£ eet ty deer dy te Oe Nn te dyer bebe ee THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, September, 3, 1963 13 Cape Breton _ To Get Heavy Water Plant? SYDNEY, N.S. (CP) -- The Cape Breton Post says plans will be announced within a few) heavy days for a $50,000,000 water plant in Cape Breton. The newspaper says the an- nouncement will come from the Nova Scotia and federal govern. ments who are participating in building the plant with an un- named private. company. There has Kingston Area KINGSTON (CP)--An elderly arena janitor swept floors early Saturday morning while un- known to him a leopard roamed loose in the building. ° The large cat had escaped from the Don Ameche travelling circus which had closed for the night. Trainer Robert Baudy, 47, and his wife Charlotte discov-| ered the eight-year-old leopard was not in its cage when they made a final check on their ani- mals They searched the darkened arena building for half an hour until they found the cat in a corridor about 100 feet from where the janitor was working. The lock on the leopard's cage had not been properly fi , the owners said, BRITISH BRIEFS -- CLIPPER SOUVENIRS GREENWICH -- Corroded| copper plates on the hull of the 9th century clipper Cutty Sark have. been removed at Greenwich and are being sold as souvenirs at $15 each. The money will pay for new plates. GIFT OF WINDOW STEVENAGE -- Stevenage Development Corporation has offered to meet the cost of pro- viding a stained glass window in the parish church of St George's. The east window of the church at present is of plain glass with a yellow cross set into it, ' MORE FLY ATLANTIC _ LONDON -- A total of 994,767 Passengers flew the North At- lantic on scheduled services in the first half of 1963 -- 47,370 more than in the same time last year. This does not include thousands who came on charter- ed flights. RAISE FOR POSTMEN LONDON -- Britain's 100,000] postmen are to have pay in- creases ranging from 45 cents to $1.50 a week dated back to January 1, 1963. The increases will cost the Post Office Depart- ment about $6,000,000 a year. EMPTY CHAIR LLANDUDNO, Wales -- Ihe spectacular ceremony of '"'chair- ing" a new bard did not take place at this year's National Ei- steddford in Llandudno, The judges: decided that none of the 11 strict metre poems came up to standard. MANY BREAKDOWNS ' BIRMINGHAM -- Break. downs on the new Preston- Birmingham motorway in the first 13 days after it opened to- talled over 300, Main cause was overheating, the result of fast driving. Highest number in one day was 42. LACK CONVENIENCES TOTTENHAM -- A pilot sur- vey at Tottenham found that only 15 of the 66 houses visited had all modern conveniences. Thirty-nine lacked a fixed bath, 44 had no hand basin, 40 lacked hot water and 18 had no ventil- ated food store. TOWN MOURNS CAT. AMERSHAM, _Bucki shire -- Ginger, a cat that be- came a tourist attraction in Amersham has died at age 16. For 15 years it lived in a "council house" -- a den pro- vided by the town -- in the memorial garden. Every Christ- mas it received cards and gifts from many parts of the world, GODALMING, Surrey -- A balloon released at Godalming Grammar School fete was found in the Ebbe Mountains, West Germany, It won first prize in the balloon race for Miss Moire Thomson, Iming. RADIOS FOR POLICE LONDON -- A Home Oftice experiment, using transistor ra- dios to keep policemen on the beat in touch with headquarters, has been hailed as very success- ful. The sets can receive up to 25 miles from headquarters, FORD BREAKS RECORDS DAGEHAM, Essex -- Ford has beaten all records for its sales to Europe of diesel en- gines for combine harvesters. Last year's total of $3,348,000 has already been passed. Orders «from Germany, Belgium and i a First in Canada... MONTREAL -(Special)-How often should you change the oil in your car? It's a moot tt that has been debated lor. many years by automobile hind the wheel who has to pick up the tab. . One thing is certain. Many new cars manufactured: since this interval should be. This, of course, presumes that the ba bapapo ofl Bhd can stand up to longer ice. There's the rub. Until last ph yin realty, 8 co oi e » nO _mo' oil was available in Canada that would meet or exceed the extended oil drain periods rec- ommended by the car manu- facturers. Even during the en- suing months the new oil has been available to the A Canada Limited especially for Canadian driving conditions. The basic formula for LONG- LIFE is that of a long lasting Seer cer wibeine Wore cas jast r two jnillion miles of road tests in Sweden, Greece and England. Rather than introduce the oil in its original formula, BP Southeamy tot 'tos: ocireia or the e: es in Canadian weather. This meant a delay in offering LONGLIFE to the public Its name? BP LONGLIFE Motor Oil, developed by BP SY qb Ro com: condu tests which co! the quality and long-term protection pro- vided by the Canadian formula. Meets Severe Requirements BP LONGLIFE Motor Oil is a multi-grade premium lubri- cant that exceeds severe MS test requirements laid down in the Owner's Manuals for new creasing tween service" periods, LONG- LIFE is fortified with special detergent ingredients that cap- ture dirt, sludge om gered harmful engine d its an hold them in suspension for 'New motor oil extends oil drain intervals reduced engine wear, a cleaner engine and, hence, lower fuel consumption. SAME CAR...SAME OIL oe The results? Phenomenalt - They confirm LONGLIFE as:" 2 WHO PUTA RACING SADDLE ON THE WORKHORSE? . up to one of the new Super gasolines and win BP's daily double: Maximum power with maximum economy. premium gasolines. They simply added two new Super gasolines between Regular and BP research scientists, that's who. They're letting good old BP Regular run alniost neck and neck with today's BP's high spirited, top-octane Super. In fact, they put one of them in the starting gate right next to Regular and priced Now, with four BP Maximum Energy Gasolines...three Supers plus one Regular... you can select a gasoline that exactly suits the octane requirement of your car, and at the lowest possible cost. Maybe you're one of the 273,000 Regular users in Canada whose knocking engines indicate they need Select from four these * gasolines. Note how can pried pe or down fo suit your car and budget. POWER TO MEASURE, PRICE TO MEASURE SUPER RED . . . The same famous top-octane premium always sold at BP service stations. SUPER WHITE. . Costs 2¢ less per gallon than Super Red, SUPER BLUE . . Costs 4¢ less per gallon than Super Red and only 1¢ more than Regular, REGULAR . . « « The same dependable Regular gasoline always sold at BP service stations. Your BP dealer can help select the right one io give you maximum power with maximum economy. 4 maximum energy gasolines Hat ta nureé we 198 ss] it Qt Only a penny more per gallon. more octane, If so, just grade your car BP CANADA LTD.