Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Sep 1963, p. 8

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WR ee Be --fB THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tueedey, September, 3, 1963 . ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: My hus- band is employed at a large industria] plant. He has a col- lege degree, is brilliant. in his work and has been invited to attend several executive meei- ings, so it is apparent the brass in the company values his judg- ment. In the past three years he tias been overlooked twice for promotion to an executive pos.- /\tion. He could have handled ei- ther of these positions well and was disappointed when he was passed over. I feel the reason he was passed over is because he is careless about his appearance, I must mag him to get his hair cut and his shoes shined. He wears sport shirts to the office --and it's a battle to get him to buy a new suit. When I told him this he be- came annoyed and insisted that Careless Appearance Ruining His Chances tures of the oaby and he should not have passed the pictures:on to you. The man who married her is legally the father of her child. He must be a mighty fine per- son to have accepted the situa tion. Your son owes it to am (and to the child) to stay out of their lives. And this goes for you, too. Dear Ann Landers: A_ girl who works in this department came up to me and said, "I have been told you have a beautiful voice and that you sing at weddings."' She asked me if I would sing at her wed- ding and I agreed. The wedding was three weeks ago and the girl is back from her honeymoon. She has told me twice that I added a great deal to her wedding and has thanked me profusely, But she has said nothing about paying serid my dad the bill. If he does I will just die. Please tell me if you think I ought to take the money out of my savings account and pay for Robbie's glasses, NO MAKE-OUT . Dear No Make-Out: You don't owe the character a dime. Here's a Dorothy Parkerseque s;couplet which you might sug- gest he paste in his hatband: "Guys who make passes Should: take off their | glasses,"' Dear Ann Landers: [ was married at age 29, At 31 I had my first child and at 34, my second, Both children are un- der four years of age. I re- turned to work last year be- cause, frankly, the kids drove me nuts. | | I must pay a housekeeper,) send out all the laundry, pay taxes on my income and dress like a fashion-plate ---so na- turally my job doesn't leave me with much money left over. But I am working because I am happier working than staying home, My family say I should quit work and stay home. Would I be fair to my children if I stayed homé and let them make} a nervous wreck out of me?-- DEE EL | part-time work. Eligible Males Cannot Resist Smart British Police Women By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special to The Oshawa Times "LONDON I Tie" Home Office Inspectors of Constabulary are greatly concerned about the marriage rate of its police- women. Britain's policewomen are proving so irresistible be- cause of their good looks and trim uniforms that too many of them are marrying after only a few years on the force. The Home Office is considering a scheme to tempt former police- women, now married, back for where women are ® mployed," said attractive Sgt. Jennifer Hilton, stationed at East Ham. Her colleague, Sgt. Cary] Kear, 27, added: "There is bound to. be, a certain number who get' mar- ried. But it must be remember- ed that a large number of policewomen marry ' police- men." > Another _ policewéman, Ellingwortg, 19, said: 'Personally, I believe , that every girl wants to get married jand in the force we come into closer persgnal contact with a larger proportion of men than the average woman. I must ad- mit that our uniforms are very smart, but I hardly think they make us irresistible." WANT TO CONTINUE Policewoman Pamela Tucker, 23, said: "There is no, reason Jill The report of the inspectors' | says: | "Many girls are leaving after only two or three years, and the difficulty of keeping women po- lice up to full strength is a major problem. Expensive training is wasted and the posi- tion is so acute that some chief constables are considering the possibilities of employing mar-) bine both career and marriage quite happy to have her con- successfully." «itinue as a policewoman. Twenty - four'. year old! "Tt is" noteworthy tat:-9f five Policewoman Isabel Hislop, at|Pscewomen a- Ramford who West Ham, said her fiance was aoe eran: Ope nee) mayen i} @ BURSITIS in the service. Ronald W. Bilsky; D.C. |B For Your Holidays "CHIROPRACTOR | RESORTS Four Seasees TOURS Travel CRUISES riscéaes 'cial Agent For Ali Airlines ahd Steomships @ SCIATICA 100 King St. E..728-5156 why a polictwoman capnot com-| ' ried women ex-policemen on full or part-time duty,"' * GGIRLS' VIEWPOINT Not all of the 'girls in blue") WORLD OF "SHOP: 'SAVE! Beauty. AWAITS YOU HERE! moles and permanently however, entirely agree with the) report. "The marriage problem is in-) in any organization) me. I had no idea she meant this the business world of men is not a fashion show and ability ls the only thing that counts. Dear Dee: My opinion is that 'ena h Ay sine mothers of pre-school children ye a favor. My sister accom-|should be at home. unless it is|, , uh dope ne 9 pt rd gonclipeg welabsolutely essential that. they ada pai § usually ge or such a per- -- essenti i i ; Dear At: There are very tew|formance. Would it be right to el rls 5 edt Do Witace kes y Monig accent (ttt her a bill?--HIGH C | Your proklem is different,|separated to think things over.| ; \,|..Dear C: It's too late, dear.|however. You are running away; Now I've decided we will] jable 'abeaaa ina turtle-neck| Now is no time to let her know|from home because you don't/never be able to get along, so| ae aime nce da 'unt in|it was no "favor." The terms'/want to be a mother, A woman|I'm filing for a divorce next} b Pi sateen h eee fs 'N'should have been settled before|who can't tolerate her children|week. The question is this: | ae th . ute be te hin. the wedding. has real problems. I hope -for|Shall I keep the wedding gifts da nls fact of ite Hurts ase A verbal thank you is not the sake of your children, asjor shall I return them? Some age 'iia ual r Jenough, If the girl accepted | Well as for your own sake, youlof the gifts are still in the | f your hus and wants to b€\vour services as a favor she|Will.get professional help. boxes.--BROKEN DREAMS jan executive he'd better start! should have: sent you a gift, Dear Ann Landers: I married) Dear Broken Dreams: The hag teres like one, g _ |But, of course, you can's ask|4 carefree, irresponsible man/gifts belong to you. It is proper Dear 'ong a, aon ltor that either. 'against the advice of everyone|to return wedding gifts only, my son left for the West Coas' ; ;. --including you. After two hor-| when the wedding has been can- last January he told me he had| Dear Ann Landers: Robbie 1S Fible months of battling I real-'celled |fathered a child. The girl mar- handsome and thoroughly) : The newlyweds are making |rieq another man five months|SPoled because lots of girls their home in Oshawa. --_ before the child was born, She|MaVe gone ape over him and hy awa, became' the bride of --Mary's Studio |confessed to this man that the/"0ws it. - --| child was not his. On our second date he headed The girl has sent my son pic-|for the country, pulled the car tures, The child looks so much|°Ver to the side of the road and like my own boy that I -can|Said: 'I'm bored. Let's neck. CHILD GUIDANCE hardly stand it. I told him I wasn't interested. School Safety Programs Bi A Rete ogee ty ; |my own flesh and blood. back home I would clobber Must Be Well Enforced I have promised my. son I\him. Then he lunged at me and would not breathe a word. to|tried to kiss me. I hauled off anyone, not even my husband,|and gave him a good sock. Un- land I have kept my promise.--/fortunately I broke his genes r He got awfully sore an said Dear ARP: The girl shouidjif I didn't come up with $20 not be sendi your son pic:' by next week he was going to Remove -- warts, superfluous hair and painlessly by ELECTROLYSIS New Kree Imperial Machine now installed for your con- venience. MARIE MURDUFF Will be in Oshawa at the Genosha Hotel, Sept. 3, 4. PHONE 723-4641 GLECOFF' SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 10.00 P.M. ized I had made a mistake. We Bige DWIGS Anthony Frank Kuziomko, son of Mr, and Mrs. Anthony Kuz- iomko of Montreal Quebec. MARRIED IN ST. HE In a picturesque ceremony in St. Hedwig's Roman Cath- olic Church, recently, Theresa Michno, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Michno of Osh- By GARRY C. MYERS, Ph.D ,cycles to school may derive As a rule, most children are|some good exercise, they often | safer after school begins than|face perils, especially if they do they were during the summerinot observe caution. Wise par-} vacation. Many go in schooljents ascertain how safely their buses. Most schools do a great/children has been riding his} deal to make children conscious|bicycle near home before al-| of safety rules. Most have/llowing him to ride it to school. | safety rules. Most have safety) Records reveal that more made up of older chil-|children are killed or injured in| dren who guard the younger|their home neighborhood than children at crossings near the/ on their way to and from school school, Often, too, the school/ Safety hazards near home con- enlists the help of the police at/tinue there, school or no schoo! i traffic 1 such places if the traffic 's| -H0OL BUS SAFETY nenty. | In most areas the law r - reas e | e- Unfortunately a 'traffic of- quires that approaching cars fee who usually guards # ce. \Sfop when a school bus is load be there. Children depending on ing and unloading, and bus driv- these officers may be ina spe-| ors _ usually require children cial peril at such times. Also leaving the bus to walk directly the Safety Patrol may * ocea-| the curb. But a few bus driv- sionally be absent from certain| is tere not vigilant in these laces. P ; ided | Parents would do well to ob- When protection is provided) ve the safety ways of the irregularly, there oor ously| driver whose bus carries their may be more hazards than if! children there aba oe ay oer All et us must insist that the ogi See Send eet. veer! school authorities set high stan-/ training in responsibility 'when dards in selecting bus drivers.| they neglect guard duty even The well - chosen bus driver once. needs to be given authority over | the youngsters for their protec- -TRAFFIC DANGER tion, Near an elementary school Se EY hae oN building many cars: toting little) P\RENTS' QUESTIONS children who live but a -few,,,@- What do you think about blocks away and who could| the prevalence among teen-ag- walk to school often cause dan-|'S of crashing parties ger to the children who leave| A. It's an outrageous anti-so- these cars. Also, teenagers driv-| cial practice which could be cor- ing to school, if allowed to park| rected if parents of the youths on the school grounds or to|Who drive the cars that carry drive about the school with their] party crashers were to re cars full of their friends, cre-|quire these youths to surrender ate obvious hazards. their driving licences or were Although children riding bi-|'® Call upon the police to make 3 --____-___,|them do 0. Most party-crashing| reported in the public press .n-| dicates that parents of the chil- dren having the party are ab |sent. Why shouldn't the parents jbe home then You Got Them All Cleaned? Say That's Great! Yes, sir! It's sure gre&t when you can have BAKER'S clean all your rugs -- and -- your drapes too! They do such a spanking fine job you just KNOW you are going to be really pleased..with the finished product. That's what over 75 years experience in rug cleaning can mean to you. Call ROSS MILLS (local agents), tiney'll see that you get service . pronto! "Free Pick\Up & Delivery" ----= 'JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL" "Over 75 Years' BAK ER Experience" CARPET Cleaning *™o. TARR 6-(" Your local Agent ... ROSS E. MILLS '| STOP WIFE PRESERVER fi awous.(cravoon PET COMPANY 282 King W An ice cream. stick in a small child's hand 728-9581 BROADLOOM is reduced to a fairly harmless weapon . by plunging the stick through a paper plate, which will act as a shield for drips. O. LTD. mme8Q SIMCOE NORTH WOOLWORTH'S Super Bakery Specials BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR OWN KITCHEN !! PHONE 728-6218 =m HOUSEHOLD HINT The newest product "convenience-food" field "is a| small bar of energy food which contains 23 natural foods forti- fied with vitamins and minerals and is designed to provide all the requirements of a balanced' meal when eaten along with a fluid, such as milk. People need vacations, But does your advertising and sales program need one, too? Advertising impact never takes a break-in newspapers. Newspaper cire culation remains virtually constant throughout the year. Both television viewing and magazine réading fall off during the sum- mer, Radio listening drops in the winter, Pick your season. You'll find 12 million people reading, searching, find- ing, deciding=to-buy in the pages of the most weatherproof, on-the-job advertising medium of them all--the daily newspaper. MORE PEOPLE DO MORE BUSINESS THROUGH NEWSPAPERS BOOST IN SUMMER For the sake of the tourist, trade, the daytime fiow of) water over Niagara Falls is in- creased in summer by reducing diversion above the falis NEW RECIPE! PUMPKIN PIE || Apple Spice Layer Gake 33: 33: SPECIAL PRICES ALL THIS WEEK !! Bore PHONE BAKERY ORDERS -- 725-3421 Delicious Home Style Special This Week! agg This Week! COMING -- She Oshawa Times 4 oS

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