Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Aug 1963, p. 14

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44 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, August 16, 102 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | Accountants \Building Trades Mortgages TV--Radio Repairs YALE, FRIEDLANDER R and COw ALU TYPES of bulicing repairs, b Tostine, Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trus- tees ul oe 64 King Street East. 728-73 HOPKINS, | BEAD fered Accountan East, Oshawa, Ontario, 725-3509, ALBERT HOSMAR, chartered accoun 'ent, 323 King Street West, Oshawa, Tele phone 723-1221. HAROLD &. DEWAR, Accredited Pub fic Accountant Commercial Building, 7 King Street West, Oshawa. 728-2221. Go BEADLE AND CO., Char 187 King Street GENERAL welding service, All kinds of metal fabrication teed, ROOFING, louvers installed. ations, Workmanship, materiais guaran- teed, H, Tucker, 728-0826. ROOFING, on specialty. Large and smal' jobs, and Construction, 725-6937, fireplaces, raon May, 728-0394 Ea FIRST AND SECOND mortgages. PS:| agreements nick and Hennick. Siree, purchased Barr ist. 723-7232 and sold, Hen-|D WHITBY TV. and tower service. Nal 668-8344, Isters, 31 King and repairs. Guaran- 24 hour'service, 728-2525. shingies; roof and gable Siding, carpentry aiter- 'on and concrete floors, flat roofing New work and repairs. L, and H. Roofing LEONARD J BROOKS, Chartered Accountant, Suite 205, Oshawa Shopping Cortre, 725-9953. Your pray built and repaired, ings. Ini cl gas Ned, aa vacuumed, Free LOCAL CHIMNEY es, 723-299; B08" CLANCY'S Service. Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond Street West. 725-0397. Res, 723-7605. MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and Co. Chartered Accountants, 728-7527, 125 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ajax WH 2-0890, Whitby MO 6-413). eee WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered Ac countants, 114 King Street East, Oshawa; Ronald F. 0, Wilson, CA; G, Burrows, CA, 728-7554, A. WOODS 728-3420 | PLASTERING New and repairs, stucco, cement work, parging base- ments. Remodelling, Work- manship guaranteed. Free - estimates, sl ol SAVE AT WESTERN SERVICE CENTRE -| Cartage JOHN'S Oshawa, Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully euipped and insured, 728-3661. MOVING AND CARTAGE, Repairs to All Makes LICENSED MECHANICS 145 King West--728-1607 Dressmaking DRESSMAKING/ ailerations, + i Eldridge, 67 Montrave 725-6476. cutte| Mrs. pant experienced, reasonable rates. "FIVE BAY TO SERVE YOU" Barriste JOSEPH Cc. VicTOR, BA, LL.B, Bar-| rister, Sollcitor and Notary Public. 5 Sim-| oe North, 723-3446, JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB, ar |Gardening and Supplies |DARLINGTON | counted landscaping and garden mainten- Garden Service, dis- ce, Dial Bowmanville 623-3905. |COAM, sod manure and evergreens, also pos, abie rates, Telephone 725-1721 hole digging and fencing. Reason Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- head ng Ist and 2nd Mortgage Loans Low monthly payments. Call Mr. James 728-2868 Mortgage Funding PRIVATE and corporation monies fo loan all types of mortgages; agreements Creighton, Drynan and Murdoch, "Barrister. a of IMMEDIA' Anywher sale mortgages purchased. (See TE 167 Rosehill Boulevard _Oshawa, On' tario ~ MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys for first mortgages Interest at 7% Open Mortgages No bonus No charge for valuations Mortgages and Agreements Wayne Appliances ___ Telephone 723-1411 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS Guaranteed Parts and Service DAY OR EVENINGS MILFORD GORDANIER, Prop. 728-5286 TELEVISION SERVICE All Makes, Sets Repaired in your home. Cay nV. For Oshawa and 16--Female Help Wanted 17--Male Help Wanted SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R J. SCOTT pons Ant Ans 1416 ONLY THe MALES On PRIMeRs AXD THE PRINCESSES WHO ARE EQUIPPED WITH WINGS. Aiese AWEY USE K MAKONG THEIR. WUPTIAL FLIGHT, FOR. THE MATING SAKES PLACE 1X THE AIR+ AND BECOMES A QUEEN SHE LOSES HER WINGS, THE WORKER NEVER WAS WINGS AND HAS NO NEED OF THEM, SPENDING HER, LIFE WTKE NEST. £P eee Meszn s PLACES ARE FENCED 1m SWITZERLAND fo KEEP THE CATTLE FROM y] FALLING OFF 4HE PASTURES. OF S0, AMERICA BELOXG 10 THE EDENTA FAMILY. EDENAA SIGHIFIRS Koofinss; But KOT Add 115 MEMBERS ARE ENTIRELY wrikout 12 HOW 16 CREOSOTE OBTAINED D W465 DISTILLED PROM COAL TAR, --~ Surrounding Districts Guaranteed Satisfaction Paul Cieslar, Prop. St) Dean Ave. 725-0500 TV TOWERS | LAKE $CUGOG, new 3 bedroom, water- front cottage, Available August. $50 week-/ \ly linerney, 9--Summer Properties |BOBCAYGRON -- Little Bob River, 200 waterfront $3,500. purchased Moneys for second mortgages Fast via F. SWARTZ 26 /a King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 Economy and Deluxe Priced to suit your budget TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV men; 738-2532. PIGEON LAKE lots ar 8, Bobcaygeon and Minden 738-2: 2532. COTTAGES Ri Felephone Black River Securities, 2 12--Articles Wanted __|WANTED -- on* small team pony her- ness, in good condition. Telephone | 725-8546 For Sale or Rent CAMPING EQUIPMENT -- Wanted to Telephone Brooklin 655- 3738. buy or rent for two weeks, Telephone Newell and Mc- bottom ele- Bobcaygeon and Min- Flat phone Orono 1308, 13----Business Opportunities COFFEE SHOP -- Grey Coach Agency on No,-2 Highway, ten-room building. A| rea' money maker for right party. Rea- sonable down payment. Apply Box 17, Oshawa Times BOWLING ALLEY, fully equipped and automatic. Lease, oar required with Wi, Realtors, "= Fair Oaks Point ea, near Bobcaygeon, 150', $2,400. 100', 800, Neweil and Mcinerney,Realtors, the Black Uxbridge, UL}; ; and lots north on ver, 10 miles of 6831 collec' tor appointme: ig Stee tg waitress wanted, Apply 4 Bond Street West. POSITION for salesman open in the Osh- 'awe area, Company benefits and liberal draw for Apply in iabY to look after children while ned by person, 299 Simeve Street South, Siig: Live In. Needed 723-1633. raciante woman to come in and look}; after eighteen-month-old baby while mother works. Light housekeeping duties, Cal' 725-1850, WANTED ~-- Girl, for general housework. Own room, TV. All modern conven- lences, References required. Write Mrs. W. Sucher, 444 Trenton, Montreal 16, Que, STOCK CLERK for ladies' yk il Over 18 years of age, Minim years of high school, Apply in "erting '0 Bey 15, Oshawa Times, IF YOU are between 45 and 60, If you gh a baal \f you are free to travel, have some sales experience, If you Yaelre big earnings, If you are will- ing to work -- Then you are the man we want for a challenging and rewarding position, Call from 9 to 5 p.m. for In- terview, 728-3011. CUT OF TOWN Real Estate Broker re quires an active fully experienced sales- man. The party we engage, must be of good character, --. known in Oshawa and distric h knowl- edae of the Must drive a pre: abe car " ha' private oe oe MATURE girl or woman to look after year old child, Live in. No cooking or housework, Good home for right person. Telephone 725-0575. ment of Trairaen saree all rept fo Box 12 Oshawa Times. State name, adress, telephone, age, and experience. FUEL OiL wanted, full or part- BOOKKEEPING machine patel good nerous em In para assistant, girl to assist in mod- ern dental office, Grade 12 education preferred, typing essential, reply to Box 23 Oshawa Times, in own handwriting, stating age, education, marital status, references and previous employment. NEED EXTRA MONEY? $50. and more cer easily be earned by showing our fabulous Christmas cards, gifts, toys, to friends and neighbors. No experience necessary, Cur exciting, full-colored catalogue helps you to get plenty of orders, Send no money. Write today for Christmas cards on approval and free catalogue. Monarch Card Co» Dept, 16, 217 Cannon, Hamilton, WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE, If you would erjoy working ? or 4 hours a day calling regularly each month on @ group of =|Studie Girl cosmetic clients on a route to be established in and around Oshawa, ane are willing to make light deliveries, etc, Write Studio Girl Cosmetics, Dept. CD-38, 840 LaFleur Ave, Montreal 32. Route will poy up to $5.00 per hour. time, for Whitby, Alax, Oshawa, menvilie ar Car necessary. Jack Perry, Harry ©. Perry Ltd, 28. Bloor Street West, Oshawa. PRODUCE Clerr, experienced for super- market, good startifig salary, Apply Bassin's Food Market, Alax, Ontario. WH 2-1301. THIS 1S a golden opportunity for men beiween 18 and 25 years. Excellent ur ing program, Qualifications pearance, able to speak Transportation supplied, Jackson, 726-1352 THREE IMMEDIATE openings to work out of our downtown office, arranging w Phone 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 18--Male or Female Help Wanted TEACHER WANTED Perry Public School Board requires a qualified, experienced, teacher for Grade |,.A temporary con- tract will be given from Sep- tember 3rd, 1963 until June 29th, 1964, Salary according to existing schedule. Apply in writing, stoting qualifica- tions, experience, nome of lost Inspector etc, to Roy H, Cornish, Principal, Port Perry, ee: Applications receiv- ed by Thursday, August > tag 1963, will be consider- Port eae ne a re and Board WISE homemakers find bargains every- day in 'Home Furnishings" tn Classi- fied, Be smart, check today, PER WEEK, Suitable for men Wilk ing to share' rooms. Single beds. Tele phone 728-3396 or 725-9910 ROOM and hoard, In clean, quiet home, lunches packed, Parking, personal appo' Onty tions, pleasant personality and willing. ness to conyerse with people. Age 16 to s. Hourly rate plus bonus m to 3 p.m, Alger » Room 34, PART-TIME truck driver to work | p.m. to 5 p.m. Apply Cooper Smith Company.) 1é Celina Street. PROMISE your children a pet? Well.) |**Pets' in Classified. jtion 3 now WOMAN to Care for |ittie "girl, two days! _ per week, while mother works, Apple Hill/~ area, Write Box 1, Oshawa Times. TELEPHONE canvassers. Must be ex- perienced, Salary plus -- commission. Telephone 728-1352. Ask for Mr. Jackson. WOULD YOU like fo live in a homey home? We would like to have you. Mom- my will be at work, We just need three meals and loving care, ages thirteen WANTED Apply in person. incentive. | board Buliding,! Lunches 728-2433. } you "ll find just the right one offered in W'lling Turn to Classifica-|.unches packed, Home cooked meals, for e.ephone 7. 3350, ARTHUR STREET, 332 -- room and for gentieman, Good board, packed, Laundry. Telephone ROOM AND BOARD for single man. Quiet home. Lunches packed. Shift work. jer welcome, Telephone anytime 725-4177. |ROOM AND BOARD for gentieman, to share room. Single beds, .aundry done. GM workers only, Tele |e 728-9523, DEI IVERY MAN (31---Reom & Board Want |MALE TEACHER wishes spacious. r in pleasant home for September 1. Meals preferred, Oshawa or Whitby area, Write Box 29, Oshawa Times, YOUNG man, single, requires good |boarding house. Central or on bus line, Write Box 30, Oshawa Times, e/Nu-Way Rug Co. 174 MARY STREET Loam and Gravel Washed Stone, Fill Excavating, lots leveled. Loaders, Trucks for hire. BEATTY HAULAGE 725-2156 Instruction LEARN TO DRIVE Oshawa Driving School DAY or EVENING Lote Models, Standards Automatics Dual Controlled OSHAWA AND WHITBY phone rte dahon Pee Ree CALL 728.0091 JOSEPH F_ MANGAN, QC, Barrister,| Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 14¥e |Money To Loan King Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232. McG! iN and BASTEDO, Ba isters,| Solicitors. Clients' funds a le for first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street North 728-7336. Charlies C. MecGibbon, QC; Edgar F, Bastedo, QC. BRUCE V. MACKEY, Solicitor, Notary Public. ail, funds available, 3612 King dial a} reet | East, 723-1107 Res, 985-7163, Musical Services RALPH JONES, BA and THOMAS H. PIANO, reat, p'pe and electronic organ GREER, Associate Barristers and Solici- tuning and repair: Instruments appraised, | tors, 130 King Street East. 728-6246 J. Hiddink Ajax 942-1664. i Mortgage foans available. WANT T0 SWEEP DEBTS CLEAN? Hy MANNING F. SWARTZ AND RONALD tL. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors.) PAY "EM ALL OFF WITH ONB LOW.COST, LIFE-INSURED lic, The Commercial Building, 286 King West, Oshawa, Ontario, Client parking ailable, 725-4716 or 725-4717. DODDS AND DONALD, Barristers Solicitors, etc., 6 King Street Telephone 723-2201. GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Soll- cltors, etc. 114 King Street East. Dial 725-2278, Residence Phones: J. M. Greer, QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL, 778-5832. | STURGEON LAKE -- Blythes! \nid frame cottage, insulated, very smart three bedronn cottage with bri jand garage. Modern kitchen and bath. |Newly decorate throughout, ol! heat, HD | Hydro, picture window, hot water tank, SUPPLY LIMITED 728 'i 8] 80 |TV aerial, dock, Completely furnished, 4 jburner electric range. Choice waterfront illina-----Diaai |property. 'deal -family or retirement |Well Drilling Digging |home. $8,500, terms arranged. Newell and Valuations Arranged |WELL DIGGING by machine, special-|Mcinerney, Realtors, Bobcaygeon and jiting In 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chest-| Minden, 738-2532 Residential : * aot nut Street West PO Box 32% Whitby,/§TURGEON LAKE, colfage for rent, five City and District | 668-2563 or 668-3809 [becroarns: fireplace, all conveniences, Summer Properties |WILLIAM KROONTJE, digging, joo fishing, swimming and golfing, Dial 9) sompressor work clean-out and deepen- fhe Ma . - sein Vacant Land 468 Park Road South, 728-3864, |PIGEON LAKE lots near Members Ontario --|Nichols Cove, 125, $2) $1,400. Mortgage Broker's Association SUMMERLAND Phone tors. Bobcaygeon and Minden, 738-2532, STURGEON LAKE, Beehive, Bobcay- SECURITIES LIMITED geon, Executive's summer home on 101' 112 Simcoe St. North lakefront with safe sand beach, 3 bed- Oshawa, Ontario--725-3568 and ten, and twins, seven, Room and board with $10. weekly. Whitby 668-5941 before 5. After 7 evenings, 723-1629. EXPERIENCED typists and bookkeepers, part-time for month-end work, Apply in x 2, Oshawa Times. ynder fifty for housework on farm. Weekends off. Whitby vicinity. Apply to Box 5}, Oshawa Times, Whitby. AVON Is calling, in your neighborhood through T.V., be the Avon Representa- tive, and turn spare time into money, Write P.O, Box 512 Oshawa. SALESLADY For Ladies' Ready to Weer Fully experienced. 'Full time. Good salary to right person. Apply in writing giving quali- fications and references to _Box 14, Oshawa Times _ EARN EXTRA MONEY Show Canado's finest line of Christmas cards, Wraps, Nov- elties, etc. to friends and rel- atives, Over 300 items, For free, beautifully illustrated catalogue, samples on approv- al and the fastest service, Jeandron Greeting Card Co., 1253 King St. E., Hamilton, nominal call Monday only, 723- a. SHELL CANADA LTD. Has for lease a high volume Service Sta- tion located on High- way 115. Applicant should have $3,000 to invest, and be prepared to take a salaried training course. FOR INTERVIEW PLEASE WRITE Mr. C. L. Umpherson 99 Hatfield Cresc. PETERBOROUGH MEAT PACKING PLANT 22---Offices, Stores, Storage BOWMANVILLE SR | MORTGAGE MONEY + | AVAILABLE Low Interest and East store, 71 King Street Easi, 12 x 32 ft., suitable for business or Professional office, barber shop, of clothing store, $85, month, Te! e 623-3801, BARBER SHOP for rent, on Ritson Road, ciose to school. Dial 725-0349, FOR RENT Office spoce approximately 300 square feet, Close to downtown area, Parking avail- able. For information CALL 725-5132 SUITE OF MODERN AIR-CONDITIONED OFFICES AVAILABLE Approximately 1000 sq. ft. SERVICEC BY ELEVATOR Ask for MR. T. L. WILSON TELEPHONE 123-3474 FOR RENT LARGE Modern Store IN Shopping Plaza Very Reasonable Rates TELEPHONE 728-4646 Three full-time and five part-time SALESMEN Dealership to qualified ap- plicants, Also senior grade students for temporary sum- mer work, Fuller Brush Co, Ltd, Apply: Tilden Office, 14 Albert St., Oshawa, Friday, 10 a.m, to 9 p.m. SHIPPERS REQUIRED Only Experienced Need To Apply Telephone for appointment. Att, Clare McCullough. 728-4688 '18--Male or Female CREIGHTON, DRYNAN AND MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No fery Public, Bank of Commerce Build- dng, 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, 723-3446; Residences: T. K, Creighton, QC; GO. M. Drynan, QC, 728-6554; G. |.. Murdoch, 723-4788. Mort- gages and agreements of sale bought anc sold. BOWMAN, DAVID L., tor, 32 Simcoe Street South. Residence 778-0264. well re ~B BILL LEMON, well digging, Geepening, compresser work, 728-0911. 2--Personal iF YOU have a drinking problem, write Box 333, Whitby, or call 668-3034 LADY would like ride weekends. Telephone 728-1431 LEN PULLAN ENGLISH TAILOR Specialist in garment altera- tions, etc. Invisible mending, dress alterations. 10 PRINCE ST. 728-5311 Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff- will be in Oshawa, August 19, 20 and 21st. Phone Genosho Hotel on these dates for appoint- ment, Barrister, Solici- 725-9592. rooms, modern kitchen fully equipped wiih range, frig. and washer. Baseboard electric heat for off-season occupancy. fo Barrie on Oriled well, Full bath with shower. Fully furnished, all as new. $14,900. Terms. |Newell and Mcinerney, Realtors, Bob- |caygeon and Minden, 738-2532. |COTTAGE for rent, furnished, fi lihree bedrooms, all conveniences, it and motor supplied, good beach. Tele phone 723-7088, PIGEON LAKE, Tait's Bay, Bobcaygeon. |Superb 2 bedroom cottage on one acre jlot with 140° lakefront, safe sand beach, boathouse. Beautifully wooded and land- scaped lot. Cottage is completely winter- mized with electric heat, HD range and |frig. Modern kitchen, 3-piece bath with shower, fully furnished, beamed ceilings, lgranite fireplace. Truly a fine summer lhome In a superb setting. Newell and : |Mcinerney Realtors, Bobcaygeon and Situated on 35 acres of {Mireten. 738-2532, $16,500. Terms, | land in Northumberland Ont. |STURGEON LAKE, north shore, 3 miles| west. of aces. 1 git eartaas| County, Murray Township, approximately 10 miles jwith perfect, safe, natural white sand LAW OFFICE from Brighton, Ontario. beach, nicely shaded by mature trees. wat dd couse i" |Private Secretary ELECTROLYSIS DODD and SOUTER 723-4641 250' depth, high, dry, level lot. Private PAINTING 'AND DECORATING | roadway, accessible year-round, hydro at CONTRACTORS \3--Pets & Livestock Sa areurerney Mlaire Minden ene yeors old, consists of: Painting, Paperhanging, |FOR SALE: Small toy terrier, $15. Tele Bobcaygeon, 738-2532, OE Packing Room 26 x 20 ft. Gyptex, Full Wal} Murals [phone 668-8454 |MOUSEKEEPING cottages, refrigerator, Sharp Freeze 10 x 12 ft, Spray Painting "BOSTON TERRIERS and Chihuahuas, a Vine Frnlpck capa Chill Room 10 x 12 ft. 107 BYRON: ST. S., WHITBY |resistered.. temporary needles, various {ire Ci"ughen, RR 4 Preton, GRestis'| Sloughter Room 13 x 13 ft. DAYS 668-5862 jages, males and females, See any time, "W'S lughes, tcfon, Operating Area 13 x 20 ft. Business Office 12 x 8 ft. This plont is fully equipped including delivery trucks, |Will hold with di t, Telephone 728- "= Nogie 5 NIGHTS 725-7426 ia wi jlepos/ 'elephone PIGEON LAKE Nogies Creek, Bobcay- Excellent potential for Meat / Packers or property could be geon area. Very smart 2 bedroom mod- i ; ern cottage as new inside and out. Nice (FUPEAES. bast Geran, geler"gaa We (othrooms new. electric HW Tan rage |maies. Dial 728-7795, and frig. 'all furnishings as new. Screened |verandah, nicely landscaped fot with safe |THREE horses for sale, pinto mare, 4|waterfront, dock and boathouse, $5,995. year-old bay gelding, three - year ~ old | Newell and Mcinerney, Realtors, Bobca ii i - [year-old be ryan stallion, Telephone Bow-!geon and Minden. 738-2532. i used for various other indus Imanville 623-2910. coe tries. 7 |THURSTONIA PARK -- Sturgeon | Lake, lseauTIFUL baby budgies, ready for) jcottage for rent, accommodation for six. Sacrifice Sale $19,900 Only $5,000. Down Balance 10 year mortgage. Will consider good land near Toronto in trade. Contoct Bill Millor Telephone training. taiking -- strain Apply Mrs./Avaliable arter August 17. $35. week, Broad, 114 Eigin Str East, cal $140 month. Telephone Oshawa 72 8 725-1186 or 725-2557 W., T. LAMSON > feme "Siamese. Seai-/0% Dunsford 25R22. Real Estate Ltd. BA, Barrister, Optometrist C,H. TUCK, RO, Optometrist, Please pay accounts at downtown Dominion Bank or 74 Burk Street? Dial 725-4587. Notaries. Money fo loan. Henry Block, 26% King Street East, 723-4697. Resi-| dence, dial 723-4029, Louis S. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soil- citer, Notary, Alger on 7 King Street East, 4943, Mortgage monies available. 2%, T. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solici- tor, etc., Rot Simcoe Street North. Office 723-110: HUMPHREYS, | Painting and Decorating _ A-l PAINTING and paper hanging. |J Jensen after § p.m. 725-7213. Fed bof br sete ted botatad betetetetad 2 Residence 725-5542. BOYCHYN and HILL. MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36¥2 King Street Ees: Oshawa; R, . ium- ereyee ay G. S. Boychyn, QC; W. A. hilimi LLB. Office: 725-1177, Resi- @ence: 728-4326, Whitby 668-2761. 725-4604, NHA and other mortgage funds available, Bookkeeping WOOKKEEPING Services, income Tax Returns. Statement prepared. BC Ser-| vices, 708 Newman Crescent, 668-8252. Building Trades SULLOOZING ana excavating, estimates. Cali bag Bo ge % crest Drive, Whitby. ROOFING -- ail Guaranteed. Cal! 728-9970. CHIMNEYS bull? aise brickwork 655-306) ACKERMAN Excavating -- Looding Sond, Gravel, Fill And Top Soil Dump Truck Reasonable Rates PHONE 623-5756 x" x x KKK OOK Fo] * * * * * x xx - 54 KK To work for one lawyer, exclusively, required by Ist September. Short hand and secretarial capacity essential. Legal or related experience preferred, but not essential. Inquire or apply in writing to BOX 10 OSHAWA TIMES serene HHO | Help Wanted | WANTED ) eucumber pickers, must be over 15 years of age, piece work. Trans- ipoints in Oshawa. Apply at farm, Spe- jectane Growers Association Ltd., cor ner Taunton and Stevenson roads, north! lof Oshawa airport. 7.30 a.m. or tele-| |phone 728-3901 TAXI DRIVERS Men or Women Apply MERCURY TAXI 14 Albert Street 725-4771 portation supplied to and from certain WANTED PRINTED PATTERN | «xx THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA PAY ALL YOUR BILLS Have Only One Low Monthly Payment $50 to $5,000 WITHOUT ENDORSERS OR BANKABLE SECURITY LOANS LIFE INSURED BOWMANVILLE SUPERIOR A. FOSKETT FINANCE LIMITED AND SONS "The Fastest Growing All- | Roofing, Sheet Metal, Paint- | Canadian Loan Company" ing, Decoreting, Caulking, expert. home repairs. No job | 17 SIMCOE ST. N. | 725-6541 too big or too small -- We give service to them oll. FREE ESTIMATES DAILY UNTIL 5:30 P.M WEDNESDAY UNTIL 8 P.M. CLOSED SATURDAY DURING 668-5906 or 668-2341 JULY AND AUGUST HOME IMPROVEMENTS OTHER EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT hic Roofing, painting, cup! res 7 OFFIC Cel \Personal Service | MODERN GRILL | Bor-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey Dinners,, Fish 'n Chips, Home Made Pies and Desserts. WE DELIVER 345 RITSON RD, SOUTH 725-3887 |Plumbing and Heating |WE RECOMMEND and install 4 Free Hill- a and rep repairs.| Walt Wallbridge, jor Wallbridge, |KITTENS, two temeles, oe pihsad jpoint, 12 gore ae $35. Call after S p.m.|/PIGEON LAKE lots, Bobcaygeon area, | Fall's Bay, -100' lots, $1,250 each.! |GERMI nei pure bred, male, two Newell and McInerney, Realtors, Bobcay-| jyears old, papers, fully trained, léxéxé ft,/9°O" 8nd Minden. 738-2532, dog run, wire enclosed, wooden floor, lpentsl Yorks, No inelaltation ceek: Kitch: Ines ses $100 complete, Call 11--Articles For Rent en and bathroom remodelling and gen-\_°* i CHAIRS Rperemagerentay | jerai repairs, For further information ,|BLACK poodle, Fr male, registered : stock, | 5:4) Poses ond banaue? eee S ure |please call Murray Miller Co., 723-9343|good family pel, 3 months old. Distemper |9'si@ 'unners. Fox rentals, 412° Simcoe or 725-2993 shol. Telephone Whitby, 668-5426. : ' es Bienes ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies.|GERMAN SHEPHERD, white, bieck' Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses Meeegga isd 728-3521 Harold H. Stark,|nose and dark eyes, registered, female, Pp h B | lta, Plumbing, heating and Engineer-|two months old, $65. Cat and kittens free. | unc Owls ng, 285 Simcoe Street South Apply 452 Loring or 728-9888, | Coffee Urns ALL TYPES oF repair> and | remodeling, COCKER spaniel puppy. 4a months, i new and wsed materials. Reasonable|maie, bionde purebred. Has had some! Silver Tea Service Silver Candelabra ' margaet s Rentals rates, Estimates free. Dial 723-1193. J,/shots. Partially housebroken, $30. Dial 8-509 RENTALS Foey Of All Kinds HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT-- folding chairs, hand planes, nail pullers, 'staplers, bolt cutters, tile cutters, coulking guns, tape recorders, TV sets, transistor radios, tile polish- ers, vacuum cleaners, bissell shampooer, portable cooler, dehumidifiers, air condition- sidewalks and stoops, McCann, Brooklin. F |17--Male Help Wanted lant, ex- Whitby [PATTERN makers, in moder icellent working conditions, 668-4981, "OPPORTUNITY Young nen wishing to be- come Chartered Accountants Minimum Education, Senior Matriculation, Hydro! i Di For Appointment Telephone -- 728-7527 Monteith, Monteith, Riehl and Co. YOUNG MAN for Stock Control |14----Employment Werted | WILL mind chi'dren by day or week_in .|own home. Big play yard, children com- panions. Best of care. _Telephone 728-1383. EXPERIENCED mest cutter, bon boner, jwants steady work. Also will do remodel- |ting work, Write Box 20, Oshawa Times. |witt MIND chilaren in my own home jby the day. Close to GM, downtown and schools, good yard. 725-8608. 16--Female Help Wanted SINGLE GIRL |5--Farmer's Column and WHEAT straw for sale, 30c per bale. after 9 p.m oraceaaa | |Rug- -Upholstery Service re-upholstered |re-styled Free estimates. See our mate-/Arthur Branston, rial for recovering. Dalton Uphoistering, | 728-6865, 78 Ch y _Char'es Street. 723-7212. FARMERS, need tires? Call Bill your! CHESTERFIELDS and ola cheirs re-/ Dominion Tire representative. 725-6511 or covered like new. Get the best for lessievenings after six, 725-7263. U jh TS, Peer oty iar Oe 142 Simcoe Cas CASH on the spot. Highes? prices ices paid] ~__jon dead and crippled farm stock. Tele-) |HAVE YOUR chesterfield jphone collect, Hampton, COlfax 8-2721. aectie Low prices Telephone 8-331. |Margwill's Fur Farm. Licence 245-C-63. o * Evenings. 728-2439, Kennedy Upholstering |WiEAT STRAW for sale, 25c. per bale.| |Cail 728-5919, GRRANGE now tc have your chester) feie suite recovered while on vacation, i-- {Ne down payment. Up to 36 months to Trailers eavestroughing boards, -- floor i tiling. General repairs of oll kinds. No job too big or small. All work gueranteed. Financing ot bank rates. pay. For estimate, phone 728-3281. Want Ads like new. Why Kennedy | Ing Ltd, CMESTERFIELDS rebuilit, recovered| pay more? Our rates are! No RENT-A-TRAILER Hitches supplied. For General Store Work with some Cash Register Experience er, flight bags, megaphone speaker, strapping machine, baby carriages, C.C.M, "ex- ercisers, sewing machines. Position offers good op- portunity for learning stores and purchasing pro- cedures. hold the key to Extra Cash Moving boat and cabin trailers. MONTY'S BA SERVICE SIMCOE AT GIBB 725-9131 |9--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent BOBCAYGEON -- Pigeon Lake, Buck's, Bay. Fine family 3 bedroom cottage,! n.cely furnishea on safe sand waterfront im three miles east of Bobcaygeon. Three pece bath, cas range and living room heater, hot water tank, screened veran- Geh $7,800. Terms arranged. Newell and) Mcinerney, Realtors, Bobcaygeon and Minden. 738-2532 FOR SALE: Co'tage lots, 100° x 200°, well treed, gentle slope to water, secluded and| pleasant. $18 per foot. Inquire at white} cottage across from Canan Lock 35. Rose-| Gale Highway 35 Licyd Dewey BOBCAYGEON, Sturgeon Lake, Echo |TV--Radio Repairs Bay Smart ? bedroom .cottage on sand! = beach lakefront, heavily. treed, stone GUARASITEED to all -- makes patio, double concrete dock. Knotty pine) \y¥ radio, car radios. Thompson Elec-ijiving room with red. granite fireplace,| jfronics, 187 Evtiott. 723-9792. Fred. dinette, modern kitchen, excellent drilled well 3 wire hydro, reasonable cash pay-) TV TOWERS ment required owne: will assume mort-| AND Shorpening and Rentals Ltd gage. $8,800 Furnished. Newell and Mc- 223 King St. W., Oshawa Snerney, Realtors, Bobcaygeon and Min Antenna 'Repair Boge AS Phone 723-3224 TELEVISION | LAKESHORE "coftage Property for sale 12--Arricles Wanted BOND ST. E., OSHAWA Paliburton district, 22 miles from town: of SHAW 728-6781 reasonable. Setisfaction guaranteed. Mat-! tresses rebuilt. Oshawa Upholstery Co.. ¥ Bond West. Dial 725-0311, Call us anytime. P. NELLIS, 19 Colborne E. Telephone 728-2061 Classified Ad Rates 25 WORDS OR LESS Better described offers get foster results, Massaging belts, coffee urns, appliance cart CAMERA EQUIPMENT--35 mm. slide. camera, movie projector, slide projector, movie comera, screen, sun- gun, binoculars, GARDEN EQUIPMENT--Elec- tric hedge clippers, post hole augers, lawn mowers, lawn rollers, garden 'sprayer, seed- ers, lawn sweeper, fence | stretcher, post drive, tree | pruners, scythes, lawn areo- tors, sod cutters, garden tiller, flame gun CAMPING EQUIPMENT Tents, tent heoters, sleeping bags, liners, air mattress, Cpeleman _ stoves, lanterns, cc cor top carriers, wa- ter life -jackets, out- board motors. STAN'S TELEPHONE MR. SCOTT 668-3315 AFTER 5 P.M. 668-8055 | ADVANCEMENT OPPORTUNITY Starting income between $300 - $500 per month, de- pending on _ qualifications. Expanding financial corpora- tion, well established, has a career sales opening for man 25 - 45. High School educa- tion or better ond is well established in the community. The man we wont will be carefully selected, receive thorough training and be paid a basic income, plus full commissions, No travel- ling, welfare benefits PHONE 728-0851 HAIRSTYLIST REQUIRED To meet the growing demand in our New Salon, part-time Hairdresser will be considered BEAUTY CLINIC HAIR STYLISTS WHITBY, ONTARIO Please Phone 668-3061, Mrs, Hones LADY FOR WRAPPING ond LIGHT SHIPPING j Sales and Service "ART'S GUN "REPAIR | CUSTOM GUN WORK Rebueing, refinishing, making. Guns bought, sold. exchanged WHITBY 668-2497 EMBROIDER IT By ALICE BROOKS Simple stitches, yet every- body will derive comfort and |joy from this picture. Inspiring apparition at Lourdes -- beautiful needle-pic- ture. Add accent of metallic thread. Pattern 7450: transfer 14x17 inches; color chart. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) for this pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., Oshawa, Ont. Ontario residents add Ic sales tax. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. stock- 4660 SIZES c 143--24¥ STYLED TO SLIM By ANNE ADAMS Most sensible for anytime -- the shirtwaist you step into, but- ton up without mussing your hair. See how smartly bias trim simulates pockets. Printed Pattern 4660: Half Sizes 1444, 164g, 1844, 2049, 2249, 3% 2444. Size 16% requires yards 35-inch fabric FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins 1963's Biggest Needlecraft | (no stamps, please) for this pat- Show stars smocked accessories|tern. Ontario residents add 2¢ --it's our new Needlecraft Cat-jsales tax. Print plainly SIZE, alog! Plus over 200 fresh-to-you/NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE designs to knit, crochet, sew,; NUMBER weave, embroider, quilt. Plus} Send order to ANNE ADAMS, free pattern. Send 25c now! jeare of The Oshawa Times, Pat- tern Dept., Oshawa, Ont. - Want-Ads Don't [eMtteis FREE! Mail coo Cost-They Pay Charge 4.13 2.48 figure or abbreviation os one word. 1Se 6 consecutive days 3 consecutive doys i Count each word, initial, Box number lf not poid within 7 deve 'chine: rate applies. |Surveyors |DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On- tario Land Surveyor. Commercial bive prints, 11 Ontario Street. 725-5632. H FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Surveyors. 11) Elgin Street East Phone 725-6R8 8.50 1.60 Professional listings only, 3 lines per month Each additional line per month (Not applicable for merchandise advertisements.) BEADLINES ; Word eds... 5 p.m. day previous ' Classified Display ' 2:30 p.m. day previous Births, memoriams, cards of thanks -- 9 a.m. day of publication. Lost ond Found -- 8:30 o.m. day of publication. Cancellations and Corrections--8:30 om. doy of publication. REGULATIONS The Oshowa Times will not be responsible for errors, ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not for more thon one incorrect insertion of ony odvertisement, nor beyond the ' price charge for o single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. The Oshawa Times reserves the right to clossify advertising eccording to its proper classification. In the cose of disploy odvertisements, The Times will not be held. responsible. for more spoce than that in which the ectual error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce all adver- tising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement if ony inoccyrocies in eny form ere contained therein. repairs in odvertise- Write giving full particulars and telephone number. BOX 121 OSHAWA TIMES OSHAWA, ONTARIO jGooderham. Good roads with plenty of AUTO WRECKIN trees, hydro availabie, approximately 900 1, frontage by 275 ff. deep. Will sell in block or civice property. Telephone Whit. Wants Cors Parts for sale, and = métols 1G CO. Wrecking also scrap iron } JEWELLERY STORE WRITE BOX 21 OSHAWA TIMES by 668-8119 Sor STURGEOW LAKE -- Bobcaygeon area, 80". lots; safe beac etc bought, conehatsly accessible, $2,300 each 110 per cent down. Newell and Mcinerney. Open Soturday all doy. Phone |Pan-asaa. Bobcaygeon 3 and Minden: 725.231 1-89 BLOOR E tern Catalog, ready now! Over 300 design ideas, all sizes. Send 30c. for Catalog. 171

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