'27---Real Estate For Scle |27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale |29----Automobiles For Sale 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, August 16, 1963 15 Joc, Has welll PEAL. ESTATE, $9900, -- Private, 1Va|MODERN fiveroom bungalow, finished 195s CHEVROLET sedan. delivery. | | -- 23--Wanted To Rent |26--Rooms For Rent 27--Real Estate for Sale IRNI "SALE -- Large fiveroom|BUILDING lef, 72 x 218 y nf mm bungalow; | finished : A MALE Thi h "schoo! teacher "desires room FURNISHED | room, in aduit home, no FRIVA ' ponte AB eee - asement, iarge ty 3 Best chan Oiler, Aaaly ie Gur Siraet, Bhd Boare in OCV) aren, Write Box 28/co0king, gertiemen. Telephone 7251205, brick bungalow natural stone tron wo Bad COON: ANKIOR SA. Tee Ne Sek Mian alk reel districl, Close to stores schools, DUS. Telephone. 7245286 (eee heomel For Sale |30--Automobiles Wanted , Oshawa Times, THREE-ROOM furnished fiat lignt house. D&drooms:--aliachy J | anes rie good well, low. taxes, close to school,| 28 1952 CHEVROLET good body, motor end| NEVER sell your car or hall-ion pick elevision | tower, landscaped f for thi g 1963 CHEVROLET impala, super sport,|1952 C! 9 iy, motor 4 LARGE Iwo oF threa bedroom house or|Keeping, central, Suit two or three gen- {OO V%55 Grierson Street Solace 'erick ey with carport |2ivminum screens and storms, TV an-1s6a9 DOWN ONE NHA mortyage. 3 Bed iiwo-door hardtop, DIACK with red. Trim,|tires radio, $65 Whilby, 668-5071 2 ee ne Bd strane. apartment, Three children. Steady em- fiemen or girls _ Telephone 723-4162 -------~loniy 1¥¢ yeark olf. Loaded with extras enna, founle: ue * pl Pate 7 room split level with built in mn and power windows and aerial, 300 hp auto i963 PONTIAC convariibie, automatic, anfor venue, Toronto, HO 1-6064, jovyment, Lease if necessary, References.\PONTIAC INN -- Rooms, single or, PRIVATE, 'S-year-ol7 solid brick, 3 bed-| ali la services, Close to public angi 9°% garden land, Close to Highway ' refrigerator, Carries for $75 month Close matic, metallic brakes and many other ltully powered, bucket seats, Diplomat LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cara id tra room in basement.|All °Pa miles west of Brooklin, Phone 655-lt, shopping, schools and transportation. ostras gy gel Si GR cia > " i" sark..room bungalow Extra room i * extras. Can be seen at 877 9 reet for wrecking. Highest prices id, 220, 725-5896 atter §.30 double, Television privileges Free park J Tae thorinad Baa seraancd. Monty high schools. Possession before school 'j.19 Open to offers 10 minutes drive west of Stevenson's road, fast biue with. white top. Private. Telephone Wentworth Bast, 75181" pe Scue Gs marae tek we bank ing Weekly o" nightly rates. 7259045 f as speey ssh oe and out, Fully. fenced siarts, Pe sthestind 728-0569 - {Cali Mr. McKinnon, collect Pickering TE a 685-4622, wor as! ith of wi ne. He " * PONTIAC Parisienne, convertible, , DEAN AVENUE -- nice! furnished th CHOICE northend location, A smart new!9.946), 1960 | MOBILE, hardiop, map per - verd, With oe without gation to buy, tee fe i end landecoped, Full price Saae Wain s'x-room ranch bungalow with double at- var + evtomatic, radio, power steering, Apply ir eee Clean wr or well, 31---Automobile Repair scrable, References {If required. Tele-;"90m for rent Quiet home. Leundry $2,000 down. One 6 per cent open mort ' h ion, |BOWMANVILLE, Elgin Street, buliding ayy yc, hg phone 728-9959 and 'kitchen facilities available, Phone gage, 729-0026 Feyee eeaae citchent large living' em|l0l, 78x 120, suitable for. duplex. All 8 eet __. {alt body... $155, Whitby 668-5071 ISTON'S GARAGE __ \ three or four-reem ae dining room, three spacious bedrooms, |services, Near school, Telephone 623-3855. | 1955 PLYMOUTH 'station wagon, 1 $200 OF igi CHEVROLET § ton dump truck, HOU (@) "GA AG WIDOW requires e- FURNISHED single and double room FOR SALE FOR bathroom with colored fixtures, tiled/SHVERN STREET lot in bulllup wren, erent ore' elephone gond condition, PCV licence, $7,800.| and SERVICE STATION walls and built-in vanity, This beautifuliciose to bus and schools. Asking $3200. ANTIQUE 1926 Ford touring, ; partially re | Brocklin, 65-3230. | ih : mearicney, LaCie INR Toe IS for ladies or gentlemen. Apply 25 Div oe. bing sion Street \ home is priced at under $20,000 with NHA/Caij 725-963) after 5 tored, chroming done, $400 or best offi " . lov | L 8) GM '2 TON PICK UP truck, good T oO 2 - 5 Room Bungolows Financing. Call Henry Stinson at 733-1133. aa pg . Telephone 723-1911 days, or after 6 BM. congition, Telephone afler 5 p.m, 723-1384 EXAC 119, Oshawa Times - TWO FURNISHED bedrooms for two. : : : ; 90d building lots in the | : : " ARM FOR SALE 65 acres, abundant 775.495 TWO> or three-bedroom house, Must be gentlemen, Close to Shopping Centre Gor FP. 9 P : | in the Cadillac - Evenings 725-0243, Carl Olsen Realtor, 22 E oe tent buildings, 20 mites north! oe or 728-7860 PRODUCTS close to school, Reasonable rent, Tele Apply 63 Grentel' Street, Call after ¢ . Village of Port Peiwy, Highland A OTS, in Oshawa, serviced, 50 toot frenl-lor Cobourg, Telephone after § p.m. 725. 195% VAUXHALL Velex, four door. Ex- |HOTROD COUPE for sale disassembled phone 728-0773 p.m, 725-8721 fee ignian rea age, NHA approved -- priced from £3,900. 'aa cellent' condition. 728-5425, [but complete $150 or best offer. Terms. 67 KING ST, WEST rent Terms, Call Mr. leby at 725-6544 aT hi fter 5, 723-4559 r FURNISHED apartment by reliable LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room for ren!., pply to j od Appi | oRIVATE SALE -- Whitby. Five-room 1958 PONTIAC Parisienne convertible, V8, Telephone after : working couple. Wanted immediately. Newly decorated. Apply 171 Nassau ; fe d Kelly. | FOR A QUICK SALE. {723-2398. Jonn A J" Bolahood Limited. riya sungaiow.. Clore. ie separate aulomatic, radio, Good condition: After 6.\isas VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe," Like "new, 723-7822 Messrs, Greer an ely, CALL TWO-BEDROOM brick bungalow, close| schools, $2000, down. 5 per cent NHA telephone 725-3697 iow mileage, Ladies car since new, Tele: 39 Articles For Sale After 5 p.m. telephone 725-8933 Street ' FURNISHED room, lady preferred, pr Barristers |!0 public school. Price $9800. Less for! morigace, 668-5353 1962 CHEVROLET impala convertibie,/phone 725-7484 WANTED by Christian family, transterr- ae Te 4 cat ' caeh, Ni ts. Telephon vt | eee ---- oo. Six or seven reom. house' in Oshawe,/Yare enirance, In new home, Dean Ave Box 131, | MRS. BEAL AT ash No agents. Telephone 72-7245. | seiare™ sale, zis siorey brick house, D/Ack, red interior, Immaculate condition, |iga3 PLYMOUTH good tires; molor and BOAT 15/2 Cedar strip, taller, 9216, Ne small children, Write Box 27 Osh-|we Cell 725-6700, Ox PRIVATE SALE -- No F ten good location, new ol! furnace, aluminum of steering, power brakes back-up! body, Reasonable, Telephone 725-997), Arc top guitar with pickup, $40, 668-2008, Ti ONE large bedroom and kitchen, furnish of ' year-old six-room, storey and a alti windows, 469 Mary Street after 6 p.m, lahls, Hydromatic, lo, rear -speal : | iA bc z ih ed for one or two gentlemen, Phone Port Perry, Ontario. rouse, brick with stone front, Near south telephone 725-6916 er Low mileage, All extras, One owner,|1983 PONTIAC, periect condilion, lols of srg erg Ogg BL BY OCTOBER 1 -- Threebedroom bun-| 775.1904 plant, Apply 248 Tresane Street BBAUTIRUL sicroom~fwoxterey. von | SBCrillg®, Best otter. 9 a.m, to 6 pmujextras. Telephone 725-9971 Thistle, ' alow, preferably with garage, outskirts i - ' ) y = : e ee. hore (tine oe 1951 CADILLAC Coupe De Ville, Good Lo Oshawa) two schookage children, ref-|/ ROOM for nurses or girls, betroom, $8,900---$1,000 down pay LTD JONES AVENUE -- Two - bedroim Brickiathol, all rooms are large, Waar BLL ETT ge 7 pp prrerggy enreee Tne, mechanically, $180. 1954 Meteor, $65, STOVE, Frigidaire, 40", automatic oven, Will lease, Tete-/"eW home near hospital, General Motor ment. Ten room form house, | bungalow, oil heated, 'aluminum wins | maculate in and ouiside, Asking $12,500 ORD or convertible, V8 engin ane tener, goed' conaitl Dial | 668-2538, erences it necessary. Will leas en 723-2265 dows, elc, Good location, Less for cash.leasy terms. Call Arthur. Weinberger automatic, power steering. Ask for Mrs, Telephone 942-3809 Pickering Beach , y f ss é M Apply 118 Adelaide ast, Telephone ' / "se f > , phone after 6 p.m.» 728-9709, sh Divided for two | por Telephone. 128-7245. 133.7944 Joseph Bosco Realtor, 7287377, Pollard, 24 Charles Street, after 5 W982 CHEVROLET, runs very good, fair HOMADE Sleeper trailer, 13 toot, $225 or Hy. goo v age ee oom g vere niet ¥ est 4 RESPONSIBLE working couple with nol COMFORTABLE single room for" gentle Hydre ; 9g epi vell, $ EIGHT ACRES on Oshawa Creek North 1959 PONTIAC convertible, Telephone body, good tires. $95. Whitby 668-507) mae Apply 335 Athol est, Telephone children requires two-bedroom house with! nan Continuous hot water, Central to trees. Large lo from Taunton Road West. Ideal for atter 6 p.m, 725-3308. 1656 AUSTIN AQO, six cylinder, all leather oll turnace by October |. After 5.30 P.M.' Gowntown and General Motors. 723-9895.| a tennis, social elub or plenic grounds | LOOK HERE isi "CHEVROLET IC Dlasaera ANT, horier: bucket seats, Guten radio. Tos WE buy, soll end exchenge waee torae teeptiane | Zzereus BURNISHED Wingia Sooms, private en 14,900----$2500 down pay= GUIDE REALTY Only $5,900, Al, Survey Real Estate, Cali! excellent. condition, perfect body, new|condition inside and out, 46,000 miles, 're or anything you have, trance. Board if desired. Telephone 725-| T t. 714 acres, five room 98-7551 evenings, 728-1566. : exhaust system and battery, $800 or bes! $395 or offer, Whilby 668-507) dpe Pont My wes 24--Houses For Rent ot 1 storey house, Three piece 3.1] " | | have just listed @ real love- ° |ofter, 725-2879 WSS BUICK Wwodoor hardtop, iwAci com SOUIN_And_3) Bond Street East, 723-1671, ced oir oil heaitng 723-1121 New N.H.A. ly six room. brick" family 1955 CHEVROLET Bel" Air, twodéor, dition, $375 or offer. Can finance, Apply vacuum cleaner repairs, ali maken CAESAREA, LAKE SCUGOG ~-- S-room TT bath. Fore A ree estimates. Parts, attach cottage and 'bedroom. house, immedi A RACTIVELY Attached garage. Small barn home with three bedrooms hard top V8 automatic, custom radio,/205 Lupin Drive, Whitby . Seta, edd ssiaparend roe nae ale possession, Orono 11918 er Blackstock! FI IPKIISLIED) ROOMS fitted for dog kennel, Good NIPIGON STREET 3 bed- Home upsteirs, Only five yeors old, | power brakes. Handyman's chance $225/i9gp VAUXHALL, good condition, ow chines, Rentals Wallace Vacuum Serve ab-datd room brick bungalow with Four piece tile both, Clean pla vod beta or 329 Oshawa Boule: mileage, gow second car, Dial 728-8424. ire Call anytime, 728-0591 garage on © deep fot with' | / condition, Vacant September ; 1962 CHEVROLET Bei Air, ¢door sedan, RANGE, MOFFAT 30 inch, living room room modern lovely garden end fruit Only $625 Down toe 1958 PONTIAC Parisienne convertible metaiiic green, automatic, _whitewalls, er win' tepien, electsie i Bc. My | FoR wold = newly decorated, two 1 ; p wee siorey hot 27' Buckingham Avenve Available in private home 5 395 Mary Street Cali between 5 and 7 p avtomatic, 348 engine; radio, full power ---- : equipment, good condition, Sl4a7s or best|Scly Power-ateering, etc, Only 12700 roam suite, All in good condition, Dial Afier 6 p.ms apply i " { one bungalow Tt \ 9 , ng brick and st ing This home has ju For Immediate Sale | tice at $2,360, Telephone } Sane : rereleviaion. tower, ail et | 82 PARK RD. N, replo board hot the market and. we shall | ONLY $] 3 300 ffer, financing arranged if necessery. ania) ee ee eipeticage aren - ms on idee west r Pa 1 pene \ c ® | , 78-0558 BUY and sell, good used furniture and veniences, Oil heated, Dial 725-9485 ) 19, divided 9 ) i Ye Three bedroom brick bunge |S MERCURY convertible, power x ; ~ \ t nces. One locat! ly. FOUR-ROOM bungalow, available Sep 728-867 | ' ly landscaped, ; low, oil heat, Southeast Osh- With $2,000 Down 196) CHEVROLET Impala, 2door hard-|sieering, brakes and windows, town and ile 4d Bimone: South, 'sen t 90 monthly. Lesile Street BUY V.L.A ¢ awa, Private sale by owner. automatic transmission, 6 cylinder,|country, push button radio. Dominion cial tna cael rember $ Jw My 27 Real Estate For Sale Ce Toc otes €¢ East on Horne : 03 but open to offers ew white-walls. perfect condition After' Royal master tires, Private. A-) cond). MOBILE home, 4) x 10 ff, Telephone f j <a ot, East Y My 4 ' ae ee ev ali 728-7837 beg 5.5862 Newcastle 4/25 torey home or : 0 Telephone 725-850: EASY TERM tron, $1495. Telephone 725-58 oe x storey Y Pp LUXURY convertible, 1962 Buick Electra jgg3 VALIANT V200 sedan with automa. VIKING range, 30 Inch, four burner, In FOUR om $ r mmed » act nye. possessiog pay sig No Down Faymert Bower & Gibson age ond a very nice summe Call Jock Appleby + 5, yellow with white top, natural lea-/tic, radio etc. under warranty, 11,000 excellent condition, Asking $100. Dial en welcome. Telephone 725-4664 § ip nt To Approved Credit Buye cabin, Give us a ca PRIVATE SALE . er interior, bucket seats, power seat.'miies. After 6 Telephone 728-7182 623-7022 ) nf four rooms and RF i S a « teering, brakes Indows,. antenna, i HOUSE FOR RENT Pay Sr Ea ee REAL. ESTATE SIMCOE'ST. NORTH -- Lux 725-6544 hd. tebe speaker, mule irenamalasion i988 CADILLAC Eldorado coverlibie, 8 F. GOODRICH STORES ne Parents rt Perry area, nev ned 145 BROCK ST. S A on Modern N.H.A. three bedroom 724 3398 mmaculate, New price last year $7700. fully equipped. New paint job, Tele Ba ter a, Relvisaiey, retrigerator 631-698 room cottage wit gi 5 : eanth kneel riba : bungalow. Spacious kitchen, or . Nearest offer to $2995 accepted. For phone 725-2071 after 7 p.m ane: NOWOE - = od eas : aT =| veniences on wooded f © £097 ' ja low i V Haile Ga at . meeting phone Kingston $48-869) 1957 OKW in A) condition, new motor ; with timer and deep THREE SEDROOM ome. luding din 668-582: stone 'front, oversize attach heated, Storms and screens. JOHN A | and tires. Telephone 725-3756 fryer, Good condition, Dial 725-8228, piece bath Located in front lot. Could be asily D rated. 6 per cent mort- ' goroge with electri : ' - sf 195? FORD Fairlane, two door hardiop, WEODING GOWN size 10, white ¢ organza " Nv ose to school and bus winterized for year n ' Qe a Yetober 1. Telephone i Suan it fae tic doors: acious P gag B O L A | D A.' mechanically, new tires needs some over net and taffeta, bustle effect, small 728-6569 Wi 19 pointed | roor wit body work, Mus. sell. After § p.m. tele !Tain, long sleeves. Must be seen, Make FOR SALE will rent at $38 moninly,) Pace nee st tech ate "* M stone firep sala PRICE $1 ] 500 phone 725-1013, easonable offer. Dial 728-7156, Fibs se with an acre of land.| ditional eee y tas room end 12 x Lite | ' Ltd 1960 CORVAIR deluxe sedan, aulomatic, TELEVISION tower special, 40 . siruce " commuting aistance of Oshawa; payments 79. Immed Pa | ' te A - transmission, radio, spotiess condition, '¥re inciucing all channel antenna iné 'a cehand bad Matar Available Sep-| Soteansion Real Estate Limited A-pc, tiled vanity son BROOKLIN j 72,000 miles. Cash $1295. Call 728-5302 (Sted and guaranteed by experts with Apo y Robert "Tnor nton, Cress-| N ; 'Sh rn ' i F 4 bedrooms witt F é " ys isn VAURHALL, bond ' ; 10 years experience, $50. Trio Telelvision, Mageate la Mlahwrey, orth Shore Realty 40 King St. East ened und eldset sence. Comm 55 3157 7 E R R AC fF 1, Good mechanical con-| evephone 778-678) a \ y F J" a / dition. May need 'painting, $250 cash ken oy ial 728.4678 complete with -- broodloor At Dodd S Whithy 6688207 STUDENTS A super value, sn tbpran nm bungalow with or yO € » ' ' aluminum storms screens > ~ i . mately 630 sheets of loner sine typed. level land in the 2 Simcoe N N site Daal E S ue A T F S 1954 AUSTIN Add. Body In good cond! paper (news print) for only $1.00, Ap Nicely landscaped . = Hon, Motor needs repair, Make offer. ply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby, ideal for market gar-/ Telephone 725-3568 COMMERC! j Pi - oo ven.st1 ; sh a gah ger elep! IMMERCIAL LAND 150 ft, frontege, Owner w SOUTH MEAD | WHITBY 1963 CHEVROLET Telephone 723-3916 (M1 Dundas Street West. Phone 723 Jo ee ad commercial corry one open mortgage 1955 FORD, twé-door, coach, V8, twin SECTIONAL chesterfield, r: Als \ J j ~My A ° k r low fs with 316" fronts : atin | exhausts, radio' Body re-sprayed, $395.'rattan patio furniture, occasional chairs, sale 0) Rs : 5 ROOM BRI HOME AREA $ 0 BISCAYNE Very good buy, 723-9583 or 728-531! children's swings, . 100 settings English ius ' at fais 6: : : 69 With radio, SHH und iis VAUKNALC Susers 7 ; china, white with gold, Dial 725-3398, 25 ine ' ' a W > lo under new LL Super, new exhaust and 25-33 7 25---Apartments ee ' eat niet a a oli ae ' i ee os warranty: brakes, block heater, good tires. Used IFT. fibregiass boal, 98 WP. Soot NORTHEND threacroom apartment MUST FLL th m ; » brick unga ' D 4 if fs $2495 a5 second car, Brookiin 655-3319 : motor, electric stat, trailer, twe tenke n and entrance. Heavy duty! old natural stone ' aaa | ONO wih & ae ate throughout, pev- own if you qua to one 1962 CHEVROLET impala, two-door ane extras, $675 if sold this week Apply allable Septembe 4 a Ba, ok gener. ls eae 'apie mantle ' i sa hardtop, 13,000 miles, Excellent condition, 205 Lupin Drive, Whitby | transferred. This home is 6 ROOM HOME on ' r Owner tronsferred N.H.A, 614% Mortqaace 1962 ACADIAN Telephone 725-5759. SHOPSMITH saw, lathe, drill, aandare COMPLETELY FURNISHED threaroom) or ee uated BEATRICE STR : Siveet ; ; f ' Will give ; . i987 MONARCH, 'two door" hardtop; ago, New WINN 'accessories, Cost $550, For sale Tg RRA pals sg AE. batt : : pee Bole Ma ale Rola } ee $13,715.00. full price. dd Automatic and radio 1943 Dodge, $50, Telephone 725-852), |3340, 668-5959, 0 pi 0, mosaK > ° > } 7 PSC BA aysee erahae yey Pee iz "a as 19 7 ailboat; fast, C-B, sh able ¢ E p ' pee é v 4 tached, ottached ocraq ° 1963 MERCURY Mont: 00 do r $ a 1, S00, : Y 2 Aeron pee Sot idee rr 0 : . ' esmis) some ravir wag 1 $ | 895 trade nahienes rages hg Tangy ms two in, cabs. Also 16%, gop, Tee THREE-ROOM heated sparircant ee mony other feat eng er : ? Py ice $ ] 3 600 Sige \ : : : Lupin Drive, Whitby. sane 728-0429 * eavy duty wiring, $55. monthly for $12. she te ox m home { F ce clo six r QO iciiaapiaal duty wiritgs 335. enemys $128.00 a as 2 : ' ' led: hinakatad ates . 1962 FORD 195) CHEVROLET Bel Air ddoor sedan, § 1 KEYSTONE movie camera, triple vi sue 22) ing taxes. Call today ng extra y rr | PImerare standard gear, like new, $1,350. Dial (ens electric eye, used very little, Best chard V sees v : i with vanity, poved » breez tt Down Payment $2,500 -- | ideo 60 tt. Io y GALAXIE 773-1458 offer, Bowmanville 623-8732 OSHAWA BLVD. ~ Two-room IMMACULATE 3 o0r sarac ot profession fanascapec cor to é - -- - Sn HONEST Cale Furalture and Apple t nfurnished, built-in cup bashmsleay aokah ° X r aah gypsy i . é » : monthly interest an Power steering, automatic VOLVO ances. Name brands b nk. Heal and Jights. Pri| Bungalow, new! se to ser , toct Bill Miller pol. Roads, sidewe 0 ° SALES and SERVICE nts anywhere 728-2907 Mis MOMe Is Sift O J 2 pud' 100!8, : e kilene ' | er ih ah $ | 995 Agate rt he and Beverly mattress furniture TWO-ROOM Wurnished; could be used as) [orge well kept lot to 3, t OC wasnroom on the + ' Telephone 725-1186 Ag Your che : JAKE & BILL'S Hone Cala on king sree! it " as Honest Cal's on King Street Eas t coms; basement riment, Ph public schoo! and ; ax > , bat he w three ent apartmen' none eT ise 60 od HE Neen eben f ae) ; ours. Save or ee 19 | f ORD GARAGE coe's Road, open 12 peer daily, 9.30 + CELINA STREET -- ree} only $10,900 at LO TO tric heat se pa ie ae W. T. Lamson now om the ine 70 Ss GENERAL REPAIR and 9.20; Telephone 728-9 * apartment, un ; to see this lovely hon CLOSE go with ah Sia tena Real Estate Ltd 'ow O15 wv FAIRLANE AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE REMINGTON Field Maser Made Fe nee and bath, cupboards and. sink see ' COLLEGIATE ' : $690 00 down one iY . steering, automatic 449 Ritson Rd. S her. cai del PPK Avion ne. arat entrar In el RR : : : 0, a - ther 7.465 e Automatic pis & a Sout a aid dia | BROOKSIDE AC RES Bet: must se h = KING ST. EA gage « I Oshawa 728-092! wwe $45. Several fishing rods with brass reels, mncation of thic v NG ; Bod : hedroom ranch bung oy hth ' "ts Could be considered antiques. Suitable for SIMCOE STREET NORTH me Sweeter oN : bean ranch : i Nia AM 7-9712 or $ } 795 Pager ye ae sports. room. decorationa, 1 to ne ree-room apartment, also J : t e er ve bees € < 725-1545 bachelo apartment. rigerator and Stone front) bungalow. » ai ie rooms. built st ? ' ; ic " 26 ------ stove, three-piece bath, pes Wate Ady attached garage. Living room whe ascaped oven, Lerge lot wit AM | 2309 196] PONTIAC PARTS AND SERVICE IQ SAW, Beaver, with heavy duty | 21 x 13 with natural stone ree lip Asking price | in back and well londse | T fet All Ferelan Make Gors oval' yd vito Woche tee ie yin a ven 3 t TI . C ne wo door, automatic, oval and round, arborite tops. lid walk AVTRACTIVE. Weseroen apartment, om just off the lovely ves Price hos been redu . REALTORS LTD, INSURANCE MANDERHILL $1795 STATHAM nut Duncan Phyfe drop leat table; ctl nie . pathroom.| -- tibule seiale : oe 17 900 Counter 'top, 10 feet, shaped arbori Lovely yard. Apply after 6. @4 Athol) ooo «corte dining orem, McLAUGHLIN $! 147 Simone St § SERVICE new in erate. Two Inside mahoge East, 728-6036, a i. aeeerone CHING Oren COLLEGIATE AREA FOOD MARK! a Real Estate Limited Zi Ritson Road and King any doors, new, new exhaust fan, fird COMPLETELY furnis room bright -- bedrox with sata be . fice Hrs, (9am, to 9 p.m) 196] PONTIAC 723-4733 ond 723-7712 arate, 1609 feet of inside corner. lathe, apar . Tadio, hydro, h retriger-| double closets, Full vmee ieee a ri business i shopping sient Scarbor + , -- ew in bundies, Apply 684 Gienceira ator, stove, laundry and parking facil] only $18,750.00 NHA . 2 wo ste v " MORTGAGES J 'ae 0; Ontario Four door sedon, standard SPOT CASH Street tles. Neat and cosy. Business couple. 137 toch 2 r r } quipped ¥ ARRANGED, BOUGHT & SOLD $ ] 795 imme ROSS RIFLE terms. end ir ediate icin Sirear Bast 7es-lane | ae eee s garder 2 bat tt nearly new equipment. & $9800 28--Real Estate Wanted TWO ROOMS | hen. H IC FO : Telephone Osha 725-8183 and kitchen ea . extra f fF noin ad ; - rs ~ Ny awa now } dependen ' th a ft t 9 ont T } ie i \ WANTED three-bedroom brick bungalt ee a ee "Aiea a $70, monthly. Telephone 7 | i 1 i going concerr » storey home with S nerth: ona section kh le te yi! 1960 BU ICK bap a ¢ gga T age uP BOAT, "> {ty moulded plywood ana DIVISION STREET, 36 -- Threeroom) ] £ ¥ te % nce t t ached garage. 2 bedrooms om. 725-3308. r adowr ens paid ¢ bregias, windshi eld, convertible top, hin apartment, private bath 4d entrance! 4 i th Bee cs aba OT. rs ee up | \ 7 door sedon, automatic < certains, electric starter, 18 hp Ji eferred. Telephone 728-0392 Open 3 to Sat t , ' t. 33 9 ; ve dwood and tile tioors WE have buyers wail for bun * DODD MOTOR SALES outboard, steering equipment, spare sap 2 " , od ie oT f e in: living room, oil jane two storey homes in all parts of the NE OWNS ) n oO ank, Tee-Nee trail . Tel TWO-ROOM torr periment, laundry) Pauline Béo 5.0239 Salis Pil saat Lis 'iteble to se P } file Plt Pol on ¥ home $1795 314 PARK RD. SOUTH : o-Nee_ tre er $500, Telephone, ¥ near bus, aduity.| poe oe 4 ES pe : Cs f ; thNeus. Se es wie Abana 723-942) cc RES EERE Cherlie Chaytor : P 00 with $ Sotless condition beth in contact George Koornneet by ca ss SODMASTER, sod culler excellent care sake as R i - Morgaret Hal! 23. 7 : # ' 44 ACRE BLOCK. of She ges ith y ¢ Gitten used very 'ittle, APARTMENT, 3 rooms, at 1a8) King] p t rketers : ; ade cou divisian «Las Raa: Geiae ' As Jat oe ing | JIS, Joseph Bosco, Realtor 1960 RAMBLER | TILDEN ag derrnatrotne." tons etal : Gated, $4 dults. abstainers. Tele 4 -) ec : is z . ' xc 4 . . FE 09 after Steve Macko ? és orea close r v th ond terms. To: inspect SEDAN | Stetias é pl Fm "Dial 26 ae. Service WHOLE" TOWN'S" xing "about! «Sen Morris 623-540 OPEN EVENINGS 7 oe a es ok for Mr. Yeo at 725-6544 /29--Automobiles For Sale $895 CAR AND TRUCK SELLING furniiure or appli a : : : : : Ci _ . 128-467 'iy 22) 1962 PONTIAC Sao0r. Standard, + Re ee CO Teer ¢ y ' ern whitewalls, discs. $1,995. C r } | Blake's Furniture and Appl 60 o St. W ae. . 2 PORT PERRY W ewe 8, discs. $1.99 : ¢ 1959 MERCURY RENTALS een fame East all a ances Store, automatic transmission, $795 ¢ PARK LANE (Al) Makes and Models) MOTORCYCLE 198) Jawa 38 COM ther details and re arkir Borriog Street --- Large 6 beat off 725.51 . ; = ' i k ' a _ . ffer, Dia 25: 25 i 5 v } 7 famil ; CALL 625-6553 condition, after S p.m. Telephone Cn ® $ 'amily home Has everything 14 "Albert A Ne P gee : orcad air oll KELLY DISNEY ~---- PY PR Br ON. eases = THE DIPLOMAT aden Cerri: suet spiereeiemoen | SELLY DISNES $1795" ---wuvine- ot sinc) What's My Line? fei SUMMER COTTAGE gelow in the North East a wre wg vgp-os 1200 Dundes, Street" 1959 METEOR TED CAMPIN Buying or selling used fur- modern PREG aE : ¥ , 6544 or 723 WHITBY niture and applianges.. For BD ay et BB" BEACH RICE LAKE y elt 5 . Cars bought « NIAGARA MOTORS your needs phone ndry room BS . Liens paid off Automatic and redie j re ey ; Pa by tia well: Maida ons ; : Open daily. 9 9.m. NORTH-WEST le ie ae doe giaeg ee) 407 KING st--osHawa | VOlley Creek Furniture > ? Kade : Y % . G er. 4 Ne A. 6 room briek Alwoys top $995 lust East of Wilson Road 728-4401 or coll ot the store Me SCN SOOES, | 1989 EN 123.4494 Res. 725-5574 1616 Bond We ) : -- reas cee | MILL ityicny | ire? Eee. MG. B! T.V. TOWERS CHOICE . sco te, ane | Matte tan aes ae | MAGS 1 $1095 S AUGUST SPECIAL APARTMENTS LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD:| bet fom: ex bo $18,900, Call now Mr. Ron: ? : Toronto, HO 1-6364 40 ft. Tower Structure 728- 4678 : ; STREET EAST GUIDE REA ¥ veils snags NEW LOCATION Abouth 20 other Nels i land FOR RENT Rea " . ELST et 70 Se 1250 Dundes St. East CARS and TRUCKS y Oshawa T.V, Supply Ltd, Available Sept. 1 Whitby --- Phone 668-5871 to choose from, 1750 Danforth Av enue 361 Gibbons St. 728-8180 tonne Vila! a dD | Park | the Home or | Dodd $ ALL CASH $ 21 FT is ceisandk Mm f The Home Of 0 Spasemadinleniee . Completely Redecorated. € C O € O OW N SY | ec W q [ j Good Used Cars Motor Sales | vd Shag sgh ae . CABI N CRUISER oa ab aa, Po gg 314 Park Road South NICOLS MOTORS LTD, | Completely equipped, brand Modern Kitchens "Before You Buy see é sgetaags new 75 h.p, Johnson electric, Telephone. 723-9421 512. BROCK ST, N., WHITBY tinted glass, pilot sedt, heed mnezase| «= GRAND OPENING [come isms te ee anchor and lines, 25 gal, built-in fuel tenk, upholster- WHITBY | 1961 MORRIS 1,000... $950 | nications | omenbe nals arent CLASSIFIED + H | S W E : K E N D pu vous Cul ok ee BICYCLE repairs. used Dicycias come 1957 MORRIS OX FORD $600 USED Original Cost $5,500 as work Pe Um, very. Genre : VOLKSWAGENS | cccrifice $3,500 urdy 1700. Charles St Whitby FOR RENT! Three room apartment with ated iend : | 1957 AUSTIN A-50 .... TE i aot eeer== Starting Friday at 4.00 p.m: | ss aun aso... emm| "'gge™ | Ouone sao MING: The announcement af "Auction See our beautiful French Provincial home completely decorated, furnished by "'Held- 1954 AUSTIN A-30 .... $300 On Display at DRAPERIES # furniture and antiques. Ear tembde C : Most Reasoneble Prices Property ef T. C. Mygiand F nt ue - ens', drapes by ""'Howards". 8 other distinctive homes in this design controlled sub- SABYAN Drapery Fabrics nreeroom apartment 4 electric ange eee ' division either finished or nearing completion for your inspection. All homes with good NEW CAR SPECIAL ries oar ward Gl 3 wr] 4202 Reo -- vex mal eden s comet NHA financing, Come and shawa's finest medium priced subdivision thi ek- £92 } r Motor Sales Ltd. we aol Pg act uae ne ee ene one vision this week- | 1963 AUSTIN HEALEY SPRITE Se ccm | Meaeenamean jist re fe pant end. i Complete with Hardtop ae GS M d C -- ~ . an ' : . : ' cites . $1 995 Telephone 723-3461 sig ome ; kK: euine DIRECTIONS: Drive North om Wilson Road to Adelaide ' See AEE Drapery our Authorizec éerric ee Northwest Area is Downsview Park Mewes alamo " in Waiter War c CLAREMONT GARAGE utomobiles Janae sf - : ease Dry Goods Store ces refrigerator Su EXCLUSIVE AGENTS AUSTIN AND MORRIS "100 CARS WANTED. S ah derty ih Sait SALES AND SERVICE Buying @ New-Cer? y , rt yong J needs sacha, shaping, 'everal LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED CLAREMONT, ONTARIO ee ae 723-7827 APARTMENT tor renl, yer ¥ Cer Deoler and "SAVE 74 Celina Street, Oshawa Cotas once mane" ae 40 KING ST. E, OSHAWA | | Telephone 649-2101 | TED CAMPIN MOTORS es aaie September 1, Phone 725-3000, j 723-4494 Res. 72 (Continued on Page 16)