TROT TO ROMANCE | China Promoting Angela Lamont | jonpon, ont. (cP)--Foliow. LADIES 7: : } ing their marriage July 27, Mr. No baby sitter, no ear fare Male Sterilization Charles Gibson and Mrs, Robert Douglas 'Run-| 4, Mr. Bernard 4 ' ie, whose courtship began on Rhovecvh To Halt Birth-rate Wed In St. Paul $ horseback, changed into their, eon periances Balt Sate ' | 'The marriage of Angela Ger-|Tiding clothes. They then rode 725-6854 HONG KONG (AP) -- Com- aldine, daughter of Mr. and off fora honeymoon at an undis- munist China is discreetly pro- Mis Randall G. Lamont... to closed destination : moting sterilization, the use of . Charles Robert Gibson, son of pect contraceptives and other birth Mr, and Mrs. Joseph W. Gibson, control devices in an attempt to all of Oshawa, was solemnized el Rh agar podet ei borg Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 recently in St, Paul's Presby- the latest idea in a birth con-|--- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdoy, August 15, 1963 7 "The Poa Derek Allen trol campaign that has been De hidariiabsl de ' ofticated and Mr. Frank Wal- ere ate res Ae ay played the wenene See munist monthly published in dnttver the Belle wore 'ante Peking told readers sterilization lgown of bridal satin with a [soecaiiins 69 ort NOG healt jdeep, round necfTine appliqued jor dampen sexual desire, - |with lace motifs which were re- ido ae Change yore |peated on the tulip-petal skirt, jnese + language maga es 'hi- jand bracelet sleeves. A coronet jnese Women said sterilization lof pearls held her embroidered, loperations 'should be carried inet veil and she carried a / lout on men rather than on : |heart-shaped bouquet of deep ... More on Men sand women, It did not elaborate, ; . jpink roses, The bridesmaids | 7" etic " jiree j ' The articles did not directly were Miss Brenda Stewart in Boys Wear at ees jadvocate sterilization, But they jaqua nylon carrying pink and unmistakably favored it. ' JUNIOR GOLFERS RELAX WITH A SWIM AND BARBECUE, mvs china than : Bs eee ES N , S j lohandaned: aha : : jcarrying aqua flowers with a High winds whipped up high Ontario Ladies Open Golf Tour- A, W, Armstrong. Seen above conten ce ie pin sei : : ' : \tint of pink. : is ys + ait aK ak gee oy Oshawa's |C¢ ca aign in 1958 when | spirits and keen appetites at nament, taking place this are Pam Miller, a | so ; Wish the "Splash Parts' siven by week at the Oshawa Golf Club, outstanding junior golfer, left it. launched its unsuccessful : ibest man and Mr. Patrick F. ' Mr. and Mrs. David Henry at A few of the guests swam in with Susan McBride of Peter- | big leap forward, = eco- : : sae Se ' |Gibson ushered. Remember! Hees if You Don t | Mr at fe Be (rains : rough § 'aren Creet, |nomic program aimed at over- ' . A reception was held at Cour- ' i their home on Harmony road the pool while the rest busied bo ough and = Karen bis ; ; BS OVER a 'D e ri north vesterday, Guests were themselves around the barbe- Sudbury taking _the West practically = jtice United Church Hall, The Buy It Here You re Paying junior golfers entered in the cue, assisted by Mr, and Mrs. --Oshawa Times Photo jovernight ae FY \bride's mother received in blue Too Much! In the four years before 1958} x : ' : jlace-covered silk and the bride- jthe press and radio blared out! & | ' . Orillia, Burlington, Sutton, tp P | & groom's mother was in pink u he benefits of family planning,| ~ silk | j YOUR CREDIT 1S GOOD! yn a Janet Lee Becomes Quebec; -- Montreal, Toronto, 'jegalized abortion and th Sa = a : a Peterborough, Bowmanville, Al: of cont raceptiv es, ee ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Montreal. the pee rg Bligh: | . . monte, Brooklin, 'Scarborough nee} 36 KING STREET EAST Bride Of Robert Thomas King Beleune, Bucoury Ane Pin | The engagement is an- ter of Mr. and Mr hl Te aad Wee, Gibson are re-| and barton PERSONALS nounced today of Miss Kath- Mastin, Oshawa, She gradu- siding in Oshawa. _ | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE F i Sar ated in 1962 from the Oshawa St. Mark's United Church,|former Mins banérs setae y arine Elsie Mastin and Mr. --* Hospita Sohool ot , ' 'he » light blue peau de cahal nT lin actin r ¢ pillars Pain 3 z Whitby, was the scene of th es wore ligh LO gee SOCIAL NOTICES Miss Isabel McLaughlin acted) pay! Alexander Black whose Nursing and is a member of Fi rca Photog lng, ie tra- soie t tulip - a a. stece op fz . ; ; e . ress, p ', recent wedding of Lynda Janet skirts, deep round necklines as hostess for her father, | marriage is to take place on the staff of the Emergency | Ss, particularly in Lee and Robert Thomas -King and short sleeves. Their head ENGAGEMENT Colone] R, 8S. McLaughlin, when) Friday, September, 6, at 7.30 .Department, Her fiance is the ' ¢ . i > Mi ae ae . ' am ay 1 The bride is the daughter of gress was a self. rose with blush, Mr, and Mrs, lan Mastin an- players in the Ontario Ladies') p.m. in Spe Benin peri bn an of bes and Mrs. John irette e y, af on G Tour D laying' The bride » j > daugh- slac shawa Mrs, Gretta Lee y, 4nd veils and they carried nosegays pounce the engagement of their, Open Golf Tournament, playing The bride-to-be is the daugh ack, 1a Mr, Kenneth Lee WSON/of white carnations with blue-| 1.) iter Katharine Elsie, to|it Oshawa this week, and mem Creek, B.C. The degroom is!tinted accents caug sonia iat nei wlohe bers of the Oshawa Golf Club} Mrs, G. K. Drynan,. Mary}; Mrs. Thomas _ Leveque the son of Mr. and Mrs. Red- yp William Allaway was Mr. Paul Alexander Black, 60M|were guests. at Parkwood on)street. was among the guests at vers King of Toronto best man and John Hughes and/of Mr. and Mrs, John Black, all| Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. H. T.!a reception given by Mrs. Dora The Reverend Jol h Michael Millar ushered of Oshawa. The marriage will/Brain and Mrs. BE. A. Stone,|Mavor Moore at her Toronto) hiilday sae ect coal } performed the ceremo while! The reception was held atjtake place on Friday, Septem-|committee members of the Osh-/home for Miss Anna Russell a holiday tour to the w coas Miss Marg t Webber played' Graham's Restaurant, West ber 6, 1963, at 7.30 p.m, in the awa club were invited to preside Canada's inimitable come-|int luding Calgary, Vancouver} the weddi nu and ac ll, To receive, the bride's mo-! First Baptist Church at the tea table dienne, now resident in' the and Victoria, th to Pentit- : 5 r T ' ' " ~ 4 ake an Zanfr | panied the oist i ther wore a sheath dress of Be ES RO ce : we United States The company.ton, Lake Louise and Ba Falconer pale pink shantung with a pink ENGAGEMENT Mr and Mrs. penne Haguelwas composed of largely of ar- 'he| The engagement is announced With their family, Douglas, Rob- Mr. Frank Morrissey gave hat and deep pink corsage : ,, \tists, actors and playwrights y his sister-in-law in marriage.|bridegroom's mother chose ajof Sandra Gertrude Carole,|!" and Loren of Venice, Cali-|, nq was a joyful re-union for MAPLE CLEANERS The bride wore t ior blue lace sheath and| youngest daughter of Mrs, Alan fornia, are on a month's vaca many old acquaintances, Miss | $04 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA hooped gown of emibri with matching hat and|Snowden, Maple Grove, and the|tion tour of the United States/puccel) has been working on al] Cash & Corry -- 4 Hr. Service Swiss Oy ae i a corsage of yellow roses, Each/late Mr, Snowden, to Mr, Rob and Canada and are visiting jucical adaptation of "Lady 8 Hour Service . nite : a, ess chat Free Pick-Up and Delivery tiers ov ta. A scal-had 'beige accessories ert Lyman Perry Goodmurp fr. and Mrs, Wilbur Blackburn) 4) qiey Secret', in the style "Your Family's Friend" | Mr. Joseph J, Gibson was the country, while men are fast adopting Western garb. Grooms avenue, and Miss Eve-| lyn Wilson have returned from sleeves styled the fitted bodice|the Muskoka, Haliburton. and) Alt FE Goodmurphy _ of|Miss Deborah Colbary who is and her headdress was an or-'Kawartha districts. For going)/Sowerby, Ontario. The marriage/also a guest of Mr. and Mrs ganza rose securing : ider-laway, the bride donned a beige Will take place on Saturday,|Blackburn, will accompany Mr length veil. She carr inen dress, dotted with black September 14, 1963, at 2.30 p.m./and Mrs. Hague on their return quet. of dark re ss and ste-.and green; a self shawl, a i" Maple Grove United Church. to California, for a visit GET THE PRESTIGE GINGER ALE 4 wet ] . loped Sabrina neckline and short! 'The honeymoon was spent in|youngest son of Mr. and Mrs.jand Mrs. K. Cowling of Hayden. |o¢ the grand melodrama, whict PHONE 725-0643 will go into production shortly Pigg sian oe black 'tie ed shades wise ENGAGEMENT Miss Mary Catherine Fraser, i ere non Renee ee yeuow Tere ai : formerly of Oshawa, whose v 'gs Mrs. Frank Morrissey and the Mr. and Mrs, King will make Mrs, Eileen E, Rowden, Osh- ore : GET--- : Fie ; re th .}marriage to Mr. Desmond Pat n ny : thai Snare awa, wishes to announce the en. i attendants were s their home at Scarborough, Ont.) °"*: A * her daughter (rick Taylor is to take place in| Lee and Mrs. R ar, Guests were present from olay ag her daughter, r F Saturday. w | ee Marilyn Eileen, to Mr. Donald|Torento on Saturday, was guest) W. Pringle, son of Mrs. Alex} honor at a coffee party given) Maracle, Oshawa, and the late| by Mrs. A, E Derumeaux, 4 |Mr, Wilbert Pringle, The mar- Ss premteg street, assisted by Miss) 41 rage ts to take place on Satur-|athy, Derumeaur, on Tuesday) Bgl tiga Coast Mmadgag atrpdy her daughter to whom a presen- }ip.m. in Albert Street United F pres ay Church tation was made by Oshawa = | friends and neighbors. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Don't. wait ind 4s too lala 4 2 yal li '| jee, ond Mrs. Clifford Roesch'¢g jet your friends know that| --more flavor ; radi opt grat Laoneganr py Pear you are back from your vaca-! --more sparkle ¢ only a cae foarte Mopda. tion, It is a pleasure for us to --more for " * 2 Sdivarg tell them through his column.| SIX KING SIZE | 3 ; llene, to Mr. R dwarda| '© zg your money Bailey, son of "eg Just dial 723-3474, extension 18,| 12 OF, BOTTLES Shop on convenient Cecil E. Bailey of Toronto. The amd your item. of news wil! . GP-2 ' marriage will take place on Sat-/2PPear without charge. '"'Plan-Account" urday, September 7, at 11 a.m ener ---- : -- _ - in St. Mary of the People ef NOW ON DISPLAY! oe FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE The forthcoming marriage is NEW 1964 announced of Patricia May Hay- man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Alden Hayman of North Bay, to T VI ] N Mr. Glenn McLaren Pascoe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold. Pascoe, Oshawa. The ceremony is to WITH SPACE AGE CIRCUITRY ! SIZES 4 to 6X " take place on Saturday, August United Church, mei Compare Against Any Make... Anywhere... Any Channel : @ SEE THESE BEAUTIFUL MODELS NOW!..® ; g meant 17°8 | a Sr: SPECIAL SUMMER CLEARANCE! | | ONLY iH 'SOBER-SIDES' ~ 100 King St. E. 728-5156 cane 1963 ight in a solemn moment is David Todd Buzzell,. one- RCA VICTOR year-old son of Mr. and Mrs " Roger Buzzell, Tren: street 23 CONSOLE David is the grandson of Mr. ' id Mi Lyle Wiles and CALL es Increased Picture Mr, and Mrs. Howard Buzzell, Pulling Power now ! ae: all of Magog, Quebec, and @ Aluminized Deep great-grandson of Mrs. Arthur 7 Focus Bonded | " Bees Tryon, West Charleston, Ver- 7123 7928 Picture Tube. e e : mont, U.S.A.. and Mr. Wai- aad ; : | : ; | ° Automatic Ch 1 Wh t P W t W lace Catchpaw of Magog, Reuetineneckagoens ' ; ta TUCe Un er arm 2 nary h P : @ Fine Furniture -- Broadioom "Flutter" and Fad- #i ' : --{ sworul rhotograpny . _ @ Custom Made Draperies ~~ Very little with this snowsuit sur est wint @ New "Golden Nab anaes e to stop the cold er Throat" Sound. ind: Now ts the time to outfit your small miss with cosy peor It can make re @ Personalized Decorating Service ' : yo a Tigerate eft overs into a tempting salad meal. It pro. SIACE 1927 CLEARED TO GO ae Snowsuit from Walker's, Quilted nylon jacket completely re- duces the most elegant desserts and fills the candy tray. And ° <a __ Verses to downy-soft Orion' pile to keep her snug and dry, with meetin esate | AeeLeable rvenrrune -- wrenion 99 | pee eastirserrercrteintretapceloc teererarlecerican JOLLY GOOD JELLY : : @ Bembco and Ready Made Drapes atine can do a ideal for the man on a dict: its | mak Gauhiite wakes fie 96 KING LAST DOWNTOWN OSHAWA WITH We De Our Qua Heancing ' cotton snowpants with double knee were meant to go a-sliding TRADE Use Our Easy Budget Terms portant food for the nvalid down snowdrifts with the added protection ef knitted storm Q, we ~N PERKY! POWERFUL! cuffs, If you can put a price on warmth and comfort for a little girl we're sare you can't beat this snowsuit from Walker's "THE PICK FROM for vatee. Aerd yor fiat lose ths oor : , OF THE 95 te sel ay cir styling designed p> PORTABLES" ; a Be First With The Newest Hair Styles hi BUY ROW & SAVE ONLY 7 | city, CALL 728-9651 : 10.00 DOWN - 3.00 WEEKLY Wa LKE R' & Where Expert -- oa ent fashions 1 i i : f -- i FREE sebes gine PARKING--. PRR, ies in ie ? Enter from McMillan. Drive ANTHONY & MARIO : bis POY, 'BEGoodrich 88 KING WEST OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-4626 136 SIMCOE SOUTH 728-9651 Mees Store en ee