Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Sep 1963, p. 9

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When You Buy Nylons / By ELEANOR ROSS And that by no means entails : Pr esents just size alone. A great deal of When you shop for nylons, what do you consider most im-|thought goes into the type of : portant? Is it color? Heel or welts used to finish off the new " R ' toe construction? Sheerness or|ylons. Hosiery people are con- : sturdier weight? vinced that the welt contributes) _ BONNIE BELL'S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 | Unless you have begun to|much to proper fit on the leg, Construction of a stocking, these] *'2ck® | THURSDAY $ : : g. ce , THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 11, 1963 {construction of a stocking these|" Some of the newest welt con-| ' ept. 12 me FRIDAY, Sept. 13 (0) Consider Comfort Angie MITCHELL'S DRUG STORE a last few seasons, you may be/ structions include the two-way | overlooking one of the most) ctretch a new ti s i ype of yarn) UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES cy ert features of all --)that conforms to both thin' and - heavy thighs, welts with extra| HOLY CROSS W.A. Thornton School had gathered softness, stronger and wider The Women's Auxiliary of|this spring, had been received|duced Mrs. Betty Barker from|welts, shorter welts combined Holy Cross Church held its Sep-|and thanks were extended for|Toronto, who demonstrated|with lacy after - welts and a tember meeting recently with|them also. All members were/plastic products to the mem-/Spanish knitwear manufactur- Mrs, James Hanson presiding.|asked to bring to the next meet-|bers, jer's special type of welt that Miss Mary Fitzgerald, trea-ling, any good used toys for the| It was announced the next|Promises 100 per cent wrong surer, gave the financial report.|children in India, and these will/meeting would be October 7,|Dility. : Mrs, Joseph Callahan, welfare|be shipped in time to arrive for|and the speaker will be Miss Some welts are so tapered) convener, stated 61 articles of|Christmas. Betty Lesk who will show slides|*hat~ they fit comfortably on clothing were given locally. The turkey supper has beenjand give a talk on the Holy|Meavy thighs, yet conform Mrs, Hanson thanked the/set for November 2, with Mrs.| Land." ~ nicely to normal-sizé legs, too. members who helped at the/Gordon Clark as convener. The| Refreshments Were prepared Take a good look at welt con-) wedding dinners during the sum-|treasurer's report was read byjand served by Mrs, Kurt Ker-|Sttuctions next time you are at} mer months. Mrs. Jack Westlake, and the/ner, Mrs. Chesley Burton, Mrs. the hosiery counter, You may| Further plans were made for|collection taken. E. W. Coedy and Mrs. V. W. discover a new reason for} the bazaar on November 13. | Mrs. V. W. Greenaway intro-|Greenaway. paaeape Bed type of stocking) Mrs, Julian Vann and Mrs.|~ = | R. W. Lack will be in charge of But no matter how they are made, or how perfect. the welt the country store booth, Mrs. nac James Hickey, candy; Mrs. H. fitting, all nylons must receive! ' ; |T. Anthony, bake table; Mrs. the same kind of gentle care j William Patterson and Mrs. , ; f they are to enjoy a normal Frank Sheppard, penny sale; : \life span. MR. AND MRS. CHARLES G. BENNETT Mrs, J. H. Lyons and Mrs. j There are a number of moth! John Sagriff, white elephant. : ods for sudsing your nylons) --Aldsworth Photography |" Refreshments were served , faately: without Lok' et atane |by Mrs. Jack Langley and her, 4 ' T is the foolproof jar owl Katocs Nuptial Vows asi ) 6 | Bennett-Katocs Nuptial Vows nates. jecine win 1 fila * oregon pail hag |held Oct. 1. - ' bs side the container, Then there! Exchanged in St. Gregory's | WESTMINSTER U.C.W. | +" oo ' is the plastic bag method --| t a. bs ; y ¢ |putting hose and suds inside a/ These scientifically eiasad Last Saturday, Margaret,They were gowned alike inlwague aud doae aes aa 4 2 ' Be small plastic bag, and gently) . ty - Mary Katocs, daughter of Mr. |antique gold brocade, withiof the season, recently, The pressing to circulate the suds) cosmetics contain active thera- anji'Mrs, Bert Kat s, Oshawa,|scoop necklines, three-quarter| meeting was called to order by) fee : and then the rinse water, There) peutic in ients -- medicall was united in marriage to|s leeves, with wrap-around) the president, Mrs. John Redko, s Cee i jare even compartmented bags tested -- improve skin h alt Charles Geoffrey Bennett, Oak-|skirts, and self bows at the|with the singing of the theme ee = weemiig 'Several SOME OF nd resto: : j ville, son of Mr. and Mrs.|waist. A gold rose held their|From All That Dwell Below ™ "4 pase at once, ; : ; * re natural complexion Charles Bennett, Oakville, in|short bouffant veils and they|the Skies". Mrs. E. W. Coedy _Or, if none of these ideas ap- } } uty. oo zens Roman Catholic cured cascade bouquets of|read from Psalm 108, followed). meester BRING YOUR leuin PROBL T ufch. white Fugii chsysanthemums.|py the singing of '"'O God, the | Onsignor Paul Dwyer offi-|The bride's niece, Miss Lorri/Rock of pee : | LADIES | i mms TO or d, Mrs. - Pn Oak-| Eccles, Oshawa, was her flower] Mrs. V. W. Greenaway read| | ne > ag werd fore Lf ville. sang "Ave Maria," ac-)girl. She wore a full length,|the scripture from Peter 1, ha taran | ITCHELL S DRUG STORE companied by Mr. John\white. taffeta brocade dress| chapter 4 verses 1 to 9. Mrs. PLAN OCTOBER WEDDING | pg Bo Mba Pr r yap in marriage by POP tesa ho ees C. Burton gave a pegs on! James Joseph Hill will wed Roman Catholic Church lg '725-6354. 9 SIMCOE STRERY. shines tie GORAWA TELEPHONE TaRirny! 7 jse PC , itte od-/'Stones"', followed by HymniMiss Gavle P: rs is Ls Bae . ss father, the bride wore a sheath/ice, and carried a gold nosegay|497, Mrs. E. W. Goady read a wee tg goign: lbtettet paxtberbae October 5. gown of carnation, white peau) with white pom-r ns. Her head-|story 'Women's Meditations". | made today. Mr. Hill is the son de"soie, featuring a sabrina/dress was a crown of white) The secretary read the min-|of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hill | posiporg , Sg mee! Np flowers. utes followed by the roll call. A}Oshawa, and Miss Patterson is paadve " "ea hed rag ai yer The best man was Mf-.\jarge number of members and|the daughter of Mr. Michael tachable cathe ral train. er|Michael Qr'nn, Oakville, and visitors were present, The min-| Patterson, Oshawa, and the late se gy nage Ngee sll an | sll ra Mls gar a ra tlister, the Reverend John Por-|Mrs. Patterson. The wedding is held her silk illusion, bouffant)Bennett, Cornwall, Mr. James| ter 'having just returned from}to take place in Holy Cross veil. She carried a cascade|Bennett and Mr. Philip Ben-|treland. dropped in for 'a tew| ; bouquet of white cymbidium| nett, both of Oakville. [ebaaeread PP nore -- orchids. | For the reception at the Pic- reales ' | The bride's sister, Mrs. Allan|cadilly Room, Hotel Genosha,| Mrs. George Lofthouse read Eccles, Oshawa, was matron of|the bride's mother received,|Parts of a letter from Mrs. D. honor, and Miss Colleen Clary,|wearing a gold brocade sheath|198@¢s, New Delhi, India, thank-| Miss Elizabeth Puskas, and|with matching jacket and beige|!"8 the United Church Women| Miss Claudette Marcoux, all of|accessories with a veiled hat el their contribution towards Oshawa, were her bridesmaids.]of gold petals and a corsage their betterment in India. The) : of pumpkin pinocchio pom-poms, |P9ks_which the Dr. tn |The bridegroom's mother as- | ee PERSONALS | sisted in a light blue brocade|the bride wore an ensemble of| 282 King W 728-9581 sheath with matching jacket|a Riviera blue~ sheath, with) RUG Last Saturday evening, Miss|/and navy blue accessories, with three-quarter length matching} Catherine Polson, daughter ofja veiled pill-box of navy blue)coat, Riviera blue accessories CLEANING | { J v8 o ; -- Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Polson,jand a corsage of white pinoc-|and a corsage of white cym- | Masson street, was guest of|/chio pom-poms. \|bidium orchids, On their return . : honor at a party given by Mrs.| The couple will honeymoon im|/Mr. and Mrs. Bennett will re- | 4 ; OPEN THURS., FRI. D:-R. Hunter, Toronto, and her|Montreal, and for going away/|side in Oakville. N mother, Mrs. W. E. Mann, Osh-| ---- ED =| q SAT. TILL 10 P.M. e@wa, at Mrs. Hunter's home in| T . Mi Pol. i ; Shortly tor India to take up her 5 || FRESH LEAN BONELESS pag wd a a haga in ! sbyterian Church Mission Field. there" During the misamase: : NO BONE months, she has been studying NO WASTE FACTORY CLEARANCE ANY SIZE CUT at London, Ontario, learning to adapt hersesif to her new sur- roundings. The guests were for- mer classmates and close friends of Miss Polson. The eve- ie srcuracrs:| BOTANY and SHETLANDTEX and reminiscing, as a book of verses and snapshots recalling FRESH SLICED many instances in Miss Pol- - son's life, was presented to her aleng with tape-recording reels fe anfi a cosy cardigan. She also . 1 reeeived the best wishes in her ; cay lb. k i so 8 8 8 8B P 9 ehbsen career, from all the : : : : ae guests. Offered at a fraction of their regular selling price. This is a mill clearance , from our foremost name on request) supplier, select from a lovely soft CHOICE $n Monday the teachers and é ; P j mémbers of the board, get the 100% English Botany Wool -- or kitten-soft Shetlandtex, a mohair and Bible Club Movement, met at Shetland wool blend. 2 ; : lb thé Oshawa Christi Youth bd é Oshawa ristian ou # rl ie « ie € Centre, to honor one of the mis- Prices are away lower than usual as some of these may be display soiled or FRESH CHOICE | SWIFT'S SWEET PICKLED CRYOVAC ce a ee ie sc have slight imperfections in construction which will in no way affect the FRESH leaving for another field of ser-| wearing quality. OX TAILS is, 29° | Chicken Livers 5 29° | Peameal Rolls us. 49°| BEEF HEARTS ,,. 39° vige. Mr. Gordon Ferguson, é : chairman of the board, spoke of Choose from 17 new vibrant colors for fall -- Periwinkle, Teal, Cameo, Mint, th years of faithful service Miss Willow, Yellow, Pink, Coral, Red, Claret, Oxford, Light Grey, Beige, Singer, ! Moen had spent in the area. é ¢ . f ' . ' t : Cc Sg @) @) SOU 10-0Z. LARK"S TOMAT P TN Mis. Lewis Trick and Mrs. El- Sandalwood, Brown Black and White. TARGET -- COMPARE AT 45c Compare ton Johnston presented Miss Moen with luggage and purse Sizes 34 to 42 in the group. %" of'money. Refreshments were a FANCY COHOE SALMON 3 sh 1.00 served by the teachers social conmittee. j i i le 100% fi s h- Classic styles in machine washable 100% fine English Botany , . . mot COMPARE -- CARNATION oo. bebo ag tr gna shrink-treated . . . full fashioned raglan shoulders for neat and MASHED INSTANT POTATOES 2 san, a9 immediate executive of th- £ e of Edinburgh Home and GROUP 1 GROUP 2 DISCOUNT PRICE FEATURE -- REG. VALUE 1.05 ittuestay cugming: Ove te LONG SLEEVE BUTTON-FRONT CREST TOOTHPASTE : agit 79° coffee cups plans were discuss- ed: for the association's 10th gone] PULLOVER PULLOVER Mrs. Frank Jarvis, program, LAKE BRAND " CLARK'S--COMPARE 23¢ es BARTLETT PEARS 6 °*1 | BEANS .,, PORK 2°: Reg. 8.98 Reg. 9.98 TINS WITH TINS 37* otifer point of discussion was the kindergarten tea to be held! in the school later this month WAGSTAFFE--sCOMPARE AT 55¢ CLOVER LEAF--COMPARE 47 and to be convened by Mrs e each e each RA 24-0Z. € j em, William Moring. 1 ERRY JAM JAR 49 TUNA FISH TIN 39° It would be difficult to say) tier, the play, the athens : GARDEN PATCH WHOLE--COMPARE 2 FOR 33¢ * SUPER SAVE : ofthe theatre itself was. the Soft as a kitten's fur are thése medium weight "Shetland and Mohair" KERNEL CORN 2 14-02, 29° PEANUT BUTTER 16-02. ¢ eetiire of attraction for the re- sweaters ,,. full fashioned style with classic neck line in this fall's newest TINS JAR ing of the Royal Alexandra colors. ' tre on Monday night, Celeb- . gities in all fields of the arts, GROUP 1 GROUP 2 } divic dignitaries and _stylishly- Secs) Long sieeve suTronrroxT =| PIRUNE PLUMS wicars coun: 69. i mingled in the enlarged foyers and lounges, handsomely re- decorated ir crimson and white. PULLOVER CARDIGAN : The play, "Never Too Late," a fibtickling domestic comedy, jad 2m apt theme for the re-| Reg. 11.98 Reg. 12.98 birt, of the aging theatre, leav- 7 49 h h | "augience in a hopeful, 7 99 feo fraine of mind. The - wets . vio drew about 60 show- event ' H pasness personalities from New m9 yom City, complementing the a \ =<"""| WARD'S DRY GOODS VE - | in Ny I, jovers {rom near and -far mong them from Oshawa, Mrs a 31 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH AT ATHOL ST. 725-1151 corner or KING at RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA Henry Chapman and Mrs, J. A. a

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