TOGETHER Mrs, R. T. Clough, left, John street, Oshawa, had the thrill of a lifetime this week, when her youngest sister, Mrs. Barbara Harbuttle, Wigton, Cumberland, England, arrived here to spend about six weeks with her. The two sisters had * Fg not seen each other for fifty- two years. Mrs. Clough, the former Annie Andrews, and Mrs. Harbuttle, formerly Bar- bara Andrews, daughters of the late Mr, and Mrs, Magnus Andrews, two of a family of six, were born at Gateshead, & AGAIN AFTER 52 YEARS Durham County, and moved to Blythe, in Northumberland County, where they each mar- ried. Mrs. Clough and her late husband left for Canada in 1911, and she has seen only one other member. of her fam- ily in the ensuing years. --Oshawa Times Photo AS Daughters Plan Surprise Party For Parents' 25th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Richards, Fernhill »oulevard, were guests of honor at a sur- rise party at their home last Semrday evening. Mrs. Robert C. Wills and Miss Joan Richards gave the party to mark their parents' twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, which will occur soon. Mr. and Mrs. Richards were married September 3, 1938, in Sandra Shakotko - Garnet Porter Exchange Vows Sandra Gail, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. Shakotko, Osh- awa, and Garnet Cornell Por- ter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Porter of River Hebert, Nova Scotia, were united in marriage in Ritson Road Bap- tist Church, recently. The Reverend Dr. A. W. Ness officiated and Mr.-Donald Hard- ing of Toronto played 'the wed- ding music, Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a streei- length gown of white peau de soie with a scalloped sweet- heart neckline, short sleeves and a full skirt with a bow at the back waist. A double shoui- der length veil was secured by a wedding band headdress and she carried a crescent of pink Sweetheart roses and white car nations, Miss Myrna Shakotko was maid of honor, wearing triple light green, nylon over taffeta styled with shoe-string straps and a rib-cage jacket. She wore a matching floral bandeau and veil and carried a crescent of gold and white carnations. Mr. Harvey Gabona, Oshawa, was the best man. A reception was held at the Sandalwood Restaurant. The bride's mother received in a dress of turquoise linen with matching hat. The bridegroom's aunt, Mrs. Robert Agnew, Osh- awa, assisting, was in pink linen with a white hat. Each MR. AND MRS. C. W. RICHARD wore white accessories and a corsage of white carnations. As the couple left on:a wed- ding trip to Nova Scotia, the bride was wearing a pink linen suit, white accessories and a white rose corsage, Mr. .and Mrs. Porter are re- siding in Oshawa. Guests were present from St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, To. ronto, Thamesvilie, Ajax, Whit- by and Bowmanville. --Oshawa Times. Photo |How To Conserve Your Fine Woollens British wool experts offers the following tips on the care of woollen 'garments: Brush them .. .with a good, long-bristled brush. Try to do this after each wearing; dirt abrasion makes fabrics - wear out soonr. Never use a harsh brush. Let mud dry before brushing. Hang them properly .. . oa a shaped wooden hanger that fits. Set shoulders squarely on hanger. Use a trouser press for trousers. Give them air, at lead over- night. Air helps wool spring back into shape, Try not to crush clothes in the closet. Let them rest . . . even rugge British woollens need it! If pos- sible rotate suits. Pockets need pampering too; don't leave them loaded down when. you're not wearing the suit. Treat stains promptly, they may injure wool fibres. Tell the cleaner what caused the stain, or if you tackle it yourself, use a cleaning agent that's made for the specific stain. Don't "toast" wet wools; dry them away from direct heat. Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, 'Friday, August 30,1963 7 PERSONALS Mrs, J. H. Halliday, Mrs. Cyril Souch, and Mrs, K. R. Wagg, all of Oshawa; Mrs. W. H, Littlejohn, Paris, Ontario; and Mr. John Halliday, Osh- awa, have returned from a two- month overseas trip. They trav- élled on the continent for three weeks, spent one week touring England and Scotland, and the rest of the time they were in London. While there, Mrs. K. R. Wagg visited Mr, and Mrs, M. hcintyre Hood, formerly of Oshawa. Out-of-town guests at the 'Lappin-Norton wedding held last Saturday in Northminster United Church, Oshawa, were: Mr. Jack Goudy, Galt; Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Henderson, Brook- lin; Mr, and Mrs, Steven Egan, Brooklin; Dr. afd Mrs. Ter- rence O'Heany, Mr. and-Mis. Dean Henley, Mr. and Mrs. Sumptor, and Miss Kay Poir- fer, all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, James Reay, St. Cathar- ines; Mr. and Mrs. Harola Goudy, New York City; Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Willis, Kitchen- er; Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Row- land, Ajax; Mr. and Mrs. Ed gar Davey, Battersea, Ontario. Prior to her wedding recently, Mrs, Samuel Kloos, the former Elizabeth Reyenga, Bowman- ville; was entertained at a num- |ber of showers. Her co-workers at the U.A.W. office -- Miss Dorothy James, Mrs. Douglas Sutton, and Miss Penny Cline gave a personal shower at the home of Miss James; Miss Bar- bara LaChappell gave a linen shower; Miss Helen Malda and |Mrs. Tinnes Dykstra held a mis- cellaneous shower at Mrs. Dyk- stra's home; and the bride-elect was presented with a platform rocker by the office staff of Local 222, U.A.W. Teas, birthdays, parties, wed- dings, anniversaries,- comings and goings of guests are always of interest in this column. Write, telephone or visit the so- cial department with your item of news for which there is no charge. Telephone 723-3474. URGES GESTURES CAMBRIDGE, England (CP) Psychiatrist Dr. Richard Fox thinks the Queen should invite colored immigrants to her gar- den parties, He told a confer- ence of teachers that a few solid interracial gestures by royalty would help break down prejudices. Lois Terwillegar Feted At Showers Miss Lois Marie Terwillegar has been honored by her family and many friends prior to her marriage to Mr. 'Ronald James Stuart tomorrow afternoon, in King Street United Church. Mrs. Gordon Terwilligar entertained the bride-to-be at a miscellaneous shower at her home on Glendale avenue. Mrs. Wesley Norsworthy and Mrs. Jobn MacDonald were co- hostesses at a miscellaneous shower given by the neighbor- hood. They were assisted. by Mrs. Malcolm Simpson, Mrs. U. Trulson, Tordnto, Mrs. Robert Norsworthy, and Miss Barbara Anne MacDonald. Miss Joan Beath, Miss Kath- leen Beath and Miss Peggy Stu- art, the bridesmaids, entertain- ed Miss Terwillegar at a bath- room and linen shower in the Beath's home. Mrs. James Sproule and Mrs. Keith McPherson were co-host- esses at a kitchen shower in the home of Mrs, Bruce Terwil- legar, where, among other gifts, the bride-elect was presented with several boxes of groceries. Mrs. George Moss and Miss Linda Boddy entertained the bride-elect at a personal shower attended by school friends. Mrs. Kenneth Davis and Mrs. Robert Lawton of London, On- tario, entertained the bridal pair at a miscellaneous supper show- er in London. Mrs, R. B. Reed, grandmother of the prospective bridegroom, entertained the affianced pair at a supper shower in the gar- den of her home at which fam- ily -and friends were present. The bride-elect's co-workers of the Accounts Receivable Depart- ment of General Motors pre- sented her with.a coffee carafe with a cradle and candle warm- er. Following the rehearsal this evening, the wedding party will ba entertained by Mr. and Mrs. James Stuart, Harris Court, parents of the prospective bride- groom. In Northminster United Church last Saturday after- noon, Joy Ann, daughter of Mr. Wilson Riley Norton, Oshawa, and the late Mrs. Norton, be- came the bride of Rodger David Lappin, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. David Lappin of Ajax. The Reverend H. A. Mellow performed the ceremony, as- sisted by Mr. Edgar Davey, and the soloist, Mr. Larry Marshall, sang 'Wedding Pray- er" aud "O Perfect Love." He was accompanied by the organ- ist, Mr. John Robertson. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a full- length gown of white organza over silk with a scoop neckline and fingertip sleeves. A French lave motif from the shoulder was carried delicately through- out the gown and the waistline was accented by a tiny bow at front and back. Floral appli- SIGNING THE REGISTER ~Azzopardi Photo Studio Joy Ann Norton Becomes Bride Of Rodger D. Lappin ques adorned her veil of illu- sion secured by a coronet of seed pearls. She carried a bou- quet of pink and white roses. Mrs, R. Don Peel was matron of honor for her sister and the bridesmaids were Miss Joan Cryderman, Oshawa, and Miss Kathy Murphy of Toronto. They were gowned alike in powde: pink sheath dresses of organza HELPS MOTHERS _ VANCOUVER (CP)--A tele: over silk. Pink veiling and/vision camera at the Pacific TO nous-Gre CARPET COMPANY 282 King W 72p-9581 RUG CLEANING Good food deserves ; _ Chytliil-iil" ' ood clic LADIES No boby sitter, mo cor fare Mr. Bernard Of Leading Toronto Salons Experienced Hair Styiist FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS ~6854 the King Street United Church parsonage. Mrs. Richards was formerly Edna Yvonne Smith, daughter of Mrs. Thomas Laurie, Oshawa, and the late Earl Smith. She was attended by her sister, Mrs. Donald Saun- ders, Oshawa, and Mr. Saunders was Mr. Richards' best man. Mrs. Wills and Miss Richards were assisted by Mrs. Wills' husband, Robert C. Wills and Miss Richards' fiance, Mr. Wil- liam McLelland, Oshawa, The guests presented Mr. and Mrs. Richards with' a gift of money, in silver, and their chil- dren gave them a silver tea ser- vice, and a three-tier wedding cake. Guests attending the party) were: Mr. and. Mrsg Donaid} Saundeys, Mr>and-Mrs, Thomas) Laurie, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph| Laurie, Mr. and Mrs, James| Laurie, Mr. and Mrs. Pobcert) Harman, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Smith, Mr. and Mrs, Hovward/ Smith, Mr.' and Mrs, Ronaid! Smith, Mr. and Mrs, Allan| Smith, Mr. and' Mrs. William Sadler, Mrs. Winnifred Kirkpat- rick, Mr. Robert Fenton, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Zakarow and Mrs, Ethel Cockerham. For The COLOR OR BLACK & WHIT e DEVELOPING AND PRINTING IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS Premises PHOTO SERVICE 251 KING ST. 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