Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Aug 1963, p. 3

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"| serious. WINTERMEYER AT PORT HOPE RALLY Ontario Liberal Leader John Wintermeyer digs deep at a Port Hope meeting Thursday night: to- help finance his party's campaign. Durham County Liberal Association President Glenholme Hughes, on the right, seems to be saying: "Don't make the guest of honor donate." The collection was taken preced- ing the Liberal Chief's ad- dress to 180 of the party's faithful who turned up at Dr. Michael Powers School to hear the Leader of the Opposition flay the Tories and their governmental record. Hold Meet' \Canadian-U'S. InQuebec Exchange Heavy NEW RICHMOND, Que. -- The problems of objec'ivity and subjectivity in the humanities| and social sciences are receiv-jister Pearson and President Kennedy said in a communique ing the attention of poe Canadi iolo- : ce tetkeopaite "a. var: after their May 10-11 Hyannis|nuciear custodyand-control _ar- chologists this week at Stanley|Port, Mass., fireside chats that)rangements, signed Aug. 16; a House, The Canada Council's|they looked forward to "a pe-il.s decision, after a meeting new meeting place for artists|Tiod of particularly activ and scholars on the Baie des|productive co-operation be' By DAVE McINTOSH --Pri in-|ings have resulted in some con- oe crete agreements and more ap- pear in the offing. The official comings-and-go-jday, one to 345 Gibb street,jing habits of fish to find better The agreements include t e andipetween Defence Produc- : tween|tion Minister Drury and U.S. today were of a routine nature. Mr, Wintermeyer spoke in support of Allan Beer, the party's candidate in Durham Riding. (See story Page 4.) --Oshawa Times Photo CITY AND DISTRICT FIRE ALARMS The Oshawa Fire Department responded to two alarms Thurs- where smoke poured from a television set and one to Cedar street where a corn crib full of he| Sawdust caught fire. There were five ambulance calls Thursday, one to a fatal accident on No. 7 highway. All other ambulance calls Thursday plus two early CAPSULE NEWS -- - Auxiliary Bishop Is Consecrated QUEBEC (CP)--Msgr, Laur-; GAIN CANCER RELIEF ent Noel Thursday was conse-| LONDON (AP)--Two cancer crated auxiliary bishop of Que-|surgeons reported today that pa- bec in a ceremony attended by|ticnts gained unexplained relief|. - a dozen Roman Catholic arch-|from incurable cancer after be- bishops and bishops. Archbishop!ing injected with live spleen Maurice Roy of Quebec, pri-|cells from healthy persons. mate of the church in Canada,|Writing in the medical journal, performed the ritual. The Lancet, M. F. A. Woodruff and Bernard Nolan of Edin-|, TO BEGIN TALKS burgh University said their ex-| ' VICTORIA' (CP) -- Premier|neriments led them to believe W. A. C. Bennett said Thursday|that cancer might eventually be a new round of bargaining over|treated by immunization. the price whicl® the United States must pay British Colum- bia for Columbia River down- stream benefits will begin in Ottawa Sept. 6. * TREAT ROM OFFICIAL EDMONTON (CP)--Dr. W. E. Swainton, 62, of 'Toronto, direc- CHIPO-RI, Korea (AP)--Sout corns strongman Gen, Ch the army to run for president as a civilian in the October elec tion, His retirement ceremony was held at an airstrip in this tor of the Royal Ontario Mu-|frontdine area 40 miles north- seum, was taken to hospitaljeast of Seoul where Park once here Thursday after he col-|fought during the Korean War. lapsed while climbing a hill. : Hospifal 'officials said his col- ERATION FAILS lapse resulted from over-exer- 'MI, Fla. (AP)--A 49-year. Id Miami butcher was to have his arm amputated Friday six days after it was sewed back tion and his condition was not RAID KILLS 2 Tilowing an accident with a BUENOS AIRES, Argentina/Meat-slicer. His doctor said the (AP)--Four bandits raided a/¢irculation never flowed pro- downtown hospital today, killed|PeTly below the elbow, where two persons, wounded three and|the blade nearly severed the escaped with more than $100,000/2"™ last Saturday, Otherwise, in payroll cash. the butcher, Alfred Bennett, was reported in good condition. + SPY ON FISH LOWESTOFT, England (Reut-| __U.S., MEXICO AGREE ers)--Fish in the waters off this PO erg CITY (AP) -- The east England port soon will be nited States and Mexico signed watched by a "hidden eye"-tele.|@2_ agreement Thursday that vision camera lowered to the|W#i return to Mexico the 437- sea bed, a fisheries official satt/2cte Chamizal area in El Paso, here Thursday. Experts will|1°%:, which has-been in dispute 1 .|for nearly a century. The agree- study the behavior and breee-| will be sdbaitied to the senates of both nations, where |Passage is virtually assured. RECORD 'QUAKE QUITO, Ecuador (AP)--The astronomical observatory nere Tegistered an earthquake early Thursday about 1,300 miles northeast of Quito. Strong tre- mors of short duration were re- ways of catching them. FLIES ATLANTIC SHANNON, Ireland (AP) -- Winston S. Churchill, 22-year-old namesake grandson of Britain's Second World War leader, landed here Thursday. night after flying the Atlantic in a Opposition leader Diefen- baker makes a gesture signi- fying the words "'fine print" during a press conference in More Interest In ote Joining OAS light plane. He arrived with Max Conrad, the 60-year-old fly- ing grandfather from Winona, Minn., the flight started from Posten. ee os omer IN TRUNK States, "one of the world's old- MARINE KILLED (AP) -- The badly- Phas, 4 : ib est continuing international as WILLOW GROVE, Pa; (AP) eaten body of a woman was Se For the third time this year 4 found late Thursday night|sociations," was noted Thursday jet airplane has crashed while|J2™med into a trunk stored injin a report published by the trying to land at Willow Grove basement of a south end|canadian-American Committee. Naval Air Station. The latest|00ming house. The body was ae Fie SA d by li .| The interes crash, Thursday afternoon, oc-|"W2C0verd by police who re-| 'ci d curred in nearby Spring House ceived an anonymous telephone|"spurred partly by official an and killed the pilot and sole oc- tip tha: a dead woman could be open encouragement by Ameri- cupant of the T-33 basic train-|found in a Tremont Street base-|cans and South Americans," the ing plane, Marine Maj. Charles a police ent through -- report said. ' E. Kiser, 33, ,of Springfield, Va. 0 a0 nge wre PERFECTED X-RAYS! | CHARLOTTE AMALIE, Vir.| ported in the village of Chimbo There were no reports of dam- age or injuries. Chaleurs; |the two countries." Defence ge Robert Les +7 i | They said a mouthful. The of-|/Namara, not to reduce the flow Monts "ak oe te ficial " sraftic between Ottawajof American . defence contracts August 31, is under the sponsor|and Washington has been al-|to Canada to help alleviate its ship of the Council and is being|most as heavy as Canada-U,§. balance - of - payments prob- " Jed by Marcel Rioux, Professor|tourist traffic. lems; another U.S. decision, of Anthropology at the Univer-| One wag said Canada's Con-|&fter a flying visit to rome re sit of Montreal. lfederation problems would be|ton by Canadian ue ori im, Taking part in the session|licked if there were as, much/M0t to apply a gh re - are: Pierre Dansereau, former|contact between Ottawa and oad neh er tor g n Dean of the Faculty of Sciences,| Quebec City as there is-between| Canadian issues. , University of Montreal; Fer-|Ottawa and Washington. This week Canadian and U.S. nand Dumont, Laval University;| Another said the only thing|°fficials began. what -- Yves Martin, Laval University;|left undone is to appoint a Ca-|Said will be long and involve Reverend Father Salman, 0.p.,|nadian minister to Mr. Kenne-/negotiations on measures to pro- Institute of Psychology, Univer-|dy's cabinet and an Americanjtéct historic American fishing sity of Montreal; Jacques|to the Canadian privy council. |rights when Canada imposes a Dofny, University of Montreal; |---------~--|12-mile fishing zone next May. Bertrand Rioux, University of ' 1 : : Montreal; Jean-Marc Leger, PROTEST apenas pg ete yarns cog as a with Kelly because he realized gin Islands (AP)--Julius Bdgar| journalist with Le Devoir, Mon-|. MEXICO CITY (AP)--Labor other round of negotiations on things "happened to 'rats' or Lilienfeld, a physicist whose ex- treal; Mrs. Jeanne Lapointe,|leaders have asked the govern. Canadian-requested revisions to|those who have 'ratted' in in-|periments. helped perfect the a of ranged rag hoe Ser sore escheat thar" ashe the Columbia River power. de-|stitutions." However, judicially;modern x-ray tube, died here versity, member a . ;: ; 3 ' Wednesday. He was 81. Lelien- Commission on Education in the| tortillas, a basic Mexican food. WT AeE 4 eek Wier thn Ware ae Mncning you. to the Salli id was bert io Palens aad lnc Province of Quebec; Maurice pe AS the jobs of 150,000|will be a meeting of the Can. " 4 1, |7ears Was professor of physics Tremblay, Laval - University; das es have been making|ada-U.S. cabinet committee on| Kelly was sentenced : an at the University of Leipzig. Jacques Brazeau, University of| T° nleavened pancakes by|ttade and economic affairs. |28° {0m yer 0 jail for fail- GRENADE FATAL erage adie are ne gt hand. Later in the fall the Canada-|ing answer the same ques- ; i tion. Magistrate Cook said; TOULON, France (Reuters)-- This meeting is providing an U.S. cabinet defence committes Thursday it would be useless to)A grenade exploded Thursday will meet for the. first time g P opporti resenta- iazti in this country. A/.; impose another penalty on ajamid a party of 72 children on a vg lage Belge» Med tasoting, in: tate July god neeany:_ 1008. a-U.S. airjman already sentenced tojbeach near, killing a boy and tives of the various disciplines|third meeting, in late July and) 4 meeting on Canada mii to exchange ideas and points ofjearly August, gave Quebec art-|route relations is in the cards,|S¢Ven years. ee bald ot ae dane view on problems common tojists an opportunity for some|y.s special envoy John Ken-| Kelly was called to testify in h ig all the human sciences. A num-|serious talk about their art, and neth Galbraith is preparing ajthe preliminary hearing of Nor-|furt. - ber of such problems are under|the fourth seminar was devoted|report for Mr. Kennedy on the|man Walter Jacobs, 30, of HAS discussion and will be present-jto a study of national problems) <ybject.after a visit to Ottawa.|Stratford, also charged with) ¢ 'AIRO, Egypt (Reuters)-- ed later on in a published re-jin the Canadian theatre by the-) There have been talks andjarmed robbery in the Milverton|yarchal Abdullah Al Sallal, port. atre representatives. likely will be-.more on Great|holdup of Lewis Gamble, 71. president of Yemen, is suffer- This session marks the last of] The 68-acre property was do-|Lakes shipping troubles, reduc-| The charge against Jacobs ing from an "active duodenal five held this summer at Stan-jnated to the Council last year|tions in tariffs, commninications|was dismissed because of lack|ulcer and general fatigue but ley House, the former home of|by Miss Olivia Terrell of Cam-|by satellites, foreign aid.to thelof evidence. is showing marked improve- Canadian Governors General'bridge, Massachusetts, and in|Caribbean area and Nerth| yeanwhile, Harry Mason of/ment, a medical bulletin issued near the turn of the century. |this first season the Council has|Amefican oil and gas fesources,|aronto and William Alberts of|at El Moassat Hospital in Alex- The first meeting brought to-|sought to determine how best to And there will likely be still Stratfard, also facing armedjandria said Thursday night. gether music experts to discuss|take advantage of the quietjother subjects for discussion, robberycharges in the same|Sallal was admitted to the hos- the state of musical life in Can-|seclusion offered by Stanley|such as tidal power in Passama- pital Aug. 16. MONTREAL (CP) -- Renewed interest in Canada joining the Organization of American Robber Guilty Of Contempt Of Court! STRATFORD (CP)--William| A. Kelly, 27, of Toronto, re- cently sentenced to seven years after pleading guilty to the armed robbert .of a Milverton, .,.Man June 6, was con- victed of contempt of court Thursday after he refused to identify other persons. involved in the holdup. As an. individual, Magistrate ness and involvement in Latin A. F. Cook could not find fault VISCOUNT DIES America was also noted. LONDON (AP) -- Viscount; The report, prepared for the Hudson, a Wiltshire farmer and|committee by John D. Harbron son of: a former cabinet minis-jand titled Canada and the Or- ter, died Wednesday at the age|ganization of American States, of 39. He became the secondigives a history of Canadian- viscount in 1957 on the death of|/South American relations and his father, R. S. Hudson, minis-|discusses the pros and cons of ter of agriculture during the/Canada's joining the associa- Second World War. tion. : ULCER Increased Canadian aware- ada, while a second group re-|House for meetings, discussions|quoddy Bay on the Maine-New Brunswick border. viewed the role of voluntary'and similar work sessions, } case, were remanded one week. '. FORT ERIE ENTRIES SATURDAY, August 31 FIRST RACE -- $2500 claiming. Purse $1800 for 3-year-olds and up. 6 Furlongs. Mirenchu, Fitzsimmons 106 New Flight, Fitzsimmons 110 Mr Yo Te, Robinson 113 Bene Ducato, Walsh X106 Vee Gee Cee, Hale 113 Well Now, No Boy 113 Bomar, No Boy 115 Happy Harry, Dittfach 111 SECOND RACE -- $2500 claiming. Purse $1800 for 3-year-olds and up. 6¥2 CAMPAIGN IN HIGH GEAR As the election roils into the second week the tempo of the Progressive Conservative campaign has been stepped op, Captured in the above pic- ture is Alderman Albert Walker talking with a typical electot who will be going to the polls on Sept. 25 to cast his ballot. It is estimated that Mr. Walker im the course of the next four weeks will cover about 400 homes daily. --Oshawa Times Photo Furlongs. House Boy, Burton 113 Optimist, Turcotte 116 | teel Perifox, Simpson X118 | Brave Spartan, Dittfach 116 | Pointed, Diftfach 116 | airnfield, Wick 113 Mé&lucina, Leblanc 110 s THIRD RACE -- $2500 claiming. puch $1900 for 3-year-olds and up. 1% Miles. Trust Him, Leblanc 118 Taquomee, Simpson X107 Count Snow, Simpson X104 Greek Gunner, Turcotte 116 Tedette, Fitzsimmons 115 Fire Horse, No Boy 109 Smirlys Rouge, Robinson 118 FOURTH. RACE -- $4500 claiming. Hohe $2100 Syear-olds and up. 6 Fur- longs. Winsmanship, No Boy 116 Padre's Scamp, Hale 111 ings Flight, Fitzsimmons 115 . Bricker, Lanoway 113 Pipe Band, Gordon 118 Flight Princess, Walsh X103 FIFTH RACE- -- Allowances. Purse $2800 for 3-year-olds, About 7 Furlongs (turf course). Farmer Jack, Hale 114 Bive Wren, Simpson X99 Swerve, Harmatz 116 Thitd Eye, Dalton (A)116 Alibhai Flower, Dittfach (B)116 Willhooks, McComb (B)109 Jamaruliah, Harrison (A)114 A--The Pheasant Stable and $s. Roten- berg entry B--Hillcrest Stables Ltd. and Gardiner Farms entry QUINELLA BETTING SIXTHRACE Allowances. $2800 for 2-year-olds, 6 Furlongs, mini Bill, Fitzsimmons 116 z Holy Cow, Harmatz 106 Hash House, Lanoway 113 Hasty C;~No Boy~110 Stara No Boy 113 Angela's Niece, Turcotte -113 SEVENTH RACE -- Niagara Stakes Handicap. Purse $25,000 added for 3-year- olds and u>. 1% Miles (turf course). Mibiz, Dittfach 110 a Ramsay 2nd, McComb Tid Windy Ship, Bohenke 111 7. Purse Mr, Sometime, Walsh (A)113 Prompt Hero, Potts (A)114 Greek Form, Dittfach (B)113 New Fashion 2nd, Robinson 113 Absent Sin, Prueitt 110 Marlin Bav, No Boy 118 Confidence Man, Harrison 110 Ramblin Wreck, No Boy (C)105 Reluctant Deb, Harrison (C)111 Burnt Roman, Fitzsimmons (B)119 Puss n Boots, Turcotte 114 Pollingford, Harmatz 119 A--Mrs. L. Lear entry B--Willow Downs Farms and Mrs. -H. Waggoner 'and Mrs, G. Keane entry C--J. Simmon entry EIGHTH RACE -- Allowances. Purse $2900 for 3-year-olds and up. One and one- sixteenth Miles. Galindo, Lanoway 114 Whiteborough, Gubbins 116 Buttermilk Pike, Prueitt 114 Blue Cight, Dittfach 111 Winisteo, Fitzsimmons 118 Peter's Chop, Turcotte 111 Bullruliah, No Boy 11' ' Post Time 2 p.m. Cloudy and good 'nisiaaniecnthitirtninteensinesehiniseineannansulsne Lake Simcoe Death Believed Accident KESWICK, Ont, (CP)--Pro- vincial police said Thursday they believe a Toronto woman whose body was found in Lake Simcoe. two days after she dis- appeared from a cabin cruiser died when she accidentally: frac. tured her skull, Coroner Dr. Stewart Noble and police both said they think Mrs. Mae Bull, 47, received the injury when she fell as the cruiser docked. Her head was apparently crushed between the cruiser and the dock. f An inquest has been ordered, |# but no date set. REACH OF ALL" _ ne ea ee aT, GOOD FOOD GERROW ened. Lunch, Dinner FUNERAL »M, to 2 P.M. 5:30 P.M. to 8 P.M, Hotel Lancaster F,-E. Conlin was appointed director of manufacturing for General Motors of Canada this week, The - appointment is effective September 1. He succeeds George W. Read, vice-president and director of rac pee: NEW DIRECTOR manufacturing, who is_retir- ing under the GM retirement program, SS NEW HOME | SPECIALISTS | IMA Reel Estete Ltd, TRADES ACCEPTED 728-6286 323 King St. W. Ottawa today where he immediately after election, charged Prime Minister Pear- through the fine print of elec- son with trying to escape a_ tion platform. ig --CP Wirephote Welfare Work | Plan Passes The General Welfare Assist-) payments" provided 1) no regu- ance Act contains provision forjlar employees are denying relief payments to per-jfrom jobs and 2) the work sons who refuse to work, re-|forced on the unemployed per- minded Oshawa Welfare Admin|sons be at prev: of istrator Herbert Chesebrough|pay and limited to amount' on his return here Thursdayjof welfare received. from the Ontario Municipal As-| For example: if an unem- sociation conference at King- ployed man were drawing $120 ston, Ontario, a month welfare, he would only Convention delegates at King-|be compelled to work 60 hours ston approved a "work for wel-|a month if he were receiving fare" resolution by a 3 to 2 mar-|$2 per gin. Oshawa's three delegates-- Mr. Chesebrough, Ald. Cephas/tion was requested by the On-- Gay and City Clerk Roy Bar-|tario Welfare Officers Associa- rand -- voted against the pro-|tin. They approved it posal, Oshawa convention last Under Section Two of the| Mr. Chesebrough, . who P regulations of the GWA Act, saidifirst vice president of Mr. Chesebrough, welfare pay-|OWOA, said neither he nor the ments may be denied a person/OWOA president, Ray Tomlin who refuses to accept a job for|son of Etobicoke, voted for it, which he is capable, "It was a Lie iow Lamia sion (the panel cussion CITE SECTION 2 . "Capability" of a man to do Tuesday' at the convention) and a job is decided by Mr. Chese- brough and his judgment may be challenged. "But", he says, sd Plngoged common _ sense.|brough. 01 don't send an elderly man,) (One Toronto paper reported or a man who has sat behind a inst the resolution received 'al- desk for most of his life, out to| most unanimous support" at this do heavy construction work." | panel discussion), Section Two says a person is} Ald, Cliff Pilkey, president NOT eligible for welfare unlessjof the Oshawa and Distri he (or she) 1, registeres with|/Labor il, . repeated the National Employment Ser-|criticism of the resolution vice; 2. is willing to undertakelterday: 'We are opposed to it employment for which he is ca-jentirely. Work for relief is pable; 3. submits a certificate|throwback to the from the NES to the welfare|days and the time of the office showing that he is regi-|cents a day road menders,. stered. "The great danger ig that If a relief recipient with alare likely to have men igs family refuses to -work, ajlholes and filling them up charge may be laid against him|again, f in court and his payments cut} "This Welfare Assistance Act Welfare, however, would|seems to have adequate safe- still be available to the family.tguards already people Mr. Chesebrough emphasized|who don't want to work. And that the provincial government,|these people are definitely in which pays 80 cents out of every|the minority." . welfare dollar, would refuse to contribute toward the relief payments of the family of al man who himsely refused to yg -- unless a charge were aid. ' ONE CHARGE Only one such charge has been laid in Oshawa this year. The Kingston resolution asked for permissive legislation (meaning it would be up to the individual municipality to in- voke the legislation if it so de- sired) to "make unemployed persons work for their welfare IS DEFEATED An Oshawa resolution calling for total sales tax exemption on building materials used: in municipal buildings was defeat- ed Wednesday at the Ontario Municipal Association conven- tion in Kingston. The resolu- tion did not receive the recom- mendation of the resolutions committee. ' palities want to be able to use unemployed to work on muni- cipal projects," said Mr. Chese- off. Your Original CARPET CENTRE Over 50 Rolls of Carpet on Display Seléct from the fargest display east of Toronto, N-I-R-C LICENSED CARPET CLEANING 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG. CO. LTD. Expert Upholstering 174 Mary Street ATTENTION: HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS The Oshawa High Schools Will Open For The Fall Term On Tuesday, September 3 If you are entering grade 10, 11, 12 or 13 you are asked to report at 9 a.m. to the Auditorium of the school you will attend. If you are entering Grade 9 you will report at 10.30 a.m. If you plan to attend one of the high' schools listed below, but have not yet registered, you should do so at once in person at the office of the school you will attend. Schdols offices are open Monday through Friday. Central Collegiate Dr. F. J. Donevan Institute Collegiate Institute 240 Simcoe St. S. Harmony Rd. S. Telephone 728-7315 R.S Meleuuiee, . S. McLaughlin nee Collegiate & Vocational O'Neill Collegiate & Vocational Institute | 301 Simeoe St. N. Institufe Telephone 728-7531 570 Stevenson's Rd. N. J. R. Backus, G. K. Drynan, Q.C. Chairmen Oshaw Business Administrator Telephone 728-9407 a chs of Education "lie ad OMENS ais aca hour. The work-for-welfare resolu- + at their - June, it appeared the smaller munici- ~ ict | his yes- q 1 \e8

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