Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Sep 1963, p. 18

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St) Oe Ow he rere ee et By Omen meget ei nee mat gE eR Te rete trtni ned gir EN Ae -- en oy noe ss Pegs eer bane eee SONS 18 . THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 6, 1903 |S2--Articles for sate raed Por La sang: Bomb Scare T Doe Meer oom Te BRON Today's Toronto Stock Market Listin« LASSIFIED Phone. 7-00, aan Custom 'lueing and cleaning. Get Cuts Traffic , Y 5 gs TYPEWRITERS, adding machines, suP-| yours done now berore TORONTO 11 AM. STOCKS ING Sie ih Bet Sate AS Sas noMTo 11 Am. st0e aly oe eee In Montreal d fi Page 17) : 15. F. G00 STORES Tires, iemcsehene te coats colews moored © bo 4 - in cents uni ma 5 oat 3 ss ths, 2 ons. on Satur-| (Continued from Page = wae hunting 30 Bateres Kelvinator retrain, fe 3008 a fen xr eri be jospital Gratis. a mi visi ir' judget jan. 725-4543, xw--E: irrants, change Best pri i} Try Do -- fi - 29--Automobiles For Sale __ {ing stc._ Best, pric jes in town ey OF aera ara ites araae Wel Macnaghicnge ee > po from 'previou- board-lot closing sale.) » One only." Pi 's God' 1984 FORD halt-ton, exceptional porta, ing trate hp oauon 'toad Srratiore, ase siivee Sai Masmt to Montreal Island, Honore -- at the! Meadowvale. street. : lent conaition, 1825. Electric range,|TAPE recorder, Korfing: Iwo manihe cier Bridge, was cut off fox /al- 1956 PONTIAC coach, good condition. eV 2 Kent Street, Whitby, |0l'. in, very. good condition, $175. Tele! most three hours Thursday T 728-8854, 141 Alma} 96-4192. Lobe night while police checked two Street. Call before 6 p.m. LIVINGROOM suite, bedroom 'suite, six:|SELLING furnfiure of appliances? We'lll anonymous telephone calls that Mrs, Cari Scammell. ; bly A ye ~ Ilamuatioeciaad -- 1986 DODGE, 2-door sedan, VA engine,|tontents, almost new. Must sell Brook: Blakes Furniture and Appliances Store,|a bomb had been placed there.| pita yaseiines shift, good condition, few Miresi|lin_ 655-9070. slate Bri in Rea A search by 20 policemen and| alta Dis vt NAMES .are Important: Choosing radio and many. extras. $375. C9 1943 _MCCLARY Easy Range, used only|BOAT, 12f1. plywood runabout, call affer|. Gunamite expert uscovered aj Alta Gas for your "child should be a real pleasure) 725- six months, complete with timer and|é p.m. 723-4761, h box and all Alta. Nat and others will want fo know your cholce. 7954 CHEVROUEY 1 ton pickup, four-|clock. Reasonable, 668-3981, Whitby, HGH bil as ee jammer box and a small drum. Name your child as quickly a8 possible] speeq transmission, full year 1963 licence| Teams 5 coleman space oll heak|quiet, hardly used, very good condition.|POlice said both had apparently| Aisoms ite ninn Aaoncamedt, Ju Oe ae inssalo "paper apOr, ers, dark brown finish, good condition, Also Harmony Sovereign guitar, like new.!been left there by accident and} Alumini inv 1963 CHEVROLET Impala super each $40. After 6 p.m. 725-8998. | T! no notes or signs were found) Alum 2 pr 45 410 410 [two-door hardtop, black with red trim, |SEWING machine sale: Einas, Singer, $15/VACUUM cleaner repairs, all _makes.inearby, Arcus ee Including the 300 hp, auto- beatin . Birth Notice in' in the next edition.|power windows and aerial, Pe BUTO-| y 329' Simcoe. Stree Arg CP pr e% 8 316% 16% 16¥a ial 723-3492. matic, metallic brakes, many ofher ex- lg Naat 4 Streetierishes, hoses, guaranteed rebuilt ma-| "We verified neither of the| At' sug xd $1" vs 12 Lakeld pr 250 $22 tras. Can be seen at 877 King 'otreet East. Ninee," Rantale.: Wallace |: ian Po eta fee USED Singer commercial tallori ecu objects were dynamite," said) Atlas 1953 METEOR agree 4-door Epon In h eW-lvice Call anytime 728-0591. the Quebec Provincial Police pi tent = gepegeBeand~ 25 So Hyeusg=Bagze.k Bs ze 2s ae 7. - ing $95. Elna dealer, 329 imcoe Sas7as. Street Savy TEM: a arson HUE AF rue, mal sergeant who directed the] Bell Phone al ' Valley 1958 CHEVROLET Biscayne, two-tone,|WE buy, sell and exchange used furnl-| ¢55. 4985, search. He asked his name not} Bow radio, $700. Good condition,. 723-4994, _|tire, or Snything you have. The | City GvING or selling furniture or ppl be used because he is investi-| Brow, 2% 23% "5 |Trading Post Stores, 440 Simcoe Street ng BA 1955 PONTIAC stationwapon, ha po South and 31 Bond Street East. . 723-1671. pees, ae Elmer Hampton, 263,2294 or) gating other terrorist acts, ac forest 26 sis 1s = 2. A Me standard. a white, 1 good . Mepc Amal Rare Psat Shape, $800 or best offer. 725-6245, sropmnzs A snoee value, s, AUprOx eT gg ee Oe The two calls to the QPP] pc sugar s Mane 1053 24Ve 2dve 2Va-- Florence R. pe) \. Laurention, four ° door cheste of tater typing |e at and. walking' 'strap. Telephone| headquarters in downtown Mon-| 8C Phone 100 105 105 105 A. 3. Burr (Vera) of Oshawa, Mrs. Fred| 1956 PONTIAC Laurentian, four " door paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap-|seat treal were by Knish Bulolo 0 $28 8 8 Area aoe ae Rolfe (Betty) of West Hill, Ontario, wil-|sedan, V8 standard: radio. A- Hy Cemewe Times Ofen, WANDy.|720087. ae This y English-speaking} Burrard A S7% Th Th ave we Ee i "George cane of Moncton, N.B., Rob- PIANO, Falmer by Bell, with .}men. is was the first re-| caboi 220 e 50V4 Atlin: Rut ert Frederick Cane of Halifax, "N.S., in|i999 DODGE Mayfair, two door hardtop,| TELEVISION Tower Special, 40 ft. struc-|Good 725-0605. ported bomb threat in English.| Ca! Pow Bankeno fils 65th year. Resting at the Armstrong/finished in red, ture, all channel antenna in- SapEWRITERSS adders, cashiers, dupll- Th Can Cem $36 «635% 35% + Bankfleld Funeral Home, Oshawa, with memorial'Seaway Motors Ltd., 200 Dundas West, stalieg and gueranteed experts with chequewriters,. comptometers, e QPP had the search un-| Can Malt a 443 $384 Boska service In the chapel on Saturday, Sep-|Whitby, 668-5893. 0 years' experience, $50, Trio Television,|three hundred new and used. We buy,|der way at 9:30 p.m. EDT. Traf-| ¢_S8rew Ve NG. 620 $194 1996 19% -- Ve tember 7 af 2 p.m. interment will be in CK four-door hard top, aulo- 728-6781, Il, rent, service. Hamilton Office Equip- CBal Bw 70 17 170 125 $334 332 332 + 4 Mount Lawn Cemetery. Masonic service 1958 BUICK four-door iJ sell, rent, » south, Whit fic was diverted to other bridges} ¢ Ce; 175 $35%e 35% 35%e-- 2270 $20% 20% 20% fie weneiess of Cider Lunia Wex| (AiG, TadiOy | power Steere, Fe BAM RUET. Ghd Tepsgeessed, furiliice ment 127 Brock, Soule Shey. -- crossing the St. Lawrence] ¢ Chem 3 200 230 230 230 --20 a on Be rae We toners Bore Fe + Pate, 600-8152. "| plete, $59 up; 30" ranges, clock controlied| TRG-ADLE: sewing machine, in very 9008) River, Mercier Bridge is a pro- A ogee Ae A lag ME alg : . PRIVATE 1956 automatic Ford, 9-passen-|88? UP/ rugs, chesterflelds, chests off 75-7119. vincially-owned structure cross-| € imp Bk C375 $62%4/s2% 375 $34% 34% 34% + Ve drawers, vacuum cleaners, washers, re- CUTHBERT, Ralph g@m country sedan, custom radio, heater, frigerators, record players, hi-fi's, Pur-|GIRI-'S clothing, dresses, pleated skirts,|ing the river and St. Lawrence Sine ites ties ee tee ae eee 41¥a 414 dle Trans Res 4290 Oshawa General Hospital on Thurs-winddw washers, wheel discs, new tires, ts, pile lined ski suit, etc. All In ex- ciL 2130 $1570 1578 15% QN Gas prs 89$101 10 Tor i day, September 5, 1963, Ralph Cuthbert! shocks and brakes. Must be seen fo be|chased from bailiffs in Toronto, Honest/cotts, Pils, inte Skt Salty et Aol Ot Oe" Seaway at the southwest end of] Ep, $32% 32% 32% Reichhold 390 $162Cléva 16% « f a er ae 3900 (218 Albert Street). eloved busbend of appreciated. Port Perry 985-2260. waweer a ees | 72-2080. the island, Chat-Gal ed sis 18 18 Revelstoke 150 $6% 6% 6%-- ia Ma Trin. Chip 3500 the late Annie jainds af loving ~ " we 'urniture , ani | -- hrysier 18 $80 80 80 R-Nodwel! 1000 425 - 425 +30" . } father of Mrs. William Kantores (Joan), bed pooh Said bed ae oa ee ances. Name brands at biggest eo "EASY" spiralator washing machine Claude Lavalle, an engineer in pif tr « 30.30 30 310 Rockowr pr. 100 $9 9 +% Un Macfie 57800 West Rouge. The late Mr. Cuthbert Is/BhO "758 san, : counts anywhere, We carry Restonic|with pump, in excellent condition. Tele-) suburban St. Eustache who is.a| Con Bldg 500 $99 Royal Bank 410 $73% Ve 73% Violam 2200 resting at Mclintosh-Anderson Funeral and Beverly mattress furniture lines,|phone 655-3818. dynamite expert, was lowered| con MS 1260 Salada 1210 $9% 9% 9% + Ve Weedon 1000 Service in the chapel on Saturday,|1956 CHEVROLET sedan, excellent hae vour authorize! GE dealer, Contact| VEGETABLE juice extractors, any size b bl ' Con Paper 125 Ve . Sayvette 200 365 345 200 Sone 7 at 2 p.m. Interment Union/difion. Finance with low down payment.|Honest Cal's on King Street East. Var-|and price, Atlas Juice Master Sales and|DY Cable to examine the] Con Gas n 1530 12% + | Seven Arts 100 $82 8% 8% 5000 : Comet Apply rear of 183 Bloor Street East.|coe's Road, open.12 hours dally, 9.30 - re Oshawa. J Co Clark 8 v Vel Shell. Oll 633 1000 ery. Ot 7m abs. O80) Telephone T0591 Service, 125 Durham Street, e's -understructure. Copp ' ae Me . isto Bl be . : T 725-4258. st Seag 2 ully's DENBY, Frank L. JAUXHALL, $250. Larry Hoskin | | Traffic was allowed over the} D Bridge 240 Simpsons 300 $31% 31% 31% git, Memorial Hospital at, Bowmanviley Biacastock 9864971." y "\Goid Seok caneteunn' Goaker Aimohcea|THREE compartment sfainiess steel sink mridge shortly after midnight. Slater Stee! its "are 'rm om' | Cari fosband "of 'Lillian Mountioy, resting. at|1953 CHEVROLET sedan, $100; 1953 fancran, Bajalum, Rexoleum. All slashed |phone Bowmanvill _ 623-705) by : a be Deer "Horn hcutt-Smith Funeral Home, 53 Divi-|Meteor custom, $125; 1951 Morris Minor| : : a pel Street, Bowmanville Service In the| convertible, $50. Pickering Beach 942-3809. Lip eke Fie Phy Byres and bbl pfs Foot Rags Kenge 9 ogg ® kid 4 vo Dicknsn : gb lephon nang bo ih ye ed Bo 2 P.M.!7955 PONTIAC, in fairly good condition,| Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. PIANO, upright, 52" Heintzman, good ensioners Dom, Text ae * = i & Ament }$200._Telephone 728-4969. BABYLAND bargains! Brand new baby|Condition. Painted off white, Telephone ine TMe ice' an ee Tr Can PL 350 $29% East Sull FORBES, Mary Helen 1960 THUNDERBIRD hardtop, finished In|carrlages, from $19. Full size cribs fron |Whitby, 668-4675. Worri e d By Exquit A wt 100 140 TransMt 225 $15% en te SlS=skessse ex8et=s8ese* @sessesaurrs Suddenly, at her ater residence,|two tone blue. Immaculate. Seaway)s24, Folding strollers, $5; Playpens, $9;|ELECTRIC waler tank, 20 gallon, $10. 1 ' Napanee, 'RR 3, on Thursday, Septem-|Motors Ltd., 200 Oundas West, Whitby.|springfilled crib mattresses, $7. i a condition. Telephone 728 968, fen bay Poy bof ig 56+ I Granduc ber 5, 1963, Mary Helen Forbes beloved) 668-5893. more all slashed in price! Wilsors Furni- 7 i i Suit. ord 50 $58% 58% Ma +1 $56% rr ee son Tocoote, Bprbare,: ooty mo as8 CHEVROLET impala convertible, {Ure 20 Church Street. Me loo ators. Coca, Cole cooler meat x10 $185 185 $14% Herminn ther " Jim, Toronto, Barbara, ly andi red, 6 cylinder, standard, radio. After 5 7 ° 4 L dl ds F 100 $6% 6% 6e--V 25 $10V%e b Don at home in her 49th year. Resting) oT "cail 725-6200, 4 What's My Line? slicer. 728-0836 or 300 Olive Avenue. an or i ita ite ue pd H of Lakes at the Wartman Funeral Home, oa ; : TAPE recorder, Webcor, Stereo, $250; pr 4) 345% 45% 45% + Ve $172 172 174+ | Headway Funeral service In the Chapel on Satur-|195? RENAULT. engine good, needs some) Buying or selling used fur- | microphone with base, $15, used one year. LONDON Cc GL Paper 295 $20% 20% ou ku . 910 900 910 +10 nee day Sept, 7, at 2 p.m. Rev. A. M. La-|body work. $150 cash, Telephone '| niture and appliances. For |After 6 p.m. telephone 725-7476. _L , Ont. (CP) -- The ps oy officiating. Interment Riverview | i955 CHEVROLET, station wagon, V8! your needs phone. THREE-PIECE sectlonal chesterfiela| United Senior Citizens of Onta-| iaantie Cemetery. lautomatic, new motor Installed recently, suite, {1 +l ri | ; , light blue, foam cushions, also cof-/rio called at its. annual meet- y Kerr Add KLUMPER, Joseph good condition, $350. <omeee utd Valley Creek Furniture fee table, two end tables. Very reasoning Thursday for provincial gov- C MIN EVEN S Kirk Town 45000 At the Oshawa General Hospital on|IMPULSE Tachometer with mounting 728-4401 or call at the store able. Port Perry. 5 ernment action to prevent '"un- t tatsoe ad $30%4 Wednesda' September 4, 1963, Joseph|brackets, and instructions included. heal ED, bie, with 7 nd mattress, Kiumper, infant son. of | Meintle and|5.30, telephone 723-7814, 16% Bond W. errecer to match; Frigidaire refrigerator,|scrupulous landlords" from rais- ST. JOHN'S Latch" 9p 0 Theodore Kiumper and brother of Brian, ; , ition: tte stove; chi i ion- i . clay, buona and Tera. canal was agein mn aration gemeey seers] | FOR SALE |titha "aie win" tur chara Tal ggag ns Om Pensionbound lf.) BATHE PARK BINGO + 200 Dundas West, Whitby, ' . jela'de West. . ae ee Creare: Cee = SONTIAT ate CHE a cylinder, REFRIGERATOR ee $85 TYPEWRITER, adding machine, cam) Delegates to the two day No Euch his S tery. standard. Excellent shape. Telephone) HEAVY DUTY STOVE $90 ri gies eld ena gp UR goes meeting said ~ rent-raising fe] uchre this at- COR. BLOOR AND SIMCOE PARKER, Berths May 725-2517. KITCHE anc division, Grade schoo appears to result from the fed- A -ni ; After # prolonged Iliness at the bnscri 1958 OLDSMOBILE, automatic, new two- WASH SET ating 3 werysrneeanenien:venenee: eral government's proposal to urday, Park closing To night a 45 General Hospital on Thursday, September! tone paint, good tires. Telephone 725-1939. f I ALUMINUM windows, doors, awnlngs-| -aice old age pensi for th ' 8, 1963, Bertha Wortolk (of Wnitby), tems In Very Good Condition |Free estimates, All work fully guaran- e age pensions for those) ceremonies 7 games $6 and $12 beloved' wite of the late John Parker;|1954 MERCURY hardtop, automatic, new 7; | feed. Call anytime, Discount Aluminumlover 70 by $10 to $75 monthly. $40 Eoch dear sister of Miss Hazel Worfolk of|transmission, good motor, needs little e ephone 728-0210 668-8606, The USCO i ay Whitby, Mrs. G. McBride (Charlotte) of|body work, $149. 1180 Simcoe Street -- a e has received re- St. Thomas, and the late Russell and| North, 728-0031. Engraved mirror 5' x 2¥%4' Loe reign chairs both In rewinorts of landlords raising rents Almer Worfolk, in her 70th year. Resting 1958 OLDSMOBILE 98, four-door, hard- $118.00. 2 S by 10 per cent, or even a flat B i N G @) at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whit-ltop, power equipped, best offer or trade.| COst Sell for |OUTBOARD motor, Johnson, 514 hp. oon 02° Highlanc Avenue. $75.00. Sectional Chester- |Apply 329 Albet Street or phone 725-9135,|$10, reported Mrs. W. S. Hodges mn. it field with end table ari of Stratford, USCO recording , equi le arms, ts, used fl it si ter, the Rev. ing McLeod.) with pon Bape eachenical tonatiion Seo| cost $429.00, sell for scinales pnd' wheels for trailers. Apply secretary. U A W A HALL ORANGE TEMPLE SPENCER, Etheline vem _ OR 00. Round Cotte oe Some landlords, she added, eso SATURDAY, SEPT. 7 4 Ye a " bals, , meteat Cort Or ee. SHEVROUET, tars womrie| $20.00. "2 "Lampe, cay [att cate Me™ ore emit angtiing: tier] SATURDAY, SEPT. 7 U it ete. 'elephone Knapp, In her 76th year, beloved widow bay wit lace Vouowepin trade. Tele: rw perth $35. ie" ae pedis than an attempt to take advan- 7:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M. o88ug3 88 ae $= BeSgehoades B€SecBous8uc. Bu Bs FENDER Stratocaster guitar and Fender tess Gibson (Marri) ot Columbus, Mrs 2 aS gaia] cost $68.00, sel for $30.00 Harvard amplifier. Telephone 7251348. _|tage of their elderly tenants' re-| 29 GAMES $10 A GAME 20 Games -- $8 ferbert Martin (Meta) of Columbus, 'and|1963_MERCURY convertible, hivin Roy Spencer of Oshawa, deer slster| condition, $3800, Telephone 720-185. pes 12° 18',_ cost |}.. : 4 GAMES OF $20, $30. of Louis "Knapp, Pontypool, Gordon] igsy METEOR two-door, rae good con $330. 00, sell "tor $175.00. Telephon: Oshawa 725-8183 The organization also wants $40, oa a Share the Wealth Normen Knepen, Myrtie, Mervin Knapes| ncaa st sell. $5 or best offer} To be sold os @ group or HEINTZMAN piano, upright, Snyder bull veal aA sigtoter moni ed JACKPOTS 4---$40 Jackpots to go ' ni Ir, rou' in room ins Game t Boley 1955 OL 1950 GMC_half-ton pt as 8 piiced Or Dest. fable 'and bute: 'Suit recreation' room. income taxes and the provincial ONE GAME $150 1--$1 50 Jackpot to go Is resting at the Gerrow| truck. Reasonable. Brooklin 655-4820. Dial 668-245; government to explore some SHARE THE WEALTH Children Urider 16 Not Admitted Mrs. E, Griffith (Violet) of Ki Funeral 'chapel, 390. Ki PHONE 728-2976 wai 'unera! apel, fod Street West./1959 FORD tudor sedan, 6 cylinder, radio, \~: 1962 F-L ana Davidson, black, ly ' Service In the Padi lem- ere neouner, car, finished In haze Apply Mr. Karl Weyrick Jr., method of reducing municipal ine G green, Seaway Motors Lfd., 200 Dundas or 2011. |education taxes for pensioners. West, Whitby. 668-5893. TR ; i 4 J. L. Lerette of New Toronto LOCKE'S FLORISTS __|tres and body, Price $73. Telephone. 725, FABRICS itt i pages ag gga oligo CHILDREN'S GIFT DRAW . FOR Funeral arrangement ond | arn eerie erborite tops, black trim. Like new. $25/the organization, seis yl for all | iing white, compietely. reconditioned. See. BACK-TO-SCHOOL complete, 723-7644. Other officers elected in- OSHAWA BOWLING LANES way Motors Ltd., 200 Dundas West, Whi KITCHEN set, buffet, rangette, table andicluded: first vice - president, OSHAWA SHOPPING ma on TR3, red with black In- FASHIONS passize, Wil Sell Separately. Pili Alex McNeill, Kitchener, and CENTRE " Iterior. immaculate, Must sell. Highest i Saat 3in tine Glass, 1959725 helen: |COtTESP ding secretary, Robert OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE joffer. Telephone 723-9337. New Wooll tric' motor with generator, with traller,|Fulton, Oakville. 728-6555 1956 CHEVROLET, new automatic trans- ew oollens life Jackets, paddies and IN MEMORIAM rey ee 97 King Street East. $2.49 yd and up [eavinents 9798: 1180 Simcoe Street Find Torso Of 3 PM. SATURDAY, SEPT. 7th 1963 CHEVROLET super sport 300 horse- TRADE spinning outfit, waders, {ig-saw, power, four speed. 5000 miles. Telephone Printed Silk, Double Knit electric motors, binoculars for military 9. pasar ; a 728-6465 Cotton, Double Knit Wor- int war se Men tag swords, . = In, loving memory of 8ligsg PONTIAC convertible, automatic! sted wools, 65 to 72 inch |zmiaue_ov modern. . dear husband and father, George Henry|yp radio, full er "Trade for older| Stc@ WOO!s, to inch |simpcicity wri her, $75, al Ter i Sree wh ped eway Speer 2%, Eatin Pa, aseede ee widths. $1.98 and $2.98 |i Neiman a ae] "CN DANKer SY TR a SOLS ee ae He sleeps In God's irda nt re oe, reeen Boneraee North. Bh ne en A B uff ] the draw for the following items Fr 5 ssor, 150 , Sate in God's wondrous Keeing 30--Automobiles Wanted Worsted Wool $7.95 government siapect A $270, Also two t a 0 GIRL'S BICYCLE Until we meet ag: "7 heel homemade trailer, $: 'elephone tevinay membre and sadly mis ete tee AUTO et cree, "ay, "a29| Stretchy Rayon $3.98 TEVeLBPREGIA"s -- BUFFALO (AP) -- A man's Wentworth East. 725-1181. NevC Britannica, like new:torso, tentatively identified as ' JOHNSTON -- In loving memory of|NEVER vel yow car or half-ton pick-| Suitable for slacks, vorious colros. atten yap sere Satlon $275 or Pest that 'of a wealthy banker and GIRL'S BOWLING SHOES : wounds - towed hamen ag ae Tantorth 'Aveo, Toronto, HO i-6364. 2OORS. windows, 10 fluorescent lights, business executive, was recov- 4 cach Gouwheg Oly 0 Weel at Kae GARE Go aS on cothanoeds aieb Printed Corduroy double tubes. One tent 12° x 16' likeered Thursday from a canal. GIRL S BOWLING BAG At Eventide ® prayer, \cars wanted tor wrecking. Oshawa. Auto) While it Lasts $1. DY ince eo ere, Gye Pine wih 8c), eawand. B, Germain, 68, of And in the hearts that loved him bows. Also metal tire stand 4 x 10 feet. Pp a He always will be there. PI Ue Neen Aree. Yeernene Apply 19 Colborne Street East, 728-2061, |Buffalo, disappeared four years) BOY'S BICYCLE aAlwavs remembered by | Mom, Ded, : ALSO: Vogue and Butterick | MoFFAT range, four burner, double|280 after attending a meeting. : sisters and brothers of Ashburn. 100 CARS WANTED Patterns, Threads, Zippers and oven, storage drawers, clock timer. Ex-|He was believed headed for his BOY'S BOWLING SHOES ss : cellent conditior, Must sell, $85. Tele/symmer home at Bay Beach MEMORIALS Buying a New Car? sore Maton ane ate Ont. . : : 1 MARBLE and GRANITE aid soe Vien wie 6 "Tad? COINS Many, Key George V cele! 'The body--without the head, BOY'S BOWLING BAG Designing, Carving, Lettering Talk "Cash" to the New GOODBRAND py al Eg natelhal oral nbey arms and legs--was found by Installation, Repairs Car Dealer. and "SAVE" ; eech Street. Telephone Alax 942-5095.) three boys in reed-choked water 2 Open Evenings Until 9 WESTINGHOUSE 21" 'television, aisojof the Black Rock Channel, a Free Refreshments Osh M tc TED CAMPIN MOTORS deep freezer, 21 cubic feet. Telephone] shipping link between Buffalo A ND AVE | r nits 'og (raion gg Fre Ne FA B R | C S Hat nor Gar Gar take eae aT dont think there's any way F ; ag | Fy . , ? water tank, 728-3111 31---Automobile Repair 28 KING STREET WEST. |vith heate- and insulation. Gas conver-|to determine whether foul play ALL CHILDREN WELCOME JACK SHORTT'S Auto Body (Rear of sion_unit, Telephone 728-5615. was involyed becyause the body}. Save 25% as you sail WHITE EMPRESS on Special RIMAR % Bloor East) speclat on rocker sills) BOWMANVILLE 623-5551 » Excursion Fares, good for a full 30 days in Europe nimeat bi 1 > s $19.5, Free estimates. Open evenings. 33--Market Basket Detsetive ie heen Eg ... OF, save 10% with reduced round oy tae oe ° regula r MEMORIALS HOUSTON'S GARAGE SPANISH onions. five cenfs each PIK| 'police said' they believed he $390) good for 12 months, A\ll the b z . Ww. i y believed he 9g jonths, ie ben Dignified and Distinctive and SERVICE STATION ene east We Nichole Ouraces Coin might have fallen asleep or be- season sailings--superb meals, attentive ere tice. Go north to first corner. come ill and driven his car into orchestras, dances, swimming pools, select MONUMENTS TEXACO PEARS, Clapp's favorite. Picking Satur-|the ph wy The chateal is 21 feet movies, lounges, social hostesses. Travel White FLAT MARKERS PRODUCTS : Conaicineas TAKE tend NO. Boones emeh | TEED TELE VIS ! ON Empress--the ultra-modern ships on the scenic In Designs For Any Need | | 1 P Germain had been president St. Lawrence route to Europe--fully air-conditioned . ss 67 KING ST. WEST palate doant a Band f the Dunlop Ti B Rubb: and stabilized. Call 7 iA ent or any 152 Si St. S._Oshi : o unlop Tire a ubber 2 an your travel Ag 723-1002 ; 738-8627 723-7822 CLE ARANCE 34--Lost and Found Company from 1922 to 1954. [ TO iy | GH T Canadian Pacific office. Office Evenings |3 Articles For Sale Lost: Male Walker Hound, one year old.| At the time of his disappear- 2-- ; phone 725-7797, ance--Jun 9-- NTREAL-@REENOCK-LIVERPOOL Tourist Thrift Season $4 BEATTY boat traller; nearly new, 850 i BRIGHAM briar pipe, black stem = ee cer tee P* the ext ~ m vareee ttt 95 CARD OF THANKS jist got sc Seine eee comics ot te 3! | Donald C. MACDONALD rs toe a a e ' character studies. Portraits -- have your LOST: Brownle movie camera, at beach|rine Trust Company of Western "DIAMOND -- 1 would like to express|portrait painted now. Ideal for weddings, % O near Oshawa Yacht oo Sunday. Re-|/ New York, ppreci: Christmas. or that special gift. Call 'd. Phi It 723-4: . ry psn tien, neighbor nod Palaton "lark e650, or 325 Brock Street touBT eee crsie Siege rag : PROVINCIAL LEADER TRAVEL their many acts id 4 have same by claiming and paying ld P é . Yh} qway of Doig hag and cards and visits!" Custom and Ready-Made Motors & Boats this ad. Telephone 725-8686, Two Boys, 4, Beat J Speci i eas aft pelos oa 16 the LOST -- Black key case, on Saturday, DISCUSSES in the Brooklin Medical Centre DRAPER] ES key eg, number B55682, Reward. Tele- 2 nurses and girls in "blue" on floors Phone 725-0186. Bab Unconscious AINSI' 78HIP8/ PLAN t ate ue ie mee ss -- Most Reasonable Prices | Y } : E DUC TION worms. MOST COMPLETE. TRANSPORTATION SYSTER : D Fabri Myasthenia Gravis|torcement otrciais are punted A SRRANTZ -- In the miast of our sorrow] LATADErY Fabrics % O Y as what to 'ao seat tae ene: : : f sere ANTIQUE GUN ceiving more money WANTED --Mrs. Evart Diamond. we are expressing our thanks to Dr. Hull 'gt. Brooklin Medical Centre, relatives,| Regular Price per yard $1.98 year-old boys who béat uncon- 'Friends and neighbors for thei al OW. Th, All. Marine Supplies Sufferers Sought scious a 21-month-old baby boy CH. 6 pa sbai Grandfather, Walter|~ ; : who refused.to give them a bag ' 4 H. Krantz. We especially thank Reverend at a Nominal Fee TORONTO (CP)--AIl persons|o¢ popcorn. : renee ns causing worse memes! MN and C in Ontario suffering from myas-"'the baby is im hospital here. 7 7:30 - 7:45 P.M. DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE ef the church, those who sent thenia gravis, a disease that|y fi ¥ D pe Ss ne mere iaee a } an conan SMITH SPORTS seats) Sk. uci "SA e was -- yi neighbor ly: OSHAWA WHITBY BROOKLIN ness, were asked Thursday tole Unconscious in bushes near NEW 300 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY 668-3304 per car, Local 222, 'General Moors D his home--hi blackened Fook and Die Room and the. Armatrore rapery Supplies Limited get in touch with the Myasthe-|and his body looking like he had 'al Home for their kind, service. nia Gravis Foundation of Onta- been stri and beaten with eae vhs seme, a, ir sa' ecu a whip. : DEMOCRATIC Fart. ing Street Wes The foundation' said it is trying) Deputy Police Chief Bert Guil- BOOK THROUGH Dry Goods Store atid | HAS BIG BILL: Gut yey, Geossctinn "hooks Oshawa oe oc a _ se bie gry tig Fy BoP nn gee : PAR ik d Sel ae MB Telephone 728-7341 [aller ald." "| boys because the Criminal MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE Plies and equipment in 1963 723-7827 . It estimated there are prob-|the age of seven con Ve chonecd 22 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA 723-9441 be $24,826,212. 74 Celina Street, Oshawa ably 5,000 sufferers ia Caneda.|with a criminal offence.

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