party. Mr. Caouette said his na- tional leader is "lukewarm" to Social Credit. principles and is turning a deaf ear to Quebec's demands for equality. "Thomson and his group tend to be all things to everybody," Mr. Caouette said. "For them principles are only secondary.' In reply, Mr. Thompson said in an interview: "Tt is evident that Mr. Caou- ette has planned and is succeed ing in giving himself a publicity buildup for the coming Quebec provincial convention this week- end in Granby." He described Mr. Caouette's statements as '"'democracy in disorder."" "I have more confidence in the intelligence and responsibil. ity of the people of Quebec than to think that they will be influ- 32--Articles For Sale GILSON oll burner and forced air blower, all controls, $60. Telephone 723-2477. TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, dupll- REFRIGERATOR, range, washing ma-|cators- . ¢hequewriters, comptometers, chine and television. All In good condi-|three hundred new and used. We buy,| tion, Must sell, After 6 p.m. call 728-|sell, rent, service. Hamilton Office Equip- 3887. ment, 137 Brock South, Whitby. VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes. Free estimates. Parts, attachments, brushes, hoses, guaranteed rebullt ma- chines. Rentals, Wallace Vacuum Ser- vice. Call anytime 728-0591. 1947 "HARLEY" cash, PIANO, Mason and Risch, walnut finish. A-1 condition, $250. City Trading Post, 445 Simcoe Street South, WEST 21" console television, $70. Ti 33--Market Basket PEACHES Red Haven and Jubilee SHOPPING CENTRE MARKET Friday, twelve to seven p.m. Look for C, H. FUZZEN, (fruitgrower) Jordan Station. 34--Lost and Found FOUR months old, chestnut colt with star and strip, two white socks, lost from Mc- C 's Barn. Taunton West, on Fri- Reward. 728-4028, day. brown leather, 32--Articles For Sale 1960 LAMBRETTA scooter, top cindition. Must sell. Make an offer. 266 Kaiser Crescent. 725-5666. 32--Articles For Sale USED car parts. used tires, all sizes, spirdies and wheels for trailers. Apply 50% Bloor Eas!. Diai 723-2281. STOVE, Frigidaire, 40 oven and timer. Good 668-2535. 32--Articles for Sale WE buy, sell and exchange used furnl- ture or anything you have. The City Trading Post Stores, 440 Simcoe' Street South and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671. RUNABOUT, 16-ff. 50 hp Johnson motor and trailer, $600. Telephone Ajax 942-3147. STUDENTS A super value, approxi-|SELLING furniture or We'll mately 630 sheets of le\ter size typingijbuv' ir for top cash. Telephone Cal paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap |Biake's Furniture and Appliances Store, Whitby |King Street East. 728-9191, ply Oshawa Times Office, B. F. GOODRICH STORES -- Tires, 111 Dundas Street West. 7 Batteries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele TELEVISION Tower Special, 40 ft. struc- vision. Thrifty. Budge? plan. 7: : ture. including all channel antenna in- Stalied and gueranteed by experts with}GOLF CLUBS, MacGregor, one and three 10 years' experience, $50, Trio Television,|woods, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 9 irons and wedge. 18-6781. Ben Hogan mallet head, putter, 14 clubs, pro bag, English cart. Will trade for BUYING or seliing furniture or appll-|7v2 hp outboard motor, preferably Scott- ences. Call Elmer Hampton, 263,2294 or 263-2695, BUY and seil, gocd used furniture and sppliances.. One location only, Pretty's Surniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271 upright, $175. Telephone 26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Weduesdey, August 28, 1963 BIRTHS ULASSIFIED DICKINSON -- Jack and Roberta (nee ADVERTISING hi t the birth rie) are: Bapey to sareunce 290. ir (Continued from Page 25) their son, John Stewart, 9 Ibs., Tues- 29--Automobiles For Sala day, August 27, 1963, at Oshawa General Hospital. A brother for Larry, Patty, 1959 OLDSMOBILE, black, fully equipped, four new tires, good clean car. Also » Roberta and David. Many thanks fo Dr. C. E. Mcliveen and fourth floor staff. small tent trailer. Telephone 728-3380. 1962 CHEVROLET, Impala, two-door hardtop, fully $2550. T 15-5116. Thompson Says Couette May Burn Himself OTTAWA (CP)--Social Credit Leader Robert Thompson said Tuesday his deputy leader, Real Caouette, may "burn" himself in trying to light a big pro-Ca- ouette publicity fire in Quebec. Replying to a stinging attack by: Mr, Caouette, the national Social Credit chief said: "Mr. Caouette is attempting \to light a big fire. I hope he will not be too badly burned." He was referring to state- ments.made by Mr. Caouette in a Montreal interview about the weekend convention of .the Que- Inch, automatic condition. Dial LIVING ROOM drapes, modern pattern, three widths by 73", covers 144 inches. Forced to move. Reasonably priced. 728- 4586. SNOW TIRES one pair 850 x 900 x 14. Three months old. Not recapped tires. 19. motorcycle, $175 623-2266. McKAY -- Derrick Is pleased to an- founce the birth of his baby sister, Kim- berley Rose, weighing 7 Ibs, at Oshawa General Hospital, August 26, 1963. Proud rents are Gary and Sharon (nee ash), Thanks fo Dr. Mcliveen. DINING room suite, solid oak, five chairs, In perfect shape. Colonial style. Price $150, Must be seen to be appre clated. Dial 725-9971, F TOR, Crosley, large freez- ing compartment, very After 5 p.m. Telephone 728-2567. BED compiete,. dresser, three drawers. Also hand lawn mower, all in good con- dition, Dial 728-6578. MASTERCRAFT 8" table saw, Delco 14 hp motor both for $50. Kodak Brownie 8 movie projector, $40. T 728-1767. PIANO. Save $150 on Henry Herbert piano and bench made by Mason and Risch, One only floor model demonstrator. Direct blow action, full 88 note keyboard, 1955 BUICK, standard, two-tone radio, many extras, Full price $150. 640 Lans- downe Drive, Oshawa,' 1961 VAUXHALL stationwagon, twenty- five thousand miles, one owner, '$850 or best offer. T Whitby 668-5353. i959 PONTIAC Laurentian -- four-door, hardtop, 6 9 dition, $1300. Tel 1951 CHEVROLET sedan delivery & cylinder. New tires. Mechanically good. 725-7886 or 329 Drew Street. Atwater. Telephone 728-0049. GO HUNTING with hunting supplies from Dominion Tire! Guns, cloth- ing etc. Best prices in town. Try Do- minion Tire Store, 48 Bond West, HONEST Cal's Furniture and Appil- ances. Name brands at biggest dis- counts anywhere. We carry Restonic and Beverly mattress furniture lines. Your authorized GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal's on King Street East. Var- coe's Road, open 12 hours daily, 9.30 - °20. Telephone 728-9191. PAYNE -- Murray and Jean (nee Duff) fre happy to announce the birth of a daughter, at Port Hope Hospital on Thurs- day, August 8, 1963. A sister for Garfield, Jennifer, Rodney and Lance. WARD -- Ross and Pat (nee Maw) are sed fo announce the birth of @ son, ry! Lee, 7 Ibs, at Oshawa General Hospital on Saturday, August 24, 1963. Thanks to Dr. Halam-Andres and staff of 4th floor. 723-9366. Emaar ee ONE giris bicycle In good condition, $16.50, Telephone 668-3768. | TWIN laundry tubs, white enamel, like) new, in excellent condition, Telephone 728-3262. WALLET, Initials 8. J. W., last Saturday night, vicinity Regent Theatre, Genosha Hotel, contain- ing money. baseball ticket, 728-3504, Cutter Saves | PIANO, | 725-1260. lever action, Marlin, Your Friend In Need A Want Ad Indeed ! CUN 22 $50. New. 728-3925. Cae RANGE. Moffat, electric, heavy duty, In very good condition, Reasonable price, In INTRODUCE your son or daughter with "en Oshawa Times birth notice. The rate fs $1.50. Phone 723-3492 and our staff will @ssist you in writing a notice. 1959 VAUXHALL Velox, dark grey, very good condition. Telephone 728-5425. 1960 CHEVROLET, halif-ton, pick-up, low mileage,' very good condition. Telephone 728-5179. DEATHS BOSLEY, Alvina At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Monday, August 26, 1963, Elvina Bosley,| aged 77 years, beloved wife of Norman Bosiey, RR 4, Bowmanville and dear| mother of Cameron, Michael, James and} Kathleen (urs. William McCabe) Rest-) Ing at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow-| manville. Service in St. Joseph's Roman} Catholic Church on Thursday at 10 a.m.| interment Bowmanville Cemetery. | " | = sCOWAN, Violet Mary Su Suddenly, at her residence, 62 Liberty =e Bowmanville, on Tuesday, August "@, Violet Mary Cowan, beloved wife} the late Percy Cowan and dear mo-) wMher of Mary (Mrs. Leon Connors) and} "Bom, grandmother of Margaret, Bar-| Abera, Ellen, Lori and Theresa. Resting! s@t Northcutt-Smith Funeral Home, 53 division Street North, Bowmanville. Fu- Meral 9.30 am. Friday, St. Joseph's @hurch for Requiem Mass at 10 a.m. In-| Merment Bowmanville Cemetery. Recita-| Wilion Rosary at 8 p.m. Thursday. wes TYRRELL, Edward Henry eelintered into rest in the Oshawa General -Mospital on Monday, August 26, 1963, edward Henry Tyrrell, beloved, husband ~<@ft the late Catherine Rachel Lashbrook, weWather of Mrs. Fank ->hnson (Lillian), ers. George Jarvis (Ani.c). Pearl, Leon- @e@rd, Victor ali of Oshawa, Survived by Sfeurteen grandchildren and five great 'andchildren. Mrs, James Board athieen), Thomas of . Toronto, d- ward of Windsor, in his 84th year. Rest- twg at the Armstrong Funeral Home with memoriai service in the chapel Thursday, « |black. viny: roof, 1963 CHEVROLET SS, two-door hardtop, ivy green with light green interior and V8, automatic. Tele phone 728-8200. 1955 PONTIAC, radio, need cash, only $250.. Apply 100 Buckingham or fele- phone 728-2758. 1963 CHEVROLET impala super sport, two-door hardtop, black with red trim, power windows and aerial, 300 hp, auto- matic, metallic brakes, many other ex- tras, Can be seen at 877 King Street East. 1963 MERCURY Monterey. $800 down or trade. Balance 36 months. Apply 205 iupin Drive, Whitby 1957 PONTIAC 2-door hardtop, red and) white with black interior.. Sharp . looking car. Telephone 623-5589. 1958 OLDSMOBILE 98 Starfire, Immacu- late condition throughout. Fully power equipped. Apply 202 Highland Avenue. 728-5657. 1957 VOLKSWAGEN, completely recond)- ioned. New crankshaft, bushings, tires. Must sell. $395 Telephone 723-4759. 1960 ENVOY station wagon, runs and looks like new, white and red color, eco- nomical, transportation. $750 or nearest offer. H. Glecoff, 174 Ritson Road South. 1961 SPRITE Mark 11, red-black con- vertible, new condition. Apply 117 Byng or 728-0937. IMPALA convertible, 1962, A-1 condition, fully power equipped, rear loud speaker, white walls, color black, red leather in- terior, Privately owned and driven, $2,750. Between 9-6 p.m. call 728-7586; evenings 728-2503. 1954 FORD, body and motor good condi-| tion. Telephone Hampton 263-2255 between A car, bicycle, motorcycle, baby crib, diamond ring, range, pet or whot-have-you? You are sure to get fast re- sults when you offer 'them for sale in the well read "Classified" Articles for Sale column. WANT ADS DON'T COST THEY PAY!!! CALL TODAY To Place Your Times Classified Ad 723-3492 sees Custom and Ready-Made - DRAPERIES Most Drapery Fabrics Regular Price per yard $1.98 SPECIAL NOW ce ree We install drapery tracks at a Nominal Fee M. and C. Drapery and Reasonable Prices CRUISETTE, 18 foot moulded plywood construction in excellent condition, sleeps two, 30 hp electric start motor. Heavy Guty trailer, $995 with terms. Apply 167 Ritson Road South. TYPEWRITERS, adding machines, sup- plies, sales, service and rentals, All ma- chines guaranteed. Cook's Office Equip- ment. 10 Richmond Street East. 728-8300. MOTORCYCLE, 74 Harley Davidson 1953, complete with rebuilt engine, new chrom- ing, tinted windshield. Newly painted black, extra chrome accessories, crash helmet and black leather jacket. Bargain $700 cash. Telephone 728-4727 after 6. BOAT, Hansa, 1? ft., day cruiser, motor and equipment, $1,700. Telephone Brook- lin 655-4985. WOODS tent trailer 1963 model, custom built, used for one vacation. Price $325. Telephone 723-3330, What's My Line? Buying or selling used fur- niture and appliances. For your needs phone, Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 or call at the store 16% Bond W: T.V. TOWERS AUGUST SPECIAL 40 ft. Tower Structure with All-Channel Antenne Installed $50 Oshawa T.V. Supply Ltd. 361 Gibbons St. 728-8180 CRUISER good fone quality, deluxe satin walnut finish. Reg. price $839. Sale price $689. Wiison and Lee, Ltd., 87 Simcoe Street North, 725-4706, DRYER, Viking, four months old. Com-|Ruc bination freezer-refrigerator, Telephone 725-2833, 21 cu, ft. $25. T 728-0800. BICYCLE, CCM, hardly used, excellent condition, excellent gift for birthday, Chr as. 725-0105 after 6.30 p.m. x 69"; baby carriage; bassin- ette; baby swing; child's scooter. All articles in good condition. Dial 728-0364. FLYING BRIDGE 18 ft. 6 inch Cabin Cruiser, 60 h.p. motur, controls, lights, 2 gas tanks, sleeps 2. Full price complete $1500. No down payment, $60 month. FOR casi. $250 diamond ring, like new, $100. $150 diamond ring, $50, Call 725-1328 after 6 p.m. CHROME fe, table, 4 chairs, very good coi: + $20. Apply 184 Stevenson Road South, Apartment 2. Call 728-4390. THE easiest way to find a buyer for the car you want to sell is with a far- reaching Oshawa Times Classified Ad Just dia! 723-3492 today for a helpfal, courteous Ad Writer. Will trade up or down any year car, FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE 728-7375 Engraved mirror 5' x 212' cost $118.00. Sell for $75.00. Sectional Chester- field with end table arms, cost $429.00, sell for $200.00. Round Coffee Table, cost $38.00, sell for $20.00. 2 Lamps, cost $56.00, sell for $25.00. Set Dishes, setting for. eight, cost $68.00, sell for $30.00, Drapes 12' x 18', cost $330.00, sell for $175.00. Ninety feet of plank (2" x 12') $15. Adding machine $15. Grinder and motor $10. Tinsmihing foot shears, Fold- er, former, etc. $120. Roto- tiller $150, Bench saw with % h.p. motor $20. Briggs- Stratton gas engine $20, Toilet, seat, fixtures, basin and sink $30. Grocer's scales $75, ensilage forks, each $2. Posthole digger $3. Post driver (steel $3, Four chicken crates $5. Quantity of Cnickén. Wire $2. Quan- tity of plumbing fittings $3. TELEPHONE Two 8 Teen - Agers bec wing of the Social Credit enced by these tactics," he said. PORT COLBORNE, Ont. (CP) Eight teen-agers were rescued by a U.S. Coast Guard cutter early Tuesday after spending the night adrift on Lake Erie on a 23-foot pontoon craft. The teen-agers, summer resi- dents of nearby Morgan's Point, were wearing only swimming suits and had to do pushups dur- ing the night to keep warm. They set out in the eight-foot- wide craft Monday but the craft's 25-horsepower motor de- veloped trouble and they ran out of gasoline. Winds carried then, five miles out, Their families notified police Members of the grove were: Garth Snelling of Welland, Rob ert Roller and Garry Rentsch- ler, both of Williamaville, N.Y., Mike Knowles of Buffalo, N.Y.; Michael Edwards and Ave Gil- lem, both of St. Catharines and Larry Copasano and Samuel Sampson, both of Niagara Falls, Ont. PAY IN NAILS Every year Queen Elizabeth is paid six horseshoes and 61 COMING EVENTS NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENINGS 7:45 ot ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Game $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or triplea $160 IN JACKPOTS Door Prize $15 Smart Business People Sing the Praises of Oshawa Times Clossified _ Ads. TO - NIGHT LIONS BINGO 8:00 P.M. JUBILEE PAVILION Jackpot Nos. 51, 51 EXTRA BUSES FREE ADMISSION OSHAWA JAYCEES 20 GAMES AT $20 -- Monster BINGO Thursday, Aug 29th 5 GAMES AT $30 1 -- $150 JACKPOT $20 PER LINE PLUS $50 PER FULL CARD 2 -- $250 JACKPOTS JACKPOT NOS $10 PER LINE PLUS $200. PE NUMBERS THIS WEEK PLUS 51 and 56 R FULL CARD IN 51, 56 $25 CONSOLATION PRIZE 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. |1963 MERCURY Monterey convertible, in |perfect condition. Low mileage. Must sell |Leaving country. Telephone 728-1845. TRUCK, % ton, 1949 Dodge. Mechanically Good body. Will sell reasonable. 1239 Meadowvale Street. No. $75 To be sold as a group or indivndually as priced or best offer. PHONE 728-2976 August 29 at 2 p.m. Interment Mount awn Cemetery. WILSON, Baby im the Oshawa General Hospital on Mon-| @ey, August 26, 1963, baby boy Wilson,| 4 4nfant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson. >t (stillborn). Interment was In Mount Lawn|APPIY THREE-ROOM apartment, Cemetery, Oshawa. downe. Shopping Centre. LOCKE'S FLORISTS [Telephone 720-66. Funeral arrangement and 1952 METEOR, good running order (floor flora} seduitontents for all LA al Apply 564 Park Road South 728-6685. occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE SERVICE 21 ft., 75 h.p. Johnson com- plete, head, galley, foam mattresses, all equipped. Reasonably priced. MARTIN nails in rent for an old London property once occupied by a blacksmith favored by Henry Ill. $150 TQTAL PRIZES GUARANTEED IN THESE TWO GAMES EARLY BIRD GAME ADMISSION Red Barn, Oshawa $1.00 Dry Goods Store For your decorating needs Call us today 723-7827 AUTO ELECTRIC lina Street, Oshawa | 409 Brock S., Whitby, 668-3652 |36--Legal Loval Street a distance of 668.94 feet to a standard iron ber planted; THENCE N 71° 37' 45" E a distance of 162.00 feet to a standard iron bar planted in the East limit of said Lot 14 distant 666.83 feet measured S$ 18° 22' 15' E therein from the point of commencement; THENCE N 18° 22' 15" W along said East limit a dis- tance of 666.83 feet to the point of commencement; SECONDLY COMMENCING at a standard iron bar planted marking the intersection of the West limit of Laval Street os opened by By-Law No. 3006 with the North limit of Champlain Av- enue as Shown on Department of Highways of Ontario De- posited Plan No. -109, said intersection is distant 232.54 feet measured S 60° 18' 10" W along said North limit of Champlain Avenue from a Standard iron bar planted in the East limit of said Lot 14 distant 503.71 feet measured N 18° 22' 15" W therein from the South East angle of said Lot 14; THENCE N 18° 22' 15" W along the said West limit of Laval Street a distance of 386.71 feet to a standard jron bar planted; THENCE § 71° 37' 45" W a distance of 162.50 feet to a standard iron bar planted; THENCE S 18° .22' 15" E o distance of 248.80 feet ta a standard iron " THENCE N 71° 33' 45" E a distance of 97.04 feet to a standard iron. bar planted; THENCE S 18° 22° 15" .£ a distance of 151.30 feet to a standard iron bar planted in the North limit of said Champlain Avenue; THENCE N 60° 18 10" E along said North limit 66.77 feet to the point of com- mernicement; THIRDLY COMMENCING at a stand- ord iron bor planted in the North limit of Champlain Avenue as shown on Depart- ment of Highways of Ontario Plan P-2551-51 said standard iron bar may be located os follows; BEGINNING ot a_ standard iron bar planted in the in- tersection of the North limit of said Champlain Avenue as shown on Deposited Plan No. 109 with the East limit of said Lot 14 said standard iron bar is distant 503.71 feet measured N 18° 22° 15" W along said East limit from the South East angle thereof; THENCE $ 60° 18' 10" w rats eas Neeth limit of omplain Avenue a dis: of 300.38 feet; nlc po bapa S 63° 10° 45" w giong the North limit of pat lain Avenue as shown on Department of Highw: of Ontario Plan P-2551-510 distance of 196.06 feet to oe of commencement ° e herein descri e cel of land; THENCE contin: 10' 45" W along said North limit- of Champlain Avenue a distance of 538.13 teet: THENCE N 85° 58 W along a limit of Department 'of Highways of Ontario Depo- sited Plan No. 463 a dis- tance of 39.83 feet: THENCE N 18° 25° w con- tinuing along a limit of De- partment of Highways 'of On- tario Deposited Plan No. 463 a distance of 244.40 feet to a standard iron bar; THENCE N 71° 42° Eg dis- tance of 505.14 feet to a standard iron bar; THENCE N 71° 33' 45" £ @ distance of 64.48 feet to | 9 standard iron bar, planted: THENCE § 18° 22' 15" € | a distance of 180.22 feet to the point of commencement, 728-2490 EXTRA BUSES DOOR PRIZES 7. Lans- monthly. | 74 Ce |36--Legal LAND TITLES ACT IN THE MATTER OF Parts of the South-half of Lot No, 14, in the Ist Concession of the City of Oshawa, lying North Avenue, as arly described in "A" Attached here- 1956 PONTIAC sedan, V-8, standard shift, engine completely overhauled, excellent condition. Apply 93 Ritson Road South 725-4317. 1946 CHEVROLET sedan, good motor, tires and body. Price $75, Telephone 725-4919. 1958 DODGE Mayfair two-dor, automat. lc 8cylinder, new fires, 35,000 original miles, excellent condition. Apply Robbin and Dulmage, 1028 Byron Street South, Whitby 668-3346. 1957 METEOR, V-8, less than 15,000 on motor, fully equipped with new tires. Best offer. Telephone 728-5179. | 1957 MERCURY four-door hardtop, auto- BELLIS -- In loving memory of @ dear|matic, radio, black and white with father, George Bellis, who passed away|matching Interior. Very good condition. August 28, 1958. |Will be sold for best offer this week. --Lovingly remembered by Bert and) 668-4517. Marjorie. PHONE 28-6555 IN MEMORIAM BELLIS -- In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, George Bellis Sr. who passed away August 28, 1958. --Sadiy missed and ever remembered by George, Eva and grandchildren. 24 HOUR 7 Schedule to. NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN that Keld N , Inge Nu- gent, and E! Neilson Hill- mon, all of the City of Osh- awa, in the County of On- tario, and Elizabeth Neilson ond Edith Neilso the City of Toronto, County of York as Trustees in trust for themselves, car- ness in partner- ship as Nei 1s, have made on application to the Local Master of Titles at Whitby f* a certificate of title to this land of which they -lolm to be the owner in fee simple free from all encumbrances, except an Option dated July 10th, 1963, as to Part 1, given to Leo Marceau, Alcide Leclerc and Paul Groleau un- registered which has not yet been exercised by them, Right-of-woy in favour of PRINCIPAL: INVESTMENTS LIMITED, over Parts 2 and 3 as~-set out. in Deed No. 83473 ; Wherefore any other person having or. claiming: to have any title to or interest in the land or ony part thereof is required on or: before the 12th day of September 1963 to file a statement of his claim in my office at the Town of Whitby, and to serve a copy on the Applicant. The address of the Applicant for service is 725-5574 1. Keld Neilson, 486 Chom- plain Avenue, Oshawa, Ont- ario. 2. Mrs. Inge Nugent, 432 Champlain Avenue, Oshawa, Ontario 3. Mrs. Elsie Neilson Hillman, 37 Thorntons Read South, Oshawa, Onta 4. Elizabeth side Avenue, ario. 5. Edith side Avenue, ario, DATED oat Whitby this 22nd ay of August, 1963 W. H, Moorhouse, Deputy Local' Master of Titles. SCHEDULE "A" July 2, 1963. BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 $ ALL CASH $ For Clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 668-8001 - 668-8101 30--Automobiles Wanted NEVER sel) your car or half-ton pick. up-untii you see Nels Hyland, 1750 fanforth Avenue, Toronto, HO 1-6364 LAKESHORE Auto Wrecke: for wrecking. Highest prices paid BURR -- In loving memory of a dear mother, Grace, who passed away August 28, 1942, --Ever remembered by husband Bill, daughter Mabie. GRAY -- in loving memory of our dear fon and brother, Norman Gray, who gave his life in italy, August 28, 1944. Each dawning day a thought of him, At eventide a prayer, And in the hearts that loved him He always will be there. Each flower and leaf may wither, Each evening sun may set, But the hearts of those who loved him, Are 'the ones who never forget. Lovingly remembered by Mother, Dad and Family. FRESH MEATY -- NOT FROZEN SPARE RIBS SWIFT'S PREMIUM -- CRY-O-VAC -- PEAMEALED COTTAGE ROLLS MAPLE LEAF BRAND 39° LB. KERR -- In loving memory of a dear fhusband and father, James Kerr, who passed away August 28, 1949. We do not need a special day To call you to our mind, For the days we do not think of you Are very hard to find. --Ever remembered by wife and family. rs want cars| LONG -- In loving memory of a dear} 220) husband and father, James Gordon Long, who passed away August 28, 1953, Wentworth East. 725-118) | Ten years, ye! it seems but yesterday,|,5 >» =a mo ATA Ly "aaasst | We love you and we miss you. still, | 100 CARS WANTED | --Ever remembered by wife Ella, son | Gordon, daughter Velma and grandchil-| } dren. Buyi Ne ? juying a ew Car' SWIFT'S PREMIUM SMOKED PICNICS COMPARE AT 61¢ FANCY SOCKEYE SALMON COMPARE AT 49c PREM LUNCHEON MEAT COMPARE AT 33c KRAFT JET PUFF MARSHMALLOWS HEINZ COMPARE AT 79¢ VINEGAR FOR FOOD PROTECTION SARAN WRAP Roll 39x NO. 1 FREE STONE -- JUBILEE PEACHE NO. 1 SMALL COOKING ONIONS Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk 'Cash' to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS | 723-4494 Res. /31---Automobile Repair 1 wonder why you had to die |JACK SHORTT'S Auto Body (Rear of! Without a chance to say good-bye, 83 Bloor East) special on rocker sills Though out of sight you're ever. stili/$!9-5. Free estimates. Open evenings, --Sodly missed by wite and son' Buddy, | HOUSTON'S GARAGE _ and SERVICE STATION | TEXACO | PRODUCTS | 67 KING ST. WEST ho never forget. 723-7822 2 and grandvon 32--Articles for Sale ROSS RIFLE ANTED Oshawa 725-8183 MCCLIMOND -- Ir, | McCLIMOND -- In loving memory of a dear husband and father, William Mc-| Sarena who passed away August 28, 58 He bade no one his last farewell, He said good-bye to none, The heaveriy gates were open, A loving voice said "Come", | often sit and think of you, The things you used to say, WIENERS » ge | PICKLING SALT COOKING FOIL "=": 39° 11%-0Z. GOLDEN GRAIN "| RICE A RONI BAG 29° GALLON 73° | | | 2 ror 49° oxe, 37° 2 ror 30° 19¢ 89° i tox' 49° 12-02. TIN McCLIMOND -- In loving memory of a} @ear father, am = McClimond, who} ssed away 2 It's not. the n, 68 Hill- Toro Ont- Neilson, 68 Hill- Toronto, Ont- is. are but few, CERTO CRYSTALS SUNBRITE 30c OFF JIFFY INSTANT CHOCOLATE MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE VACUUM UTILITY BAGS c-at. Basket I Qe 3.95 those who love you ine Gaughter - in - iaw Myrn J LB. john. McCLIMOND ~~ in loving memory of Ww William McCiimond, who passed away Telephon 2-LB. TIN your memory, dear brother, er my whole fife through, S will linger forever © image of you. bered by Robert, Viola HOLLYWOOD SANI WHITE POLISH Bottle 39: Job 10687 ALL AND SINGULAR thot certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the City of Osh- awa, County and Province of Ontario, being composed of part of Lot 14, Concession 1, Township of East Whitby, now in the City of Oshawa, being described in three parts as follows: PREMISING that the East limit of Lot 14 has a bearing of N 18° 22' 15" W and relating all bearings herein thereto; FIRSTLY COMMENCING at a standard iron bar planted marking the South West angle of Hillside Avenue accorcir to Regis- tered Plan 549, said stand- ard iron being distant 1455.65 measured N 18° -22' 15" W along the East limit of said Lot 14 from the South East angle thereof; THENCE S$ 72° 22' 30° W along the South limit of Hill- side opened by By- law No, 3006 a distance of 162.01 feet to a standard iron bor planted marking the of -said South limit with the East limit of Laval $treet apened by said By-Law No. 3006; FHENCE S$ 18° ..22' 15%E along the said East limit of easur --Lovingly remem and family in fears we saw you sinking, We watched you fade away, by daughter Pearl, son-in-law Bill and grandchildren, Motors & Boats a Our hearts were almost broken, You fought so hard to Stay But when we saw you Sleeping All Marine Supplies Supplies Limited SMITH SPORTS We could. not wish you back 353 King Street West memory of a Gear father and gran rt, William Me- -- who passed away August = CLEARANCE To suffer that a ~Sadiy missed and jays remembered in Oshawa Telephone 728-7341 uing S 63° CHOICE BLUEBERRIES MARBLE ond GRANITE Designing, Carving, Lettering Installation, Repairs Open Evenings Until 9 Oshawa Monument Co. 1435 King Street East 728-3111 RIMAR MEMORIALS Dignified and Distinctive MONUMENTS FLAT MARKERS In Designs For Any Need 152 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa 723-1002 728-6627 Oftice Evenings 11-QT. BASKET 10-LB. BAG a7: | SPROULE'S SUPER SAVE corner of KING at RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA bor feet ty intersecti os