Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Aug 1963, p. 2

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Canon Wants Laymen To Perform Marriages ings and creating. an informed|progress and that there' was a Christian opinion which leads to! desperate need of it, action," he said, | 'There is a real national re- "And that is not all, It is es:\vival in the cultural, industrial sential that from these groupSland technological field," he told should come men and Womenimore than 15,000 persons who will be prepared, when)crammed into Maple Leaf Gar- trained, to play an active partidens, "and yet more than ever in public life--in legislative as-!we are conscious of one theach: semblies, local councils, or vol:/ant facte-that true progress and untary committees, trade un-/advance can come to our peo ions, tenants associations and/pies only through the realization employers' federations, and appreciation of faithtul val: Sunday night three bishops ues," from remote Anglican dioceses} Rt, Rev, Roland Koh, Bishop told a mass By more mission: in Kuala Lumpur, Malaya, told ary work is needed to bring con-|the rally the first need of per: verts into the Anglican fold, isons in Southeast Asia is for They --_ hg ; Mecha friendship, among peoples in their areas;| "The people feel lonely as of bewilderment at increasingly | they have never felt lonely be: rapid technological advances/fore," he said, storming in on them from more Rt, Rev, J, C, Vockler, Bisho TORONTO (CP) -- Laymen should be permitted to perform the services of holy commun: jon, baptism, marriage and bur. jal, the Anglican Congress was told today. Canon F, C, Synge of Christ: church College, Christchurch, New Zealand, said a shortage of priests in remote areas means many Anglicans must miss the encharist, f "The Anglican Church makes much' of sacraments," Canon Synge told the world congress, "It even declares that the euch. arist is generally necessary to salvation, In order to have a valid eucharist, so runs the doc. trine, it is necessary to have a priest," Canon Synge said the need for congregations without priests ta BACK TO PORT UNDER TOW This is a closeup of the Bos- ton to Provincetown excursion boat Yankee as it was being Three Trapped te more urgent all the time, "Partly because the number of priests is diminishing, partly because the very ease of travel which makes it easy for a priest to cover large areas also plants congregations in remote re gions, partly because political and economic changes are likely to leave congregations stranded without a priest, the pressure of the world is felt heavily upon the congregations, "In such a situation the need urgent," University of Nottingham, Eng- land, said the church is lagging in the field of higher education "In. some institutes indeed, ple aboard lost all power Off jthere exist faculties of theology the coast of Cape Cod Sunday. |, departments of religion, but afternoon, their impact is not strong upon the expanding departments around them," Mr, Richardson said, "The strongest forces should be thrown into the battle at the decisive point, Some of the bes: men we have should be directed into college work of every kind, and particularly into chaplain. towed back to port Sunday by a U.S, Coast Guard cutter, The ship with several hundred peo- (AP Wirephoto) Miners of the eucharist is increasingly! cies in the universities and tech. CHURCH LAGGING? | Rev, Alan Richardson of the; advanced countries; and of a longing for spiritual solace. LACKS PROGRESS Rt, Rev, K. D, W. Anand, Bishop of Amritsar, India, said| despite great technological ad- vances in India, Pakistan, Burma and Ceylon, he had noted no accompanying spiritual of Polynesia, Fiji Islands, 'sai technological changes in his dio: cese "bring ferment . . , bewil: iderment and uncertainty," "The old communal sanctions; are being challenged by a new! generation but there is no cer- tainty about what is to replace! them," | Forced F Of Douks Ordered VANCOUVER (CP)--A doc. tor's report that 23 fasting Sons of Freedom Doukhobors are in "dangerously weak' condition has prompted officials at their mountain prison to order forced feeding, The 23 are among 118 mem. bers of the sect who have re- fused prison food for the last 28 days. The Freedomites have said they will fast until death to protest their imprisonment Firm Claims : eeding jfor acts of terrorism and con- ispiracy, | Warden Tom Hall of the Agas- |siz Prison, 60 miles east of here, said Sunday nine ounces of a nu- tritive liquid would be forced The Princes' Gates of the Canadian National Exhibition, puddle as veterans of Canada's wars step smartly in the War- Toronto, are reflected in a riors' day parade Saturday, REFLECTION OF GATES Shot was caught by photogra- pher Don Grant of the Toron- to Telegram. (CP Wirephoto) down their throats daily if the |23 maintained their refusal to jeat, } Hall made the disclosure fol.| jlowing a Doukhobor meeting in downtown Victory Square, the! haunt of about 550 sect mem.| ers who marched here Jan, 17| jafter burning their homes in the! Kootenay Valley in eastern B.C, The Freedomites said Mr. PM Warning Quebec Of U.S. Invasion' Hall amd A, J, Macleod, fed. MURRAY BAY, Que, (CP)---/appealed to English - speaking, we would lose our separate eul- nological institutes." Found Safe In Shaft g2s.5-" | "Where are you." Jeould hear was my_ father's/Detroit, Bishop of Michigan, Union Halted MAZLETON, Pa. (AP) j " jeral commissioner of peniten-| Prime Minister Pearson has ad-\Canadians to be "more con:| tures, |tiaries, attended the meeting to| vised Quebec residents that they! cious of the aspirations of CITES U.S PRESSURES "Behind some timber near a voice, When I heard it I couldn't|commented on young ministers Contract Work LISTOWEL, Ont, (CP)--Rob- ert Farrish,.a Listowel gravel land concrete manufacturer, claimed Friday that the Team- sters Union (Ind,) has halted a $100,000 contract on a $3,500,000 Ontario hospital being built five miles north of here, Mr, Farrish said the Team- sters had thrown pickets around We're all okay," one of three miners trapped since last Tues-| pipe." move, I was stunned, I just!who are afraid of talking to day near the bottom of a 400-| 'Are you going to be able to stood there and looked at happy their congregations about tho foot shaft shouted to rescuers /reach the light." faces all around, : money necessary for running Sunday night "We are blocked in a hole 'The scene at the mine was the parish. se They awaited drilling today of 8Md can't get out," terrible, To Jook at the hole) "They (the ministers) feel a 28-inch hole with a rotary drill] It was not immediately. cer. from the outside, you couldn't) that they are ordained to preach ai order that they could. be/tain whether the other two men/see anything because it was too|things 'spiritual' and that the pull 4 to the surface. Their\who were trapped, Henry/dark. Bur if you looked closer, material side of life is somehow ie ilies have never lost hope Throne, 28, of Hazleton, amd you could see where the slope) below them, or should be left to dad ite pessimism by authori-/L0uls Bova, 52, of Patterson.|started to cave. You could see|the laity, The failure of the ype eae . ville, could talk. Several times, |ribs of coal and below that you/church in its missionary respon- /gain first-hand information on a|would soon be overwhelmed by|* : * iproposed Freedomite marc hian "invasion" of American cul- French Canada, Tuesday from here to Agassiz, ture and hg re they broke' "The day bh va peg 4 hogan means : away from Canada more in a position to talk Ca: ASKS CLEAR STREETS In his most direct reply to;nadian gate in this country, ~ Spokesman Florence (Big date to Quebec's separatist lead-|Canada would have ceased to \Fanny) Storgoff said the Free. ers, he. argued here Saturday)exist and then our two cultures jdomites will ask Mayor Ril) Rathie to clear city streets for the sect's exodus, She said old people and -- dren will be driven to Agassi?, but all able-bodied men and velop their political and econo-;300 French ~ language weekly mic influence only within a true newspaper editors, ' partnership in Confederation Departing from his prepared At the same time Mr, Pearson text, he went further: "Apart, that French-Canadians can de-| will be in great danger," he told rs sntederation | He suggested that an inde pendent Quebec could not resist for long the "pressures from the friendly giant to the south. he same would hold true for the nine English-speaking prov- inces in the event of a break in He stressed, however, that he is confident Canadian unity will jbe strengthened in the future, once the current "difficult pe ties and rescue workers, Throne was asked to talk but/could see it open likea base-|sibility is often due to the confu. the construction site, preventing) women will walk. riod" was overcome, 7 Gordon Smith, deputy secre- 7 ball field. That was where my sion and embarrassment in} tary of the Pennsylvania Bu.| "ere were eee father was." td, 'speaking about money, reau of Mines, said it would|GETS TO LIGHT Fellin's wife, Anna, 47, re-| "This attitude is a mistake. take 24 to 30 hours to drill the| Fellin later worked his way peatedly exclaimed: "Oh won-/!t is, indeed, a serious religious rescue hole, Rescuers planned ito the light and was heard over|derful!'* when told of the news| error." to send food and medicine to the|the transistor microphone low-/hy her son. "God is so good, 1 agp, sido einen men through a six-inch hole that/ered on a wire and hooked to & prayed and prayed, I knew they MUST INFLUENCE has been drilled to a depth of!speaker on the surface. were alive." ' " $31 feet "Send us some soup," he Officials had considered seal: Sunday night, John Riros of said, and added jokingly, "send ing off the little . used mine nearby Sheppton, a friend of one|Hank (Throne) a stogie."" He re: where the cave-in occurred, ra- of the trapped miners, David/ported the other men "were ther than risk boring a hole Fellin, 58, also of Sheppton,|sleeping." He asked rescurs tO through the fill. shouted into the hole. turn off the fan. . . "It's damn "How are you?" cold down here." FALL TRAPS THEM Came the reply from Miners said Fellin said one of Fellin was in charge of dig- mine: "We're all okay." the men was injured, but not ging when a. rock fall trapped Biros leaped back from the seriously the three men, who were driv- hole and exclaimed: "They are. Rescuers melt and prayed ing a coal gangway eastward to alive! I hear them! They're when Te was made with ate tg beg -- slope live." the trapped men leading to the surface = Martie F. Brennan, president Rescue workers, hampered by ENDS LONG VIGIL of the United Mine Workers Dis-,poor air and the possibility of The dramatic contact with trict No, 7, said plans called for another cave-in, had said last the men brought relief to a vi- drilling another six-inch explor. Tuesday that chances of getting mil that had lasted. 13 hours! atory hole the men out safely were dim. West Indi ' Canadi and 25 minutes Fellin's stepson, Joseph Kline, Workers tried for several ana lan Gene Gibbons, co-owner of who had stayed at the mine hours shortly aftr the cavein the coal mine with Fellin, low-/avery night, was there when to get into the deep sections of} 4 ered a microphone and an elec: contact was made the mine but found many pas 1 rg tric light to pinpoint the men's sages blocked by coal. rock an position, The microphone failed HEARS SHOUTING rm ded Water in the a = to conves. their voices but the "I saw a man hollering near qarkened hopes for a rescue men talked through the hole one of the holes," said Kline.' Rescuers were stopped by re-.¢ "Can you see. the light?'|"I though maybe he had gone curring rockfalls and the flow of "mks seven British West Indies asked Gibons. hysterical. I ran over to calm! geadiy pases islands might join Canada, "No," replied Fellin him down -- and next thing I Onty Thursday, state and fed ae ae eral officials. said they were WEATHER FORECAST helpless with their plan to re- Bishop of Southwark, England, Suggested the church Is not con centrating enough on influenc- ing the secular activities of man- kind our parishes must be honey. the combed with groups of trained eS, James, Barbados, suggested the islands should consider political union with Canada, possibly as his employees since they belong to a different union, Employees of the Robert Farrish Construction Company jLimited belong to the National Rt, Rev, A, M, Stockwood, |! | | "My contention is that if the) caim church is to influence society,| laity applying their biblical in-| voted for membership in a sights to contemporary happen-'nadian union and announced he cheques : ' Gu =" "has appealed to the Ontario de-| - | Council of Canadian Labor nd.), Ellis Don Construction of Lon- don, with whom the Teamsters have a contract, are building the main portion of the hospital They sub-contracted to Farrish Construction but Teamsters they have jurisdiction over any work involving Ellis Don Mr, said his men Ca. Farrish partment of labor. Meanwhile his firm has been barred from providing materials to the hos pital. "We have a two-year contract with the NCCL and we can't be long to two unions," said Mr Farrish, ' It seems American dominated unions are allowed to have priority in Ontario." One worker said: "You can't lose a $100,000 contract without TORONTO (CP)--An Anglican hurting a lot of people, It would lergyman from Barbados mean our jobs Listowel is 25 miles north of | Stratford Canon Audley Johnson of St." Farmhouse Blais from working) There was no indication what the marchers intend to do if they reach the prison site. Last year an attempt to join. their brothers and sisters in Agassiz failed when federal au- thorities erected barbed wire én- tangiments at the prison ap. proaches and the municipality' passed emergency legislation barring their entry into the dis trict. The Freedomites here have been living in cheap waterfront hotels or in eastend homes They have been making rental payments with social assistance British Guiana Furore Over 'Cuba Loan' GEORGETOWN, British Gui-, ana (AP)--A political furore is j building up in British Guiana| over allegations that a govern. ment agency accepted a $1,000. 000 loan from Cuba. The charge, made by the op- position United Force Party, is that the money was transferred June 29 from the National Bank) of Cuba to the Guiana Import: Export Corporation, Ceylon Left-Wing | His government was moving On several fronts to ensure a ' ive on equal partnership" between the two founding cul- tural groups, Mr, Pearson flew from Ot. jtawa to this summer resort on 1) the St, Lawrence River, $5 miles y northeast of Quebec City, to ad- dress the annual meeting of the Parties United COLOMRO (AP)---Under thejice stations from western © impetus of an American action, companies and dragged its fee the squabbling, left-wing politi,on paying compensation, ' bets FrenchLanguage Weekly News: : ties of Ceylon have Now a unified left has j age oe ' tor = but still obscure--chance|Parers Association of Canada, 'ebruary, the United/of capturing power to carry out) The vintage transport rts sae one economic aid to/more extreme nationalization ment Dakota that took im, Ceylon, Anger toward Washing-/plans and possible orient net Mite, Feareen and Privy Council ton brought. together Commu: tralist Ceylon toward the Com. resident Lamontagne from nists and other Marxists, lead-)munist world, : | Quebec City to Murray Bay flew ing to formation a week ago move he cutee " which way through a bad storm, » United Left Front @ political situation is mov-) py recor Bo of leftist leaders! ing, Even leading politicans ais AIS yivanag WEATHER had encouraged rocialist trends pad on what their parties willl sme ae tent ee . pnwealth govs achieve, s sige caine cals A new possibility is that ULF have ever oxparietosd since I woman prime minister, Mrs.) ght. draw enough support) Hs. hy told lg oy Sirimavo Bandaranaike, from Mrs, Bandaran aike's)*' " * 0 As < . This US. aid was halted because Freedom party to win an elec./ Was & reverence to his career as the government seized 181 serv-/ OR expected in 1965 or at least & First World War pioneer pilot, dictate coalition terms, cut short by a crash and injur- : Dissatisfaction with the gov. !€s; ; Ban Proposed ernment caused growth in the! Mr, and Mrs, Pearson have a had frightened left-wing parties'they begin a three-day tour of On Cold Drugs inte self-examination. Alsoma East, the prime minis- Eliet Lake. tration has proposed a ban on; Thursday they will be In Tor. some 30 to 75 prescription cold strength of the right-wing UNP.jfull week of airplane and car ~ ter's riding in Northern Onta- WASHINGTON (AP) -- The | Grenades Explode ente for a civic reception and Ry early this year, the UNPitravel ahead of them, Today rio, with visits te Sudbury and U.S, Food and Drug Adminis-/ Among Dancers Kills Five People an llth province, if they fail to ASBESTOS, Que. (CP)--Four a Canon Johnson, here for the young children and their teen- jfearing efforts to dig a new Anglican congress, said in anjaged baby sitter died Saturday |shaft would bury the men for. interview Saturday that befare/in a fire that swept a two-storey lever, the West Indian federation, es. farmhouse near this Eastern Hopes were raised somewhat tablished in 1958, broke up,| Townships community 80 miles cover the men by filling th slope and digging and timber. form an independent federation! ing a new shaft into the mine. /of their own. | Some Showers Families of the men objected,| ' inuing Cool Continuing 0) @) Friday when mine inspectors'there had been considerable east of Montreal, detected a rush of air coming Opinion on the islands that it, Dead are Eliane Picard, 15, Forecasts issued by the Tor-jcreasing cloudiness today fol- up the slope, would be a good idea to be at. and four children of Mr. and onto weather office at 5 a.m. lowed by showers this evening tached to Canada, Mrs, Camille Lambert: Jacque EDT: a little warmer, Tuesday cloudy) "Lt must admit that has ap. tine, 12, Carmen, 8 Nicole, 7 Synopsis: Light showers are clearing in the afternoon and a pealed to me for geographical avd Denis, 16 months expected to move into south: little cooler, Winds becoming . . jand other reasons," he said Mr. and Mrs, Lambert were western Ontario by early after. northwest Tuesday Said Provocative "Certainty there is a historic Visiting friends when the fire, noon, Slightly cooler air has in-| White River, Cochrane: Show- link,"' of undetermined origin, started vaded the northwestern Ontario ers this afternoon and tonight. LEAMINGTON, Ont, (CP)--, The first federation failed|at about 3:20 p.m, EDT, and it is expected to Cloudy Tuesday morning, clear. External Affairs Minister Mar- when Jamaica and Trinidad-To-| Adrien Larrivee, chief of the spread gradually southeastward ing during the day, a little tin said Saturday a statement/bage decided to become inde-/fire and police depariments, throughout Northern Ontario ac-'conler. Winds shifting to north. made in the Soviet Communist, pendent of British rule on their/Said the flames swept through compamed by some light pre- west by Tuesday morning party newspaper Pravda about OW2. jthe old building so quickly that Cipitation Canada accepting nuclear arms) The windward Islands of Bar. the victims were trapped on the Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Forecast Temperatures was provocative Earlier) bades, St. Lucia and Dominica,/second floor southern Lake Huron, Windsor, Low tonight, high Tuesday Pravda warned that the pres-/the Lesser Antilles Island of St.) "When we arrived, flames London: Showers this afternoon Windsor .......... 35 ence of nuclear warheads ex-Vincent and the Leeward Is./Were Shooting Out the doors and and tonight. Cloudy with sunny St, Thomas........ poses Canada to danger of a/lands of St. Kitts-Nevis Antigua/ Windows," he said. periods Tuesday, not muchiLondon .........00 Soviet ' retaliatory blow" in th/and Montserrat now are id.| "We managed to save a gar change in temperature, winds Kitchener ..... 'event of world war, ering a new independent federa-/2&¢ and a barn but the house = 'Mount Forest.. Mr, Martin said in an inter. tien. jwas a total loss." Northern Lake Huron, Niag. Soviet Statement an ere is hi Canadian Na- BRUSSELS (Reuters) -- Two'1@8& ibition grandstand played what he said were pho; A spokesman said a seven- grenades exploded among danc.) Show. They will attend perform- tostat copies of a credit draft;man panel of outside medicaliers in a cafe in the heart of &nces at the Stratford Shake- proving the charge, jexperts had concluded that Brussels Saturday, wounding 41/SPearean Festival Friday and British Guiana's minister of there is no evidence that these persons, 14 of them Belgian/ Saturday, while spending @ pri. trade, Senator Jocelyn Hubbard, /antibiotics have. any valve in girls, Police said the bar is tre-| vee weekend in Toronto, Next isubsequently suggested the re treating the common cold or its quented mainly by Congolese, onday the prime minister will had been a leak of information side effects Authorities were investigating @aucurate the Confederation fram banking circles here. Ina. in a notice in the federal reg: the activities of an extremist] Memorial Buildings in Char. letter to the local member of ister Saturday the FDA an- group of former Relgian settlers) jottetawn, commerce he termed the "leak" Bounced a I-day peried during of The Conge called Damocies.| A breach of security and a Which it will receive comments; The group recently circulated threat to business which would en the proposal, A final. deci- a letter te Belgian members of undermine confidence in British sion can come any time after parliament and Congolese min. Guiana abroad. the 30-day period ends, isters saying it weuld take a Both Barclays Rank and the Earlier this week, it was an Congolese life for every Belgian Royal Bank of Canada here de. nounced that the FDA had er killed, weunded, imprisoned or nied there had been any leak. dered drug manufacturers to) intimidated dy police in The "y, prove their claims for antibiot. Conge he United Force Party com. ics in a wide variety of com- - mented in a statement Sunday pounds such as throat lozenges that Hubbard apparently was'nose drops and sprays, which confirming the authenticity of in general can be bourht with jout preseriptions In New York four days ago, cure drugs containing antibiot.) party leader Peter D'Aguiar dis-| ics WHAT'S WITH YOUR WRONG DANCING ? The Space Race: iview with radio station CJSP:;~ | Hamilton .....0.5 ; ;"Anyone knows that in the SEEK | SAFETY { western Lake Ontario, Hamil-'st Catharines..... event of a nuclear war Canada| LONDON tae ee read would be involved whether or|safety researchers are working! not she had an agreement withon a street lamp that bends. the U.S. to obtain nuclear'war- when hit by a car and causes! heads the minimum amount of dam. ; ton, Toronto: Increasing cloudi- Toron: ness today followed by showers vo this evening and early Tuesday. Mainly cloudy Tuesday, contin.| uing cool, winds light, \Muskoka "I don't wiek te statement age. represents the feelings of the == government of the Soviet Union Is THE TIME jand it is not to be taken as se- jrious as its author would seem To hove thot carpet or chest. ertield cleaned professionally in Oshewo's Crigine! Carpet Cleaning Centre . . . where Eastern Lake Ontario, Hali-); burton: Becoming cloudy telovaere to have indicated." fully guerenteed sotisfection is essured. Phone 728-4681 ward evening with some show: Baritan ' WE MO NU-WAY ers during the night : morning. Sligh : Tuesday, winds light, = Oe you know where BAGOT = $v. & Right . . | Acros RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. Wingham ........ ee ae ara, southern Bay -- errr rrryy Peterborough .... CALL OR Ste DIXON'S FOR OIL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER 30 YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 and Tues-/sault Ste. Ma cooler! Kapuskasing ..... White River....... Timmins .. * agami, Algoma, North Bay.) Sault Ste. Marie, Sudbury: In.| EYE EXAMINATIONS PHONE 723-4191 by eppointment F. R. BLACK, O.D. + Northern Georgian Bay, Tim-| from the attice, ; past * North of the P.U.C. larger, more efficient there, 30 we con serve you HARRY MILLEN" Lack confidence Outdated steps ........5 Can't lead Can't folder ss oesecesss Need practice .......00< SPECIAL RATES DURING OUR SOth ANNIVERSARY Don't fet poor doncing stecl yout popularity, Come to the Arthur Murray Studio new ond let on expert teacher bring out your dormant doncing eblity, There is only ome hose step to leo end you con master it in @ short time -- even if you howe newer danced before. Toke odventage of Specie! 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