Og agit gage ey MG 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, August 30, 1963 wa. ws = " : * 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday fo Friday. Saturday 8 to 12. Call The Direct Classified Number 723 3492 dc Peml thing Wench. 'Ado Heaths vig Wists (MRS By R J. SCOTT |aecuineo ~immeaieiey,, misdieaged WEED EXTRA MONEY? Wi, and morelOPENING for bright, young man ne ; : A en gh gi for earned by showil Mus! : me 'dren, Bg Son eckold lous 1 and industrious. Grete: a reiersg, " USINESS SERVICE DIREC Cony " ane foe Lee gee vo a eral Printers Lid., 's7"" Simcoe "Street q i ] . ' KEEPER ired for } L of . : : _" Ne encdiane conten, ve In and take orders: Send no money. Write (eaey Nelaxt mammer resis ae 4 met full charge of home, $100. Based all SALESMEN required for sheet ral replies confidential. Write Box 18, Osh-|catalogue, sale ng nf ne p awa Times. 217 Cannon, Hamilton, tunity for salesman carrying other oats ae ewanere sears @ Ast oom po Rare Bre Rye eek a i, Chartered: Octane | PNT ered Teeieaie: tole. Mec LR eset eer naan ale nan ee : ¢ ay crore enile Taother reworks, Brooklin|Roed area. After'? evenings, a Pg Si Stree' West, Oshawa. Tele- re ragabeaiyrrotidnvegel unre oo Mrs. mice and -Hemick B ce Hills i Kn Saxeanreee oa 9 b ¥ 655-4945. AVON, Earn that needed money "The J ave fn a lennick, Barristers, fy pete ttc RIESE S TL SEF ONT Renee nee" : phone 723-1221 cdl Street East. 723-723; : Tv radio, 'car radios, Thompson Elec: --z s HOUSEKEREER - remsiced. fer Atty Ee alee See. FRIEDLANDER and (i:|Gardening and Supplies _ PRIVATE 94 on Cea alana dnc lin Baha / 1083. GIRL or woman, to on Th. General * all of jes: mortgages ea aaa PSS PTET een oe a LOAM, 90d, manure and-overgreens, slsoltno agreements "cr vanle surtuces CATY 5 V/- AMIS ROAD IK YUNNAN PROVINCE, Some mats jive in or household, dies. No} and fencing. Reason: Pre ing Di in and Murdoch. (See batt HAS NEVER KNOWN A WHEEL ; fond of children, two} $ HOPKINS, GEADLE AND €O., Char neta. rriste . Rc small children. Telephone RELIABLE WOMAN ae Fins CLARE, colt wp Ss between pos: . Telephone heading "Barrister.") . £ 'Osh d - school-age, two tered Accountants, 18/ King Street SARLINSTON Gaiden Santon ae - - 'or awa an ae 725-5692; nights 725-7871 children while mother works. Hours 7.30/.5, Se aT WONTEITH, RIEHL, rd crunted ftacapng ana sarden mainten-|Musical Services ~ Surrounding Districts & Sees ia Hy [hate at he iter « honors antrum talienne nia Oe! nartered ft oe -- Olen aie eens organ! Guaranteed Satisfaction | 5 \ Apply | Carmichael's Barbeque, Pa8rklorder cook, Apply Mr. Campbell, Gen- hartered s Sooo Street North, Ost Loam. and Gravel tuning and repair instruments appraised. 7 " <=. 1 Road South. 'osha Hotel. WH, 2-080, Whitby MO os sol" Washed 'Stone. Fill Ab cmacah in nelitndenana Paul Cieslar, Prop. ' { PER HOUR tor experienced "Wwnch|@eLia RELIAGLE person to live ond COMPOSING WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered ' Optometrist 511 Dean Ave. 725-0500 y aN Y x ate ant bpp Atle 7. or. four. ¢ cy yer Coder veiey arc | j : 73-1633, countants, 114 King Street East, Oshawa; E. : I leveled Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA; G. Edmond Beane: 1ote reveled. © & TUCK, 80, Optometrist, PI joad South at Hillside. : Bulent CA Tee OKs, Chartere Loaders, Trucks for 'hire. pay accounts at downtown « Dazinion TELEVISION f onal d ae TELEPHONE SOLICITOR, heating =pPll RELIABLE woman to care for children, ROOM JAMES BROOKS, Chai > or ree 4587. t inet necessary. : ae ee Pe, Shona BEATTY HAULAGE |= ; SERVICE MERE Aue A DIAMETER ie pus boner "Telephone "ASI, $00" 7|aN Hah hovsekeeping while mother APPRENTICE Centre, 725-9953 2 725 9] 56 Painting and Decorating 'All Mokes. COPPER IKA ME SMALLEST x 10,30 a.m. only. : phone 668-5493. . BANANA: OWN STA Cater te moto, DEWAR, ere Buia, Sepang. Pics Simian cae] Sets Repaired in your home. | eu um ck sien lS ATRICAN WATIVE DEED arg Sea eaeiece Sg nak ARE WANTED, Son 286 King Street West, Oshawa, 728- a . t) L E METHOD OF WALKING on HI i ering other mailing proce- ati dec ane CLANCY'S Accounting Servi ce. Instruction Wayne Appliances IN ee on AND FEET AT4HE AGE OF THREE AND WAS bad helptue ie be able to file and|WAITRESS experienced, one days. WANTED ete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond|LILLIAN MAE MARSH, DEA Dancing DODD and SOUTER Talents 723-1411 Sune) 2,500 MILES. | NEVER ABLEo WALK UPRIGHT. handle mailing lists accurately. Apply|Apply Soutnond Restaurant, 5 Bloor East. 4 SProct 'West, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. School, Ballet, Tap, Acrobatic. Character, elephone * Wun teers 626 [aiving full particulars to: Box 113,|HOUSEWIVES, paritime, earn $900. to| Position n for Bright Street Wes ey. Pre-School, Kindergarten, Registration,| PAINTING AND DECORATING ISVs in ms dh te et Oshawa Times. $400. extra for Christmas shopping plus aging 9 Saturday morning, Sept. 7, Masonic CONTRACTORS Boy. Must have good ed- ° pe grat ee for year-old boy, 8.30) Wholesale benefits. For particulars, = oh ioeR sEnooC 'OF DANCING, Regis- Pointing, Paperhanging, TV TOWERS 1. cone Tae Me UONTED AT ONG slr oes ucation, to learn _ SAVE AT WESTERN tration 'Saturday, September 7 from 10| Gyptex, Full Wall Murals 7--Trailers 12--Articles Wanted Box' 114, Osbawa Times, WANTED AT ONCE sales clerk Br Wel ting and pas Ay op to 1 p.m., at Knights of Columbus Spray Painting PART-TIME pred 6 fo 10 p.m., clothing and -chil- , Bond Ontari ' ED TRAILER rates. Tag-A-Long/PIANO -- Wanted good used uptight dren's wear department. Experienced pre! work, Knowledge of typo- SERVICE CENTRE | Hal fone: sire an achat the 107 ae a Economy and Deluxe leaping Grallera. "Tralior" beaters. tl ocee Wit pay cash: Telephone 728-2695 Telephone Canvassers |ferred. Apply Box 47, Oshawa Times. writing ete jah Apply i 4 % "s, Ajax. Dial 942-3491. i i i RELIABLE in, five-d: P Repairs to All Makes and nursery. Telephone 728-7902. | NIGHTS 725-7426 Pricéd to suit your budget jaccessories, Miller's, Ajax. a! WANTED TO BUY -- one se? cf men's Required, remuneration by energy poor sg oy eS yeti ot 'switch vd far uppli- WILL GIVE piano lessons for _begin-| ¢ right hand golf clubs. Telephone 728-6952. salary and commission. Ex- : picpnimgtinmah ps ners, after schoo! hours, Call 7257497 iPersonal Service TERMS ARRANGED | RENT-A-TRAILER W cellent prospects,. Apply Transportation a oo og No phone calls : S ; Uberti AA lta ARO aD Cat "FIVE BAY TO SERVE YOU" J ONTARIO Hitches supplied. |- AUTO aEreine CO. Dumont Aluminum _ |ExPERIENCED waitress. Apply in per- DRIVING SCHOOL MODERN GRILL | OSHAWA TV Moving boat and cabin * | PRODUCTS LIMITED ii Wee aaulee Pais | OSHAWA TIMES i Wants Cars for Wrecking 333 Simcoe South Bor-B-Qued Chicken, Turke' trailers. ; | GIRL required for general office work. Q y Parts for sale, also scrap iron Some typing required. Write to Box 110, Barristers Made Pies arid Desserts. WE DELIVER | SIMCOE AT GIBB Opén Saturday. all day. Phone MIDDLE-AGED housekeeper for three Solicitor | Notary Public. Mortgage| insured -- qualified instruc- funds available, 36%2 King Street East,) tors. Appointments anytime. 723-1107. Res. 985-7163. Oshawa ond Whitby hasan ee peer eeerenre | i 725-9131 -2311--89 BLOOR E. roo lla Live in. Apply 307 ions ee Smee mel PHONE 726-6044. | tT Teen RD. sours 728-8180 te SHORTHAND ._ [sive s YOUNG MAN ree! Eas Mor! m 4 | sane ya |9--S Properties 13--Busi rtunities are | ___CEARN TO DRIVE |Plumbing ond Heating ~~ |Well Drilling--Digging Sar kalo. 9+ Rest Psa ein TYPIST OPPORTUNITIES we 'MALt summer business. Coftages, cab- RALPH JONES, BA and THOMAS H. ivi |BILL LEMON, well digging, clean-outs, i a ; Leading Publi © GREER, Associate Barristers and solick| OShawa Driving School jALL TYPES oF repairs and remodeling, |qeepening, compresser work. Phone corraaEs and lots on the 'Black ins and store on Sturgeon Lake. Call col required by ing Publishers have we i Street East, 728-6246. ING |rew and used materials. Reasonable 728-0911 River, 10 miles north of Uxbridge. |lect. Scarboroug . vacancies for Agents to se' ae Ree cone . : DAY or EVEN rates. Estimates free. Dial 723-1193. jh Black River Securities, UL ok i to sell ity A d | subscripti Willing to start at the bot- Mortgage toans available. } iLLIA KROONTJE i diggi t (i SILENT PARTNER wishes to sell equ manufacturing company new and renewal subscriptions MANNING F SWARTZ and RONALD L. Late Models, Standards _|4_Foley. Cupereiee Woke cherunt ak aigaina 3 26831 coller' tor _appointmen in garage and service station, Oshawa seadite At to a wide range of publica- tom and work hard in secur- ee or aval Sere aT era Automatics Dual Controled. oe yy; gg owes ig a hla Ask arid RA no ee ve Aci vad Ano te week Pete Goin conten Haws interest, se oath Ne Cla tions. No experience neéces- ing a solid and rewarding oe ee amldanea,. dial |! 'a., Plumbin pLireme sivie._ cones 4 F ince. Excellent oppor: i iy sary and all stationery, etc. i f i i ' 9. heating and Engineer-/WELL DIGGING by machine, specializ- ¢ » ly.» Conveniences.|other part of province. Excellent oppor+} Applicants must be exper: ry, Street East, 723-467. Residence, dial OSHAWA AND WHITBY = {ing," 255 Simece Strat on Eng ing in 30-inch tile. W. Ward, "204 Chest- iw ft ladle aaa tunity to right party. Interested persons! enced dictaphone and short- supplied. A pleasant way to future with the largest and 722 £79. | * Street West, PO B 329, Whitb a ly need apply to Box 111, Oshawa fastest in of CALL 728-0091 nut Street West, ox : Y, only pply ean those bxtra dollars. 7) fastest growing company i hand typist, Please phone e a 'op HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILLMAN /Rug-Upholstery Service 668-2563 or 668-3809. TWO FURNISHED cottages for sale on) Times. a ' - commissions paid, Write Box its kind Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King Street » PIANO | Lake Simcoe. Satrifice sale on each forl mopERN CUT STONE service siation Ajax 942-2120 -- d, x Gs Naty ac w Anton, us SICAL d: POPULAR SURSTERIIELDS re-upholstered and| 1--Women's Column cash. Telephone 725-0188. and restaurant for rent, in centre of! , Oshawa Times. - Wa satienll sdeiee G, $. Boychyn, + W. A. B C Be {re-styled ret estimates. See it 7 A " i Office: 725-1177, 'Residence: 728-4326. CLASSICAL an rial for re-covering, Dalton Upholstering, PERMANENTS on special. Page Halr-|BOBCAYGEON -- Pigeon Lake, Buck's tsa oi Winker carea ton K for -eppomment RESPONSIBLE have good references and at Whitby 668-2761, 725-4604. NHA and other : For information contact \pe Char'es Street. 723-7212, aressing, 396 Pine Avenue, Telephone/jay. Fine family 3 bedroom cottage, better. than average station, - well to- C SMETICIAN teat fede ane eie ¢ ) F | | BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister,| Dual controlled cars fully | Diners, Fish 'n Chips, Home SUPPLY LIMITED MONTY'S BA SERVICE | and metals, etc., bought, EXPERIENCED Oshawa Times. 18 to 23 years of age mortgage funds available. [HAVE -Yo 775-5363. nitely furnishea on safe sand waterfront h UR chesterfield ite factory i cated. Post Office Box 220, . Oshawa, JOSEPH C. VICTOR, BA, LL.B, Bar- PATRICIA TUCK lre-bullt, Low prices Teoshne, 728.3281, ie wee in 8 oe ears tenn Asked Ont. SALESLADY bondable and neat in appear- rister, Solicitor and Notary Public. § Sim- 74 BURK ST Evenings 728-2439. Kennedy Upholstering| 2----Personal Rieter, el. Water tanks, scrhaned Vora: STORAGE Ghd GHIGS TUS HG Ga ; , oe Ne ee ' |; imited. F YOU h drinking probi WWe|aen $7,800. Terms arranged. Newell and|truck, level loading: dewr, Ofer' space| Saleslady required\to run ance. JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB, SEMA Lee Lith ld |CHESTERFIELDS Box 333, Whitby, or eal eessoe" Melnerhey, Realtors, Bobcaygeon. snd|aveliabie, Vicinity' Wilson and King. . E To run récord department of : rebuilt. recovered| 80 Ys Y cosmetics department. Ex- | Apply in person Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- inden. 738-2532 Available For lease or rent. f lie The Commercial Bullding, 286 King Mortgages |ressonabie, Srtistaction guarantee' Nait| TRANSPORTATION for two fo Toronto,|'Vinden Mackie's Van and Storage, Ltd. 728-6279 i ith f hi iyeelt eters. Expartoriey': se- West, Oshawa Ontario, | Client "parking |e frantan reborlt Oshake Unnettery "Cou phon ve Eaton's of Canada. Tele-/i axe scuGOG, five-room modern cot. --~--"EROOKLIN HOTEL perience wi ranc ise eiitial Va all chain ot tm: Mornings between available. 725-4716 or 725-4717. HOP "va e e 8: '0 B hone tage by week or month. Adults preferred. k d ditio i 4 Ff z tion--"'Miscellaneous for Sale' jond Wost. Dia: 725-0311. i make-up and conditioning DODDS AND DONALD, Barristers and Otay tres loaded with wonderful offers, CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- LEN PU LLAN Acoli nical BROOKLIN, ONT. rations refer- por gd yean sales salary 8 and 10 A.M. Solicitors, etc. 69 King Street East. |covered like new. Get the best for less at| STURGEON LAKE -- Blytheshore, 4 year preparatl Pp will depend upon experience. Telephone 723-2201. h ENGLISH TAILOR od frame cottage, insulated, very smart FOR SALE OR RENT i IMMEDIATE Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe South.| red. Salary will depend Reply to CHAMBERS 77-2278. Residence Phones: J. M. Greer, 'Sales and Service tions, etc. Invisible mending, Hydro, picture window, hot water tank, M, COL! tary Public. Bank of Commerce Bulld- Low monthly payments. 18 BOND ST. W. Mcinerney, Realtors, Bobcaygeon and rey |RARE OPPORTUNITY inton, QC; G. M. Di in, QC, 3 | i i j Ceeighto eC wee oe ae Mr. James 728-2868 Ammo, reloading equipment, Oshawo, September 3 ond KASHARO® | [eatery | Sarceen. re : liatora lads tar conouenel BUDGET CONTROL OFFICER Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 1 r i Sens ri tt ith b lors, ees 11 King 'Street Exal, Dai Ist and 2nd ethno bation Specialist in garment altera- land' garage, Modern. kitchen and. bath APPLY upon experience. Write BOX 109 QC 725-3068) Terence V. 'Kelly, BA, BCL, Mortgage Loans "ARTS GUN 1 REPAIR" | dress alterations, TY' aerial, dock. Completely furnished, 4! 78 King St. sig Se BOX 108 FOOD CLUB i b i ir , | CREIGHTON: ORYNAN" AND ANYWHERE 10 FRINGE ST. property. deel family "or retirement| AFTER' P.M. 723-9210 |___ OSHAWA TIMES 933 Ritson Road South ing, 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, A Removal of superfluous hair,' |minden, 738-2532 CITIES gages and agreements of sale bought . | components, 4th. Phone Genosha Hotel |7, 0. A. McKellar, RR 4, Peter-| Neehla . After hours Whitby 668-2497 phd absinad , : | position in small office, Ideal anc. sold, Mortgage Funding r hour itby on these dates for appoint borough. SERVICE | Gerking! conditions: Rrings SALARY RANGE $4, 980 " $5, 908 Newly decorare' throughout, oil heat, HD MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No GUNSMITH 728-5311 segs A terms arranged. Newell and ney. OSHAWA' TIMES 17--Male Help W. p Wanted Ontario, 723-3446; Residences: T. Call or Evenings Guns bought, sold traded. Marie Murduff will be in JOSEPH F. rapier egy ac, iH 167 Rosehill Boulevard 728-9731 ment. PIGEON LAKE -- Nogies Creek, Bobcay- benefits available. Work is King Street East, Oshawa. 728-8732. Oshawa, Ontario P amermnea ELECTROLYSIS ae a st ig BAP Ae et aL of a secretarial and stenogra- Establish ond maintain a system of budgetary controls, cover- mepianon a, BASTEDO, Barristors Need A Ps died AND ~TROLLOPES--oniari; 723- 4641 bathroom, new electric HW Yank, range OIL CO LTD hag nature, _ --. ing all oreas of financial administration, familiar NR nc é is available . ¢__ Ontario and frig. All furrishings as new. Screen able typing, along with a accounting, municipal accounting, experience essential, exper- Ltd ee tee Mortgage Loan ? [eens muverore: Vit Bigin Street: Bast. Fs verandah, nicely landscaped lot with safe pleasant variation of other ience with municipal budgets desirable, be registered in or have 20 728-7336. Charles €. McGibbon, QC Phone 725-6881. Pee sto. a $5,995, i ' Edgar F. Bastede, ac. : PRIVATE PARTY TO INVEST \lsowevan AND FLEISCHMANN, On- 3 Pets & Livestock pebble aniorner: Raslre Bobcay- HAS A PRIME LOCATION, office duties. Shorthand not completed recognized accounting course. ZT. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solici- TGAGES |tario Land Surveyor. Commercial blue/ DNCHSHUND puppies, purebred. Reason-|geon and Minden, 738-2532, essential but desirable, Ap- tor, etc. 13% Slmece Street Nortn,| 'N Ist and 2nd MORTGAGES [print 11 Ontario Street. 725.5632, nore 5. COTTAGE, RICE LAKE -- Three bed- SERVICE STATION FOR plicant musi be capable' of Peesurscsiancs Close 5 p.m. Sept. 6th, 1963 flies 723-1101, Residence 725-5542 Agreements for sale and p GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, quarter|Oom®" Fathroone ie Mag aligghios LEASE ON A MAIN accepting reasonable amount Bookkeeping "| mortgages purchased. Low |TV--Radio Repairs horses, cats, registered. Cony J "Ranchliawn, beach and 'ishing. Sacriee, "7z| . ARTERY IN OSHAWA | of responsibility. Apply in APPLY SN ites, your mortgage prob-. | ennels, ampion bloodlines, si Serv-| 7973. own handwriting stating qual- BOOKKEEPING Services, income Tax rs t ~q |ices. Ashburn, Brooklin 655-4662. Save -------------------- tinati rh "| lems glad'y discussed. No | HOUSEKEEPING cottages, Kennisis GALLONAGE IS NOW ifications, past work experi views. 708 Newmon Crescent woos." fees. No waiting. Immediate | rer aera vases eg ager gar ere rar | faci ogy HEE oe ar Themen vee 140,000 GALLONS PER YEAR ig a0 ee oe ~ PERSONNEL OFFICER a pA aaa agemee saat am "| _ service for quick results. | Guaranteed Parts and Service id b ae tines ey [ene for fahing, ahd sulumn color. Mis) cet hoe three bays and to Box 116, awa Times. 7 Building Trades CALL ANYTIME 723-3291} Ty senuine Strawberry rvan stallions Telephone Bow-| Phone Zien NSNRMTION Ont) ie This is 0 very [-- CITY OF OSHAWA CHIMNEYS built, sidewalks and stoops. or 725-2539 manville 623-2916, Ge Cape, good opportunity to have a F brickwork. F. McCann, Brooklin, - | DAY OR EVENINGS BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for|pressure system, boathouse, your own business with a TOYS-FUN-$$$ SuLLbOTINe "ond eating Fee MORTGAGE 728- 5286 | Broad, 14 Ergin Street East bale Rater. " hese Nesbitt, Nestleton, Salary mil bole te ore in WE ARE LOOKING FOR OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS estimates. Call Taylor Bros., 26 Hill- EA sith a ae | POINTER -- Gi , Short hair, regis-| 986-4894. bad Sen LOANS iw Te fur years oi, gand om hens Rete osoune TO EARN EXTRA CHRISTMAS ROOFING -- ail types and repairs. M : ' eG decd rita : For interview write Gu "fai ¥ joneys for first mortgages | MONEY lel iene aL rooee Servite colls $2.50 | Shee, anes Ge) Fall 'Specials W. G. ROGERS BY WORKING EVENINGS PRINTER OSes ROOFING," sningies: Toot and able Cee n Mortgaae Bhd pin a, sod at pets for childrén. Telephone COTTAGE LOTS 4 CARLAW AVE., TORONTO SEPT., OCT., NOV. vers instaliec. Si ir a bonu i leachate " athens. Workmanship, "materials. guaran. No charge for valuations New 21" ore Tubes 1 WOULD like a nice Horie Yor a Ger- FOR SALE OR PHONE 40 5-3511 We will train you as a party feed. H. Tucker 728-0826. Mortgages and Agreements. Gk low 0s 19:66 man Shepherd dog. Female, spayed. | demonstrator. To. sell a full Must be given away as we are movin: | ROOFING, concrete floors, flat roofing] purchased. All work guaranteed. Good WAIN children Tastee, 9-| Cash or low terms. Best of --~==--t| line of toys. Commission. Car an spaciatty New | work and repairs Moneys for second mortgages OS ee fishing on the Trent River _|14--Employment Wanted essential. No investment, de- and Construction, 725-8937." "9! Fost ME SWARTZ Dominion Television 5--Farmer's Column south of Campbellford. _ WILL give experienced care to children liveries or collection. i i home, five days a week. Tele- Your Locat Hi a ie aR are level and seeded wit in my le. Chimneys 'built ond repaired, gee ie 26Y2 King St. East ang ie Dominion fire representative, 1s4s1ur| plenty of trees, god road and [Phone _723-1047. CALL NOW _ kage lastalled. turneces vacsumied. - Pree! Osh 0 | Dial 728-5154 Jevenings after 6, 725-7263. hydro, For information, write |WILL GIVE day, evening and weekend 668 5253 estimates. 723-2997 shawa, Ontario cane ae aa Wight IGS ald or phone ir hog syrgpee Dy va: Hee oa oem lad | ; a icinity south end ALL TYPES of buliding repairs, root, 723-4697 | on dead and crippled farm stock. Tele- inn firepl oops. 'ae | Jack Meier, Box 293 WORKING OTRAS sratiiee ay f Bern tay. Ya [MORTGAGE MONEY | 'Y TOWERS Ger heim] ih Mele, ined, tania ante As! OFFICE HELP PLASTERING AVAILABLE Austen: Maal <cit ee pa ll ly . r two childr 'en yai " New and repairs, stucco, Low Interest fNep Want Ads rticles For Rent Motors vicinity. Phone 728-6844, Young woman for clerical ' CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church tas . cement work, parging base- TRIO aisle runners. Fox rentals, 412 Simcoe! 16----Female Help Wanted position. Experience in hand- ments. Remodelling. Work- Valuations Arranged North li h . : one ' ! ha PRACTICAL nurse, pei posit ing cash, Good in mathema pacha ore Residential TELEVISION hold the key Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses |Apply_Box 107 Oshawa Times, tics. 'Some bookkeeping A. WOODS 728-3420 | City and District 171 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA Punch Bowls GIRL knowledge 'deviable. : Coffee U ACKERMAN | Summer Properties 728-6781 ie Silver Tea Service | Must be neot, pleasant, for APPLY TO | 4 steak bar, Good worki con- Excavating -- Loading | Vacant Land 2----Personal |2----Personal Silver Candelabra dition. wre i? oh MRS: BOWMAN Sand, Gravel, Fill | Sargeant's Rentals phy ery Ladeaaiae Rellee Mcitation 725- 3338 | MEXICANA GRILL CHERNEY BROS. easonable: Rates | E: _816 KING' ST, WES rane a ses | SUMMERLAND MI KE' S D RIVE. IN RENTALS CLERK mae 80 KING ST. EAST Comtens __ SECURITIES HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT-- GENERAL soytine. Cal "after" 6 pon" Gems' | LIMITED UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT a oe oe Pe OFFICE WORK EXPERIENCED a i nail pullers, staplers, JOHN'S MOVING AND CARTAGE, 112 Simcoe St. North cutters, tile cutters, caulking pepe Sure, nenoeais: reves Pulty| Oshowa, Ontorio--725-3568 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Conway Quns, tape -- TV ah Folowing up. orders, thacke: HAIRDRESSER . G oe a | i ios, ti ish- ; ; s Classified Ad Rates on vocnun cleaner, Pissel Mud se fag Pidke FOR RUGMAKERS 25 WORDS OR LESS | GIBBONS AND KING STREETS Piabia lygg gbadterp ad tion ond answer correspon- Clientele desirable. good By ALICE BROOKS i dehumidifiers, air condition- Better described offers get faster results. er, flight bags, megaphone dence. Must have experience. hours, minimum night work, Discover the fun of rug- Cash Charge 1 ' speaker, strapping machine, Excellent salary could be of- pleasant Se conditions. |making -- choose the size, 6 consecut net a Formerly Fred's Drive-In i "ex. : ; bomuna me" : j eciters, sewing" machines, | fered to person with the perettit.? Role" wet nae ee _ Count each word, initial, figure or abbreviation as one word. cen ig i coffee urns, right qualifications. iable. Inqdiries confidential, hobby hit!' ig tigina te OAL, FALL FORECAST eer ee Ra OF F ICIAL OPENING CAMERA EQUIPMENT--35 Apply by letter crochet, hook for conversation 't not paid within 7 devi. hae rate 'applies < en lide pistes Aare os Doh giulby semen LU CIENNE rugs for any room. Pattern By ANNE ADAMS Professional listings only, 3 lines per month ; R "| projector, slide projector, re ere BOR eepected salary, 7315; patterns; directions. _ Shapely Sheath -- never done Eoch additional line per month : i ; SATU DAY AUGUST 31st movie camera, screen, sun- | CURVPLY BEAUTY. SALON THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) /pettey than in this design with (Not applicable for inhintie: advertisements.) i gun, binoculars, | 1 for this pattern (no stamps, princess seaming, pocket flaps : GARDEN EQUIPMENT--Elec- |\W/OQOD PRODUCTS 29% SIMCOE SOUTH, « please) to Alice Brooks, carelty underscore the long-waisted . DEADLINES ; lalicina i tric hedge clippers, post hole Cnt Ne be : of The Oshawa Times, Needle- Specializing in ge DIAL 723-9411 me 5 p.m. day previous augers, lawn mowers, lawn | ORONO ONT - craft Dept., Oshawa, Ont. On-| printed Pattern 4524: Misses' | + Classified Display 2:30 p.m. day previous rollers, garden sprayer, seed- | __ ' : tario idents add tic. sales 16, 18. 1 Births, memoriams, cards of thanks -- 9 a.m. day of publication. ROTQBURGERS ial CHIPS ers, lown sweeper, fence tax. Print plainly PATTERN roeiien 2% poi 39- Haha es oS pit oe Me neta CHEESE BURGERS Sana series evn roe EXPERIENCED NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS, lric Cancellations and Corrections--8: 30 a.m. day of publication. 1963's Biggest Needlecraft| FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins ' tors, sod cutters, garden tiller, The shows Times wi ESULATIONS | . MILK SHAKES-SUNDAES flame gun. SECRETARY-STENOGRAPHER ang maging ot No gee agree ey ie Oshowa Times will not be respon: lor erro! tise. - - i ; ' . ments subenitted otheriethe Guia in pace a ps cee oar BANANA SPLITS ig 7 egg Eye ala SO FOR ACCOL NTING DEPARTMENT craft Catalog! Plus. over 200/sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, one incorrect insertion of any advertisement, nor beyond the : cage Hers: Tale -iberaee fresh-to-you designs to knit,;NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE price charge for a single insertion of the advertisement in which Coleman \ stoves, lanterns, Dut ncl t fina | ent ic- ferochet, sew. weave, embroi-/ NUMBER. error occurs. x SOFT ICE, CREAM coolers, car top carriers, wa- sebla ave, ok ote tue Cie der, quilt. Plus free pattern.) PATTERN FREE! Mail cou- The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising ter skis, life jackets, out- | bent Send 25c, now! pon inside new Fall-Winter Pat. according to its proper classification, Open 7:30 A.M. Until Mid-Night board motors, , ing salary plus company benefits, Location in MeN tern Catalog, ready now! Over In the case of display advertisements, The Times will not be ro So ee STAN'S -- d 44 [300 design ideas, all sizes, Send held responsible for more space than that in which the aétual Come in and see us. Free Orange and Ginger Ale to evelyone. Sharpening Ghd Rahiale Lid : TELEPHONE MRS. ANGEL Wa nt-A\ S$ Don T " a eee ANNE ADAMS, : } : end orders to occupies. The publish: indeavour t id Hl ad ; pri matter correctly, tut emma 60 liability of odvertinenert . : TAKE OUT ORDERS | 223 King St."W., Oshawa AJAX 942-5080 Cost-They Pay care of The Oshawa Times, Pat a 3 re 4 " t if eny inaccuracies in any form ere contained therein. Phone 723-3224 tern Dept., Oshawa, Ont,