---------- re QC } | | Seri szesiogn sec os oe Dees til kit Fit us Te Gori l8 gasheanle htt: TRAINEES AT WORK Trainees work on a machine of companies whose major at the Deniba Trade School in British Guiana, one of several schools sponsored by a group world wide enterprise component is the Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd. The says Ther pre yore ase Har eras 6 wc know." tire leave a show wi PEACOCK 'of retirement. The Czech-born brother and sister from Bronte, Ont. won the world fi af airs championship in 1962,Jers in a business w ve said before that they'djare self-made and te quit skating for other endeav-|the publicity and, salaries re- 64) ceived by amateurs from rela-|to do together." tively well-fixed families, who turn pro and immedia star 'Billing. ors, but they opened the 1963 season with Ice Capades when it began its new tour at Mad- Jison Square Garden sk Two bronze medals in Oly! pics, and] Mari: cs, " 7. "You don't hold a said Otto, adding that "'I ¢ we live as any brother and sis- Jelineks Begin Second Year As Professional Ice Skaters By JIM illustrated by the many honors|spend so much time practis- NEW YORK (CP) -- Marialthey've won in pairs competi-jing and performing together. and Otto Jelinek have begunition: their second year as profes-| world championships, ice skaters--still ebulli-/ he 1960 winter still charming and still|world champions in name a few. Evidence of their special hu- who| man qualities lies in their pop-ter would." ating] ularity among fellow perform- a. 1962, to many to resent "It's easier to argue when in|you're. brother and sister," saidjone year--and amateur "No we don't," said 'Maria. E "Why? asked oto, ae this was our last year of skat-lyey be of surgical swab é we 8 enter the-~family. businesses hnica left inside pa' opera time together. We have so much/when he quits skating, 'What- Vineet eee y ait lee 4 bith ' Off the ice, Maria and Otto tely 'get|are together irequently, t00, allgoss' "? °° {at 86 Fetirement though they said this depends % WL Nad eh Bee DOE ag on wow $Y Ee bee ----_ THE OSHAWA i, 10, 1968 ; 'TIMES, Tuesday, September 13. . ® * out areas for Rircraft Towing [cet Foggy Survey Gadget ju study, 5 ie Y g The bird--a pointed fibre aaé MACKAY LAKE, N.W.T./eluminum structure--is towed (CP)--A strange bird is (behind an aircraft and con- handsome dividends for the Jel-|ing across northern Canada|nected by cable to other parts ineks--"'You can make the|these days. of the magnetometer money you spend on it back in| And mining people are watch-|PJane. 'esi 4 a very expensive poly por wba og ee oe Ke lanier of the earth's grudge," |Otto, without giving any. lig |aeveioumene 7 e" ™neral netic field. which "with ures, But what of the future?) qe - (We've» been saying everyinotometer 'tised in the $18, car mone LONDON (CP)--The year for the Jast four years that/go9 bet aeromagnetic sur- ing," said Otto, who plans tolthe federal department of teinee/of,C4se2 of surgical swabe being e! A 1959, S$ a re : ever we say, no one will believe| with aichorne re ~ a ge one = és the governments hope to map'with five swabs inside. abe. "At the end of this year, Before the season 10 next year in Los Angeles, |ing they'll have skated nearly 400) year as professionals. performances in 25 cities Canada and the United States, --. Toronto and Mont- it. It's very exciting and you By then, they may be con- A, weed they Should apn an-| want to do it too much longer. other year, Maria says "no." a Otto " ' ence they'd found between com- gees "1 don't (ek we petitive and show-business skat- sticks, Whenever their decision _ 8 at yoid in ue is tion," said Otto. "But mentally which they began|it's not." however, their professional careers in Au- gust, 1962, here in the Garden. WELL-LIKED PAIR * ends May been very, said Otto of their first ENJOYS IT, BUT... Said Maria: "I am enjoying see and do a lot, but I wouldn't Both emphasized the differ- ing, 'Physically, it's just as strenuous here as in competi- "In competition," said Maria, "the pressure is always building up to one big performance for a championship, Here you al- very interest-|0n circum ' maybe. We're not sure our- If my girl friend and Maria selves--Maria {s sure." Maria, who plans to go to Eu- rope to study ~ can become an interpreter, sibly at the United Nations get along well," 4 "we're out together quite a lot. If her boy friend and my girl friend don't get along, we're not together so much." tto has a steady girl friend--|here, in fact, he recently became en- gaged to Darlene Strick of In- dianapolis, a girl he met skat- oe but not one of those in the show. mantic interests," viewer said. said Otto, that's it." es so she said; "This year and "Oh yeah," said Otto. MINE COAL COVENTRY, England (CP)-- Nearly £200,000,000 Maria says she has no ro-\000) worth of coal will go un- mantic interests. m! perts fear subsidences if present "Well, let's say no serious ro-|mine shafts are lengthened. WON'T ($600,000, - ined beneath this city. Ex- the inter "No serious romantic inter-|} cesses Ballet have made them favorites with the rest of the Ice Capades cast. helping people in « under- developed. countries where it has plants is good human re- dian and skating star, Johnny Applications Increase For Medical Schools 250 applicants this year for 60 openings. By BRUCE STOVEL Canadian Press Staff Writer The number of people.apply- the country. Apparently fears of increasing government legislation in field of medicine aren't scaring off young people. "People who say applicants to medical school are falling off either in quality or quantity because of the threat of social- medicine are, frankly, all Banfill all-time high of 1,841 applicants ized wet," says Dr. Martin x gssistant dean of McGill Univer- in 1951-52. From there, a steady low of aity's medical school, A Cross - Canada by Survey The Canadian Press shows the of Manitoba and Dr. Armand famher of, sorte ag Erappier of the University of higher medical Montreal said population growth has clearly reversed the trend. 12 of the country's echools. The population increase, es the. post-war crop Freach-epeaking Canadians are choosing medicine as a career quently - given explanation of|than other professions. » was the most fre- i peak in applica ing for admission to medical LD te ety Be schools this fall is up ail " a gradual decline to a low reached about 1960. The reason the] Ws the tremendous influx of Second World War veterans who startea arriving at medicaljraise its first-year class to 80 school about five years after the war's end, QUEBEC CHANGING Most universities reported a They are warm, outgoing in-|/ways have to be in good form dividuals, each with a sharpjand you have to go on every sense of humor, ready wit and|day, but the pressure's not the) yraria uncommon friendliness tha t)same." a They skate nine months of the tend with ped show, giving at "They're beloved by everyone|!east one performance a day " said fellow Cana-|4nd sometimes on weekends as| PAYS in the show," seid f many as three a day. They LaBrecque, a. Montreal native travel thousands of miles; some- ests," said Otto. "No romantic interests," said 'Dont' let her fool you," said Otto with a twinkle of laughter in his eye. "Come on, Maria." Professional skating has paid Tap, Baton Twirling REGISTER NOW -- FOR FALL TERM TRENIE HARVEY Vote Progressive Conservative in Ontario PUBLIENED BY THE ONTARIO PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION was reached|compared with 130 last year, and thenjand the University of Montreal plans to expand its first-year class. Alberta is increasing its first-year class to 90 from 90 this year and UBC plans to from 60 in years, business. the next several tablished in the cork business) which at Bronte, a Lake Ontario com: munity between Oakville and "v Hamilton, The family now also has a thriving sporting-goods Maria and Otto began skating in Prague and continued in Can- ada qnd their special talent is helpful since they They get along well together A , He came from nowhere end killed @ men he'd never seen For example, McGill had an set in until 1961-62's 830. Dr. Bell of the University Dr. Frappier says fewer| ANNOUNCEMENT! THIS THEATRE WILL BE CLOSED NIGEL PATRICK YVONNE MITCHELL WILLIAM BENDIX JOHNNY NOW P2NE NOBODY ANONYMOUS 3 a LESLIE PHILLIPS STANLEY BAXTER WILFRED HYDE WHITE A Julien Wintie-Leslie Perkyn Production CROOKS 4 A FAMILY CLOSE? lations and good business, who's been a comedian on ice|times by train, sometimes by . for 14 years, "And with a show|2i", and live either in hotels, NOW APPEARING C.D.T.A. -- N.B.T.A, Ssnann wae like this, that takes a special hey aid as uae A at 424 King St. West ALBERT V. rpe : Felineks -- Maria, 20,|Weeks in final rehearsals this CARMICHAEL'S PHONE 725-6122 WALKER brown-eyed, brown-hiared, five- pone gl in Atlantic City, in a BAR-B-QUE ; TT foot-six and pretty; Otto, 23, Ot louse. ane a ba i dark-haired, five-foot-10, a mus-| ote enloys the eure. Maris Png en i. 4 Sacre bare Prag | Se aes to, travel, but shell "BUTTER QUEEN" WHAT ij 3 pack, 0 ss Barbecued - or - i other serene it att OTe i Banat jute : : school to 100 from 72 first-/1948, went to Switzerland for Altraye) with all PB ood Rags CHICKEN K EEPS it year seats. Laval is year, then moved Canada| Maria, 4 Peay Be Helves « or Sear ' a total of 143 students this year|where their father became es- hend-pluckad, frock ond in . tbs. ond over. hie an Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday SS a OPEN THURS. & FRI. NIGHTS PPL A DOORS OPEN 6:30 P.M. the rise in applicants. "It's a time of social u ip- ecicGill, which Has one of thelneaval in Quebec," he said. eal 3a. had by far the most "Under the old system, a young epplican' 4121 coupuaed with} man chose religion, medicine or 934 last : Only 104 the law. Not many other fields tod 8 og y are &-lwere even considered. = the Ameena; "a oat "Today, the young men are c province's onl¥i more and more going into en- CONTINUOUS SHOWS SAT & SUN. BILTMORE 5° SHOW STARTS 6:45 P.M, University etter by apph\eineering and business. More cations were received for 72|27¢ entering teaching. As evidence, he said the ee number of students at the RISE CONTINUES university's engineering school, Dr. C. B. Stewart, Dalhouste's|I.'Ecole Polytechnique, has in- dean of medicine, said therejcreased to 1,432 from 1,165 in has been an increase every|the last three yérs. OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE Announces «= CASTING MEETING DRIVE OUT * TONIGHT * ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON BOXOFFICE OPENS AT: 7:30 -- SHOW START AT 8:15 TONIGHT thru WEDNESDAY year for the past five years. Students from Atlanti¢ prov- inces made up 88 of the 179 ap- _ plications, but would fill about 9 per cent of the openings. Quebec's two French-language agreed with Dalhousie's Dean Stewart who said "the con- tinued increase in medical Most universities, however, school applications now is at a slope about parallel with the For "BUS STOP" LANA TURNER -- HOPE LANGE -- LEE PHILIPS LLOYD NOLAN -- DIANE VARS! -- ARTHUR KENNEDY medical schools also had more|general increase in applications applicants. About 90 per cent|for other faculties." of their students are French- Canadians. speaking . Laval University in Quebec City received 248 applications for 125 first - year places, up| from last year's 205 lica- tions. The University of Mont- treal had 241 applicants for 125 openings. Applications there have also increased in each of the iast five years. In Ontario, the University of Toronto had about 220 appli- cations for 50 to 55 places. Last year there were about 200 ap- plicants. The University of Ot- tawa, Queen's University and the University of Western On- tario all reported increases over last year in the number of applicants, but figures were not available. At the University of Manitoba, Dean of Medicine L. G. Bell said en for the first- ¢ of 72 students have ged cg last three years. ere are 310 applicants while last year there 'were 250-275. At the University of Saskat- ehewan, last year's bitter medi- cal dispute had little effect on medical college. appli- Mrs. Dorothy Schick, secre- tary of admissions at the Uni- versity of Manitoba, said there is a trend toward the medicine faculty rather than, away from it. Officials at universities. from Dalhousie to UBC said there is little indication other faculties are getting students who might --* have gone into medi- e. Several of the universities mentioned expansion plans, Dal- housie is on a fund drive which Dean Stewart says could result in expansion of the medical BY WILLIAM INGE To be directed by Gillien Heath 'RETURN TO PEYTON PLACE' ADULT. ENTERTAINMENT: OS | AWA Tuesday, September 10, 1963 CHILDREN UNDER 12 [iiedineetaletateaiete aa ADMITTED FREE! hs! E Thursday, September 12, 1963 3 Lemm ons In 0.R.C.--BUILDING--100 GIBB ST. ALL ARE WELCOME TOGETHER AT LAST ON THE GIANT SCREEN IN CINEMASCOPE AND COLOR! "PEYTON PLACE" PLUS CAROL LYNLEY & JEFF CHANDLER IN JET TRAVEL TO BRITAIN OR EUROPE (AND LET TCA'S "21-DAY" FARES SAVE YOU. UP TO $151! | 723-4972 * ft ra - cations. There are 187 appll- cations for admission compared with 126 last year and 117 in 1961-62. Only 40 are admitted each year. Officials attributed the in- crease to population growth and a provincial scholarship if f q \etro-GoldivyinM YET meant, i 3 with 196 last year. But, he said, this year 90 students are being accepted compared with 80 last PETER BRECK +R He sald, more TODAY ONLY for specialization have caused _ JON WAYNE "DONOVAN'S REEF" the increase. | At the University of British IN TECHNICOLOR Columbia, a steady increase ir reported for each year since a UTA LEE +10 A FAMOUS PLAYERS "GEOR ANTON YGkand EDDIE IHIETHNUOR THE JACK LEMMON (8) WILDER'S IRM@""DOUCE ae )¥) In the adults-only everyone WIRISCH COMP, EDWARD L. ALPE NSON hit the Jackpot Ht most impudent, comed TECHNICOLOR® PANAVISION® 'GELV WADE GEV Winoen m1 Lowmonp ALEWIoER TRaUneR SHORE Brewed KStomoriod// LAST DAY:--HENRY FONDA IN "SPENCER'S MOUNTAIN" Miss the little family jokes and loving laughter that letters can't ~~ convey? Jet "home" tothem all by TCA--and save happilyonTCA's > new 21-Day Jet Economy Excursion Fares*. You'll have up to3 ~™ whole weeks to spend in Britain or Europe--time toslipbackinto that warm family feeling too good to lose. Go this year--whileit's easy. If you like, use TCA's convenient Fly Now--Pay Later Plan. * See your travel agent or TCA about it now. Semple 21-Doy Jet Economy Excursion Fare from Toronte LONDON 395.70 « 39.70 wn 16.07 anny (Z) DUSSELDORF! 452.00 én "4 x 9.00 19.56 fer 28 fe ZURICH ser wy Cat) "Effective from Getober 1 to April 30 on trips of not less than 14 days up to # maximum of 21; travel to be completed by April 88. Services to Britain and freland operated by TCA with BOAG z SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT OR CONTACT TCA., 130 BLOOR ST. W. TOR ONTO, Comedy since : liked it hot! | cro i C TRANS CANADA An INES AR CANADA SHIRLEY |-- ner neal MacLaINne aa BOOK THROUGH-- MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA 723-9441 3 Ae » DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE, OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- BROOKLIN ~ 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST 'WHITBY 668-3304