Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Aug 1963, p. 7

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The Test of Faith 'As God had promised, Sarah, the wife of Abraham, conceived a son, al- though she was 90 and Agraham, 100, Through this son, Isaac, God prom- ised, Abraham would become the father of nations,--Genesis 21. burnt-offering. To test Abraham's faith, he told him to take this beloved son, now grown, to a mountain and offer him as a Abraham = did question the command, but set out with Isaac.--Genesis 22:1-8, not At the appointed place, built the altar, bound Isaac on wood on it and took his knife to slay him, Just then the angel of the Lord inter- vened and stopped him, and a ram was offered instead.--Genesis 22:9-13. ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY. SCHOOL LESSON | Abraham back to By Alfred Buescher | When Isaac was about 40, his father sent his chief servant from Canaan Mesopotamia, to bring a bride for Isaac, Rebekah, from among}; his own people.--Genesis 24, GOLDEN TEXT: Hebrews 11:17. BIBLE LESSON Test Of Faith Given Abraham By N, SPEER JONES This week's lesson takes us from the birth of the only son of Abraham and Sarah to the birth of their grandsons by him, Esau and Jacob, Twenty-five years after God's promise, Isaac was finally born when Abraham was 100 and Sarah, 90. The age of Isaac's parents reminds us of another pair of Biblical parents, Zacha- rias and Elisabeth, who gave birth to John the Baptist when por were beyond the normal child-bearing years. The age of his parents may be reflected in Isaac's name, which means "he laughs" or "the laughing one." We recall that Sarah laughed when the angels announced that she would have a child when she was 80 aged (Genesis 18:12, 13). Iscidentally, only one other ibirth was more heralded than 'Isaac's--Christ's, Sarah now returns Hagar's spite; after having no child, she now has the preferred child, In another reversal of roles, find Abimelech, king of Gerar, visiting Abraham in Beersheba and seeking a treaty of protec: tion from him, who now is ob- viously favored by God (Gene- sis 21:22-33), Previously, Abra- ham had resorted to trickery to keep himself safe from Abime- lech's power (Genesis 20). The story of Abraham's sac- rifice of Isaac is a familiar one; it represents the supreme test and supreme victory of Abra- ham's faith, We all meet tests of our. own faith, lesser in de- gree than Abraham's, but the same in concept--in the appar- ent inconsistencies of God's ac- tions, Isaac, so long waited, so CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE $T, EAST Brench of The Mother Church, The Firat Chureh ef Christ Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts, SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00 A.M. "SOU aad WED, SERVICE (includes Testimonies) 8 P.M, READING ROOM HOURS Tuesday end Thursday 12 Noon to 3:00 p.m, we long promised, and for whom so much was promised, was ap- parently to be destroved. Yet Abraham's faith is such that he is able to tell his servants that he and Isaac will return, He cannot comprehend what God plans, yet he believes. Notice that while Abraham's sacrifice is merely threatened, God later delivers His Own Son jas a sacrifice for us all--and His sacrifice is consummated, Chapter 23 details the death and burial of Sarah at the age of 127, Abraham was away from home at the time, His negotia- city of Charran from Ur, The name Rebekah is significant in that it means a noose or a tie The servant Eliezer was quickly captivated by Rebekah, and Is aac was devoted to her for a lifetime. It is at the end of this chapter that we first find the word "love" in the Bible, tions for a burial place for his wife typify Oriental dealings, | After Sarah's death, Abra- ham becomes concerned about) the. marriage of Isaac, who now! is about 40, The chief reason) that he determines to find a) ness and idolatry of the latter; his own people were worship- pers of the One God, Nahor, the grandfather of Re- bekah, was Abraham's brother, who apparently migrated to the € TO SERVE GOD! SUNDAY AUGUST 18 10;15----OPEN AIR Excepting Holidays Baha u Ilah has drawn the circle of unity, He hos made @ design for the uniting of all peoples, and for the gathering of them all under the shelter of the tent of universal unity, --Abdul Baha For further information write: OSHAWA BAHA'] COMMUNITY SECRETARY, 29 GLADSTONE Ph. 725-7878 poem raSeAReEe cemngRRemERCRS SERS The Baha'i World Faith | 11:00 A.M, HOLINESS MEETING Special Speoker Brigedier Gilbert Dockeray 2:00 P.M, SUNDAY SCHOOL 6:15--OPEN AIR SIMCOE SOUTH 7:00 P.M. SALVATION MEETING 2:30 TUESDAY HOME LEAGUE 8:00 P.M, WEDNESDAY Prayer and Bible Study eC ore Daily vacation Bible Schoo! August 19-23, every morning 9-11.45 AM Clasing Programme Monday, even- BYNG AVE. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH REV. G. A. CARROLL, Postor Res. 728.2426 Church 728-2931 7:00 P.M. -- Evangelistic Service MR. H. DAWSON SPEAKING 10:00 A.M,--Sunday School 11:00 A.M. -- Praise and Worship ing August 26th 7:00 P.M, "A WELCOME AWAITS YOU AT THE ARMY" Major & Mra, Fred Lewis Corps Officers 133 Simcoe South wife for his son from among his|Bill Wood, who heads a com- own people rather than from/Pany here that raises trout among the Canaanites among|market, ! whom he lived was apparently|3,200 miles via the Alaska high- the gross immorality, wicked-|way-to Anchorage, Only about Rebekah's dismounting when she saw Isaac followed Oriental custom, in which an inferior dis- mounts and advances on foot when meeting a superior, Rebekah and Isaac had been) married 20 years before they were blessed with children, No- tice that from the beginning we! See the characteristics of con-|, niving in Jacob and of indiffer-|'"8: ence to sacred things in Esau. water, used sparingly OPEN CONVENT TRUCK TROUT SAFELY PRINCE RUPERT, B.C, (CP) for|i" the province of Scania. WIFE PRESERVER | You can clean playing cards carefully with a little suds and Handle cards gently to prevent crack- trucked 15,000 fish} GRACE 100 died during the trip. LUTHERAN PARK ROAD & HIGHWAY 401 Rev. Philip Fiess, Minister Vicar Owen Aho, Assistant BLOOR STREET BAPTIST CHURCH 135 Harmony Rd. South Postor Wm, Lewis SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 A.M, SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. DIVINE WORSHIP WEDNESDAY P.M.----Church School P.M.--Divine Worship 9:45 A.M, SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM "THE LOST COIN" :00 You are: invited :30 ANN LANDERS Too Much For Dear Ann Landers: I'm 17, a girl, and very much worried about my little brother, He is 12 and getting completely out of control, Dad died two months ago and mo mhad to go to work right away. This left me in charge of the house and my brother, He used to be obedient and polite and never caused any trouble. Now he sasses me, leaves the house whenever he feels like it and comes home when he wants! | I don't know where he is most of the time or who he is with. When I try to talk to him he tells me-I am not his boss and we end up in a fight. My mother is too exhausted and too nervous to argue with him, Daddy was always the one who made the decisions in our fam- Care Of Kid Brother . THE OSHAWA TIMAS, Saturday, August 17, 1963 7 Holiday on a Farm Gives City Dwellers A Complete Change PRESTON, Ont. (CP)--A va- cation on the farm may not Girl all, let him know you. love him, Dear Ann Landers: I don't know if this is the kind of a problem I should be bothering you with but I am only 12 years old and I don't have much love life yet to speak of. Well, to get to the point, I am crazy about horses. After many years of begging, my folks are finally buying me a horse in September, Now I need to know how to talk horse talk, I've got to get hold of a horse diction- ary right away so I will be able to use words like gelding, filly, stud, withers stallion and year- ling, Please tell me where I can get such a dictionary, I want to start studying now so I won't be ignorant in the horse-circles. --NO HORSE SENSE YET Dear N. H. 8. Yet: I know of Disneyland or the romance of a South Sea island, but there apparentiy are attractions for city dwellers, brothers - in - law, a son, two daughters, an uncle, three nieces, and a nephew. The business is doing well, tives will be sent to Europe at company expense to look at items we might buy." burned up about it. What can HOT UNDER THE COLLAR Dear Collar: Sell your 20 per- ily concerning my brother and herited the job. now that he is gone I have in-| | cent and remove yourself from the list of ulcer candidates. What you make on the invest- no horse dictionary and further- more, even if I did 1 wouldn't recommend it. but I have the feeling it would do better if we got rid of some of the relatives, It was recently f \decided that two of the rela- I do about this boondoggle?-- offer quite the excitement of |r reads: A sister - in - law, two . The trip is a phony and I'm|¢ up-to-date farm operated by Mr, and Mrs, James Beirnes, has been playing host to va- cationers from the city for five Mog Haven, a scientifically Holiday, City-bred Mrs, Eric Ax at Mog Haven for the roo summer, even t an all-night vigil with a ne calf, * The best part of a family holiday won't | be spoiled" ahs Please help me, Ann, before) The best way to learn 'horse brother goes bad.-- {alk" is by being around people my little A SISTER |who talk it, That's the way they Dear Sister: This is a critical) 'earned, time in your brother's life and I urge you to get help from an/ago I invested $10,000 lated to me, but they are all Your approach to the boy)telated to each other. should be gentle. He resents} The payroll looks like their The first Roman Catholic con-/your taking his father's place|family roll call. Before I sat vent in Sweden in 467 years|as the authority in the family.}down to write this jhas been dedicated at Glumslov| Try to be soft-spoken, and abovelchecked and this is the way it) tem, | letter I ment cannot compensate for what you stand to lose, | GATED BY LAW: There is no Statute of guilty conscience, Pay the man. Surely your reputation is worth a few hundred dollars, Dear Ann Landers: Two years in a adult male An uncle would be|small business, For my $10,000 ideal. or a friend of your father.|I own 20 percent. My partners |Perhaps your clergyman can/are four men who are not re- FROM PERTH AMBOY: }come to the rescue. ip good are her dimensions! if si of M heart? What you describe| is a without a central heating sys-| a mother at all," says Mrs. Axelson, whose three sons are gone all day, Mr. Beirnes in the fields, riding & pony calied Freddy the Free- loader, playing on a swing of cooling off in the farm pond. eee of Confidential to NOT OBLI- limitations on a Confidental to THE GO BOY) LISTEN TO So] THE FAMILY BIBLE HOUR SUNDAY 5:30 TO 6:00 P.M. ! CKLB -- DIAL 1350 has a computer instead) terrific construction job) FREE METHODIST CHURCH 17 Erie St. Rev. W. A. McMillan, Pastor Dial 725-3872 9:00 AM--"The Light And Life Hour'? -- 900 on your Radio Dial. 10:00 A.M.---SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M.--THE FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR ALSO AT 1042 ROSSLAND RD. W, 9:45 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.---WORSHIP SERVICE EVERYONE WILL BE WARMLY WELCOMED 7:00 P.M, REV, JOHN VAN HARMELEN HEBRON and ZION Christion Reformed Churches of Oshawa One block north of highway 2 on Thickson Rd. and you see the church! Church of the "Back to God Hour" every Sunday, 9:15 p.m, CKLB SUNDAY, AUG. 18th 00 A.M 10: M, MR. HERMAN SALOMONS (FAREWELL) me | HARMONY UNITED CHURCH: Rev. N, T. Holmes, B.A., 8.D., Minister Ross Matcalt ART. ACCOM. | Organist and Choirmester 10:00 A.M. ~ MORNING WORSHIP Catvarny Baptist CENTRE AND JOHN STREETS Affiliated with the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canade Assistant Pastors Rey, Ernest Winter 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 11:00 A.M.--"NEHEMIAH--BUILDER FOR GOD" REV, ERNEST WINTER FOR BOTH SERVICES 7:00 P.M.--"THE PARABLE OF THE SOWER" -- BROADCAST OVER CKLB RADIO -- Wednesday, 7:45 P.M.--BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER SAT, 8:00 P.M.--PRAYER MEETING EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Corner of Evangeline and Phillip Murray 9:45 A.M--BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 A.M--MR, DOUGLAS PERKINS TUES. 7:30--C. A. FOR ALL YOUTH Wed. 7:45 -- Bible Study ond Prayer, A_Chureh Where God 2 Present end Everyone ia Welcome. $1IM99§ PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 245 Simcoe St. S. Pastor; REV, R. A, BOMBAY THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX SIMCOE ST. NORTH (Four blecka from King) tnterim-Moderator REV, D. R. SINCLAIR, B.A, Musical Director Mr, Matthew Gouldburn, A.L.C.M. SUNDAY 10:00 A.M.-SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. MRS. BEULAH SMITH AND PARTY 9:45 Church School Bible Cless end Adult Study Group 11:00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP REV. D. R. SINCLAIR Service will be broadcast over CKLB ST. LUKE'S Rossiond Rd, W, et Nipigon Minister REV. D. R. SINCLAIR, B.A, Choir Director: Mr. Fred Unshow Pianist: Misa Joon Weir ST. PAUL'S KING ST. &. & WILSON Rev. D. A. P. Allen, MA. T.C.D. Minister, 443 Beverley -- 728-6014 Mr, Frank Walter, Orgonist end Choirmaster 9:30 A.M, MORNING WORSHIP REV. D. R, SINCLAIR All Cordially Invited. 11:00 AM, MORNING WORSHIP SPEAKER: 9:45 A.M, SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M, "IN HIS STEPS" 7:00 P.M. "CHRISTIAN CONSCIENCE" Wednesday 8:00 P.M.--Midweek Fellowship CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH ANGLICAN MARY AND HILLCROFT STREETS RECTOR: THE VEN. H. OD. CLEVERDON -- PHONE 725-5795 Assistont; The Rev. J. D. Osborne ~~ Phone 728-0732 CHURCH OFFICE TEL, 728-825) 8:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 A.M.--MORNING PRAYER The Rt, Rev, E. B, Henderson, 0.D., SERMON--Lord Bishop of Both ond Wells NO EVENING SERVICE ST. MATTHEW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH "Albert Street United Church (Albert St. and Olive Ave.) REV, ALBERT E, LARKE, Minister : Organist-Choirleader: Mra, C. A. NAYLOR, A.T.C.M.--R.M.T, 11:00 A.M.--PUBLIC WORSHIP REV, $. J. HILLIER LITTLE CHILDREN CARED FOR IN. NURSERY, The Sunday School will NOT meet agoln through the summer. Sunday, September 8th will be the dete for reassembly Centre Street - Westmount United Churches COMBINED SERVICES OF WORSHIP DURING AUGUST SUNDAY 11:00 A.M. PLACE OF WORSHIP CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH EVERYONE CORDIALLY INVITED 11:00 A.M, -- Nursery, St. Andrew's United Church SIMCOE SOUTH AND BRUCE STREETS MINISTER: REV, JOHN R. LENG, M.C., B.A., B.D., D.D. Organist ond Choirmaster: MR, KELVIN JAMES, A.T.C.M. COMBINED SERVICES DURING AUGUST AND FIRST SUNDAY IN SEPTEMBER IN SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH REV. JOHN K. MOFFAT, B.A., MINISTER 11:00 A.M, MORNING WORSHIP Beginners and Primary Sunday School | (Wilson Rd. South at Hoskin Ave.) OSHAWA Sunday, August 11th -- Congress Sunday 10:00 A.M. ONLY THE HOLY COMMUNION Preacher: The Rev. R. J. A. Lindsay, M.A. of Burundi, Africa Rev. W. J. S. McClure, B.A, (nursery care provided) HOLIDAY VISITORS WELCOMED! FIRST xine st. PENTECOSTAL cnurcn 611 KING ST. W. INTERIM PASTOR -- REV. EARL DOUGLAS PARSONAGE--331 CENTRE ST. PH. 725-1661 7:00 P.M--DRIVE-IN CHURCH AT LOBLAWS -- SHOPPING CENTRE SPECIAL TALENT 11:00 A.M.--SUNDAY WORSHIP 9:45 A.M--SUNDAY SCHOOL Classes for all ages. Tuesday 7:30 P.M. -- Christ Ambessodors Wednesdoy $:00 P.M. -- Proyer end Bible Study COME AND HEAR THIS OLD TIME PENTECOSTAL PREACHER BAPTIST CHURCH REV. N. FRANK SWACKHAMMER, B.A. MISS JUDITH DAVISON, B. MUS. NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH REV. H. MELLOW, B.A. MR, J. ROBERTSON, A.R.C.T. 9:50 P.M.--Friendly Chat over CKLB -- Rev. Mellow Speaking COMBINED SERVICES REV. H. A. MELLOW B.A. MINISTER IN CHARGE 11:00 A.M. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Hortop et Glenwood) August 18th, SERMON: WITNESSING 7:00 P.M. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MR, J. W. D, LEWIS, 8.S.A. (Student Minister Bloor Baptist) in charge of Evening Services Junior Church and Nursery for the Morning Worship ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH BAGOT AND CENTRE $75. REV, F. G. ONGLEY M.A. -- Rector SUNDAY, AUGUST 18th -- TRINITY X -- CONGRESS SUNDAY 8:30 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 A.M.--ANGLICAN CONGRESS SERVICE The Right Reverend Henry W. Baines, M.A. King St. United Church: 128 KING STREET EAST REV. L, WESLEY HERBERT, Minister Mr, Edword White, Student Assistent Mr, Rhyddid Williams Choir Director and Organist 10:00. A.M. "WITH A SONG IN MY HEART" Psaim 63 Ephesions 5 Junior Congregation 10:00 a.m. "Foirest Lord Jesus' (Sherman) Mrs. James Bell and Miss Caro! Edwards The student assistunt will preach Alwoys A Welcome Fer All At The Friendly Femily Church. Duet: Bishop of Wellington, New Zeoland COFFEE HOUR -- Following Service to meet Bishop Baines NO EVENING SERVICE AT ST, GEORGE'S 8:00 P.M.--Missionary Rally at Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto Nursery Facilities available at the 11:00 a.m. Service THURSDAY, AUGUST 22nd--HOLY COMMUNION--10:00 A.M. THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY Corner Court & Barrie CHURCH 725-7411 RECTORY 728-7093 REV, L. M. WARE "CONGRESS SUNDAY" 9:30 A.M.--"HOLY EUCHARIST" Rt, Rev, Donald S$. Arden, B.A. the Lord Bishop of Nyossoland, Central Africa. No Evensong July, August SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH The Church in the heart of the city with the World on tts heart. MINISTER: REV. JOHN K. MOFFAT, B,A. Director of Music: Mr. R. G. Geen, L.T.C.M. 11:00 A.M. "THE TIMELESS JUDGE" THIRD IN A SUMMER SERIES "OCEAN WITHOUT SHORE" The Congregation of St. Andrew's will worship in Simcoe Street, United Church SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--Deportments for all children up to 8 years,

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