| Mrs. Clifford Henry and Mrs.|° Returned from a period of|Leader ©. 4. Brain, London, England; Mr. and Mrs. A. V.|------- {Walter Branch were guests ofjhappy camping at Camp Comak, Bik Uéawde, Onin e cid saaieatt ny 'i : i ack, Leaside, Ontario; Mrs. we bata ce [So » ateos St. Nora, Alex Butko, Toronto; and Miss |Petersburg, Florida, at a re-|Dorset, Ontario, in the Lake of/ Catherine | Terrill, | Colborne, jception held in the Westbury|Bays district of the Highlands|Ontario, Hotel, Toronto, 'during the|of Haliburton, are Mr. Thomas|~---~-~~-- i A Mrs. bie "Saints"? visit the Canad Patterson, and Messrs. Robert ahi Booch ure eet =r Mr. Trevor Williamson, all of/,, vere ee Bhi ant h «Basset and Peter Schell, Junior J: k Baritfey Me ana Mrs |Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs, Donald|! a oe sabes anit */Counsellors of Whitby. ai oy isn We, Louis Scott |Sadier, Mr. Earl Sadler and) 'Saints' are a unique group of Mr pod iin John Walker and|{riend, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard|business men, who are mem- family, and Miss Elaine|Sadler, all of Richmond, On-ipers of the Chamber of Com- Barkey, all of Pickering; Mr,|'#ti0; Mrs. Percy Johnstun,|/merce, St.Petersburg. At their fe Sudbury; Mrs, Jack Thoms, Mr.|/own expense, they travel.to out- rs, Patrick Udall, Mr. and . : if fale 50 : gta Bentley, Mr. and|Merton Thoms, Mr. Lawrence| standing events in United States Siar ka _-- Fe Pte fl ; Crompton, Huntsville; Mr. and/and Canada, to publicize their P { a eon gegen ag Ha Mrs. Gordon Willoughby and son|city, A 'Saint', is be eligible piHlag 2 ge hips gnc ie th 'Mont 'omery, all of Toron-|20ald, Lloydminster, Alberta; |for this group, must attend one] cif, erg a oi ee " Mr a alg? petal Mere-|Miss Madeline Mahon, Mr./event annually at least. Several cutee bate oan dith, Mr. and Mrs, George|Michael Hickling, Ajax; Mr.j/members of the Canadian So-| Out-of-town guests 'at the Meredith, Mr. and Mrs, and Mrs. Leonard King, Kits-|ciety of St. Petersburg were/Brain - Lazar wedding last Alphonse' Van Streptien, Miss|°°tY, Alberta; Mr. and Mrs.{also guests. This club was or-/Saturday were: Mr. and Mrs,| ee : Lysle Godfrey, Rochester, New ganized years ago by Canadians|J. HH, Callaghan, Montreal;|>°. ; : "Ali .|York; Mr. Melvin Norwick and/for Canadians who spent winter|Mr, and Mrs, Jack Voy, Wind bodices had scoop necklines\mMr, Terrace Delves, Oshawa;|months in Florida and boasts|sor, Ontario; The Reverend jand short sleeves, The belled Mr. and Mrs. Edward Forest,|several hundred members, who|Father Kenny, Herman, Penn- skirts were accented at the back|Kirkland Lake; and Mr. and|may enjoy the social events|sylvania: Mrs. John Cox, New by three small bows and twoimrs, Edward Quail, London. planned for them. Philadelphia, Ohio; » Squadron wide organza trains, Each wore) Ke PA eS FARK white accessories, carried cas- cades of pink he hag a _ illi 'land white shasta. chrysanthe-| taricnand the late Mr. Welsh, mums, and wore headdresses on Saturday, September 28, in [of pink organza covered tri- King Street United Church. angles and matching veils Se EE The bridegroom was attended | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, August 28, 1963 + Fi PERSONALS Guests from out of town at/Florence Meredith, Mrs. Angus the Quail-Willoughby wedding,|Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin recently, were: Mr. and Mrs.ly oveless' Miss Lynne Meredith, IT'S SOME CAKE PEDAL THEIR WAY *%. LONDON (CP) -- A British} REVELSTOKE, B.C. (CP) catering firm made a 2% ton|Boy Scouts Bruce Haggerstone: ae --------------lcake for the British exhibit atjand David Jones, both 15, have MAN, IT'S COOL! lan industrial fair in Munich.jcompleted a 1,300-mile bicycle«~ Whip cranberry juice and/The cake took 1,000 eggs, 1,200|trip in western Canada. They. orange juice with crushed ice|pounds of sultanas and 16 pints|plan to cycle to the Scout Jam--" Mr. and Mrs. William Smith in your blender for a frosty re-lof rum--and is. estimated to/boree at Valley Forge, Pa.' or Bowaienville were honored. at freshing summertime drink. yield 60,480 slices. _ : next year. af oy a surprise party on Saturday by | memeupmensennnmne ' ee about sixty relatives and friends wey sa BOY'S GYM CLOTHING IN ALL OSHAWA HIGH SCHOOLS PLANNING FALL WEDDING will become the bride of Mr. Donald Mervyn Welsh, Peterborough, son of Mrs MR. CAR WASH introduces Miss Betty Ann. Kellett Is planning an early fall wed- ding, according to an an- nouncement made today by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kellett, Oshawa. She "JOHNSTON APPROVED" T Shirts, Gym Shorts, Athletic supports and Athletic socks were adopted FIRST by Oshawa High Schools, and are still THE BEST poner anh "eu thes | HIS NEW GaAs BAR ATTENDANTS MARGIE & SUZY And ... we are prepared to serve you Now. T SHIRTS GYM SHORTS ATHLETIC SOCKS ATHLETIC SUPPORTS in all Oshawa High Schools JOHNSTON'S p> (OSHAWA) LTD. 8 SIMCOE ST. NORTH -- DOWNTOWN OSHAWA M Edi h Will hb W d ers were Mr, John McDonald, | ary it 1 oug y e land Mr. Austin McLuhan, all of | Whitby, T Willi il + For the reception held at 0 ames ] 1am ual Graham Park Restaur- ant, Rouge Hills, the bride's The marriage of Mary Edith|sheath gown of silk faille,)mother received, wearing a Willoughby, daughter. of Mr.|fashioned with a scoop neckline) heavenly blue shantung sheath and Mrs. William Harold Wil-|and three-quarter sleeves. The|qress, trimmed with lace and loughby, Whitby, to James/fitted bodice was trimmed with|cequins. She wore a white hat William Quail, Whitby, son of|lace and pearl appliques, whichiang accessories and a corsage Mr. and Mrs. Edward Quail,;were repeated on the front Of|of red roses. The bridegroom's London, Ontario, took place re-ithe skirt, highlighting an over-|mother assisted in a_ toast cently in All Saints' Anglican! skirt falling into a chapel train.|sheath dress of tiered lace, |f Church, Whitby. |Her jewelled, petal crown, held/heige hat and accessories and The ceremony was performed|@ bouffant veil of tulle illusion,/a corsage of yellow roses . : by the Reverend Stanley J,|and she carried a cascade bou-| The couple left for a trip to/ : : | oe Armstrong. The soloist, Mrs.|quet of red yuletide roses and|Northern Ontario, with the M4 eee OS ee ' Howard McClement, Picker-| Stephanotis bride wearing a pink Honan es eed oe : ; ing, sang Handel's "Wedding| The matron of honor was Mrs.|silk sheath dress with matching ' - #ae% ; ' . Pp Hymn" and "The Lord Is My|Keith Sharman, and the brides-|jacket, navy blue accessor- 8 " . . ei Sia Ss Sake: Shepherd', accompanied by|maids were Miss Jean Lynchjies and a_ corsage <f "ana A T0 MAGIC h Mr, Robin Nicholson, Whitby.Jand Miss Bonnie Agg, al! ofjroses, On their return Mr. an = t m : The bride was given in mar-|Whitby. They were gowned|Mrs. Quail will reside at 220) . ost pleasant gas stop in Oshawa riage by her father lalike, in pink cocktail-length|St. Lawrence street, Whitby,| 116 BOND STREET WEST The bride chose.a full-length'organza over taffeta. The fitted|Ontario ae Solder Bus SEMI-ANNUAL Furniture Sale SAVE MONEY ON BETTER QUALITY BEDROOM -- LIVING ROOM -- AND DINING ROOM SUITES «.. BEDROOM SUITES DINING ROOM SUITES CHESTERFIELD SUITES Modern Walnut, Triple Dresser, Chest Bed 7 piece suite in light mahogany finish -- One only, French Provincial, 3 cushion model, and One Night Table. REGULAR 349.00 Buffet, Hutch, Extension table and 4 Chairs. Fruitwood carved wood trim, toast, Damask, 2 REGULAR 349.00 piece suite. REGULAR 339.00 Italian Provincial, Crafted in Walnut, Triple Dresser, Chest and Bed. REGULAR 399.00 VIC-ART KAUFMAN BRAEMORE 199.00 279.00 VIC-ART One only, floor sample, French Provincial, 4 cushion style, Fruitwood, Brown Damask, 2 REGULAR '339.00 7 piece suite in modern walnut, Buffet, Hutch, Table and 4 Chairs REGULAR 349.00 BRAEMORE VIC-ART sity 199.00 299.00 CRIB MONTMAGNY KNECHTEL KNECHTEL KNECHTEL KAUFMAN KNECHTEL KROEHLER KROEHLER ANDREW MALCOLM ANDREW MALCOLM ANDREW MALCOLM ANDREW MALCOLM ANDREW MALCOLM BUNK BED OUTFIT BUNK BED OUTFIT Satin, Walnut, Smooth Modern lines, Triple Dresser, Chest and Bed. REGULAR 309.00 Solid construction in Satin Walnut, Smooth Modem Lines, Carved Wooden drawer pulls, Triple Dresser, Chest and Bookcase Bed. REGULAR 399.00 Fruitwood Finish, Triple REGULAR 349.00 French Provincial, Dresser, Chest and Bed French Provincial, Fruitwood .Finish, Double Dresser, Chest and Bed REGULAR 319.00 Swedish Moden Styling, Walnut, Triple Dress- er, Chest and Bed REGULAR 349.00 Excellent Modern design with all the best con- struction and finish, Walnut, Triple Dresser, Chest and Bed. REGULAR 449.00 Handsome Style in Satin Walnut, Triple Dress- er, Chest and Bed. REGULAR 479.00 Elegant Styling Crafted in Butternut, Triple Dresser, Chest and Bed REGULAR 599 00 French Provincial, Fruitwood finish in Cherry Double Dresser, Chest and Bed. REGULAR 419.00 Cherry, Triple Dresser, REGULAR 449.00 French Provincial, Chest and Bed. French Provinclal, most attractive design, Cherry, Triple Dresser, Chest and Bed. REGULAR 536.00 French Provincial, White and Gold, Quadruple Dresser, Chest and Bed, REGULAR 719.00 Italian Provincial, Butternut, Triple Dresser, Chest ond Bed. REGULAR 629.00 Complete with 2 plaid Mattresses, Springs, _Guard Rail and Ladder, Red Maple. REGULAR 109.00 Colonial Styling, Antique Maple Finish, Zom- plete with Posture Boards, Smooth Top Mat- tresses, Guard Rail and Ladder REKULAR 139.00 Better Quality, full size, Adjustable height for mattress position, complete with quality mat- tress and Bumper Pad ¥ OUTFIT 63 KING STREET EAST 249.00 299.00 269.00 299.00 349.00 399.00 499.00 329.00 349.00 439.00 579.00 499.00 89.00 119.00 39.95 KAUFMAN GIBBARD ANDREW- MALCOLM Swedish modern styling in Danish walnut, Buf- fet, Hutch, Extension Table and 4 side Chairs. REGULAR 399.00 329.00 Best in modern styling, crafted in natural wal- nut, large Buffet, Hutch, oval extension table and 4 chairs. REGULAR 650.00 . 479.00 French Provincial in cherry fruitwood, large buffet with carved detail, oval extension table and 6 chairs, REGULAR 667.00 REGULAR 198.00 489.00 Hutch Top 159.00 cottages, COLONIAL STYLE BEDROOM FURNITURE Acorn finished on. solid birch Double Dresser ..,.,. 49,95 Framed Mirror Single Dresser ...,.,... 39.95 Framed Mirror ..... Ideal for Children's rooms or summer 41.95 Student Desk ....:-2.. 41.50 Chest of Drawers _ 14,95 creer Beds, all sizes ..,.,... 27.95 10,95 _ 15,95 Night Table . ........ MATTRESS AND CONTINENTAL BEDS SIMMONS SIESTA SIMMONS BURRELL Quilt Mattress, better quality constructon with 309 coil '"Auto-Lock" Spring unit, attractive Simmons Lock Stitch quilt top ticking, pre built border, turning handles and Ventilators, Matching Box Spring, Same low price REGULAR VALUE 59.50 44.95 Continental Beds, better quality complete with headboards. 39" size only. REGULAR 99.50 79.50 Continental Beds, excellent value, quilted 'smooth top, continentals complete with head- boards, 39" size only, 59.50 or 2 for 109.00 BRAEMORE BRAEMORE BRAEMORE BRAEMORE KROEHLER KROEHLER KROEHLER KROEHLER KROEHLER piece One only, floor sample, 4 cushion modern style, Marine Boucle cover, 2 piece suite. REGULAR 339,00 Italian Provincial, 4 cushion style, Brown Dam: ask cover, 2 piece suite. REGULAR 379.00 One of the finest French Provincial Models, carved showwood detail, imported Damask large size sofa and chair, hand tufted backs, cover in choice of 4 shades, allow 4 weeks del- ivery, 2 piece suite. REGULAR 459.00 Modern lines, one of the smartest designs, one only floor sample, 2 piece suite. REGULAR 399.00 Just right for young modern homemakers, up to the minute styling, Brown tweed cover 2 piece suite. REGULAR 339.00 Trim modern lines, 3 cushion model, Toast Frieze Foam cushions, 2 piece suite. REGULAR 299,00 Cape Cod Group, 3 cushion model, high backs, heavy wool tweed covers in 4 shades, 2 piece suite, REGULAR 419.00 One only,.floor model, toast cover in nylon matellase, Swedish modern styling, 2 piece suite, REGULAR 349.00 Club Style Sofa, deep comfortable cushions, nylon matellase cover, all the best construc- tion features, 2 piece suite, REGULAR 409.00 FARQUHARSON- Traditional Style with Valance and hand tuft- GIFFORD KROEHLER BRAEMORE COOMBE ed back, choose from 4 shades, 2 piece suite. REGULAR 399.00 Chairs. in many styles including relaxers, rock- ers and other styles. Save $10 to $30 on these, CHlolen Vg, 4 SHOWROOM FLOORS 279.00 319.00 389.00 299.00 289.00 199.00 349,00 289.00 319.00 339.00 PHONE 725-3514 * OUR OWN BUDGET TERMS ® FURNITURE COMPANY