Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Aug 1963, p. 2

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Q THE OSHAWA T IMES, Friday, Auguat 16, 1963 Middle) an wor! By CARL MOLLINS 'lished aceusation that TORONTO (CP)--Churehmen)Eastern Anglicans display at the Anglican World Congressjanti-lsrael bias in their mingled in apparent amity at/ship, a coffee party Thursday night; A book just published . by despite earlier rumblings of dis-|Canon Howard Johnson of Now) pute on racial issues, /York on the worldwide Angi Complaints and accusations|can communion says the church) were exchanged during the day|in Syria, Jordan and Lebanon} on racial controversies involyv-/has revised books of liturgy to! ing Arab and Jew, Negro andiremove favorable references to| Caucasian. the Jews and any reference to! A Middle Kastern clergyman! israel took public issue with an Amer Rev, Shafiq Farah of Beirut ican fellow-delegate over a pub-|Lebanon, charged in a public Exports Increase | Shown This Year) OTTAWA (CP)--Canadian ex-/quantity of goods exported ports to Japan and South Af) Exports to the United States rica showed big increases in the| totalled $1,791,100,000 compared first six months of 1963, a pe- with: $1,797,400,000 in January riod in which total exports setiJune, 1962, and to the United a record |Kingdom $468,300,000 compared Sales to Communist China and) with $421,900,000 West Germany were down and) congress that! book Global! an "ugly; session of the Canon Johnson's Odyssey presented and distorted picture' af the ehureh jn the Middle. Bast, | ATTACK MISTAKES "We are not attacking the) man (Canon Johnson), he sald) later, "Rut we want to straigh:| ten out the mistakes," He added) that Lord Bishop N, A, Cuba'in} of the diocese of Jordan, Leba- non, and Syria, Arab head of Middle Rastern Anglicans, would give the "correet" ver soin of his diocese later Canon Johnson, a scholar at the cathedral church of St) John the Divine in New York /City, Was not available for com.|cepted Wirty' proposals In sep ment Thursday, He is sched: uled to address the congress on another subject next week, Mr, Farah raised his com aint in an unscheduled speech} that came in the middle of al clash aver the church's attitude! towards the campaign for Ne gro civil rights in the United States Lay delegate Francis T. West Wirtz's Seen For Procedures | of WASHINGTON (AP) Rail road unions ijgvolved in" the)" deadlocked work-rules dispute) Thursday night by Immigration said Thursday they have ae {Minister Favreau for Canada's cepted suggestions made by La-/ 210,000 Indians bor Secretary W, Willard Wirtt) We gave the undertaking in for bargaining procedures his capacity as superintendent: "The secretary of labor has in) ' | his hands documents of accept.;8eneral of Indian affairs in a ance from the five railroad op: Speech to the third annual con: erating unions on his' sugges:|ference of the National Indian lions for settlement of the man-/Couneil of Canada, He elabor: ning issue in the work rules iss! ated on the goverpment's deci: pute," a joint statement said. |sion to establish an Indian A spokesman explained that/claims commission, ; {Wo groups of uniONsethoge rep, ' 4 : he ¢ ' ' resenting the firemen and engi Pico poe pigeon gas Po neers and those representing) ciaims and grievances suetent three (rain-crew groups AC the federal government in a just and equitable manner, He said ' the commission likely will con. The firemen and engineers cist of cuban wie pond are concerned with the fires siderable judicial experience men's job issie while the oth:/and two other commissioners other cruc in lk os din * yoga ory that the com: ipl ae mission will net be bound by gp Pe aps makeup strict legal rules of evidence cance Auge ay the ety alNouRh ik atould Nave the # BECTON rowers 0 nour _ merely to define the limits With ove ny fo cot Big Pe rE ge WINNIPEG (CP)A new era justice, freedom of choice arate actions in which bargaining could pro: and human dignity was pledged i Friendly Congress Air | Rail Unions |Era Of Justice Despite Race Dispute Indians all claims referred to it by the government, as well as. such claims as may be made before by Indian bands or other identifiable groups of Indians, Exact terms of reference of the commission could not be di- vulged until the legislation was placed before Parliament, Mr, Favreau said he has no illusions about the difficulties ° that stand in the way of achiev: long-range objectives of govern ment policyfull integration of ithe Indians freely assented to into the main stream of Cana: dian life while encouraging them to maintain their own cul: § 'tural identity, ' | Constructive and acceptable: solutions to the many sectional problems must be found, in or- der that the Indians may take their place with equality and 'dignity In our technological and rapidly changing society, he jsald The minister urged Indians to speak with one national voice in presenting their common prob> lems to the government, ing one of the fundamental and °- jand the production and Inspec. tion of documents," ' Mr, Favreau said that in his view no claim submitted to the commission by Indians should) be open to defeat upon narrow! or technical grounds, "It is proposed that the com. be authorized to hear Among significant changes Was an increase to $192,100,000 from $104,600,000 in Sales to Japan and to $37,000,000 from Africa Substantial increases also. were noted in sales to France, The Netherlands and Australia One of the big declines was to $75,496.00 from $99,641,000 in sales to Communist China, Can ada's fourth largest market, Ex vt Martinsville, Va., complained ceed and were not intended as that U.S, Bpiseopal (Anglican) Settlement proposals, Both un house of bishops had displayed ions and 'carriers were an furziness" and played into the nounced later as having ac hands of '"'pseudo-liberals' by ecepled the bargaining sugges eal endorsing a planned! Hons march on Washington Aug, 28) Union leaders Thursday, how to press for civil rights ever, indicated that they have Mr: West's speech brought an. carried the matter much farther @Mission sry hissing from an audience @fd that both groups-locomo- of about 2.000 in the crowded/ Ve crews and train crews-| conference hall, although there) lave provided information on was their position which could be smatiering of applause , when he sat down used In sett ement clauses While Mr, West was speaking Negro clergyman stood)! @ scandal" that the Epis quieUly beside him waiting for a/CoPal church remains segre The bureau said that the av-ltotalling $5,498,000 in the first/{urn at the microphone, How, |sated in some places erage level of export prices dur-isix months last year and $15,.ever, the meeting was ad ing the period was about 1.2 per/agi.000 in the same period of iourned after the West speech cent above that of the same pe- 194] hy the moderator for the day niod in 1962, while physical vol); The bureau noted increased/former Canadian governor-gen ime increased by 5.4 per cent.jsales of lumber, wood pulp, iron eral Vincent Massey Mhis indicated that the rise injore and aluminum to Japan.| The issue was taken up by value of Canadian exports was! Wheat played an important part delegates in closed study. ses argely due to the increased/in the exports increase to South/sions in the afternoon, Any ac! Africa tion by the congress in the form Among commodities, news resolutions would be pro print ranked first at $349,400 t plenary sessions Sal 000, the New York: and Cleve-/urday next week and newspaper strikes account Rey, €. EB. Crowther g largely for a drop from theieriy of Cape Town and now 1962 six-month total of $362,000,.,chaplain' of the University of a) California in Tos Angeles, said INTERPRETING THE NEWS Senators Likely To Approve Pact By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Press Staft Writer Though haunted by some doubis and misgivings, the U.S isenate in all likelihood will ap prove the partial nuclear test. ban treaty while supporting a continuing build-up in American missile forces The burden of fore the Senate fore tions committee, wh treaty is being examined eats a majority of Americans want the treaty approved, Vote conscious senators cannot ig nore public sentiment In addition, the commitice The one major assured by the U.S. leadership which appears to that U.S. miliary spending will pressed senate not be reduced, Th President no relaxation the reaty a build-up, including the darkness; that it erease the present fe the way te further e the upeoom. missiles to 1,700 by 1 Soviet.Western ne Mr, Win The doubts arise from a more set We are ready tional uy Seviet It' mportamt elec. tions, Time at gain He emphas red tha: edu. commitiee hearings would an important referred to a Soviet history mn the campaign and reit- breached agreements and bro Statements that the prov. ken promises.' Can the U.S, de schoal cur. pend on Russia revised." word this ots. WEATHER FORECAST "ss| Clear Tonight, sass, Cloudy Saturday TOPS LIST those to Cuba continued to dwin dle The bureau of statistics, issu ing export figures by commod: lity and country of destination iThursday gave a revised half jyearly total of Canadian domes- tie -exports of $3,120,400,000,) compared with the $2,930,000, 000 for Januaryslune in 1962 The previous record was set in the first half of the year ports to West Germany, Can Final' figures have not yetlada's fifth best outlet, dropped been released for imports but alta $71,800,000 fram $74,300,000 preliminary estimate eariier in) Prade with Cuba which has dicated the \olai for the firstipeen steadily declining was $4 at $3,126,300,000, 1853,000 compared with exports DIXON'S OIL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER SO YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST, 723-4663 eeerneae er GOOD FOOD Breabjest, Lunch, Dinner te \. 5:30 P.M, te 8 PLM, Hotel Lancaster ales MOMENT TO HIMSELF from the day's activities atthe Toronto Ang World Congress in news a n the on the cateh up cCP Wirephote) Ibadan, to break Indian Claims Agency May Ease Bad Feeling cated fa ederal body div the In.jfrom the government commission claims arising nes in the fall - , ae wen bad and dealings be oa v Canadian tween government and the In . diatis on the basis of merit and 1 considerations as well as } considerations hy is short an a : half of 1963 WHAT YOUR COMMUNITY CHEST MEANS TO YOU !! h | by an and band fu ced Oss o and NoT They acres 0 flooding g con) struction and Canal and that t re ved n mM pensaiion They JOHN E, BIRD ly posed ' P)--The hones »mmission which ned when Par By ar id a or Ontario Grants To Hospitals Revised TORONTO (CP)--A complete revision of the system of Onta.- rio government grants to hospi} als was announced Thursday! by Premier Robarts, Grants for beds and service areas are to be inoreased by $1,200 each, ef- fective immediately Mr, Robarts said the new ays tem provides for payment by the Ontario government of $3 200 for each active treatment bed. and $3,200 for each 300 square feet of service area *revious grants had been $2,000 n each case As an alternative, an Ontario hospHal can receive a grant from the provincial government not to exceed one.third of the ast of construction, less ent, he said new - scale grants that the average hospi. sive Ontario govern. Ms totalling $5,500 a atl ndependent Or x om noah COMPENSATED say that some ? their 'in form ' will r The will. deter last by mine out of \ treaties other of »< 358 a yen as and R aiso say that land was rant to t Navigation Compa and that some $160,000 funds was used to shares and debentures in Grand River Navigation Conipany The Supreme Court of Canada held in the 1840s that the land claims were not actionable, The band fund claim has been be fore the Exchequer Court of Canada since 1931 with any decision being made Failure to rece .? es say that some _ inst the reason ficult and to dea s because a Simcoe Hall Boys' Club! , e % s* g Gr that lega rulec deal with claims not have an actual n might he technical grounds, but merit recognition on claims grounds of honorable dealings -land fairness or good, con science There are four general fields n which the Indians claim they have been treated wrongly by the white man Thev comprise the taking sight and without proper com n BON agreed irsday, other Means, rattled. Charge treaty ol } reported improper use of Indian trust bling noise funds and general claims based three see in law but on an alleged uré by Canada to deal hon fairly i good lence with One claim trates the wh the 1836 band or % b In 1959 it became apparent thet Simcoe Hall was crowded beyond capacity of buildings and staff, It was then decided to make a de- toiled survey of the south area of Oshawa to find out where further services for boys and irls were required and the type of building. The survey was conducted with the full co- operation of Protestant, Catholic and Jewish faiths, Schools, Police and Health. Depart- ments. In 1960 the membership was 1,263 boys and girls who participated in the pro- grams ef youth-training at Simcoe Hall As a result of the survey, and with the co-operation of the Oshawa City Council, it was decided to locate the Simcoe Hall Club on the north-west corner of Eastview Park, With- in one mile of the New Club there are 15 schools, with 7,397 students; the largest girls and boys group in Oshawa. As is the case with Simcoe Hall, there will be many volunteer workers Already a number have indicated their willingness to assist the trained staff with the many activities at the Simcoe Hal! Bovs' Club. This of course is an im- portant and dollar-saving part of the Club's Budget Although this Simcoe Hall Club will be known as a Boys' Club, all the ities will be open to gitls as well as boys, The club capacity will be 400 is and 800 boys The Club will provide a year-round heated swimming pool, size 60° x )', @ regulation basketball gymnasium, woodwork shop, craft rooms, games rooms, audtiorium and other activity rooms : As we enter the front coor of this Club we will first encounter the control where clerical work, alongwith the checking of values will be handled. An office and washroom facilities will be adjacent to the main To the left of the main entrance will be the gymnasium which will provide space for regulation basxetball, 3 badminton courts, volley ball and mony other gymnasrum games Modern 'showers, lockers and other dressing room facilities will service the gymnasium and the swimming pool With the year-round swimming pool, classes will be held in water safety and swimming, under the direction of highly qualified Red Cross swimming instructors Bleachers will be provided in both the gymnasium and the swimming auch Earth Tremor At Cornwall YRNWALL (CP)--A emor was reported r hope that Moreover, nature th what is the true he Soviet + Chinese split? Will it widen or disap pear? Is the treaty an indica. tion Russia wants a truce with the West while battling the Red Chinese clamor Or i tT mer ' Western diplomatic recog Kast Germany? Senatorial opinion is mixed Ques high ranking government witnesses brings no fixed conclusions, for the wit mseives seem unsure which way the wind blowing in the Kremlin of e e at Asa ms of lV ® estimony be total me total equipr | means © ening af of an nesses U Economic Aid Plan Under Review Ry JACK BEST OTTAWA P)-The (4 question anadian nia $6 wae jus is Indians illus seriousness wit! ndian - population conviction have im is that ex Kennedy shaft of MRS, A, P, FULTON President ] Landon, Ont. Qniar I Leader Wintermeyer ® grants are obviously ut Robarts n this matter Swen b said nec paying has e t * essed hy that the oht n 8 : ' Ue to land # ¢ was to mak the " ce af S00: of ¢ e ' vy : gaK Indians rovine ons towards faci a ncial elec mever said on ad inten ] during senatars ' distrus git © an a gers af be les Presen niamination fallout may well be bounds of what man ahsord without genetic State Secretary ® Ohe can much fall _ 3 be a aused by * ® keep desk he SA certain how ay lobby s toe much." Banning af all nuclear tests the aimosphere, outer space water W bieck the developms a 100 bomb such as. Russia eved capable of pro- De z MeNamara feels can detler DY a nad unde gaton yw t s be t ™m parsimoenie but ada last yea aid given to PORTUGAL ana amount country's Robert most be accom smalier MIST " Shed poo! sraup af tar . A well equipped woodworking shop wil! be located on the lower level ef the building. Space for work benches, storage cabinets and power taols will be provided. There wil! also be a junior games room on the main floor and a senior games room on the upper floor, The games rooms will be pro- vided with various types of garnes suitable for girls and boys. * A t be located on the main floor with an assortment of books the i boys will find most interesting In addition there will be space available for such diversified activities ¥, Stamp club, fish ond game club, chess club, trampoline, cooking nt iS he wea abie - and day becar g ean x { v fice hy SyROPSis> A Sure Row Oy northwest 13 to Sata afterneon Ferecast Temptratures Low tenight, high Saturday Windser 3 St, Thomas... Landan Kitchener Mount For Wingham Hamuton St. Cathar Terenta ... Peterbdar Mmlr Trenton Killaloe ... Muskeka waees North Ray. Sudbury Rariten ... ae Sault Ste. Marie... Kapuskasing - White River. ..... Moasenee .. Timmins SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial The established, reheble Gos we your area 31 CELINA ST. (Cormer at Arhat) 728-9441 eastern Lake ted io move Ontarie teday fair weather ad easiward inte rr Oatarie air, Lake Erie Lake Haron, Niagara, Lake On riarie, Georg Ray, Windser 2 Landon, Hamilien, Tareanta Mainty and cool today Clear Saturday cloudy with asiona! rain. Winds aght today easterly 2) Satur. day Ha rane speriority can be mainiaed rough a Vigerous pregram of esti MA Pay orary W hs aS ain x " nt g + ane @PPasitia a Pr. Re physicist ste ct rihw ° expressed hy Canad Lake that France ar clude. adminisir present and ? Africa in t ther terest figure ia reckoning of while Canadian assistance ithe form af laid and Meanwhile that a se jestimate in the | pee plan alloca jleast the $30,000.000-a. year iThere have bees ta token =» $58. 000.000 Foreign aid s $4 was set at S32 Imates tabled last ministe: { 4 SSeS msultart € would impede an antimissile * challeneed bw and wha maintain an preceed through un <a tea vAg IS THE TIME @ an € Money for the capital expense of this building ix being rewed by privete but help will be needed from the Greater Oshawa Community operating expense Simcoe Hall ts o member cf The Bays' C of Canada, which has over 80 Boys' Clubs from British Columbia to Newfoundland, His Excellency Major-General George P. Vanier, Governor General of Canada, is the Hon- erery Patron. His Excellency has a keen personal interest in the Boys' Clubs, end @ recent meeting said, "Indeed | can. think cf no more important contribution to the future of our-country than the work which is being done by Boys' Clubs of Canada in providing wholesome places for recreation end leedership for these citizens of the future. | beg of vou to continue this good work Membership to sunny tonight Dthion mans A " fhe bs 2 ony Chest for the ary authorit work ¢ some MAtNes s in gra capital assist mis. technica burton, Timagami, Cech western James Ray, North Swany with cleudy perieds amd quite coal today. Clear te might. Saturday cloudy with oc.) ; Casional rain, Winds narthwest! 1@ to 2 today, light tonight east ; 1S Saturday 3 Alpama and rated Ray ~f the Swdh Mainly lacreas ary OO) today pudiness tonight followed aim. Saturday cloudy with ecasional rain clearing during me ahernoen, Winds light van » the Boys' Clubs of Canada means thet the Club must ste the club must be open each weekdey, @ program must be continuous, not just on effort to attract children for © tew The club must heve the required equipment, ond it must have statf who understand the problems of youth and can give help where needed im the sohkution of tAem ny comfarm natiane! ndords ah " + « ® hove the 2p or ¢ nous ts Support the Simcoe Hall e Greater Oshewa Community Chest vs than te mend men." a GREATER OSHAWA COMMUNITY CHEST 1? ONTARIO STREET PHONE 728-0203 MAROLD £. PERSON, Pree ROBERT 2. BRANCH, Executive Secretory bd hy deter a x WE MOVED ! De wee kheow where BAGOT 3%. > Right * Acre hem he pew office, Guat Morte of the PULC We heave Serger, more eftcrent querten here, 82 WR CO serre yee HARRY MILLEN Rest Evete 728.1679 WS Dm Dy Support 8 Bo CHILD A MESSIAH? mart she Phone 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST @ Cammercat and teg@uytre: Stes @ Lenses © Deveinpment Pau! Ristow REALTOR 728.947 a Jo Sakespeare and Gearre bushand 3 Spalding d the a uarv COM Mure sk has E ae ! Messiah. Hix wet * R af ) | "| ara her Snir ver ala ney hear her ziand | 18? King &. T ® also to Wir

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