Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Aug 1963, p. 4

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oth er ! Megane oe Pointers On Marxism Ee ae MLA Nea ala RE ay ay for Tamerlane's chief wife. The young architect took his time about finishing it because he had fallen in love with the wife. She tired of his blandishments and told him to stop fretting, rare flash of humor overa" single glass of Georgian wine: "You know, I appreciate American men in spite of Wall Street--they are tall and hand- some and so kind. all women are the same. For instance, she said, if you have 40 eggs they may. look different but they taste alike. Not so, said the architect; a glass of water is indistinguishable from a glass of vodka but they're not the same at all. EXPLAINS RUINS So the builder got his kiss, of such raging intensity that it left a stain on the wife's cheek. Noting the mark on return, Tamerlane started dismantling the mosque--an elaborate ex. planation for one of the many ruins ina city of blue-tiled domes and minarets, An unexpected dividend in Russian tourism, in short, is the personality of the guides, whether manic Marxists, gifted story-tellers or sweet things. One young woman, having quietly demolished all the _pil- lars of capitalism produced a SATURDAY "Oops! -- sounds as pe I've had too much to drink. What do you suppose the party will say?" Monday: A visit with a Rus- sian woman born in Canada For $35-A-Day Tour By ALAN HARVEY TASHKENT, Soviet Union (CP)--For $35 a day try-any- thing-once tourists can pick up pointers on marxism-Leninism while lounging on stilt lik wooden platforms built along a river bank in sweltering cential Asia, Or you can take the goidea road to Samarkand, celebrated in James Elroy Flecker's poem, and visit mosques-and mauoo- leums from. emperor Tamer- lane's time; listen to the sizzle of shashlik in a sort of Commu- nist Coney Island in Tashkem; or see enough historic buildings ing, thought a high-powered in- terior decorator could have transformed the place. With an armenian engineer as guide, we went through a factory making prefabricaved parts for new apartment build: ings springing up all round the city, Sandifur, an expert on construction, said the piant seemed behind in "job know- how" but that might come with experience, 5 A visit to a new apartment building showed defects that would raise a holler among ten- ants in Toronto or Montreal but may seem less catastrophic here. Indeed, older persons used to living in Uzbek mud huts are reluctant to move into the new dwellings, SPEED IS ESSENCE In some flats, door fittings were broken. Parapets on out- door balconies stopped short of the exterior wall, leaving space for a_ child to fall through. Faced with such oriticisms, the Soviets say they are deliber- ately building in breakneck style, regardless of minor flaws. In Samarkand, one of the most ancient cities.in the world awaits the roving eye. Here Alexander the Great fr d in 328 BC, and her Tamerlane built his famous empire in the 14th century. Myths mingle with reality. My guide Boris recalled the story of a famous mosque built President Kennedy doesn't sim- ply "shoot" anybody who mis- treats Negroes. We said the West works slowly and peacefully where pos- sible, preferring compromise and gradualism to violence and arbitrary solutions. "Not good enough," shot back Zufarov toughly. "Negroes are suffering here and now. Gradu- alism won't do any good. It is just an excuse for doing noth. ing." BEACHES PACKED Argument continued at lunch in an open-air Oriental tea gar- den atop a tiny artificial island in the middle of a lake carved out of flat dusty land by Com. munist youth volunteers, Hun- dreds of ha py youngsters thronged the abbreviated beaches, 'as tightly packed as any Sunday crowd at Coney Island. "So long, fellows," said Zu- farov after the last helping of fried lamb. 'See you at the Top of the Mark." ; "Top of the Mark" was an allusion to our evening rende:- vous at the Tashkent hotel, with its view over the city, Zufarov was happy to show that though he had never been to the U.S he knew about San Francisco's Mark Hopkins hotel. Next day we saw a nursery) school, the first in a new ex- perimental group thrusting up in a city fast emerging from feudalism. These schools are key establishments in the Soviet system. They take infants from the age of three months to three CLAIMS PROCESSED Saskatchewan Medical Care the province's medical care Insurance commission at Re- plan. About 200 employees use gina to handle claims under the modern equipment to cope with the 8,000 claims a day. --(CP Photo) A battery of electronic equipment is used in the claims processing room of the Labrador Fishermen Rediscover Old Life SPANIARD'S BAY, Nfld.,|Barrett, are on the Labradorjand is fishing for cod thi (CP)--From Cupids and Car-jcoast for the first time. Old-| mer. bonear, from Brigus and Bay|timers include Frank Sheppard, From Spaniard's Bay and Roberts, the men whose homes|Nath Mercer, Edward Collins|neighboring Carbonear at least look out over Conception Bay|and Hayward Hutchings. 250 fishermen have gone to Lab- are once again seeking their A . rador this season. Bvelihood in the Labrador fish- pg ice hy a roaintia a _ The Carbonear fishing firm of| ery. sort of family tradition by going Earle Brothers Fisheries has/ MISS MARILY VAN SLYKE Miss Van Slyke ts 0 Juty, 1963, Graduate of the Oshawa Business who recently joined the stoff of @ local manufacturing concern as @ stenographer. Marilyn, like all our graduates, was able to secure a position immediately on graduation; in fact, she had ao choice of two jobs. YOUNG PEOPLE . business training offers many advantages... security, good pay, advancement and the opportunity to earn your awn living in the shortest possible time GET FREE LITERATURE...» act NOW! ! > The Fantastic 3 >; COUNTS FIVE and their GROUP Admission $1.25 Dancing 8:30 -- 12 'The BEACH HOUSE OSHAWA-ON.-THE-LAKE College Enrolment ts. Limited 10 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Dial 725-3375 DANCE TO-NIGHT to the DU-KANES ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SAT. AUG. 24 8:30-12:00 $1.00 PER PERSON 282 King W 728-958) MOLE CAUSES STIR BOGNOR, England (CP) -- The machine rejects inaccu-/are ' j | ' They are cool, Sussex naturalists are excited|ra They te information fed into it by|'place for tea.' qlits attendants and checks each|cosy and altogether delightful. Last Times--TODAY & SUNDAY OKLAHOMA--Gordon MacCRAE BROKEN LAND--Kent Taylor SUNDAY SHOW OPEN 1:30 P.M. STARTS MONDAY IT 1S DIFFERENT LAURENCE OLIVIER IT 1S. DARING se oily SIGNORET JACK LEMMON TERM LEE REMICK in OF P "DAYS OF WINE TRIAL AND ROSES" With A New Ster SARAH MILES ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ADULT ENTERTAINMENT --_ BILTMORE in Leningrad to last a lifetime. Whatever you do, watch for Soviet Union is young, raw and full of surprises. Don't boggle lat beetles on bathroom floors, Maybe that $35-a-day tariff for jde luxe tourists sounds high, but Che ; e-T _ {it includes hotel, bath, guide and qu y ja car three hours daily, unique. To prevent you from {drowning in the murky alphabet 4 vies soup of a Russian language that Nips Politicians", guides ager " at air- f _ (port or station a steer you § sum: VICTORIA (CP)--A machine) <sfely through the formalities. bia legislative building can spitiTEA ON RIVER BANK out cheque-type money faster] Don't panic if English or than any politician can promise|French leaves the porter cold. The squat, transistorized|/bureaux staffed with multi- a |helper in the finance depart-\lingual experts. Long before 'The story is much the same|north. This is the first time in|Sent the old CNR coastal ship/ment can make up and printiyour visit ends, you learn to for settlements around thelgs years his father Arthur|Kyle to the north with about ; ' Hutchings didn't make the trip.} ' ployees 'in 45 minutes. though they're _ sometimes years, Kindergargens take over vista Bay. Even Don Smih, who lived in/#S 4 Supply depot selling salt) {t runs out cheques and other|tucked away out of sight. from three to seven: Residents of er ye aed 3 and other goods to fishermen|financial documents so fast they} yor one traveller, a memor- foundland, many of whom ha 1 years before returning to! } | : Newteandiend task fall. immedi-| A further indication of the in-|ants hopping just carting them}+;.4) discussion with a dedicated| This frees mothers for full-| jobs ashore, have been redis- ately set about building a boat/crease in numbers of men re-|away. young Marxist-trained guide, a io jobs, facilitating sexual covering the Labrador fishery It is capable of 600 lines of/Gark-skinned Uzbek named/equality. Nursery schools con- in growing numbers in the last is the fact that this year thej132 characters each per minute : ; CNR had to employ three ships}|--the equivalent of 20 pages of Th tting was idyllic, With difference between East and . Increased' government aid end moving men and women to thelfinancial reference material ft sonkig © re ewe sormie & -- One peste ges is for, | coasta z i y . ; at removin, piglet ppm Begg anh! By THE CANADIAN PRESS |(0@Stal settlements. Each ship|the men who plan the govern-|) ty 2 int the Asian sun, we g the child from Montreal--J. Arthur Mathew-|-omo cases entire families) It takes half a second to di- of institutional uniformity. for work in other fields. json, 73, a former Quebec pro- moved to the north for the sum-|gest assessed values, mill rates)verandah-style reg gg Efforts had been made to mer. and school taxes and then pro-jinto the Boz-su River brighten the nursery but Sandi- dor" means a return to the old} Winnipeg--James R. Murray snare |Chatkal mountains. way of life for many. They fish) 78, former chairman of the Ca- Imaiting from June to September, then/nadian wheat board. : called chaihana, meaning ing boats, getting fishing gear novelist and lecturer | tURD | | or nite ay & HIS ORCHESTRA ! . ' : ; || Old Time - Modern % Jubilee ry ADMISSION--$1.00 o/ PAVILION ~ me WONDERFUL SONGS! DANCES! 4 : ' eet ae about the discovery of a dea ' aN : in shape and repairing prop: | Het asier #8, former president(vellow mole. It appears there|One of its figures before it goes! Flicking back slick black hair| : ' it | nie ; | .aren't too many. yellow moles|/on to the next one, when it/over Oriental features and pour-| Sor emy gun ouy, fu ahve manage oe eo Sal, er is ie eae See around. His stuffed remains are} : tel ie; Ik ' Labrador. This year there are| London -- Lord Brand, 84, displayed in Bognor museum/accurate form into @ separatejiain mugs, Zufarov. spoke pas. 20. Some men, such as Solomon|banker, writer and adviser of/while naturalists scour nearby|s! Islot sionately of the future Soviet i vi iti woods for his survivors. | Officials say that the heart of|paradise ("'free transportation Gosse, Ronald Smith and NathiBritish governments. twoods ft "_____|the system is a computer which for all by 1970"), the unassail-| lsells for $250,000 or rents forjability of Marxist logic and what} $4,000 a month. The government/he called American "domina-| is renting it so it can per upition" of Canada od 7 with even more efficient LIKES PAUL ANKA siastnaainelataed Fellow tourist C. Paul Sandi-| - \fur of Spokane, Wash., fi-| France Delays siete" ersoraiy' wou the unexpected. Tourism in the and don't fuss about frills. | The system is probably Money-Maker turns familiar symbols on their installed in the British Colum- to spend it. {The big hotels have '"'service the pay cheques of 15,000 em-|jean heavily on the interpreters, shores of Trinity Bay and Bona- {60 fishermen aboard, It will act |Toronto with his family for sev;|along the coast. can't be read and keeps aiend-|.nie moment came in dialec/MOTHERS WORK given up fishing altogether fur turning to the Labrador fishery} titute ital : " Bacht Zufarov. jStitute a vital socio-economic few years DEATHS ch ase vegies rage 'i | . : the home may make for a kind is the decrease in opportunity! had to make second trips as in|ment's finances. reclined in slippered ease on a y r Fishing 'down on the Labra-|vincial treasurer. duce a tax notice ready for _ |fur, though generally approv- | These river-bank sanctuaries | spend the rest of the year puild-- London--Phyllis Bottome, 79 OB MINN TONIGHT BOB MINNS eit ([|| BED BARN \ MUSIC! ETRO GOLDWYN MAYER os CINERAWA pt TTRORGE PA Prodechion THE RPULWORID OF THE BROTHERS GRIMM COLOR! 2 Comedy & Adventure Hits 2 Their Funniest Adventure ! the name Canada if that would appease Canadian sensitiv- jde Gaulle has decided not t0).nontaneous as studio laughter] |disband the French -Foreign),; 4 television how. 'Euther| ity. He defended American pol-| Legion, even if its new assign-|yoy mean this, or you mean| WONDE jment does un-ithat,"" he would say.-"If you} iplied that he personally would jlike to see Canada and the U.S Disbanding Of |merged as one nation, bearig . " Foreign Legion icies but Zufarov wouldn't yield an inch PARIS (Reuters)--President| pic responses seemed as| entail such jromantic tasks as house-build-) mean this, cite one specific case| jing. ito prove it." | The legendary heroes of last-| His only good word for the| iditch stands at desert outposts) west--he "uigvea'l to. stan to| Ino longer keep watch over thelotawa singer Paul Anka. His French empire, because the €m-|rayorite record: You are my! pire has ceased to exist. Algerial no<tiny. ' | and other countries, where the) 4 basic qifference was ex Legion has fought since its birth) sed shan this slender, vibrant! 131 years ago, now are inde-|.) 1) man, so engagingly posi-| gees has decided to re-\tive in all his ideas, asked why duce the size of the Legion from 15,000 men to 9,000. Of these, about 3,000 will form a "legion of builders," a sort of huge public works enterprise at the disposal of African countries in need of technical assistance. Another 3,500 men, all trained paratroopers, will form a battle corps. This will be completely integrated into the French | Army. : | | At present, there are still five} regiments in Algeria, one in |Madagascar and a seventh at |Djibouti, French Somaliland. SS -- |SEES LEAN DAYS | RESULTS COUNT! The Legion has fallen on "0 (L) S |days since it achieved glory on MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE battlefields from Mexico to the Consult @ Member of the Indochina and North Oshawa & District Real Estate Board FEATURE DAILY AT... 1:30 - 4:10 - 6:30 - 9:15 Hewey. be. 3 000000000000 1 Block East of Liverpool Rd. Phone 668-2692 KINGS OF COMEDY JERRY LEWIS AND DANNY KAYE "IT'S ONLY MONEY" and "ON THE DOUBLE" BRING THE FAMILY BOX OFFICE OPEN AT 8:00 P.M. INCLUDING SUNDAYS ZAASIII IIA TAA AAA A ddd dedi men a month, compared with 700 in 1959. About 40 per cent of legion- naires today are Germans. The remainder are mainly Hungar- ians, Yugoslavs, dinavians, Italians and Spaniards, There is also a handffl of Britons. Frenchmen 'fre not officially accepted but hundreds serve in the Legion by posing as Bel- gians or Swiss. A recruit is. never forced to disclose -- his| true identity. Adventures Greatest Rogue "THE PURPLE MASK" in Technicolor MARKS "YOUNG RACERS" "MURDER AT 45 R.P.M." "MA & PA KETTLE WAIKIKI" XIE YYYYyY ©@0000C880800CC8 SMOKING) SMOKING LOGES Otte DRIVE OUT * TONIGHT * ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON! BOX-OFFICE OPEN AT 8:00! SHOW STARTS 8:35! TONIGHT & SUNDAY ONLY! LOUDEST LAUGH! | Il Jerry lems' ° TIMES: 1:45 - 3:45- 5:40- 7:40-9:40. Lost Complete Show 9:10 is: STARTS MONDAY [ll 'hy a' ee IBob H098 Aria EKbOS 1QNLY MQ@NEVO<s NEW TARZAN HIT! MOST SPECTACULAR OF THEM ALL! Rh WEA prose ou ST WEINTRAUB Pratacton of en wi penesonar' |Crimea, Africa. i | Men from many _ countries |who are "'trying to forget their jpast" still volunteer for the | Legion, in spite of a large decline in the total number. j Average recruitment now is 100 TODAY & SUNDAY ONLY! SANDRA DEE TAMMY '2 DOCTOR THE Me IST ation for legends. One that tourists are often told is that it is the bridal gown of a maid- | | PETER FONDA '" Tie Cae "LEGEND IN THE M * The mists of 274-foot Mont- ymorency Falls near Quebec City have long been the inspir- Police Group Elects New Executive WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- Sgt. Donald Stannard, a Windsor po- iceman for 15 years, was) elected Friday as president of! the Police Association of Onta- tio } Cpl. Ernest Kingston, Kitche- er; Const. Maurice Charette, dbury; Const. Ronald Bevan, | St. Catharines; and Const. Colin) Pitts, Toronto, were elected di- rectors at the closing session of the association's annual conven- tion. | * Dennis R. Latten, formerly of| the Metropolitan Toronto police! force, now fulltime administra- tor of the PAO, is the sixth member of the board, | The Association plans to hold! ie 1964 convention in London, | nt. I NG HIT!! @ x en looking for her lover, a | French soldier killed in 1759. | --(CP Photo) FRONT-END ALIGNMENT aucars #--.95 JOHN BEAN PHONE P "'Visualiner" 728-6221 by | SPECIAL --- 1 Mes 6 DRUG STORES | OPEN THIS SUNDAY 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. JURY & LOVELL LIMITED 8 KING ST. EAST 723-2245 McCORDICK DRUGS 360 WILSON RD. SOUTH 725-8711 LAW PHARMACY 1204 WECKER DR. | HARRY SALTZMAN owe ALBERT R. BROCCOL! % "Tf this is first class MV 28 ye < can you { ¥ i. "at what it's he \ Children Under | Twelve--FREE wo DRIVE-IN THEATRE 723-4972 Free Pick-Up and Delivery Service em GENERAL TIRE OF OSHAWA 728-6221 ein PLAZA MONDAY AIR CONDITIONED FOR COMFORT a 725-3525 534 RITSON RD. S.

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