a slg gg lamps. The ship's agent has de- sought to come into operation veloped an organized businessinefore March 31, 1966, The in- in them. Captain G, Backstrom,| creases will be dated back to master of the vessel Ranskar, April 1, 1963. The secretary of buys them in England for about) ta+0's 'announcement will in ef- $7.50 each. He did not disclose] poo replace an offer made by how much he sells them for ininin of seven per cent effec- Sweden. tive for two years. U.S, BUYS ABBEY Negotiations have been com- NEW MET' ae pleted for the sale of the 17th|, Factory production methods century Wroxton Abbey near have proved a success in three| to Banbury, Oxfordshire, to the|€*Perimental 2i-storey blocks of} {in piace. Do not slide, slip or rock. Fairleigh Dickinson University flats and maisonettes in an LCC| No gumm: scheme in Paddington. The} 304 of New Nersey, U.S.A. It is un-/**° pial that "he Abbey, which| scheme is to be adopted for two was the property of Trinity Col-|further 21-storey blocks in the' ¢rus lege, Oxford, will be used as a stuy centre for about 50 post- graduate students coming from the United States to study at Oxford. The architectural char- acter and historical associa- tions of the abbey will, how- ever, be preserved. 'tion. London Life contended in court that proof of Taylor's death was insufficient and sug- gested a seven-year lapse be- fore presumption of death. + Taylor's will set up an $18,- 000 trust fund with a Hong Kong firm for the education of a per- son identified as Tang Yun Nin, By M. McINTYRE HOOD The Oshaw. aTimes LONDON -- The hop-picking season in Kent has just start- ed, but it is very different from what it used to be. Now about 90 per cent of the work is be- ing done by machines. The tra- ditional wachion holiday in the , formerly enjoyed of people from London, is = largely a thing of the pas The canker ¢ - hop-picki: machines in use has increase by about 20 per cent in the last three years, and hand pickers are to og found now only in the smaller gardens. One ma- chine, Bn. Ba the attention of about a dozen workers, now does the work of 200 or more hand pickers. On one farm of 47 acres, only 20 people are employed in the hop harvest, compared with 250 pickers before the first ma- chines were installed eight years ago. This yield this year promises to be a good one, and -- above average in weight. CLUB COLLECTS COINS Thousands of foreign and an- cient coins are filling the "trea- ure chests" of the Bexley (Kent) Rotary Club. They have red in following the launch- of a coin collection which has surpassed all expectations. The scheme began with a chance remark by one of the members that he had some for- eign money left over from a holiday. An appeal was made , to the public to send in their surplus foreign coinage, to be| More than 400 Royal Navy of- converted into sterling for a'ifcers and men will share $135,- es at in aes 2 Comedy & Thrill Hits! 9 TAB HUNTER HITS fund set up to pay, for an ex- tension to the town's Veterans' Club. In addition to hundreds of Commonwealth coins, notes and coins from Japan, China, India and Caribbean countries, as well as those of European na- tions, have poured into the Ro-' tary Club's fund. OLD LAMPS Old-fashioned British . street/ lamps are finding a ready mar-' ket in Sweden, where they have become all 'the rage. The Swedes are erecting the ancient} lamps in their gardens as status symbols so as to keep up with "The Joneses". One steamer, on a recent trip, with the residue turned over to that person when he or she reaches the age of 30. The rest of the estate was left to rela- tives and charity. SEA YIELDS SECRETS The wreck of the Swedish same area. In the three experi- mental buildings, the work was e completed much more rapidly century is yielding many valu than by traditional methods. A able historic finds. 17-man team has been erecting | about eight dwellings a week. The saving amounts to about $112,500 on the two new blocks, compared with the contract price for earlier blocks. poFALSE TEETH Bihan Slide or Slip? pe ed or io' ogee Sa tales testi; tnore firmly Ballet Tap, Baton Twirling REGISTER NOW FOR FALL TERM IRENIE HARVEY C.D.T.A. -- N.B.T.A. 424 King St. West PHONE 725-6122 Receive $10.00 in bonus tapes with-- PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPT. 11, 12, 13, 14, WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. IGA MAGIC LIQUID DETER 7e OFF Confidet Sanitarv Napkins .; :; i Receive $6.00 in bon us ta RETANT po pes with-- IGA SRIM MILK FRESH! PORK LOIN SALE ROAST OF PORK = 43 Ag a story of passion, bloodshed, desire and death everything, in fact, that makes life worth living Rib Portion 3-Ib. average FRANK SINATRA DEAN MARTIN --iIN-- "Sergeants 3" ' "THE BURNING HILLS" --WITH-- NATALIE WOOD Tenderloin Portion 3 bb. oe MIRISCH COMPANY» EDWARD L. ALPERSON moe JACK * ) SHIRLEY LEMMON © ) MacLaINE BILLY WILDER'S IRMAa"DOUGCE | 1 YEARSOF AGE O8 OVER ae a 00 in bonus tapes with-- ASSORTED CARE MIKES Fleecy Fabric Softener IGA CHOICE PEAS -- COOKING ONIONS =.» TABLERITE VACUUM SEALED COOKED HAM SLI CHOPS CENTRE CUT 1G SS Receive $2.00 in bonus ta TABLERITE RINDLESS al basen SLICED SIDE BACON SUNKIS OF PINK FROZEI LEMONADE: IGA MILD CHEESE CELLO CARROTS Ont. Wealthy APPLES ONTARIO NO. 1 GRADE--25 LB. BAG Potatoes 59: ORANG. oa SIZE a 69° CELER 2 vee D5" - PRUNE PLUMS <= 59" "Hospitality" (Available Thurs., Fri., Sat.) 2 mes. 45° 10c OFF -- FARMHOUSE FROZEN BLUEBERRY PIE «45° APPLE PIE "ne 39° Weston Sunbeam WE FEATURE TORONTO CITY PRICES EVERYDAY ! BUTTER RUFFS ---35¢ Hope IGA Store Beckstead IGA 1 COMPARE THE VALUES FOR. YOURSELF ! Bilsky IGA South End IGA ~] Motor City IGA College Hill IGA COURTICE, DROOPY" Dyl's IGA Lansdowne IGA ; "a 15-0Z.. TINS 3-LB. CELLO PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT DOLE DRINK 2 CUDNEY CHOICE FRUIT 69° COCKTAIL 2 "= 39° KETCHUP 2:::4l° AYLMER STRAWBERRY 45° JAM Fig Bar Biscuits pays 'rx. 37° Dream Whip Topping 2 xcs. 49° RAISINS "Secouss " exe, 49° SHREDDED WHEAT 2 'pcs. 65° PKGS. 48-0Z. TINS 6-02. PKG. ANY 15-02. TINS BILLY WILDER" BILLY WILDER"* |. A. L. DIAMOND ALEXANDER TRAUNER ANDRE F PREVIN TECHNICOLOR® PANAVISION® Stren ne ves sme" hE" PHONE 723-2843 SHOW STARTS 6:45 P.M. booRs OPEN 6:30 P.M. PEATURE TIMES:-- 2:00 - 4.25 - 6.50 - 9.25 LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9:20 24-02. JAR 1-48, PKG, 6-02, TINS COLOURED 12.02. cuT . AND ROMANCE!. with the inthe First @> Full-length Folk Musical!' naan 3-LB. CELLO He come from nowhere and LESLIE PHILLIPS killed @ mon he'd never seen STANLEY BAXTER NIGEL PATRICK WILFRED HYDE WHITE YVONNE MITCHELL | A ois reir JOHNNY 'CROOKS NOBODY ANONYMOUS a BILTMORE * TONIGHT * THURSDAY thru SATURDAY ! wx ar rao Show Starts 8:05 TONIGHT ONLY! ALL COLOR -- ALL CINEMASCOPE SHOW! TOGETHER AT LAST ON OUR GIANT SCREEN! LANA TURNER in "PEYTON PLACE" "RETURN TO PEYTON PLAGE" . OSHAWA WILLIAM BENDIX DRIVE OUT OPEN AT 7:30 PLUS JEFF CHANDLER & CAROL LYNLEY IN 723-4972 NEW CROP VALENCIA 2 7 CRISP AND TENDER BRADFORD GROWN INSMEN BRING THIS SPECIAL 12 PRICE PASS To the SATURDAY, Sept. 14th KINSMEN SUPER CAR -BINGO- AT THE PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE OveR $8, 600 IN PRIZES INCLUDING 1 Siete SEA S50 Soh me he oy nes.) Plus $600 regulor games, $450 special games, FREE DOOR PRIZES STARTS TODAY * Don't forget to buy the economy pock for value and ge gd ar 7:10 - 9:28" NIAGARA GROWN GOLDEN DEW COLOURED OES] | | MARGABINE Te aT ir EDDIE fa CATHIE TAVLOR js CHRIS CROSBY fe PETER BRECK = RUTA LEE = JOBY BAKER PAM AUSTIN ESB GORDON - GENE NELSON SHV RATAN A FOUR LEAF PORT PERRY PRODUCTION Giw "DIXHELAN: 120 WILSON RD. &. OSHAWA RITSON ROAD §. OSHAWA 166 ADELAIDE ST. OSHAWA WHITBY CUBERT STREET OSHAWA ONTARIO NEW COLOR CARTOON BROCK ST. SOUTH, E , "A TOUCH OF GOLD" LANSDOWN TECHNICOLOR SHOPPING CENTRE A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Shinn ne wer sai