1 ---- ami Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity rT Ube irl Hock Satan High Low loss Girge High Low Stock Sales igh Low 'Close Cge High Low - Scien High Low clon Choe High Low fs Advances outnumbered declines by 370 to 26 r e # i « ' Fulton) jl vee en tesS pin ay MRS, C. E. BARROW {and to Oshawa 34 years ago the Toronto Stock Exchange this week. Issues un- Hayes Stl" 735 S114 1 Net 12 10% Bethim 10000 460 440 460 20 Paramaq «26000 :14-12--«*NVa + Ve 2. nN": rival of Dev?.o, at Oshawa General Hos-| The death of Mrs, Catharine) The former Julia Szabo, she changed totalled 219. . : Hees 540 100. 90 --10 19 60 B Bie ne Sevag ri 4d oe piel 'A sister for Shari. Elizabeth Barrow 'occurred at|married the late James Szerecz Volume for the week was 12,432,792 shares, up H_ Dauch 200 $56Ve 56 S6Va + Ve Fad a eee a 4 Z the family residence, 17 Nassaulj Tarany in 1920. Mrs. Szabo from. the previous week's 9,696,657. Total sales for Horne Pf 35532 205 160 195 <0 re 57700 1544.14 1S ee A nd Dorothy are happy y r? in y ( 2 the year to date are 543,158,771. (Quotations in Hudson By C 5532 $13% 13% 137% ae 8 4 i fo cae ace the arrival of s son on Frt|street, Friday evening, Aug. 30,/was a member of Holy Cross cents unless marked $.) Hor Erie al a a ee 8323 495 475. 495 day, 3.30 a.m. August 30, 1963 at the Osh-lin her 93rd year. She had been| Roman Catholic Church. WEEK'S MOTT, ACTIVE TORONTO STOCKS Hiei "eae es 8 el i 23V2 20V2 21 ree awa Genera! Hospital. in poor health for the past six She 'was predeceased by. her 1% 18 --47 485 425 485 ------This Week_--_--_ 1963 in mei ale an 7000 205 185 204 40Nn, her, Twina..or eee eee sa Gaasihen' wasn husband, Feb. 2, 1963. Stock Sales High Low Close Ch'ge High Low imp oi os 34 41% t 28000 : add 8 +% M want to tell the whole town al orn in Cannifton, reh 5, i INDUSTRIALS ae latest arrival in your home. An-| i974 che was a daughter of the Mrs. Szerecz will be at the BC Power. OMS GHA A Te a BK eS Do Bs ah ih hw ) i. Hi] + Ws a ts are accepted until 9.00 ' Armstrong Funeral Home and Con Gas 27665 $112 11% WV Me 12% 0A 16417 $23 21% 222+ ; ee AE A oe am, for publication the same day for|late Sarah and --" -- from thete to Holy Cross C feolieries 2am2s $12 10a 14 M4 12 a on 100 a ae se ae gas age only $1.80. Just telephone 7 » |She married the late John Bar- Church for high requiem mass, F con wns 38 "is ns fee oF 37% % ah a row in Belleville, Oct. 4, 1893, Monday, Sept. 2, at 9 a.m. Rt. ine 45 45 DEATHS and came to Oshawa 43 yearsinoy Msgr. P. Coffey will sing Medal arn) ah 380 4m 435 435 205 ago. Prior to that she had lived the mass. Interment will be in Quonto 274100. 22 18 = Ne +32 40 in Belleville and Stirling na 1en 088 Int Nickel it St. Gregory's Cemetery. Unisphere 30 720 2305 1550 10 550 BARROW, Catherine Elizabeth Mrs, Barrow was predeceased Glacier tnt uti ; 3200 Entered into rest in the family resi-/hy her husband July 11, 1954. FUNERAL OF ite ce 25055 285 200 1650 1700 3438 SNEY -- Dave and Marie ( cs 8 82-- Ln is Ars ag +1" 25 25 70 328 ye hg +2 C Austral 441009 : ton 500 14 M4 $66 624 6 +366 . € Dyno 8460 : Quemont 5214 $1134 11% 1158 + Ve 7088 $67%4 652 67. +1 Cc Malart 59050 53. 38 50 +10 dence, , Oshawa, Friday, : : August Man 983, Gainerine Elizabers| She is survived by two daugh- MRS. E. H. BODIS Bibs oeen0 154 20 43h lin sak Bowen, widow of the late John Barrowiters, Mrs. Lester Little' (Hazel), The funeral of Mrs. Ellen 3 45 +2 jamaica PS mother of Mrs. Lester Little (Hazel) ; : Ae 331500 7 104243 ? Jaoomton tars, George Meindless (irene)[Of Toronto, and Mrs. George|rutchinson Bodis, Pickering N. Senator 297600 7 Uu +54 sae d f Oshawa, thy 1237 1 'and Gerald of Oshawa in her 93rd year.|McIndless (Irene), 0! 'Beach road, RR1, Whitby, who ss 305 23 Fi | Home, ' . 6500 5" 5¥ 7 Resting at the Armstrong Funeral She also leaves a son, Georgelaiig at Oshawa General Huspi- Siow tov 10% -- % ue ae ? A 9 2 Oshawa, with memorial service in the . The | a 30000 6 é Chapel, Tuesday, September 3 at 2 p.m.| Barrow, of Oshawa. There are tal Thursday, August 29, took Industrials 5000 & 64 @ & 33000 1h 1s Wo 2 12% lace tod: f the Willi $644 5% 64+ h 6% Sh y - ae) place today from the William el 200170 200 415, 965160 Cc 333233 0 3% Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery.|10 grandchildren, 23 great- jends are asked not to call at the hildren, and one great-|?" ; Afri ar grandchildr id 8 E. Sherrin Funeral Home, No, A and B Kelvinator 9 2 Fy im 9 (6-4 Fi) ed teas te bp AH 2 Highway, Pickering. Requiem 00 eFuneral Home before Sunday affernoon).| 94 srandchildren. Chrom' LtoN , i 275° 780 3000 $ & 4000 20 6Va 10275 $13' 13% 3%-- ve 400 S853 8 +3. OSB Rio Rup 7000 6 5% Siam Va 1772 $11% 115 1194+ Ve 12 (10% 27050 23 204 2%2-- 4 ac 20 110 102 +2 136 105 5 | i rvice will bi : Abacon 100 10 5 9 GUNTHER, Gustava - ia ag Srong Funeral|/Mass was sung in St, Berna- Abitibi $4444 434 Ee 6 Labatt $1786 17% 17% 170 40h At Valparaiso. Indiana, on Friday, Av-jheld in the Armstrong Funera dette's Chute, Ajax ahd inter. AbItIbI pr $25 24% 25 Sa 24a Tatares 7 + gust 30, 1963, Gustava Gunther, beloved|Chapel, Tuesday, Sept. 3, at 2 : ec ee : Ackland 350° 350 350 +10 380 335 Lataroe. A -pusband of the late Maria Rueschel and), 1° hoy yk" 'Moffatt, minis-/ment was in Mount Hope Ceme- Alta Dist 300 275 280 --20 315 235 Lakeland loving father of Mrs. (Rev. W. C. Kritsch)| P-m. _ v7. A. ent tory Alta Dist vt. 3780 255 250 250 --5 270 200 Lakeland pr (Brunella), Sudbury, Rev. E. Gunther,jter of Simcoe Street: United|tery. : : Alta Dis w 2400 92 87 87 3 10 65 LO Cem Oliva, Illinois and Dr. W. C. Gunthers/Church, will conduct the serv-| Mrs. Bodis, who was 80, °is Alta Gas 5060 $2714 2644 274 + %e 31% 264 LO Cem pr Valparaiso. Resting at Mcintosh-Anderson| - ter ill be in-M t a 2 sband. A . Alta Gas pr 40$110 110 110 +1 110% 01' LO Cem wits Y 6 6307 450 420 425 Funeral Home, after 12 noon on Sunday.|ice, Interment will be in Mount!survived by her husband, An- Alta GB pr 69 $1072 1071 107% + Ve 108% 106 tankinn. L 2 9900 25Ve 22% 24 rvice in Grace Lutheran Church oniLawn Cemetery. ony, Bodis; three daughters, Alta Gas w 3572 775 720 755 Laura Sec CF 1280 4 yO Ls ng A Save, Re. re tember 2, at 3 p.m. Inter- Tri : ie ; 6 Alta Nat 760 $18 Lau Fin 4000 5065 170-155-170 +6 140 inn gi Ps ocr a Friends are asked not to call Mrs. N, Matthews (Agnes), of Aa Can 935 $22 ¥ P Lau Fin 6% nm 20 G Arrow 1000 40 39 3 60 4500 11 (10 (10% 4 9 a |at the funeral home before Sun-/ Oshawa, Mrs. L. Legault (Lucy) Aig Cen w 1422 600. 585, 0 Lav Fin 14 $254 : Halli 14400 T to z 4 ternoon. i a. ¢ rs. C. Gibs Algoma 2054 $52% 51% ' Lau Fin 8025 185 180 183 +43 190 156 eet urs wiles of Ottawa, and Mrs. C. on Alumini 6733 $27%e 26V0 26% -- % Lau Fin 200 7 ; : 2660 68 68 coe" Entered into rest at the Oshawa Gen 4 Geen a (Nivian), of Ajax, and three Alum 4% pr 5940 $40 39% 39% Leland i Territory 500 12% 12% 12% eral Hospital, on Friday. August 30, 1963, MRS. JULIA SZERECZ sons, Clarence Gosleigh, of Mon- Alum 2 pr 225 $47 3 I ; ve 18 y Y ¥ 87. 83: 37 Thom L 4000 54 51ST Julia Sabo, wicow of the late James The death of Mrs Julia|?. dH = ' R Analog 100 /e Mis 67 61 O83 Serecz (467 Albert Street) in her 63rd sah treal, Alfred Gosleigh, of Toron- Anthes Imp A 1230 he ™ TF P le 1 20 mo 0 year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral|Szerecz occurred at the Oshawa to, and Steve Bodis. of Toronto. Argus" 1592 P : ; 227023 2B 24-2614 4.1% Home, Oshawa, with high requiem mass/General Hospital Friday, Aug. °° : Arg B pr 125 $52' ; , © Northia 28 4500, 9 «8h Bh--\e 13 in Holy Cross Church, Monday, Septem-| 99 in | 63rd if Arg 250 pr $50% 30% 307 30 ¢ Persh 0 0 Trans Res 1300410 10 10 WW ber 2 at 9 a.m Interment St. Gregory's| 90, in her 63rd year. | FUNERAL OF Arg © pr $8% ; Y c ee 1300125 Tribag 185300 172. 136 172 +18 305 76 Cemetery, Oshawa. Born in Tarany, Hungary, she MRS. ANNIE HERD j Ash Temple 574 $17%4 : iY { - = Reccoot PP Ay Ya MM Trin Chib yun 7 ' ; 5 ' * ¢ . Ashdown B ' id ' bY T 6487 107 9 107 +20 107 EAE A es ___. | came " Canada 35 years ago The funeral of Mrs. Annie Atlan Ac-ier $25 : 18 € Sanorm 200 0 os ke * LOCKE'S FLORISTS Herd. who died at -her home, Atl Sugar $16% 16% fe ; ¢ Shawkey 36848 af 5 65 43 ~ Funeral arrangement and 338 Jarvis street, Oshawa, Wed- Atlas "Steel 323 3700" 37600760 55 $27 2 V Cop Corp 9500 eae Un on om 4389 580 th floral requirements for all IN EM R 7 hugipk 98 in her: Dath Auto El 600 445 435 5 M Leaf Gard Cop-Man 109500 Un Macfie. 61400 occasions ; nesday, git a a e Rs Autofab 8 11500 44 26 38 412, 17 ; M Leaf Mill 1 Te i cone | 10400 25 Un' Fort year, took place Friday, Rev. Bank Mont 2808 $64% 63'2 6414+ V2 x 4087 $14 4% Upp Can 4400 OSHAWA SHOPPING KOLTUZKI -- In loving memory of a 7. & Moffat of Simcoe Street Bank NS 1566 $72 70% 7138+ S Y 109% 1044 Reel Urban Que 4332 CENTRE dear wife, Polly Koltuzki, who passed "> "> "Ai ' . aed Bartaco 142 215 215 215 325-195 Copa Vandoo 8500 away on September 1, 1959. United Church, conducted a me- Bath Pow 100 vo --% Metro Stor $8% 81% + % 7 restaur . 4 ime 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE God saw you getting weary, ial tice in the Armstron Bath Pow A_ 135 51a 56 Mid-West 210-205 205 --5 E Croinor 40000 v 728-6555 So He did what He thought best, nee hele in ih fi ane "h . Beav Lumb A 105 a1 y Milt Brick 205,295 295 15. Crowpat 7 i a: sh id Funera ome, which was fol- 80 < Molson A $28%4 281% Oy : . * Wsmac 65 85 Me ertceraa Seon son ji ye 'a. Oahawi Phone 15528 53% -- Ve Molson B $97 OD Daering 1000 / Weedon 42 3% Ae Bi EMORIAM You wished*no one a last farewei, !0Wed by interment in Oshawa Bow Valley 700 460 +5 ; Mon Foods 685 T4-- Va , Op coe : Werner 400 8 8 8 i "Union Cemetery. | Bowater 5 pr 180 52 Mont Loco 265 12 2 r + 6 W Malar 6 5% 5% IN MEMORi oo , ne re a ee os ene" : ey ae & Aba "only Ged Knows say: Pallbearers were John Bar- Bowater 2704 a 6 +% ? Moore 2834 19% + Me 7 OE ldona 7S West Mines 15419 ADAMS -- In loving memory of a dear --Sadly missed and lovingly remembered clay, John Ward, Norma™ and Bramaiea 1025 a bie Nat Contain 4540 Deinite ac ; a 'i W. Surf | 1000 son and brother, Ronald (Red), who WaS|/py her husband, Nick S s| Ski Ralph Jewell Brazil 10866 05 Nat Drug 1647 f 15! Denton , Fi a 57 Willroy killed In @ motorcycle accident near Samuel Skinner, alph Jewe Br Tank 700 ye 1" : Nat Trust 246 bioeasn ale a oe A ae 4 + j a Y Wilshire Huntsville, September 2, 1961. SAXBY -- In loving memory of a dear,and Thomas. Kneebone. ec uane Pr ae Aa f Rie auc Pe Jee beme Se Se Wiltsey 142400 He little thought when leaving home = mother, Annie, who. passed away Sep- ® babinietiniess : Bright ; ; ia Wire B Foti a -- a 34% 2 Windfall 156632 He would no more return, tember 1, 1942, and a dear father BC Forest 4515 19% + Se Y Noranda 8135 72+' B onaida 000 8 7 7. wl Yale Lead 25500 1 mn , 2 ° Oi! 7663 $27¥e 2634 27"e+ "a NO NGas 2332 Wu+ % Dunraine 20 «1% 20 +4 3 3146 That he in death so soon would sleep Thomas, who passed away April 11, 1962. Pack A 200 $16% 16% 16% -- Nor Phi 620 $8 8% Se Duvan 8 72 8 And leave us here to mourn. The years may wipe out many things ac 4 ed n lor Phone fa 2 15200 tea ds cnt ioe whet pain he. bore, End Ac tg dl never erman alis Pow 80615 $25¥e 24 2474 + % NS L and P1275 25 E 10K : 18367 We did not see him die, Sthe meniory or 'ee hiapey days Nn cS tye ir eed E Amphi IER GER eee a) t ik 8100 * y: \ 2216 $55%4 54% 54V2 58 ag East Mal 800 22: : 24700 we ly know he passed away wi i the Oak Wood 120 13 "a 100 225 «225 «225 je only ] nen we were all together. t Ph 4% pr 25 $92 92 = 92 y ° c 950 12 East Sull 6234 270 250 269 +14 Zulapa 144732 And never said good bye. _ --Lovingly remembered by daughter a erwor. Ss en Ph 4% 56 40 $962 9612 96¥2--114 V cean Cem 4 Always remembered ag sey Hagen Edith, son-in-law Jim and children Ph 6% pr 85$110%% 10614 108% 136 Seta ad pds sho dag bya Hels vee an i) " a Mom, id, brothers » Ernie an . Bry Bees pees ' hy ant h ol 4 = John and sister Joyce. SCOTT -- In loving memory of a dear ST. CATHARINES (CP)--AI- Pl SIS pr 125 $101%4 101¥a Ilva -- 14 -102 Ont Steel 9035 $22¥2 21 Ma+ % Eureka 13220 30 (29) 30s +3 Brown 1440 $1442 1342 a+ % V Farad r . : ¢ t Store F 400 360 355 360 4 . raday 1000 132 126 126 --7 father, George Andrew Scott, who passed' derman Laura Sabia has stall- Brick B 100 $5¥2 5¥2 Sat % Chink Oe ee a ee ° Fwest T 67800 17 15.164 Oils 2000 14 HAYES -- In loving memory of a dear|away August 31, 1959, vik einen Pa Build Prod 450 $26 25% 26 -- Va Fat father, Albert: Hayes. who passed away| | have enly your memory, dear father,/ed waterworks commissioners Bulolo G 100 $6 6 6 6 chee bas 1A Gen ee ee ' rate ie pH 4 jue three years ago today, 2, 1959. Abd And wre te through, again in their frustrating efforts Burns 853 $82 We bz-- ve Pac Pete w 320 605 Frobex 1361 72 69 5 Acme Gas 99 ftream of life rolls on, u! @ sweetness will linger forever ; S % 4 4 air a ar caenee char | ABA feemeete: the Wises. of you. to install a water meter in her Cand D PageHors -- 9140 $20¥6 194 | 19% e " pple Oe ely Bis AP C "4 61. 35 Recalls the love, the voice, the smile -Lovingly remembered by son Alvin and home. re peed an bof i --3 . Pbina 760 $74 7% 7% Genk Pe Be dale P Pi 410 * Pd Of the one who once sat there. --_--_ family. Th eter' was t o in Fri- 1654 35 3 Po Penmans 30 $29 299 7 Gnt Masct 1200 84 8) c Ae Ae Me AY Sidiy tilesed by son Bill, devonierin: e meter s to g Can Cem 654 $35¥2 5% + Ye 2 Glan vx 4 ae A a r ~Sadly missed by son Bill, daug' AeOTE <= in lalla tecacy.ok mip uae : Can Cem 'pr 14) $29.28 29. + 'Me PC Jewel 550 $1111 ani W774 $12% 12% hi 3100 15 5 Jaw Carolyn. 9 ory ¥ dear' day but the balking alderman 406 $27 25% 27: «+1 PC Jewel A 1200 $9 9 9 % Glenn Uran 9000 5 V 42 0 2% 1129 $22% 222 2212-- Ve 20 Phantom 3400 210 Goldale 2250 26 44°10 63 2 4 +3 20¥2 222 +2\2 2 27 +3 9 "4 , husband, George Andrew Scott, who pass- HAYES -- In loving memory of @ hus ggg Alege al beseae; , (and her husband were out of AT $23% 2% 24-14 of $12 ; Y ae ne ' ; ' iy ar , la who passed 'away' September 2, 1989." | A pal $0 good and true, town and their house was lock- Chex es eosin ot gt nt: a 210 $101"4 Grandroy 4 oo ahh Merten A better, husband never lived, | mn rae 4162 Granduc Brals. Calm and peaceful he is sleeping, Your equals are but few e. up. Can Perm 202 $772 77 77\2+2% 4aas 9 Gulch 5 bs Sweetest rest that follows pain; ai | ia F C Safe 4 pr 60 $98 (98 a8 +1 P Cc and D We who loved him sadly miss him ines the cath oe enoriag | Ald. Sabia has stalled installa- CS ee ESS, Oe SOW We crenm | ene ie pile ase M Cal Eg 9 ste 188 jut trust in jo meet again. Ocal i an Wire "a Va 13% h y " . ' > Calver' 16¥2 16% "16% Sadly missed by wife Nona and daugh-| |), 0/@58 the hours | had with you ition of the meter for more than C,Aviation $25 $10% 10, 10% + 4 QN Gas 63 w 48s ee eas non eo Camering 1920 205° 205205 Leah de |--Sadly missed by wife Emily. a year. She even lost a court ain wr CAR A a7 Har. ain ' 10% +22 ¢ 11630 ~ 7 j . i jasaga 5 3 +1 MOORS -- In loving memory of 8 dear! TYRRELL -- In loving memory of a|Case over the issue last: month. Sra oe he Weg Seventh - ' Hastings 4600 1 08 +18 yl 2 Laurace Hobbs, who passed/dear wife and mother, Catherine Rachel The episode began in July, CBAL A wits $040 170 --10 Revelstoke pr 204--% 21% 19% 4 1. +, 455 @way September 1, 1960. who passed away August 31, 1961, Id. Sabi tested CBAL B wts 135 180 2 Rothmans 350 7 6% 9 23 +3 100 We have only @ memory, dear brother,| Though her smile Is gone forever, 1962, when Ald. Sabia protes Gan Calan 180 2 41% Royal Bank $7 3%--% 81 70 r 0. eS 8 y 9 oe eae on eer ferever And her hand we cannot touch, |that it was unfair to have some C Cel 175 pr 370 fe %6 " Royalite a We +34 (14 10% igh Bell gi ae 785, 345 +60 13 wt lila or Still we have so many keepsakes ' rines si ts ¢ Cc Chi Y 3 y Royalite pr 25V%a-- V2 26 24 lollinger 6% 262 26% + Ve As we treasure the image of you. | Of the one we iveanny meee St. Catharines residents charged £: om ne BAL Pd + sli : epee "lyme Hower We ae a ae ak Di eg te 7 730 --Lovingly remembered by brother Art, Her memory is our keepsake jby meter while others were C Collieries 22825 1% +1% StL Cem A $ M4 16% --1 Hud Bay Be P " ¢ Dragon 2500 8 sister-in-law Peari. With which we'll never part, jcharged a basic water rate. On ¢ 3900 7 70 +5 60 StL Cp A pr 9a -- Va we) ter Vanes C West Pete 165 God has her in His keeping, 8 help : 3800 eh St Maurice o "4 4H 68 8 Hydra Ex = 1349927 2% +1% Dev Pal 3 agg |principle, she objected to a me 58 Irish C : 63 62 95 HOBBS -- In loving memory of a dear, We have her in our hearts. jPrinciple, s P. 351 4 Salada-F 970 + Ve ins aay per 27 25: +1' Dome Pete $13% 13% 13%%--Ve 15 brother, Laurace Hobrs, who passed away|--Lovingly remembered by the family. |ter in her home. Foundation 930 365 fae Adelie ae eet ie 200 My "| a Dynamic 6000 18 «1881 7 1960, I Cancel tw ve tae ee eo Seven Arts 1900 +3 J Waite 4 4 ' yn We do not need a special day n inv $415 's Y : ; Fargo 13545 259 212 251 +36 287 200 1 7 } To call you to our mind, CG SecA 250 $14 14% 14, Shawin Ind 2340 hinge a ee ae Fr Pete pr 1625 300 290 4 i CG Sec B 400 $20! y h p Shell Inv wt 16311 re Expl 13¥4 12 P 300- +5 370 280 EEG rte y cow wa om -- OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS euaye min im ime fu ie * fi Gi Mey sae fi ie rtm ae a i a ~-Lovingly remembered by Gord and Dar- I Cc imp Bk C 5165 $63 A 4 h Shully's Ind 440 465 +30 400 urke 9 Gridolt We ees Mt 0 C Ind Gas 1025 $914 8% yee Silverwd A 1500 $142 14% Mat J Joliet 24' 23¥4 --1'4 30 C Ind Gas rt 4950 $11% y Ye 10 SKD. Mfg 100-305 305 305 +15 355 28 Jonsmith Ws 2 Hone oll 8 nt sae lie Staats lee he HOBBS -- In loving memory of a dear cL 1617 $16 : Slater Steel 3200 $10%* 9% 9%4-- % Joutel 8150 142 130 133. +3 HB OG fusbend, Laurace Hobbs, who passed NEWEST SPORTY NECKLINE ; C Mare 300 400° 4 5 Southam 193s $3112 20% 312 +1% ey ; 3665 2s 2602 26¥s aah 5378 lee 4 %-- Ve 17% 14 Py c 7 se! 4 t 98 Ma % 2 2 . Pe ou ' OF at oe UME BT te a iia gina "Nay on ban ee Bie Wise rea ee sein, | Can Salt 300 $20%4 200 Steel Can 13101 $202 20% 20% 21% 18% Kerr Add Sn i i o Cdn Tire 35 $34 Steinberg pr 10 $104 104 104 106 102 kirk. Min Jeva 19° +3 To have, to love, and then to part, . tp Kirk Twa 24 «34 «(+9 ps yn the Baath gl A AO : Cdn Tire A 527 $26 251 p ; Ster Tr 25 $55V2 SS' SS¥at+ie 5B 49 : ; ae ; ee veers thay ok A "raed , Can Util' 140 "$342 34 34 1% ? Suptest ord 390 $1658 16% 16/2-- %e 192 15% open 0034 12% WA 12 1% he years may wipe out many things, | CWN Gas pr 175 $15% 15% 15% --114 a Suptest pr 25 $100Ye 100Ve 100% + Ye 101% 100 L to N 2 --1 980 vad pacar af yo Bh hapey 'aie | . | c Westing 170 $28 2714 274 va ; Switson 4500130 125 130 +5 40 110 Labrador att $20% 38 2 mar ae 33 rh ig | In W Prop 2400 $5% 490 S¥a + % ? T z my Northcal 5s % y =Sedly inisend by wile Jenet, | a Chet bar is ssi a ay rae Tamblyn pr 50 $42 +1% 42 MM Ne ape Le ie A Ya 2h u NC Oils' 190 te in | fs Va a-- Tancord i + re HOBBS -- In sweet and loving memory ae o arvysiie 564 $78 74% 78 +4 78 56) Texaco C at jo ie ae Pamoil . sa of our dear uncle, Lavrace, who left us| ¥ cieonen Ne he ak ee ted Th Cdn Gen ' 370-365 365 +1 bbl sia ne ae, She ' u Sisicn Pied a4 os m5 a0 +30 38 TT Tailors 322 30% 30' ug Peruv Oils 10. 9% 58 Sepi 'i Tor-Dom Bk -- ; Petrol 55 Dear Lau ce, you are in our hearts oe , , Conduits NS OBI gees ebony Tor (Pan 58000 29 252 28%a +14 Place 20200 im Hh by H Loved "and 'remembered each lonel . Cons Baks 1010 $72 7% M+ 9 / Tor Iron A' 400 vn Ape} Ponder. o 2 sm a en ; S Ste. a eats a v8 oon mee i ae j ¢ s y . /a Va Va /a Towers wis 1000 9 8 60 5 Ai luonto 74100 2%2+3% 4 15 iy cra there will be that sad vacant * ce " A Con Bldg w 1999 600° 580 600 +15 T Fina 19999 " 7 13 Ranger 1700 30134 +40 142101 place. Con M and $ 9559 $272 26% 2714 + Vs T Fin B 500 Lyndhst Ve 9Va +11 . Sarcee 9953 1 2 +4 «(13799 {Deer Laurace, your charm, your p 13 , , Gon' Paper 219 $394 38 BO +1 TR C Fund 300 } Lynx ide ql fea South U 15100 " i } at? % on Gas si" WW V; Va /y T Pi H s er 9200 -- lost in this life so young and P i FEA eed Gas B 1a $108 1081/2 09 Trane S070 poner 3500 6 Stanwell 6150 30 * i : ; | i ' sided AP $18 17% Trans PPL 7465 $8 Mai Our hope is that we will meet you = Hie q ; Coronation 2905 $6 5% Turnbull 1395 Madaen 250 238 Trans Can = 9040 ': 9 fay up there ) hy & 'oren pr 175 $265 26% Turnbull pr 100 Magnet 44 614 Triad Ol 4930 185 156 41 oved deeply in life and still living yet, 3 2 Coron 2pr 100 $8 8 8 Un Acc 2 pr 0 1 : Union Oi! 2165 $10% 10% 10% + In the depths of our hearts we can * \ Coron wis 45 (130 (13 Un Gas 306: Malan 7 36533 35) 30 'e never - forget. .., 4 Cosmos ( = Sadly | missed by his nephews and ; Sala L Un Gas A pr a 56 360 +2 37 4 nen 4 yt nieces, Randy. and Ricky Maddock, Chris- restbrk 135 1 } 9020 tine, Debby and Gary Hobbs. ez ' Crestbrk pr 40 : ; 1 Lf Le oe a4 . ; ¢ Crown Trust $0 ae "or 50 830% 30% sO eee ae ae eee 19 -12."S "9g HOBBS -- In precious and loving mem. i ; 5 a Bae oat V 5 $28 40 Marchant 100 91-100 +8 OO ea at Sve "ory my dear son, Laurace, who left 4 5 i 0 240 290 2 29 40 Marcon 8 7 6h 6A4~--) FOREIGN TRADING me so suddenly September 1, 1960, aged ie : : Dalex pr Vanadium : erg 25 AdY his 3 , 30 a 132 132 395 500 | . Maritime 57550 44 +6 24 years, } Dist Seag Vendpmat 5% 300 ti 1100: 30 Bear Laurace you wil never know | i . D Bridge $184 17% 18 + Ye Vener pr 00 40 4 4 1D pipe ced 6 i 20s) 1 on uch you have meant to me, - | 3 4 Va 2132+ 20 Vic G Tr 760 $15 14% 14%-- % M i ' 758 $19% 1 1 1 love fo *hink of yoU dear son, 4 { + oon Bee 400 $119 107% 119% + 4 Vuican 1200 425 410 410 --10 465 400 Naveen 'an ee bi ee 1 . oth In mansions bright and fair, ¢ | ; fom Elec pr 10 $100% 100% 10012 -- 00 Wainwr 1000 50 45 «50 +5 Mcintyre 794 ' $4 114 1% Where Jesus reigns in glory, 4 . 7% Dom. Scot pid 500 $492 4912. 4914 -- Va Walk GW 4605 $562 55 55% -- 4 McKen 43700 ~ 300 $10% 10% 10% 650 6 6 100 450 There WD sorrow there : on Dom Tar 14992 $17Ve 16% 16% + "@ a Wat Equip 6 Swiftly the angels took you dear, | ; Shen vs VS Dom Text 2637 $19 1812 19 4. % Webb Knp 5025.75 65 70 --§ 50 Mewar 1800 ' 30. 20 100 $32 204 "aaa Into the mansions above, i te ~ Dofasco 1880 $63 61% 63 +1% 46 Westcoast 994 $15 14% 14 + Mentor 16000 160 %e % There | will silently meet you 1 Du Pont 1298 $36 35 © 3542 --1% 5 Westcoast VT 5983 $13% 13% 13% --1% 3 Merrill 65300 64 57° 64 67 100 $17, 1717 When my span of life is o'er. ; E : | E to kK $12e 12a 12% Meta Uran 1500 1 Fo ae ae ee Wake:bien Wi your aris, deer Lord, ; naa : ES ; 245 $10% 10% 10%4-- Yu Midrim 10100 25° 21 «25 +4 700 62 & rer: him with. care, | | 4 Ray wich aie ae eee cia Tie 2) 0 Min Corp 9050 $1834 1814 1812 + Ve 400 $1372 13¥2 13% Make up for ali he suffered, | Ag 4 e) wie ee : ede AE " Min Ore 12000 74 6 Va +1" y HBR a 730 sale Sv d8Ve GG ak at cs ean | Emco__ 1300 $14 14k 700 105 1 Moneta 1100 75° «730-75 Int Stl pr 200 345-345-348 Fee Wah itearl 1 lobe. you, dari 4 Exquisite 13905 $74 7% m--% W Pacific 5370 $18% 18% 182+ Va Mt Wright 17125 41 38 40 6 ob Co A 400° $72 Ma 7%" Ne tse Wit pyar know nid i : Exquisite pr 700 $10% 10 10% -- % Westfair M45 $40 39% 40 + 1% AY Multi M 21500 26 23 25 41 Moore. 45 $50%% 50% 50% "Still loved, 'still missed and ever dear ' Pace Oe ee 1s : Westfair pr 75$30 29%. 30 Murray 16500 114 110 117 Mass-F 3600 $1436 14 1495 + % "Mother". | Falcon 21496 $542 53 SA +1 Weston A 3338 $16% 16% 164+ %% 20% 16 Nama Cr 57200-1715! 1612 + Ve Noranda 100 $37% 3734 37%4 + Va. 37: Fam Play 1655 $19'%% 19 194+ % Vs Weston B 2805 $18 1758 173% + Ve 23 5% 52 5% a QN Gas 100 $742 a 7% 7 KOLTUZKI -- In iiss Guiene o 4 anny F 11575 $362 33% 362 +3 36Y 5 Wstn 6 pr 20$108 108 . 108 780 142 9 13%2 +314 Seven Arts $8% 8% 8% JA seg hent Btls bbagtio dll . Fed Farms 2050 410 410 +10 j West A wts 1440 925 890 915 +40 a ae eR Westcoast $144 14% 14% "pore igh ada a iy . Fed Farm w 600 170 +10 White Pass 700 8 8 8 30 254 2 +1 Westcoast vi 100 $13% 13% 13% nt Y September 1, bea acain we 372 tm 58 245 245 240 240 --10 Si ag "a 5 Agnico 55 55 855 : Wood 1000 $9 9% 914 Wis aes Ani boi woula we give it we could say, Fleetwood 100 $20 20 20 : 1375 $19% 199% 19% --~ 1% Bey Bild v2 acon 1000 Fo say lom'" in the same old way, Ford US 603 $58% 5794 582+ i A 1400 420 400 415 --10 e FE I FO: oy 200 '0 hear your voice, see your smile, Ford Cda 262 $182 178 181%2 +4%2 285 285 285° --§ a os 2300 To sit with you and chat awhile. Foundin LS SNE: Has sea Zenith 500 495 500 So you who have a mother, | Fraser 996 $2994 28% 29% +114 5% 355 7 Cherish her with care, Freiman 500 $6%e 6% For you'll never know the heartache Freiman pr 10 $105 Till you see her vacant chair Fruehauf 125 $62 Zs a' 8 Va vo bY . , ' Lovingly remembered by daughters,\ Gen Bake 1350 + V, M u, % 14 2500 26 a G Gr Olga and Anne and their fam- 5 R f fi G Dev 4355 : sae 3500 14a Tae 300° 500 Hes. } y emoran Sue Dynam' 100 New Rouyn 101395 94 ati 2 9 } 7 24 i) +% A ana 8 N_ Senator 297 +5 ~~ | PRINTED PATTERN A840 © sizes 10-18. ee Gana ine fe an on 0 8 'ck mn 8 a8 ' ' 7200 , ' > Mf 75 PO 7375 645 610 +15 ate aie MARBLE and GRANITE : : : : Be i 1318 $11% 11% 14 = "a 4 rete le "on ss 52 os 7 43 Nor-Acme '500 WM A a % "Besigning, Carving, Lettering | The Ring Collar is so dashing, wool jersey, faille or a blend for Se pr 3 32 Fd 2 ; Axaltcho eo " 4 bs ae Norbeau Pe eer | eres te Installation, Repairs lyou see it twice -- on the dress,|multi-season versatility. 25 $45%4 45% 45% -- V4 J an spate 4600 174 16 _ 172 +1 Netantic oy! aA 3 5 Pe a =" Open Evenings Until 9 lan above the collarles: od Pattern A840 is avail- $62 612 614 p 'Atnal Rare Wh Wir NhA-- ve Norlax ; 12 i ec ea Ath 9: i i rinte at : Granpnk ioe a : 5 ngs N 8B. 35 4) i. Gunnar. »Oshawa Monument Co pattieygrete neckline of the/able in Misses' Sizes '10, 12, 14, GL Paper 2424. $201 ie P err! 50 9 babi shag sig hoe Fe es or ee nbd 12 202+ V2 20V Anglo Hur Ky . 1435 King Street East 2 g 1 13 3 j 4 j j i 4. +\ - 4 jacket, Printed Pattern A840 is}16, 18. Size 16 dress requires 2% Power 1657 $222 22 2214 -- Ve Ansit - a. 8 Bod é 2» ne 22 eos H's ol G Hie Ws Wwe % 154 728-311 a trendsetter from the Rem-jyards 54-inch fabric; jacket re- wn or 2300 Ketan aa 4 Aren 3900, 00 105 N Coldsirm 10125 45 37 gs Tae ie 14 fs -- sv i: brandt co:lection -- it typifies quires 1% yards. oe 280pr 110 $50 4914 $0 " h a arcadia 43Va-+ Va '3 NGI 71500 mu Bf) uM 4 tr ee th 174 = ts 4, the nonchalant, sporty look) --< JE ee ee. Ow q A Arcd Bw 1600 % Ab N° Rafik 13660 27 252 a t ' ha Send ONE DOLLAR for Print-) Cap Bwt 1655 155 140 id 0 5 La Luz ' : RIMAR \that's newest. for fall. The bod-| i noe oo Atlan CC s Norsp! A wts | \ 75 4 38 40 5 Leitch ed Pattern A840 to The Oshawa 6 Wis Gee 3550 6 +5 3 Atlas Yk V North Cah 2700 180 140 Langis 7 : * ite ; 7 jice fits unusually well because 3348 $175" 17% 1714 Ve p Atlin Ruf Norvalie 12125 92 «BY, k MEMORIALS ithe fabric is cut on the bias to|Tim Pattern Department, tos" 108 105.4 es . aurea Mi Y $ 3 pie Beau "2590 35% 30 posi td a os r nth oe * 9: non cnr 3 nei " " &. ~~ nor 'dl Dignified ond Distinctive give a beautiful bosom line, Flat|Ushawa, Ont. Ontario residents Greening 160 220. 220 220 --10 3: Bankeno Me oe ee peptic an an MONLIMENTS pockets concealed inside theadd 3c sales tax. Please print pte hay me os Re he Bankfield Obaska 500 42 4 dia -- P Provo Gas ; FEAT M skirt seams contribute to the un-/Plainly YOUR NAME, AD- H Cotton 25 $254 24% 28h dy 2 Barnet 7 Blue ee a ee s Sherritt ARKERS icluttered look. Banding adds a|DRESS with STYLE NUMBER Hand Chem 130 400 400 400 +25 3 Bary Expl : : cha Siscoe Opem 9427 715 705 715 : _ a] 0 lt Hardee 25988 225 175. 210 4 ase 5 In Designs For Any Need 'clever touch to the classic,{and SIZE Hardee pr 100 $75 78-78 hee . a Orchan 37135 299 285 295 152 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa Chanel-style jacket. Wonderful NEXT WEEK--Watch for a| pits Pp lb a ig ne 23° 24 a 18 Belcher : 2 aay OD » a 30 1 600 575 $70 575 575 723-1002 '728-6627 for town, Aravel, suburbs; sew|Prominent Designer Pattern by Hawk Si sacs $558 ts a Me ; : Saal ma Rae Nak Osisko 16400 44 <1 : 500 19> 19Ve 19% 19% _19Ve Off Evenings 'your version in colton tweed,|Radiant, Hawker pr 35 896986 Belleterre 2000 14h 14 Vda WA Pamour Ns? 125 --5 125 W Decalta ne: ue ve we vy 4 i ' --. i * -